I .Vorc PaiJ-In-AJiuiue Subscribers In Haywood Countt Than All Weekly Xewspapers Combined NO. 23 WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932 n oiui ' : icA )ee( elf as al ?eds of I :he wisiJ r'z pr I e will fJ Ml Ded t i am si ,r RegisJ rishes c .ry. Yod reciated. 'urne ucati vself a 1 xgresi opport. ,,'lltr. velf as ated. ourseK J of ott l iVESTOCK FIELD I y-v - -r nY. MAY 25, p YN FARM HERE North Carolina warmers 'Expected. To Be Present. aru-lVC, HOUSE FOR ; THIS SECTION MOTIVE 1 a c k f r s Kepresentau ves Will Show Type of Stock! Needed for Packing House j I fy.ablislmu'ttt or a nvesiocK rarK- n 1 . i- T- . Iji'.u ootid ior nieiu """" '- irners through uti.izmg ine itlon Q u uill.ci- 1,ry of Switt and eoirnauy nas ueeu r.ounccd. It the same time, plans weie re- aiMl ,l f a inc--i .- .""J Kniiir Gwyn farm m Haywooa b.ty at I o clock O" ine morning hlav 2oth when fu'l deuvls of tb'1 Ln will be announced. Experts 'rom Atlanta, P.aleign and i.er points will oe on nn .i to sno farmers the type 01 cme, nogs, tep that are Den sui. i n- me rket. It has been estimated that irKct. 1L nao uccji jiwii.ittvi ii;avcs ."iviaig UKmi inn uivii ill iiic uunc least 110.000 stock hogs.alone, will , primary have been filing with Frank required in this section to produce ' M jler, chairman of the board of elec- mals for the marnet on tne nooi. .Will He! o Farmer Kon-ntiations ookirp to the deve - tent of the livestock market in this Ition, which will mean a new reser r of wealth for the mountain f arm- u-crp '..in, jeted with Manaeer h,. iPapy of the White Provision com- ly in At nta. . . , llr. Papy made a trip to Western tlli Carolina for the purpose of (king a careful survey of the situ- n, He visitfed tiuncomo,-iy Id, Yancey, Mitchell, Burke, Mc- veil, Macon, and Jacksonnt1es.lCes sald Wednesday they pect- was aireaoy iamuiar wiui ncii-,0 a vote Pt over V.uuo. wmci f""V Virtl in runner ,n and Transy.vania, and plansj is more than the average vote in the PiI&i--- eturn later for a check in Pnth Ird, Polk, Swain, Graham, Clay, Irokee, and Avery counties, wift ai. . Company operates or con- s through it subsidiaries lour kinc nlants in the Southeast. Thev Itlip Swiff nnf) CnmTiflnv nlant in lltrip leorgia; .the Swift arJ'j - - .... - l i - . la (the Ne hoff plant at Nashville, maiiv itifiiii, i. nitiiiLk'uiiLri v. ziin- Pessee. and the Whits .Provision Ipany nlani at Atlant Wcn.i, Together rafp irpt)nu-pll maTiafj.ir nf the It plant in Moulti.e, is also South- I 'lyes.t k promotion manager lor Ic6- ,iany, and ht and Mr. Papy been working together in pre- V-Z plan? for thp devp'nnment of Ir livestock in this section. r is necessary to secure quantity uvium oi ine -neei type' animal m rtnat the lullest returns Irom W.nnineilt mav Vvp.rali7p(1." . PaDV snid Hnrino" ti inc? liPTu Ue was condtit'tine his survey. L. Robinson, H. Arthur Os- Harrv T. Mottlt. IinrtiY. fltinm Eruee Webb insDected the Gwvn ttith Mr, Papv and yeleted :if e field rln the Bwl The Gwyn farm is located 10 from Canton on th Kasr Fork .he wl vin'Ji'1 !on river. The demonstration itmde exhihitinn nf fino cradfi and an; i grade animals, in order that .ppreotl wmers may know just what esserl produces, the . best results and the bicirest returns. rapy is enthusiastic over the fctf for deVeionmpTit- nf livpisrnrk 15 section as a resuH cf hi? tfip ucati leels with the 5-10 Year Farm (Continued on page 7) AS on the B I'ertising In This 3d County norvjle aper Increases Mer ratio Pr-1 chants Business 60 It m" pr'iof that advertising ki. . "neer P"ys was given F1 week o WaynesTUle who has test Lre advertising value of weeks m which time accn- pntatij me Prin! - mree weeks. Tne S'-.0,6 "ertising his Any s5! III. Z132- Te following h01 ! his advertising fol nn?h to the followini the followins iucatiq N the "Q not advertise any net few weeks and a ViL.eer?'.h bee made is now con- IniL en,sin8 Pays and Pet Fterti;"31 samples of mer. r n -"uuntaineer win -v weeK, Vrmed Farmer Looking For Chicken Thieves Scare Young Romeo lJ.iyv.OiM t is much iiKlie.i. to cuunij l-.ii- decided that .-a:1:', t'.('n .if imt as di tio Jul nn vis'tin; at t no home 'of let in the ai'reiT.oo'.i ii.tead us of alter n'ght. This utter .he farhieis all came about it tne KatcLlt Cove community banded together in a uettrmhud rt'ort to "do away'' with any chicken thief entering the coiri.xiunity after dark. The yuuri.ir n.an evidently- decided that iv wouldn't be at all pleasant to be mistakened for a chicken thief, and found that tl'. best solution to the j-oblem was to adopt day-lipht faviny time for visiting:, Saturday Is Last Day To Register For June Primary Leaders 3f Democratic Party Expect Over 7,000 Votes To Be Cast. During the past few days candidat- tions, wno statea yesieraay inat inui rAtinns w"r that, about. 1(K) -aTirii dates ''vould file between now and mid night Friday, May 20. The Repuhliean party was working r.r . Vial i.Li- Woincclut nfiTl, Ui lui il k-A;u IT u"..-u,.j miu iJ.wjiv- , j : r ; .1 nuu 1 cum 111c tunic time riiu'i, aiuiuuu - -i- ; -p the names of the republican candi-1 rounds must be made May nd a, dates will not appear on the ballots Tb is is an t:inual event and a large in the June Primary. Just who thel numbtr of golfers is expected to par Republicans intend to place on the ' ticipate. ticket was not known here late Wed- i The silver cup which was won By nesday. ! rr. , tVa n ' county, uemocratic leaaers aiso stat- , ed that a majority even larger than in past years , as expected. ! It was pointed out Saturday is the; last day in wuich to register, as Sat- ir.iav. .iliiv zH. in challence dav. The : eleciion laws which deal with the next few daii are as follows: oa aws wn rn hhj v MAY 20th Last day for candidates for selec tion as the nominees of any political party for the office of State Senator, irn hrr of the House "of Renresenta- t.'ves, and County and Township offices to nie I jtice oi canoiaacy wiin xne '..our.ty board oi Elections, v- w", K, o ' of the Rleftion Law Tamjfclet as amended by Laws 1927, Chap. 260, Sec. and r. U. lyzy, uiap. MAY 23rd Las dav for the Chairman of the rVnintv Hoard of Elections in the senatorial Districts composed of more iciwiviiai i.owivM vv.i.w :han one count v where there is nol agreement as provided for in Section t)014 oi tne U &. to cenuy 10 every i other Chairman of the County Board .-wf ir.wtinnn. in fiuch Senatorial Dis trtct, the names of all candidates1 who have f.Icd xotice oi (janaiaacy m ineir respective county for the office of fi02. Sec. 96 of UiaiV N-. . 1 . Election Law pamphlet as amended; by P, Laws 1927, t;nap. zi . -.'.: MAY 25th t oof iaw rfoT Statements of Expen ditures to be filed by candidates and canipa:'gn committees. All candidates, for State end District offices shall file such statements witn tne csecreiary of State. All candidates for State serator in districts composed of only one county, members of the House of Representatives, and all county offices shall ile such statements with the Clerk of the Superior ouit. their county. P. L. 1931, hap. .348, dpc. 6, 7. 8; Sees: 170-3 Election Law pamphlet. MAY 28th Dav for the Registrars to attend tj poling places with the registration books, from a a. m. umu o p. ."'"" ard where the registration books shall be opened to the public for inspection tor the purpose oi ciiaucuBcc, 5972, Sec. 47 of Election Law pamph- .. ' JUA 4tn : , Tste of Primary Election. C. S. 6018 Se- Election Law pamphlet. Canton Knights Of Pythias Tnvitft Wavncsville Lodge To Meet In Canton Tuesday rr.,' t--:V, rif Pvf'nll! Of CantOfl. 149 eive a special picture at their iv, giv r t Tuesday nighl Balsam Lodge 62 .is cordiajly invited to attend this special meew t .jj;t; tn mcture 3 dele- gates will be initiated in the mys teries of Knighthood, according to Canton lodge officials. , A cordial invitation is extended to Haywood County V H. W. BAfCOM l'resident B. S. I'. Wavnesville The above voung men 'lave I t en honored by the -tudoiH body - Wake Forest Cllei:e: by elevting them to head two of the major or ionizations of the college fo:- the session Thomas Price, Railroad Executive, Praises Beauty And Friendliness Of Western North Carolina Mountains Golf Tournament To Get Under Way Here At Country Club, 24 .The Haywood County Golf Tourna ment will be played at the Waynes ville Country Club, May 24, 25 and 26. Tihe tournament win prao&wy oe piay- - - - . . v - ml i-n iA flicrht unA mialirvini? Fi nk Hardin last year will go to tne winner of the first flight. This cup SS ; j irv.T CL-ci Sherill LOWC OCCKS t 1 T,,Mv Ke-eieCllOn in JUHe Sheriff J. A. Lowe announced offi ; ciallv today that he was a candidate to Exceed him-sef as sheriff of Hay iwood County, which office he has held fr iily one term. Siwritf Lowe has not Loeii making an election campaign U s it ii understood in the Democratic i circles' that the sheriff shall hold offi 'cH for two terms, unless he s found to be rot ctnab'e of holding that offi ce, and f-itnds of Sheriff Lowe have -epeateoly said that he was one of the mot efficient law enforcers that lu evr held office in this county. Mr. I owe was born and reared in ;Hawotd county and has made for h.iftself a name tnat is uwiu" ' r yvrtumtlT an.ong the citizens of this county. One 'Z - oc,. uii. wtm - .,n see that the aw was erforced to tne ses tiiai ure . ; , r , i- . . ..wiitTT and nltnouen hanui a.'ed from the lack of sufficient funds to emfl'y but a few depute, his record shows that he has kept his : J - Ho has been a popu.ar sheriff and his friends stated Wednesday that it is expected he will carry the county by a large majority David Bathbone, 17, Is Buried Wednesday Funeral services .were heid Wed nesday afternoon f;r David Rathl.'f.no, 17 son of Mr, and Mr--. Sai-v. Rath bone of Lake Junaluska. David was taken to:".:he.' Norburr. .Hospital, in A.chevil!e, Monday lor a:i operdu after suddenly being tak. i i;l Sun day. Hedied Tuesday .rot.n.iii'gboat 4 o'clock. r , ; Tho . funeral w-as rieH at Long s Chapel at Lak : Jur.alufka or. vW-d- vedav alternonn. . , . , xii 'i,"uij ' niirh' school in ' ami had made his l.'.i-v; v.th !r-- tare.-.ts at Lake:Junalnska ..'inee tn;.t t me.. He t survived by his parents, three V,rC:her; and five sister?. The broth- - . . , Tl.- . ? T ol-n lima. ers. tioD.e ann jaw-, v- .Y, K h,ka, and Dallas, of tlavr; ;i.urj, i a., who arrived Tne-y. Theist .-r nre Misses Flora. Anna 0. Mary f-r,d Sarah Rathhone, and Mrs. Jerry Lir.er, all cf l ake Junaluska. j?v AT. R. Lontr To Preach At Bethel Saturday Morn. itnTiouncement wns made yesterday tat Rev. McKendrees R. Long, who is i cw engaged in evangelistic work in Asheville, and wha is again ' hold a union tent meeting at Bethel the latvt? half of July, will preach at the Rehel High SchooL auditoriuin, Sat- r, ot: 51:00 o'clock. The Boys Make Good C. V. OWKXS Captain SJasket Hall I anion Jut Returned To His Sum mer Home In County For Vacation. Thonius Price, of New York, sec retary of the Union Pacific Railway Svstem. and summer reside;. t cif Hay wood county, who returned lo his sum mer home here, al the headwaU-rs w Allen's Creek, stated yesterday during an interview with a reporter of The Mountaineer that every time ht came ,o Haywood county he was more l-.essed with the beauty and "friend liness" of the mountains of this sec tion. He compared the mountains here with the Rockies and stressed the fact that there was a feeling in "thpsi. hills that Wki not found in any other section of the world." He con tinued, "there is everything here lu the mountains to make Tan happy. It's just wonderful. The seem ry is never tiring." : Mr. Price spent part of last week here before leaving to preside over a board of directors of his company in Salt Lake Uity. un nw return ha l,.ft immediatelv for Cllcaj'O rm )iusine iinil iptlirlied here for only a few days when called to New York on another director's meeting, lie will be there for the next few weeks. Mr. Price was born in Wales and came to this country at the age of 17. He lived in New York and workec nis way up to his present position. While lu. uiu nn a visit, here he found that the mountaineers of Haywood cot ity had the same friendly ieenng towaru strangers that his native home folkt had, and for that reason he felt more at home here than elsewhere, h said. He stated that when was in the moun tains he felt that he was among his people. He has clearly demonstrated the fact that he loves the people here, and takes an interest in everyone in the neighborhood of his summer home. During the course of the conversa tion the present economic situation was brought up and Mr. Price referred to it as a blessing for the nation, "because," he said, "it is teaching us to practice economy, which has not been a virtue with American people. After tViino-o retlirn to normal. We Will find that we will have a keener inter est in our neighbors, and there will exist a stronger love for each other. We will take our fellowman's interest to heart." No matter what line of conversa tion he is led into he always comes back and talks of the many advantage! of the mountain country, where he says he wants to spend his time when he retires from business. He thinks a persons ast days should be their hapr iof .n,i foola that this could be ful- 'nlled if he lived among the people he has learned to love, the mountaineers. T. Harrison Rogers Enters Sheriff's Race T TTr.rri.ion Rogers, of Fines Creek, has entered the race for nomination for shpriff of Havwood County, thus making the first candidate to come out against Sheriff Lowe, who is a candidate to succeed himself. Mr. Rogers is a farmer in the Fines Creek community, where he was born and reared. This is his first time ouf for office. He has been a life-long Democrat and always supported the nartv to the fullest extent. He stated, "If elected I am going to see that the law is eniorcea, anu I am also going to let each community select the deputy from their com munity that they wish. Further, I am goiw? to see that each section of the county is fully protected by the Sheriffs department' R T. FOUNTAIN IS 5 HEARD BY LARGE COUNTY CROWDS Delivers Stirring Speech. To Attentive Audience. (lives PkVform. ! GAINS' 0 ROUND Many Turned To Lieutenant Governor After Hearing Him Here. The Haywood county court loon vv;i lilltd Saturday afternoon at 'I o'clock to hear the lirst of two d dresses delivered in the county by Lieutenant sovernor Richard T. Fountain, candidate for the Democrat ie nonii ation for governor. In ddi tion to lluvwood count.- voters. ,i targe delegation fr m M uon cou was oii'sem i h"ai' Mr. Kouiiti '.y nil. Tin, Macon deleaiio i carried a huge 1 annev on which wes the picture -f Fountain an : tb - v'i.s.-:-ipl ;:i. "I'miii taii for (lovorr r delegation from Macon t'ountv"' SLtjrday tiiglu, Mr. Fountain ail dressed a large crovti in I lie iukii to.ium tif tin Canton high school. "I have worked for years in -n-junctiii with oi.iers to give aid and support to ..iunty ro.dl Hj'-tcnis from the gaso. ne tax ''vmvod Mr. ro-m Will Vl ' V - - tain in supinirt of his platform on ... 11 . . .... . the highway prohicm. J nave ne lieed always that ti.ose who use the roads should pay for thenv and this could ' est be done irom the iraohno tax distributed throng i ihe counties. Land, imperially (arm ian.ls "d the state, must be relieved of th bu 'en of supporting rods and highways construction and Hevi'r at'ain mut. taxes from this source be used in road building or ron 1 improvements.' Vicv'H on Smoky Park Mr. Fountain further argued that the State Highway commission should work in harmony with the cd'-al go eminent, fn providing suitfible en tran en to the Great Smoky Moun tain; Nationk'. Park, a"d give an ear ly opening into he hear, of tn.s grent area He decli-.rid that tho mountain section n' North Canvna deserved and .ihould have represen Station on the highway cnmmissio.i of the State. Tho tremendouf opportu nities presented by the park calls for some man 'rom the jtark arec who is familiar, with the p-eblems and the rpportunines, acvording to Mr. Foun tain. Mr. Fountain, espoused the e.msc of the f -inner wiiopi he declared is now laberinir under a tax 1 union that is o heavy o be borne. He poiiued to ihc fait that agriculture is the basic (Continued on page 2) Union Meeting Of Baptist Will Be wf i i:. 1 j rtA Ijeld At LantOn, m.. 7 in old time Baptist Union meeting will be held at Oak Grove church, jusi north of Canton, on Sunday, May 29, acc rding to th. program committee in charge of arrangements. The subject for the day will he "Deaconship," the sermon being de livered by the Rev. R. I'.McCrackcn. The following program has been ar ranged, to which the public is most cordially invited: 10 o'clock, a. m. l'rayr and piait, led by T. M. Cogburn. 10:15 o'clock, a. m. (Jiialificatirns of a deaceon, C C. Francis and A. P. Liner. 10:35 o'clock, a. m. Powers and du ties, Erastus Messer, V. T. Noland. 11 o'clock, a. m. 1 l in of soivMi, L R. 1 .ovebice. 11.15 o'clock, a. m. Sermon, U. V, McCracken. 12 o'clock, Dinner on ground. 1:30 p. m., working with pastor, J. M. Newton, N.C. James. 2 p. m., The deacons responsibility for the message of his church, Grover Haynes. . 2:3.0 p, m., Should the deacon seek to qualify himself for his duties, and if so, how? Open to general discussion. Commissioners To Meet Saturday To Decide On Walks For Court House The Board of Commissioners metl here Monday for their regular third Monday session. The general routine of business was disposed of and the matter of grading the grounds and building walks at the new court house was taken up. The board is sched uled to meet again Saturday and hear a report of the surveyor and go fur ther into the cast of makinar the final improvements on the grounds It has not been definitely decided as to how the walks will be built, wheth er there will be only one wide walk in front or whether a curved walk will be built, the style will depend largely upon the cost, it was .aid. MINERALOGISrS REPORT SHOWS CRUSO VEIN RICH; i Man' Other Valuable Mine- iM Is Are Found in CruW Section of County. .J.-U'ATILIST ARE INTERESTED IN .MINING IOSI-ECT According to a report just received I. ( hero by Lu'her Cogburn from thaT 'United States mineralogist at Salt I i Lake City. copper vei- loca ed iieart5J . . Cruso, in llaywo J county, indicates lt that it is ono of tho i Jiest copjier' mines yet founci in this section of tho country and will probab'y yield over , J $200,000 worth of tho valuable oro ' ' when property worked. -i , '.spending live' years prospocting in tho b , . vuMintv of his home, which is near W- ho place where the vein was located. j ho veil1, is located on a ridgo in tho ,i Kast Fork section of the Pigeon Rives, jr")' The "'ein v is found about two n'ile y from Hi hwav No. 284. it was said, ft T,;.. 1 : .. ..v. ... I ' 1 11 ir 11,1 11 L lirr is r y irwn the nearest railroad, which la S an added sset to the seet''n where ! the vein is located. ? Tho mine was Iocatel after five ' yva.rs of prospwitmg by Mr. Oogburn J and after spending several years out u i ------ - r , ... w . . H. 7 - u " west ir- wiorauo antj wasnintgon m- .......;.- iL ,i j :i anil Wacnin(nnti ,n 'r f.neeting the copper. gold and silve nnnes there. 1 here is also an indi cation tru. : silver and gold are present in t-) vicinity of the copper; eln. The gld ore, according to min t-al ex erts will yieUl about $12.50 per ton, this is considered a good price "or tht or a- it can be mined profi tably when tne yield is only $3 per ten. The silver prospects are that 15 i luces per ton may be realized hm the ore, and probably when the vein is dug deeper iat the yield will be much more. Anothe. valuable mineral lound Intel v whi h imuhr. n.ove tn he rf much value ito the owners of ihe Jand i r.il n?lrurwwl rminiv appmvlintr iwl w mineralogist is a product from which fciass is ma'le. A vein of this b loot wide an ' extending for some distance wns also located in the same tentory; Iii son.e places this vein extends 25 lect rMt of the ground, which would make th mming verv easy and in expensive. M. Cogburn had at different times several mineral experts on the locatio and all have told him that the indications were tha' thousands of dollar" ot vulu.ile re lav be neath the surfacn of the ground in the vicinity ol where the large cop pn" vein was found. Uk'a clay is found in abundance and ha., a market valu. which would make it t. ohtable lor anj ivi' U mn j it 'Ihis clay is in mf king dyes and pairs- The 'per vein runs northeast and .-outhwest &nd does not all lie on Mr. I ' ogburn's )'-opery. Mb stated that not so anxious to hold up his , ,H(.r(,(. fm, u hiu nnee but wants fe ve ns openc('"up and worked, and in that wuy h feels that he woulu be repaid for his fi e years o labor in explorr-g the vicinity by the fact t' ac the vein runs across his property. Jn.-vt wha ste.-s will be taken in developing the mine has not been dofnitely decided, but several repre sentatives of capitalist have been intcewted and are expecteu to make ofc-s in the near future for placing mining machinery oi. the ground and bescin operations. Ir has been known for years mine rals of a valuable nature existed in live uruso community, but it was: not until the final report of the mineral ogist was received that it was defi nitely known. Report Shows That Business Here Is Good For Advertisers The general cry that times arc hard and that every busi ness firm is on the rocks is not well founded, according to actual rec rds given to thw paper by a certain business man of Waynesville. The stock of the store has not been enlarged, but advertising has been used and that, says the merchant, accounts for the increase. -The following figures arc gross figures: February, 1931 $ 363.28 Februarys 1932 Increase - -- $382.12 March, 1931 437.9S March, 1932 943.39 Increase S 190.41 April, 1931 - 598.23 Increase . $404.17 Just figure it out for yourself did it pay this merchant to spend a few dollars each month to advertise? f r w ; ,.t i: if all m