THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER. Hogs Cot Barley Pit j Same old Gibberish" Anything Meat homelike In BnsslaT" ' "Only thf brakeman calling sta tions in Busiian." Louisville dour. isr-JournaL. ' . , . : . . Police! Aniateura will again meet,' , xometic-j Atmosphere.-- Sergeant ?rofessionals - when George J ngrily) "Button up that coat!" "1. Home-Builder Gets Good - , ' . InYestmeot.Plus Comfort ana Jira unnraj win aiay iuh Hesler and Clarence Clark. Okla- Married Recruit . (absent-mindly) -"Yes, my dear." Answer.' ' homa paper. MJiui sua tine differe: 26 IDIG m m m .. . vijm , n ,,i i . ,n , ii i n - v v . V, K flr "V 1 t ' ; 1 ' W '4f1. ill 8 : n; 1-. 1 fiowrjw. I I 10.9 7 X.1 sJwsuiiAMtoun FEEL A wrtft this new oil in your Ford 7 Advantages of "Standard" Motor Oil 1. Constant lubrication. 2. Minimum friction. 3. Less "breaking - down" under load or , at high speeds. 4. More miles per quart of oil. 5. Better hill climbing smoother operation. 6. Negligible carbon. 7. Actual saving in gasoline. HUNDREDS of road tests nade with the new. "Standard" Mote r Oil in all types of cars prove that it represents; a great advance in motor lubrication. For instance, a Ford run 609 piles from September 24th to October p2d, 1925, showed 12.8 increase in oil mileage; 123 increase in gas mileage; increased power; snappier pick up; no d ag on hills; tmotor. 'Standard" he lubrica- reraoval of carbon deposits in 1 Here's proof that the new Motor Oil effectually solves tion problems of every motorist. Get a crank case full and try it cjut yourself. You can actually feel the .difference. At all "Standard" Service Stations and dealers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Quarter a Quart 66jer9 r rI! TV FR n99 MOWE (DDL THREEFOLD ASSURANCE Br Th car (Iltutra.vJ it iht DeLux Sedmn, priced $1 1 25 at Lansing. Banishing grit and injurious foreign matter; its new Oil Filter guards your Oldamobile. Excluding dust and dirt, Dual Air Cleaning makes yon doubly safe. . Abolishing harmful dilution, Cr ankcate Ventilation preserves the lubricating value of your oil. - Threefold security against wear, arch enemy of performance! Threefold protection in the trials of miles! Three new features of known value In Old -mobile . V-. threefold aMurance of thriftier, longer life! Norris Motor Co OK Ol.l OUUUU 3, I l w loc 9v toom 1 1 iniiviM. JUTCWM DIN I NO I hah, tOOM SS?!!" ECONOMT of piwM In this lite-room Kngiliih town house hai not mennt a sacrifloe of an artistic exterior. Bnllt of TarlegafeS '.6' common brick, whitewashed, with a roof of stained shingles or slate, It presents an unusually sttracttve and com pact appearance. The portico Is arched and roofed, and has a red brick floor. The shutters of solid, weathered boards gltv an Interesting departure from the usual New England, type. A number of features provide for ex ceptional comfort and convenience. The llvlr.j room has an oriel bay window that gives llKbt front, time fie.31 riOOL PLAN d I r o c - tuuM miBM -, tlons and affords a window seat or fornery wlthlu. Every room has windows on two sides, giv ing cross-ventilation. The house Is Insu lated, walls and roof, with celotex as protec-, tlon against cold snd waste of fuel In the winter, and the hot rays of the sun In sum mer. The floors are hardwood throughout, and have a layer of celotex placed between them to deaden noises within the honse, a feature that is especially sppreclated whore there are small children and noisy boys In the house. The living room has an open fireplace and built-in book case. The porch or sun room may open off the living room or dlnlux room; and can well have a sleeping porch anove it extra steeping quarters are needed. The service entry Is conveniently placed at 31COND FLOOfc. PLAN the side, to save the housewife steps. The cunaa not - kitchen has built-in cupboards. Ironing-board and break faxt-nook. . CalotsohDlo InaMtuU, Chicago. MM. ; j LOCUTION " tot. Jlltr- imo rote Q bto -iv5l ROOM H rojusitj MD HTUO'I KXXjtl i ot, war -i t- ' Old World Charm Meets New World Conveniences mil t -117- r jyHrjrsr..f eiiinMHiMMiini'iriniB nr t -"ii rm - - - - tywy' pa 'Ui' IJPtrrtMiH DIMIN6 I ' atrtaartJl I IUIMA - Bts as.fwv ff SSsTisa MPWl io' rii titf PLACING your house according to your lot is the privilege of the person who builds this practical dwelling of the Eng lish farm house type. The entrance Is so srranged that the house may either bo piaceo lengtnwise ror wv w y L ntmrM r nsi'ASSL w m ror , i ui i s 00 or 75 toot lot . in in- ucr comDlaa -- Hah a Sll stucco ana , flWI HOOt stautsasia- Ing with the roof of dark weathered shingles. The pleasing features of the living room 1m! ode Its windows on three sides, open Are place and bullMa book shelve. The open porch or Stmroom mey open off from either the llvlnu or dining room. The kltcbe has all the detallx that delight the booeewtfe cupboards, bromu olcaet, breakfast nook and double windows ! the sink. " . The three bedrooms all have double ex posures and are well provided with dothee nod llnea doseta. The bathroom Is so placed io bo equally accessible from each bedroom. The atUe is ventilated and makes a, servlcvait storage or playroom by sheathing the reftei-K and sides with celotex, which servee both ss wall-bo rd and lusulatlng material. ' This small home so light snd spacious, yet compact and adapted to doing without a serv ant. Is a typical 10-J6 product The poky, dai s bouses of fifteen or even ten years ago with their fussy little hallways and poor planning would be scorned by the modern housewtfe who hss learned to expect comfort bulU right Into her home and to have everything planned tin her convenience la working. Cold, draughty bouses are also out of date All well built houses, are Insulated as this one Is, with celotex sheathing oa the exterior, walls under the stucco. This effects a great saving in fuel la the winter and resists the Intense heat of tbs sou in summer. ; . Caloteohale Institute, Chhwco, 1'tftt. (Saan-Ruebuek AfrtcallunU Foundatloa) Approximately 50,000,000 bushels of barley will be fed to farm animals in the United Stales this year if the present crop outlook is fulfilled. Of this amount a trifle over one-ha'.f, or 60.9, according to the figures com piled by the Sears-Koebuck Agricul tural Foundation, Is consumed by hogs. Next to them, horses eat the most barley, or 17.7 of alt barley fed to farm animals. Then 11.9 Is fed to cattle, mostly to dairy cows In the form of barley chop. Farm poultry flocks get away with another 10.5, leuvlng 9 to be fed to sheep and used for miscellaneous feed purposes. Biirley Is the chief competitor of com as live-stock feed and Is especially Important In the northern corn belt and Pacific coast states, according to the Foundation's experts. Hay Cafeteria Service horses N. I fHeepi&l& osrrzfi syr (Sara-ncfcaek Acrlcull ami SuulMlaia Our hay crop furnishes one of the largest cafeteria services in existence, iiccordlug to the Sears-Koehuck Agri cultural Foundation. Seventy-eight million tous. It la expected, will be produced In 1926, a large part of which will be consumed by cattle. According (o figures put out by the Department of Agriculture, 51.4 of this amount will he eaten by cattle, 44.9 by horses and the remaining 3.8 by sheep. The amount of hay eaten by hogs Is very slight, only a iimull frsclion of one per cent of the I fulfil crop. As In the cane of other feed crops, most of this Imy Is con silium! right on the farm where It Is grown. f Chickens Top Wheat Eaters j SMI yfOI)SS 31COND FLO OL PLAN . ,iuse sues? eef (Hmr-tt4Mbutak 4tfn uliiirNl froiiMflnlltja Wilful and Hour are syiioiiyu m in tbv miiiils of runny. As a in ilti.-r oil ftict, however, forly er cent of our nianiinolli wlifHl ro never leaves the farm at all, hut Is used for weed purposes and feediug farm intimitis, states the Sears-Koehuck Agricultural Foundation In a survey recently com pleted on wheat consumption. It ia used most abundantly for feeding la those sections of the country having, a wheat surplus and a shortage oS the usual feed crops such ss corn, oats snd bsrtey. The poorer qualities of wheat, not suited for making flour, are kept behind for this purpose. Chickens are the heaviest consum ers of wheat fed on the farm using 59.1 of all wheat ao distributed. 9 wine are next, with 29.1. Ia wheat-growing sectlena horsee are fed wheat and consume oa an average 5.4 of all wheat fed on the farm, while the remaining 6.1 goes to cattle.' Keep Fit! QooJ HeolmRoydreiQees! EUmhutttm TO b wen yoa must keep th blood tmn fres tVon fanpur hies. If the kMneye lag, aBowmg body poisooa to accumulate, a tosic coodition is created. One la apt to fed dull, languid, tired and achy. A nagging backache is somttimss a symptom, with drowsy beadachea and dizzy spells. That the kidney are not functioning properly ia often . shown by burning or scanty pssasge -" of secretions. If you have rrion to auSpect improper kidney function , big, try Domn'a Pills a tested Stimulant diuretic. Users praise them) ' throughout the United Statea. Atk fOutntUhborl v, DOAN'S BW .W.T.