Oppcriu Natural Resources Per the location of Manufacturing Industries - - i mm Volume XXXVIII. Number 46 A A Y N ESYILLE, HATWOOD COUNY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1926 $2.00 Year in Advance, 12-50 If sot m Paid v MR. C. G. LOGAN APPOINTED ON STENTZ RESIGNS AT LAKE JU LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE NALUSKAj PLAN EXPANSION Mr. C. G. Logan, prominent civic Methudist Assembly Leaders in Sea leader of Waynesville, has been ap- aion Rer Map Out Program for pointed by President C. M. Graham 1927 H. J. Sloan in Charge. of the American Water Works As- ' ociation, as a member of the legis- Asheville Times. . r. a a - a it a.: a lative committee of North Carolina p me resignation oi. to represent this section in tha In- ' Dale Stents as business manager, terest of the important stream gag- aecretary and treasurer of the Sou ing, ground water, and repreeenta- term Methodist Assembly at Lake tion legislation which the organixa- Junaluska, and the projection Of tion is sponsoring ia, the coming P1bm for an elaborate expansion oT. general assembly. Mr. Logan has Program 'or the assembly of 1927 accepted the appointment. ' were featured at the jneeting of thej It is reported that the advisory commission of Southern Methodist budget commission has already re- Assembly, Incorporated, which was fused to recommend a substantially keld at the Battery Park Hotel Mon-, increased appropriation to the De- dy evening. partment of Conservation and Devel- Th material expansion planned for opment for street gaging work. So th assembly headquarters in 1927 is it seems advisable that the section Part of proposed program of prep- arrange to have a special bill intro- aration looking toward putting the, duced in the legislature tarrying the P1" in shP ted over-in' jij i .l.. 10nO fn th Snill-Vicrn MAthnitiat FnU-1 uesiruu appropriation iot mis pur- pose. If it Vt niv Kw monu f hat am t p .J k1 j: -.j .us. w portant matter. It is with a keen sense of pride In our fellow citisen that the Waynes- ville MounUineer published the an- nouncement that Mr. Logan has re- ceived this appointment. Perhaps i. t .nfj,, oifi, tv,u community so well posted on the water works subject. He is always an enthusiastic and progressive ad- vocate of developing our wonderful water powers and he is largely re- sponsible for the best waterwork svs- tem in Western North Carolina, that of Waynesville township, SULGRAVE CLUB MET WITH HON. JAMES R. BOYD, OUR REP RESENTATIVE oaiuva iv. uujru, in mi unci- view with a representative of the linn I ....... .w 1 ' UA.. : . i Mountaineer, pointed out that in a few weeks the legislature of No Carolina will convene in- Raleigh. f i... . l i .. ..i .. . . e xt ...ii. lcw ie icgiomvuie ui nurui h- He wishes to let it be known to all his constituency that if thev de- sire anv special legislation or have any special interest in the coming legislature to let him know their de sires or opinions at once. This is Mr. Boyd's second term and he is on many important committees. He informed us that he is in favor of the State of North Carolina mak ing an appropriation for the propos ed Smoky Mountain National Park. MR. L. M. RICHESON In our write-up about the Suncrest Lumber Company last week, we failed to publish the name of Mr. L. M. Richeson. Many of his friends have called our attention to this. It was purely an accident. Mr. Rich- uson was on ine trip ana was one OI the most enthusiastic guests of the ounciesi. numoer company. - Mr. Richeson is connected with the 1 .... 1 FT 1 ! Junaluska Tannery and is an ar- dent advocate of more payrolls for this county. At one time he made the remark that when the Creator made the great forests and grew the magnificent trees He put the tanic acid in the trees for the bene- fit of mankind just as much so as growing the forests for their scenic grandeur. CLINIC FOR CRIPPLES POST- PONED Dr. Edward King wishes to correct nn onnnnnomonf nf an nrfhnooH.v clinic which was made for the fourth Saturday in December in Waynesville. This date falls on Christmas day, and Dr TTnior will n Af prima f r Wovnoo. ville to hola'a clinic on that day. There will be no more clinics in Waynesville until further V notice is given. Dr. King is holding clinics in Asheville, the next one being on De- cember 18th, at 'Biltmore Hospital. Those in charge will be -glad to' see anv eases needing attention at this clinic and the clinics which are to c follow. - . j " ',- : GRACE ' CHURCH - TO HAVE CHRISTMAS SERVICE Rev, Rolla Over of Trvon. M C. will hold services in Grace Episcopal church on Christmas day, and also on Sunday, Dec. 26th. All church members are urged to attend these will publish the last issue for the services and members of all otherXear 1926. . ; This "following our usual custom. . ' - . .'Tin h.yH.bm mill Iw dated Decern - For the cause that lacks assistance, ber 23rd and December 30th. "Gainst the wrongs that need resis-! tance, For the future in the distance. And the good that we can do. - . ...uu.u. , copal church to be owned and con trolled by the church throueh the eencral southern conference. Sloan Now in Charre. The office of Mr. Stentx, whose resignation was effected in order to mov Asheville and engage in an-' oer line of work, will be filled temporarily by H. J. Sloan, of Way- nesv'1'6. member of the commis'- sion, until arrangements can be maHo1 for 8 Permanent official to take!" vwwa nw n vnv charge. j NEWSOF CLYDE The members of the commission " . attending the meeting Monday night ..J1 d of Tfl26 wuld be were: Bishop James Cannon, Dr. W. JB ft mlv ZieT of the r- ew- President of Uuke Univer- sity: H- J- Sloan,- of Waynesville; . . ... L. A. Cole, of Charlotte; Edwin L.;e, " ' "TZ "I Brown, of Asheville, and Mr. Stentz. of Junaluska. OtW mWa nf th.. ,n,mia,inn who were not present are: J. R. n ...... . . repper, president or tne commission and also head of the Southern Meth-1 odist Sunday school board, . Wna ... . was prevented I rom attending by the Illness of his daughter; Bishop W. yj Ainswovth. of Macon. Ga- Bishon w W R,.v,amn f Atit- r.. . ' nnrl I? n .Tu,.v, f Tomn. vi 'l REPORT OF THE BEST KEPT SCHOOL CONTEST 'seriously' ill with the 'loathsome di.s- J- E- Henderson gave an interesting The best kept school contest which ease Ab0ut 75 people in the town ta,k ,on the rlaE has been under the auspices of the and township have recently been vac- Mrs. Seaver, leader for the after Waynesville Civic League for the c;nated and it is believed many more noon, read a splendid paper on The past two years has awarded the wju goon prefer vaccination to small- Women of the Revolution, banner to the Lake Junaluska school pox and thug do their duty in putting Mrs. Jere Davis read the President for the month of December. , a stop to tlle sprend of the very un- General's monthly letter. The sub- inis contest is a splendid plan. It inspires the children to cleanliness and tidiness and to have pride in their own surroundings. a committee consisting of members of the Civic League visits each elementary school every month ne banner to the township once "u h.his a ii..u3un.e uanner iu the school which has the most M- t.mwvB ,,u mr. pi Bt,i001. l -u tractive and best kept school. This I. ..." I not only includes the class rooms, Vll.4- III. Mr...t.lnMn .. n J . . but the corridors and auditoriums as well. 97 02 079 -J-' 'i-ghest -this month are: Lake Junaluska, general aver age . East Waynesville, general av- erage . yliazelwood, general average -. np nn .95.22 Waynesville Elementary gen- era) average 93.76 Tl,o pnn,-nt . ;n n hnl averaging 98 and up are as follows: Lske Junaluska school, rooms 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 7 special mention. East Waynesville,' rooms 1, 2, 3. 4, u,ij ry, k n x ft i Waynesvilhs, rooms 'l, 3, 4, 7.' - . ATTRACTIVE STORES AND WIN-. DOWS - Tne mechants of Waynesville have prepared for the Yule Tide season as never before in the history of Way - ... . nesville. Most every window is most artis- ' ' arranged and the shelves, 'showcases and interior have the true Christinas appearance. It would be impossible to single out anyone store because most all of them have mml - mted the cobwebs and "gotten" the - real Christmas spirit. Buy at home this season and see how much money nu ran save. ' ' ONE MORE PAPER THIS YEAR n December JJ3rd, next weeK, we All legal notices should be dated in accordance with these issjes. j ' We will not publish between Christ - mas and New 'Year.. r i t- n SPEAKING OF DoLL5 PLAKTCO (N REAL tSTATE WILL INSURE ONK AGAINST WANT Cout tut Kim you wvtsr NOW IN CHPUSTrtAS SCALft Win. VDfMXJCC THr Mrrrrs return m MLftne to otMDMir(rf TO YOU AND MAItV OTHCRJS ,. that PftirtLeu hdm;- l v HEALTH" IMPPINeaft AND W LOHOrVITY THRO THC I WruKRCULoaHf , jD Lr I ffCVIaijiil.AVl"'! 4Si4iwL JY TSS iJSV W K IvlwpS! v i. UNT V VX ' " M, ,. ....: u. W M V TIMS VI I I a IVI fill II 1 H I llCf.I . INK HI 1 LCI ' . A. .... ..!nnnlli frf nitv B" tou,uy pRt,e' 1 e 1927. t,..i...- ..:;! Rev. i Institute, preached a splen- Haywood Institute, preached a splen .. . i ' .... . , . did sermon at the Baptist church last nillll HV III! 1 lit' I 1111 111. ' , " , , ... , The M- E- Sunday scho1 wl" hav" -.u..:-.. I.-.- t?:j.. tt v. in invinns lire i iiuajf evening, . ... ,. n t ct i a at whipn time 1'roi. l.. a. ' ... . ' . . will de ,yer an .ppropmw n,flress 10 tne aengnt ana enincation, i i: of " lar8c audience. During the last three or four tunpliu Clvrlo tnwnshin has had about ,.,offi,', o00c n mollnv n,r,' mild, some severe. Uncle George t to .a hi. !f. f hv. lwrt,: wt!lCOme visitor. Mr rhaa A Mnnnpu'a S7.000.0i) "Pe8idenee in East Clyde is nearing completion. It as credit to Mr. Mnnnev and tho town Mr' ,C- C' Sf?dfrd '?recting " Up-t0-date reii'dence " h,s town lot . . , .vnftl1 TnsHtte nron. crty and N. c. West ha3 just move,i ,, . , '"to his very excellent new home in . . .; ev,,ellent new home in Eagt . and thus c, de continues V " ....... ...,. ' , ..... r various lines. On Dec. 31 Miss Anne Terrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Terrell of Clyde will be married to 'Prof. Ed B. Carroll of Mizpah, N. C. t..4! r n : . ij: . 1 J riul. Vvailun 13 caul in lcliiei mill , b . . . a member of a very prominent fam- "y ? n . so"8 " ' B'uuaies. OTiss lerren, whose lal"el , d" eAi'LI1 eK"'K'' not only attractive and well ed- .ucated, but is very popular and highly y all who know her, . On the first Monday m this month S" B- Medford took the oath of '; '"f as. one. oi v . magiavraiea . v "f " - years, having been appointed at the 'st sesslon, 0l. legislature oy i"eiuuve os. i. a? also qualified as coroner of Hay- wood county " which capacity H ...Ill l. a L..i. n 4- will not act, but will officiate at ,nurl 'gcs ana continue to . matrimonial prognostication accord- -ing.:to;moon signs, whichwith him falleth not of verification. Joe Vance, v-k-b, -i. .m ....... - Byrs.. are the other magistrates of woe lownsnip. , ; . Dr- s- B- Medford has sold nis ,n - terest Uyde Pharmacy to nis aon,' Dr. DeVere K. Medford who has nad fourteen years first, class drug store j experience in Texas and Oklahoma, naving ootamea license irom eacn state board and also recently from ;the North Carolina State Board of Pharmacy. He has been here a month ' and 4 he and his brother, DeVoe are .doing, a nice business in a building 25 by 80 feet thoroughly equipped with modern fixtures and an np-to- date Kne of goods usually found in .a first class drug store. INVESTMENTS - 4 AA0VOOH3W1NC3. fvrST you to CHxrt twi nnroins Ann ixuhiks or. ; ja 's rwDERN otf tin- ""SS- I - 3$- v "W vScS J D A R MEETING Matney gave a most enjoyable organ V, A. kjim.hm. o m The reKuIal. monthly mecting 0f"The Touch of His Hand on Mine," the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, D. A. "owed by prayer lead by Mrs. R-. wa, held at the home of Mrs. T. Stent! and a consecration service. L. Gwvn Dec. 8th. ' The meeting opened with singing America. Th. ' Fla. Salute and . imor; r,.oH a. th, ,).,, was absent there were no minutes. The treasurer, Mrs. Abel, gave her ronnrt report. a letter was read irom Mr. una. 1 . ! AKpviiHtViv memhor nf Pnnirrm 7Z2 A' o..a TZ ..: IVu'a from the 3rd District, sayinsr he had - HPnt s innv nf The Amoripnn Crppil ..nr-,.jwi. (v, n p - - -i s - - fc - - . . n. iiiuliuii wn A motion was made and carried tRat a letter of thanks be written nim- A note was read from Mr. Ml'. rhas- Padgett. At the conclusion of business Mrs. ject being Christmas. t-..u... . ... , weisix visitors." Among them Mrs. D. A. Maker, a lormer regent of the ; Dorcas Bell Love Chapter. She n a Tinl-.v w,, nf thp a few wolds "d called us "a wonderful chapter," which we appre- iated. Aft;r the meeiing adjourned the . . . , ,. . , . hostess served a delicious salad t u..w t ,o.u nri-tirea Tho novr munlinn nit 1 1 hn , . L. M. LONG. TRADE AT HOME AND HELP YOURSELF Every dollar you spend at home . , . , . ., gives an added return every time it Mmm;t f0,., realize that a community around a town or city is built up or torn down by the way its people, both business with other Take the Wai .dealer in hardware farm impiemet8, shoes, , , ,r ,ut f he ca render the Iocai farnlev & K..eatel. 8cpvice than the dealer in a town twenty miles away or in thQ cjfy 50Q mi,eg awgy because hfi lurns alflund and spends the doilai. he from the fgrmer on food that the farmer rafaes and on woo)en ciothing that came from the farmer's sheep. Each local dollar spent at ! home is turned over and over to 'make.more buginesSf and each deal flu .he farmer who orJginaliy . .. w " man and chiid in that community. Better streets, lights, sewers, schools, 'churches, water systems, celebrations, 'etc., all help make it a more pro- gJ town and a better commu- r.ity in which to live and trade. REASONABLE PRICES The Waynesville Mountaineer, i Waynesville, N. C. .Gentlemen: j Please find check enclosed in payr ment for November printing. I think you charged me most rea- sonable for that work. Respectfully, A. C. MESSER. METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCI ETY MEETING On Thursday a most enthusiastic all-day meeting was held in the Methodist church for all officers of the Missionary Society of the Way nesville district. In spite of a very inclement day, there were about sixty-five visitors from Franklin, Bryson City, Sylva, Cullowhee, Clyde, Canton, Bethel, Long's Chapel and Lake Junaluska.j The meeting opened at 10:80 with Mrs. J. D. Stentz, District Secretary, presiding. The devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. H. A. Dun ham of Asheville, Corresponding Secretary of the Western North Car olina Conference. Mrs. E. J. Robe son, in her usual gracious manner, made the address of welcome. -Group meetings were held by the different officers, when plans for the coming year were discussed. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 for a most delightful lunch prepared ' by the ladies of the Methodist ' church. I Uun.h. At 2:00 fhe ladies arain ommed the meeting by a most interesting and inspirational devotional service con- ducted by Mis WilUs of Lake Juna" Iuska- Rev. P. W. Tucker, Presiding El- ,der, made a splendid talk on lines ! to the district. Mrs.' Under he capable and efficient leadership of Mrs. Stentz as secre- . . . . tary, during the past year, the dis- trict has progressed alone all lines. nd the result of this meeting will be felt during the com.ng yea. jinrougn ine iorwaru siens iaKen at I i - 1 THE BETHEL SENIORS PRESENT PLAY NEXT WEEK ( real good teacher. For five weeks the senior class of Dear Santa, I want you to bring Bethel has been working diligently lne a Mama doll, a pair of gloves, on "The Hoodoo." They have shown splendid class spirit and now, as the ..ul.. .. : i-..: i cnc;ii uie jifitiiiiy i I'fuun, they plan to give next Tuesday even ing, Dec. 21st, one of the best enter- tninments ever staged at Bethel. I A tame audience is exnected and i nromi.e of two and a half hours of pleasure is confidently given. OK. AND MRS. N. M. MEl)KO!t; ENTERTAIN One of the prettiest parlies of the ea'' Christmas season was a card nnrtv trivpn hv Hi, nntl M rs. N. Medford at theil. ,ovely h()nle on Lve , nn , nnn M- S(J Plllllin y,,,,,, ,h. a"u "' te,. an(, m McNuL fhe hom wl,s (.k,v,,1., (lecorate(1 for the occasion with the season's colors a:ul evergreen.-. Wreaths were Hung , ,:,. ww f ,;., . ..... ... flom the chandeliers and baskets of nol'y placed at points of advantage. Four tables were arranged for bridge and two for set-back in the living room and library, and attrac- live Christmas tallies were presented eaeh guest. Ihe guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Burgin. Mr. and M.s. Guy Massie, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Abel. Misses Francis Harris, Mary Lewis McAaul, Pauline Maugnlei, Helene Mease, Louise Slaughter of Canton, Fannie Campbell, Sara and Dorothy Thomas, Messrs. P. D. Myzeck. Wid Medford. Simmons Med- ford, Joe Doggett, Jeff Reeves. Roy t.anipbc!l, Johnnie Bishop, Bill Hyatt Mi Medford, assisted bv Miss Pauline Slaughter, served her guests a delicious ico course and coffee. MUSIC SOCIETY AT METHO DIST CHURCH The Star of .Bethlehem, a sacred coma"a wul ce ,vV'n 0V n09V,Ue muslc c,uh cn Su"day even- ing at 7:45 at the Methodist church. A silver offering will be taken for t. n a. -1 1 - lu "" " ",e '"" A GREAT PROVINCIAL Nature pays no tribute to aristo- cracy, subscribes to no creed or caste, renders fealty to no monarch or mas- ter of any name or kind. Genius is no sno- lt does nt run aer titles or seek'by preference the high circles of society. It affects humble com-1 pany as well as great- It pays no special tribute , to universities or learned , societies or ; conventional -standards of greatness, but serenely chooses its : own comrades, its own haunts, its own cradle even, and its own life of adventure and training, Woodrow Wilson. WAYNESVILLE HAS A CHORAL CLUB Members of the various local church choirs met at the Waynesville Elementary school Tuesday evening to organize a choral club. This club will be under the directorship of Mr. Shackleford, the musical di rector for the township schools, and will be a civic organization, but with no connection with any other club. There have been a great many rWynesville people invited to join this club and anyone who wishes to help or learn the incidentals of music are welcome. Only a few attended the first meeting but many more are expected to join later. Those pres ent were: Misses Ida Jean Brown, Sue Willard LinoVley, Nell Ander son, Lois Harrold, Bishop, Braxton ' Kirk, Price, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, Mr. Madison and Mr. Shackleford. The next meeting will be Jan. 8. SANTA CLAUS LETTERS I Waynesville Route No. 2. Dear Sant: wil1 lte vou for the first t'. 1 am a lltt,e ,rl fifteen years old. I Bm gJ'n? t0 8cho1 eVery day- 1 sure do have a good teacher. I am " the seventh Krade. a"d I hke school nne- oh Santa! I want you to bring me a Pair of gloves, some candy and and blg d and j will be very glad if you will. Please don t forget al of my friends an.t my brothers and sisters. I am go,nK g'"- Yours truly, LUCY MEDFORD. Waynesville Route No. 2. Dear Santa: This is the first time I have ever written you. You sure have been good to me Old Dear. I am just . a l"'e f " of fifteen summers, go- ing to school every day and I have some oranges and candy. Remember " my seho01 mates. 1 am going to pvnni't vnn hp cnnH fn nil nf thprn "i " e " Your little friend, IRENE DOWNS. Waynesville Route No. 2. Dear Santa: We ae going to write you a letter for the first time. We are just wet- boys of fifteen summers. We go to school al tlhe time. We are just a- good as we can be. Dear old fellow, we want a popgun, ,. ,, ,. .nni ,. s..nta remember all our friends.. We wilt close. Your friends, SAM CHAMBERS, HORACE CRAWFORD, G ROVER McELROY. MRS. de NEERGAAKI) Mrs. Caroline de Neergaard de- , .u.. c, b J . clu5 at nor home on Walmil street iast Thursday afternoon. This bein- the afternoon for recreation bridg.. WBS enjoyed by the members. Tw tables were set for playing, After several progressions Mrs. (! Neergaard served delicious refiesli- ments. Those present were: Mca- ,!,, hv I In II .i..o R Th.,,,-. joh N. Shoolbred, Dave A. Baker, Charles R. Thomas, M. Her. Reeve i and Miss Rcbina Miller. MUSS MllfHJSLL HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Miss Jane Love Mitchell dclighi- fully entertained the. Tuesday -Bridir club at her home on Love lsus. lv.: home was beautifully decora'.ed with vases of holly. Attrattiv Claus baskets holding pecvin'i nn'l candy wcie placed on the tables ..n l the tallies wete in keeping with tin Christmas season. Miss Janie Reeves held ton score at the conclusion ot the game an.1 waa presented a inter manuu- n Bet. Miss Mitchell served R tcmr.ting- . salad course. The regular members playing were: Mesdames John P. Swift, Jr., Haves Allev. Marcurpt. - Holland. MiRiies n,an' Biark Janie Reves an(1 T,orothv Thomas. Mrs. Bew Penny and Miss Margvct Serums WCre illvited guesta Mrs. C. M. Dicus, Mrs. James R. Thomas and Mrs. J. P. Dicus mo- tnrcd to Asheville Thursday for the day.,. ... . m . Miss Mary Ella Anslcy spent tho week-end in Asnevuie witn Miss An- nie Welch at the White Houfe Inn - and with Miss Helen Bu?h. 1