THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER . FROM PARIS V lave come the new ideas which have inspired our new hats. Charming in their jauntines, any one of them will give a touch of French chicnesa io your costume. Won't you come in and let us show them to you? They're attractively priced, too. WHO IS WHO IN WAYNFSVILLE.$25t00 REWARD HAS IT What drUfT f tltt in tmun .. depend upon to have what vou want to the greatest ertainty? " One that bplnniri n iYm -.,. O w Hi IVIUC9l drusr store Ni-niwriHva n-.rani.oT; in the world, giving the benefit of cAcimnge 01 laeas oi the country's uvuuio oajcKUttra i it vmi .... Real esUte in all its branch, i. O."1"1 re sources of more dowr also handled by this man who con- SntT" rTe ?ure en" ducts this department on high plane 2ment than the ab,lltv f owner: of conscientious flwt Ui f- F ar've on and on and to enin- is lived up to7 "Car. free confidence." He can please you whether tn "K lVl .tnls can b- -ant a lnt hnmo ' "ougnt in tne standard coune f- rl tk. n.. I . y- f . The besTand- most desirable hold- ft teel,? -"l!.1!:- " " ",c y""y mgs ana listings are hs hv virh,, j ""'u io mis car b- .u. f7 7. " . " " ueal ,.nus engaged m the drug bus- f knowing values and keen iudT 1 outstandlnt? feature, discove iness as well as a vast purchasing m-nt of selection. What is the alt S the mon,hs ro" b- a" ve-f! power that makes this the drug store n ,!( the name? measure of all those qualifier of ouUsandmg service. tions that contribute to endurin ihev are alwAVX nn th.. -ff rV k' Mofiaii J. I"-.. .U'.. ii 1:1.- Kutisfnftinn I4v. i . Coll 1 1 L- a would buy." (5) A Record Breaking Year of Telephone Expansion D ECEMBER will mark the completion of the larg- i. iupnuiie construction program ever under taken in the South. New telephone buildings, additional central office equipment, vast quantities cf aerial and underground cab.e and hundreds of miles-of long distance circuita Have been installed to kocp pace with the growth u the South. Much of (his work has been unseen and unknown to te,?i hone users, but the service has continued without .interrupt. on during its progress. Telephone service, as a whole, is now better and snore valuable than ever before. t It is interesting to know that the largest part of thia expansion cost, which totals practically $35,000, 00, was paid for from new capital provided by in vestors who expect a reasonable return on their money. You see, they, too, believe in the South. This State has enjoyed a substantial share of this investment, and the telephone workers share your pr:dt in this material progress. They have been greatly encouraged by your interest and co-operation. MORGAN B. SPEIR, Carolina Manager ""Bell System- SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHO.N'I AND -TELEGRAPH COMPANY Ont Policy, One System, (Aii-W Sr, i.-e oMore TJaue than the Price Suggests In the year just drawing to a close the price of Dodge Brothers Motor Cars was mate xially lowered. Yet during this period more important im provements were incorporated than in any year in Dodge Brothers history. Advances were made in engineering and body designs. The cars possess a greater degree of smooth ness, silence and ease. They are more com fortable, more beautiful Current prices made possible, of course, by constantly mounting sales are therefore not an obvious measure of value. Prices, in fact, have never told the full story of Dodge Brothers dependability and basic worth. But now, more than ever before, there is far more value than the price suggests. Standard Touring Car 897.00 Special Coupe .... , . .1,048.00 Special Sedan .. ...1,105.00 Special Roadster ............ 995.00 Special Touring Car 997.00 Delivered HAYWOOD GARAGE Brothers MOTOR CARS improvement of service. Ever mind ful of the trust imposed upon them by a confiding public, their service is i perieciea 10 insure unitopm. i-nrnvl. ness, particularly in the prescription ! THE DOCTOR FOR YOL K HOUSE department where none but register-1 eii pharmacists are employed and That's your plumber. Of course the purest drugs are used. Your j there arc- good, bad a.;d indifferent aortor knows that when your pre-, doctors and the same is true about scnptions are tilled here, they will the plumbers be as directed. You will have full I This dnetr f.,r . confidence when nr.--rir.iinr.., ., A"18 dottor .for your house is one go to this store inat you can place implicit confidence The courtesy everv mpmhpp : " "ici.iiuu3 unu ioss oi time on - - j ci wmioit vi. me worKmen, a coiiaition so nothing even to the smallest detail I often complained of in the averaee has been left undone. I plumber vou"wil .nnre,ia;rrur l -'e or .mall ls ! year 2 months. high standard as the service Tn Z?ln Del0le "ork I " eral. You'll find manv nf strlWin! V! i"?""" 100 8 . ana material are t9 BANS HOME DRUDGERY This establish ery housewife ahould consult for th economic management of the homa j w nna tne drudgerie some outstandinir feature. rfi. v"n " it is done a' .l .1 . nome. This is tho U, ,,).... .u... ... te.lePhone line is a Jothes line t i wny not use it? satisfaction. Herp U l.-lltiDrt k.. coupled with extraordinary ridin comfort and handling ease. Sparl: ling' performance . with thrifty on eration. Why shouldn't the thousands an I thousands of owners voice their sat isfaction of this car. Their judg ment in selecting this car stand connrmed Consider the irritable feelings o' every member of the home togethe with the muss and trouble beside , the fact that it costs you more in the long run, and then why not save r" this trouble and use that day f, home mnking? Consider the econ omy of this service. Consult -th management of this ,.,n,...,- o,, ...... No greater popularity of this car Y'.!1 find tnat they can substantiate could be evidenced than the eager- t"15" statement beyond any question ness with which its praises are voiced of .douot- Tnis company "is always Piit ..f .1... iL- Ktriviniy fA b n .1 I in I by virtue V of n efflSv"', u0 the name of this ' ' !ttMnJ keeP their service thriogh and attentiveness of! You'll be pleased by the abscence of "V the name ?f the first mnn wh" '"PJ" , ?uPment and advance' of the working force' lax methods and loss of time on the ""url ' Prtical eaaoliiie engine. ims. fully abreast of the times. :o make you feel that J part of . the workmen, a oditto so Wll lJ?S? Vh?,and c?,. " ' vnVhM. ." .WJ the feelin' values and anniwmtivp rvnna tnn many to attempt to mention. Who is it? What line of candy do they specialize on? Alexander's Drugs Whitman's and Nunnally s Candies. decided upon and brought along on the first trip, eliminating the costly, running to and from the shop, for which you are asked to pay for in' most cases. i (2) THEY CAN BUY ANYTHING. Your friends can buy anything you buy for them except your photograph You owe your friends and those dear to you a recent photograph of yourself. There is nnthinir f.lio thnt hno quite that touch of personal remem- ui ance. The snhier nf this clrnfnh io tha acclaimed "Who is Who" in portra ture in this section of the state by virtue of his proven efficiency and outstanding performance in his chos en piofession which can only be at tained, first by hard work and a de sire to please his customers to de serve their business and good will and then constant studv and Drac Every community has a furniture I store that is looked The management of this concern ltader jn Jts Iin.B- This is what can insists on hiwheat .ffinun,. t 1. De 8a'd about this store without th,. . o--v v v V 17 1 I . 1 manshin as well inf0ll;..0t 1 least nesitation, r ..... m ....v,i,Kmv fCI- Wavnesville? Hn i,,r your abilitv tn ,,,, ...... " . " fc CUVUDIICU ; -l 1 1 1 1 i v j I'll JUU N,.,.U M,. r A,. . ly.wasn. until '?u have mad- ur wiusniooup, i iiiurougn investigation nn- O ,.11.. 1 H'U .. : . L . .. . ..u 13 me manager or this con cern and what is the price of family rough dry per pound? Waynesville Laundry H. L. Liner, 9 cents per pound. (9) QUALITY FOR THE HOME (13) PURE FOODS formance of duty. woric is tolerated lit- re m i n it. .. . No makeshift ., Thel!' abillty to furnish a mansion ' choosing our Drovisions t ,ui. tnrougnout or the humblest bungalow We want the Wi- a.i,.. .u..v When the bill is presented, you "tLT. uV uth(!Se who "PPreciate. treated wkh suspicion does not fiv w'u fi"d it made up by the dictates' Mvat'tt Si i u 1 the h)1 ere is the in W.v of a healthy conscience. , ??y most luxurious homev nesville that has never had the fin TV,o .1 u. t ; .. lot this Section nwe their,. . . ""' ,c' i.iiuuiciii oi Diumnini' ... . . sc, oi auauicion nointea at them . ir:v " l" 'ie juugmen.. account oi questionable standard goods. ehnliM A . ....... .. . : l L . ....uu.u mien f uui iniiiu io tnis con- i .l . . cern. How lone located in Wm..'?1 tne. management of this concern ville? Who is it and what henre-'"1. in01r. selection of the artistic. do they recommend? I 1 ,' aUvlce on home furnishings i To the rnnfrdrv f ...... !.... - 'J, 'l .'H llllll LlitM-l you will find the acknowledged "wh' i. , . " ... I VOU Will find rho npLhn.i-lu..nJ jinucn sougnt and their honestv in ,,,, : Tw. "r,c" Miller Plumbing & Heating Co.-' a11 their dealings have placed them in j efflcflncv auilitv"0" C01,rtesyi Vapor Heat, 27 years. lm&?Um l "suited with cfZL Tld 'sway hprice () A WINNER troduction startled the ,.,,...1.1 of automobile admirers of all makes, by making what was heretofore con- .-UJ, . siaerea an unattainab e ' feat, bv HofiSSSSH06" tWl'i "Ik." '1b''?;makinK a 100 hou- 17 minute non everv .HvanrpH e hnH . 1. ru -" average ot 31.0 nules nia woik is eloquent in tne lang Theirs is not ntte,,, or mi- l""1' ",l ""pressive lor their reason ing a sale regardless of its fitness 1 u Ve,'y atmosnhel't f's differen for the neei. t ...i L " ?' whfM. "P into this establish bought. They are sticklers for ad m by Vlrtue of iU a)etito aPPeal- Not long ago a car of recent in-'vising that which is most pratical ' "l--' ln the Preutions fo- oduct nil stHrtlod ik ,1.1 u 1 l..U i s.: ' . . ... ".. . I SU111 tat 1011 that are n evidence ... Liuiii c-unaiiuL-iiun ana price. Thev .,..,. i,j never are sfltisfie.1 nnU. tl,e ' tlI n-na. tron is. Not simply store keepers for V- uisu-iouium or groceries and meat per gallon for a distance 2258 miles through a sand glade, mountain route through Central California. au? of art Producing just the right posture, tne rignc snaaing ana snaaows, nressinn nnrl nhilifv tn nnvtHiw most pleasing likeness is the secret Ui e satlsfaetl0n rende,-e(1 hla formance of the most dependable nn. . i . nature, inis is a medium priced Why not .vail yourself of -the car with most of the advantae3"f best when it costs no more? Kodak ca ' of far hirher ,.. a,uaKes Tkn.. I,- 1 t ,. . the markets offer and buy in quan-l'u' ?.f .the ,ntter daV tvpe of me tities that permit of seliinjr prices mac are not made possible to those restricted to smaller quantity pur- munes. i ou are accorded tn v n chandizing that eliminates the fe,' ing oi tne oia stuny corner store. It's the old story, the best is tli" cheapest in the long run. ntnre xi vcniia. aniuiiiia. uum, i uu are accorded lully a i-i.c mud iuu. , v j 0 wonder its popularity is 'much courtesy and attention when , Why not find this place that rn , the ?eserved- Performance tells. The; your purchase is small as when it is ,e depended upon at all times fo t me buying public is not swayed by of a larger quantity. I tllp best the market affords? If j. lecret sentiment. It cnlls for per- What line of coal heaters do theyl'?"'1 good K never is allowed to ent ! ms formance of the most dependable specialize on? See them for com-'the store- finishing, too, with dispatch and the best results. Why not a family group photo while you are all as sembled during the holidays? There may be a missing face next year. The oldest established in Wavnes ville. How lone- here? Shevrill's Studio 2.'1 years. (3) THE STORE OF MERIT. Find what car this i inJ i-nu ..-111 know what performance is to the ex tent that will come as near meeting with your desires and ultimate de mands as any on the market, and, a great surprise as to the low cost this all can be bought for. What car is this? This concern also handles another make car that is in a class of itself fort and stylo house furnishings. Sludei -Garrett Furniture Co. Champion Hot Blast Coal Heater. (10) THE STAFF OF LIFE What store is it Ml h A 1.1 niV.IMMn and how long established? City Market-years. -.T. B. Davis, 3'-4 (14) DANGER AHEAD The "Who is Who" in baker's goods of the highest quality in this section j Who would keep right on at thi ol, the country. Passing of this sign without a thought Their goods are sold by all th- for personal safety? n,gn ciaas groceries and served a Yet. how many of , hnv. th;. mahe car mat is in a class ot itself IV6". V , a'"1''" "u erveu a , el ,(nv many of .. h ,h for price, construction and appoint- tne hotels and eating houses that ap- danger signal flashed before vol r ments. The world's best engineer , I h'gh class goods. eyes without giving t ie leas bit looked the world over for something I 1 es''. breads and mils, they heed? Why abuse the most vnluab ' that would compare with if andHke delicious cakes that are first Kift bestowed upon vou by a kind they found only one, that of a Euro-' f,m;st n,d most "niong those who province, especially when chron uwu inuic. ifo il is m a .. " --, -, , "L "' sia eo ov a little relief at hist I he Llass nf itself gredients and Inchest sk i-.l -mk- :u. , u -lu 1 lu , . - . V 1 lime : Thh "Who is Who" in books, sta tionery, office supplies and many other specialties has a reputation for merit goods that is a most enviable one. it aid not nappen. it was brought V. " . ... . . ,..i,; S about by the thorough knowledge of ."""""": ""'r'T u.s"; inie is hev 'a l describes your conditio, the thousand and one items em-' V. - general service th'ir Products of more even stand thre J ,ne m n t Waynesville braced in a stock of this nature. . .! HtA., i rl .T"1 VUL aid and less exnensive th:, th, s,. exceptionally qualified through ye... . it i nn ovnmn npur an nt ma riri i ' , . . . v . addage "Cobbler stick to they last.", F?r.,your own good find this de- They have concentrated on the one ' V'"" " ,e la' uc"' e';, "" '? ' line of endeavor through exhaustive! what two cars do they handle rnsnnrnli nnrl pnnafanr cfiHr Tho .. ownt motor uompany J. f. mere thought of book3, stationary f. r. , , .,. ' . ... and all the items included in a-'Swlft' 0verIand- Whippett, Wyllis- . .... . .... i vn:u stock ot tnis sort should direct your "'"K"1 mma to tnis store lor goods ot of constant study and experience merit.. What 1Y1Iie aencihle riii.iotmoa tr!ff could you give than a good book, a ming to De prized lorever and to De handed down to some one else. Whtf Tint- A liiYiiriniiq hnv nf oto tionery, an elegant framed picture a iountain pen. sometning tor tne That's the best way to describe this mammotn establishment located near a famous nntionnl o-nthei'lniv place. It is more than a store. ....w.n.6 v.. nere y0U can nna most anything business mans desk that he will , that may come to your mind in the nrl7e I I he reel aenQihle nrt-mlea Qra1.. - r 1 j: , . .. ... f . v.. ui inercnanaise ana Desioes this too numerous to mention, our aim they operate a gas filling station e IS tn imniwat vnn hnr here i. n! i , . ....... w . garage wiin general auto accessories stock outstanding in acceptable gifts, repair service and genuine Ford Thev also are t.he renno-niv.en flnr.'nn.fn ipu i 1.. mj; - - T. . : ii""ls' mey are aiso Duuaing con- ists for this section. The depart- tractors on a mammoth scale. Will ment, in charge of the junior mem- build anything from a chicken coop Ti: "? -- ' vwui-u m.U a scnooi ouiiomg, lurnish any the highest order of efficiency. His 'thing that goes into the building is a scientific education and training,' and can furnish some of the bes under the advantage of the parti- home sites in the country, consist cipation m working on practical pro- ig of over a hundred lots in Way duction and observation of the most, nesville. and Ha advanced methods. Who is the most The trreat storks mrripH nnH th i . . . i V. .;.; that with the latest imoroved ennin ch..sen Profession to lend you .1 ment and reculated nnH evnH,,.. tms ald formulas, this establishment U hottei-' Thoroughness in both st Swift Motor Company J. P. ble to produce them than the aver- tensive research on his part is tu- age nome. i-uumiiauon oi placing at your sci Spic and span with everv nossible v'ee the most approved methods an I ! sanitary conveniende, there is a equipment known to the scientiti -gratifying sense of security in using treatment of the eyes. If you can I their goods. , not read this matter without eye Demand it at your grocers and strain at a distance of from 12 to It , insist on it for its goodness. inches, you had better see him (V) AN INSTITUTION What snecial brand nf bi-enH ,1,, once they make?- Honest in his advice and directions Be sure to see the cake that will be and worthy of your utmost confident given away Christmas eve on dis- If he can not help you he will b play after Monday, Dec. 20. ! frank enough to tell vou and no' vvnat are tne names ot the two take your money. How long has he men who have t'lken chart'' W'aynesville Bakery Vance Mc Kinney, A. C. Anders, Blue Ribbon Bread. (11) GUARANTEED Standing snmirolv hnr-L 1 eDrosentnrinn even tn fhe emQlldoi detail, has placed this jewelry stor;' firmly in the minds of the people of books? Who is the junior member? Urise and nennle f,-nm v.. I D.f ,elle.a upon as K'ving Ouai- . t i 1 -.v... u aiiLHt'ii scrv cp. i;,.n f :in a. :i 1.1 1 . 1 : Waynesville Book Store Zane Grey, F, M. Lindfors. (4) SUPPOSE IT HAPPENED? SllYinneo Wniir hnma li 1 1 1 .1 1,,-n 4- night who would pay you or the underwriter ? benous thought this dius of miles to avail themselves of There's a feelinir of absolute se saving prices made possible by curity with every purchase at thi quantity purchases 8tore that ieave'n: thought of The management is made Bp of prehension. If the goods do no men known for their square and fair stand up, fair and equitable adjust dealings, their knowledge of where to ment3 fa made witS0Ut any quib fnLmel'fh4 klndhOfhg0 andbHng. man to man squareness IHflCrmpTlr. Thnr fart ho nonlrari m I . . i i n. n -'.'v v,. i unmistaKaoie. i ne management is V.rMn!T-JJ!f.U,?SS not 'satisfied until the patfon is and j- . - T V 11 tne impression of sincer ty n this is a sale of all sales in this Rertinn - 1 . , . . been established? What nther of business is ho engaged in? Jere Davis Jeweler-Optometrist, 2G years. (15) OF SIGNAL IMPORTANCE r ou5 inougnt uiis. atop tmnK, is a saie oi ai. in mis section, purpose leaves no room for doubt --dont you think the peace of mind Here . you will find prices on apparel Time to think of practical and and the restful sense of security is for th0 whole family that are as- u,i; ;ft, vi,j.." i," wrtC far "ore than the few cents stounding. Better go see for your- sideg jewelry in all its branches, you per hundred you pay each year for, self. You'll miss the saving of many will find the greatest assortment of insurance t aouars you aon t. . novelties, specialtiesincluding book A Short, hmir m nnf nrino an'oir t-ta Whft RfA tllV nnrl whof lina nt i r uw" 11 life tide's sing." a "noint where paints T do-they carry? 1";.- hey never could be reolaced. ... . - ZrVZT::"Z. '"K"?.."" - - - - - - Cl ' -1 thev never rnnl.1 ha rnilawH You haVA t.nn mnpYi nf afnlro fn irust to late. Oonsult this reliable "Who is Whfl" in thn Snanronifl KnatMaaa in Wavnpdvillo wlin wrong- companies as sale as Uov- cuunwii uonas ana wno 18 saia and trustworthy to consult. i tin run nanr nn nia 111 rrman t- O T "II tM W . IIIUOV J & At, iicai uuiii'.ips Tnr vmir cvrv inm vidual need. You'll find your best Junaluska Paints. SuddIv Co Davis scores upon scores of other items I ... :V i t.,1. .X, " TUlo is the established o-ift center of the section by virtue of outstanding val ues and complete assortment, equi table prices and thorough know)- , 1 , . . eage or me Dusiness. . (8) CAREFREE CONFIDENCE ii.c.o m nuim ui wusiuuuu ui . uoa i ovenooic tneir Stocr - berort fhA kmllmn nnnnn n w n i n . I. I ... 1 . n . . ... u. iniwijiuiiivii, in wa jn- yuu man your nnai selection, I0U domiUble stamina and endurance, of may feel disappointed if yon do. the car that ''Asks no favors, fears There's an even courtesy and ton no roads. : ' ' stant attentiveness that makes the inrl.fl w ij'i our4 . Avconsiam pleasure in its striK- service here one that Is tru y service interests protected in every trans-1 ing beauty and fine appointments. A plus. Who are thev? action through thorough knowledge constant nride ' wiwuukii Kiiuwieuge constant pnae. ..J J J . ! i I n . . . . . . . . . . . n ion .uu t4u;t utuif. a tsut it'll aouDtrui ir ana tftisi This outstanding "Who is Who" i'i the lumber business of this section, is one t.llilt i rtnino. ifo full Dkn.n :.. - . IU1I .7IIM1C III both the industrial advancement o-' tnis section, and the advancement o" the general upbuilding of it. It will be nn nn.v nnn fn RnA f..- it manufactures lumber on a large scaie, employs many men and con tributes largely, through its activi ties a prosperous and contended citi zenry among the laboring class of this section. The fact that they are manufactur ers and also rnnrlnit a retail rt.r,.t.f. ment, goes without saying that the prices held out to the builders and home m H If era are nt ous proportions that it will behoove all those contemplating construction to confor with them. TTelll AVer manv wino-ti nta... la Al .i.M'. 1 n ("I'LI-J is R, ways available and cheerfully given. Their interest - in permanent and creditable construction is as keen as mat, oz tne Duiiaer. The nnlirv .f thia ennAA. tinually do its utmost in constructive Win iMalrAii it one of signal importance. Sticklers for quality to the utmost in rotlim fnr .varv rlnllar Mi.nJi.Al has established them in the minds of the. nennle rv thla ai.nnn - - V! safe to consult on all problems en- taiunff Dunamg materials. - , ; How lonir nstahliiherl T Whn ire N.eyt Thos, J. Davis. gun.crest Lumber Co. 14 yean.