DUNK iEGFLE WILL EN'jb i BIG PAGEANT CHRISTMAS NIGHT Will Be Prc.enUd at First Bap tist CF.urch by the Senior B. Y. P. U. THIRTY-FIVE CHARACTERS EXCLUSIVE OF THE CHOIR Tho Public la Cordially Invited To Attend. Program Will Begin At 7t3U O'clock. Pag eant Will Portray Meaning of Tho "Perfect Gift." "The time i ncnr, tse birth of Christ; Tin moon l. hiiUdlir night is still. Tho Christmas holla from hill t.i hill Answer each othei in the midst— "Poach and good-will, pood will and pvutc; Pridv And j;tn>«i-wi|! «, nil mnnkind. Ohrucrw, is hr or, Christmas the tim« of joy ang the angels appearing to the shep hc.de. as they watched their flocks, and also of the Magicians presenting their gif#j to the Ilwbe, will add much lo the vividness of the story. Toe play, "Why The Chimes Rang," portraying tho' "Perfect Gift” is a most thrilling, graphic, picturesque and aaciad drama, carrying a beau ' t'fnl and touching ;to.y.- Proceed h I I", m; .... Tn/ about twenty will be I4:»u«?«v*4 l»y Ihc church orchffira lmm*iltlrljr following iho the poj? •ant proper will The eloctn cal effccta, together with beautiful coitomerf iiflct muaic will be intei woven into U’c »tory. making h iic* preative. T.ic public i* roMially invite*! to attend. .Nu a.tmlMon fea nor ipocta) collection will be taken. JERE PEARSALL IS . CLAIMED BY DEATH End Came Tuesday Afternoon And Funeral Was Con Ducted Wednesday The funeral of Jcrc Perusal), who died Tuesday afternoon at * o’clock in the Pittman hospital, Fayetteville, w.ts conducted from the Pearsall home. West Pcarurll street, Wedncs day afternoon at 8 o’clock. The ser vico who conducted by Rev. A. R. Me Qneon, (motor of the Dunn Presby terian church, ami the remains were irtirml in Greenwood cemetery with Masonic honote. The pall-h«ar«rs Homy r.. Eeo, Ralph Wide, Ralph Parker, Ralph R. Koous, L. C. Exsoll, Geo. P. McKay, K. F. Howard and Em I Its rvfoot. The floral offering was one of the most profuse and beautiful ever seen here, and showed in a small way tit* high e»te*m In which the deceased was held. A Urge (■umber of puople attended the funer al and rtrcompsnied the mrutln* to Ibcir last resting place. While the deceased had been III fftr tw.A msal. Ul. .h.JUIa. —.... t.A« ron*l*l«rrcil serious until Saturday of lm»t woch whan he waa taken to the ‘io*(iitai. The hnnnedlsrt* eauae of hla ilrnth waa blood poison. Mr. Pearsall was 31 year* of ago ami I* survived by h'» widow, hti father. Mr. Jams* reiirtal), a «top-mother and Iwe brother*.—William MclC. Praraall, of . Uuaa, ai.d Robert Petroail. of Ra lelgh. M - if. Pearsall befora hor mar dago to the dceearod a little more than a year ago. waa Mlaa Virginia tilhbe, daughter of Rev. Dr. and Win. J. T. Gibbs, of Clayton. ■fore Poaraall, as ho waa known to hla friends, was of a quiet, unaaaam ing nalgrr, which won for him the friendship of hla acquaintances. Hr had hewn engaged bKh Sis father for Ike pom two yoara In tho opera tion of fho Broad Street PUIIr* sta tion, here. He waa a hard worker, at tentive to hie boaineea, and wia what might ho tomwgt a model young hoai nots man. Ho had far saver*) r>vi toe* a Uavotod meu*er of tho local Believe Daniels Is Bryan’s Dark Hora Washington. Der. 18.—"The .-afV itorto from Dixie” who is hs-:ng groomi-d by William J oinings Bryan for the Democratic Prenidi-nHai nom ination is believed to be foir.ier 8rf rKury of the Nnvy Josephus Dani.-i of Noith Carolina. At leant, Mr. Un'i iel* is the iiim of several usually wvll Informed Southern Ss-naton, who argue that ths former Sm-.vuiiy is about the only public inui. a ;he South who mesaures np to tl»e Bry an standard especially in lh« mallei of prohibition. Of all the bore dry* in America they declare, none U more so titan Mr. Daniels. Besides, the fo>. mer 8ccr*tary ami the Common.-, Iinvs- been the closest of friends for years. Mr. Daniels' friend* however, be lieve he will not become a candidate even at the aoliollattoii of bit oM friend, Mr. Bryan. Hs is believed to favor MoAdoo, and if Mr. Daniels entered the race It, might embarrass Mr. McAdoo and probably lose him liime Southern delegates. Noith Caro lina is on* of the Southern states claimed by the McAdoo machine. FORD ANNOUNCES HE WILL NOT RUN Plcd[n HU Support To Preai doat Coolidge For HU Rw-Election Detroit, Dec. It)—llcnry Ford 10 ilay declared he, “like a great major ity of tho American people," fools that the country la “safe with Cool i'bte”' and that he bimx-lf would never consider running against Mi. Cool id gc on any ticket. “I believe it ia the wise and natur al thing for the people to agree on the nomination ana election of Mr. Coolidge,” Mr. Ford said. “1 am aa( lifted that ninety per cent of the people fowl perfectly safe with Cool atge and 1 tael, toe, that the coantry is perfectly mfe with Him. And If this is the feeling of the country, why changeT pa mrr. vmmmci Ul shown In the**-1 month* of service a crust many qual ities that ahouid picas* his country man. I think they *11 feel that Hr. Cooliiig* mcana to do right. Ami when a man means to do right, so far a< I have observed, K is usually quit* easy for him to tnd the way to ilo right. “Some people seem disturbed over the conditions which bmdnr-e* will face during the Presidential election year. Of course, there must he an eloction. But there is no reason why business should be disturbed by it. If the people hy common consent agree they will hold to a pood man wh/Ie they have him. Public sentiment ! can be so formed Ion* before Utc election the*'there should be oo doubt about the election. Should Not Campaign “In addition to oonaidcring the In ternal* of the people, we should eon rider the Interest* of the Preisden* as head of lha American government. President Coolidge has a posit’on of i the highest responsibility. He should not feel compelled to take any of his lime or strength for any sort of political campaigning, and for the sake of the country aa well aa for his own sake, be should not have to do so." Asked concerting the are of hi? own name in connsetlon with the Presidency, Mr. Ford said: “No man has a right to my he never will consider public office, nor accept public office No maa can pre dict his own acts and feeling* so strongly as that. But this I will say, that I would never for a moment think of running against Calvin Cool dig* for President, on any ticket whatever. In this present situation I •tu for Coolidge.” Dr. ColtnuM Honored By New York Hoepital The friende of Dr. W. E. Coltrano. of Dunn, will be InterwaWtl to loam of the special preference yiven ktm by th# Mow Tork PoaUynulijalr Mctll cal Bo bool and lloopital by plerlnv him oa the opr ratine Waff, do* to lit' monotratod ability. Ilia work i* with Ika moat noted auryeona of America and when hr haa completed hi* pon rrmloatc rourar he will ho fally ne -c eoo.l in thr Vii^i.'U; •. .*•, Thu lei 9* iry .»• i*rjnt' cf D lioil^c**' i ‘■•i.iiii lc lit-* off ».v in t; - freut la.* lion .« «| ; »••»» litut* ter: •‘Dr. > • «r«l M. Dodrf*- * .*• rated prcx.ihM of t**« R)rl Art'-ont of Uo./'Mor ui tie Annurh mccliu,r la-t rashl mi tV kallto-igm c! Ihr Ua«nl*».r *>f (Wiimttf;. Dr A • ll»ur is. '«*. i. a ley ;\a- elrddl fln*. vice pifKiovri. :.«:••* L*'. William I. Hijfe*ns. »wro • v»iv-|fr*i*i»ie.it. “Ti urU-.o c)« cte*»l were D.. Vhfti,* iU4 U&n i*on. Dr. J. K. Unit, I)r. Gai celt Kr'tion, Dr. D. T. June*. ar*| D lyA. Ho*i|fr. Whir. Dr. Frt**l h . Wiln*f a nut tailed at the January «u.*Lwir he KutoiMUicaJy becomes w ; -1 boa id **n«*»nl« h 4t».:«f>rj i*v (••rt’.nfcat pern a»*u ul*eu>t»rK them. tiu rnont irt>f)jrtx*nt liuiini'M w«m (V- report of the romii’itVr of on toe pro Yiioplr .»f Sci«’ii(*o .mil A»i, for vvtrir! p:*** fcavi* .**.?:« ilr.Ku, It wu*» *tnU»i! thfri t'-.r pro.Titian n«j iiuli v•«!U4f 1, in Oi!li :•■ V f.riuf. of A. 04*0.tty cl 4c«tj«*tat» .i»*.y bcLor/i^ hirrolxtr* of Inc Temple of Hr «»:cc* n id Art*, but II «;o .*V»I. Uicy r*i • meeting of uil* Ac«. rmy of M*:«*.r.nc b* i‘i In li t* but t i#y ^ il iot Cttjoy ti {ollit r pr!vib^n-v. T.k* ieoc;t Tern* ultiiv<| ci> J... /wwi> elected truitc«*>. * iVy to*: ion a ■ I coiirjf!crc front two o: Ihtcc d.flVre.it |v on. nlon^ thefc Jour i;c}\ Tii» ent.,-* oeUlt .tax plated uri.trI « *800 bo:.d lor appcumnei! nt re eo trier*! roe ft, b-jt it i« not cxpecte*’ t'jat they will appear. Youthful Rul&rc Are r*Kwi!eJ From Greece London, Di*r. JR—Tl.r (j.wk |ia ton, whieli in rum yimu !ui< auf XnrWl an mu ly dyrnitlc rluuirv*, wit lohnn»* again lie without a Stliu and U'Utli't Owv npritry of the &!■*•! Admiral CotmdovrletU. who titled ( i ml!«r lol* in Iti3.!). Ti'o njilii'oiun* of thin loveloi* moot fiom the rirloty of ;h« l.ihtr ala nod Republican^ Ml luc toeon election hen arto.dahv'd »v«i Ihr Onel people, aeutfnmed u they are VO ri eo'rirg poiit tal conrolaiona. Aerat'd Ins to the Ationa prvaa iho Kisg* abteneo will ho regarded a* "lonve' pending tho fotuie decision of th nationnl axeemhly But the goncra hollo! ia that wlien the king ani quaoa depart for Bucliaroat tomoi mow. another king will have dlaap vhared for good from tha rapin', diminishing number af Europe* thrower. KARREUFAttr.n i . IN REUNffll HERE ' Mat To ColabraUMpofetaama! Of Tba { Monday. DecembcriB, IMS, vu tlw oar no*n)rxtlLh Acaftnary «f th< I birth of tb* MU Ilr. Bw 1. Har rell. of Dunn. Oa UiuBglM, all ol :h<- .arvlvlng ni<-mbeBy tbe imano •liulc family and otbojBjf Bee grand children, amembled ir,Ahn to hold * wimily reunion and dgfcaWhi'ate the c.'nU nnial of the birti^Xfhc hood of the family. 3g Thr gathering mrt^Hiho Young*! I.oUl, and by SuinUJMftaryioon aO l ad arrived. The elvr eomyuy iat ended the Sunday m^B aortrlooa BI tile I'irat Baptin ciAAeVf which 1 Ilr. Harrell ami M* had been '■n.mbere aince their ^Smidencc ia lijrm—more than tafdk year* The oat-of-town v|Jki were aa fuilvwe: Mr* Ida HordjT*< Clayton; Mrs. Roaa dtollar, awpBr. W. P. He retl. of Portemoud^Xp.; Mr* J. L. Hhvi, and JaughyM Miaa Annie outlie Hinca, of Ctajjpi Mrs. Jaa Mmlnc Ptoaeant* of/jBtfton-Bolem; a.i-l Mr. and Mra. A.jl Harrell, of P.'.criberg, Va. On Monday morningu h* following p.ogiwm «ru given at t ft Young'. Ho ld. Os thie oceaMon RgR P. Young >vr,l hi*daaghter, MlnglpfroUe, kl»d l> - onarnted to the uaftl their prt II - We Reading, *<* Calm. Duct: “Ring. Bing, iBg,” by Mas >,ac.vs Iila Horae and SMlar, Heading: “Speech ogMorth Caro lina" by Mr. W. P.gM. Song: “Praiaoa to ^vaa," by the Heading: “The Coomdrip,” trim -V-rtrftiagnphy of W. A Harrell, by Mi* Ida Heme. Song: "Sailor Boy .“Ay Mr* Bam ' Stollar. — Reading: 'An Mr. A, B. Harrell. Solo: “The Fur h “by Mr* Nafcol Hla -r> * • a u# VBIVUUH, oy to* Entire (lathering. The tone* and hynme good in thU memorial Mrrire were all the compo uUone of Hr. Harreik Kma the fer tile pen of tlil» gifted oempneer havi rone mnr.y song* both aarred and -ecular. gome of Dr. HaireU’a Coo fa-uerate War oonga are atill proarre >' I <« the Confederate Marcum at ti ckmoTK l. After the eerriee at the haul. the party viartrd the family plot in the cemetery to eUmi again beoide thl iart reeling place of father and mo iner. Beautiful camationa ware plac ed open each grave a a ailnct tribute of love and affection for the deal u bom December 17th, 182* ai 3 off oft, Va. In 1880, Mi father mov ed to Norfolk, Va., whore ho wag foi minv ffum mn hnbortar tnd lion mtrehant. Young William m | vducnted 10 the Norfolk High School*, at Raadolph-Mactm OoBtgo, anil at the L'niecnity of Maryland, School cf Medicine where he was graduated Doctor of Medicine In 18th. Locating al Winton. N. C, far the practice of hie pioftuion, he eoon met Mtaa Ann Juibon Battle, arhom he married in 1831. He wat a *uryooa in the Oen f forlcrato Army. Afterward*, while liTli^r at Smith held, N. C., hie Met r«#.>r»te, he ne ordained to the Omp«l M inlMey of the Baptist charch. He am* a pastor in North Carolina, end a teacher In the Public Schools for many yonrs. He wag.the composer of many songs, both aaerod and eocu Irr. nmong them hoiag the weJWtnowo ; State long: "He. For Caroline." He I died at Dana. N. C., Nor. 18th, 1*04 Ana Jo dec a Bottle HarroB Ann Jedson Battle Harrell, wife ef William Bernard Harrell, and daagh K r of the Bar. Awvoo Johnston Battle, • end Margaret Parker, Me wife, was , h.»n Marsh 8th, 1M4 at NtobriBe, - N. 0. She woe educated In the High : | Kef.oels of Wileoa and Barky Meant, j«rd at the Chowaa Baptist Female • f'Jlh-ge, Murfreedhoao. H. At was a amwiher of the 8rot grade ail Hr clue. Tboogh many talent* ► *n,« ham, this is the highest trfbwte I that ran be paid to hori Shb arm a I derrtod wife, and a fattkfal mother. -ISka was the da^htor of a BapUet -I preacher, the wife of a Baptist pcea t, eher and the aeolher of a Baptist pros. i cher. A brilliant -uNnltr dw waa ttw composer of esrml aHetUana far i . :t * ANN JUDBON BATTLE HAJUUtU. CANTATA PLEASED LARGE AUDIENCE Thp MmU'i Cpmiag Piwwt mi At PrMbjrhriu Church Lad Night Despite the inclement weather last erasing an audience which practically Oiled the Piwebytertpa church aodi torhus fathered to wttacwi the Chriet ■tee cantata, "The Messiah’* Com ing-** The (Inarch wai attractively 4c esrated 'with long-leaf pine, flower* end potted plant* sad the large aadt •nee wa* thrilled with, the rendition of the program, Bader the direction of Mrs. Lloyd Wade. •ov. C. T. Adams, pastor of Divine Street Methodist church, said Urn In vocation and read a passage of scrip-' tare appropriate te the occasion. Numbers oe the program included: Hoar the Song, opening cboras, by the choir; The Momteh, soprano sale, by Mia. John Fitagerald; Christ, Our Light, chorus; Ufa Without Sad. dart, by Mies Dedaon and Mrs Ham par Holliday; Wondrau. Story, am praato aoio, by Kn. Herbert McKay; Fbopheaiea Fulfilled, by choir; The Velcc of Jaeue, contralto ado, by Ml*. Harper Holliday; hriwt LOw a Whtphepd Lend U*. doth by Meo vtemce Rainer Holliday end Herbert d>y MmUhm 131 ban GotUa.nl, W. Snipes, W. E. Coltrane and Mr. Ed ward MeU; God’s Woaderfal Gift, Finale. Mrs Lloyd Wads, director, presnd cd at the organ and Mr. Cco. MoU ployed the violin. Other* taking part in the program were: Aopranos: Mesdamee Herbert Mc Kay, John FMzpefsU, Harper HoBi day, Wallace Coitrane, Omar Strick land, Ellison Goddard, N. A. Town rood, C M. Jeffrey*, J. R. Butler. J. W. Purdle, Win. Thompson. Z. V. Slopes, Mis* Dodson and Mis* gas Smith. Altos Meadames W. T. Smith. Paul Hood, Ransom Pearsall, Jaa. Farthing, W. 8. Snipes, Henry Lev and Miss Elisabeth Bridge. Tenors Dr. J R Batlcr, Mr. 8prat: Moore. Mrs. C. S. Hick*. Mr. B. 8. Frootnan. 'Maasas: Mr. lEdwanl Meta, Mr, Hog* PrilKa. Mr. W. T. Smith. Mr. Gao. Gardner and Mr. Z. V. Snipes. The-cantata aa a whole eras fault lessly rendered and was. highly ploaa ing and dcUghfful, earving as a meant to strengthen the spirit of the Christ Rhode blond Concern Coming To Ttm State Pawtucket*, R. I, Dee. 17—Urn Seylee FinUhhg Mont, lac., of Bbode leland, which hu four large male la tbia vicinity, announced to day that It would tract at. once a fS,000,000 cotton Mooching and «n I thing plant and a modem housing uoaunut-lty on the Swennanoa Blear, four anflaa from Aahcvllc, M. C. The plant will ho built on 200 acraa of property, which the company baa acquired fro* the gwaaaaaoa Bond Baultp Company, a holding organise On. Demands In the South for * Airiah 4ug wupwy Of this kind, oouptml with present political conditions in Rhode htuail. are raaioaa given for cho project. Four hundred eporatlro* will ho employed aa tbs' works ora ready. Later a printing division will ho added to the industry. t«ano, and she arranged the piano am oamponimrnt to many of th« songs composed by hoc hatband. The moth er of a largo family, bar highest Jay was hr the welfare of bar child ran Sho diod at Dana. N. C., November Mud, l*0«„ Just Kiras days hafart the death of he* hadhoad,- after they l*d been mended Afty-dve years. • I On Monday wswing *« gotWng la family reunion again with Maa. ■ame, at Clayton an My IM IMS. Wilmington Man Gets Award For Dood Son Wilmington, Dm. Id.—L. Muthvo tHwl ycrterday received from th. French Enabamy tt Waabingtor, th< military medal pwtSaa*uly award »d to hi* nan, letyl Arthur HMtkm thal, of the French a elation aervlao who waa killed in action during mt The letter accompanying the award tdgned hy Bldg. Gen. G. A. L. Dumont "dUtary attache *10 the Fycnea Km he ray follow*: “1 take yloa wire In informing you that % ana me ling wader aeyaratc cover to your addnaa, registered, the mfMtary modal awarded year lalo eoa, Arthur BluKhratbal. a* a trife ute to bin glurioua memory. ‘‘Encloacd ia the ettution accvm peatying tame. ■"very riaacvrely yean, eat.” Tkie citation, which in in French, land* the valor of tkv Wilmington flier. florgvoat Blovtboathal entered th* rnrviec a* an ambulance driver, be ing lour truaforrod vo the aviation metiati. where he established an cn viahU roaoid a* an Intrepid aad dar bag Jrlrdmaa. MILLION BALES RASED INN. C. The official cethaa Uc of the crop i reporting honed giro Mm North Caro I line crap a prediction of l ,0*0 AO* haW«, cell me ted for thio pear. Giving the trap a vala* at Ur per pound, which wo* the average far a three week* period ranging about Decem ber 1st, the crap bat a vala* at about tlM.MMM- The reeeut gianer'e re port give* North CueeHau 999414 hale* ginned to Dniubn UL It Je naWmatad that 94 per cent of the crop wa* ginned at that data. As the bats* in North Carohm sv.rag* about «M pounds rack tha gio balsa oust be dSKMAigd. _fea.to* lim two to.te.hMpq North Chratfaia wP! rank -1 fat the production and vmlas at the cot ton crop. The yield per acre gives ■ lead In this respect among the tmpor tant cotton states. H is estimated that the seed cotton avenge* 97 per cant lint this pear in this State. Tha eati mates set the acreages from the vari ous reports used as compared wit* last year, rang* from 102 to 109 pei cent, giving a reasonable average ol ill par cent. The par cent abandon ed else* Jane 29th whoa the Mist acreage estimate was mad* was I par coat. The crop reporting service obtain *d a largo no caber of iadhrldaal cot ton farm acreages, the noils #! whieh indicated that 197 par coot In erase* wa* harvested this year a* com pared with a poor ago. According t. the regular report received from bun dredg of eorraspoadents ovvr -Nerti Carolina, 97 par cent of tile crop wai picked bp December ig The avengi price paid to farmers per ten of cat ton seed wes 949.90. The a re rag price paid far picking seed cottoi was 91.99 per hundredweight. As was to be reported, tbs larges yleW* per acre were made tat th nnrthao*. kind re# ftlrem+U rcallaa al enough yields of one bale per acre warn not uncommon is the northern counties. During Held travel and In restoration, trie State statistician feaod that aver 10 per earn of the farmers ware making aver ana hale P*r •««. One well-known farmer in the Stale had tenants who averaged abort TOP panada af Hni par aero an farms la Wake and Wayne counties The hash far the large yields tot this state were vary favorable weather conditions, unexpectedly taw dam ages by tha boll wssvil, the aarfimt asd Heaviest setting of boSs In our history, the heavy usage af high grade fertilise ns aad frequent culti vation. M*k~ Offer $25,000 On Bok'iCrMkGjrm ■ttlo's Orsek, Das. 17.—A friend af kale’s Creak Academy has offered ta give liMM toward baiU.ag s gymnasium far Brte> Creak Acade my, provided Me ether friends give that amount by Janaary |, ]g>4 Oraal snttmriaam far the task gtvsi asmiaacs that tha schaal will haw tha money hy file dale named. One loyal friead has already anal la |l«t .Tbs am r-1-nitlia was far Hi. given by a Baptist preaches *fca cease to the schaal fpam Mm catoaa mills. Use naart Km wars fai «*• earns amount by eetosa mOl pmssbir beys. Tha Matury sasMias have decides January 11 laataad af flumdlir M as naaaaaand to the eartfipas. Tbl DUNN URGED 70 < NATCH NEW BERN An !m portent niM'Jrg; of the taat kiti VorTfc Caroline Shipper* »««oclt (Ion be heul It, CoHrbora on Frktejr aortttojt. December It. at 11 a’cloca. Senator ¥. M. Simmon* ead Cerernor Cameror. Meritor kaeo ■greed to addrwe tbU meetii# and Dom Ii a#fc«tcc7.0> filoil a rat* complaint with the latenstace Cramiimi Commission, ■Harking the freight rates between Virginia and North Carolina. Freight <' rat*» la a n»:»r in wWeli every Dun* banners aw shea id be vitally hart catrd. at well aa tba public generally. The fan. that fcenator S.'nKnonr and the gavMT.ut of the State h»v» can acntuil ;o auviu1 till* nwtriiay shows that th*y at* mt crusted la the matter, aad aaraiy ib* people wb* pro/it by the paoaent rata* aboald draw thalr is term bp attending ... i..ee..:.fc on VWday of ant week. At a recant mertiag of Chmfta* of Commerce iwmabi bold la WU *an, V. Grover Britt, secretary of the Darm Chamber, pledged the support •f the local esganiaatiaa in t|ia Bght m mtnin the paeacBt mtoa betawan Hi* twa States. It is tma that the Cheap bwr of Qcwmcvc* can raader na mam . to fi*ht aa increase fat f Right rate*, a* would rests It if the demaad* of the Virginia .xAercsts were granted.' Mr. Briit Is to receipt ef a letter from Harry B. Bartow, secretary ef «he Krw Bom Chamber ef Commerce, in which he states that New Bern will sand a tieiegaiioi. ef at le.tat dfty to the OoMAtrs meeting and asks Dana to match Now Bern. Hr 1* anrltra* that Dana take up Civ eluJiang* and •end a delegation that will muni that te be sent by the Crewe county cap ital. HURD FLOGGING W NASH COUNTY _________ Morcknwt Telia* From HI* Star* And Cirtm A Rocky Mount. Dee. IF.—TV third ' flogging te be administered to perron* 1 in and aroand Nwshvfllc occurred last eight , report* :.•aching this 1 ehy today hniirete, whea J. V. ' Dames. Nashville cltitcfi. waiT taken from hie nolo, etrr>d in au automo bile to o point ia the wood* which he claim* to be near Witoon, wr-d Hop trd. Report* Indicate that '.hu flogging «aok place early in tho evening ao eoVorul awn, it h Mated, ettw for Baniaa at hit atore shortly after 6 "'clock. He B quoted a* laying that there ware aoven or eight unmasked men in tho paitr which curried Mm MUM dlatance and ther. admlajiterad a flogging. Ht ia Badontocd tv hare beew brought bark to the ceut.tr «eat ■hertly after nvidagiM and to hare ■aid that he did not rerogofae any ntahm af the band. Adder* from NatpvilV Mg Baraec claim* that aypruuliuaiely MOO waa taken from him by tho krnM. Whether or not ho V** irc mred or given a warnlrg cauhl not W loan.nl. Same* it th» father of the young women with whom aMwdoUon It ailogod to botre been the ttaae of the 8m Whlpytnic admin1 t ted at Haairrlllci aovcrul week* a8o ' vu g r>»«B married man impleywl in hlg . way eon* trot lioa work. A* that time a warning to reported to hntr bom toft at hi* homo by tiw baud. . Tho *«coad flogging aotlt'tg oo carrod oho at a work after the Srai when another young man ww mrught' « the home of a woman team dta ***** ffaahvillo aad gtvrn a took lug la the pro*me* of the woman la the cam. and laat nighVa affair baftg* th# fatal known floggtoga an la thro*. donbi toner for the holiday* blit fa i ft* night of «m tOth.