fr THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, OCTORr l3 Hendersonville Is Meeting Place For Lodge In May 100 Delegates Attend Dis trict Session Of Junior Order At Bethel. With harmony- prevailing through out the session, approximately 100 Juniors representing 18 councils with in the borders of six counties, met at the Bethel school house, council hail seven miles east of here, Friday af ternoon and merit for the Western North Carolina district convention of the Junior Order of United Ameri can Mechanics. Hendersonville was selected as the next meeting place according to J. E. Whiteside, district secretary of Ashe ville. Clyde and Biltmore made strong bids for the entertuinment of the Juniors in May, but Hendersonville finally won out with a substantial majority over Clyde. Counties In Uisrrict Counties comprising the Western North .Carolina district are: Haywood, Buncombe, Polk, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania. All councils had representation at the special business cession held during tne atternoon. Among the prominent speakers of the afternoon were: C. W, Snyder, field secretary, of Winston-Salem; Lewis B. Hamlin, State counsilor, of Brevard; and Frank Smith of Canton. George W. Wrenn, of Asheviue, dis tric deputy, presided over the busi ness session during the afternoon. Following adjournment of the busi ness session supper was served under the branches of huge oak trtes in the Bethel school house yard by membes of the Bethel council, No. 264, with approximately 300 people enjoying the feast. The ladies of lodge mem bers prepared the food. Orphans Give Program Beginning at 8 o'clock, 16 talented orphans from the Lexington Home of the Junior Order rendered a special program of musical numbers coupled with a one-act play, "The Common Clay Court." Three reels of motion pictures, pertaining to the manner ill which the home is conducted, creat ed additional interest. The orphans who were under the personal supervision of Professor Robert Burton and Miss Willa Winn, faculty members, are: Beula Barens, Evelyn Neighbors, Evelyn Minson, Dorothy Mills, Qzelle Cowa- Ruby Lee, Clara Mae Chinn, An" Lee Dunogan, Beula Spencer, Nellie Gillespie, Ina Fay Glass, Freda Ranes, Charles Large, Charles Sapp, Charles Mills, and Harlin Murray. Resolution Adpted 'During the business session a reso lution was unanimously adopted by the convention in which alarm was expressed over 'the tendency -toward frequent changes by the Text Book commission in the various text boeks used in the public schools" of the State, a "practice that precludes oftentimes, the use of one of these text books by more than one member of a fami ly." It was resolved that "we earn estly request our lawmakers to enact a law that will provide for text books to be furnished by the State to the pupils in our free public schools with out expense to the pupils or at no more than a normal rental charge." Tle resolution also said that "we especially call upon the representa tive to the legislature from Bun combe, Haywood, Polk, Transylvania, Madison, and Henderson counties to support measures to this effect." Hundreds View Quilt Display Canton Women Plan To Make Event An Annual Feature. ( Special to Mountaineer.) Searching their trunks, lockers; and wardrobes, members of the Ladies' Missionary society of ' the Southern Methodist church -here, Friday and Saturday brought forth highly char- ished articles ranging in ages from one to 200 years for the entertain ment of hundreds of people in West em North Carolina during their first annual quilt and antique display. From the time the .doors of the display quarters were opened Friday morning at iu o'clock until they clos ed Saturday night at 10:30 o'clock the affair teemed . with unusual and interested activity. lo Be Annual Affair According to those in charge of the event, it has been decided to make this' entertainment an annual affair here. This decision was reached fol lowing numerous suggestions coming from the citizenry of this and other towns. When the show was opened Friday it was the intention of officials to continue through that day only, but with increased patronage anxious to view tiie display it was decided to continue through Saturday. m. . . . - . ine society served a special ovster supper in the display rooms Saturday evening. ronowing are tne iadies winning ifirst and second prizes which were announced Saturday afternoon by Mrs, r. it,. Branson: Prettiest new auilt. Mrs. t.. U. Clark, first Drize: Mrs. Willis Kirkpatrick, second prize: nret tiest silk quilt, Miss Ruth Erwin, first prize, and Mrs. George Vaincourt, second prize; prettiest quilt top, Miss fcleanor Garrison, first prize, and Mrs. H. G. Starkey, second prize; prettiest coverlet, Mrs. F. B. Davis, first prize, and Mrs. W. E. Carter, second prize; prettiest counterpane. Mrs. Clyde Hoey, Jr., first prize, and Mrs. W. J. Bennick, second prize; prettiest shawl, Mrs. Ira Irwin, first prize, and Mrs. II. I). Secrest and Mrs. George Ham mond, second prizes; prettiest pillow top, Mrs. J. A. Ahlin, first prize, and Miss. Mary Towles, second prize. Mrs. Klopp Wins Prize Displaying the prettiest and most nearly complete collection of bed spreads, Mrs. C. G. Klopp, won first prize in this department and Mrs. F. 15. Davis and Mrs. W. E. Carter ran her a close second. -1( Mrs. Klopp also won first prize for her display of the prettiest old quilt, while Miss IOu Osborne won second place. Mrs. F. B. Davis won first prize with the prettiest rug on display and Mrs. W. 11. Udom came second, xurs. J. A. Ahlin olso won first place for the best piece of fancy work on ex hibit. Mrs. M. F. Stamey was second. Among the interesting antiques on display was a family Bibl-3, said to be 127 years old, owned by Mrs. Mary T. Conway. Mrs. J. L. Reeves presented a beau tiful and unusual quilt made by her mother, Mrs. J. S. Parks. A beautiful hand made Sampler, 150 years old, was displayed by Mrs. Bessie Erwin. Old Cradle Ih Displayed A hand carved cradle, made in 1828, was viewed by hundreds; It was dis played by Mrs. W..C. Moody. iSaid to be 200 years of age, a hand made hope chest was displayed by Fibre Company Official Attends Convention Mr. G. W. Phillips, director of safe ty and welfare for the Champion Pibre Co., spent last week in Wash ington, T). C'., attending the twenty- first annual Safety Congress and Ex position of the National Safety Coun cil. The convention was held at the Wardman hotel and opened on . Oc tober 3rd, continuing until the 7th. Mr. Phillips who is managing editor of The Log, Champion Fibre com pany monthly publication, appeared on a special pulp and paper program committee during the convention. Mr. C. B. Witt Attends Convention In Richmond MY. C. B. Witt chief electrician with the Champion Fibre Co., has returned from Richmond, Va., where he had Deen attending a convention of the International Electrical "Association Mrs. Witt and daughter, Joan, visited a sister Mrs. F. B. Cole whn lives . n:i i i-i . . . . near ivicnrnona wniie Mr. Witt was attending the convention. Annual Group Conference Is Conducted Presbyterian Women Hold Meet At Canton. X Service That Never Sleeps vi I t Cow Makes New Record A cow in the herd of Miss Fl nrf-nrn UsDorne of Canton ha-just finished a new official record for production which entitles her to ontw tn thn Advanced Register of the American Guernsey Cattle Club. This animal Haywood Hcritagj 28159(5 with a production of 1U;:)7.-: pounds of milk and 488.3 pounds of fat ii class FK. Dr. A. Capehart of Roxobel, Bertie County, says he will nake 20 bales of cotton on 16 acres where he used good seed and liberal applications of of stable manure. ' fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr t fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr T fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr $ Be Careful Into Whose Hand You prop your fr ! fr fr fr Mrs. J. A. Ahlin. 'Mrs. S. H. McNeeley displayed a ilk dress, old fashioned style, which was worn by Mrs. N. S. Lyon at the occasion of her "infare" September 17, 1856. , C. D. Penland. of Clyde, dis played an ancient coverlet made by Miss Ella Howard, Macon county. Mrs. Ii. D. Secrest displayed a beautiful silver ice cream ami berry set given to her father and mother as a wedding present June 12, -18(17, Worn by Mrs. Polly Gilleyland 100 years ago in Washington county, Ten- essee, a white silk shawl was on dis play and created considerable interest mong the spectators. Mrs. J. H. Kirkpatrick displayed a hand carved cradle stand, said to be lb years old. The stand was carved by Ebed Jones, her great grandfather. Ancient Quilt Shwn Mrs. Harley Williams had a 'auilt on display whicii is approximately 00 years old. A beautiful and attractive cover let made by her grandmother.. Mrs. Jane Christopher, and worn by Sarah Christopher before the War Between the States, was displayed by Mrs. Robert Liner. Mrs. O. M. Hampton's quilt; pieced and quilted by h-;r grandmother mo:e than 100 years ago, created much interest. I Snecial to Mountaineer.) The annual group conference of the ifth district Presbvterial was held Wednesday at the First Presbyterian rhiirrh. in Wavnesville. with Mrs. J M. Russell, president, presiding. Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of Montreat, Dissident of the Appalachia bynod- icalj gave a consolidated report from various orescent- and a special re port on the meeting held recently at Bann;rs Elk. SpeaCing on the "ABC's of The Ideal Officer," Mrs. E. L. Dor.sey, pre sident of the AsheviJle Presbyteria held the attention of the meeting for approximately 20 minutes. "Mexican Missions," an address de livered by Mrs. George B. Hammond, of Canton, created much interest, ine Rev. George B. Hammond, pastor of the Canton Presbyterian church, spoke on "Personal Evangelism?" secret aries of causes presented an outline of their work before the convention, These included: Mrs. Preston Thomas, Mrs Wilmer McNeill, Mrs. R. P. Smith and Miss Cornelia Taylor, all of Ashe ville. Following presentation of the causes the work of the units comprising the district were reported covering a period of six months. The fifth dis trict is composed of Hazelwood, Way- nesville and Canton. Following the business session, during whien .Cit.'t m was unanimous. ly chosen the meeting place for next year's conference, refreshments were served by the Waynesville auxiliary, acting as hostess. v omen attending from Canton were: .Mrs. J. M. Russell, Mrs. J. T. Bailey, Mrs. R. J. Spang, Mrs. Earl Tate, Mrs. Floyd Gills, Mrs. William Barnes, Mrs. S. H. McNeeley, Mrs. Joe Milne, Mrs. E. N. Lide, Miss Mary Gwyn, the Rev. and Mrs. George B. Hammond, and Prof, and Mrs. R. J. Reeveley. TYTE offer trained of a courteous the services and personnel, long established in the confidence of this community. Advantageously located. Day. and night service every day in the year. SLUDEKr GAR RETT FITVERAL SERVICE Waynesville, N. C. National Cik A YW J IVV Walls, G. F. wnitner, W. A hai Winchester, H p Winchester, Lee Withers, . E. L., b'a! Browning, Hugh Davisr Lula ,B Ferguson, A. S Liner, FL L. rfmith, Roe .. Wright, H. h".' McElroy, Louise Winchester, Dan " " Unagusta Mfo- r.', Johes, S. ,H. and ,..' 1 To the foreni,,,. V.!:' ded penalties of ll-rcl-beginning witK ri,l , 'tncPer arv. 1932. nn,i ,i . ''onth of 1 uaig woue pursuant tn PL m Public Laws of , ll "apJ the Board nf im. ' ani th,rl of Hazelwood n 01 This the 5th 'dav ,,f 0--.' " GI.fvv Rev, C. C. Benton Is Returned To Canton By Conference I To clean rubber combs soak in a full strength solution of SO HY for a half hour or longer. Any remaining deposit may be flushed out under running water or removed with a brush. At Your Favorite Store i.c.Hling t the pastonal nnnoint- nient.", featured the final session of the riiue KjdKe-A.tlantic Conference of the '.Methodist Episconal church and brought. 'the meeting to ;i close at Walkc.rtown last Sunday. Rev. C. t. lienton. pastor of tho local church. was-'returned, to Canton for another years work. Other appointments in Haywood county incl'id .... Rev. W. II l loss, c an i.v circuit ; Rev; J Walter 1 ysmger, Li: de. an l Rev. J Fowler, Wt:,t Canton. iJev. Mr. Benton js Very popular wnn nis cnurcn an ( antnn and comm and his return to th is pleasing to all. The next session of the conference will be held with falotabs TRADE MARK REO. vorc- NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY. ,r,""tDy Riven th J canturpH on in.e under! if V "ummooie i violation C . . ranPorl mobile had a TennVsi nuntn- T undersiened on ,vr h,.r.;.. ., IC1 of October, 1932, iuuune or the sa?rJ : This the 4th day of October ' - J- A- LOWS .i,,,H 01 ""Wooded For lazy liver, stomach and kidneys, biliousness, indi gestion, constipation, head ache, colds and fever. 10 and 367 at dealers. year. Laundry Money Anybody Will Ac cept Your Money -But Do You Get What You Pay For It is not the washing of clothes that matters it's how and under what sanitary conditions. Crude bid methods of washing clothes is expensive and too big a risk of catching unsuspected disease. You can't afford to take the chance call 205 and we will laundry your clothes as they should be and at no extra cost. ' ; 4 WaynesviDe Laundry J "Call 205-We'll Do The Rest" fc'MrfeM"M-.H"M"l'' "TT'r vv 'I' vv t1' vvv 'i' "i' 4 v v J 4 alIfr Century Old Theories Exploded By Science Startling Discoveries Reveal New and Amazing 'Facts About Disease Human Body Composed of Only 16 Elements. Deficiency of Any of These Destroys Health. Strange as it may seem, these wonderful bodies of ours consist of a very limited list of fundamental chemical pIp. ments. Contrary to age-old theories, it is now known that only eleven minerals and five gases are needed by Nature in building the strongest man or the most beautiful woman. OUR BODIES ARE ROBBED All of these essential Mineral, T? " Preset in natural foods but improper cooking and an unbalanced diet rob u. of these charged acid. Indigestion and Constipabon follow. We become nervous and .rritable; subject to hachea fml to get the proper "Jf t n.ght. .become weak and IlStleSH KTtA an. A I In I . 0. iicoim acserts us. NATURE DEMANDS HELP When any of the essential Min ff wment. Nature demands Help. Harsh laxatives, "patent" mediches and "pain killers' won't do. You must feed into the body Uiose missing elements that Natui p-8.MlNEBAt COM POUND, the new scientific formula, contains s balanced supply 0f Min erals, in combination with vitamins and it is aurprising how quickly the EdAkiy , this Natural health building formula. LEE'S MINERAL COMPOUND With Vitamins SWEEPS THE SYSTEM CLEAN OF IMPURITIES Drtvea Out Dangerous "Toxic" Poisons, Eliminnf. r Adda That Destrog Health. Supplie, the Brtumti, e"$8?e, Mineral. Build, Rich. Red RlrZ. V, X7Zt"ZUAF"entW - l JTTDTIQ PTTT Dimn vumw.vui naiii iJMJ - OTHER GOOD DEALERS , Or Send 99c To Lee's - Laboratory Atlanta, Georgia mi the people of NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES unity in general JTE '0R TAXES-Of THE this field of work JOWN OF. HAZELWOOD, K.C. jn monaay, JN.ovemjr -T. -1932 at 11:00 o'clock.. A. M.. t vf Mr. Kenton s church in Canton next us0 Moorjn the- town oi Waynesville w.v- uiuiersigneu wm otTer lor sale at puunc auction, T0 the highest bidder for cash the lands of the following property owners for taxes hereinnft inenuonea, ana inciudina' interest . 1931 TAX LIST AtKins, ti. s., bal. Bass, John F. . ... Black, C. A ' "' Blalock. T. I, ... "" Blalock, W. D. ... "' Blalock, W. H. bal. . . "' ioyd, A. S. ...... Browning, E. S. . Camp, Paul ....... Central Investmpnf- CnrV.' ' Clark, J. E. Clark, Seymore . . . . . . Cope, R. L. .... ; . ... Eyles, Mrs. Gertrude' Ensley, E. H. ....... . ' E Make This 10 Day Test Convince Yourself! Stop doslnc yourself with "pat nt mllelnes, harsh purga tires, olli and cathartics for Just 10 days.- do to your ntr it Drugjlat and secure a bot tle of LIE S MUtKRAL COM POUND. Take It regularly, and watch the results. You'll be amased at the feeling of re newed strength and vigor that soon appears. No narcotics or alcohol to "boost you up" but a natural method of restoring health and energy. fisher. Mrs. O Fortner, M. B Gaddis. W. A Gaddy, David Uaddy, W. H. . . . Garrett, N. W. . Gentry. John R Greer, ,A. S. : . . . . ' ' Greyling: Realty ' Corp.' Hartsel, Arthur . . Henslev. Mrs. R r Hendrix. Harrett '. " " ' Hill, Mrs. C. A Golder, J. G. . . . V" Howell, Mrs. Aldine' .' .'., ; Hyatt. E. J. and ntkQ Hyatt. P. E. . Janes. H G " " ' ' Knight, Arthur: hWKiP Oscar ... Knight: Sam Kuykendall. F v Lilly, J. II., estate .... Liner, Mrs, Hubert . , AicClure, C. M. .. McClure, John R. McCrEckert. AT .1 McDonald. F R Jicr.irath, A. L McElroy, J. R. ... '" McKayl Dova ....'." Mason, E. H. . Massie, Phil.' Miller, Mrs. B K ' ' " Miller & Morgan Mills, M .W. Mooney, Jas. . "' Morrow, C. L N'eedham, Sam Nelon, F. A. ... Nichols, Robt L." '. '. " " Palmer, J. M. Queen. W. T Ray, Roy C. .'.,'. ," ' Realty Sales Corp. . Robinson, Diciev ' Robinson, Ernest . . . . ' " Robinson, F. C. . . . . . Robinson, James . .'. ". Robinson, Mrs. Lillie May Kobbins. Frank r . . Robbinson, R. F. ' . " ' Robinson, W. p. Ross. F. n ' Russell, D. M. "" Sheperd, Mrs. Di'cie " Snyder. W TT " " Sum I --Vww. J I , swift, j. p., jr. Underwood, S. L $ 81.86 56.73 105.62 46.52 21.00 11.71 12.32 12.32 3.08 14.00 16.02 18.18 14.81 98.56 22.94 74.27 24.71 16.80 6.55 25.52 3.86 35.00 17.25 19.7i 10.82 9.86 12.32 26.46 5)7 28.34 17.50 10.39 21.00 16.02 18.44 19.60 21.07 6.16 17.50 4.20 56.43 84.00 17.94 6.33 21.84 31.29 3.08 12.14 2.80 84.56 12.32 14.32 22.18 3.08 7.00 6.16 4.93 16.98 17.20 52.98 12.32 11.86 36.96 5.70 2.80 4.31 24.14 16.02 8.62 2.80 14.78 25.83 27,20 29.57 42.60 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY. Gertrude Connor Vs. J. W. Connor. iiu-nce mai an act .,. J as. aoove nas been commenced a superior ourt ot ilayv.ood Cc- . i . n r um K'u""" oi nve years separatioil mas saia aeienaant wi fnrtk.,1 nonce tnat he is reouired tn ac tne toun House in WaytJ and ans-wer or demur to the ecu tn siu action a? required by pia-ntitT will apply to the Coir the relief as demanded in said plaint. This the 27 day of Sept., 1932 W. ti. HYtRS Clerk of Superior Court, Hai county. Sent 29 Oct 6-13-20. G. C. D. NOTICE OF SUM MOSS BY n CATIOX NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE JUSICE'S COURT BE G. C. Ball, J. P. R. M. GADDY Vs. H. C. GROOMS and BBAXTON MULL. The defendant, H. C. Groom J take notioe that a summons mi in the above entitled actional the said def andants on the 22:1 of July, 1932, by G. C. Ball, a Jl of the Peace of Haywood CounJ the sum of $14.96 due said pla:r,l certain services performed, H. i C. ' Grooms will turtner W tice that a laborers' lien filed against th? property of til defendants and the (letenclan:, i Grooms, is required to appear the undersigned, u. u can, 22nd dav of October. 1932, at A. M. and answer or demur t tiff's complaint or the relief . w:'l be i' ran ted. This 22nd day ot September, G. C. li.i- Justice of the Sept. 29-Oct. 643-20-pd NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S Si On Monday, October the' -Hi 11:00 o'clock A. 31. at hbi House door in the Town of H villn HnifvtmnH CouiltV. W bile UllUClOllii'. " at public out-cry to the highest I for cash, all that certain of land . lynig and wit Wavnesville. Haywood County- folino anA fnllv lieSCti! VHtUUtlU) UIIV4 lows: . uirriTXTVT vn ni t staKe T-.L i .... riii;V iL.asiern margin ul r formerly Haywood Stroet, sM standing S. 30 :e?. "T fnt tVio intersection 1 Hull, t.. gaf i Southwestern side of thciU'O -B. ' 1 v iris fppt i i a ft'1'. mill. u. , J J lffc firoon lino- tttCrice i W. 50 feet to a stake V 1 fppf: tn a stitKe; thence tn fh-: tnni'ii nf Daisy AvettX I..- TT 1 5fT"SXII' eny nay nuuu w . nji co M Pacta mnran 0t J- thes" )ji; E. nue jn. o oeP' ..ivt BEING the greater P" J same lot of land fT-rVl Mrs. S. narnuu 7. - )(, Jr., and wite, Jov-"r $ aeea aatea recorded in Book b:, P U of Deeds of Haywood tou Carolina. - ; . t0 th aie maov P" . 01 saie conifi'-" , wiot-! signed, Commerew ,-rS irusiee, uy ucv v j T il.r O Worr-nld tj 531i coraea in noun. - . r0asi to which said deed ot cord reierence 1.- 'v-,.f'ta the terms and same. This the l&tn 1932. Commercial - CtK..i High I'Olin, cal Trustee. . v,-e Sept 29-Oct. 6-7 day ' .atiwal siti o: A s fn con I0' Thi Wi, Nkim Ie ass blue r N tha Pe na lis, Mil over pc'utiv R on." hmeir for mterp Ned-.b WiCity attent; to be and l: ' addre; saildin Paded rJt cue? .Wat t! P, their 4e o-f -standi: '"is tf 39n eo; time