Waynesville Mountaineer 14 Church Street Wm. A. BAND, Editor-Owner POLITICALLY DEMOCRATIC Display Advertising Rates: Forty Cents per column inch Guaranteed Circulation SUBSCRIPTION RATES Suli'-rriptions payable in advance ($l'..r)0 if not so paid) i Year ..$2.00. r. Months . 1.25 Months .05 Entered at the post office, at Waynesville, N. C, as Second Class Mai! Matter, as provided under the Act of March Ii, 1879, November 20, 1914. PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY in the world, through personal in- jfluenee can help and protect those weaker than themselves. Comparing h..nian lives to the sheltering rock spoken of in Isaiah "Behold a king shall leign in i .;hteousness aim princes shall rule in judgment. And a man shall be las an hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shad ow 0f a great rock in a weary land." Mr. Mangum, from this text, ue ; i c-reiJ one of the most practical expense, if auto association) would emulate the example ast by the rail roads, and establish a Safety Sec tions to deal with carelcssr.0i3 and educate auto drivers in safe prac tices, as the railroads hav td.icated their employes. YOU CAN'T BE LOYA1 'in TWO COUNTRIES. "The Good Book says th.it one can no; serve two masters. By the same token one cannot hold sincere alle giance to two countries he cannot u tc ances that has been heard from j hold aloft tw flag3 an(J be ll)yal to piuuoii.i Hi. season. h,h -t th S!.mp tim. f, other must ride at the top 0f the mast. Loyalty is an attribute akin ti. godliness. Treason is the outward expression of ingratitude. "President Coolidge says thi.t the 1 .. si dang . ' vfrniocnt today, iies anion: those who are K.-.,i Rapidly sketching the prophecies of Isaiah in which he had pronounced. toe great woes of the surrounding nations and predicted a new social older founded on justice and righ-ic.ju-ness, the speaker compared hu ::: lives to the rock spoken of in ins text which by stopping the drift hue, but who are unassimilated in of the deer:, sands permitted seeds heart and spirit, and whose greater j i .i cm lodgment and grjiv, making lve is still for the for-jign lands I "I :.! -mm- in the midst of the barren-' they left to better their .jonditbn in! .' the ticeit. Great men, he the United States. - jsai.l. while not the whole of life are "It j; not unnatural, nor even ; t--:,c filial to its progress; and if it cause for criticism, that a person v. ere not for their protection and in-. mining to the United State.? from Hueiue smaller and weaker men could sume foreign country, should retain scarcely liive. The greatest and most1,, certain degree of love for tht land dangerous drift today he said is the of his birth. All citizens of the irift of sin. United States descended from foreign "i'r.i oughou! human history," said land", and there is no disrespee: in -peaker, "great men have arisen, this. We love to trace our ancestry ; -land between weaker individuals l.'Jiik to the Pilgrim Fathers, and .!..! desii in tion. I'rominent among wen beyond. Hut there is a limit llie.-e 'lurks' were Abraham, Moses, !o ancestial Loastfulnc.s.s. Martin Luther, and John Weslev. "Mailiid vov.s remove a voii'iur , uml.-r-taml that a great many ,h(, t.n;i)j,uous uf a! WRJ ' man , a young w .man from the - have already been so!, I and that rhll., .u k.. ,.,u- ' ,..,,... i !,. ' ,i .., u ',.n l- a- the Rock of Ages to save !i"-cn. This dues not mean that i fro nitiie laigost, ciuelest drift 1 ve and icspect for the old home -' '' ' '. tile drift of s in. 'should be obliterated; but it does Tin' iife of the ideal man," con-' iM 11 m'w "'Mr "a-, been i.MUi-,1 the speaker, 'i- a happy life-. ted :i new hearthstone built and ! fre.-ning as water in a thirst v land dedicated to a new life, an 1 this is and strong as the sheltering rock. ''''e atlar and this is the hearthstone Too many people have a northeastern that demands loyalty above all otners. expu-ual. Little eheilciren do not' is vvi,n tlu' country of one's play around their doorsteps. Iiut ' adoption. No man ever tame to the THURSDAY, U (it ST 1'tJii IlKl.PlNti WAYNESVILLE CROW. The Sheltoii property on Pigeon .-, tieet i.- fas', developing into Vay ni ville'- nio-t attractive home de- eloiment. Kvery citizen of Way-i.-vnle -! u 11 take particular pride in -urh a n unproved fully rest fitted 1m, :ne development, as this ha- been i i.r "!' W a;, in - ille's greatest needs. i.ein! purchasers are contemplat ii. g hu:id;i g nice homes immediately. If one v. ill v.sualize the very near fn'uie he w,!l sic a development of v.ide paed -ticets, cement sidewalks, and beau' if ul hollies on a property ideal for home develpoment. and vith a view of the mountains eoual to any a i oiind W aynesville. A great many people have come iiiio the "Mice of the Waynesville Mi un'.ainccr in the past few days and xpiesscd their surprise that such a hiautifi.il and close-in property has lo ! been developed before. The Pinnix Development Corpora tion ha announced in another part "f this paper the winners in their naming contest. i IIIIV follower of Christ can like Him United States of American except of ,1 i- a i uk, a protection and a stream his own volition, urged by a de3ire g;. .::g happinc-s and l t-ficshnient to l;) obtain greater temporal olessings. .." aiound. This is the philosophy The highways of the seas arc never f ln-toiy and the duty of Christen- closed against his return. If he I'oni. li'iii i. him-elf unhappy under the laws "How ,an a Christian fulfill his'an-i under the Constiuitio i of this de-;my of being a rock?" queried the country. -J't-akcr. "By protecting the weak.' "Loyalty to God, to country, to i Kvery man and everv unman hiis, h one and to one's self commands con-1 - personal influence. All of the sen- ' lidenee of others and bespeaks good -. and parliaments in the world citizenship." Waynesville ,;, redeem the social order. Per.1 The Denver Post offers pruts for .-oiul power is the greatest force in the best editorials submitted to it. la.' world. This is a good way to encourag the "And Christians can be like Christ ' expression of opinion and comim nt in 1 y stemming the tide of prejudice. ' community. The foregoing prize .'dai.y a man's usefulness is cut short winning editorial was written by A. by idle gossip and distrust. ; l - May-field, editor of the Mountain "Your attitude to sorif-tv " suiH th.. States Monitor, ef Denvor. and is j-ie-. rit manageme:, we h ,v, never .-..caker in eonelosi,,,, ',l,.iPn,;n, ' worthy of reproduction in any paper. hoo! v, ii.it sott of inHoeni'i' -nn hni'rt in,l . or .,u, Jurt t,f r,,,. you are." Mr. Mangum, who is one of the out- DON A TING AI) ERTISINC. The policy of the Mountaineer has been published many times. Any responsible citizen may ivii'e on any --ubject of the day. They can ciitaise m a constructive mun ni'i t,r i-l.iw a- ;,-ard as 'hey picfe. ih-wi ver we ii..--, i alio ,v ;.-. .no t ) ' u-e our i -iitorial i , inio-i. Under the .'hargi'd for church alfaii-s or special eh., enter'a; min;- ,.f M,ni though w a gave until . ci-'lly hurt, , "''i C w . ! I c'n;. ! i;.' fo,ni rati of 1 o tent- pel llil .-ill'ai'i, s 'y -ales, or hem lit e .'en .v.- weie linan- landing members of the Western ' North Carolina conference of the M. - v 0-. -it the i-i. e for ail lea:.- upon BE CAREFUL WITH FORESTS. FIRES IN e is th - ao.,at fat, when it is vou cannot whistle it back l,v,ti. i nurcn, outn, nas been ct. ed iT i . j u.. nuiitn rn pss it is staved bv enor- to promote several important',. t nf m r hnltp(1 v at. er .-idveitiscnieins of tins nature entei pnses of his denomination. As u,.a, obstacles or drenched by rain, wh. ie admi si,.,, is cha-gel. etc. near of the Junaluska Development u wi, burn unti, it n0 longer find, Ue gave ov.-r f.,r y -nches of Company during the past year he nmteria,9 fur consumption. leaner auver; is-emi'iits in ipgara to r.as uevoieu nis time to tne interest If automobile associations would sements m Louise Hunter's entertainmen'. We of the Southern Assembly here. He weie pleased to do this lio-au ? th" i.nnounces that he will re-enter the i au-i was a ve'y good one, or ap- pustulate at the approaching session pencil to be. A program was got- ot the conference. Mr. Mangum is ten up that had a splendid line of a giaduate of Vanderbilt University, advittising in them, purely donated lie accompanied the late Bishop W. by the local business concerns. We K. Lambuth, when Bishop Lambuth were not a-ked for a bid on this j di, founded the Methodist mission in but feel sure that very little was Afiic.i. ' wide iravt'L and laniit- paid fur it from its quality. We pay i uity with scenes and condition.; iut hard cash weekly for labor and throughout tile work make him an expenses and it costs a lot of money interesting speaker. to advertise especially when it takes ! our money out of the county to spend A SAKET SECTION FOR AU'IOS. elsewhere. Something for nothing never nnoreriatpd. A few nases or "We thank vou" will also be in take ,lu' amu ",,m'ht ,n educating ordrr the next 'time-but then there :automoji,e dr,ver3 -,,,e Practlces. will be no next time. We intend to!as lhe "'-ro-a take in thus educat . - itur their employes, automobile travel charge from now on so the paper 1 ' L . . , , i would be safer and more p'oasant, will be appreciated. I , , , , , r c, - u , 'and there would be fewer auto ac- Some of our merchants have grown ... 4. . . ... cidents on the hnghwav and at rail- wealthv through the years bv the , . . , . . ... ' way grade crossings, patronage of the citizens of this com- , " ... munity and these merchants have ' On the Southern Tac.fic, wh.ch .s boen loud in their denounciation of a typ,ccl ,Western roa.d' 11 Psse t , ,,,.. j , , . imay travel on its trains a distance buyin? out of town and not to patron-, ize mail order houses. It is said that u.valent to 340,000 times around their families, however, do buy out the world wlthout Jaacr of lo3s of of town. You can't fool all the peo.;life ste"m .taln acid""r- On i lhe pie all the time. And if we expect ' Sou'hern Pac,fi' ; 'n 1925' more tha" our people U buy at home, we should WW man-hours war worked never be afraid to advertise our ..eat PlW , kllUi on dutf' nne tnis is tne lies", record mane iby any large railway system of the United States having more than 100,- prices and should at least practice that which we preach. Nuf Sed. REV. J. T. MANGUM PREACHED 000,000 working man haurs for the AT LAKE JUNAI.LSKA. ir, there were o.hers almost s good. Lake Junaluska, N. C, Au(j. 22, This shows what systematic safety (Special). "The shelt!f and founds- work means in tha prevention of no tion force of society is not in science ' cidents. nd material wealth, but in personal ; Instead of agila.ii'g ntd: -hnnfes, itifluence," declared the Rev. J. T. i which would burden the peoplo with Mangum, of Waynesvi'!-!, preaching taxes, and then enly take euro of ! vir-jy n'ght from th) plitform cf less than 10 per eentr of the total i the JI-4'dist Southern Assem'jiy. auto accidents for records show that S'rong men, through n? the hi-1 more than 90 per cent occur at street tory of the world, said Mr. Mangum, intersection and elsewhers on the l. .... amah Ia nnttAAf mnA V. al f a v K ! nVl w . K a alttiafnn m.a.11 tht' weak, and every man and woman much better cared for and at little J Look at the ghosts of trees that . i.sc f oiii oid seais on our mountains ..her.' torest fires have heap.. Nature will leplnnt, but slowly. Men who were careless with fire put to naught her toil of a century. Be careful with t, ie, and then be more careful than ever. All this greenery, this cool ness, this delightful beauty, may be blackened and made hideous by a single careless act. The homes and industries of to morrow may never be, if so much as a spark falls in this midsummer tin der. Be careful with fire. You can not whistle it back. IF YOU ORDER THE MEAL PAY YOUR CHECK. The Colorado Tax Commissicn re cently made a thorougn study of the taxation situation in that state Following is an excerpt from its re port: "Eliminating educational and road funds, of every dollar raised by gen eral property taxation, less thar. seven cents goes to tho state. The other 93 cents is for home consump tion ,and is raised and spent by the local officials elected by the people for that purpose. And they in turn spend the money, as directed by the people who vote on themselves at least 93 per cent of the taxes which they pay. "Communities, as a rule, vote free ly; but when the bill is presented it seems to be lost sight of that these things were ordered by themselves." I SAVE YOUR MONEY- I On bos of Ton' PlIU mvm mmxr dollir. In doctor', bilk. A remedy for diKue of the liver, rick heed- (TatTs Pills) I Last Tax Notice ! To Taxpayers of Waynesville: ALL UNPAID TAXES OF THE TOWN OF WAYNESVILELL Must Be Settled Be fore September 1st. ALL PROPERTY THAT TAXES HAVE NOT BEEN PAID ON AFTER THE ABOVE DATE Will Legally Advertised and Sold THIS MENS ADDITIONAL COSTS OF ADVERTISING AND EX PENSE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS. J. M. PALMER, TAX COLLECTOR. See Our Line of Warners Corsets and Brasiers. Ellison's Where Prices or Less Get our prices on Sheets and Pillow Cases WE INVITE EVERY LADY IN HAYWOOD COUNTY TO VISIT OuR STOKE, WE WANT TO MEET YOU, WE WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU, WE CAME HERE BECAUSE WE LIKE WAYNESVILLE, AND HAVE GREAT CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE OF THIS LITTLE CITY. WE EXPECT TO CARRY" A LINE OF MERCHANDISE THAT WILL M'RIT YOUR PATRONAGE, AND ALL DEALINGS WITH OUR CUSTODIERS MUST BE DONE ON THE "FAIR AND SQUARE" PLAN. WE ARE NOT HERE TO HUMBUG ANYBODY, IN SELLING THEM CHEAP GOODS AT A BIG PRICE, BUT TO SELL GOOD MERCHAN DISE AT A REASONABLE PRICE, THAT IS OUR POLICY. LADIES ALL SILK HOSE, ALL THE LEADING COLORS LOOK THESE PRICES OVER LADIES ALL SILK CHIFON HOSE, ALL THE LEADING COLORS $1.00 LADIES ONYX, POINTEX HOSE, ALL LEADING SHADES $1.50 LADIES COTTON LILE THREAD HOSE, ALL COLORS .25 A FULL LINE OF CHILDREN'S AND MISSES HOSE 25 and 50 cents 25 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS, AT RE DUCED PRICE LADIES KNIT SUMMER UNION SUITS, ALL SIZES, SPECIAL 50 cents LADIES ALL WOOL FELT BED ROOM SLIPPERS, SPECIAL 75 cents LADIES LINGETTE TRINCESS SLIPS, SPECIAL 98 cents SANITARY PADS FOR BABY BEDS, 27x54, SPECIAL S1.25 COTTON BATS, FOR QUILTS, SPECIAL,15c ROLL, 6 TO THE QUILT, RED STAR DIAPERS, LARGE SIZE, SPECIAL $1.98 dozen LADIES NIGHT GOWNS, SHORT AND LONG SLEEVES, SPECIAL 98 cents LADIES NECK WEAR A SPECIALTY .. SEE OUR LINE OF HANDKERCHIEFS AND SILK UNDERWEAR