THURSDAY, MARCH in THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 6 COVE CREEK I o -o Rev. Masters of Rock Hill preach ed a very interesting sermon at the Cove Creek Baptist church Sunday aftrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson of East La Porte spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Howell spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Nelson of Jonathan. Mrs. Crawford Jenkins, who has been ill for sometime, is improving slowly. Mrs. A. K. Messer is visiting her son, Homer, of Lake Junaluska. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Davis, a son, February 27, 1932. Mrs. James Queen ol Waynesville is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. I'. Davis. Miss Belle Bradshaw, teacher of upper Cove Creek school, spent the week-end here. Mr. Wade Davis of White Oak spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Davis. Mr. Jim McElroy spent the week end at Iron Duff. THE HOME PAPER WHITE OAK White Oak -was very much de lighted with a email snow Sunday morning, and it continued snowing on through the day. This is the iffrst snow of the aason. iMrs. Ilarrisan Hunter, who has been in the Haywood Hospital, has come back to her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charley Caldwell, and is getting along nicely. Mr. Z. B. Greene moved from White Oak to Stephens Creek during the Mrs. R. V. Fisher of White Oak has been very ill, but is some better at the present. There are some of the people of this section who are planting their gaidens during this pretty weather. IMisses Ritha and Edna Sutton went to the funeral of their cousin who died at Waynesville Thurslay. Mrs. J. I). Duckett was a visitor wvith her daughter, Mrs. Walter Wright, at Liberty one day this week. Mr. R. V. Fisher had an old time grubbing this past week. There were about twenty-two work hands there. They did lots of work for him and all reported a real dinner. Mr. W. B. Conrad of White Oak had an old time log rolling the past week. There were about sixteen present. They all reported a real feast. Mrs. Ella Duckett, Mrs. Arbie Conrad, and Mrs. Jimmie Oonrad helped to prepare the dinner. Miss Effie Iee Greene, who is teaching at James chapel, was a vis itor with her mother of White Oak The local newspaper in the United States is each year getting on a firm er foundation and becoming more and more useful to its home community It is the home newspaper which boosts the town, year in and year out, which takes the lead in every en'.c--prise which has for its purpo.s" ihe upbuilding of the community. We frequently hear it said the old-time independent spirit of the paper is gone, that its editorial poli cy is now subservient to the business office. Yet this is not true. There is more unselfish idealism in the aver- age newspaper man in any uinei business enterprise. It frequently sneaks out in the wav it believes will be for the good of the nation and of the community, regardless of what the consequences may be from a bus iness standpoint. The local newspaper is the princi; pal booster for the community, and it does its boosting often without hope of material reward. Unfortun ate is the community which neither appreciates nor supports its local newspaper. Gaff ney (S. C.) Ledger. the past week-end. She brought one of her friends with her, Miss Edith Messer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis V orley from Asheville were at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. W. Greene, Saturday night. . Mr Everett McElroy was a visitor with Mr. Z. B. Greene the past week end from Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Duckett spent Satrrday night with Mr. W. B. Con rad. Fishing Discontinued In Deep Creek, In The S. National Park Area Legal Notices NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IX THE SUPERIOR COURT. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COM- i'ANV, a Corporation, Vs. MR.-J. EVA RHODES ATKINS. The defendant, Mrs. Eva Rhodes Atkins, above named will take no tice that a summons in the above en titled action was issued against said defendant on the 22nd day of Febru aiy, lii2, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood Countv. North Carolina, for the sum of $2.'i0.00 with interest theteon from the November Cth,, due said plaintiff by the defendant by reason of a proniisory note executed by defenia.,t to plain tiff, which said summons is return able before the Clerk of the Superior Court, Waynesville, Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, on the 2-Jth day of March, 1932. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C. on the 22nd day of February, 1932, against me property or said defend ant, which warrant is returnable be fore said Clerk of the Superior Court, at the time and place above named for the return of the sum mons, when and where the defendant ia required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be srranted. This the 22nd day of February, W. G. BYERS, Clerk Superior Court of Hay- r. County. North Carolina. Feb. 25-Mar. 3-10-17 MGS CRABTREE o- 1- -0 Special to The Mountaineer OeeD Creek, in the North Carolina section of the Great Smoky Moun tains National Park, has been closed to fishing, according to J. R. Eakin, superintendent of the park. Forney Creek, Iwentymile treeK, in North Carolina, and West Fork of Little River, the waters of East Fork of Little River above the junc tion of Fish Camp Prong and in Tennessee, which were closed last season will remain closed this year. All waters closed to nsh ing are plainly indicated by singns. A restocking proeram has been un dertaken and by prohibiting fishing for two or three years, fishermen may be assur ed of good sport when the streams are again opened to fishing. At this time daily and size limit will be rigidly enforced. t J Ringing The Toll Of The Wringer Years ago they abolished wringers in laundries. The water nowdays is extracted from the clothes by. whirling them in a rapidly revolving disk. The centrifugal force causes the water to leave the clothes. Your clothes are not rubbed in any way. That's another reason why laundry-washed cloth es last longer. DON'T FORGET THAT WE DO DRY CLEANING. Waynesville Laundry i Phone 2 0 5 i )i i f M SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO :;v::-;-.' CHARLESTON, S. C. ACCOUNT MAGNOLIA AND MIDDLETON PLACE GARDENS ROUND-TRIP FARE FROM WAYNESVILLE, N.C. $17.10 March 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, tt, 17, 20, and 22 Limit Seven Days in Addition to Date of Sale. ROUND-TRIP FARE FROM WAYNESVILLE, N. C. $7.50 Tickets Sold February 19-20, 26-27. . March 4-5, 11-12, 18-19. i Limit Wednesday Following Date of Sale. ASK TICKET AGENTS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM J.II.Wrood, D.P. A., Asheville, N. C. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Thursday. March 17. 19S2 nt eleven o'clock A. M., at the court house uoor (Masonic Temple now used as a court house), in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caro lina, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described lands and premises lying and being in Haywood County, North Carolina: BEGINNING on a stake in the Main Street of Clyde, in t-he Shook and Smathers old line, Jerry Massie, now West Bros. Southeast corner, and runs thence with the line of the can ter of the North wall of the C. L. Smathers building herein conveyed, and with the West Bros. South side in a Westerly direction 122 feet, more or less, to a stake in the line known as the C. L. Smathers line at the East margin of an alley; thence with said margin of said alley, S. 3 W. 100 feet, more or less, to the center of the main line of the Southern Rail way track; thence an East course with the center of said railroad, 122 feet, more or less, to the said Shook and Smathers old line; thence with said old line, North 100 feet, more cr less, to the BEGINNING, and being the same property described in a deed from J. W- Morgan and wife to D. M. Cagle, dated June 15, 1923, and re corded in Book 59, page 485, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, N. C. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, as reserved in said deed, the second story of said store building, up con eyed by J, W. Morgan to the Masonic Lodge about the year 1893, and, KXCKPTING such easement and right-of-way of the Southern Railway Comnany may have, and as the pub lic may have for streets over any por tion of said land. '.'Sale' mane pursuant to the power conferred. upon me bv. a deed of trust executed by J. L- lIolibs, dated Octo ber 20, HKil, and recorded in Rook .10, ptige 241 . Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, to which refer ence is hereby made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This the ' 15th" dav of February, 1932. HOMER V," CAGLE, Trustee. Feb. l8-25-Mar..1-l0 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, made in the special proceeding entitled R. L. Lee, Executor of Mary A Rinchart, deceased, vs. J. W. Rhine hart et al. devisees and heirs at law the undersigned commissioner will, on the 14th (Monday) day of March, 1SI32, at eleven o'clock a. ,ni., at the temporary courthouse door (Masonic Temple Bldg.) in Waynesville, N. C offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying aild being in the Town of Waynesville and more particularly described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a rock on the bank of Richland Creek in the line between the old R. G. A. Love land and the old S. L. Love land according to their deeds of partition, and runs with said line to the railroad at the mouth of the big cut; thence a Southwesterly course with said railroad track to a small lot belonging to W. T. Lee ihence-a -Northwesterly direction with the linq of some town lots belonging to .Mrs. MimgheUi, .Mrs, .-Banner and others to Richland Creek; thence down the said creek with its meanderings to the BEGINNING, containing about 3 1-3 acres and being the same prop erty conveyed to Mary A; Rhinehart by her husband. William Rhinehart by deed dated Oct. -1, 1899, and re corded in Book 12 at page 43, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. EXCEPTING, however, from the foregoing described lands that certain parcel or lot or tract of land conveyed to Emma Atkinson by Mary A. Rhine hart and husband, William Rhinehart, by deed dated April 25, 1914, and re corded in Book 18, page 556, Record of Deeds of Haywood County; and also - EXCEPTING from the lands above described that certain parcel or lot of land conveyed to M. T. Rhinehart by William Rhinehart and wife, Mary A. Rhinehart, by deed dated July 1, 1904, and recorded in Book 19, page 127, Record of Deeds of Haywood The farmers, as well as other bus iness men of the country, are hindered somewhat in their work, caused by the sudden cold spell. It came as a surprise to everyone, after the beau tiful weather we have been having. The school bus made is regular trip just the same with most one hundred per tent attendance. This shows the students are interested in their school work. The community is sorry that the elementary schools will soon close, be cause it takes some of the communi ty's young friends out of the com munity, as they will go to their homes or start to school again themselves. Misses Mary Rathbone, Geo Cald well and Anna Roe Ferguson are tiue teaching in the community at present. It is understood Miss Caldwell' is to enter the spring quarter of school at Cullowhee. Misses Emily Palmer, Geo Caldwell and Anabcl McCracken spent last Thursday night with Wilma Ramsey at the home of Rev. W.F. Ferguson. We are very sorry indeed to hear that Mr. Thomas Ferguson is serious ly ill, and wish for him a speerly recovery, Mr- and Mrs. C. T. Noland motored to Canton Sunday to visit thetr daugh ter, Mrs. Monroe Silvers, who has a small daughter seriously ill with pneumonia. We hope she will soon recover. Mr. "Bob" Williams of New Jeisey has returned to his home after a short visit with relatives of this section. Mrs. D. R. McCracken and Mrs. F. R. Mayes wen to Ash-;vil!e shopping Friday Edna McCracken, student of Weav er College, has bs?n at home for a few days, she was slightly ill, but will be ible to resume her studies in a few ilavs we hope. Mrs. Jerry R. Leariieiwoo.l spent Saturday night with her brother, Mr i). R. McCracken. Mr, drover Nol in 1, now working at Hazelwood, was nt r. mo on Crab tree, for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Pen Walker of Way nesville made a r.horf visit to Mr. Orover Noland's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Hi'h Leatncrwooa who have moved U Waynesville, are greatlv missed on CraMre. Rov'ntifl Mrs. R. G.McClamrock and Mrs. Wilena Ramsey and small daugh ter Jean, took Sunday dinner wnn Mr! and Mrs. D. R. McCracken and family- , ., . Glenn A, Bovd and family from Jonathan's Creek, Weaver H. Mc Cracken and family from Junalus ka spent Sunday afternoon with D. R McCracken ard family. Look Aroun In The Closets and Find That Pair of Shoe Need Repairs and Bring Them to us. y( Make Them Good as New at a Small Cost i Saved Is Money Made. THE CHAMPION SHOE SIN M4IN ST. NEXT WESTERN- 1QQ1 has been good to us; that is, the people haw i.,. 1201 us in 1931. And so, by reason of the fact, t i v a. cient service and a low charge at this critical time. Ar-,'bti!, liberal patronage in 1931, we can and will lower our chai;;' pie in 1932. In February we will supply FUL-VUE franus a visible Bifocal lenses of $15 value for $7.50 or $3.75 for one means CONNER refracting, CONNER designing, CONNER a And, until conditions improve in AsheviU. we -will continue and frames at ONE-HALF STANDARD PRICES. This mean' visible Bifocal lenses of $15 vale for $7.50 or $3.75 for one. and frames for prices correspondingly low. And this means: ti'nue to fill your oculists prescriptions on the ONE-HALF-pj Originator of the Ultex Dr. Charles W. Conner, Kryptok and Toric Lenses. No. 12 Wall Street, As! Don't Get Up Nights Make This 25c Test Physic the bladder easily. Drive out impurities and excessive acids which cause irritation that results in leg pains, backache, burning and get ting up nights. BU-KETS, the blad der physic, containing buchu, jumper oil, etc, works on the bladder pleas antly and .effectively as castor oil on the bowels. Get a 2oc box. (5 grain size) from your druggist. After fuur days, if not relieved ot getting up nights go back and get your money. Vou are bound to feel better after this cleansing and you get your reg ular sleep. Locally at Waynesville Pharmacy. Candidate Cards FOR TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself :is a can didate toi- Tax (.)Uector of Haywood Countv, subject to the wishes of the voters of the Democratic Party in the June Primary. " our support will be appreciated, BRYAN MEDFORD. aynesville Route 2. ( 1)11) V I L I OR SI ME SI Wfc I am a candidate for the State Senate for this Di.rict, subject to the Democratic Primary- I will appreciate the support ol all Democrats. June2 SAM M. ROBINSON. County. This the 12th day of February, i;i:j2. 11. L. Lee. Commissioner MsiW Us 1 ib 18 Mai i 10 j. COOPERATIV POULTRY SAI t At Waynesville, Friday Mor t March 11th NEW BROILERS 11c COCA'S YOUNG CHICKS 13c DUCKS . f HEAVY HENS 13c GEESE LIGHT HENS ----- 12c TURKEY'S ...... X Payments made by check on local banl Mother of 7 Still Yout 4 s. ft S 'T'MII'. womuii who iives her 1 organs the nvhl '.'.timulant need not worry aiiotit growing old. I Ier system doesn I .st si her lace diipsn t :ti She lias llie health and pep that roine from a lively liver and strong., active bowels. hen vou re shiwish and the system needs help, don't take n lot of ' patent -medicines.' I here's o lanious doctors prescription for just such cases, and every druggist keeps this standard preparation. It is made from fresh laxative herbs, active senna, and pure pepsin: Just ask for Dr. Caldwell s syrup pepsin, lake a little every dav or so. until every ortjan in vour bodv feels the big improvement, I he next time vou have a bilious headache, or feel all hound-up, :ikc this delicious syrup ins-tend of the hi-a t: usual cntharlic. 'N on that poisonous a: haven t weakened tin have a liciter aupe bel Ier in -i vcry v a . use of cathartics is oil a sallow 'omjdoi' n : face. And so uimciv- ould you like to of the cathartic 'habit lime building health awn protects you from f r"ju spells, headaches, an I r:. big bottle of Dr. CaMwi fiesm todav. I se mini r; aroul those attacks ol rm hen you feel weak an I f or a coated tongue or iu warns vou the lowe: an stimulated, dive it m instead of strong la.aln their strength. It isn i np EXECUTOR'S SOT ICE is I VI I (M NORTH P"I IN HAYWOOD COUNTY-' Having qualified as Executor ot the est it f i a Noit' c net icd, h is to notiiy all persons having cl mp-s against said, estate to present' -:thi;m properly vended to. the tindersigiic.-l at his office iii Wiirr.esville, .N. C., on or before l-eoruarv 1th, IP:;;, or 'this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said es tate please make immediate payment-' ' 1 his I' eburnrv X, l'XV. JOHN M. QUEEN, Executor Estate' Anna North, deceased. Feb, 4-ll-lS-23-Mch. 3-10 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between F. H. Saunders and O. L. Briggs, Jr , has been dissolved and will herein after be conducted by F. H. Saunders, sole owner; and notice is hereby given that O. L. Briggs, Jr., is no longer connected with said partnership busi ness and the undersigned will not be responsible f or any debts made by Sa&?- b Bri Jr., for this firm. This the 1st day of March, 1932. ltcS F. H. SAUNDERS EASTER HOLIDAY FARES ANNOUNCED By SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM One Fare Plus $1.00 For The Round Tr All Destinations In The Southeast. March 23, 24, 25 and 26, 19 FINAL LIMIT 15 DAYS Tickets Will Be Honored in Parlor or Lars Upon Payment of Proper Chain Space Occupied. ' Stopovers Will be allowed and baggajiV LJ An Excellent Opportunity to Take a Two V irip uver tne faster Holidays at Tnis u ing 'in Fare. Consult Local Agents or Addles J. II. WOOD, D. P. A. Southern Railway System, Asheville. N. C.

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