THE W A YNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER ' i J i t i B e Si tJ A Id it el NOTICE OK TOWN OF HAZEL WOOD STREET PAVING AS SESSMENT The persons heieinafter named, and any and all other persons interested in property fronting on Main Street in the Town of Hazelwood, which haa been created as special assessment district, will take notice that the re pyit of the City Engineer has been deposited in '.he office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hazelwood for inspection by parties interested which engineer's report sets out the amount assessed against the property on a basis of one-fourth total cost of sdid improvement, against the prop city owners on each aide of said street, and the said parties will take police that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen will meet at the Mayor's office in the Town of Hazelwood on the 4th day of January, 1927, 8 o'clock P. M., for the hearing of alle gations and objections in respect to the special assetsments, and any person dissatisfied with said report will rile objectins in writing under oath with the Town Clerk on or be fore said date. The said property owners will fur ther take notice that the said assess ments shall be payable in ten equal installments, the first installment to be due upon confirmation of the as sessment roll, which installments shall bar interest at the rate of 67c per annum from the date of the con firmation of the assessment roll; pro vided that the property owners may pay the said assessments in cash without interest before the expiar tiun of thirty days after the publica nf this notice. The names of the owners, the Imntage of their respective lots, and the proportionate cost assessed njrainst the respective lots of said property owners ale as follows: T'n of Hazelwood Street Paving Assessments for Main Street: I'roPer'y Owner - Front Footage Assessment .I.K. Mass 200 $ 400.50 Pete Nicoloudias 218 !'!. 55 ll.imi-i Meroer 130 200.X1 rthur Knight 05. . . l.'lO.Hi Davis & Rogers 1!5 .'S'.KU'.I (). I.. I.eagon i:U) 200.33 Way HatclitT 05. - - 130.10 Frank Albright 05 . . 130.10 IJeorge Wall 1H2... ;il.4.4b Mrs. Anna K. Cole 2811 . it 78.72 J. M. Miller '.'7.0 105.41 T. C. Miller 148.3 ... 200.17 W. 11. Whitener 201 5S2.73 Mrs. O. K. Fisher '..".5 101.21 Jesse Mosser 51 102.13 .1. P. Scales I 17.1 . 205.17 Allen fc Siler 102.8 . 205.80 Southern Railway 01 182.23 II. II. Atkins 210.2 . 103.02 James Fisher . 120.15 ('has. Mi'.L'r 10'l 200.25 W. P. Onl;y 210 120.53 I. . A. Miller 1 10 . 2.-10.35 S. I.. Underwood 140 2s. '.35 II. C. K,.hinson 00 120.15 I.. A. Miller 10(1 320.10 llaiil It. Mil nor ami wile 100 320.40 Mis. (. Ki.-h.v 300 702.00 Mis. Isnliel 11. Cole 50 100..'. Mis. (). 1.. Fisher 55 1 10.1 1 (ilo. II. Ward et al 75 150.10 Town of llazelwoo.l 75 150.10 . A. Fergu-in 33.1 '''0.28 Mrs. (). '.. K.shcr 75. 150.10 J. P. Scales 10S.3 . 307.10 Hazelwood Feed '. Hl,s..i . 217.2.' Southern Railway 01 ls.2.23 K. P. Robin on 50 . . 100.13 R. I,. 1'revost 50 100.13 W. A. Withers 25 . . 50.07 F.nglan.l Walton Co. 1010,1. . 1,70305 '::V!ievi!le Fill 11. ( o. 701 . 1,244.03 .1. T. C. Scales 130 221.41 Richard Robinson 103.5 ... 108.50 M. .1. McCracken 323.2 . ". 520.33 K. .1. Hyatt et al 010.0.... 1,057.55 Town of Hazelwood Curb and Gutter AsHeHsment for Main Street .1. F. liass 200 $ 90.00 Pete Xicoloudias 218 98.10 Homer Messer 130'. 58.50 A. Knight 05 29.25 Davis & Rogers 105 87.73 O. I,. I.eagon 130 58.50 W. Ratcliff 05 29.25 F. Albright 05 29.25 George Walls 182 81.90 Haiti n.Milner & wife 90.3.... 40.64 I.. A. Miller 100 72.00 H. C Robinson 00 27.00 S. L. Underwood 140 63.00 I. . A. Miller 140 63.00 W. P. Gently 210 94.50 Chas. Miller 100 45.00 J. A. Fisher fS0... 27.00 II. I!. Atkins 246.2. ...1 10.79 Done by order of the Board of Al dermen, this the 7th day of December, 1926. L. M. RICHESON, Town Clerk. J. P. SCATES, ? GJan. c Mayor. FOR RENT Six room house, all modern conveniences on Short street, See L. A. Miller, ... tfc All, kinds of cookies and take, fresh; bread and rolls daily. City Bakery. NOTICK OF SALE OF PROPERTY REAL North Carolina, Haywood O-jun'y. By virtue of a deed in trust exe cuted by Floyd Lyle and wife, Annie Lyle, to John M. Queen, Trustee, for Hyatt & Company, as recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 17, on page 212, et seq.. Record of Deeds for Hay-wood County, North Carolina, the undersigned Trustee having been requested to sell the hereinafter de scribed property, default having been made on the payment of the indebtedness secured by the said deed in trust, will sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash on Monday, the 20th day of December, 1926, at 12 o'clock Mid day, at the front door of the court house of Haywood County, North Carolina, all the following described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being Haywood County aforesaid and more particularly de scribed and defined as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a white oak on the public road POSTMAN CHRISTMAS 1 3GRAHAM r BONNER e VER since she had been u child she had thought that the post- ; man was about the most Inter- estlng person In the world, lie It wus who brought all the letters and puck- j ages and papers and magazines, who alwHys might be bringing any number , of surprises. j To be sure, he often passed the ! house without leaving anything, but j then there was always the chance Hint he might bring anything. At Christmas time he was the niosi and I wonderful sort of a person, with his running about North 4 poles to a rock near a spring; then an Easterly direction with said branch about 5 pole? to Macey's corner; then in a Southeasterly direction with Macey's line about 5 poles to a double sour wood beside the public road; then with the public road about 5 poles to the BEGINNING, containing one-half acre, more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING on the State road at the bridge and running to creek to sarvis bush; ituodiua bi.w "l"'i'5 back to the creek; thence with creek to Smathers' line; thence with Smathers' line to Macey's line and "Walking Bear" line to State road; then back to the beginning. Sale made on request to pay the indebtedness therein secured, this the 18th day of November, 1926. JNO. M. QUEEN, Dec. lfi c Trustee. NOTICE OF SEKVICK CATION. BY PUBI.I- S'ate of Nor'h Carolina, Cunty of Haywood In the Superior Courl. GRACE II. CANNON I VS. ' PAUL F. CANNON. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for a divorce for the purpose of dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and the defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of Superior Court of Haywood County to be holden in the court house in VVaynesville on the 3rd day of Jaunary, 1927, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff in said action, or the plaintitf will apply to the Court for the re lief demand in said complaint. This the 7th dav of December, 1920 C. A. HAYNES, Clerk Superior Court. Dec 30, Francis c Are You "Toxic?" It Is Well.Then, to Learn the Importance o Good Elimination. FUNCTIONAL inactivity of the kidneys permits a retention of waste poisons in the blood. Symp toms of this toxic condition are a dull, languid feeling, drowsy head ahes and, sometimes, toxic back ache and dizziness. That the kidneys are not functioning as they should is often shown by scanty or burning passage of secretions. Many readers have learned the value of Doan's Pills, stimulant diuretic to the kid neys, in this condition. Users every where endorse Doan's. Ask your neigTiborl DOAN'S p Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney Foiter Milburn Co., Mfg. Chcm., Buffalo. N. Y. FRUIT CAKE SUPPLIES RAISINS i I HiS j DATES ! LEMON PEEL ORANGE PEEL CITRON CANDIED PINAPPLE CANDIED CHERRIES SHELLED NUTS BRAZIL NUTS ENGLISH WALNUTS BLACK WALNUTS ALMONDS ' MIXED NUTS GRAPES EXTRACTS CAKE FLOUR THE ABOVE OF THE BEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES. PHONE US YOUR ORDER C. E. RAY'S: SONS hag filled with presents and cards and calendars and letters from friends ilie was sure would not forget her. and from friend she was ao pleaseil had not forgot ten her. Sometimes be brought Just the most delicious mall of all some times he brought a fruit cake, or a box of candy that a friend of her had wade. So It was that she, Minnie, hud always loved postmen In gen eral, and now it seemed as though she were being particularly fond of one postman In particular. He was on their route and he often came In and chatted after the clay's work was over. Slie hnd gone to school with him aud die had always liked him. The old postman wns a dear no matter how many bundles he was carrying in Christmas time he always seemed to be hnppy Hint his load wns heavy, bo cause It meant Just that much more Joy along the route. Hut he liii 1 retired and now ewr, Christmas they took his present to hi ni and sat and chatted with him and with his wife, who always brought out her 'hrlstinas enke to be shared by all. She had not been displeased when j the sehoold.'iy friend had been giver, this route. Not displeased lit all. j Hay was tall and very good-looking. I She thought he looked so well in his postman's uniform. And certainly he seemed a liitle Interested in her. i She was lint displeased In this. I Not displeased at all. Christmas Pay, lie nad said, there 1 would be no mull delivery. So she was a little surprised to see him eoinin-j j down the street I'tid up the steps of j their house. ' I "I wonder if we're going to have I mall after alK" she snld ! berflf. It hadn't occurred lo her that he wii ! not In his post- man s i!ii:rnr;u, and that he coming Just to sec her. To he sure, he stopped li; when he v:is i.T duty, hut she had never j tl ' ! ' f It lie was so iiiis.-Ii In teresteil in I er as that lie enjoyed Hie whole fondly. She did belong to such a nice fain ily, so Jolly aril rorrt'Ul cinl friend ly ns I hey all were, ami such fun. And then It was all so clear, ns they sal before the lire l hut Chrlsni'.a: Hfternoon, that he was Interested Itt her very, very much interested in her. More so then she had even thoughl or hoped or dreamed. In fact, l e mid her all about it. And she was not displeased. Not displeased at all. Nor was he displeased. Not displeased tit all. ('or she agreed that to bo a post inun's w ife wns' not such a had Idea mid that, apart from every! liInK else, it would be so particularly nice, to know that Hie postman was solns to come to one's house every single day In the w hole year to their own House. And. as she said, It was such fun being engaged to a postman In the Christians season. He hud not been too busy to think of ber ! ii i&VuniWVy-i ((c), 1S26. Western Newrnper Union.) Christ mat Tim Wife cave him a surprise, A tie made for hl take, 'Twin very Ilk . the " ties That mother utfed to , make. , Louisville Courier-Journal. What Shall I give the family for Christmas Why Not Purchase a Family Car. See Us THE PLEASURE OF WISHING OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A HEARTY CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR IS OURS. MAY OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS CON TINUE UNBROKEN THROUGH THE COMING YEAR. MAY WE SUGGEST THAT A MOST APPRECIATIVE GIFT FOR ALL THE FAMILY IS A DODGE BROTHERS AUTOMOBILE. IT WILL BE OUR PLEASURE TO DEMONSTRATE ANY OF THE MODELS AT ANY TIME. LET US TALK THE MATTER OVER. HAYWOOD GARAGE Dodge Bros. Motor Vehicles, and Graham Bros. Trucks g I EE IMATED There liave been and number of cases as of small pox in well as other counties in the Since the beginning of cotd are at the present time a Haywood Couutjr State. weather thu num- ber of cases in Waynesville Township and the adjoining townships has greatly increased Quarantine has proven a failure in its attempt to control smallpox. The quarantine law against the disease has been repealed. The only protection the citizens have is to be vaccinated. o wing to the prevalence of the disease at the I urgently, recommend that both adults be vaccinated by your family -4 Large Chrittmaa Treea The white pines are best far commu nity and church Christmas trees as their aire Is more adapted to larger spaces. The spruce Is one of the most common of Christmas trees. present time. children md phvsician. Sam Li. Strmgfield, 1 '-. Guard Againtt Firm t " Careful citizens keen a pailful of . water bandy under the highly Inflan-' j k j mable .Chriitmaa (Mfc am County Health Officer !W . ;' -d?.-.-a mmm . in II u"l - . ' ;

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