THE DUNN ~T ■ ' mi - - mi, .. VOLUME X. . * PWN, WORTH CAROUNA. jjjjj BUILDING HOMES IMPORTANT WORK Capitalist*, Howstst, Don't Build Thorn But B. and L. Associations In my "• wondering about this UtnU* mnl wthcrw cue tiling ti:al h_s reree to me constantly from every di rection'!* the pronounced success and the growing popularity of building urn! loon association. My building and loan experience commenced about 3h years ago. A big. fi e in a Pennsylvania town swept orci Mu, entire town, wrth a loss of a million and a half dollars, which wua tile big end of the plaea. With llie smoke cleared away th# people found tlmt it was a big pro position lo get money to rebuild hous e/, stores sod shops. The building and loan association was started, and at the town was in an industrial com munity ihe people were earning a right big total of wages, and they Look hold of tbo building and loss idea and in a short time the associa tion had an income of flee thousand dollars a month. The receipts enabled a building wave break louse, ar.d that town has grown to be a city of fifteen thousand people where a largo proportion of the home* arc owned by those who livo in the houses. Three thing* th* recent building —■vuvii/ nave itiDUf^ru up ( to mi'. These associations am pro vi' homes fur the people in all rests of North Carolina. They are providing munij' to build those homes, nod they are tracking to the Investors the benefits of saving money to mukv the monthly payments. I talked with a Pittsburg man on this latter feats tore. He said that the advantage of teaching saving and thrift is perhaps the most important factor about budd ing and loon or any other saving on home making movements Once a man or woman begins to pot money Into a loan association that person ha* began the habit of oerumaUtlag mss • thing and n population that baa u .. -Icrthlcen to systenuticuftr save ila I rg n eMiaTiisi Liable Usaoa of fortifying the home against the fu ture. In my thirty year* acquaintance with North Carolina I have not seen nnything in it* resources and oppor tunities that strike* me as of mom value than this rapid establishment in tho State of the building end loan association, and the broad basis the institution Is rone king in so many towns.—Rlon H. Butler, jn Raleigh Nears and Observer. Being Mail Carrier Dangerous Business Washington, Nov. 28.—The job of rural letter carrier has become a hu sttrdotu one, the casualty list fbT the last two end a Half years, made pub lic hree by the PostoIRco Department, showing 55 lives to have been lost in the performance of duty. A piss to patrons of rural routes was Issued, urging that boxes be plac ed on the right hand side of the mud In the direction or the earners’ trsv- < el. This, It was said, woo!«l r-tmove * one of the greatest dangers—that of traffic perils. _» George Darden Shoots Himself Accidentally George Darden, 14-jrearvold son of the late 14/ and Km Thomis Dar den, had a closs rail yesterday after noon when a rifle with which he was hunting fired unexpectedly, the bul let entering his forehead Just above the left eye. The 22-caliber bullet failed to penetrate the skull end was later removed by Dr. C. H. Sexton. While painful, the wound is not con sidered serious. Young Den^n make* his homo hero with his brother and «dster-l»>law, Dr. end Ms*. Thomas K. Durden. Occrge was attempting to prise a cartridge from the barrel of tho rifle with hi* knife when H wet dtochargod. n« had snapped upon it several times and It had faltod to fit*. Tho range being so close probably saved the boys life. Farmer Held Up And Robbed Of Over $400 ReldovMe, Nov. M. Thomp son, n tebaeeo farmer of near Hllle boro, ysetorday afternoon at S o'oloek at Hogan Crook bridge on the Ysn ceyvllla mud was held op and robbed of Mil by four mushed men. Thomp son was returning home after having told his tobacco la Danville. At an early hour this morning none of tho highwaymen had boun suptwod. Thompson mid that an four men were black clothe, wtth holm cut In them for rid on, over their faces. “Dead” Man Died On Threshold Of Riches Allentown. Pa.. Nov. 20.- Declared legally dead tcvcrnl month* ugo of. tei an abV. nee of 14 year*. Wilbur illery tinned up ot the hom« of hia taoliiet* L-iir W .(lhr«d«y, c,| arrai»a tad bin mad- for hia loyal ..umtiim" io<mv >o lie could share i -lla. Jim*r,"t«' ,-Mtnt* which approxi xiled Mti.UOu.OOP. Today he wax fouiiil dead in be.! from Heart failure. Bi.ry was about ;15 ycaiv old. Dur • 'i"g Hia wineries ha said lia lutd spent | r'osl of hia time n Winnipeg and olh ! Northwestern Canadian eltlaa. I0UCWNG SCENE . AS TRIAL CLOSES Father of Defender^ And Mother of Slain Woman Eachaaif Words Nm/oik, V«., Nov 27.—An old !n*n mm r*n uld woman stood In the • lark-Ks: ould»«!v th# courthouse to 'Oghi a few mlnutvi after the vordict hkd been pronounced that eemoneoJ Fud Fiauchin Conley, 21 •yrar-cld In the penitentiary for thirty T. M.-S for the murder of hi. wife r.e former w« H. W Conl.y, of Sieff.f.d, Ala., father of tha boy; the Ian.., was Mr. Emily C. Owen., of Ssiccdf. Ha., tha widowed mother of the ,d»:n yirl. '•'I'nank Cr.-I he wasn't xent to the olcctxict chair.” wK i.—— r .... ... men, •> be wipe.: away a furtive tear. "Yet, thank Cod for that," breath ed the old woman softly, “But thank Cod he waa not allowed to ear ape punlthmeni." The woman vr»» liitJe and wrinki w< and gray. She waa clad in mourr. ing. Tho man waa gaunt and gnarled and walked or. a peg leg. He ni a haid-wurking At*burr.a farmer. “May Cod .give you strength to bene up under your great sorrow." said ths little woman te tha old man. "You art to be pitied. I hold no tal lies toward r—i'r — fii' rink tag soul haa endured. Neither do I feel malice toward year boy. I feel sorry .'or him. I esnnot get my girl heck, and 1 feel that the taking of your boy'* Ufa would not have helped right the wrong that haa been com mit Ur. 1. When the final reckoning , comet, God himsief will bs tho judge. Ths oay of reckoning will come. But t:«c electric chair, the knife, tha iron ban—noUiing can giva my girl back to me." The llttlo woman sobbed. Then it wu< that the father of the boy offered consolation, awkward, but sincere. Tomorrow the old man and ths old wo scan will meet again. They agreed to call at the jail to bid farewell to Fred Frvnchie Cor.ley before going their ropnrate ways—-he back to his term in Alabama; the back to the little home in Florida that she mort gaged to raise money with which to nuke the trip to Norfolk to soe the machinery of the taw vindicate I ths murder of her daughter. Sunday-Like Quietness Prevailed Yesterday Vhankagivin pasted off very quietly * Dunn Service* at the Pirat Bap J ft church at 7 o'clock in tha morn ng, at the at It o'clock md at the Ooapel Tahcmacle at 7:80 In the rvmlng were largely attended k large number from here went to Chapel HHl to wiinraa the football game between Carolina and Virginia Tho outcome of the game waa a no thlng-nothing tie. Other* bled them aelve* to the country to hunt and a Sunday qul*tMP*a prevailed. Practi cally nil local buainctf housoo ware dosed throughout the day. Only tw# urab for dmnkaneaa ware mad* and the partie* arretted were frutn another town. Mr. Nobles Entertains At Birthday Luncheon R. J. Noblot entertained cevcral friend* at a birthday luncheon at hia home, Snath Layton avenue, on the evening of November 82. Tho** at tending dock red the occasion a moot delightful stent. Invited guests snoret Pie And*raon, William arid Jots Poor fa!'. R. R. Keono, L. C. EaooH, Hoary las, Edward Ora ham. W. T. Ham doit, Mr. BomOaux, H. S. MoKay, 3. M. Sherwood, all of Dunn) C. P. Me Chars, W. O. Harrow aad Mr. Mo** lay. of Tarboro; 3. R. Boyd, of Fay etteville, and Chaa. Hill, of Colour ! bla, R. C. j Tom Tarlieul aaya that ho la gel*l { rabbit busting with hi* boy prettj atex sort aad they an going to tan ovar a tot *f thing* about trass ant bird* a tad wild thing* of tha wood* MANY VIOLATORS GREET RECORDER I Road And Jail Sastamces And Fiuaa Daalt Out Bp Judge J arnigan On<- rond sentence, two jail sen and'fines totaling $116 wore importil upon violaton of tho law hy Recorder II. M. Jemigan at the pro Thanksgiving aaaaion of tho lo osl court Wednesday. Quits a num ber of defendants faced the recorder, the major part of them being change <l wt-h violating the dry lswa. Cases disposed of during the day*! •ession ware: Harvey Taylor, drank on the pub lic highway and tnanaportmg; fined 626 and eoet oa the tranepartiag charge and taxed with the coat oa the charge of being drank. Annie Carter and Laura James, ladies of color, selling whlrkey; hath sentenced to 60 days In the county tail. They gave notlea of appeal and made bond in the sum of $160 each. This ease grew out of the finding of two gallons of whiskey hurled in the beck yard at tho hoeno at the nigra as >y local officers last Saturday. Archie Crabtree, dnihk; fined $26 iml coat. John Cam.ady, rrrWese driving; AW IUA N. B. Thornton, bettor-known as “Handy," drank; sentenced to #0 leyi on the roads. Recorder Jeralgan illowed Thornton 10 days In which n ret hie business lined ip before «flniuak hi* sentence. V. H. Mastengill, drunk and dia >rdcriy and firing a gun ia tha town <t Dunn; judgment iwgtahl upon Mynwnt of a $86 fine and the coot if both actions. Foy B. Hudson. drank and diaor Irely and transporting; given a four eonths saspended road eeatence and axed with the east. Levi Thomas, radian, lit axad with the teat; n his possession; fined |U sad coat Winston Orowdar, negro, into Litsi dlsordeify in tha town of Duka; Ined 111 and coat. F. T. Nunnery, speeding; taxod rith the coat. Millard Jamigan, drunk; taxed rith the coat. l*»n Ryals, drunk and disorderly; ined $26 and cost. Several ether caaae appearing oa the calendar wars continued until next Thursday. Mrs. M. G. Lee Died At Her Home Lest Night Mr* M. O. Lee died lest nigh* at liar Koras, three miles north of Dusk, death resulting from paralyAa. De ceased bad been an invalid far the poet three years and her death waa not unexpected. She was 67 years old and is survived by bar husband and several children. Tha funeral was Boon at 2:30 o’clock alid Interment »« mode in the Let cemetery. Self-Wounded Suitor Confouei To Murder Baltimore, Md., Nov. IS.—Alter aurcaily wounding himself whan Mr*. Mildred Fou«t, 34, refused to marry him, Sergeant Oeorga T. Alatadt, Jr., 01, of Port Howard, lU^I *ao» foccod, police cay, that ha had killad a man at Roanoke, Va., for a crime a marina aargcaat la now Wing hold. Alatadt (hot himaalf naar tha haart at the home of Mr*. Pnoat’a father. The woman called a aoHcouian, and at her urging, polk* my, AlMadt told tha officer that b* had thrown a man from a fourth ctary wtadow of the Roanoke poet-oTicc. The authorities ar* investigating tha story. Imperial Wfawd To $60,000 Mon Little Bock., Aih^ N»v. 33. — AHe ging that William J. Siramona, era peror af the Ba Bin* Kiaa, ta hi •newer to the *100,000 Hbet mil fU ed agairwt Mm sorer*! mer,thi agi by Or. H. W. Banna, Imperial Wlaan af ah* Blaa, had made charge* whid In tbommhma amotmUd ta lihcl, Di grans ycetarday, throedh Ms ntUf ocy, Mad ~it In Pulaakl drnal Court for an additional |S0,M0 dan Father—"Why k it that yon ar always at tha bottom of tha alamT /ohnay—"It doamt maka any dit feraoea, daddy; they taoab tha aam thing* at both ends.’' On* G. O. Members of tiotul Committee, be glad to WrigWy. Jr., ers of chowis the dlstributj “««<*» ting on** will be cut as <*nt to the la 1020, It Wrigley, Jr.; 1500,000 to funds, cnee with ington, nod donate liberally Who I* Andrew Gi rhmjsctcr. saying* and He it eery fellow He ie He Inqipnllgf truth He might* something of a mistakes, so human, so true 1» faults, otherwise be .otereeting. He. tenor, but docs fool ish things, eisd popular. But Andy he truit. It life mil all his actidaa It la bis outstanding It is that part of his which Joes not £ one Jut makes o* would not Jot another ■o aay, this pti thing project* til bit action rharaeierlstie is and lawn or city wit Its Andy Gamp. body in town know* tbs Andy Gamp of the community—except Andy him k.11. pvcn aa these ihtcs ara raad, the mind of the reader ar31 Involuntarily revert to the man whs it the Andy Gump of hta community. In aome instances hundred* If' not thousand* will name the same man, but that man will never name himaalf. H la not hit fortune* or misfor tunes, hla successes dr failures, hit goodness or his badness, that make hint the Andy Gump of the commun ity, bnt that trait of hla character which inevitably impresses itself up on the tboacanda whb know him, far the Andy Gamps are popular and known to about everybody la the community, but Obey always, even though innocently, have that one out standing and disttacaiahing trait which nobody can overlook for long They are sometimes eary useful eitl •cur. and aonatimaa highly honored despite that dfagiacUr Arxly Gamp trait, which often ia taken aa a matter of cearaa and pamad ap with a anile end a wink by the community rather than taken Mriously. Nobody takes them vary aorta paly—except thmneehrea. They ■r* regarded aa entirely harmleae. Soma Andy Gamp* will read tkti. bat not mo of them will cacpoct that be I* the aabjaet of tUa ad Hartal, Ihoogh a thaoaand of hi* neighbor* may he tflinklng of him at the mo ment. Name the Andrew (lump of your town. Eaay, lan’t H?—Charlotte Observer. Papaladoa Iwcranafaag Spring Branch, (Dona K. 1>, Not. 2b—Aa an avldenae that oar yeang married faiki have no Intention of dlaabaying the age aid remaand to "malUpty and raplenlah the earth”, and hare net Joined any raoa aaiolde movement wa gladly aabmH the following: Bora, on Son day night, November M, to Mr. and Mm. O. R. Williford, a aoa. On Thaakagivtny morning, to Mr. aad Mm •'!. H. OSes, a danghter. ---=-i CABO OP THANKS Vo ,«IB to take Ah method of thanking all oar friend* far thehr Undneas and aaaiataao* daring oar ra ooxl baraavfoaaat. They wflt tot ha forgotten. szssc a. in axd vault. • . A thankfol Heart la not only th« i grwlaat rlitoa, hgt We pa mat at *1 the ether virtaaa, ■Ciaara. * [OFFICERS MAKE AH UNUSUAL CAPTURE • , . d* • t CM Still.WoCJba* Wkkkay, 7.000 r»11—■ Boor Ami Other Equipment Oi«c of tbv largest whuksy hauls ever ius.Io in Harnett county was DerXwitod Inst Retards? when officers captured a stoain copper outfit of lit zslioni capacity, together srtth SCO *atfor.s of whiikey, around 7,000 got* Ions of hear, 2.100 pound, of ot«Mr, 3 1»TC« supply of nuel usd rye, two nuilot ami a wagon and srrsotad ono >nao. The ms* nrrr»tod gave hi* name ns Hrxiwa. A aogio who was at the plant whon the officer* wachnd the coo® escaped The Mil was found on the banks of Andaraon Crook in Andaman Crook township, In the western post t! Harriett county. A two-room shsuv :y hod been bsilt for the aao of tbo opera lg,« nnd was fenced in a toe nets c’ael..Mir«. Tbo shanty eontaia •>•1 a doulr'c Jed and taro coda, which v<-uld lu.licato that j*t leant four peop!» ted been engaged la tbo sg erntion of the big still. The plant, ace online to the ocloort, tad a opacity of at least *00 gallons ^•*7 iwrrftly-foMr boat* ind tkt *ttMou »dine» indkmUd that it had boon in operation for at least a •south. It was perhaps tbs largest «»d most complete distXTling plant •var captured far Harnett county. Of flean making the raid and captura wore Sheriff J. W. McArtaa and Depute** Matthews. Spbroy, Darrte ko.l A__ Th« aUl) was equipped far —n-y either rye or cent -Sakaj and the <M)*r portion at the finished produet «-a* of the rye variety. The wfclAey vas eoiorad by the ase of rhflmlt. P'* In the "VettUd ha heed Wia . U PayottevUle. e ' B. Y P. U. FROGMAN " I>(M’i»inbvr 3. Idiiltr—Silk Nij k>f. 1 fevot iooxl Meeting; “Fighting the Good Frrht of Faith.** Sei-ptar* .-raiding—Myrtle Pope. Int.-ctaction—Sallio Naylor. Fiiru.ts describing fighting—M. V. Jvrnlgan. Phinv *>lo—M.»» Helen Jernigaa. Tie Soul Armed Fj; Service—Ur. H. L. Denning. Idv'ng tha Victorious Life—Miu Ipock. Duet—Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Do* King. "Wc*;i More At His Command”_ D;. t. L. 'tfr.rrtn, Prayer. gong; “Loyalty." Will Aid By Chowiag "Vef, I Mil for llimm Johnson fo» Presider.t.“ raid D.'H. Son ter, of Bar ly chewing gum “I do not know nbct'.cr t can do much tor him,** ad *1 Mr. Senior, "bat U I MO that Wrlgiey, the rhrwing gam mao, b managi'.r. Johr>M»n’» campaign. I can rvethopt help the Johnson boom along by Increaesio* my um of Wrigiay*n shewraa gurn."—From Viewi and Ob oe-, ration*,' in Raleigh Now* ft Ob server. Some Priater "Way I print a kim on jr^or MpoT” 1 said. And *ho nodded hor swart pernsb aion. So ** went to prew, and 1 rather guns We printed a full edition. •‘One edition la hardly enough,” She said with a charming post. So agaii, on the press the form was P»rfO| And we get some ''extras” ewt.— Otter, Echo. The Colored f arnoaa’a Farewell Erft'iiwn, I am going to loaro yoa. I .|o net beilevc the Lord love* this cm rrt e-»:*t,n because none of yea irrer dir. 1 do »o‘ helloeo yoa lore each other became dnen 1 hare been lain none of »»• haro married 1 know you don't leva me boenaao yoa hare never paid »T anl»<T; oH 1 have received b ntealdy Wl bad rotten upide*. "Uy their ftalta yo shall know them." Brethren, I aae going to a better place. 1 am going to be ehapbhi la the penitentiary. Whith.j I go yoa canoot fellow, hat I go ta propats a way for yoa. • Aad Mm Ixml bars mercy on year seals— Tine Confiaslaas. # ■ pifl Arrested For Fljring Plens while Drunk fc* AnUmia. Ti«,Kot. 1#~—Vs* Snt anew la San. Antonio'* Hwuir} om o rhai*c of oprna’ac aa airplane »HUo In toxica tad «a* AUrt ftnaday. Sergeant Uoyd Hefting, *i*Uon»i at B ock* Field, art* arraru-d by mili tary police alter a Iannis* iu shirk he cwwfced inta aa oak ir*« !a a lata Antonio residence wtUou. Heflin* ™ oahart tod eritaewv* aa> a wo men leaped from the plane and es caped before offleom arrived. Hef lin* aiao waa charged with tranaport ia* liquor la aa airplane. BUD LEWIS KILLED ON HOLIDAY HUNT Back Of Hand Blow* Of B? The lure la *o hantla* an Thauka arriag Day laenHad in ihe death of BdW 14-yeor-oU w>n of Mr. end Mr*. Haidy Lewis, who Hra in the Shady Grave rectioo of Sampson coset)-, yesterday Burning when the accidental dtacfcaig* uf a pan lit the hand* of Bogan West Mew off IU back ef .hla head. The two boys tram hunting and wen walking a lag acre** a swamp Tb* lead from U» .hot gun (track tka anfartuimta lad at rlw. rang* aad ha Ml off tha log lata VM water, daatfi reevlttag laataady. West, who Is aaid to bo sheet Ig-yean-oid, and a top of Mr. aad Mr*. Wilfia West, flrw-couan te lb* bey kill*). •efh faaailiaa art well fcaowa aad Cart Pape, *sv. Scott Tamer of ftelating Only a few intimate friends arftaoaaod the ccnaaooy. The bride, a boaatifal blende, mu becomingly attired is n lraveling salt of bio* With gray sectawrie*. Mr*. Pop* ia the rtcioM daughter of Mr. aad Mr*. H. S Mallhoara, of. Godwin, aad i* very - popaiar in *o eial riicI*. Mr. Pope is the ten of Mr. and Strv. Wiley S‘op*. af Dunn. He holds a position with the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company. Mr. aad Mr*. Popr ai* now a: horn, in Ralaigh. Democracy’s Creed I believe ia the free public train ing of both tha band and tha ndait «r ovary child bom of woman. I beiive that by the right training of men w* add to tha wealth of ihc world. AO wealth ia the creation of man. and he creates it only in pro portion to the trained uses of the PAMisnitpr And Din morn men train lh# more weeHh rr cry one may;' create. I bolive In the perpetual regewera- s lion of uoeiety, and in the inunortn'- 1 ity af democracy and In growth oeet.j I a. ting.—Waller Hmea Page. i A tweet yean* thing wa# prome ] natlnif an the bench In her handuotee be thin* wit, when to* *cc#**lj by her batottl iwectbeart. and.afWr, a ihort eonrerrattor. to* raid; ‘ ®'*| men, deer, let w tit dawn under the 1 pier Vy the toer ewhere no one wCl| hear at,” and »o they went Aftai j a ihort period too put be* aim around hla wliet, and, while be waa paying in 1h* mad, toe mid, "Kli* me, ftinen,” whereupon the young man toyly looked ut her and mid, "I can't doar; I’m got rand in my mouth." Then an unknown mice from above them aaddemly yelled, "Swallow K, you need ame in yoar eyatem."—The Shrapnel. Weeder Why Qaect—"I rbail gto to toe bell captain about yam. Yoa toouAd »W wayt knack bofoia entering a room. Why, I aright ham bora dn-mtng." Bellboy—“Oh, 1 knew you weren't, ma’am; I a)waft took through tfcu kegbote fi ret."—Buchan *r “Bliaa." mid a friend of the fami ly te the oU catered wutorrwotnan, "terra you men Misa fcllth't flaamT" Slim pondered for • moment, toon > boot orer the luendry tube once mare, i] "Ko, mo’m," too mid, 'It ain’t -horn la tho weto yet."—The Chrta HX AWARDS MANY ! ROAD CONTRACTS Xcr. IT.—A two aad a | “■'li < ' i.-' >«mni for JM li - w ;f LmilA-nw oa If ooo | l; utile.. vrajcda it. every rartlaa of j Vmh t ti tl e* «u made by too ruu ! convHaOoa tonlyht u tbt i '.It of the l«l WtOo**. . . N«rly a Volf mflUow AoUwt of the u!g acrrnrto PM for biUgw and ‘t-artarc* of rariawa kind*, from g mail culvert to a 1114,000 epos for ibe Chewao Hoar MMitbff Aotoi ird HeitfOrd com tie*. la ilin cixih. or Chartutto lUotnet. RiaJooU for Lineolr. and BicV ond coontla* whOa few bi* ***; “rt» an loraie-i la the ~irn ~a*aare rigitQi. T". r Ur*/* roypty *.-•]*« eaBa for 0 88 mile- of an.aiod roo.1 oa for..* *T, with -t.voac ot divldod !n •' two hi®»wt/ and bcidya yrajaeta, ; '-** lew bidder. *. Ca ruodwnfc Id. F. Mu!!i**r, Worth Wllkoabor*. 1'AS.oiai Gat Goa, OaAili Wtr '“■*-*•; oa bridaaa. ft. M. Tbarmiol . »apmy, Lpacbbanc, Va. |7,dTT-*6; ; 1. A. hitnoa HtaWaMT. fti* 'L»0. TV* Richmond aoaoty pve^oct la a Ova mil* Itreteh of bard oarfftc* • fekway batwaen Hamlet and Land 3!IL The low Vddar U Oee<«« R. The after award* war* af f alawa: JarkaoB eaonty, I.M telle* af p»e iwipid dnctoM; rood work. * rMnebl Ceidrwtiaa map*ay, faikk, 9«>.0S9; atrackuw* to «m cjmpany, |522,7»8.49. Ot joke* emtf. 111 Uilwaam Mtevhr aad retd work to W. E. OcmVan A *399,042; atnaatme « Moore, Andrew*. 1100,379. S T ■ Hefty ceonty, If akia# ad McSa^aB orfttf .7«4Xf.|0; rtmetoto* to <l»f rwmpany. Chartatta, for Wr y.iM. S ole* cou dy, (At mil** of top . “ V-.orm Fra*ci*e* arJ Danbury. •■* Wf'Sii ta 1. f . Mulligan, of Xarth I'lr.'-Vtr, for (It 1,128.49; atone .wstl edmont Contraction eom -,-y S*dea. tor7M4.m.8«. licore, flee »Hca al aapfaalt * brtweet Abciieca and iimiknra 7'nv., Worro company, Chattaaaaf*. r an., 981,079. Wci.',:m <-ry county. twa mil#* -i I •; uttered between Trey and ; Vi.cctvX.e, W. F. 8u*m, Jr.. Augua ; . Ca., 8C:;,1S7.50. I C**w»l! couety, 164 tafia* af tend i cay fo Ncl'-o L. Taer, of Dukaa, . 10.529; atracuira* to E. W. Cur I •*, it I.vncbbui*. Va, 8694*7. Omp county, 7.93 milaa af laid I r.'d ;»LL TI-.UH, Waterford, < •■;»., CKO, 87.80. Thi. atoatelt k an « Cftfra! highway. E- •.<-«U.k county, 3.3 milaa of «a»d aapbalt la F. J. MaCulra, Nor. fait. V> . 399497. h SaT-'.j.pO'i twenty, l*A **!*« at ea*d x.. :ii,n)taU to Bijrhaay Rnflaeer ;?j t.'njwt' !t!hp®c, fM., INIi (-3H. Jotmiton eoanty 11 **Be» fT*din* v o Xcllo L. Terr DaritMB, |l»,7dS; tid»vr t* H. U. Bewlcy, Lcmber tn. FM.Ttt. Herlfimi •ml Gate* coantiee, bride* ■ >»r tHn Chcwan, Roanoke Iroa and h'.tso work*, Roanoke, Va_, 134, *7.18— Brock Berkley, la Cho '.-we Observer. .arge Crowd Attends Frank Blount Funurn) ftyrutrltii Not. JB.—-One af the yetlwrlnic* that kae attended • funeral inrlti bee# 1* ie**A yean cld tribute U (he memory af W. Knrck Meant, on* ef fljitaeii'i OR hetoved riiieene, yeeterday after nor, when the fane rat rllee ware rid from the May (treat Method let l-oruh. lie- renrloee were cond anted f tfcr letter. Rev. R. A. Kemble, r l were aa'v* Haynr-'/a. The nee t were anonelty beaaufal, ae beAUed »»-v te b«ld for oae wbeee Ufa had «<*n ft laiydy devetoJ te the tab ■meet ef (he arta TV member* ef the Khrenle alee •oti I'm F«jrrlUrvtD* lei** of Clke tiirr.i>ed |b* eerrteee ta a body, ae Sid tbe dliretere ef the Cambdrtend leviui A Tit* Ce., and the dtowataia. ff the Cro«e Creek Bafldiaf aad L>an Brtoelation. Ur. Bloaat beta* » nu mber of all them oryeaiaettoer Tb* latenaeat mat in Craae Creek vemetery. Wanted—tarn ta a yedAleauhd** SS^te* Mama

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