Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,802 feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries mm Volume XXXVIII. " Number 13 WAYNESVILLE; HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1926 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not so Paid Annual Report of the Library Medical Society To Meet Here Condensed State Furniture Hurt By Lack Of Timber News From Raleigh Secretary's Report for the Year 1925-1926. In looking back over the ygar.just passed, though financially it has been a hard fight, on the whole it has prov ed to be a fairly successful one. We started out the year with two new directors, Mrs. W. C. Allen and Miss Marion Boggs, both of whom have been most! interested and helpful The average attendance of directors at the quarterly meetings has . been larger than in njany years here-to-fore. At the September meeting all being present but one. In September our much esteemed president sent in her resignation, but this the board absolutely refused to consider. Children's Book Week was observed as usual. The women's clubs of the town responding with liberal dona tions. As stated before,, financially we have been very hard pushed. How ever, we have succeeded- in paying the running expenses of the Library and we are honing for better things in the future. Signed Alice Crosby Quinlan, Secretary. Treasurerreport for Year Knding February 28, 1926. Cash. Balance in bank March 1, 1925 $100.33 Subscriptions , 272.00 Fees and Fines -- 130.(K Lost Books 10.40 Deposits fi-0G Donations From D. A. R. . 10.00 Woman's Club 10.00 Community Club 10.00 Mr. Price - 10.00 Town of Waynesville 51.15 $610.67 Expenditures. Librarian's salary 268.60 Janitor's Salary 34.40 Books 165.00 P. O. Box Rent 3 00 Supplies . 8.75 L. A. Miller (Plumbing) 22.95 Cleaning (Labor) --- 6.60 Coal - 8.50 Magazines 6.60 Express and Freight on bodks 6:22 $530.55 Balance in Bank $ 80.00 Signed, L. B. Palmer, , Treasurer. Since th"e above report was render ed, two insurance policies have been paid, leaving a balance at present of $4.00. Report of House Committee. At the annual meeting of the Li brary Board I was elected chairman of the House Committee, and acting in that capacity, I beg to submit the following report. . The general house cleaning was done in June, and by' the co-operation of mot of the board, we were ablu to complete the work in one day. fcvery rart of the building was thoroughly cleaned. As the. walls and wood work had been put in good condition the previous year, it was not neces sary to" re-touch them. In the early fall I had Mr. L. A. Miller install the stove, and make ready for the coming season. t have endeavored to attend as many board meetings as possible, advising the janitor always to have the room clean and comfortably heat ed. Mrs. Shelton kindly ordered the coal and kindling for the' writer. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. W. L.Hanfin, V Chairman House Committee.' Report of" Publicity Committee. At the beginning of the year the publicity committee resolved to keep the Library and its activities before the public as much as possible. Whenever new books were' placed on the Library shelves an announce ment was put in the paper, and in some instances a brief resume was given of books that might prove to be of special interest. ' Beginning the first of November, for a period of six weeks, articles ap peared each week in the paper fea turing Children's Book Week, and announci plans for observing it in the sch' '-. , : .. ' The committee feels indebted to Mr. Band for his generosity in printing the- various items, and especially the papers ...written by the school chil dren during the "ChiMren'i' Book (Continued on another page.) , The coming of Dr. Watson S. Rank in, Medical Director of the Duke Foundation, to Waynesville, May 5th to attend the sessions of the Tenth District Medical Association affords our people an opportunity to become well advised as to the purposes of the splendid benefaction created and so munificently endowed by the late James Duke which we feel sure the people will take advantage of Dr. Rankin was, from 1909 to less than two years since, when the Duke En dowment was created, Secretary of the North Carolina State Board of Health and is widely known both in state and nation as one of the fore most sanitary authorities. Loaned by the State Board of Health three years ago for a year's service to combined American Health interests, Dr. Rankin spent a year as traveling consultant on public health problems with the 83 largest cities of the U. S., following which period he assumed the duties of medical member of the 1 Duke Foundation with offices in Charlotte. The original endowment of Mr. Duke was placed at $10,000, 000.00 with provision for increasing it to double that amount. Later by the terms of his will it was imme diately increased to a greater sum that originally contemplated. While Mr. Duke was a loyal Meth odist the purpose of his benefaction is extended far beyond the confines of his denomination as a reference to the subjoined list shows. The income from the Foundation is annually" expended as provided in Mr. Duke's will as follows: Duke University, Durham, N. C, (Methodist) 32. Hospital in N. C. and S. C, 32. Orphanages in N. C. and S. C, 10. Build Rural ;Ohurches in N.C., (Methodist) 6rt. Help Mountain Churches in N. C, (Methodist) 6. Superanuated Ministers in N. C, (Methodist) 2. Davidson College, near Charlotte, N. C, (Presbyterian) 5. Furman University, Greenville, S. C, (Baptist) 5. Johnson-Smith University, Char lotte, N. C, (Negro) 4. Following the afternoon session cf the medical society with the Presi dent, Dr. F. M. Davis, Canton, N. C, there will be a dinner served the members of the association in the l' dining hall of the Methodist church in Waynesville at 6 P. M. and imme- diatelv thereafter at 7 o'clock sham. Dr. Rankin will address the visiting physicians and community at large in the chapel of the new Methodist ill liiit: Lliuj'i yjM. liiv ivrt mvuivuiov church. The people of the entire community are cordially invited to;men ar" delightfully balanced by a be present and to improve this splen-1 well-chosen series of lighter crea did apportunity to hear Dr. Rankin tions, folk-songs, and spirituals. The .... . i ., ' i rottnt anil Vila afnflT tiawn nnsliir.arl ana iuiiy acquaint tnemseives wiui; aims and purposes of the directors of this great Foundation. WAYNESVILLE) MUSIC LOVERS. Waynesville music lovers will have an opportunity to hear the cele brated University of North Carolina Glee Club on the evening of May 3, when the Athletic Association of the high school will sponsor a concert given by the well known organiza tion in the aunditorium of the Cen tral High school at 8:00. In choosing the University singers for its musical program, the Athletic Association has made an excellent selection. Perhaps no other glee club in the country enjoys as envi able a reputation as that of this unique feature of the music depart ment at the historic institution. There, in an atmosphere of sacred traditions and illustrious pasts, Paul John Weaver, prominent University musician of unusual talent, has built of up from a body of one hundred and'T, twenty-five candidates, a choral or ganization of sixty mdmbers pos- essing remarkable fineness and vocal ability. From this number, a select company of thirty or forty men are making trips of the season. The large company toute ensemble, sings in Chapel HiH. An especial feature of the program which will be executed here is a num ber of selections by the club's guest artist, T. Smith McCorkle, popular University violin director. Mr. Mc Corkle, who is endowed with unusuai musical talent, has'had a most suc cessful career since his association with Southern-Universities. Waynesville people will also be in- Hon. P. V. Massey is a native j the staunchest Democrats in the Jtate. a man who is known for his honesty, integrity and sincerity. In asking for a second term as Treasurer of Haywood county friends feel that Mr. Massey is not only entitled to this office on account of his efficiency and splendid, record but also because it has always been generally under stood that any one who held this office was entitled to at least a secorfd term. Mr. Massey will not have any opposition it is pretfy generally un derstood. Mr. P. V. Massey is one of the most accommodating gentlemen in the fficial life of Haywood county. terested to know that C. A. Lee, junior at the university and promi nent young man of this city, will ac company the organization, in Sts visit to this city. By . dint of careful studying and deserving work, he has won a place in the famous company, an accomplishment of which his friends may be justly proud. Exquisite music which Mr. Weav er's proteges have so thoroughly mastered, and the widely praised concerts of the organization, are in dicative of the results which may be obtained from a company of young men who- under the tutoring of an artist, nave glimpsed the vision of l true music and vocal expression. The almost heavenly ascents achieved in ; j ithe classical number rendered by the; j"-" a club which is recognized as a peer of the St. Olaf and Westminster Choirs; its appearances throughout the country have met with storms of praise for the splendid influence and work of the company. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. In place of the usuaj Sunday night sermon Mrs. D. D. Taber, national educational worker, will address the congregation May 2nd at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Taber comes as a representa- jtives of the National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is working in the interest of the church's program. Everybody ia cordially invited. FERGUSON-GREEN Miss' Louise Green was married to Mr. Lowry Odell Ferguson, Thurs day afternoon, April 29, at the home the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Green, bn Boyd avenue. Rev. C. T. Tew, pastor of the First Bap tist church, performed the ceremony in the presence of only the inti mate) friends of the young couple. '. Mrs. Ferguson is the daughter "of Mr. and Mrs. T, L. Green, and has a wide circle of friends' who will be interested to learn of her marriage. She is a young lady of many charms and accomplishments. She was edu cated in the Waynesville high school and further continued her studies at N. C. C. W. in Greensboro. Mr., Ferguson is a prosperous young business man of many .fine qualities After a short honeymoon Mr. and jMrs. Ferguson will be at home to.hoori at 3:30 with Mrs. Horace their friends in Waynesville. P. V. M ASSEY. J of Haywood. is known as one of A hardworking tiller of the soil and IH, FLOWER SHOW. Held Annually I'nder the Auspices of of the Community Club. Now is the time to plan your en try for the Flower Show to be held in August. The largest and best show yet exhibited is anticipated by those in charge. Many inquiries are coming in from persona who have not heret ofore made entries. I.ook over the following list and see what ap peals to you most and make youi plans to have your flowers the larg est and most beautiful. For any in formation relative to the cultivation i of flowers or the show, nhone Misa Caroline Atlstaetter. The following prize list shoulJ in- terest all who grow flowers: Largest collection of different va rieties of flowers, $10.00. Best display of dahlias, $10.00. Finest single specimen of dahlias, $5.00. Finest old fashioned bouquet, $2.50. Most artistic combination of two different varieties, $2.00. " Most artistic combination of three different varieties, $2.00. Best display of snap dragon, $2.00. Best display zinias, $2.00. Best display marigolds, $2.00. Best display floxgloves, $2.00. Best display calendulas, $2.00. Best display nasturtiums, $2.00. Best display roses, $2.00. Best display sweet peas, $2.00. Best dispTay gladioli, $2.00. Finest single specimen gladioli, $2.00. Best primulus gladioli, $2.00. Best display delphiniums, $2.00. Best display larkspur, $2.00. Best display phlox, $2.00. Best display ragged robins, $2.00. Best display straw flowers, $2.00. Best display .of asters, $2.00, . Best display of house plants, $2.00. The handsomest fern, $2.00. ) The most attractive window or porch box, $5.00. Garden Committee, 1 t - Caroline ' M. Altstaetter, Chairman. Mrs. Robt. Coin, Mrs. Will Shelton, Mrs. Floyd Rippetoe, J-, 'Miss Sarah Thomas.1 . THE MUSIC CLUB TO MEET. The Music Department of the Wo- man's Club will meet. Friday after- I Keener. He (By M. L. Shipman.) , Raleigh, N.C., April 26. The "un der the surface political murmerings, evidenced by the riling of candidacies for office and the holding of the coun conventions, was about ihe most im portant event at the C.ipital duiing the week. The political battles will soon be aired in print. On the sur face the week was about as quite as any expenrieiiced at the Capital City and was excellent for early fishing. The fever of spring was in the air, and business suffered correspondingly. The expiration of the time limit, Saturday night, for filing of office to be run in the primaries this summer, found a large number of contested offices, chiefly among the solicitors and judges and those state senatorial candidacies which are required to be filed at Raleigh. With the top offices, i nly a few contests were in sight and those chiefly between Democrats and Republicans lather than within the Democratic party ami the results, of eours!', are foregone conclusions. Sen ator Overman upparcutly changed mind about not maintaining an or ganization to fight the candidacy of Hob Kc-ynotds for during the week he opened an office in Raleigh. RcnoUls, meanwhile, is campaigning the state. For Senator, the tilings showed Overman and Reynolds would be op posed on the Republican side by Johnson J. Hayes on the Republican ticket. There are several contests slated between the Democrats and Republicans for Congress while the Supreme Court will name a chief justice and three associate justices. Chief Justice Stacy will be opposed by former congressman James J. Britt of Asheville. The only other Republican filing for a place on the court is Herbert F. Seewell of Car thage. Corporation Commissioner Allen J. Maxwell will be opposed by J. J. Jenkins of Chatham. A number of contests are indicated in the races for Superior Court judges, solicitors and State senators. State Forestry week was celebrat ed throughout the state last week. The Governor and officials of thj de partment of conservation and devel opment issued a number of state ments dwelling on various phases of forest conservation. The value of the forests from a number of angles was stressed by the articles which were published each day in the papers of the state. . The Tobacco Co-ops will attempt a new form of organization by signing up the Old of Bright Belt growers into a separate organization. The Tri-State organization is taking no part in the new organization work as it is prohibited from any activities of this kind by court order. If the new organization is effected th-j Tn-State organization automatically will fade from the picture as this will cut off the greut proportion of growers of Virginia and North Carolina and the South Carolina growers already have severed themselves from the asso ciation. The recent frost is estimated to have done from 25 to 75 per cent damage to the peach crops of the Sand Hills. The Democrats held county meet ings last Saturday to name delegates to the State convention. The State Democratic convention will be held this week at Raleigh on Thursday. W. C. Femister of New ton will deliver the keynote address. Nothing startling is expected to de velop at the meeting as everything is very quiet. A new state execu tive committee is to be named and the present chairman John C. Daw son, has no opposition for re-election. R. B. House, secretary of the State . Historical Commission resigned dur-, ing the week to become executive sec retary of the University of North Carolina. Mr. House has made a j name for himself as the officer of the commission and it will be hard to re place him. The damage suit of A. L. Ormond against W. B. Cole, growing out of the latters killing of Bill Ormond has been set for trial in June. Former Governor Frank O. Low-, den of Illino3 delivered three ad dresses in the state during the week, pleading for the support of co-opeN j ative marketing as the "best bet" of the farmers. t Bob Reynolds has rcnlied to the qucstionaire of the State Federation (Continued on another page.) Forestry Conservation Chief Warns of Vanishing Lumber Supply. Raleigh, N. C, April 20 (A. P.) North Carolina's furniture industry is threatened by the State's vanishing timber supply, declared Major Wadu H. Phillips, director of the North Carolina Conservation and Develop ment Department, olii' "The statement was ir.ud" in con nection with the deivii' nient's activ ities during the present National Forestry Week." "North Carolina i.; slowly losing; ground in the lumber industry." said Major Philips. "Seventeen years agi our State ranked fourth in lumber cut, today we stand eleventh n the United Slates and sovnth aiiring the Southern states. The furniture indus try of North Carolina is being threat ened by our vanishing timber supply. Remedies SiiKfjested. Some of the remedy's for the situa tion emphasized by .Mr. I'hilip-- are tire prevention, D'nteclicni if yi'Un t niher, and refoivM :nio':. "That had forest fire in Surry coun ty could have tr.vi; nrevtnted or at least controlled," oe said. "The Con servation and I) vclnpinent Depart ment urged the Surry county author ities last year to '-o operate in settinjr up a tire preverti hi organiz ition, but they dccl'ned to do o o'l grounds of economy. "Our i.nestr, epi esent a crop which should be mad? to grow again. We insure our houses Our timber wealili is of equal importance. Other States Awr.ke. "Other states arc awako on this ' c . ious problem," said Director Phil ips. And he pointed out that I'enn rylvania put out l(),00(),(l0u new trees last year, and that Massachusetts, has state forests, county forests, and more than 5 municipal forests. "If this is good business for Penn sylvania and Massachusetts, whose drastic program shows they waited too long, it is all the more important that our people act vigorously and promptly to conserve our forests, the most important item of our State's natural resouiccs." MISS WEAVER HONORED WED NESDAY EVENING. The oporators of the local telephone exchange honored Miss Bessie Weav er who has been transferred to Char lotte, with a delightful farewell party Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Keller. Cards and dancing were enjoyed by the guests until a late hour. Hot Chocolate and sandwiches were served to about twenty-five guests who were present for the affair. TOWNSHIP TAX LISTERS. Waynesville, Graden Ferguson. Clyde, W. G. Byers. Beaverdam, LeRoy Willis. Pigeon, Mrs. A. J. Garner. Iron Duff, J. Manson Medford. Jonathan's Creek, J. R. Boyd, Jr. East Fork, Thos. L. Michal. Cecil, J. F. Justice. Ivy Hill. Mrs. Jack Campbell. Cataloochee, J. I,, rainier. Fines Creek, James Messer. Crabtree,. F. A. Justice. White Oak, Mrs. Grover Clark. All listers are notified to meet the1 Board of County Commissioners on May 1st and get their papers and in structions for listing 1926 taxes. DEATH OF ROBERT G. A. LOVE. The sudden death of Mr. Robert G. A. Love occurred in Waynesville on last Thursday, April 22, at the the residence of Mrs. M. C. Felmet. Deceased was a native of Waynes ville and he lived here all his life. He died very suddenly caused from leakage of the henrt. Mr. Love was about fifty years old and one of the best known citizens of Waynesville. He was known as a quiet unassuming gentleman. Unusu ally well educated. He leaves one sister to survive him, Mrs. Harry C. Marshall, of Philadelphia, besides many other relatives. He was' a life long members of Grace Church in the Mountains. The funeral was held from the residence of Dr. Sum Stringfteld.' Burial in the Green Hill cemetery, Rev. ' Al bert New' officiating.