—EB 1 ' -i And Matthew Proved Equal To The Task Spring Branch, (Dunn R. No. )), Dec. 10.—The colored people of this community are Indebted to the effort* of Matthew William* for a school building to wMch they may *on<! their jonng. Matthew live* ami farm*, really farms, on Mr*. Norcrtl* Tew'* place and on Sunday's lashes old king split-hoof for the edification of hi> race. Now Mat has 10 children of school age, beside* of course, several younger ones; he Uvea live miles from the public school and did net want to move from where he lives, al though ho found It very Inconvenient to carry the kids to and from school. Mahomet, In this case, brought the mountain to himself The county would give him a teacher if hv could dnd a house- and twenty-five pupils. Mat. looked 'round for n site and for holp to build a house. Mrs. Tew gave the site and neighbors of both colors gave money to the amount of about *200, which Matthew added to as need arose until he had bulk a bouse costing about six hundred dol lars. This building grew from naked ground to completion in three weeks end now houses a teacher and about U pupils. Good work, so the neigh bors eay. D. R LEK. *¥•_Slf. . ■ svi . a TTinuon Lay Llaini To Body Of Dead Man New Bern. Dee. 7—The rose of Oecar B. Barton, traveling man who died suddenly in a local hotel ysster dsy morning, took a new tarn to day when a t»1egnun was rcceicd by M»y°j Edward Clark from a woman in Cooleeenee who signed herself "Mr*. Oscar B. Barton,” requested that the remains of Barton he held here. • A woman who was with Barton at the time of Ms death and who arid the wee Me wife left New Bern last night carrying the remains to Liber ty HUI, Texas, which she gave as her original home. Dan ah aw, local undertaker who handled the ease, wir ed the Cooleomee woman to that ef fect. but tonight had heard nothing more front her. The woman who was with Barton gave the appearance of being comfortably wealthy. A few bears after He death rise eotareem rated with her home in Texas for funds. Her father, ptsaumahly, wired her 1500 to defray the expenses of ending the remains to Texas. She told a newspaper man before leaving here that her husband bad be so drinking for the past few days A physician aaid heart trouble which resulted from this woe responsible for Ms death. **i*tlzrar ‘ »°H <*»> "Yeasum, he’s a good providah all right, bat I’m alius sheered dal nig gar*a gwino er git caught at It’. •P—b^m■ Conserve Tim* And Energy of Coolidge Washington, Dee. I.—Aasthsi measure ta conserve tha Usee ant tha snergy of the President will bi introduced In tha White Hams* thh weak by limiting tha engagements el tha Executive on Tuesday and Pii day—the Cabinet days—ta thass par sons having official business ta tnaa act. act. The nsw piss has bean worked out by C. Baseom Stamp, secretary ta tha President, to supplement aa arrangement bo pat into effort err. crol weeks ago whereby aa set en gagements are scheduled far tbs aft ernoons and which haa allowed Mr. Coolidge bis afternoons free to the work of his office and ta call in Cabi net members for ccntsrsoae The afternoon arrangement is hold by Secretary Slump to have had math ta do in allowing Mr. Coolidge ta gat his message ta Congress template! more than a weak in advance of do lieary. Under tha (new plsee ns sailers wishing merely to pay their rejects will be permitted on Toes days and Fridays. nt ml * Ol Dig vjrvwui lu unowu By Wilmington Harbor Wilmington, Dae. 7.—That the number of ehipe making the port of Wilmington ie steadily inereaaing it indieated by the enatoma houae rec ord*. During the part month the tonnage of the ahipe entering and clearing from WUmngtoa totaled 7«r 047, as age net 68.710 for Maoamhar, 1KI, a gain of 19.811 tone is fewer of the peat month orer the onto month loot year. The tonnage of the naib entering last month from foreign and fame tic amounted to 34,640; the teenage of thoaa ci earing for feeuign and do* meet* porta was 48,181. la Nareeat* ber, 1922, the flgnrea vere: Vemeie clearing for foreign and HaiaedHr porta, 88,874; Tamila artiring hen foreign arid domestic porta, 84,464. A moat sdheiantiai gala waa shown ht the tonnage of reaaeia elmdaf foreign this year tm thoaa ad No* vender, IMS. La* Meath fee tonsjqye af the foreign dearancM were 41,181 aa apitt bat IS,17 4 fee tha aana watt last year. Tha oat gain was 11.S17 toon. "One mllhoa pecan tnaa far anat atn Carolina la tha next four yaaia may sound 19m aa amUtaoua pro gram. hak tt la worthy of fulfillment. A good dart haa been made by agrl ewltrami aataaalen worker. thU fall. InitSathre Or Drudgery lb iu in tha mms old rat and triad ta the aame old nay, ia all right far the ln< bone ia a power propall lag way, or far the shuttle in a laadiaatial way, bat the day for tha tench.r without inktiv. k “gone forever." To quota Henry rend: "JUpKlliva •Hn the doing of one thing over aad over again and ahrmya ia the name old way—to a terrifying proa paat to tha miad of a certain ckaa of human betaqp." Although to ono ckaa of tha human miad thought la beyond imagination. To dt down, dink through and aoivo oat never dawna aw thia dam af mind, yet yea eee them every day. It k vary yathatte that tha average paraaai war.to tha “jab" with little Physical exertion and ahava all be daaa not want ta have ta think ia any farm af tha work. To tha im «**ve mind, drag aad drudgery aad rut driving ia ariad etminlr* and nerve wrecking- The teacher no well m all other type* af laboring people —and oven more an to fifty par cant handicapped who cannot meat and aoivo dally atbrnttona aa they are oonftontod in tha akm room. Thera ia a clam af puhlk worker* (aoma teacher, oven) who hare the inia dvo or cranttv. typea of mind and who thoroughly abhor monotony- Tkaea are vary apt ta tmnglrn that ah other mlnda are likewiaa reatlMi, problem aeMng, help seeking, progreasive. damning. and therefore have no ayro pnthy for tfed atari or wewma who day by day perform, the same old tank in tha am aU way. Can you dt down aad be parfaedy content while the work is inernaalag on your dally taakT Can you ignore the )da *e be don* and aay that to morrow k plenty of date in which to do Do you mi M Out you •ft juot bound U aun n or moro outT I>o«» your mind «*ot throb or your pula# over moro tpnal a took that It to b* dona, whom it mm that aome poop I* have forgotten their taak and oach day joct atipe on ao tho tun rolla by? If iM. you naod to gu m bow grip oa ycmaaolf aad your taak. Lai pour unrfc bo made lighter by ftndlag a bpar way to livo each day that naoL Tho bop* of tomorrow la baaad oa dho thought* of today earriad out ad tomorrow'* taak. Some peep)* think and nothin* more. Some work and Direr think. But bo who worka and tbinha at tho mint time it tho one who movoo up and out of th* old drudgery of hfe and make* Hfa worth Bala*. MoV» each day** work a now took. Put into H a new thought aad you will get out of it renewed energy and aeal tar your work. It 1* impoaaOtle to make or end taro ahjoeta exactly alfka. N richer can you do two daya* 11———mmm—0——am work exactly alike. Ho who trice it ku failed before be begin*. Mix a little energy with a few spazka ef cethaalsms, poar in a little active thinking end yea wDI tad yeoreelf fail wt the in halve to meet any taak within the bcatds of year gaoiti—. Try to do the took a little hotter ty patting ooaw of your own ponooaal* My with it, then toeing the tank Va rear we llkonooe yon will learn to love it oo ooooothing ef year own. Haro ia the position of one with out Inhaler i I wiah 1 waa a little rock, A-eltUn* cm the Mil, . I wouldn’t do a single thing, Bat keep o-dttln’ still. I wouldn’t oat, 1 wouldn’t sleep, I wouldn’t or oo wash, I wouldn’t do a bloomin’ thing Bat root myself, b’gooK Who wants to be the rock a-idtin* oo the WHt Too >n them overy day. U to often mid It will taka a big man (mentally) in hold down each sad meh a job. But 1 say a u*=!i aua or woawH (Me withoat • (iwlm *W) *«i Md dam a *»C Uijr jet, wHnotlMM. and faifidi it* far Ufa. It taka* ten* or.r with (ludrami and inwiilt) to i'.rld up a “Jab" ia order to kaoa it tr.oviui at • matnaklo apaad. Walk Christmas Buying > ■'. A 4 Made Ea£y Again the time has arrived whedk the problem of buy ing Christmas Gifts must be reckAied with. We are pre pared to replace your confidencewith the best gift ideas and the best gift values. / II We have gone the limit this year in stocking a selection of gifts which will make yoOt Christinas shopping easy. Our large and Select line ofjfifts includes something suit able for Father, Mother, Wpe, Husband, Brother, Sister, | Sweetheart, an^ last but nSt least, the little folks in gen eral. All the oldiines have/been replenished and fortified with the newest un every/respect We sue offering this y/sar many new Ideas in tjih Suggestions and alt our goods are of the heat production, the finest made, and to early buyers we offer thlm at uh usually low cost. The happy a reimplement of EASY GIFT BUYING comes to those whl make their selections from our large and varied stock. \ I Visit our Toyla^ and place your Christmas orders ■ early. Don’t let others get the first and best selections. s Come and get them yourself. ' F1TCHETT DRUG CO., DUNN, —. NORTH CAROLINA 0 . i ■ i ■«■=■■■ ih,rir■■■'«■ .i I ” * I * r' N CARDUll! The Woman*! Tonic JJ i; I;: ■ i !! \ n ;; ’ '' : t'Z'Zi :: For, i pPs ; lection i: ■ * ► ? vSm'T] ! | ; i i* :: i *s??s :; gim, i;: safe : «/ i • f | A Special Menu Fr j P§ === Holidays -—— Flowers ' Ferns Candlesticks Candles Smoking Stands Smoking Cabinets Budoir Lamps Odd Lamp Shades Table Lamps Reading Lamps Floor Lamps Dinner Wagons g5Fjgf CARRIAGES t \ DOLL ■ j 2 gJsrfit ^ U&K *. j j Vjv ~ 8 Li j BED ROOM FU S FINISHED The Fa H Fayettevi -- -r--1ITn-ra—j—

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