THE DflNH DBPATCH -..." e> ^jUSSGHS sArB^jergas,.‘>~,t With the death of Major W. •A. Graham, State Commtarlon er of Agriculture, a life of eer ▼iee to th« State ended. Major Graham played aa important part ia the progress made ia north Carolina dorian the peat half ceatpry. He loved the agit 1 enltaral clam aad was ever on the alert la their interest la his peering the farmers of North CaroHna lost a true friend. -o—— President Coolidge. Henry Ford settled the annoying ques tion, “la he a Democrat or a Republican?" He nt least talks tike a Republican. The Hamlet jeweler who eloped with a minister's wife can now be clamed aa the man who robbed a preacher. The blbodhonnd has again demonstrated his ability aa a man trailer. In Davidson coun ty dogs brought Into use run down n negro who had attack ed a merchant and his wife In an attempt nt robbery. A bullet wound in the negroe’s head, inflicted by the white man ha attacked, proved that tha dogs did not lie in this par ticular case. New Year resolutions are now in order. Make them so ttroag that they will not break. A glance at the Roxboro Courier and the State dailies reminds os that an election •alley doesn't want to bo gov armor of North Carolina, he al ee wishes to relieve A. W. Mc Lean of the burden. Ban-tag a very few days. De cember has been as plsasaat as May. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS Not in years, if ever, has a Christmas boon observed in a more aafo and aaaa manner in • and around Dana than that of - tbs ysar IMS. While the spirit of the season was very much in evideoc and Sants Clans was at his beat, tha day teemed mere like a Sunday that like the usual Christmas. There was very little evidence of intoxi cating beverages hereabouts aod y*t a good time waa had Tha manner in which Christ mas was observed here this year was in hasping with the origin of the world-wide holi day—the birth of the Prince of Peace. In a communication published elsewhere in today's paper n darkey at the ante bellunt type comma de the peo ple of th town for th# manner in which tha day wae efcbrat mL The people of thla section have made a pood start to wards the proper celebration of the birth of a world’* Sarlouk aad It la to be hoped that the Creator pleasure derived from the axprimcnt wflU load them to follow It up as the yean AN UNUSUAL YEAN Before the scat leeoe o^Tke Diepatch I* printed the year IMS win b# peat history and a now yoar will bars boon sober ed la. Th# yoar which lo mow scarf iif He odd he* boon uao Malta aooi .to the people of North Caro Baa, aad oopodaDy to th* agricultural class. Th* cotton aad tobacco grower* of the BUM have boo* Atabfr btaoood this yoar—blamed with bath pod crop# aad high pri eon. Vary law yean hev* boo* M goaorouo to th* faraMCs. UaaoBy whoa good crop* of •d fta price i* low^Thoaloo! artth l U might be stated that the bleating* brought by tha year soan to pass into history cams at a most opportune time. The farmers and business men gen erally had been carrying a'bur densome load dace the “crash" af 1080 ud the good crape and high prices together served to lighten the burden. To me the expression of one farmer, it hag pat many people back on their feat. While it is impossible to foretell what die now year hold* in store, it is not likely dust It will be so generous in blessings as was 1088. Wt would not Uks to be classed as a peasImlat, but wa would wan tha farmers against taking toe great a chance as a result oi the good cotton crop produced this year. Again we would urge tog Importance of plant ing plenty of seres In food and food crops to supply the home and farm. The farmer who doe* this is fortifying himself against the worst if it comes. The fanner who does not i* gambling with all the odd? against him. o IS POETEAYBD IN TH* PEEFECT GIFT (Continued from page 1) c plot of tbs story, a beautiful and touching oae. was well wovkod eua hy the varteos characters. In an sack* old-world church, there had teag been a legsed that whenever a perfect gift was ofeiud to the Christ-chUd, the Chiracs would ring of thenwehrus. A poor wood-cutter, who lived aoar tbs beautiful church, was anxious to attend the Chrfstmm •wther where gifts, many and cest If would be adfsrsd to Jesus, but at the last moment, an eld woman, beared with age and hanger and eeid. eaate te the hut steldag Aelter. The aehle wood cutter resigned the Joy of the Christmas celebration to re main at home ts minister to the old dame. Measudtilc they see in vision the hrflUerrt service is the church where amid tho OuMag of many candtss, and" the gorgeous decoration for the ■■*•7 gifts are offered on the rich end splendid altar far the rkteteiu. Tfcrtrtlg «& wisdom Ind tESSr tiutsarers and women with nstt snd ■•*>«*» *ff«r tbpir casket* of price lorn jewels, but the chimes do not ring, end though the King cooes in hlc royal rebst, sad offers the very crown from his stately brow, Will the tkimta remain mote, end silent, anil stflL Than the poor wood-chopper at last aakas Ms offering which consists only of his services to the poor and lowly. Instantly the dames ring oat i» a bam of ms tody their silver sates declaring to the listening world that the Perfect Gift Is the offering of service and seif. Taming ia as toaiaiDsaat to to* old dams, the ■"®«i-eetter aow sec* htr haggard fate and boat farm -tamed into the ftsaiiag and resplendent beauty of so Angel of Tight; whose partying bonodietioa is the Nested words »»o*od from the Master's asm Upoi ''Ibaamadi as yo have "dona 11 sate one of the (cost of these my brethren, ye have done- it ante Me." The enters pngs ant was a most beatrilfol and thrilling spectacle. ■»«h para was well rendered, and *o«bt to be mtatioaod separately. “d (pact forbids this, we "*■* “dd that the iuperaomaHow of the character of-UkUe “Jteen“ wee "Hit aad dear. ^*d*l ndt for the eaeetw ef •ho oroala* Is de, to Mias Jaalo *•«*. and te Mia Sail!* Naylor end to Knars aad Meadaaua DednlK* and Owy. Aad eortaialy the Joy ef tho octae ioa was yroaOy enhanced hy the boau ttfd caeaert hy the orchestra of ea "•d m*d rlatalet) nmalc before toe ftatt* of the eg ruin. lha whole wee a sweet end Iaotinp m<—Cl. Aad as the world ie aphfWd hy the Christina* spirit, m oor hearts were uplifted and Mir **■*• wore thrilled hy dea .too*. |J»c« ——«« of this hoMMfol fox maws urs tub in raisoN M** *» foa nor her ami (By WADK H. LUCAS) Dak*, Dee. X6.—With a varied pro gram, eearietlng of mltaUtu aa the »*»**«* ot Chriatmae earote, th Community Chriatmae tm iukih '•*>* off aa waa planned last Mon day afternoon fat trio Brute park. Ui >*f the beautifully decanted tree a A totting, ike young children tan) the beautiful carota and recited ee lection* appropriate to the rrreeinr Mr*. Byere and Mia. Tlttnghin. wb had the uirtiaa in charge are t be commended for the program aUel waa ear of the men delightful an. enteriaiaiag that Ua ever been give here. Nothing haa occurred here lhl weak to mar the Chriataue a*aeon neither haa there bean any dieted anca noticeable. Everyone mama t havo enjoyed the day la a moat ill ting way, that it obaorrteg it in th right manner. The aplrt of Chriatma t«Tiou in wdb spring am raearviag of gifts of various kind. Ail the stores observed tbs day fa; closing for the greotor portion o tha day, giving tha clerics s rest frao tha unusually heavy pre-holiday trad which the (tares sapsriancsd. The local Bank at Harnett gsv away more than two bitten* of Ger man mark* to its friend* as Christ mas gilts. Each * return er of the In ititutiec, was presented with a hun drad thousand mark not#—now wort] shoot one coot in esc huge, to whkh was near *10,000 hi 1»U. fa presenting this memento of tha past Mr. Hicks said: "I wish it were mors bat perhaps K will go op in vmlta some day and be worth something although 1 doubt ft." However, ttw mark Is a wiuvenlr and the owners o the thousand* of them bare Intend u keep them as such. Mr. and Mbs. C. H. Miilsr aoc daughter. Jean, an spending the hoi Way* with relative* In North WWW boro. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Boat and chil dren, arc rltWng relatives in Salk bury and other points daring the hoi idsys. M4M (lBltnifio Unrowv w^m U a*. Uodln* >ci>o erf la Chester, P*. k spending tha hoHdgya hera with hat father, /. M. Morgan. Him Whitney Beit, student at St Mary's school, Salalgfc, b spending the holiday* here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs W. P. Bok. , Mb* Sarah Baikov af ^.i-*■ W. P. Holt, Jr., atodant at the or.i raraity U ip*nding tha holiday, hare with hb parent*, Dr. and Mr*. W. P. Holt. Kba Mary McKay. Mode* at Flora Macdonald college. Sad Springs, Ik spending the holiday* her* with htr Parent*, Mr. and Mr* P. M. McKay. Mr*. G. C White and daughter, of Tcxai, are tpeodiag the holiday* here with her aiater, Mr* O. B. Simpson. Mr. and Mr* Daugald r unpin II and daughter, Kathryn, af Chaster. P*.. are Waking Mr. J. M. Morgan amt family daring the hotxby* Mr. and Mr* X. V. Brannock and child rah an Writing relative* near Burlington doling the holiday*. Mia* Loube Caddie, Undent at Car #Una college, Maxtor., I* spending tha holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. K. C. Gaddle. 0 ’■ Jo** D. Cats*, atodervt of Oak Side* ioatknu, b spaadiag tha holi days with hi* parents, Mr. and Ms* R. C. Cate*. C. 9. licks and Charles Dahlgren, af tha Bank af Harnett agent Cfcriw mjs with relariva. in WHnrlngton. Dunn Route One Oilitau 1S9S Is BOV peat Us ury, bat It was one the* will lone bs remembered bore. Tbs people had ■sade anUashre piwparmtion dor H and nothlac happened to near their •NsectatUn. Foo wmst Ida ye and n'fh*e doriaf the past weak tha yosne poo pie tried with each other to see whe eowid have the heat tfaae. Coose. » aad rrory ona takes H good nets redly Kims Lssy Naylor, Aim Bsia ml Oladys sad Jsmidis Strickland, stsdiids at Meredith CoSe*e, erv ■pondlne tbs he Belaya at bom. Kt. and Mss. ilas Csspsr af Bp* tiaMirg old tad friends how Clnkt Me. aad Mrs. Mai* Warroo ad Bo* jJjMMI eslfed to m sorer*] od their } ;bcol. is (pending the wtrk with Xvr | Mr. aiui Mrs. E. B. Jacluon. itov. W. J. Underwood, tnc nev. I i&stor of Newton Grove, preached a' » 'c*!,7 Chapel Sunday and made r J tit favorable impression open tho« -**o heard bim. Mr. A. C. Jeekton of Boicj Creel . s (pending the holidays At liomt*. I Mm* Pearl "Jickton, itudr*nt , Carolina college, Maxton. I* at horn, l with bar parents, Mr. and Mr*. W. B . Jackson. Jr., at Cooper. Mr. Joseph H. Naylor, of Wake i Fore** eoHoge, is (pending t lie week r whh his father. Rav. M. W. Naylor Quito a number of the folks from . here attended the birthday (Kano, i given in honor of Mr. Bradley Autry i at Falcon Christum*, i The ehddrea and grandchildren of l ®*7. Md Mr*. M. W. Naylor gave . them S Oh net mat iRnner at their home Tuaeday. k mi a tmat *n i joyabla occasion. All the living ehll i tatts present whh the exception . of Phof. H. P. Naylor, who wai rio , tainad at hia work at Tboma»»nie. Hr . expected u> arrive this week. , MV. Ed. Hood.and children of , Goldsboro are -visiting friend* here | this wwek. ■ WJdMng everybody a happy New , Year. SIMPLE SCRIBE. in*. -' BAftBOCR-MOftJUS MIm EMaabeth Morrii, daughter of Mr. ud Mr*. A. L. Morrii, who live ' near Duke, and F. A. Barbour of C 1*1 rton. Pa., were married Wednee day in Fayetteville. The marriage took place at the First Bap tint church parsonage. Rev. D. Hill, Pa^or of the church, officiating. ' Only a few Intimate friend* of the 1 contracting partial wltneeaed the mar riage, which came somewhat aa a rur priao. The groom formerly lived In the ant community whore the bride 1 resided ami both are wall-known and ’ popular in that section of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Barbour will leuvo about tha (but of the year for Clair ton, where they will make their homo. The three essential* In beautifying' the hameutaad are clean op the j grounds, plant trees, shrubbery and flower* and maintain tb* planting* fro'° r**r to year, my horticultural worham of the State College and Departmant of Agriculture. NOTICE or SALE By virtue Of the tern* of a certain dmd of trustesaeuWd by J. O. Falr ?Weh dead of trust i* registered in Jl>. hr oho qgfe* - Dead* of Harnatt —- ****** b«tn made m tha myuoout of tho note secured *» said dead of tmst. the undereigued Trurtee named in said deed of trust hani^g bom requested b* tbs holder of suM note tf exercise the power of aule grunted therein, will on the 28th day of January, 19g4, at lg o'clock “ °a'T*or •»*« •*. public auction at tho Oiurthoose door, LUhngton. -Norti Carolina, for cash, thefofiow [" Harnett County, North Caitlbii: *» * -k. in Vrenk Btewart s lino; thence J. (S East with • **** thence £• *x *• lr7® Chuiuo to B hake, Bil *VT w«wai*’» corner; thence West T* . 1 ,ln» 4.10 chains to the beginning, containing 8 acres, more M-fesaacgfc*=—.—•» .....LJB"W or In .«41il Tec -uccctnfui bidder wiil be re laiied lo deposit with the troatoc 10 per eebt of hi* hid bafoic the sale is •Toned »n a pledge of hi* good faith il hit bid. Uaiance of purchase money 'o bt paid upon delivery at dead. Till* the 21 at day or December, 1033. J. W. FITZGERALD, Tniatee. Cliifurtl end Townsend, Attorney.*. Doc. >8 Jan 4 11 18 IB. LOST.—WIRE WHEEL FROM Nath ear. Reward for it* return to J. C. Clifford, Dunn, N. C. It pd. HOTEL IN ANGIRR AT AUCTION Tho excellent hotel In Anjrlor will be offered c.t Auction January 2, 10>4 at 12 o’clock if. ThU 1* fine property and ahooW appeal to any one warning good houae with com modlou* room* eloie In the butl no*» part of th* town. Material in building I* No. 1 heart, well fram ed and a fine place. Twrme very eaey. Don’t forget the date and cume ready to do buetnei*. I will be ready to make deed that day. J. G. Layton, Owner, Dunn, No. a. Dec 21 28 pd. LOST.—BETWEEN SWANS Chore* •nil Will H. Colton'« realdonre, a black poke hat, with braid around the rim an£ sword to right side. Finder please return to W. II. Cotton. It pd. HAYI HAYI HAYI OF EVERY duality la car loads, shipped to any riint in United Slates. Write L. H. avoie. North Btandbridge, Cai. »da-_ lg 4t pd. FARMERS — ASK YOUR COUNTY Agent about fish meal for feeding poultry and pigs, then write us for samples, feeding instructions and prlcea. Taylors Creek Fish Meal Sales Co. Dratwer E., Beaufort, N. 18 4tc. JOB WANTED. — YOUNG MAN wilHng to work dewrss work at once. Will try anything. Ijtsrrenee Jernlgan, Dunn, N. C. It pd. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE OR rent. -From 1 to b-horee crops. As good land as you can find. Easy term* and prices low. Well located near churcW and school Daily mail. Moke a date before you come. Joel lay ton Dunn. N. C. 21 3t pd. LOST.—A FAIR OF BLACK HORSE usulea weighing about 800 pounds. Btrsyed Saturday night. Notify O. T. Hodge* and get toward. It pd. MONEY TO LOAN. FARM LOAN ll ano aba ann m ___ — with privilege to m m—ii. lkltooa and Method, Attorney. Doan. N. C FOR SALE.—SECOND HAND Cara See w 1. Baa*. 600 East Main iat »»*?—•, ELsd. FOR SALE.—ONE VACANT Lot 70x160 fait on Wait Cumberland Strait, adjoining 3 new bungalows. Good* terms. If invmt«d oH or wrHo to Jvase M. Wilson. Hamlet, y- c,_7 ate. LOST.—SEVERAL NOTES MADE to R. E. Wert and other valuable paper* in poetoffica or on streets of Dunn. Finder plena* return to R. E. Went. Newton Giwee. No. 2. ltpd. CALL PHONE 474 AND WE'LL DO the going. Lot u< look over your work and tall you how cheap you e*n have Jt done. Anything in Cabinet work. Mantels, tables fancy furniture Figure with us on your truck bodies. John W. Bodge* A Co., Dona, N. C. FOR SAIJL-Wt HAVE SEVERAL n»«d car- lor aal* at B bargain Smith and McKay. ISJi FOR SALK.—THU ENTIRE LOT OF furniture uiul banking fixture* of State Bunk and Tru»t Co.. wiU be cold at auction at 10 o'clock a. m. Wed no ad ay, January 8, at tho bank building in Dunn. H. U God win, Receiver, Dunn, N. C. 88 8le. MONEY TO LOAN_vANY Aawl on long that. If Intonated aaa m Weet nod Waal, Attorney* Dunn. N. O. POX SALE. — I FINE MULES IN rood condition. Apply at Johnson Brno, rfturr. f* 4^ FOX SALE—TWO DUKOC-JEXSEY ‘I*1 ?'**■ Cholera tmmnna. Alio a few bujhsla of aoy baaaa at 12.00 nor buihal. Soa or writ* to K. B. Kyalo. Duka, No. i. If ftpd CHRISTMAS IS ON AND I HAVE tha finer, praoenta you can buy—a niaa farm. It will boat a Paid car, tripho phone, or anythin* else. Pneao low nod terau to suit you. Joel Layton, Dunn, N. C. tl St pd. A Good Resolution % Quite a number of people have decided that we can do their baking for them, and in a way to pleaae, • These people have been relieved of one of the most tiresome household tasks. Why not make a New Year's resolution that, will be • pleasure to keapT Resolve that In the future you will |«t your baker do your baking. We are sure that y°u will not regret the resolution. Pearce’s Bakery DUNK* NORTH CAROLINA # ANNOUNCEMENT! I W« wUh to announce to th« public that wo have purchased the— 1 Broad Street Filling Station I. And will appreciate your patronage. Let ua All your maoliae and dll need*. Tirea, tubea, batter!ee and other 11 arraanorlaa carried In atock. Rebuilding and ^recharging betteriea a tpeclaHy. H. JERN1GAN ft CO. I ■AIT BROAD STRUT, DUNN. N; C II r • • i WELCOME TO THE NEW YEAR j i With the dawning of the j New Year, wc wish to pause a moment to thank the people of i this town and the surrounding i territory for the business with which they have favored us, and we sincerely hope that the ; service we have rendered and the merchandise which we I have aoid you have proved ua 1 worthy of your continued pat ronage. If in any way we have not iolfilied your expectations, we i.‘k you to tell ua so that | amends may be made and we can at! alurt the New Year with u clean slate. L With our best wishes to you. your friends and your family, we are, sincerely, Butler Bros. DUNN. NORTH CAROLINA r ---— ■ J. L. HATCHER Funeral Director' and Embalmer 'Prompt aftd Efficient WiWllby drWHr --- —“ Dunn, North Carolina Day ’Phone 16 Ni«fct ’Phone 1M >- - - THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY CO. Undcrtikan and Enbalnm A full line of Coffins, Casket* and Burial nrtu. Service.any lime, anywhere. Day Phone II MUbkl • _