v THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Jkdetp anli Personal 4Ctm 3)ofothtf ZJiotna, (bditor u. --a r-. ' -a t r.... i Sirs. J.M. Long wer Asheville vis itors Thursday. .. ' . .Mrs. S. L. . Hicks of Greensboro spent the week-end with her mother, 3Jrs. Sallie Alman. ' Mr. Thomas P. Stanley, Jr. of Athens, Ga. was the guest of friends Jhere several days of this week. . . . lira. C. A. Black returned this week frqm a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Jake Newell in Charlotte. ... ;-; ' Mr. Bill Kimberly of Asheville spent the week-end with Mrs. Kim berly at' tht home of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Rotha. Mrs. D'Arcy Williams left Wednes day for her home in Asheville .after spending several days as guest of Mr. and Mrs. .Harry Rotha. . Mr. Rufus Siler is attending a fur niture show in Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, Mrs. George W. Coble and Mr. Bill Coble returned Sunday from Ben mettsville,' S. C, "where they attended the Wedding of Mr. Ray Coble. Mr. Bill Coble acting as best' man. They visited Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. W. T. Lee in Raleigr before returning. RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET IMPROVEMENT UPON HAZEL STREET Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville: Section 1. That pursuant to Chap ter 56, Public Laws of 1915, a petition was filed, dated Sept. 13, 1926, re questing that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen cause Hazel Street to ba graded and paved from Plott Street to Main Street, and to have necessa ry surface drains installed therein, and that the total cost of said im provements be assessed against tho property owners, and the Board of Aldermen having determined that said petition was duly signed by more than a majority of the owners, repre senting more than majority of all the lineal feet of frontage of the lands abutting upon said -streets; it is or dered that local improvements as herein described shall be made upon Hazel Street between Plott Street and Main Street, as follows: Laying a pavement of concrete, 4 inches thick, covering of sheet as phalt 2Vj inches thick. . Providing necessary drainage, drain age inlets, catch basins and man-holes for sewers, .Section 2. That one-half of the total cost of said improvement shall "be assessed upon the lots and parcels of land abutting on the North .side of said streets and one-helf of said total cost be assessed upon the lots and parcels of land abutting on the South side thereof, all according' to age thereon, exclusive, however, of so much of the cost as shall be incurred . nt utrnpt intersections, and the assess ment so made shall be payable in ten qual annual installments, with in terest at 6 per annum from date of confirmation of said assessment, unless the owner of any property so assessed shall desire to pay the same in .cash, without interest, before the exuiration of thirtv days after the first publication : of a notice to be be given stating that such assess ment may be paid in cash.- Said first installment to be due and payab'e upon the confirmation of 'said asssess mpnt. Section 3. That said improvement shall be made pursuant to contract. Section .' 4. That -' this .resolution shall Win-; force upon its passage. r The foregoing resolution was unan imously adopted at the meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen held, this the 21st day of October, 1926. ; ' T. C. BREEDING, lte '.;VV-:'-' ' Town Clerk. FOR SALE Two hundred and 10 eres of land, timbered, spring water, three room house, two th uit houses, good barns, healthy, Eiiited to all kinds of crops.- G. W. Battle, Scottsboro, B. 3, Ala. ovlp It is said that "ox-warble" By does attack not only cattle, bat also men nd children. They generally sting mttU in the hoof, the grubs hatch aid work their way around through the body. With the men and children the grubs work their .way from the legs throngs the body' to the back, stomach, root of tongue and teeth. FJy-Tox against ox-warble fly. Get Fly-Tox from yonrv retailer, always in bottles with blue label Fly-Tox yonr home, ttorities recommend it. Health aa- w . ' ... - .- l-Tex toe cawi before milkiag. 1ho, 59 PRiTPHARn PRPnirTQ cuiTii ftam "'. J- fcliuon,, ihe was honorably discharged Dec. 21, . JJcpl v MA',ome was most artistically decorated 1918. ' - " f0 x,; ith fall flower, and autumn leave. While I am a republican, I be S.V. Thinking p'p,. of , .tB15t tt' Ht" motiL Kev that the sheriff's office and its Going to Disregard Part yn ' MrV f n ""t"' Pmre' duties involve nuch more than par v" " ce.ved lovely guests pmes. Mr,. tigan po,Uc8i ,nd if the gooi That the Hon.'Zebulon Weavfer, By JLTVJ of H.ywood county see fit to elect who has, represented, thia district in .-K.---- u.ric, a Congress go down Smathers, Republican Nominee for Congress, is being predicted by Geo. B4V Pritchard, Republican Congress- sional Chairman. V Mr. . Pritchard not' only believes that Cantain Smathers wil l .lect- ed, he believes that Captain Smath- era will receive a maioritv of over two thousand votes, and that the ;maistne election will be a repetition . of what happened when John Grant was elect- ed to Congress. 1 Mr. Pritchard bas- ed his prediction 'upon several things: First, he says that Congressman Weaver has absolutely failed as a Congressman; that the thinking peq. pie of this district want to send Congressman to Washington wW will ba recognized and receive some Fed- eral id -for this district Second,, Mr, Pritchard pointed out that even the Asheville Citizen, the Democratic 'mouthpiece, had voiced its approval Mrgi M T McCracken and Mrs w sifned' on the 6th day November, of the Republican Nominee in an L Ki;kpatl.'icU were charnling 'hos. 1926, at 11:400 o'clock, at the door editorial, of which the follow.ng i tesges tQ th(j Woman-s club Thurs. of the Norris Motor Company, will an tract: day aftevnoon 0ct. 14 at the home sell at public outcry to the highest "The Citizen congratulates both 0f Mrs. McCtacken,' the president, bidder for cash, the following per- ! the Republican Party and the people Mrs McDoweIlt presiding. The meet- onal property, to wit: One Ford of the Tenth District upon the nomi- opened with the club song and Touring Car, motor number 9947897. nation by the Republicans as Con- ayer, followed by an interesting a'e made pursuant to above named gressional Representative of a gen- j,usjnes9 session, including reports of Statute to satisfy a claim of $40.00 tleman of such high character, abil- thg djstrjct meeting at Franklin by for material furnished and labor per ky, and unimpeachable reputation as the foowjng adies: Mrs. M. T. formed in repairing said car and for Captain Kenneth Smathers. McCracken, Mrs. Lindsley, Mrs. storage.' . "The Republican Nominee is of the Black'weH. Mrs.. Crawford, Mrs. This 19th day of October, 192B. type which we think would have ap- Grover Davjs an(j Mrs. W. L. Kirk- NORRIS MOTOR COMPANY. ' pealed to Theodore Roosevelt, a clean- patrick. By Morgan & Ward, M. G. Stamey, lived up-standing man. . The president read and stressed the Attorneys for Norris Motor Company I Third, that. Captain Smathers has SUggUStions by the district president Oct28c made the most vigorous campaign reffardjng the year book and various . . .. that has ever been put up against activitje3 jn whjcn the club engages NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE : Mr. Weaver. Fourth, that the think- throughout the year. It was grati- " Mo"ly h av. of NV- rtftf cltretmtnrw:t t0 k"W Wn' the" court house doorthe t'own' of vinced that a Congressman at Wash- CJub ha(, the largest representation Waynesville. North Carolina, I will ington who will be in harmony with at distr;ct meeting of any visiting sell at public outcry, to the higbt the .Administration can accomplish f)ub and jt wa3 gso DroUght out that bidder for cash, the following lands. more than has been proven can . rccowDHahed by a Congressman who t v,o nrnirrflMive is in opposition t to the progrew ve nMcies of the National Administia- 'i " " Mr. Pritchard points out that the f. Panfnln Smathers will as- 2 1 IIV ? Wrt sure the Federal Building for West- ern North Carolina, which will oe located at Asheville, and : also . post office buildings for many towns and . us. ji.fin ,-he'rp thev are cities in tins district where , they are nefl. me "- n-de n certainty, more National For- ita will bp established. National High w,v will be built, and Federal Aid n u v.h in manv wavs by 111 i,u . election of Capt. Smathers. "Western North Carolina should not 'be held back by keeping in Con- nt DC neiu " r gress a congressman Hmwlf nowerless." says Mr. Fntcn. - " aov mr. t'riLi'n- ard. "Progress is knocking at our dniv. We should have a congress -ian who will and can. obtain our hare of Federal Aid There are on- ly four stat es wh.cn W cral tax than North Carolina and It . . . - ... v-j -n,H to reon that we are entmed o some of this monejr to be return-, to this district. The election of Capt. Smathers assures progress hat's whv I believe the thinking peo- pie of this district are going to dis- regard party lines and yote iorv a Congressman who will be recognized at Washington." v "Congress recently made large Appropriation for Federal Building, but we have been informed that amount Is inadequate 10 p Asheville and other needed places in this district. The same old ttory- just another way of saying that Con- gressman Weaver has. failed to get the buildings he na assureu. it is interesting to note that the Asheville Chamber of Commerce, realising thit recognition is what x w..ii.irfiin has adonted s delea-ation to be headed by our good Renublican friend MarK w. Drawn w nresent the t Asheville needs to the Post Ofnce . ana "'.. . ments. , Had the Chamoer ox merce thought . that Mr. Weaver could obtain the reaerai ou'n tor Asheville that delegation wouhi " .nnointed." ' not amwU . , .v. The election 01 uapu omw" ttWi"' V rioiS Tat .Washington and hIvr2?MPport of the, Admin- u ?ion To IZ I for him is to Tote ProrreZM.rion Star. Adv. for Progress.-i.r. " - D.C. TO MEET A. - , 'n. " .The Haywood Chapter of U. D. C ill-meet with Mrs. Artnnr w. meaoe m inrwuin j a- arged t. preeent... ; MRS. E. R. KIRK KNTKlrTIVS ; i 'i'1 .' - -:.-:'-: - A part of unusual attractiveness was combined bridge and rook af- fajr:given by Mrs. E. B. Kirk at her home on North Main street last week.' Mrs. ; Kirk entertained .j in compll- ment to Mrs. Kelly Elmore of Dur- "r.T, "7 , . i gue wlard Lind9, was nteJ v- " -1 u d by Mf'SS BfrX' " .Klrk' s,erYed her guets uwith a deltaom salad course. Each guest . TTJ. V ' L "... T, .lu" UB"vea """1 ; . ' Those playing cards were Mes- -dames William A. Band, R. O. Edge?- . . ,..,' ' T . lon 7 - m ' levelana r"PYricK Bonner Kay, Koy ran- cis,(Gcrdon Starkey of Canton, R. L. Coin, Guy Massie, ufus Siler, Miases Jscelyn McDowell,, Sue Wil- 'ard Wndsley, Sara Thomas( Isabel "guson. ne ia guesis were. mrs. D- A. Baker, Mrs. R. L. Alien, Miss Lois Hairold, Mm. Arthur Meade, Mp3- C, H. McDowell. ,;c D. 00 mc. KlRKPATRICK HOSTESSES the .Woman-8 Club had the largest at s. . mQi(.; : a.WI11 in May( a,go at the di9triet meeting jn Waynesville jn w25. Mrs. Blackwell reported she had f the "History of th, - , ... . N- C- Federation of Women's Clubs" M g Couon , The c)ub planned to send flowers n.., f " ' " An interesting article . ' "atners. GuesU of the afternoon were: Mra- - . ti-4 Mr Xhnnb nf Ashp- ville, Mrs. LeRov Davis. Mrs. H. 1!. RnD.pr, Mr, Fee.ma"- MlSM 2 7 Mi A. Hayes, Mrs. M. B. Barefoot of - Mr. j. p. DIcu.. Miss 1 ' . ' r Whitom of East Wuynesville school and Miss Dorothy Price. , lne noslesses . " ."r, " ' course uunug inc auvio, A prolusion 01 lovely aanuas wero naed 't6 decorate the rooms of Mrs. ttvHi l,nm PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY The Wpman's Auxiliary of the prpshvterian church will hold its ;Teu)ar monthly meeting on next Tuesday Nov. 2nd, at 3:30 p. m. in the Sunday gch0ol room. ' ; Oxx Thursday, Nov. 4th, there will a group conference at the same place a(. 2.30 p m , the speaker of the afternoon being Mrs. R. C. An- derson of Montreat. The Woman s Auxiliary of Canton and Haselwood M exptcted t0 be present and there ! ... . 1 1 M .11 be a gocjai half hour following Pl es,byterial President's talk. N0RTH CAROLINA, HA.YWOOO COUNTY. v NOTICE was this day served on w u u Hannah of two stray mu,e5 0'ne Sorrell and One Black. may recover same oy vv' t t0 ,aid H. H. Hannah, and pay all costs, mis wu u, :. c. V. lUKiurAittiJk., Regigter of Deeds of Haywood Cooa ty, Nov.l8c HAY H. MANN REPUBLICAN . . vnmiTl vfa anVBlVV ..vni(uif- . WaynesviUe.- N. C Oct. V. 1926. To the Voters of Haywood lunrys I am a candidat for the ok of Sheriff of H.ywood county, having complied with the requirement, of primary Law hi securing the nomination aa republican. It U not my good fortnne to have a very acqnaintance with the people ot e0anty, therefore, i tane tnis vivw m j" ..endeavot.to d Jf elected Taext Tuea - . ri.v T mm SI va nf . n.fiv. I of Beaverdam township Haywood county. My forefather have been residents of this county, since its earliest settlement. I am a World War veteran. I enlisted in the U. S.' Army in 1915 when this country was having some trouble with Mexico and m to that office I pledge them the --tfCf7- I shall endeavor, honestly and fear- lessly, no . enforce the laws of the state and community in 'every par- ticul.r, and especially will I endeay- to enfopce the nrohibition ,aws of country, aoouc wmcn mere is ana has been; SO much' criticism. If elected 1 ssure that 1 sha" not only do my duty personally and officially, but I will appoint and re- " " : V Tf . tain only sucn deputies, regardless 0f politics, who are capable and worthy, and who are not handicapped nor embarrassed in th9 discharge of their duty either by their present or past conduct, and character and as- sociations, Adv. pd . RAY H. MANN. NOTICE OF SALE. puriiuant to Section 2435 of the Consolidated Statutes, the under- l0;wl.1 nd being in Waynesville Townshlp Haywood County, N. (J. BEGINNING on a stake in the Southerly margin of the Waynesville- Balsam 'Road, said stake being the "rHwKd, -uY conssr, cr. said road, and runs Went- , with 8aid road', 580 feet to a jn the Soulh'erlv mKrgin of SEid road; thence South 860 feet to a stake in the Hunt-Haywood Orchard Company Tine; thence with sa d lint ine 0t said Hunt-Haywood Urchaiti i;oni- & on North mint-Mfcywooa urcnara company Mrs r S corner:) thence with laid Hunt-Hay-" j nAi 1 n iJv. M o wood Ordhard Company line, N. 8 E. 1050 fkt to the BEGINNING, be- ing lot No. C, as shown on the map h J VV Ssnvai- nf tho Hunt Krnth. era Orchard, made July, 1920, and recorded ih the Map Book "B," office of the Reister of Deeda of Haywood nnnntv. heinir the name oronertv con- v'hv Jn' M. .OueenT Attorney in fact for W. B, Hunt, et al., to Chas. : . 7 ' : ' ---------- U. Miller and wife Mary C, Mil ;r by deed dated July 30, 1920, and ve. corded in Book of Deeds 56, page 410. jtecoro 01 ueeos 01 naywooq i,o'-r .. aaie maae pursuant 10 powai- ii.m- f erred upon we by deed of trust fro, 1 N. Humphries and R. Gide?-. dated October 8th. 1925, and recordt in Book 17, page 98, Record of Deedi of Trust of Haywood County, North Carolina. This the 14th day of October. 192C. GEO. H. WARD, Nov.4c MandW Trustee. ; n lfj nOICICI) 4 II 1 II ILU n U U ', HOUSE FOR - RENT:v-Six room house on Main 8treet-unfurnished. tfc fiRRna-pOR.: SALE -Crimson clov , T er, over 98 per cent pure, J10 per bushel. Red clover f 18 per bushel, j Alaike $15 per ; bushel. Grim is very hardy and worth much mora. ' Include $1 per acre fqr Inoculation. ! Fall sowing is best Order now , and you will not regret. If in need ""'"'7;' - . Callaway A Gainea Farms, Atlanta,, r 1 Featain Pea Repairiag-Any make af feantain pen repaired by I, H. Xhacksten at Waynesville Pharma- QJ, BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Largs type Barroa Strain White Leghera baby chicks ' $90 per , hundred. . Ancoaaes $11, Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks $12k Buff prpingteas. and White Wyaa dottes $16 per hundred. These are all hasky, pare bred, hatched from selected eggs from oar heaviest layers. ' We pay the postage and gaaraatee live delivery.. . Prompt shipments. Order v from this ad. Acme Faraa, Farmvilie, N. C. ; - - U Nov lie.. SWEATERS: Infant, Children' and Women Sweat From 98c to $4.98 The Most Complete Showing of Sweaters UNDERWEAR: Union Suits, Boys and Girls Only 50c Union Suits for Women Only 98c HOSIERY: Bear Brand Ho e for Children: Just 25c pair Ribbed Hose for Women: 25c to 50c pair Silk and Wool I lose for Women Only $1 pair Children's Coals from $2.98-$15 The Most Complete TORIC CYt GLASSES Expert Watch Repairing "WHAT IS WORTH DOING AT ALL, IS WORTH DO ING RIGHT"- OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED Kodaks. Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Clocks, Watches, Specialty Work, Kodak Finishing, Repairing. We have a large and attractive stock of novelties, etc. ; Book Endsi,- Purses, Handbags, Compacts, Vanities, Per fumed Lamps, Hand Painted, nd a beautiful assortment of Gift Handkerchiefs; Also gifts of all descriptions. THOMAS JEWELER Main Street, Near P. O. - Our Coffee Satisfies The starter of the day's work it Coffee so to get a good start use our well known CHASE Jt SANBORN COF-. FEE. : We sell only prime quality rroceriea KNOWN. RELIABLE BRANDS and sell them for the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE BUY AND TRY OUR GROCERIES MILLER BROTHERS Phoao30 .- Main Street I er s. Wong's Toats from $10 $39.75 Line of Winter Wear THEY FIT THE EYE and make the sight as good as nor mal and natural. Toric eye glasses the way ve fit them are bound to make your eyes feel comfortable and give you most satisfactory service. You can read longer, with less strain and fatigue. Let us explain to you in person. JEKE DAVIS Jeweler and Optometrist. Waynesville, N. C. J. DAVIS Waynesville, N. C,

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