Tti IIAIMiak I ' " ~ ^ nuitu ourKAnu WILL SINS HERE Dicie Howell WU! Sing In Lo cal Opera House Friday Evening Music lovot* of Dunn anil the sur rounding territory y,« looking for waitl wltli interest u> Friday even ing of this wtok when Dicie Howell, the noted young American soprano, will appear ut too local opera house. Miss Hownli comet to Dunn under the auspices of the Woman's club and no doubt elie wiH be greeted by a IsiVC audience. It is not often that tbe people of Dur.n have an opportunity to hoar a S'ligo* wito has attracted national attention, but on Friday evening that opportunity will present Itself. Miss Hot»pi| > a native of North Carolina ami re, . 'veil her tally education in lire Soutitmi tchuolt. She Is a grad uate of Salem college. Mii* Howell's round musical foun •latiun work is not duu entirely to her voral >tuily as she was first on ardent strdc-nl of hoth piano and violin and only gave op that* instrument, when tier voice »m later recognised.. The lost two year* (it College were devot ed exclusively to vocal work. After leaving Salem College, Dicic Howeli went tn Bo.--.on and continued her woiif in .ho New England Con umwry. _ She tden went to New York and pursuot- her studies under America's most prominent teacher and conch. Stnco making her New York dobut she has been heard in concert and recital throughout the country, has many orchestral appearances, has sung at tlie foremost eastern festivals, under all of the best known chontl dlrcctois and has at in slant command over fifty oratorio* and rlioral work. Mias IIowell has deservedly eatah liahed a reputation as a program builder and interprotar for she 1* an untiring student ami hoa a remark able repertoire covering the b«*t song and operative literature In four Ian- l , gutges. Her voicr in one of extra I ordinary beauty and charm and her ' »»*!*> -n,li jjgjcahrjjj^hridw^^^ MISS DICIE HO WELL, Soprano Dunn^N* C^°i!vmoW'** ®*re *kc onc*rt «t the Opera Houae.1 N‘ C-- evening. S ovember 16th. at 8:30 o"lo«k. I Lonnie Flowers Kills His Wife And Himself A double tragedy occurred in Johnrton county on Wcilneieloy of l*»t week whan Lonr.ia Flower* shot ind killed hi* and then fired a total bullet into hi* own brtxut. Thr 'booting took place at the home of Mr*. Flower* |n Clayton township. Mr. amt Mr*. Flower* had been *ep lrated for some time. Flower* living n thia county. According to The Smdthfield Her lid, Flowrn* went to the home of tii* wife Wednesday morning Had* ound her in the cotton field. He want o the hou»e to taka hinch with Mr*. 'Iowan and their acvarnj children. Vhile at tha houaa Flower* da *ai f h»« We to Ur. with . Bladen Man Killed By Auto Accident Fayetteville, Nov 10.—Thomae S, wio live* in Bla.lcn county •ml *Uu w“» Inji-rvd In an automobUv Kcidtnt on th* Wilmingtop mad on •October SI, .l.cJ »n a local hoaphal lu re, after living for ten e>y of Greensboro aad da a* follower-' WILSON SPEAKS AGAIN TO NATION HU Mmmm Broad Mated By Radio To AH Part* Of Tha Coaatry Forme r-Prejidoot Woodrow Wfl **n> addrcteing the Amort caw people directly Saturday night far the tint time dace be left the White Hmm, declared Axm riea'i attitude aftar the Wortd War was "deeply ignoblk? cowardly aad diahonorable.** fa hla di*cu«*on of world affair', Mr. WU •on declared aUo that France and Maly have made “eraMo paper of th» treaty of VeimiUea.’* The former President ppofce exact ly *v< minatoe lata a radio inettw axeit at hit S Street borne in Waefc iagton aad hia meatage war broa Watt to every eoedon of the ceaatry. A large number ef Dana p-mpm heard the worth of Mr. Wtlaon ae distinctly ee If they had been hi the ruom arbor* ho wae apeahiag. Follow!wag ie tha addreee n fall ae delivered by Mr. Wflaon: 'The annlvcnary of Amirtice Day ■noaia lur us to great exaltation of apirit bocauae of tha proud rocollno llon that it waa ear day. a day above tho#* aarly dayi of that never t»-b* fonrottea November Which lifted the world ta the Ugh lev ala af vWai and arti lew me at span which the great war fox democracy aad light waa foagbt aad wan, althoagh too vtima latiag mamaUea of that happy time of triumph are forever amrud aad embittered for aa by the ahamofai fact that Vrhon tha victory waa woo— won, be it remamhered. chiefly by the ladaaaltaW* spirit and valiant vacri bcea af oar awn inronquerable aol dlera we tuned our bach* upon our aaeoelataa and refuted to bear any rv cpooatola part in tho edniaietiutlo* of peace, or the firm aad permanent aatabliahment of tho result* of «h« war—won at ao terrible a coat af Ilf* aad tnaaura—end withdrew into a aullea aad aelfiab halation which ia deeply *gno>le bacauae w»riflady cowardly aad iHtoawaraiMa. • “TUa am always be a notice af BJL WILL OPEN NEW SERIES DEC. 1 AooaaW* with their plan of «m ■n* new aerie* ef Mock at "-», - "WrraJe. the Heme “tIUm * , the afadh aerie* #a ]_ Since the fata ef aaeeeiatian he* -r—T| , M rverjr three —rath* Thla ••* te WiTeac hi baOiiac aad _ ■Mek with#*t having te mm, fata Wk te the -rintte *f the enfao* ioferw. In ether werria, fa *H«* portunlty for a MW alerting point in taking **t new Sana tenltation haa made the building mA JommnnHy. Aa ^-'hlllfan trtr Petal with arid* a*-■ ZL ever ahe in« uppwrrcn. T!iC fnflo-vinjr taken from th.c New York prr.ij w,'.l give to'r.c idea of how the impWF.t-d t»n- critics of that city: New York ll>:j«d. Kov. 1t{ 1922: D.rie llcwcil, -opifino, gave a soup iccilal jrvstttday in Aeclinn HalL She hue evidently made an enviable place far he.self with NcW York music lov ers since she first sang here, Kov. 5th. 1 *.»!!>. f-he lied a )a;g* aodienee ami tic iipi’.iiJ .c tvs* warm end gen uine. Some of iter beat work was done in curb d ffieul* numbers a* Handed* “O. Slrcgl Why Dost Thou Leave Mel" ftlao his "Oh, Had I Ju baft LyreBraham's •Mannacht" and “Die Lnrcll" of Mast, where ahe showed ait admirable technic and good alyl*. Miss HowcM’s diction wa« commendable and her expression of sentiment generally charming.” New York Evening Journal, Nov. 1st, 1922: Die if How* II ha» improved appre ciably since she Inst »nng here, quite noticeably in lh. matter of ease of v realisation a* in that conveying the meaning of song texts. Hc.r voice, which i* a bright well-located so prano. has power and agility, and ahe ream* to have acquired a generally convincing notion of style. New York Evening World, Nov. 1st, 1922: Dieie ] low nil has improved In the management of her voice, has acquir ed good style ami signs intelligently. New York Evening 8nn. Nov. 1st, a . Picie Howell it essentially a rlyVel | and her high, flexible voice la an ex- , collent means t« tho hnpreeeing of ; that end. 8h» uses her volee with taeto end knowledge Her diction re mains e gTeteful virtue. New York Evening Mail. Nor. let 19*2: Possibly one of the regions for Diels Hoveottli grosrfng sureesa U preparation. Her rnieo has a ellrery quality that hound* joyoutly to the upper notes Bite wne applauded by a largo number of appreciative Meten . ere. New York World, Nov. let, 19221 Mine Howell has skin and presence New York Time*, Nov. Is*. I922-: Mies Howell sang classic and mod •m pieeta In Italian, English, Oer man end French with vocal discretion and good taste. New York A"»rrlwn heart. Both died instantly Leonard Norris Hurt When Car Turns Over Leonard Morris was painfully hurt about 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon when s Fold roadster in which he was riding tamed over on the Dunn Bei.son highway at Stewart's school house, four miles from Dunn. The ear turned over In making a turn from the main highway into another road. Norris suffered an ugly gush in the temple, his right arm was hurt and he suffered other bruises. A man named McLmrab who was driving the car escaped injury. Nor ris was caught underneath the car wnd vss released by two non who passed in another tar soon after the accident. He was brought to the Dunn hospital, where his wounds were droned and he was able to return home late in the afternoon. The cause of the accident has not b«en learned. The ear area only aUghtly damaged. r e», k«v. Jesse James Is Taking No Chances Three men whom H*v. Joaee Jam**, if Palcon, took to be robber* attemp ed to Mock ■ bridge on the highway between Rasford and Fayetteville Sunday night when Mr. Jamee wa» rn route home from Hamlet, whore be had been engaged In conducting a revival meeting. The three man rtood in the center of tho bridge, bat Mattered when Mr. Jamee Increased the speed of his ear a* ha heareit them. A ear supposed to have be longed to the three mrn was standing by the side of {ha road a short dis tance sway, according to Mr. James. Mr. James had heard of how an other man had recently been held ap, robbed and his ear taken not far from the same spot and ho took no chancre at stopping his car. Tbs man robbed was tied hard and fast, gag-1 ged and glared In aa old bam. How ever, after great difficulty he manag od to free himself, though his money anil ear bare not been recovered Christian 9c if nee Monitor, Mo*- *th, ISM; Oielc Howoll proved herself able to present important works in an Im pressive manner and to do It with all ef the eerily of mood thet coalil bo desired. She made Meem, Kraiw er, OrWse and Woodman stand at the same plan# as Handel, Schumann Brahms, Frank, Ohabrter and Fsur* URGING CHECKS BECOMES A HABIT Harvey Blackman Makas Re peated Attempts At Check Forgery II appear* that forging check* haa breome a habit with one Harvey Blnckman, young white man who Live* near Dunn. Blackman was bound over in tiro Superior court on Tuesday, October 30, by Recorder M. M. Jemlgkn on the charge of forging the name of Mort Hudson to a M& chock. Th» check was cathed at the FirRt National Bank of Dunn and in a short tlroc he presented another bearing tho name of H. B. Fope. Officials of the bank became suspicious anil while comparing the jdgT.atort with that of Mr. Fope Blackmail left the bank. He was later nrrc-t.tx'd and the money which he hud secured for the first chock p resellt<-ii wks recovered. Tli* m-xt week Blackman presented a check for $33, bearing the ram* of J. w. Wood, at the Commercial Bank. Officials of this bank di» coveted that ihe name of Mr. Wood was not in his own hand-writing When the officials began to question Blackman he hurried out of tho honk and Bed without getting the cash A ad this attempt at torg*.ry ww made while he was under bond tx appear a fhiperor court to answer i like charge only a week old. Attempt to arrest Hlackman have proved fu tile. It U eehl that Blackman can bare ly write hW awn name, and judging fiom that it »*u>d »o«m that tomo hody ♦«»» aeeiated him ia his attempt* to cheek Othar folk* money out of the hanks BUekman waa eor.uietod of a like ehange a little more than a year ago, which n farther erldetme that forgsrry ha« became a habit with him. Finding diat the fields in which they desired to plant legumes had acid soil, some 48,000 farmers in 1922 followed, the recommendation of their county agent to apply lime on thcs« field*. They used for this purpose, according lo reports U) the v rniu-d States Department of Agri culture, about *27,000 tons «>f Iutk or limestone. The AUmaocr Creamery made *7. tan pound* of butter, paying uu tt2,098.9* for butter fat to the far mare of the euatty daring Mi On ,i year of Mmtie* ending Beptrmbe • SCgh. a negro’* organisation, gwJgW D. V. Walker, a Ralaigh fcg(H *3P ’ niil to be affiliated wittt Pii^fcnn moot of Marcos Garv>,*w J««r°| organ iser. • J - J The negro teatifiod that fcr *w** se cured of lying whan ha Mtitod the charge anil after being p«W »P kg the neck three times bg n'Jtfpa Baa tened to a t.'ec. he wsa jftb hie knees and aevercly whipped.. He stated that he waa «4 ha would not be kilted that ifc>t but if he remained In the c^ytj the following night he woofd k^ killed Rape la the Law -Go and tell the nigger profes eore in Italeigti who- are teaching aig rer ghrle to eag ‘yon’ and ’no* to white people that we are <00,090 Strong and that or won’t let nlggow da what the laws of North Carotin* tet them do. For os that rope te tho tew.*’ wee ttie parting mrssage of tho took, ac cording to Henry. The Nogro poiitloalg identified Ce cil Barrington and Eogono Petty, atating ho fin* saw BerrihgUra in his cabin and later saw PMV outaide Henrg testified that during the beating, Cecil Barrington spoke ap and said that he did not approve of any more beating, prtndded the negro would promise to leave the comma - I nltg. He stated that he matte the pro rn’iH »KmmIi f#tr. Toallmony •freeing 1» “*d I conflicting in part waa offered a* to j achat occurred after the l**tf Wit tho i wood* end took tho negro te the heme , of J. O. Barrington. TeriWny en , line part ol the occurrence wmo offer ed by Mr. and lira. J. C- Barrington a* wall aa by the negro. All three of tho witneaeaa testified that tho.mob wont to tha Barrington horaa and arouaed tha owner, who came oat reluctantly, foB*»oil by hU wife. They teoOfled that Barrington wa( aakad to identify tht negro nod did ao and waa aim aakad if tha ne gro bed been uooblaoom* and re pUod that He had, threaten*** thd Mfo of bit landlord among riher thing. Tboy nine UatifVed that tha negro w*. ordered |o pray and aftorwardo or dered te tpoUgiie to Berringtm and waa .truck when ho dlopWgod retact area. The nagre »We teellriod that kt appealed ta Mr. Barrington to call off the mob and tho tanAerd repUod ha would da ao if the nngre woald agree to laaee aad neoot ceeao beak A le«e* (tan Oaring fwyw TbW latter toetimeey Wae denied' flatly Vy both Mr aad *n Barring ton, bath of whom otiomod tho foot that than waa nbeatntt Vdot daring Iho prnyor, tn cenUndWtten to the llgl '- teaUmeny that ka wad far. . * I not werknig for the State Health De partment or anything nine and if you will prosecute you will de me a fa irer." In making public today tho infor mation received Dr. Rankin stated that all employee* of the State Board of Health carry cmd ansa L ths day time, when the >w*#r was The larceny charge eor cam* th allsgrd theft *f i ehst gas from Wat tar McCray, another mgr* tan sot an th* Bairington gtas* an Wsdnsadai 9 true American moat with and bclferc I to b* ear tree pert in the affmjrt of! the world. "That we ibould that have doa* a great wrong to civilisation, and at ono of the moot critical turning point* In tho history of monk led. to the more deplored btcuH every anxiou* year that has followed boa made the ex deeding wood for rack ac-vlcet oa or* might boar* r*nd* lap. The pdetmia included dhari addrtiae* by J. C- 01 Wok) and Sa yan* T. Laa, * eamwai by Bar. X. N iahaaan, lha paetor. an “The Richer I*ate)oU»ia" end e number of appro priate meaicel aeleetiane. The pra tna a* • aMi waa ahopathar da liyhtfal and ia keepiny oritfc the aplrlt af the day. An Armietle* Day pro pram waa at »• rendered at Ode eharek by lha tu»day /cbael Sunday mortlnp, ha Ctachty at S:4t. The attend a or* *1 •unday aahool waa tarpa and the yr* pram raadarad waa Mcfcty •ejdf0* by all pvaaant. «»• • V I Water From Jordan Uead For * Shelby, V«v. 10.—A rather «*i«ae from the Bher ef .feeds* m the MB V. anniversary ef hatkk. The n«mm e€ lm>H— was ed aMHaet by Bar. A. L. Stanford, pastor ef the Central Methodist •torch. M IBs usbvmry celeb ra tios. Setae years a•• fee Mr. Wtmm ferd rielted the My Lead aad ablU there bottled a aaaB rial ef water frota the rhn ef Jaidaa. The «M wsi' hseaaht back te AataHaa aad aecer nyaacd atf Wedaeadv. ____________ .Abbeville—The eitv schools have 7.001 pupils enrolled. , • Atheville Berner Great died here u the afe of 110 year*. i