FEE DUNN HSPATti): ■ UahBehld April 1. ltl« muiiu mot - a - wut, UUUAYl A X D TODAYS l. ernelx roei'WC r ' —-at i — i— ■. - At Vear ..c.^......... £. M-mth*.. Thtv* awAs.. cams n tDTAita. hbe’ 'a* all eawiavtAeealeaa ta The o.-nh.- All Inwimala at The trie K ‘ aaa ha niap: throaah »s laches. Orunaalaalltma upea live taptaa am WWI. but aweor an riramnai Men IV •««•* >■» took eMMEMMOeu aau: ua With AV n«a HUM V~>sd. _ KatacsA at tba paWw at Paaa.1t C. aa aaaaaa-ctaaa aattar. Mr. Butt Meets His Old Marine Comrades Eu-ciu Bott, ex-marine and popu !at Dana ekiaan. baa jut returned froro a trip to Washington, D. C, whcia b# made a ip«Ul trip ta meet raratil eearades aad officer, of tbs “eld port crowd.” Mr. Bolt talks iatorcetingiy of hit trip aad lHo mooting of Goa. George r. diet aad Ifaj. Henry Leonard, with whowi he fought In the battle of Nerelletta. Phiilipioe Idanck and .1*0 Ib tha bottle at TUn Sea. Chiu. It wat ia *bU encounter that Major Leonard had an am thattarod aad the General wu aleo eioae by. It wu a great meeting, jakl Mr. But, aril ore had not soon each other » lad ployed smnl wtettoa mad tbe speaker *u ItX sheen L, • temporary halt war called. Seine unable to Bed or ««n bear anything tram tba Laglenatoe, tha hand Balehed ita part of tbe program and !u director an Mtocad that than woe!d ha no ad dram* a* tha speaker hod failed to appear. To my tha loo*t It era* a big disappointment to tha people aad (wore eo to tbe committee In charge at not betas able to hoar tbo sebed >!<d address A ■aailu of tbo os-aarvico mao af Bso Iowa want to Raleigh Monday 1/ participate In the Armlstiee Day i (rsr'jts that were staged la tbe Capitol dtp. The “Deaghbeyi" w j ». led n Bno ttato daring their brief li a ataaa bp Raelf whoa H I moving tha "bays who areal A gotopgiga wMeh ts bettered wgl II soft to moiti good, area began last t jadap base arisen ispieasatotirss i.aas eoM» Saadsp aabaad af the town i d to flw Baptist ebarab to map eat r program to gat erery paaaea la t .ora who la set e asambor of osry # today wheel to iota owe. Brief ad < isms aeaa tade bp f nos each Baaday achoet, to which >-t ■ >-re I .W to town of t» p«at«r, abo wan 1 at hit hogp to IMm. Xr. Clif anl is president of thn nmtljr or aniaed Laymen's club of Dun, and Ir. Ottols la a member. Mr. Got ria marie a vuty inspiring talk on to tost ha cum* from the hook of totah. Local officer* y«*t*rusy captured •00 gallon* of boor to tbs woods -itbia 800 yards of Usttoada church, 'to atUoo aorth-woot of Dunn. Tho rffteora failed to locato any aUTl. hough they had aa idea tba: one was ia the neighbor**., J. They foou-i BO tesydlbcst U* htcr and no arrest ' ** Ui* mane. The raid wa* made ht Officer* A. B. Adams ar J B. H. McLeod. Fiddler* Convention $17.50 Ia Prizes SOUTH RIVUfflOH SCHOOL SAturdAjTi N4y. 17* rtspp. M. First prise t/ theMt Midler. If *00 Second pris^ 8.00 Third prise l.VTA_,~.jL_AS0 Given undhr' the/ auspices and direct nVa&&ga<nent of the school. A clean wholesome pro gram of reasonable length is assured. There will be a string band concert after the conven tion. Admission_25c and 35c Part of the J D. Bams* property *ear the o3 mill* in the northern part of Dana, will be *o!d at, auction Wed nesday morning at 10 o’clock. This property ia rateable for manufactnr ng plants or ocher business site* a* It is convenient to both railroads en tering that part of Dunn. The prop erty wOl be *uM by Geo. L. Cam.ady, auctioned. Utriccrs round 15H gallons of grape win* at the horns of N. T. McLamb in Johnston county Saturday. Me Lamb waived preliminary bearing bo fore V. S. Commissioner E. Lee and made bond In the sum of *290 for »>s appearance In Federal court “Just Married” Notice that Juice Unrtig In associa tion with the Messrs Shaken trill pre 'ent "Just Married'* at the Open House, Dunn, N. C.. Tnunday night* Vovrmbor 15th Is an announcement >f more than ordinary import to the theatre-going public. This city is cx ’rsmsly fortunate to be one of the 'United number of cities on the Around the World Tour which will ho privileged to see “Just Married’’ which has enjoyed engagement* of unprecedented length in the larger dtios of the country. Mr. Hurtirf ha* 'tfpt the Broadway east Intact so that this city will are the identical prodac 3«n that electrified Now York for Best— for Are months. “Just Married” waa smitten by Nilclarle MaUivws and Ai.na NkboU, luthon of “Scrambled Wives" and 'Nightie Night” The action of “Just Married” cov er* seven days, the time required for Lite French liner Lafayette to asif fiora Bordeaux France, tv New York.: Some oddly assorted ronpios are on Jonnl, which Includes Mr. and Mm. lack Stanley, two youthful honay rcooner* who are attempting to keep ■ h* fact a secret; Mr. and Mrs. U. Makepeace Witter, who have been worried twenty yean ai/d arc mod? or Isas cynical; their respective niec* ind nephew. Roberta Adams and Percy Jones, who are- engaged; Vic tors Bertla, a french girl whom Percy promt-rd to marry unknown to i* flootao. ami. last of all, Robsit Adams, no relation to Roberta, whete only cseuac for being on board is 'hat he landed there after indulging la red urine. RECORDER'S COURT Tharstlay was a busy day with Re corder H. M Jornlgan *mI whlls foart was la irman tbrongheut tho 'lay, »wal caws had to be contlmw M. Tho following esses were dispos ed of: John W. Tow negro, driving auto wltaoat 1 icons*; taxed with the coat P*«rly Rayaor, negro, tmr.rferrirg l lee ns# r. amber from one ear to an other; tsxod with th# cost Ed Colvin, negro, drank; fined *2A snd cost. WBIlt Sartos, negro, assault upon Ed Cameron, another asgro; fined IIS and east Maae 1). Omy, negro, auaalt upooj Willlo MeNoiU another ru-gro; Until |1S and soot. B. O. Allen, aiding In the mamtfae-, tara af whiskey; lined f 10« and roet. J- Strtokland, larceny of cotton; pschahl* cmat found aad defendant aoor to the flaportor eoura an W a MM bond, which ha made. E. P. Phillips, t snsportlng eUt laytltoad «IS ami cost irfferseci Alton, rochloss end esro om drtetng; flood «SB and mi aJCT latiwil kit Ford oar over on Korth Wlm* areno* Satoidoy tight rembar », breaking tb« loft ana of riad WEklas, a poseoagor la tho car. 'liteagg—mm *■■>**** M km, hmmm to Angi.r. De i« bubaad preceded W to Um v***bjr. r*®1*!*" r**r*- tbb «* »* *T ekW"n Wr* *° »*x «nd Mm ColliM aandre. They mt C. t. and O- B. Collins, Clinton; J. D. Collins. HoUg Springs; N. H. Coliai Balefck: f £ »?J aCoU1Jtt* *■*"»*•■ U D. WiClanu and Mrs. B. F. WO “*m** Aaglar; Mrs. S. A. Ogham Wilkw Spring,; Mm D. U Ten^, Kuan. P0****^ was a mamber •( the Primitirs Baptist church mt Aaglar iad waa derou* and ssalous la hex holigioaa Ufa, hawing bssa a member ,1 this church for fortyfrrs years. TJuj funeral was conducted by Bar. C. B. Hati, of Eflln, and interment waa made in the family cemetery near Angler. CABO OF THANKS W« wuh to express oar ihe.tr. ,nj gratitude to your Many friends for the many kindVceoaft shown us dtOl^ the illness andYisJbh of our husband and father. \J Mrs. G. W. Nayfor and Family. FO* 5 , BOOM BBSI danee and rs, of land fat ►own of Pi f interested apply for terms. Lee, Faleon, N/C. ■ ' IS It yd. -°Pfl STBAYEE^ -^MEDIUM SIZE mdk cow, dor/rblte and brown, Wt my haW Tuesday night Please notify*. L. Parker. Dunn, c~ - It p.t FOR >*1CE o6*NE* LOT on But Peafmall jJFeet Nice shade P*M “"I C •djftm. Convenient to new *cbo leading. Term* and pneca right. JtMrdm 701 K. Pear Mil street. f r"°* SALE.—ON/ FINE JERSEY Cowt* Will fWsfmllk hi December. App!. to Jfri*.. M. Rhodes Qod «rin, N. R. f Nof. IS >0 pd. DELCO LICHf ~T FOR SALE —In pood n, thoroughly overheated tip. Am getting ?'‘y e»r«;i d do not need it W.U sell el E. T/ Draper. 9 tfe. 5 VARIETIES Delivered fl.OO «v. r-J® %*16‘ 10.00° $9.00. Shi [. O. D. Plant Farm, Benson, X. u.v y 1$ ft pd. for sale.—weAave several used care forlMls at a bargain. Smith and McEy. lltft. WE HAVE |VED A nuppty of your radiator to keep It ng daring the cold wea ’■ Budck Ber lrte« IS 2tc. t 8"$*d ptopooaia gftl be received by the Board of Town Commissioners of tha City of Dunn, N. C., at their office m the City Hall, Dunn, N. C., untn 10 a. m.. November 33, 19$S. for the purchase of the following ms to] pip#: 134 nasal feet 13 inch pipe 14 guage ^OZJIncal i*st 34 inch pipe 14 go eg* SOlineal tael $4 inch pipe 14 gaage 318 lineal feat $0 inch pipe 14 guage 30 lineal feet $$ Inch pipe 1$ guage 340 lineal feet $6 inch pipe 14 pun 30 lineal feet $$ inch pipe 13 guage 974 lineal feet 4$ inch pipe 14 guage 80 lineal feet 42 inch pipe 12 guage Proposals for famishing the above ‘hoold be addressed to H A. Pejrtcsr, City. Clerk, amt mast tee accompanied by « certified cheek for $1,804 drawn to the order of the Board of town Commissioners of Dana, N. C., check to be drawn open some Incor porated Bank or Trust Company of Dnnn, N. C-, to aoeure aaii Board against any loss rsoolUng from th fsilurc of tbs Bidder to eemply with :ho terms of hla bidT i — Specifications for "Arrogated metal pip <-rty fabricated from <uit.i>otip __ \ lROj | Net inoip ih PHOSPHORUS .TOTAL OF CARBON SULPHUR PHOSPHORUS MANGAli AND SILICON 1 COPPER I '-ulohiir in alanjrsU of naif The tihtaiilif shell i •wt low than two oancai T>elt*r nor wrnaro foot oi inrformljr distributed ova ■eess of the Assls of not! he spoiled In oath a maul - pHlrr will not pool oS da ration or In treaaporttaf { 'ho pipe. The Amoent of iooLjRjll bo determined ■Ifists method apoa fnm the eohrerts. Pi pa I or asserted spots will be Tho Contract will bo Iho UliMer offering (a Moor (P. O. B. Can B_ i.oo at Um lowest prise air ft* nil pip# mast awat apocUteatiea* ato loned in this adrortlooniMit. Tim, taraw of payment wfll bo as Th'l"w»i M per COM cash within tMr ly Safi after arrival of omtoriol. A per COM to bo paid in six Wowtha, 3» pry cent within tsrohw mom lbs end tho balawoo to bo paid wttbta it montbo. all dofarrad pnynseats to boar •'a PSr era* interest por aaaasa. n im i ROOM HCIK. Soa W *%' school hdlii,* ^ ^ *. Baldwin., o;f, * ,i> i-OAiyr-ANV An"... „ •■ V‘“ \V" * •• M ' W«*i. At;..MIC stcJ oat* IVED. -/ K CAR C for* you C a# t/d). 8<v me h< N. C. IS. Surlv*. Dur. -- - lie ■X>R SALE. ■—■ -—— {roof cal -MILLIONS OF FR5S' SO, SOci ,ts now reed-. M,*00, . . 1.000, SI.80 Cir thooiM j\8 loo and over $1 cD. ll^Rd, Jfl liverad postpaid. — 8 4t pi£ WANTED, - afraid ■ MAN NOT waaU to work. Or.« who at aha bottom and not op pc It VVw bat excellent ler, dot , p Vpon are *ot a haet Diuate Ml. Answer to H. at ——L_ JfcT / 8 tfe. MONEY' 1 ad is I «—IF D4YKRUY. leeae ] Cara lotis aa* store, ] osar Fleishman's Uadtr LAND SALE contained of authority executed Deed of Trust Ther.le E. L Lae, and wile. _, 18th day of Do AH pupa threat am United ' tatea ptentUrd Coat* and the ataaimam partition a)lovable Is flee (S) per cent either way from tee theoretical mere weight the Base Metal shall be made fay the opes hearth precent tad Mau ceriform to toy one of the following chcmJcal nUmon^r OP BASE METAL COW PURE STEBL ISON ■a Not more than Not more than 0.06 par et. 0.04 per et. »" Not mora than Not mom than rt 0.04 par et. 0.O1S par et. in Not more than Not more than r cL „ _ 0.80 per et. 0.7 per at than Not leas than OPTIONAL et. 0.20 par ct. Dept. specifications. , /*• »'** furnished in the .atutha ordered except that pipe more than 2« feat la length mar bo far nlehed in eaettona not Inn than 12 feet in length pro Tided the manufac ^r*r furnishes Said connections free The connection shall eon. £* of hands aot loss than eight htehos in width made from the samo •• properly BUM with tu«» and gaNulsed field bolU . JJ" diamatar of the motai pipe .hMIbo understood to moan the efear •iianmtar. for example a pipe 24 Inches hi diameter shall ha of meh •ixe that a sphere 24 inches ln dlaiaa ‘*r > rollad through it sxaopt for iatarf.ranea by rtrat hands Th*> praaonea of an ar any of the foUowin* dafacto In My pine or in WMraJJn aay dupornt wifi coast! - t«ta Mtleteat sanaa far the relac “•"»(«> U!27**J*5,! *»»3aal "•M^St (•) Variation from a ■tmight eeator Hno; (4> Begged or t •agonal) y sheared edges; (iTToosa, nmwilx lined or spaced Hrets; («) Poorly farmed rtrat heedsj (7) Uir latshad end*; ft) RWglbta Wends; (•> Lmwfc afBirfdlt^Tie) SoM. moled ar hrahap similar coating; JSffr'Ua; s sr™ 9 r '"h*!, lfio to the undersigned Trrstoo s^ich said Deed of Trust Is . j*••>!» 1 in the Office of the Regis '■• of.TtofsIs of Harriett County. _'> Ctolhta, in Book iss, at page aid default Whfc been mad. si.e peyifnmt ot'&J bond secured • wd Oerd of Tty*, ami the hold i of wH bond having made dr ■4 id uion the uadet signed trustee ' f oroeloee said Deod of Truat to. he purpose of satisfying said bon l «——mm— a I 111* undersigned Trurtee will, tficre for*. *eB to the highest bidder, el public auction for cash in front of iuir coe rehouse door of aha Town of Lilliagton, Harnett County, North Carolina oa the lOtlyday of Daeaaibor, 11.23 at 12 o'elocr M.. the following described tract of land: Beginning at a stake In the run of Little Bettie Hicka branch in BurreU Hodge’s Una, and runt N. 75 W. 15.75 I chains to a stake in the old fleM: thence 8. 20.28 fiir.i*'-. in a etnke i'i Wilkin's lino; tl.orio w th h'< lie. N. 84 K. 21.50 c|..i ns la W'l;i..\' comer in the mnvfr the l.itllr Haiti. Hicks branch j aXrneo cji th; in of iniil branch af It motiaiicrs to Vi • heriiinlte co.itnir.iiij Thhly-louv n.i One-Teeth 134 1 • 10> acres, more or lean. This. Nor. 9tk, IMS. Ti7TiA *7ATiK£R( Tructoc. Nor. 18 20 21 lice 4. l ii'1 -'.asu' lxxx • »*sj*x-1 -rry ~ - ----- ■ ^■■ I I ■ ' We have just bought at Forty and fifty cents on tl»e dollar fror.i America's best manufacturers, who wanted Cash, a mangiriccut line of Men, Boys’ Women, Girls and Childrens Suits, Dresses, Cloaks, Overcoat* Shoes, Millinery, Etc. These are high-class style, high-class material and high-class workmanship. We are daily rccciv lug these goods and all go into our Grac'd November Skrfightfer at • Weui: Vfiuo and Less. It’s A Shame to Waste Your Mdney—Don't-. Do it—Bv.y For One Half and Less. / ( , •»—Jy \ \ \ r\ We offer 400 paun men’s $3 all leather work, shoe* _ _ _ $1.75 We offer 600 pair*menk $3.50 all leather work shoes_$1.95 We offer 1000 pair* me i and women’s $7.50 dress shoes_$3.49 We offer 250 Ladies he ivy fine all wool $10 dresses for.$4.69 We offer 200 ladies h*n iso me $17.50 new style dresses for .. . $3.85 We offer 600 ladies $31 to $50 value dresses for. .$14.85 to i 7.53, 0 We offer 250 ladies $23 to $40 value Coat* for. .$12.85 to $19 65 We offer 500 boys suits *nd overcoats $10 to $25 val.. $4.95 to $11.55 We offer 500 men’s overcoats, value $25 to $50. . $12.35 ta $2 !3a) We offer 5,000 yards Diiu and Apron Ginghams for yd.13c We offer 2,000 yards SeaJtland Cloth for_ Cc We offer 2,500 ladies, misses and childrens new hats at i-2 VALUE We offer 1,000 men’s suit.^ahie $ 15 to $50 for_$7.85 to $32.59 / We have an enormous Stock of America’s standard merchandise ' all selling as above. This sale runs to November 30, 1923. Don’t pay more—to pay two prices is waste—Don’t do it. Yours for tremendous savings in tlfe Yellow Front Steve, Dunn, North Carolina. J R~G. TAYUHUUJMPAN* e Are North Carolina’s Greatest Price Reducers - —__ _ ~~~ '£t— *T ■ i Dairy and Stock Farm For Sale/, uvC? WV Cx-'VV ,i 1 ^if,,{y i Seventy-six and three-quarter acofcs very best land in high state cultivation; 35 head high/grade cattle, among which are 12 No. I milk cows, bala/ce grade bred heifers for spring milkers; one fuN blood Jfcgistered jersey bull 3 yefers old; nine brood sows, registered; one boar, Scis sors ■train, registered; 20 pi Ms 6/veeks old; 25 porkers weighing from.60 to\IOO pf/undi on foot; three fat ho^ra in pen, will'dress I.Oty) poindJmeat; 250 bushels corn; fodder, hay, and feedstuff*/ / Up-to-date dairy aid woe if barn sufficient size to ac commodate above cattle. I Ole 6-room dwelling, ceiled and finished; one 3-rootnAiwilling ceiled and finished; Barns, outhouses, wagrk^, firming implements, consist mg of shredders, mowels, pjfcws, rakes, etc. Lally Light Plant, now running, in ioo<f service. Four of the best farm mules. Poultry fllckfof I 50 purebred White Leg horps. If I AM GOING TO SELL-1-BEE ME FIRST AND Gt7IT I C. P. KELLY Lulungton, n. c., ROUTE 1 I ' «■ . I .11

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