m ) THURSDAY, JANUARY 49, 1933 Locat Society News rETY PAGE o o o o Items Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - Phone 137 page 4 Ltirj wa i in Ea vlliLiEj muui im ana . --. S0C1 GARRETT FUSE HAL HOME IS FORMALLY U PES ED Tht. Garrett Funeral Home on Main ,-tieet was forrnaliy opened with fi reception on last Thursday evening between the hours of eight and ten. liiv (tuc.its v.'i'ir sliovn ever the entire, home, the f-irrr.e: Allen residence, which. w.Vi a few .-light changes has I w:i i. vi-rt il jr.to an ideal ana in'. !. r:i i Lini-";:! hum.-. .Mis. Joseph N. Tab- presided at the l.uM .in.-.- wjlfimiir.ar the t'uests on arrival. Forming the receiving line w. Air. and Mrs. .Noble (jarrett and their a-si i::ni. Mv. and Mrs. Thoir.a; W. Spurlock. At an at.r.'.ctivi !y appuinted table in the living room-Chapel. Mrs. John M, Queen :md Mrs. 1'aul Walker pre sided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Kate Mori is st .od at the living room-chapel door where she directed the guests U other part; of the home, and Mrs. Jt-ss Crtiuj.nr ireiv :'l at the dooi of the guest room. Miss Sue Willard Lindsley showed the guests into tho slumber room and Mrs. Gilbert Reeves, trained nurse from ;he Haywood County Hospit.U, directed the guests through the pre p .ration and linen rooms. In the hail on the second floor, which ha i been transformed into a combination office and living room, Miss Xan.y Jane Crockett and Miss Trllit Rot ha received and presented i a:h guc-t :-. bnutonniere of roses. Miss rocket t :ils kept the registry book, which each guest signed. Several .other 'ru. .' on this floor compose an a o:u.. .!.-!;'. where Mr. and Mrs. Spur :: :n:ikitig their home. Hetv.'e,-:. nine and ten o'clock a it-jeinfui . in a-;c lie was rendered. .M -s. Fn-.: Calhoun and Miss Mildied I ..t -a ..;in','-a group -.f duets, after .which' Mi-.-, . ("alhou-n . . ;rav a lovely -. . ... .- .: Bulk of tiie-e numbers v. ii- .ir.ipatiicl a; 'the piano by. Mi-V V. i,. Matney. Miss Charlotte Hatcher pi tyed a 'group- of piano -o'e- :'.n-i also accompanied Mr. Fiunci- 1'i.itl in several cornet num ; ci'-. .Mi.-.- Margaret Stringtiel.l gave a'-' iium'ov r of violin .-elections with niano ac-.iinpanimen: by Mrs. Hugh Love. ' ."'- i iui the first hour Of the recep- t-i-o'n' Miss Ha Green softly played ap . propria te numbers on th" piano. ''Beautifut. hot house flowe'W.; snap,-, dragons, narcissi and : carnation, presented and arranged by Mr. Clyde Ray, local florist, were effective as decoration. Large ferns and pomset tas were also used in decoration of the rooms of the loW'er floor. Mor,. than two hundred guests called during the evening and curing the following two days, Friday and Saturday a large number called when open house was held. '- MISS ASHTOS HOSORLD AT I!'. C.T.C. Miss, Margaret Ashton, daughter of Mrs, H F. Ashton. who is a senior at Western Carolina Teachers College at Cullowhee. was recently elected a member of the debating team of that school. - V Mr. J. P Beam motored to Gaffney, South Carolina last Sunday taking Mrs. Beam, who will vijit her parents for several days. DR. I. 15. FUNKE (CHIROPRACTOR) Palmer Graduate Office in residence halfway between Waynesville and Hazel wood on No. 10 Rates Reasonable Consultation and Examination Free A Message to Parents About the Piano 1 ne I lalll in ilie iu!iie iiiumvui iiifsii umciii. i iuhu iiwi.m..... - . - dation of all musical training. Many conservatories require a year of Pan study for all voice pupils, violin pupils and students of any other instrument, the piano a necessity. The piano is the most predominant instrument in in industry and in statesmanship. Composers use me piano, oanu a .u " . . ..... : .... iu;r cmrp Churches, hotels Y. M C, A.'s, recreation centers, lodges and organizations of every kind nna (he piona a necessity. The piano is the most predominant instrument in broadcasting over the radio. Every well ordered home must have a i piano, as the center of its social life and as a means of development for its children. Consider some of the things piano study will do for children: i , i i ii .A u .. r,.ii- an;n.-m0iit nf lifA fhrniiirh hoarinff I, II eiUlOie llltrill IU Hc H imitl injvj...v... v.. ...w r.-- ' ' - :4..n:,.l.. nH j nnnrai.ialiHir it ItllVrp IfOTllv H1lH thrOUCll ! mUSIC more iuhtuikcuiij anu aF'vv..A J . - being able to sing in harmony with others in a group in church or any other society, it you nave . .j . g roup wniie seaiea nexi i buhitoiu: - t..., - -- .. . . w ill know how hard it is to prevent yourself rom becoming a I har see and thanking the Lord that in this respect at least you are not ; ; '" as other men are. , , 2, It developes the mind, strengthens memory and cultivates accuracy, precision, concentration and other qualities. u 3. It promotes refinement and personal charm which in turn nring social preferment. ' ;rSrrSaSnPwhich is both character building and contribu tive to the pleasure of others. . 6 It brings financial gain through teaching music and singing or play ing for pay professionally. Many boys and girls work their way through college by their musical ability. Others earn money near home by singing publicly as soloists, by singing in church choirs by leading church choirs, by playing piano or organ in church, by play ing in small or large orchestras. The above and many more advantages come to those who learn to pro duce music, but not to those who only hear it. , . '. Over 1 000,000 children in the United States are now taking piano les sons. Yours should be among them. "The richest child is poor without musical training." The praise of your children after they grow up will sound good to yon if you give them the advantages that come with the ability to produce music. Y'ou will be proud of your children and w ill rejoice that you i gave them thfl chance to enrich their lives. - .. J, : . " - -,.-:' -v'.' Miss Margaret Stringfielcl Teacher of Piano, Violin, Cornet, and Instruments of Orchestra DR. Gl'DGER PRESESTS LIBRA RY SUBSCRIPTIOSS TO HOSOR STUDESTS The six high school students who ; lire winners of the Library subscrip tions given twice a year 'by Dr. E. W. Gudger. of New York City, were an-' w,un-i.il vesterdav bv Sunt. K. D. 1 IJunn. Dr. Gudger has for several years I presented a six months subscription; to the librarv to each of the three; girls and bovs in the Waynesville j HL'h School who make the highest i average in seholorship. both in the fall and Miring semesters. These students must be taking the full ciur-e pre-i-rilM-l for high school Thos4. making the highest average ''-' the fall semester and who receiv ed this gift were: Mary Medford, Abide Fav Henry. Jean Morrison, Hunter Henry, David Matthews, and Ernest Withers. MR. ASD MRS. WILFORD RAi BRIDGE SUPPER HOSTS A thoroughly enjoyable social af "air last week was the bridge supper 'iven on Wednesday evening by Mr. j. , 1 1 Mrs. Wilford Ray at their homo mi Main stireet. Vases of jasmin and narcis.-i '.v :rv u e,i in (lec-orauon co t"j .h- color motitr of yellow and white. Mr r c White won the prize for the high s.'oie among the Indies and Mr Willinm Kimlierlv was nresented a gift for the high score among the gentli men. The guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Colkitt. Mr. and Mrs. U'lVinm KimberlV. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoilges, Mr. and Mrs. Horace K'-iiier. Mr. ana Mrs. Koy campneii, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Graves. Mr. and Mrs. c. C. White, and Mr. Clyde Ray. . . W MRS. LEE IS CLUB HOSTESS The Contract Luncheon Club was leiightfullv entertained- on last Fri lay by Mrs. it. L. Lee -at her home Walnut street. Tl,,. M, nn.' was i'1-aeeii with hand-' re nie red roses. Following the luneh i on contract bridge was played at two tables. ; Th. i'loh meivjlier oresent were: u IIili;...r,l Atkins Mrs. W. F. 'ii-;e lr .!.' Criivt.i. Mrs. Rufus Silei ", Mrs. Ernest Withers, Mrs. Jack Way, Miss Alice Amnion-, -and. miss Xr ney Killian. t'tViol Mrf'nv owner nnrl direc tor of Camp Junaluska for uiris, accompanied by a group of students ... . . . 'j ... c-l 1 i from Virginia lntermoni ocnooi m DIISIW, Ollll'ii1 .iwi iiii connected, spent last week at Camp Junaluska. WOMAS'S CLUB TO MEET TO DAY The W'oman's Club will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the LeFaine Hotel with Mrs. C. F, Kirkpatrkk, Mrs. R. H. Blackwell. and Miss Robi na Miller as associate hostesses. Mr. Joel Bird, of The Bryson City Times, spent last week-end here as the guest of Mr. Everett B. Camp, .Ti- ;r Viia homo nn Pieeon street - Mrs. June Kincaid of Dillsboro was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Plott, last week-end. inea io " uU cinirn mit of hnrmnnv. VAU I J. A. R. HAS ISTERESTISO MEET1SG WITH MRS. PREVOST Mr-. R. L. Prevost was hostess to tile Dorcas Bell Lov,. Chapter, D. A R., at the regular -monthly meeting lust Wednesday afternoon. There was a good attendance of member and several visitor.- were present. in the absence of the Regent. Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, who was unable to b? present on account of thf. contin ued illness of her little daughter, Mr;. Howell, vice regent, presided. The chapter expressed sympr.hy for Mrs. Gwyn. The I" A. R, District, comprised if lirevard. Hendersonville. Ashe ville. and Waynesville chapters, was the donor of a -ov to Crossnore choul and the chapter treasurer, Mrs. Rufus Siler. reported that S?.000 had been paid to this fund which was the chapter's assessment. A bag of clothing from this chapter was also sent to Crossnore during December. It was decided to present the Fines Creek school with a United States Flag before the close of the school erm. Mis. Morris, chairman of the di minishing party series. reported b it Sol.H.") had been realized to date b'T that there would be more to follow. Th-. treasurer was instructed to di vide the funds and write a check to the Library As-rciati in- tor $2'!. 00. Publicity Committc". KOP.BY HARMS CELEBRATES IURTIIDA Y Little Bot.by Hardin, s-m of Mr. nd Mrs. Lauristrn Hardin, enter-1 'allied, a number of -h;s yonn friends Hi party Mondav af'ter'io.in in tele biation o' his thi-il birthday anni versary. V'ariou- iinbor game f arni-h-d i "iiui-i-ment throughiiiit thr afternoim. At the close of the gumes each small H nest was gi ven a green :t p.-r Dutch1 cap and invited into the -dining room. The table was rentT"d with a lovely; Hl'hted birthday C'lke mi:! a color chenu .f green 'and '.vhi'.c was- car ried out in detail in thu' dainty ic" ui'Sc 'which was .-erved. Miniature candy men marked each place. The f".vors presented to the little girls wer- green doll chwi'.'s ..and the boys received whistles. Those present were: Marv Ann Massie... Betty. John.-'iT). Bet -v Siler, Theresa Alley LiiiJi'. Reive .Medford. R.riSai'a Ann Boyd, Bettv Ilurgin, Shirley and Geriildin Colkitt, Nancy Jones, Jane Wyjhe. Parker Gay, John Hodges. John Dicus, Phil 'Med ford. Mrs. Krnest Withers, and Mr. J F. Abel. BRIDGE CLUB IS ESTERTAISED The Contract Supper Club and several additional guests were charm ingly entertained Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bay. The supper was served at small tables which were lighted with burn ing yellow candles. A color note of yetlow and red was attractively carried out in the decorations of the homo and in the party appointments. At the conclusion of the games Mrs. R. L- Coin and Mr. Clyde Ray re ceived lovely high score prizes. those playing included: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long. Mrs. Lauriston Hardin, Mrs. Woodson Jones, Mrs. Roy Francis. Mrs. W. T. Hannah. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coin. Mrs. Horace Keener, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White, and Mr. Clyde Ray. .'. Mr. Lauriston Hardin is leaving fo inv on a week's business trip to Lexington, Kentucky. Mrs. J. T. Burette, woh has spent past several months at The Georgian. left Saturday for Jacksonville. Flor. ida where she will spend some time. P YOU WVArVT To ARRIVE Ar WHERE -Ybu-WANT-TO -OO ruuLOW rwc CONSCIENCE PAIR AND SQUARE! We have arrived in our present, pleasing, pros perous position by follow ing the rule of theat the other fellow as you would be treated. If you are fond of the good things of life and like to have them weighed, measured and delivered in a man nerly fashion, there's a treat in store for your in this store. J. C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice Groceries Phone 88 Main St. P. T. A.'S MEET TO PLAS FOUSD- I ERS DAY PROGRAM j A meetng of the Township Parent- 1 - i . . I . . . J U.. itacners .-issoeiaiion- was neiu o :. preventatives from Lake Junaluska. Hazelwood, F2ast Waynesville. and ''in:m Fvlementary Schools on last Friday evening for the purpose of j.fecting plans for a Township :.iot'ting on February IT. to cele brate Founder's Day. A splendid program is being ar ranged with each school contributing " number and an effort is being made to secure Mrs. J. L. Henderson, state president- as speaker of the evening. This program will be announced later and the meeting will be held in the Court' House. Mrs. G. C. Davis and Mrs- Doyle Alley are chairman of the committees arranging this meeting. " ' LEGIOS AUXILIARY TO HAVE BESEFIT YALESTISE PARTY Plans are going forward for the American Legion Auxiliary Benefit Valentine party which will be held Tue-day. February 14. It is hoped that this annual party wiil be as much of a success as in former years. The place will be an nounced later. i-i . a. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber. Jr., whose wedding was a prominent so cial event in Griffin. Georgia three week ago, have returned from a trip to Cuba and various points in h.irida. Mr. and Mrs. Barber will make their home with the former's parent-. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Barber. on Love Lane. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson of .niertun were hert, last week to at irl the funeral of Mr. L. M.Welch. and Mrs. Anderson are former - i . i '-ii t - of .Waynesville, having lived several years while Rev. Ander pastor .of. the I'resfiyterian lire:;. :'.. Mr. and Mr- Forest .Maxwell have vc 1 f'f ipi their home' on the Pigeon ad t 1h(. Kirk pa trick Apartments. '. Maxweil is connected with the V. vi'iii" ( ' .:. and has made his iiie heie for the past year. Little 'Miss Virginia Kellett, who ha - been ill for two weeks at the H ywood County Hospital has been ta!:cn to her home. Once In a Blue Sponsored by Rotary Club 150 Prominent Kitty Davis (Masked as Pierrette) Betsy Lane Quinlan Mae Jordan (As Yum Yum) lla Green Ruth Carlyle (As the Gypsy) Mrs. Fred Martin Miss Adeline .Moore (As Bo-Peep) Mrs. J. M. Kellett Miss Cynthia Adams (As Lady of Yesterday) Mrs. W. T. Crawford Ralph Holt (As Pierrot) F. M. Pratt Dr. Little (As Death) Hawkins Free'man Allen Evans (As the Clown) Doyle Alley Johnny Fuller (As Old King Cole) James Long Joe Cant (As Diogenes) Fred Ferguson Billy Clark (As the Toreador) Paul Beam Henry (The Negro Buttler) Willard Moody TIRED BUSINESS MEN E. I.. Hinton James Atkins John Davis Leroy Davis W. T. Queen Thomas Davis B. D. Bunn Harley Francis Tom Spurlock Dr. C, H. McDowell J. N. Xewton Hugh Ratcliff Whitener Prevost Tony Davis Edwin Haynes H. C. Wilburn James Neal Hilliard Atikins Claude Allen Vance Muse L. B. Hooper Hawkins Freeman Rev. H. W. Baucom J. M. Mock Roe Smith Jere Davis KIDDY LAND A PROLOGUE OF PLAYTIME Featuring 100 Local Children 5 8 Reader . THE CLOWN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Wednesday and Thursday - January 25 and 26 ADULTS 40c Mrs. Charles Badgett. Jr. returned Sunday from her home in Kno'iville, I -.-nreessee where she spent the wrek .Mid. She was accompanied on her visit by Miss Mary Barber and Mr. Jinimie Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Page returned ,o thei home in Greensboro Saturday alt -r h few days visit at the home of Mrs. R. H. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Page rame to attend the funeral of the latu-r'.- grandfather, Mr. L, M. Welch. w Among the out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral of Mr. L. M. Welch last week were Mrs. Grady Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. Garlington, and Mr. Sam Boyd, of Gastonia, and Mrs. Daniel Hodges, of Asheville. Mrs. R. C. Long, Mrs. R. P.Mc Cracken, and Mrs. Carol Long re turned Saturday from Wilmington where they spent several days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hoke. Mii es Wilda and Mildred Craw ford Misses Mary and Alice String field, Miss Rosalyn Ray, and Miss F.lizabeth Ray were Asheville visitors Saturday. Among the visitors here last week from Canton were Messrs. Walser Hawkins. F. E. Branson, W. H.Hen derson, and J. E.Henderson. Mrs. Langford Moore of Cramer ton, North Carolina, attended the fune "a! of Mr. L. M. Welch here last week. Mr and Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell returned to their home in Clinton, Noith Carolina Saturday after spend- ir..c several days here. ''' Mr, J-ihn Queen- who' i- a student at the I'nivrrsity of -North Carolina, -n. "t last week-end w.'th his parents, M:-. and Mrs, John Queen. M es ; "s. W. L. Bra-.lsha w. A. C. Walker, and Hugh Rogers wore i-uong the visitors here from Crabtree Monday. Mr. t! F. Osborne of Clyde spent Monday in town. Mr. W. H. Henderson of Canton was here on business Monday. Local People In Mahatma Gandhi .Vamp of Waynesville Paul Revere Baby Face v.J. Will Rogers . . Gypsy Charlie Chaplin Betty Co-Ed , Prince of Wales Beauty Winner Amos and Andy Guy Flaming Youth . Paul Whiteman Gold Digger "... Major Hoople Chesterfield Girl Jack and Jill Dancing Girl Life Guard Bathing Beauty . Football Star v Tennis Star Judge Bride (blushing) Bridegroom Mary Glee Ferguson Virginia Campbell Edith Long Louisa Thackston Loretta Threlkeld Hattie S. Freeman Ruth Ratcliff Gertrude Plott , Lucy Farmer .Gladys. -Dicus'" j CHILDREN 25c Mrs- Mary Ferguson spent !. week-end in Waynesville as the gtlo.-t of Mrs. H. G. West and Mrs, CaM well. Mr. and Mrs. R. F.Rogers of Cra'-. tree were among the Waynesvi!', visitors Saturday. Mr. Jack- Alloy, who spent, week here on business, has returnci to his home in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. George Ward of A vill,. were Waynesville visitors Sur duv. H V Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Terry of Sylva spent Surulav with Mrs. Perry father, Mr. C. W. Miller. Mr. R. X. Barber left last we.k on a business trip through South Carolina. Georgia, and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Byers and Mr,. Janes Tutwiller were Asheville visi tors Saturday. Mr- and Mrs. Grover Smith ef Canton were Waynesville 'visitor 1 last week. Mr. Edwin Fincher and Mr. J. Emory Rush of Clyde spent last Thursday here on business. Mrs. Raiff. of Raiff's Department Store, Canton, was a Waynesvilhi visitor Thursday. Mr. McKinley Edwards and Mr. Thurman Leatherwood of Bryson City spent Friday in Waynesville. Misse- Helen Green and Pearl James of Fines Creek spent Saturday ; Hipping in Waynesville. '.' Mr. and Mrs. Hilliaid Ross were among the visitors, here. 'from Crab t ' ee last week. -h M,s. Elfloda Coasley of Crabtrc sr.ent Saturday shopping in Waynes ville, .Mu.sr.-. R. R. Ferguson and ('. L. Hill of Crabtree spent Saturday in tlie city. Miss Margaret Sanford of Gralbtree spent Saturday shopping in Waynes ville. Moon Directed by Southern Arts Studio Characters 150 MASQUERADERS C. A. George Clayton Walker Wr. N. Owens " N. W, Garrett M G. .Stamey Dennis Massey ... Dr. S P, Gay L. E. llanyick , G. Ii. Hall Ernest Withers Massie and 1 om Lee F. C. Stovall Home - Henry Hugh Massie IS". E. Wright Joe S. Davis Theodore Mc bracken, J. C. Rose San Queen J. L. Kobinson C. de Ray Carlton Wvatherby lU' Lester Burgin -S. H. Uushnell J. W'. Ray H. J. Sloan MUSICAL NUMBERS Old Songs Quartette and Malo Chorus Once In a Blue Moon Gypsy Moonlight and Roses Girl.-.' Chorus Masquerade . Gypsy Betty Co-Ed Girls' Chorus I'm Keeping Company Cynthia and Adeline Finale ........... Ensemble Pianist Mrs. M. H. Bowles GIRLS' CHORUS Tillie Rot ha Carmen Plott Ruth Calhoun Josephine Plott Joan Phillips Myra Phillips Frances Rose Hilda Liner Mozelle McCracken Vina Leatherwood CURTAIN 8:15 i i

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