THE DUNN S— ■ MP ————— ' —— SC—— -*sr- . ppMBMB——Kg ' — VOLUME X. _‘_ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA, HUNDREDS DROWN IN FLOOD WATERS Dam of Hoc* Artificial Lak* in Italy Breaks, Inundat ing Thraa Towns Bergamo, Italy, Dec. 2.—81* hun dred dead, three villages ilcttroyed, and SO square milaa mads desolate. This was the toll of the flood from Gleno lake, when the great dike guarding it collapsed, releasing the Irresistible force of the water, which bursting forth in mad fury, carried all before it It swept over the hills and down into the valleys for a die ts nr • of IS miles to lake fseo, which checked the momentum of the east stream, arresting 1U course. Bergamo valley today la nothing but a barren Waste of mud and water-— a veritable lake in which K la dan (•row to venture, far in come places it it over a man's head. In this sog gy rasas, the bodies of the victims Uo tangled among fallen tree*, tele graph poles, buildings end bridges. Here and there portions of broken tremendoua might with which the wa ter* engulfed the rqpon. The home Itu arv counted in the thoutande, raoet of whom art mourning for loat relative* or maarehing for their bodies. Relief partie* from Milan and Brescia are on the aeene, while all available troop* have be on muatere-l to aid the ehelterleoa. The biehop of .Bergamo received a telegraphic do nation from the Pope for the perpoee of undertaking immediately atten tive relief. Pear Other Dame May B***k There ie great fear among the nir vtvora of other dans* breaking, te pee-oily aa today ia the Peart of 8t. Bibbiana, on which, aocerhag to pop ' ular aapcratitlon If it rain* it will rain for forty day* and forty Bight* The village* aliaoet completely de treyod were Dexxo, Coma and Bueg go. Of the (00 inhabitant* of Dexxo only thro# survived. -The disaster threaten* to bo ono of «f it* kind h*rti— of m VS5 .A correspondent of the Associate I Press visited the scene. The dike, situated thsae mile* from the village •f Dezmo. we* an immense structure, four mile* long aud 36 yards thick. It served as a dam for tke artificial lake, situated about 6,000 f*et show ■•a level and containing 10,000,000 cubic yards of water, the sou re* of wheih was chiefly the glaciers of (Menu mountain. The basin meas ured about four mMea by two and ca*t 60,006,000 lire. Apparently the dike yielded through the Immense pressure of the water at the two eada udiere the maeonry was Imbedded In the mountainside. Torrential rain* had occured and they continued, rendering the disaster more menacing for the homeless and hind ering rehef work. The cold Is in tern*. The cloudy, foggy atmosphere pre vent* u general view of the catas trophe The entire countrysid*. where the fury of the element* raged, seems to have been wiped out by this sapes huraan fare*. Boom, bridgs* and tram ware toppled over Uke nine pin*, and hav* floated away or are banked agtsinst the Mils. The Iratnenee body of water, car rying along with K mud an debris of all kind*, leveled the village* join ing on It* way with the mountain torrential, and even excavated the mountain aid*, and descended swift ly on tha plain of Con.*, destroying In a few minute* faouam and factories aad the electric light centra. nw. uraugbon Amended Meet of Fox Hunters ■■■ * ■ ■ ■ v J. W. Dnrogfcen returned Frida) from Smna Spring., wh«r» he attend ' Ml the annul mm of tho North C»r Mtm Fox HnnUm> aaaoelatietr, ol wMoh he la a member, flandrede ol tea hunter, from all part, ef Ox State gathered there for the annua nrent end Mr. Dmoghon report* i »e*t delightful time. Approximate!) **• pedigreed hound, frem all parti ef the State were entered and nigh tea warn ought durte* the ton dap* hunt Mr. Drsngtwn did no enter hi* dogm thi* pear. One of the feature* of the me* thie pear we* a Mg hatWeae mree the eteMng bantam bp Thome* ■ Room, ef Kinston, an hie farm li JLeaeir eeiiatp. OflVea elected b the eeeoeledba far the aeat feet or* PreMdent, dodge H. P. Leae.of Raidi rifle; etee-prealdant, W A. Srietol, 4 SlatamdSet eeeend WeMpreeiden Hinton Sam**, ef Uoifabiiti IfcJi ilui psmfldu4, X K. Rape*, Oaotonh eecramrp,.,, w. H. Idem ef FapelttndUt. S • Shoots At Husband But Hits Blind Man Green*boro, Dec. 1.- Ethel Altai-, negro woman, wlrfli- drunk and chatt ing her huthaud on Elm »treet, chief thoroughfare here, tonight took a ehol at hint and ml«<ed him, but hit a bliml white man, Clyde Pence, ncwi pe per aalcaman. Pence «u hit in Uic hip and badly hurt, but will recover. It la thought. The woman »u locked up. The (trwet, filled with a Saturday mgtn crowd, waa a bedlam juit after the •hooting MRS. C.C. JOHNSON CLAIMED BY DEATH Mothar of Rtv. E. N. Johnaon Passed Away Saturday At 1 >30 P. M. The funeral of Mm. Laura A. Johnson, mother of Rev. E N. John ion, pattor of thr Pint Bspurt church of Dunn, who died Saturday after noon at 1:30 o'clock, was conducted from th« Johnson home at Dclway, Sampson county, Sunday aftcriroon at 2:30 o'clock and mtcrm. nt vrn« made It. the family cemetery, near, by. The funeral w» conducted by Bov. T. H. King, pastor of the First Baptist church of Clinton, and w«k attended by a large crowd ai sorrow ing friends and rslativac. The floral offerings ware- prof as c and beautiful, and showed in a small way the high setastn in which deceased was hold by her acquaintances- Mr. King paid glowing and beautiful tribute to Mrs. Johnson. Deceased eras in her 67th year, and was the widow of the 1st* C C. John son, who preceded her to the grave nine years. She Is rorvivsd by tan children, three of whom are leading Baptist ministers of the Stole. The surviving chi Id rat. arc: Dr. Walter N. Johnaon, pastor of the First Baptist church. Kings Mountain; Mrs D. 8. Matthias and Mss. Robert Ward. ■mm m Ihe Baptist church at Bolero**; Mrs. W. R. Stephens and Idiuu Roby C. Johnson and NadJnr Johnson, of Delway. Deceased had been in ill heslth (or several months end hrr death was not unexpected. She had been a loyal member of Delwmy Baptist church (i»ce exriy life, and while of a quiet, unassuming nature, she took first in ters* in her church and her bcauti ful traits of character endeared her to all with whom the came in can taet. As one who knew her stated, “She was retiring in nature, a hard worker, never complained, always smiled, even when she was weeping.” One of the things which brought Joy iata her life was the fact that she had given three sons to the ministry. Mother of Two Girls Is Sentenced To Jail Oxford, Mov. 20.—Lucy Kfrtwood, to <0 years of age, and wrinkled aad torn by debauchery, was found guilty in Qrecisvilla County Superior Court of conduct unbecoming a wo man while residing in Oak Hill town ship. .Judge Devin gave her an *rt determined sentence of two yean in the coanty jail, and later Instructed Judge Hunt, cleric of court, to demand the anrremler ef her two children to turn ciuuay ana iar nor u> irin wc State by th* flret of DMombar. Tho woman haa twa pretty little daughter*, 10 ami 13 yaan of ago raapcotively. They war# tent out to th* County Hem* for the Aged and Infirm until Judge Hunt can find •am* one to adopt and ear* for thorn. They an bright Vila girl* and U glean a chance thoy will bring mUri ah In* to any Chriatian home. Mr. 8am Daniel, the big-heart* ■uparintaadeot of th County Horn* MlaU* bow the two liUle girli (pan their brat ntght at th* County Home After they bad been bathed and prop , arty gowned, Mr*. Daniel* gave then ■ • comfortable room and bad will t freak aheeti and pillow*. Before re tiring th* two Mttl* Miter* fall opoi 1 their knee* and with upturned fee* I Implored Cod to return their moth* . to thorn. The prayer* touched th ■ haute mt Mr. aad Mr* 8am Denial 1 uad they gathered the little one* t : their arum and another them th* bai . thoy eould. f Again the 1KU. girt* fad upon th* i, knaa* aad thanked Ood for thoir are d ly found father aad mother. -I ' Thaa* children muat hay* a (had i, te'tha world," auU Mr. Danl* an t*hat ha my* gwaa. 0 ANOTHER MAN IS FLOGGED IN NASH Henry Gardner, Prominent Cit izen. Carriad Into Wood. And Whipped Rocky Hunt Nor. SO.—The aec oml flogging to take pUc« la Nash county with la almost aa many weeks occurred Wednesday night, acsord irg to aothcttk reporta reacting hers from Naahriile, .when jHvnry Gardner, member of a prominent family of the county was taken from the home of Annie Vlverette, a young woman who resided in Cooper's town ship. carried some distance the woods and giver, a lathing. Reports state that the young wo man, association with whom is cimmod lo have rauecd the flogging, was aoia td by th* band and taken along to witness the flogging, which Gardner is quoted saying consisted of twenty lashes across the back. The ^ekao rnan for the band is alleged to have for her to leave the county, while the young man »u given a lecture In addition to the whipping. The ban.l is reported la have ben made up of forty or fifty persons, «JI of whom are said to have been mashed. The account received here rtmes that several members of the liornl celled at the home of Annie Vivcrrtte about midnight and stated that they were leaking far her end Gardner, whom they foand at the house. Both were handled into can and taken by a circuitous rente to some exactly undetermined spot in the woods where the flogging was administered anil the woman given a warning to leave. According to In formation received this morning, aha tad taken no steps to carry out the warning Negro Farm Agent Is Continued In Harnett ..1 demonstration agent. The allowance i "■** discontinued by the board at Its , October meeting. Aaa D. Herring in Ihe agent in Harnett. The balance of his salary is paid by the State and IV ticral go vert, men t. L. X. Hall, negro district deraonsra tion agent, with others, want before the board and asked that the allow ance be granted in erder that the agent might be continnod. Hall aak **• The Dispatch to express his thanks tr. the board for thoir decision in the matter. Governors To Meet Again December 13 Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 2—Governor Pinched tonight forwarded to the gov ernors of anthracite consuming states the record of the conference held hero last Monday to consider means of reducing coal priest and at invi tation to the kxsetstivaa to mast bare again December 13 to conridcr far th«7 plar-s for relief 'Trem the present extortion h. anthracite." The governor alee sent a detailed statement of the plan far a compact of states to regulate the hard coal industry through a proposed Joint commission, which ha outlined at the meeting here. Thanksgiving Day la Observed In France Paris, Nov. ao.—America's Tkanka gtvlag Day has had an increasing significance for the French time the w*r and is becoming almost a Flench festival. The spirit and purpose of rta cetr b ration have so imp remit the French ehurc* authorities that Montignor Ohaptal, tha Oo-Adjator of Cardinal Duhois, arranged for a solemn high mass in tha Church of St. PWrrt Do Challlot under the presidency of the Cardinal sad in tha presanea of Am bassador Henrriek and rapreaaata Uvaa of America a atgasdmadene la Paris. The purpose of the mam. It 1 area announced, was to “associate French Catholics with tha American i festival of Thanksgiving Day." A special servlet tree hold in the r American Cathedral wfdk Dona Beocfc » naan, officiating. Ambassador Ha-* 1 risk and Consul Gaseral Thackare > ligtdftsd their iistsatioa of being The Farts post of the Americas • Legion planned a dinner dance for - last r.lght Marshal Foch sad Asdss aadut Herrick wars Invited. Turko] d ripai hotels and at Mm various Amsr lean clubs. Mr. Beaman At Home In Mr. tided near early Wednesday lllncet of tmarly a Mr. Jordan't from home on temoon and on hit i o'clock, he fonnd to g* up and died could bo umnouil Mr. Jordan out j ace and had boon tick with diabetes. Ha dul>| dren. Mourn. Ernest Jor-1 dan, and two and Ik Jonlaa. It what arranfomanta for the fnnerai, bat that ha «HI be •—Clinton RABID DOG LETTER W. W. Car riar. By A W. W. W«k», city loot* No. Z, woo •log Saturday, taking the Hit dog which hit Mr. to Arthur WilWon, homo with Mr. and He attaekod'Mr. riding a bicycle la homo, biting him of the ri0rt band. It waa not known the dog waa rabid, tt however, that the day and ho wan r* aa lalindiili Doha highway on th Mr Week, boon killed to Ponry Codwta, who Item tear tha paint teta Da rated dag raa ran dawn fay the «> and kilted. , Hr. Godwin had Ua dog kilted at >ooa M lie laarnd teat the dog that >it Mm waa rated. Otter* who own Jogs that war* bitten fay tha rabW log abooid follow Mr. Godwin's ox ample. It waa fortonatc that more people •ore not bitten by the rah Id dog, as »e was allowed to ran »t large for >ev*ral day* after h* hod fahtea Mr. Wrnka REUGKMJS CLASH OCCURS AT OTEEN Two AHwgwd Mratera at Km Klux SaM To Htn Dr amaead Two Catholic* Asheville, Doe. investiga tion of religion i pia)odir *a among ex-aarviea man at Otate Hospital baa bean mads fay agamte Of the Do-1 partmamt of Jostte* as a remit of a recant attack on two OfathoBc pa. tlexta by two other patients claiming to bo member* of tha Xrights of the Ko XIox Xian, it was learned Fri day. T nw neotke, of PMiaoiiphia, end Virgil Tibbetts, of Della, Qa., wore the two patients daladng to be KUntmea and who, It I* alleged la raHsd and verbally ale**d the two patient* who are CetheUeg, the re porta dlaeleee. ■nrl T. Veneel of Wheeling, W. Va. and A. 1. SeuUaa, «f Phliadel 1*1*. are the tore mac who were the parties to which the hitler damn not ation of the Cwthobo dhaceh waa de iwotod by tho tare paMeWH, it was an nounced. Tlodtke and TlbMIi faced the dia eharga board obargad «dth diaahadi cnaa to oidars, adniuaia* and Ithg drank, aa It la aBagad th«|r wane ow dor the taflvaace at *W«*ey at the Mae they land ted the two Catholics. Both wore dttttgrgad, caH waa fwaad that travel weald not latarfera with their health or fete re treat we ad. .Venact waa dltahantd «tt Ntnw bar It, the moralag after Mb Unable at Hla awn ragaaat- Baetf waa trarw ferrad to another ward. Lattots written by Bcallah to Ml ‘“Buddy." wBam bo wya it hla hub ar la FMIedelpMa, la whl* ha an preaoad fear farhUUfsaad -y-1~“ that Mm naMftad that U< ■Jan had mark ad Ma, hi ana* any thing ahoold happen, war* anataaw da Rev. Father B t. Crania, of Bol moat Abbey, who It Battened a Otaen. They war* mat to Ran. Fathe Oreals by Baa. Fatter Oaraacan, far SOUTH EXCEEDS RED CROSS QUOTA Atlanta, Ntr. *0—With MS «Maa aa«l town* In tha South eallli* |ha r*U. Bod Croat official* at Sodthora DWigion HmdqaarUrs aep that report* fram alt aoetioaa Indicate the fall •a rollmcnt will entred tha IM.OM qaote. Enrollment by Metre, a* ghown bp prottmiaarp report* from about oge thbd af the chapter* la tha Soatb, I* ag fallow*: North Carolina, 29.099; 8**th Carolina. S.7M; Taaneaaet. ««4I»; Ooor*ia, 11429; Florida, **, **®S Alabama, lt.OM; Ntggugippl, •49*1 Lootdaaa, 1*411. Total to date, 141,00* The Roll Can k Mill ■a profreta aB ever the Sooth and ae report* hoe* jrot hooa Terete* d from 111 ciUeg. Thoomgville, N. C-, a town of d.000 Boa* to roach Ha quoin, rspsrtiig I.OW mens ban enrolled on Mreem' ber 14*. Stwuh, On., has report ed 4,400; New Oaleaas. 8,040; At lama, 11,444; Mnutagham. 7,444; Montgomery, t,444; AshrettW, 2,404; Tansy a, 4.444; Miami, 1,404; Chatta nooga. 2,000; M ■ Tap hi i. 4,440; Orem wood, A C., 1,440; Jackson, Miss., 1.B00. Sixty 4ve par cant ef tbs chap ter sohmtoting preliminary reports ■how a pais in their *rst reports over thalr last yesr’s total saroilmaat ‘'Final reports of this year's enrall ossnt ht the Bomh.” mid Joa C. Lo gan, *NCA#a amnagnr. “•« *ee that the Boa* M stUl prepared through Nt vide Bad Ooee msmber ship to moot aaesaasfatly any rear North CbfoKb* iUnltt i I it d^lif II i - — Other Mm **• m41h her are Niv Yarh, fiatif^ raw, Illinois, KJcMgHi and Okh > milieu dollar*. Tobacco maaefastaron f.«* North Carotins her high poaHicm. She pay* more than tore* as Mck as any other itata an that manufactured product, her total being 6116,170,126.24. Th* income and pradta tax totalod IIB.1S4.7S4.76 and mwcoOsnaasu taxes f 1*1,161,66142. Thirteen Dry Agents Killed In Line Of Duty Washington, Hoc. 2-—In the 16 months ending with the month of Sep tember. 12 prohibition enforcement agents wort killed and *6 injured 1). 1ms! doty, Prohibition Commlasion *t Hayaas said today in a summary of th* baresa’s activttla*. Property dsstroyad, in tb* way of illicit stills, liquor* and compound*, was werth 14,121,600. Thors also was seised, bat not destroyed, prop erty reload st 69,012,000, asm of which is awaiting court action, while the balance is raprsasatsd by atito mohflea, motor boats, and vhrtous other materials. Mrs. Wilson Left. $6,000 By Employ* WwUniMn, Kor. H—Mn. Edith BoUia« Wilean. wit* of former Prot idont Wilaon, Is Dm oob locate* nomad la tho wU of Henry C. Barr helmer, manacer at th* jewelry etor* owned by her, who died la Atlantic City October 16. R**h*liB*r loft an aauua reload at I6.00C, accord!nc to th* petition far btiam teetaaaatary S1*H hi tho Protot* Court hy Hi* Wilaon. Re*. btUaar had boon la employ of th* etnt* for waay yaera Tho yotNtoa aot forth that Bor* boiawr wa* dlroreod <n Biehmand, Va, la IMS by Mi*. Last** R. Bar*, hvimor, who data ha* remarried. Dow ial »*. B^Shoim**, a aon, and Ade laide L. Maddan, a daajhtar at «M daaaaaad. are not maatiaaad la tiw witt. . aarr priat, who raeeirad than* fna th* actional laieot, edflaar, Vatarai of r*m%* War*. Calaael Jam** R. Mttjar, madia* attftoar la aha** at Otaa, daaeHhai afllead ia e»**i at Otaaa, deaeHba ito trash I* aa. •<ii*sl ia a tea h* teanafarrad la aaother waad. a ha faarai far Me misty Ba waa aa - rased hy Ceiaaal Millar that ha wood . aat he rnalamad. Fireman Killed in RjkflnMd Accident Kaeferd, Koe. 9C—June* In, trowioa. IWnleM, N. C., yiiUiday «N killed when the engine et the freigfe train an which be wm warkiag tanwd tempi c4dy error an the Abor deaa and Kerkfteh, 11 Mile* waet at hare. The engineer and kiak* man ctempoJ witheM injary, eeceni ing to report* toochiag ban. The ape* when the wreak occurred ia la on Ualootad aectien end Ml detail* of the aerldoa* are lack lag. NEED MORE BEDS IN SANATORNJMS that art for white people, tba at the Mp« thrUbi of thv lam. tho 04 boria at tb* eonatp aanatarlaia at tba rojvyth aanatoriaa. Ia tba M private the Start* dura are bl tSeata bat these aval Labi* for Wav. Ike Taka malaria fma^orfumtnitmm u —r~*-Tf toWgnat program far treating tubar ndam. That b why the North Caro lina Tnb areal odo aaoocUtien in plan ning tha taberetiloaU program far tha •date nay* that there mam he not only mere bade at dm State Senate r >«ua bat than muft be reality uaa tortaaa with aafflcJent had* to meet local Boadi A number ef town* and touiim hare been able la preeido bed* at the State lanatorium to help meet tbeir local ueede through the *aio of Taberculoau ChrUtnm* Seal* and thoir direct appreprfatioaa for iadi vIdeal patient*. The health dapari ■Mmt of the Woman'* dub of KnlolgU aialntala* three bed* at the Sana torium for the treatment of RoMgh patient* through fund* raUod from •riling ChrUtmne Seal*. J. Walter Stewart Gets Severs Blow In Dark Taeaday night abort PJQ aa Hr. J. Walter Stewart waa returning from Sanford, on hk trad with hu[ driver, Elijah McLean, colored, they had hoan having oaree tire trouble and Mr. Stewart had tho driver to atop aad jart oat of town at the interaction of th Johnson i IHo^read W axamtea the faalty tire. Jaat aa Mr. Stewart (Upped from the track ha waa struck with, aa In strument od aoaao kind jart above Wo left eye, the blew kaaekteg htei an conscious. Ilia driver called to Mr. Stewart aad ha didn't answer, so ha ™ to him, picked him ap and carri ed Mm homo. Neither Mr. Stewart nor the negro a** tha person who delivered tho Mow, they ecy, tho negro not oven kimwtag Mr. Stewart wa* hart aatfl bo faflod to nuowor hie <*ll. Mr. Stew, art narar regained nmnlnaaiu tflf after ho waa carrtod homo. Mr. Stewart aaya ha dose aat know teaSHa tha ottaalrtag party waa white or black.—Maiaott Oounty «• ^WWuSrtr Two Pifawsii Escape From Chain Gang Two a agio pah earn eeretog an WBaaa on tho Harriott eovaty abate gang ovarpowoToi a guard, task hh got., aad escaped Batarday, It to mid One af the a agrees was named Mkch el aad the MUr Hast, acseeding fa i P 11 served. They hare aat keen-ay tmli ‘S' VETCH GOOD CORN OOP ___ —*_5_- J*"' *«rt k • m4 K. C. Stair. . i«< H £• ' V .!• •7, »«* ?5

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