Masers. Claud H. and Oscar Britt of Lurcberton spent yesterday hare visiting relatives. Middling cotton is quoted on the Dunn market today at 86 cents the pound; strict middling 86 1-8 cents. 1 Mist Nannie EnnU returned this afternoon from I.umberlon, where she spent Thanksgiving visiting Mias Monnle Collins. Mrs. Clarence J. Smith and two children loft this afternoon for Scotland Neck, whore they will spend a few days visiting relatives. Mias Clyde Snead underwent an operation In a Ftorunre, S. C.. in firmary Wednesday. Her condition is reported as favorable. Mr. and Mrs. Joa P. Smith are vis iting relatives In Lowrcncaville, V*. They are expected to return home Sunday. Joe P. Smith has taken over the local agency for the Chevrolet auto mobile This is tha first Chevrolet sgency ever opened In Dunn. J. D. Pope has returned from Coun cil, where he went with a party of friends to hunt deer. Six deer were killed by the party on the trip. Ticket# for Huckleberry Pine and Tom Sawyer, the show to be given at the local opera house Monday morn Ing, Deeembr 8, are now en sale at Wilton and Lee't drug store. Perhape no town in the Stale has a better motion picture service than that shown at the Oelonial theatre. The pictures shown here arc the same shown in the largest eltlc* in tha State. Dunn people driving over U>c high way between Dunn and Godwin yes terday afternoon report two cart turned ore; between the two lowtis. It has not boon learned here to whom the can belonged. Mr* p. C. Hood and two children, David Henry and Edward Pear sall, and Miss Bliss Moseley llatcoer want Wed no* day afternoon to Ham let where they eriU spend several days viaHsn* relatives. Dovid M. Pearsall, local building Inspector, has recently issued a per mit to R. W. Pope for the addition of a second story of four rooms to hit residence. Sooth Washington avenue, to cost around fS.GOO. Johnson Motor Compauy received this week one of the new "Champion" Overland oars which is attracting so much attention throughout the rear , try* Hiey will be glad to demonstrate to any ona Interested In the ear. Circles Noe. I and > of the Metho dist church will have a basaar in the Fleishman Brothers old store building Thursday and Friday of next week. Refreshments will be served each dsy from 1 to 9 o'clock. The public is in vitad. J. D. Baggett and H. O. Matin' wtU have a ear of oranges in Duni, Monday to tell to the public at very low prices. The fruit came direct from Mr. Baggstt's farm In Florida 8e« Mr. H. O. Mattox for further in formation. C. L. Guy, of the local bar, deliv ered a Thanksgiving address at i big picnic at Prospect church yester day. He reports a large crowd an. a great spread of good things t< sat While he didn't say so, it goei without saying that the add to is ws. also good. 1UC irenn emit will serve a free Tegatsblc dinner Sunday from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. While no charge will bo mad. for A. dinner, anythin* those who partake may with to con tribute wiH be given to the Near Xatt jleUef. Adana* Brothers are proprie tors of the cafe. The Atlantic Coast Realty Com pany win sail Monday the Erasmus Lee tract of land about four mile* south of Doou. There i* several han drdo acres in this tract which ha* bam cut Into smell farms and win be sold at aoetloa- This U a splendid farm and la located is a dnalrabls oornan unity. B. B. Hood, sales mans gar, la at Young's Hotel and may be by those wish in* more informa ebout the property. The drum and cornet corps from th# Georgia Industrial orphanage, Macon, Os, gevs a delightful con cert la the local opera house Wed nesday evening. No admlmton was charged and while the crowd pres ent was small, a cellaetkm of cash and subscription* totaled approximately 180. The II beya ---yrl.lng the eorpe gave a concert oa the .treats yesterday morning and a collection amounting to around $75 was taken. The boys wore entertained In varl ona homes In Dam while bore. MKT WITH MM. HERBERT M.KAY Tk» Com«|la* Harnett Chapter of the D. A. B. met laat Wadnaeday with Un. ■eibert MaKay at har hem* n Roots Wflaea Arran.. Aa h»t*r#«Mn* report on the Rut* eenfereDC* at Pfaiahoiat wo. etrra by Mr*, Ueyd Wad*. aa elaborate ulad room* ora Mrr.d I MISS SHAFFER lO SPEAK MON DAY AFTERNOON ilia* y.aflcr. Di-eu of iwor.einicr, Noi:h Carolina CoUer.o for Women. Grverubixo, will -peak to ;J>. women of Dunn on nouyeliiiM Enytn-.-erinjr, Monday afUrnco 1, Ui I --inker 3rl. ut S o’clock, in the lYt .-inr.V C lub . uo»i-. All womou are Irtcr r«-,lei. |>i .uanay inff their houiu'.ioi I efficiently an-1 tail in an ai>(io‘Cur,< y ,-y •! ruld not mU.-. M.w Shaffer ccin.y vo Dunn under tile nurtiUmi of I .<• Keom Ifeo romtce D-.tai .no-tt of Fit- Wonten’e Club an.I the i..titoniici tie partmcnt of .ho lum! r l.cel All wo men arc Inv’ted (o attorn-. FANCY WD!*iC A/.LE Til- l.iulii-* Gii;.ilri># i i-'.u-.l clam f»l the Picrliyi-i iHii ci ,iic i, wi.l have fii.xy a oil. or ».vi« !»•, tUe -how wn •low of tin- Marvin W'mlo Company aI-.-iw, ix-?innin|r F; l-iay. Ncv- mbe* .Ifitlj. Ur euie to -n*i ;Sj-ii* ultirlvr The,.- air lovely for (.'I rUuwn* k’‘1» PURINA PIC CHOW' WILL MAKE YOU MONEY Y ou ran in-Ae me Illy ay Unllnf Fu.-inu Ti(r Chow with your corn. Corn alone la: P: the .-!rin-nti li. build biir bonoe enil bin framer. Teat thia pig chow corn ration oil wine of your |ii|r* ami prove for jrour.clf how profitable it i* Sold ’ i l Linn k»> la. P. Sarle% only. ll^# • rt*. wt have SUGAR TODAY" A. E. Rob nsnn *» > * .1* had iprcici rvaior. to civ« t'.vr.nk* ycvurduy, nr.d rlvo to tuik The DU|*tidi a* ar. ad vertising medium. iMtmi.ucIi a* the *uit*r h- lnM left week wan returned to Ru.ip Thanksgiving Ray by Mr. I. H Hardisnu, who hap,ion*4 to be on A hunigig trip Thuiedr.y l.ight lu*i week when the sack wn» lost, near Rhode* MUl pond. Ue further say* ho h>.» answered the question ‘Is this the Express of fice?" at luast as many times in tha last few weeks as Mr. Hein* has pic kles .and he wordna how it it that folk* in Dunr. get The Dispatch faded to notice that tint vu.. removed it S:;pter.iL.». hci.ijr .-cplac • d by Uie pi ating plant Robinson is operating. A local lawyer came in and began te-v'eg him tome kind of • legal paper this week, and when he looked up and tow ho was in Die wrong place, he soon tioc&oipca, to the relief of the printer. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH RKV. O. T. MATTOX, Pastor Bible School Sunday #:45 a. m. Preaching Sunday 11:00 a. m. It ‘t a rpecial tcrvler; the annual ser vice of the women’s miv"Jouary so c'*ty- Also it is the “Golden Jnbi Ica" year of the organization. A < pedal effort it being made to have every woman in the ehareh and Wo men . MLflon/.ry Society pXMnt, Please make no othergaarc ni-uob.-cP I'leasr msk* uo oilier &r.'u(igemc.nts. Sermon wfll be on women’* work. Preaching Sunday p. ft. r.t 7:3(1. Chr stian Endeavor Sunday C:IiC p. rv service Wedn«»,.ty 7:3D p. m. Public welcome. " Bill’ll going to sue the cotnpxnv for damages “WhyT Wot did they do to ’im?’ ’■ Tliny blew the quitUn’ wi.Utij when ’* wat carryii.’ a ’envy piece of iior., and V dropped it on •« foot" - -- Bible Conference At The Gospel Tabernacle A Bible eoufcivnec began last night ut the Gospel Tabernacle and wiB ;through Sunday. The eonfereneo •met* each craning at 7:30 and oa Sunday two meetings will be hold— *1 o. m. uud 7:80 p. m. The confer ence 1/ being conducted by Her. and fdrs. Howard Van Dyko. returned mirai.rnapie from China, and Her. M. C Stein hog. Th« lecture* by the via '.ting Christian worker* are both in teresting and instructive. The public la invited. Resolutions of Respect Where uiTprwt and auprera. «ulrr of the onlverue haa In HU Infi nite wisdom rtmovnd from amongst of our *»rthy and estearaed fellow sborers, Urotbar George W. Nnylnr, and where** the long and in tl.rate mlationAip hold with him in iV faithful discharge of HU duties as a member of the Dunn Baptist rliotcii and a devoted member of af oar dess, makes it eminuntly be filling that wo as a claw record our appreciation of him. TI1EKEKOBE, be H resolved that the wisdom and patience ghlch ha cxerriaad by counsel, aid and faith ful attendance will ba held in pats fol rsmscnbs ranee. Toat the sudden removal of Broth er Naylor from amongst us leavao a vacancy and a shadow that will bo deeply real'.xed by all the member* and frienda of our Bible class and bis going will prove a serious lots to all. Tbit with deep sympathy for the be .raved, we express oar hope that oven so areal a lose to all may be overruled for yowl by IHm who dootb all thinga well. lie it farther resolved that a copy of these resolutions ba spread open tha record* of oar clan, a copy pre sented to The Doan Dispatch for publication, and a copy sent to the bereaved family. Committee, E. LEE. L. P. BAILEY POPE-PARKER Inc Methodiat church waa a Kane of beauty Saturday evening, decorat ed with pin* bough* and other like material in hono/ of the wedding of ANNOUNCEMENT I (halt close ray office* Saturday i nirrUt, December let, for an indefinite i preiod of time I ahall enter the Now York Poet Graduate Medical Coil eg" and Hoipltal and taka a special course ir ‘.he treatment of the aye, oar, note and *l*arBPf 'MjlffiWfcM MM II the exclusive eye, oar, noae and throat apecialict for the Dunn HosrpitaJ. WALLACE E COI.TRANK, M. IV j PURINA PIC CHOW WILL MAKE YOU MONEY You can make money by feeding Purina Pig Chow with your tom Corn alone lacks the element* to | build big bone* and big frames. Ten I this pig chow corn ration on eomo of I your pigs and prove for yournclf bow 'profitable it Is. Bold in Dunn by L- I*. ;?url«only. lte. IR. GLENN L. HOOPER DENTIST Dulco, :ts North Carolina OUice Second Floor Bank Building 111111 M frttttMM t#MM M $500 REWARD For the scoundrel who oaicl— WALTER JONES carries a full line of fuhing tackle. He does not claim to carry anything except a full and complete line of feeds end groceries. Everybody knows that— JONES PAYS THE FREIGHT "-——-—— — - ^ The Ideal Christmas Gift. Wouldn't it be u grand and glorioua feeling to get up on Christmas morning and be greeted with a certi ficate in your sock for so many shares in the_ Home Building & Loan Association, * That would be a gift worth whila. Somethin* *ub •tantlal—aomething that U the actual equivalent, any time, to the coin of the realm. A delightful mixnre of common eenae. good buainem Judgment, sentiment. and the yuletide epiril. blended Into a perfect result ^ SEVENTH SERIES OPSN diccmbc* 1ST. EUGENE LEE, Secretary “You Foraish The Lae-Well TV. ^ Min Kim* Parker, da ami Mr*. John P. Fori Nvnrsnl Pope, of Dan proton t i* employed at fnvftaliotit had been aiAMt prior to the wedding and ul the lgpeiatrd hoar ovary available >peg(‘ h» the chunk wa» taken, with magg May ing, packed' altnoit to *gff oration. Many who went to Ihe chgreh ware unr.blc to gel on the ine)4r an ac count of the largo crowd. ; Prior to the wedding, thnre wore muny ebower* given in boner of the bride ami after lb« wedding rehear eal on Friday evening the jhrenta of, the bridn gave a reception to the bridal party. The weddtag party formed the receiving line at thi* re ception together with the parent* of the bridr ami groora.'-dhuich war •cre ed by Mr. *011 Hr*. M. J. Bowen. Mr*. Carey S. l’arker ar.d Mr*! Enicn Cherry received at the door, aaelrteri by Mi/* led in Herring. CSe color rchomo of green *nd white wwo taete fully carried out in the gift room and the dining room, flrcc-n aad white brick emam with angel food rake were wrved. Much mprrlmant follow ed the cutting of the bride'* cake, in which hod been hidden If (bam* of good laek. Til# rift room ihound «>* rvonn larity of t>* young coupla, for thay could bare atartcd housekeeping with the many gift* received, there being every thing needed,- niih the excep tion of a eooking range and diehee u eat from. Ever the noloriooa weapon 1 of Maggie and Jiur* wii thore, the rolling pin- i Vat crowd began to gather nt Un church Saturday evening goon atte 6 o’clock nnd waited patiently until the ceremony started Hjee Parker has never at any time been more beauti ful than ahe was when, accompanied by her father, ah* walked to the ul tar, where she wo* rr-et by the groom and hit beat man. The ring ceremony vrae uaed ami performed by Rev. R, H. Davis, tht bride’s pastor It wav beyond men man’* words of description and an attempt to do to would only laav* un said the (hinge that should bo said. Mrs. Pope is one of CUntoa’t most popular young ladies and her friend* were counted by thorns with whom 4ie came in contact, for her charming personality inuned;ately wen the good will of all. She will be missed in Clin ton, but we with others, look ing forward to the many visit* she will pay her parent* ;B tbit city.— Clinton Newa-Diepatch. WE CAN FIX IT If a boy lovea a gM, That’s his bustMaa*' If » *irl loves a boy,/; they decbje "WSt^arrtefT" That’s their bhWsst | But if your car ytt* out of fix. That’s MY business. , I JOE P. SMITH, Garage Dm»n, H. C. NOTICE Under ihe yowwr of talc lontainod rin u mortgage deed ixctuted on tha 7th day of Octolxv 197* by B. F. Ammo** and wife, Annie Am men* to the unui-reijried H. 3. Novrto, mort gage*. *atd mortgage deed br\h* ro enplnl In the office of the Regular of Deed* of Harnett County la Book 118. page *43 and default haring been made lu tlia payment af the bond* eectued theivby, tha uader cure.I T ill expo** lor tale at paUte auction vo tbo highcet bidder Bor cc.vH at tho court haueo door in LIV llogton, Harnett Count*. N. C.. a* the 28cl da* of December. 1919 at IBdIQ o'clock M.. the following do ..cribo \ land*: Two certain piece* or true:* «f 'and lying and beirg In Av*rarboro Tewnehip. Harnett County, State of Norhl Carolina and deecribed and daflnod aa follow*: PISS TTRACT: Being tract No. 1 mentioned In deed front Nta. A. 3■ • ■J"M ' ■ W-—« 'HI HIM Amu*ki anJ ft. C. Air.nvwu i# Br. I". Abimsi, dsiori February 1, ISM, ami rt^iauicd (n Beak V Ka. pas* id. Record# of Canbarlaod County, N C., said trarc K*. 1 a* abort sacs tinned contained 13 cere* new or la**, bat Ifeto acre* af op is'ml Mat haa baan convoyatl to W. Jt. daemon anil this I no rt rapt Jwl cenvtyi too remaining aavob aeias: BauJtiult^r ai a make and polnteis tra the public toad m* far from W. B Warn*’* and ram aa R. E. Lee'* llsu X. 44 1-d E. 7 chain* ami M link* ta a stake In said lie*, with one Mack lack, I rad i oak. 1 pact oak and ot»* ph-e, all a> pointer*; a w» Una S. 19 1-4 | t- 12 rhala* and M Jinks to a atak*. with 1 pin*, 1 red oak and 1 poet-oak a* point*** la l>e urbnnul lines these* a* tkat line 8. *4 1-2 V. <■ e*.f it arj 13 link* to a *takr by Use abnw road; diencc aa th* rood X. 33 1~* SO chain* and M l‘ak* to to# btflsuilutr. containing 13 1-4 urn*, more or ’.**». SECOND TRACT: HefUm'.i* mi t|w A. C. IHH when Kmm h» •iirf Mack McKay Ilona ■ mill and and run# m (Ml 1-4 E. 2I.H* chain# to a a *rur.:p and raant n# •i » and o*« * 5*io y'3M ptflatM*. t 'into tb# cotMr, i '-mm; Ihcocc a# Iji# X. N 1* W. M •tak# with ana plan 9* X. 4 1.2 K 1 chain to • X. II V4 W. U4 o. U It X. tfcMaa * tha bopmnjr.g, containing and ono-docrth acroc, om ThU tract Ma. S hcdnft the m •oovniiM by (And team Ma. tod wif», Jannnttn leap to Y< i**v « tiw ft. l»«r. ‘ January M. 1*11. aid I cSSlLrtJX-iLffir .JH Vl}wt|*ll8u Jfi , „■1 — —„ ■■■■' — II. - - — - A CHECK Book as Your GUIDE ITJmay seem a trivial thing to pay each * account by check, but many, many men have found in the use of a check account the leverage that lifts to a larger prosperity. It is not what we earn that puts us ahead, but what we save. A check • accdti nt furnishes an itemized record of your income and outgo—that shows you where and how you can save money • ■ «?& /I «8k 0 m I > Wt _____ ■____----- I I II :; i % Do Your Christmas Shopping at Never were we better prepared to meet the requirements of Christmas Gift season; not only is our stock replete with artistic worth, but we have increased our facilities for serving you in we suggest a few of the many gifts that you will find at our store. ! - GIFTS THAT LAST Victrolaa, . Rifles Shot Guns China ware Bicycles Tricycles Floor Lamps Electric Floor Lamps Silverware Watches Clocks Rings Smoking Stands Tav4insras jaraincret • , Shopping Bags >r WE HAVE A LARGE I LINE OF TOYS Dolls Kiddy Cants Rubber Balls Airplanes Drums Rocking Horses Riding Horses Wagons AirRifles Horns Games Dominoes Checkerboards Miniature Stoves Doll Furniture Sets Butler Brothers DUNN, , NORTH CAROLINA