r .7 Has More Paid-in-Advance Sub.icnb.n In Haywood County Than All ItVvA.'i .Wu'.r- p, is C r;ih? OL.XLIII NO. 51 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1931 OUNTYS BURLEY Local Football Team is New Champion of Western North Carolina Will Play Weaver College In Charity Game Here Tuesday Afternoon On Local Fieldj OBACCOCROPIS F GOOD QUALITY aywood County Is Expect ed to Lead in Poundage in Western North Carolina. 0,000 POUNDS RAISED op Expected to Bring: Farmers of County $50, 000 Before Christmas IiV Robinson, county -ami agent. 1 The Mountaineer Wednesday at noon that the quality of this sea 's. tobacco is much higher than usu He continued, "there is litle barn nt or green tobacco. The fine ither ''-during September and Octo - ripened the tobacco." Lr. Bob in son estimated that ap icimately $100,000 will be brought this county from the sale of to coo this year. It is expected that ,000 "worth from here will be sold re Christmas. Approximately 560,000 pounds of ley tobacco was raised in Haywood year," George A. Brown, a pro jsive farmer of the Fines Creek ion and official representative of Saunders Tobacco Warehouse, eville, said. ceording to Mr. Brown the crop year is about 50,000 pounds less J last year, but the quality more i makes up for the number of nds lost. As a whole the couitty very good crop and will pc-r-5 lead all other Western North olina counties in the number ci 1 nds this season. I T,' Brown is very optimistic over prospects for (rood prices this y especially since the rains the of the week will enable the farm to grade the tobacco. The burley cq depends largely ori the weath and the dry weather lately has e this year's tobacco crop rather and crisp and hard to handle, ie tobacco market is scheduled to i December 9, and with pretty ther it i sj expected that a large oivt will be placed on the market flrtt few days after the opening. Brown would not give any fig as to what he thought the tobac rould bring this year, but inti d that he thought that the prices !d'be higher than the farmers i expecting. le following figures were given paper comparing this year's crop other years. 5TO If f r;&gm iSM- fh Ot A Q a I w f n sw saws sw-i mm. . T? l Am ft 11:24 MANY CASES ARE TRIED IN FIRST 3 DAYS OF S. COURT Over 21)0 Defendants Pres ent for Trial; Unusually Heavy Docket. BKi CROWDS PRESENT Cases Beinjr Tried Expidite ly and Throujjhlv; Court House Halls Filled Above Is pictured the Mountaineers of Waynesville who claim the Western North Carolina "grid title.' Front row, left to right: 1'., ll.nvi ll C. Wyatt, PYancls. Brenrile. Stiller, Bathbone, Atkins and Manager Henrtrlck. Second row: Brummltt, Captain Cube, Murray, Smith. Huiinmrrow' Bryson, Bridges. P. Davis, Reeves. Back row: Coach C. E. Wiatherby, Pat Urn, Ruff, B. Brysoa, Oleuu Wyatt, Garland, Davis. Greenwood, Kutcliffe, Carver. Haynea, Strlngfleld. . APPEAL CASE OF CITY UP DEC. 15 SUPREME COURT Sewer Disposal Dispute To Be Brought Up. Waynes--ille and Hazelwood Defendants. - m be -i i o . ;. -433 -00 c .2 o p o o H 640 277,120 23e $60,966 780 421,980 23c $07,055 725 665.550 16c$107,819 700 560,000 ... account of court, the tobacco ing scheduled for Friday will be at the Waynewood theatre in I of the courthouse. V. GOODE PLANS SPECIAL SERMONS 8 Rev. W. O- Goode, pastor vf ethodist church here ha& planned special sermons for the people of jesville. These sermons have i quite a bit of thought and prep n by Rev. Goode and promise to neficial to the eongregatiori. . e first of these will be given Sun- moraing at the regular church :e, and is especially for men. The ct Will be, "The world's bid for a.".; the following Sunday morning Goode will preach a companion n specially for the women when abject will be, "The world's bid woman."'.: i public is extended a most cor nvitatioti to attend both of these :es. :'". .. ' . 7. WRIGHT OPENS LUMBING BUSINESS W Wright announced Monday he has opened a plumbing and i(f fchop on East street. .Wright has been in the plumb asihess here for a number of He was formerly connected ;he Kuykendall & Son firm. The case of Lake Junaluska Meth odiH Assembly, Incorporated, versus the Town of Waynesville and the Town of Haielwood is scheduled to be triel in Supreme Court l)ecember 15. The Lake Junaluska corporation brought the case to court here last May and Judge John H. Harwood, presiding judge, ordered that Way nesville and Hazelwood within twelve months stop emptying their sewerage into Richland, which creek flows into Lake Junaluska. The two towns were granted an appeal and the case has been carried to supreme court. The case grew out of the fact that Lake Junaluska claimed to have been, damaged to the extent of $150,000 by the sewerage that the two towns have emptied into Richland Creek, which supplier-.the .lake with water. The claim of the two towns is that they acquired the right to use the creek ior such purposes long before th( Methodists developed the Lake Junaluska as a Fummer resort. It has been intimated that, if the court upholds the ruling of Judge Harwood that the towns will have to build a disposal or filtering plant, either of 'which is estimated would cost approximately $175,000. It if suggested that filtering plant or dis posal plant would bp much cheaper thsn laying a pipe line to Pigeon river because of the rocks and num erous hills between the city and the rivtr. ' . Attorneys J. R. Morgan and Joe E. Johnson are expected to go t'i Ral eigh to appear for the defendants. Attorneys Alley and Alley, local law firm, and Judge T. D. Bryson, mem ber of the faculty at Duke University represent the plaintiffs. . Another case of interest to local people is the case of justice versus the Junaluska Supply company. Mr Justice claims that his neck was broken while employed by the defend ants and is suing for personal dam ages. The exact date of this rase was not learned. Federal Officers Make Waynesville Their Headquarters Prohibition Officials For Haywood, Jackson and Transylvania To Make Home Here. Messrs. R. C. Reese and R. C. Forbes, federal prohibition agents for Haywood, Jackson and Transyl vania counties, have made Waynes ville their headquarters. These two officers were sent to this trrritory to take active charge of enforcing the prohibition law. They have been in this sfction for several months, but most of the time haf been devoted in aiding in the prosecution of the al ledged violators. Both these offictrs are experienced in their work and come here after proving their ability in enforcing the law- Mr. Reese in the interview. with The Mountaineer stated that Hay wood county is producing just a little more whiskey than the average coun ty and for that reason they were sent here in a effort to make this county a little dryer. In speaking of their work in the past few months here, the officers have captured quite a numlier of distilleries and many gal Ions of rum destroyed, September was the biggest month with 19 dis tilleries destroyed and 25,000 gallons of berr captured. October was Iess with only 45 gallons and 8 distiller-ie-. During November three weeks were spent in the federal courts, but 2 'stills and 10 gallons, of whiskey were captured. November also saw 14 people arrested for violating the prohibition law. The largest single raid that has been recently was in the Fines Creek Section where 1,000 gallons of icach mash was captured and destroyed. Mr. Reese was asked concerning this work if any person giving ar officer any information were liable t-1 be called into court to testify against the alledged violator, he said, "not in the least, everything that is told us is kept absolutely confidential. Why evrn a man's wife could tin us off that be was making rum and he could (Continued on page 9) Junior Board of Stewards Organized By Methodists Game Scheduled Here Tuesday for Benefit of Charity Pondy' Poindexter, Weaver ( ollctfe (oach Is Popu With Fans Here A meeting- held la ; Week at the loial Methodist church was marie v.. of the local young men of the i!.-h . for the purpose of -'o'rganizin;;' the Junior Hoard of Stewards. The purpose of the'boairi is io assist in carrying on the work of '.In- .W..;,- ,)..rtai,i.,i . - ' 'Vciiant.v..loUMiIl game will be -The', board-is 'combed of the f ol- ' ',,;lVfMre next. Tuesday afternoon lowing young- men of Waynesville: M i- '',.w,'n "'e local, high schmd teani, II. Howies, Ilenrv Francis, 1 . K. Alley, :'h""1,"on v,f Western North Carolina Jr., Francis Massie, Carhon Wea ,h' 8W'om,ary and the strong erby, Benj. Sloan, Wil ford Rav, U! ; . . , aV7 Coll('Ke The game will Hovd." Raymond Hyatt, Frank Fergu-: " """" )f Unocal post on, Jr., David Hyatt, James Queen and Thomas ingfield. The next meeting of the .huuo. Board will be Monday' evening I'ec- ember 7th. J. M. Newton Better, Suffered A Stroke The many friends of J. M. Newton, owner of the Waynesville Insurance Agency, will be glad U learn that he is better after suffering from a stroke of paralysis, Mr. Newton is better. but he. is still unable to use his right limbs, although he is out of danger. During his illness, his son, James A. Newton, of Bostin, Mass, will en i ry' on the business of his father. Mr. Newton'; -..other children visjted him during his sudden illness, but have now returned to their homes, with he exception James A. 'i, Thos.(. called home were: Mr. an I Mrs J. M. Newton, Jr., and daugh ter Juliadelle. -of Greensboro, N. C., Mr and Mrs. R. T. Newton and daughter, Jane, of Harlan, Ky,. R. K. Newton, student of Wake Forest College. Wake Forest, N. C. AMERICAN LEGION TO MEET IN CANTON, 8TII DISTRICT STEWARDS HERE LAST MONDAY Ex-Convict From Here Kills Man In Raleigh Word was received here this week that Jake Jones, colored, who shot Wallace Ward here about four years ago, for which he was sentenced to the state penitentery, was arrested int Raleigh for killing a filling station operater of that city. Jake is said to have bee a short and very black, hardly : five feet in height. The crime had puzzled the Raleigh oficers for some time but they traced him by a peculiar heel tap on one of his shoes. When arrest ed he had two pistols under his pillow and a rifle by his side. The crime he commited here puzzled local officials for a time but he finally confesed. The district meeting of the Ameri can legion will be held in Canton Tuesday night, December 8. This special meeting has been called by District Commander McCracken. This is a call meeting of all posts of this '-'district and it is urged fh'it all that can attend this meeting. of the American Legion All procrt'ds realized from the game will ! usel in charity work here in Waynesville and immediate vicinity, according to J. C.-' Patrick, command er of the loeal post. The American Legion will cooperate with the other charitable organizations of the -ity and see that the funds are given to those needing relief the worst. The strong Weaver College team is j-courhed by "Pondy" Poindexter, coach here during !I2!, '27, "H. It is ex M'(tel that a large numlx-r of fans from this sect ion will turn out to see ,-iie same calibre team that lie turned out while in Waynesville. I he spv.Msors of the game are try. ng to get the business houses of the county to close for the game. The Weaverville team has b-en one 'f the best prep school teams in V.s seetion this year. They expect t b:cak the wining streak of the locals, who havt been playing superior ball ior me last tew games. The game starts promptly ;,t ,'i I. M. at the local field. The Waynesville Pharmacy is mak ing a window display of a miniature football field with the high school colors in appreciation of the work of the Waynesville team in giving their services to such a worthy-cause. cour lu'i c i' I 'ii -ember teini lor llaV(uiii (. Moiniuy iiuM iiih) l upen.ii- convened a i ui the 1 1cm- Episcopalians to Have Music Service Sunday The district stewards meeting of this district was held at the First Methodist church here Monday morn ing with the Rev. L. B. Hayes, presiding--. .. . '' A progressive program for the com ing year was discussed and plans made for them were perfected. The meeting vl-a-s addresed by the Presiding Elder of this district, Rev. L. B. Hayes, who brought a forceful and helpful message to the stewards an 1 laymen present. Rev. M. A Plyles, editor of the North Carolina Christian Advocate, was also present and made a short talk . '-. '; - - . ". ' ' , At the noon hour the ladies of the church served dinner to about 75 preachers and delegates- ' A special "Choral Kvensonc'' wiil be held at the Grace Episcopal church in The Mountains with the combined choirs of St. Andrews, Canton, and vesper service in its full setting. Solos will also be given by Mrs. Smathers, of Canton, and Miss Mil dred Crawford, of Waynesville. A short address will be given by the Rev. G. L-Granger, rector of the St. Andrews. Rev. Albert New, rector of th" local: Episcopal church, cordially in vites the public to attend this service. CHRISTMAS SEALS ARE BEING SOLD IN CITY The annual Christmas Tuberculosis .Seals are being sold in the county this vook. All funds collected from these oals ar used in fighting tuberculosis in North Carolina. Mrs. Tbos. M. Sea well is chairman of the local work, and urges that mor. seals be used than ever before, as th need is greater. Not only is the seal for a charaitable purpose but it is more attractive thai usual. - ROTARY 'MEETS FRIDAY NIGHT The Rotary Club wilr observe ladies night Friday evhninrr at 7:30. Specia? entertainment has been planned by the program commmittee. All P.otar ians and their wives are un;ed to be present . '. One Is Released, One Held On Forest Fire Charges Two men, were arrested last week here for setting' forest fires in this county. They were tried before Jus tice of Peace Frank Ferguson. Henry Embree was bound over to court. Wit nesses claim they saw him set the woods on fire, Walter Rathbone was released when the witness was not sure that he was the man she saw setting the woods in her neighbor hood. . .rable W. K. II.: rding. judge prc-d i . ilig. ' .lllilge liardllig clui ncil to V;ij in s llle lei try thi;- teiMi oi cciur:, facing an uiiMially criided .unl eon gested cb.c-kct. Sciluitor ,ln... Al. .' ii - ti is pushing the ca -e- bel'm-e th; colli: and trying them eruditely and w it h much dispatch. Honorable J no. M Queen, 'Soliciti'r I'oi- thin district, has been engaged so far in this term of . court with tint misdemeanor docket. Over i-'OO crim inal defendants face this term court. Solicitor Queen i. trying to finish the 'misdemeanor docket this week. Probably over one hundred cases will be disposed die first week of court. The case of the Statu vs. Tom Cope will be called for ne:H week. In the case of the State vs. Robt. Pipes for manslaughter, tho solicitor took nol pros with leave owing to the fact that the defend ant .is supposed to be suffering with serious mental' disability and is now detained at a hospital. The homicide cases that i.'mam to be disposed of are the State Vs. J. A. Welch, and the State vs. Tom Cope, both indictments charging iran slaiighter. The murder cases for tiia! are the State vs. the ' -vo SmithV, 'State vs. David Hyatt, and the State; vs. Rob Ritchie. In the matter of the State vs.- Tuu and Ken E. Browning, charged w:lli assault with a deadly wvapo.s,-. Joe Browning plead guilty and Ken K Browning was found guilt and tl.o mercy of the court wa reconitnenderi- Elbert Amos and Edward lfuyno,, charged with breaking, enti riu? nii'i larceny, the jury .returned a wr ilict of "guilty " They were pentenej to be confined in the common jail oi the ciunty for two years, and to bo worked out on the state highway,! at call. The Grand -Jury returned a 'rue bill ugainst David Hyatt for murder. The cases disposed of until tho i;a;x r went to press are as follows: Shuford .'Grooms, murder, - pray -i for judgment continued. Capias to issue for judgment oti motion of the solicitor. ('. H, Hyrd. IIiirtmaii Fanner ar,,! Joe Liner, charged with ''operating'; slot machine, plead guilty. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the COSt. . ;.. ..... Lloyd Trantham, driving auto drunk. Found guilty, judgment sus pended upon payment of the cost. Dewey Henson, entered plea of guilty for carrying a conce ile i weapon." Champ Buchner was found guiltv, of v- p. 1. . . Wm. .Mitchell was confined to the common jail in the county fur . i months, to be assigned to work on state highways at call. DeVoe Medforri, operating s chine, case continued for defcHian., C. R. By rd and Jnc Dr..kc, o: ating slot machine, ple;ii c(Uii;y ;,n i judgment suspended on payimiiL O: the costs on recomniendatioii of the solicitor. Charlie Byrd, operating slot "ma chine, dead guilty, judgment sys pended upon payment of .the. tvst. : V. Hoyle, violating ; proh;i!it; ,r law, good behavior shown, ecu. ; under former order. Roy Wilson, charged with v p- ! . continued for defendant. Roy Whitesides, injury to prop erty, defendant plead guilty.. Judg men suspended upon payment o ; cost. F"red Smith, forcible trespass plead guilty, sentenced to four month.. in the .common jail, to work on staU highways at calL Frank Downs, driving Tec'ilcsly. plead guilty, fined $25 and co--t Champ Buckner, v. p. 1., confined to common jail for six months, to work on state highways at cail. I

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