Opportunity's Empire Waynesville Altitude 2,802 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVII. Numbers 46-47 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not M PaM MR. McINTOSH INJURED. The many friends of Dr. J. B. S. Mcintosh of Brevnrd will learn with regret of the injury he sustained in a recent fall. Dr. Mcintosh suffered a brokpn arm and has not fully recovered, al though he appears to be improving slowly. Dr. Mcintosh formerly lived here and has a host of friends who will Mr glad to learn that he shows signs of improvement. MISS ROTH A COMPLIMENTED. Miss Janie Reeves honored Miss Virginia Rotha, charming bride-to-be, with a bridge party, given Wednesday afternoon. v , V The honoree was presented with a bottle of Coty's perfume. The high score, ; of the afternoon was held by Mies Frances Denton and her prize was a jar of bath salts, and second ' prize, a deck of cards, was received by Mrs. Raymond of New York. Miss Reeves served her guests with a delicious salad course. Those enjoying the party were: Misses Virginia Rotha, Dorothy Thomas, Diana Rlack, Annie Welch, Janie Love Mitchell, Isabelle Davis, Eleanor Bushnell,' France Denton, Mary Ray, Mesdames Roy Francis, William Hannah, John Swift, Jr., Harry Hall, J. N. Shoolbred, Hayes Alley and Raymond of New York. FOOD SALE. The ladies in Circle Number One of the Methodist church are giving a food sale and bazaar Saturday, De cember 12, The place for the sale will be announced later. WOMAN'S CLUB MEET. The Woman's Club will meet Dec. 10 at 3 o'clock with Mrs. C. S. Smath er and Mrs. C. L. de Neergaard at the home of Mrs. Smathers. A full aundajce is desired. IOTjCGAMMA I'l HOLDS INITIA TION BANQUET. Iota Gamma Pi local honorary scier. tific fraternity held a brilliant ban quet in hemor of the recent initiates in the banquet hall of the Washington Duke Hotel in Durham, Friday even ing. Twenty-two men were present, fifteen of whom were the new men. and three members of the faculty, Dr. C. C. Hatley, Dr. P. M. Grosr, and Professor K. L. Elmore. Prof E'. more is the son-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. McDowell. MUSIC CLUB WILL MEET. Mrs. J. H. Howell will be hostess to the Music Department of the Wo man's Club at her home Saturday af ternoon at 3:30. The program for the afternoon will consist of Christmas carols and an article on Nevin. WOMAN'S BENEFIT ASSOCIATION MEETS. At a recent meeting of the Wo man's Benefit Association of the Mac cabees which was held at the home of Mrs. H. C. Lindsley, the following of ficers were elected: Mrs. J. D. Boone, Commander. Mrs. H. C. Lindsley, Past Command er. Mrs. A. J. Crutchfield, Lt. Com mander, Mrs. Lena B. Palmer, Mistress-at-Arms. Mrs. W. C. Allen, Chaplain. Mrs. W. L. Hardin, Sergeant. Mrs. Louise P. Davis, Sentinel. Miss , Ruth Wyche, Record and Fi nance Keeper. ifrs. E. T. Wyche, Collector. & - IS. DAVIS HOSTESS. Mrs. Tmnie Davis invited several of her friends to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner witSat her home on Bran ner avenQVThe invited guests en joyed a jfourggurrt dinner. Covers were laid for eight, Includ ing ihe hostess. Those present were: Mr. and S. A. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crutch field, Miss Sylla Davis. John West, and John'West, Jr. MORE URGENT. If Haywood county donates thirty thousand dollars for any improve ments or advancement we would ad vise putting that amount into a coun ty hospital BOY SCOUTS AND GIRL SCOUTS GIVE PARTY. The parents 'and friends of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts gave them a delightful party in the parlors of the Methodist church Wednesday night. The invited guests enjoyed games and contests during the even ing. Ice cream and cake were served to about one hundred and fifty guest. Mr. F. A. Stall has charge of the Boy Scout organization here and he deserves great credit for the splen did group of Scouts he has trained, which numbers thirty boys. COMMUNITY CLUB. The Community Club met on Mon day afternoon at 3:30 in th& club rooms. The meeting optr.ed with singing America the Beautiful, followed by the club prayer for women. The reports of officers and depart mental chairmen were given. After which, Rev. S. R. Crockett, county chairman of the Near East Relief, presented Golden Rule Sun day. This Sunday, Dec. (5th is to be observed throughout the country a:; "Golden Rule Sunday" and set aside for thinking of these starving chil dren and doing unto them as we would that they would do unto us, by giving the price of a Sunday dinner to this fund. The meeting now ajourned t greet the guests of honor of the aftomoon, the teachers of the Waynesville town ship schools. After welcoming the ladies, the following short program was, given: Miss Sue Willard Lindsley fang very beautifully "Birdof Love Di vir.e." i'is. Rufus '-'iler, pried" of ihe cVl, made the guesn welcome in a few well chosen wor'ls. ' Ars. Keener played, the 'Hunga-1 years a garian Rhapsody" by Lizt, after j The reason I like this book is be vh.'ch Mrs. Nobel C-.:-'cn, chairmen cause it is about four very- humai cf Education, intrcJiieed Miss Morse, ! girls, who impressed me at the very thr Township .Supervisor of Schools, who talked on 'T.io Child in the School and the H :?," speaking o the evolution of this country in regard to the training of the chili iri mental, physicul and character fdu cati!i. Also the r.iKvvvty cf indi vidual instead of group training. Individual training being (he incen tive for many ne, syjtonu of edu cation. Better health, recreational and social training is neelod in many homes as well as in tho school room. Miss Morse ended her 'sH by reading "Mother to Child" by Char lotte Perkins Gilman. After which the hostesses of the afternoon, Mrs. Chas. Quinlan, Mrs. J. H. Way, Jr., and Mrs. C. S. Badg ctt, assisted by the entertainment committee, served salad, sandwiches and coffee to the eighty guests present THANKSGIVING SERVICE. , The annual union Thanksgiving sev- vice was held in the auditorium of the Methodist church at 10:30 Thurs day. A large congregation heard Rev. S. R. Crockett, pastor of the Presbyterian church, deliver a very interesting sermon. Special music was rendered by the choirs of the different churches. An offering was taken for the ben efit of the needy people in order to relieve them of their suffering for lack of necessary clothing and food. t i 4 r ri pnm. 1 MASSIE FURNITURE NEW STORE eM and ever ready to do her part Fridav and Saturdav M,V TWn.lshe married a fine young man and iture Company is moving into their new store on Main street which was Amy' lne yu"Kesl- Became an ar complete(L.last week. This is one of tist and s'ptress. She married and the most expensive and handsome' had a daughter who inherited thj buildines in Wavn'psville. I This store displays one of the larg est stocks of furniture'in Hie county. The store is owned ani operated by Mr. T. N. Massi 3 and nis thc sons, Messrs. James. Guy and Hrigh Massie, and they have been partner in this btixiiiess ;or povmI ye.-irs. Thty'ature- " has given us a real prose offer the very best furnishings f,r' pcem of patriot'sm. No or?e can read yeur home that -rai bj secured. ! HAYWOOD PARK DRIVE CHAIR MAN. In talking to Mr. Ernest Withers, Secretary of the Waynesville Cham ber of Commerce, he said that Mr. .1. j :ever henr ihe name of the United R. Boyd had declined to accept the ( States again. Phillip Nolan was .is chairmanship of the Great Smoky fine a young officer as there was jn Mountain drive. He further stated the legion of the West. When Aaron that Mr. T. L. Gwyn was being men-J Burr made his first dashing expedi tioned and it was hoped that he would tion down to New Orleans in 1805, he accept. met this gay young fellow and in- CRANKING UP Jk VTIMa- CHRISTMAS p Fifth Grade. Little Women. My favorite book is "Little Women,' written by Louisa May Alcott many beginning because they always made the best of things. They had little to live on, but were always cheerful and happy. Another reason why I like this book is the sacrificing helpfulness of two of these girls when their father was away at war. He became very ill and a message was sent to Mrs Marsh to come at once All the girls except Jo helped to get things ready for Marmee, as they called their mother. Instead she went off down the street. The afternoon passed and Jo came in bringing her mother twenty-five dollars. They all asked her where she had gotten the money and the answer was taking off her hat. Joe had beautiful hair and she had gone to the barber shop and had " cut and had sold it for twenty-five dollars to send to her father. Beth x was always helping others When her mother was away with her father during the war, scarlet fever broke out , the commDnity and sns i u j rovc ueioeii tmu nine in iiursuiir me sick and a fever died b-by who had the scarlet in her arms. She went home and it was found that she had scarlet fever. When she got over this she wns never the same and two or three years later she quietly passed away. Later Jo became a great author and married a professor and then hal a school for boys. Meg; the eldest, was also a fine had two children. A 1 1 1 same talent. MARIETTA WAY. Sixth Grade. The Man Without a Country. The Man Without a Country is one of the best stories in American liter- tf,,! 8tory wi .hout valuing more highly the country in which he lives. The Man Without a Country tells about a young officer who was in dvced to turn traitor to his country and how he wished that he might duced him to turn traitor to his coun try. Nolan was brought before the courts in the great treason trial in Richmond and proved guilty enough. When the president of the court ask ed him if he had anything to say that Showed that he -had-Aeen faithful to the United States! I wish I may never hear the name again! The judge was terribly shocked. He called the court into a private room and returned in fifteen minutes with a face like a sheet to say "Pris oner, the court decides you shall never hear the name again." From that moment, Sept. 23, 1807, until the day he died, May 11, 1SC3, he never heard the name again. About the last words Philip Nolan said were "Remember, hnv tbnt h. hjnd officers and government and people even, there is the country her self, your country, and that you be long to her as you belong to your mother. The reason this story is called the Man Without a Country is because he was exiled from it and had no rela tions with it. I like this story because it teaches everyone to hdnor his coun try. HUGH STAMEY. ' Seventh Grade. The Man Without a Country. The Man Without a Country telis about a man who is a traitor to his country. It teaches one never to curse his country because it will not do any good. When Nolan came be fore the court for doing wrong he cried out: "Curse the United States! I wish I may never hear the name of the United States again!" He should hae taken his punish ment instead of cursing his country. No country likes a traitor whether it is for another country or not. Al most the same case happened to Benedict Arnold who turned traitor to America and helped England, but who lived to realize that even the country he helped had no respect for a traitor. I like this book because it is very interesting and about our own coun- try. When a man is sent awav from I Vila nAiintvif J- I .1 U . n t P-nisnment Presbyterian church gave a delight- than death. It the same as if one ful socia, at the church TueS(, Jhf were run away from home never to; Nnmer0U8 games and contes s return or hear of ,t. ;enjoyed durj tfc iuin was a nne young officer and he could have made good in the Amer ican Army if he hadn't lost his head. When he said he didn't want to hear of his country any more, his wish was granted and he was put on a ship and carried away where he could in vo his wishes. When he was getting old and h's time had almost come for him to die, he regretted that he couldn't take back everything he did. He knew after his punishment that if he had By A. B. CHAPIN I the chance he would live a better life and stick to his country und fight till he died for it. Nolan made a talk to a bov and told him to stick to his country n matter what happened to him. ALBERT HARRIS. BEST KEPT SCHOOL BANNER AWARDED TO LAKE JUNA LUSKA. Some weeks ago the Civic League Waynesville offered a banner to the ' best kept school, limiting the offer to ! tne fur schools of Hazeywoo, Ways nesville, East Waynesville and Lnke jJunaluska. Last week the commit- tee- consliit'nS of Mrs. Nobel Garrett Mrs- w- H- Un?r "d Mrs. Caroline de Neergaard, made their first visit to the schools and graded them on the condition in which they foun I the class rooms, the chapels,, the walls, the basements and the grounds. The condition in which the schools were found is indicated by. the grade given each of the schools as shown in the report submitted as follows: Lake Junaluska !7.2, Waynesville 97.08, East Waynesville 95.8, Ha zelwood 94.!). It is thus shown that Lake Junaluska won by a narrow margin over Waynesville that was a close second. In addition to judging the schools as units, the committee also awarded the prize of worthy mention to the following class 'rooms that made an average of 95 or over:: East Waynes ville, second grade 07.0, third 98, fourth 95, fifth, 97, sixth 99. P, sev enth 9fi.fi; Hazelwood, fifth A 97.0, first B 97. second B 95, third 98.3 fourth 97, fifth 9.r)..1, sixth 95.3; Ju naluska, first A 9f.5, first R 97..",, third 99.16, fourth 98, fifth 97, sixth 95.3, seventh 95.3; Waynesville, first 95.(3, third 99.3, fourth 9fi.fi, fifth 97, sixth 97.3, seventh 99.3. Chief mention is given to the sixih grade of the East Waynesville school as being the best kept room in the lour schools that were visited, average score made being 99.6. the CHURCH SOCIAL. Christian Endeavor of The the Hot chocolate and sandwiches were served to the guests who were: Miss es Diana Black, Nancy Crockett, Mary Quinlan, Ida Jean Brown, Alic? Quinlan, Lois Harrold, Louise Ed wards, Mrs. Robert H. Gibson, Mrs. Linwood Grahl, and Mrs. R. L. Prc vost, Messrs. T. M. Shackleford, Otis Aiken, Will Harbeck, direst Georg Aaron and Billy Prevost. Rev. S. R. Crockett, Mark Davis, Howe Taylor Crockett, Robert H. Gibson and Lin- (wood Grahl BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT., Mr. and' Mrs. J. P. De Fravio an nuunce the birth of a son, Joseph Howell, November 30. Mrs. de Fravio was before her marriage Miss Louise Howell. ; MARTIN'S TOY SHOP. Messrs. Fred und Paul Martin have ' opened a toy shop in the building formerly occupied by the Aiken Tea and Gift Shop on Main street, next to Alexander's Drug Store. This is an ideal place to buy your Christmas : toys at a reasonable price. They are eady to supply you with all kinds of toys, including trains, wagons, dolls, carriages and many other toys that will make an ideal Christmas for the hild ren. THE TOGGERY MOVES TO NEW BUILDING. The Toggery, one of Waynosville'3 exclusive ladies shops, has moved into new quarters in the Massie build ing, one of the finest brick structures in Waynesville. Mrs. Hugh Ahel and Mrs. Floyd Rippctoc own this shop and are now displaying many beautiful models in hats and dresses. They always can furnish you with the latest novelt'ea anil notions which ;irc on the market. In addition they also have a beauty salon which is operated by Mrs. Je rome Brian. MRS. IIURGIN IS IMPROVING. The many friends of Mrs. F. A. Hurgin will be glad to hear that she is gradually recovering after being seriously ill for several week:-, at he: home on Love Lane. WAR HONORS ARE Ot'CORDED NURSE. The Charlotte Observer. Two buglers, separated by a dis tance of more than 1,500 miles sound ed taps as the body of Miss Edna Al exander was lowered into its grave at Paw Creek Presbyterian church at t o'clock yesterday afternoon. Military ceremonies were held In tribute to the former Red Cross nursL. at I'ort liiiyanl. N. M.. where she l"ied 1.'. "I T.u'sday, simultaneously wiui Mtu.lar honors paid in Charlotte by members of the Hornets N'est post No. 9 of the American Legion. The body was conveyed to the train at Fort Bayard by a military escort and the bier draped in an American flag, while a detachment from the legion met the train at Charlotte and formed an escort to the funeral chapel of Z. A. Hnvis and Son. Following the services at the Hovu chapel the body was carried to the Presbyterian churchyard at Paw Creel: under an escort of legion officers ar.i buried with full military ceremonies A squad selected from a company iy. Captain Paul R. Younts, fired a salute from the outskirts of the graveyard as the last notes died from thi- bugle. First for a Woman. The ceremonies, the first of the kind accorded a woman here since the war, were held in recognition of a service which continued for the duration of the war and for several months after ! peace was declared. Miss Alexander was born at Paw Creek 34 years ago. She was gradu ated at Elizabeth college and finished her liberal education at Flora Mac donald college, later specializing m medicine at the Piedmont sanatorium, at Atlanta. She enlisted in the Amer ican nurses corps on November 21, 1917, and was stationed at the Camp Gordon hospital at Atlanta, where she remained until ordered overseas with her unit in July, 1918. Served- in France. In F ranee she jfjtt base'liospi tal No. 89, at Mesres, and at hospitals at Vnnnes, Brest and Kerhour. Her war sen-ice was completed in June, 1919, nd she arrived in the United States on July 13 of the same year. She had been stationed at the U. S Veterans hospital at Fort Bayard for the past four years and had been a patient for two years. Although the American Legion was in charge of ceremonies yesterday, the funeral was participated in by mem bers of the Veterans of Foreign War.", Disabled American Veterans, the Y. M. C. A. and Masonic organizations. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. 0. G. Vnrdell. of Red Springs, president of Flora MacdonMd college, and Rev. W. B. Mcllwanie, pastor of tlje Westminster Presbyterian church.

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