J as .'ore Paid-in-AJr.inn' Subscribers In HayuonJ County Than 4 ltVA Xctrsppsrs Combine J VOL. XLV. NO. 8 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI'IISDA V. JAM AKY 26. I!).!:! JUDGE WALTER E. 10-Day Revival A t .MOORE DIES FROM I Presbyterian Church A HEART ATTACK Begins Next Sunday Noted Jurist, Widely Known, jltev. John S. Williams, Of At Passed Away In Asheville ! Ianta, To Have Charge Monday. Of Services. Judge Walter E. Moore, 70, of Sylva, judge of the Superior court of the lioth district and former speaker of the lower house of the North Carolina General Assembly died at his apart ment in Asheville at 3 o'clock Monday morning due to a heart attack. The veteran jurist had been in ill health lor some time. He had moved to Ashe-v-ille about the first of January to conduct courts in the l'Jth district. Jjast rites were held at the Sylva Methodist church on Tuesday af ter pen. Interment was made at Wcb- ,er near ayiva. In 1893, Judge Moore was elected f mwimpi' nr tnp iorin i iirnnnn nniM) 'f representatives from Jackson coun- y. This honor came to him again in , m and in 1901. In the last term of ' is legislative service, Judge Moore ' as chosen as speaker of the house representatives. He was one of the few western North Carolinians to .win such an honor. No ene from this section has served in that capacity since his retirement from the general assembly. Judge Moore was born in Buncombe county on October 14, 185. His father was William Hamilton Moore, the grandson of Captain William Moore. His mother was Mary Gudger Moore. Judge Moore obtained his training at Sand Hill academy, an institution which played a large role in the edu cational life of western North Caro lina a half century ago. From this school, young Moore went to Greens boro where he studied law at the private school conducted by Dick anil Oillard. Returning to his home he was ad mitted to the practice of law before the Jackson county bar. He estab lished his first Office at Webster, where he lived continuously until he moved his residence to Sylva a number of years ago. Judge Moore won distinc tion as one of the ablest lawyers in this section. At the conclusion of his career in the general assembly, the jurist re sumed the practice of his profession. He returned t0 public life in 192(5 when he was chosen as judge of the superior court of thj.. 20th judicial district. I Aside from his professional duties, Judge iMoore has devoted much time to education and Masonry. He was active in the founding of .Western Carolina Teachers college and in 1897 was honored by North Carolina Ma sonry by .being named grand master, a position he held for two years. Judge Moore was the oldest living Past Grand Master of the Masonic lodge in the state. While Grand Mas ter, he laid the cornerstone of the Vance monument on Pack Square in Asheville. Judge Moore was married to Laura I Enloe, daughter of Captain vv. A. Jn )oe, in 1883. Mrs. Moore died in July, 1921. He is survived by the following thildren: Mrs. Eugene M. Bearder. and Mrs. Holmes Bryson, of Asheville; Miss Hannah and Miss Dorothy iMoore, of Sylva; and Tom Moore of Chatta nooga, Tenn. Judge Moore was a member of the Presbyterian church, having at one time been a member of the Asheville church. Manager Of Local Store Is Changed R. C. McBride Comes Here, L. E. Hamrick Goes to Forest City Store. R. C; McBride, of Newton, arrived here Tuesday to take charge of the Eagle 5-10 and 25 Cent Store which for the past year has been under the management of L. E. Hamrick, who has been transferred to Forest City to a larger store of the same chain. !Mr. Hamrick came to Waynesville a year ago and during that time he has made many friends and has taken an active part in the work of the First Baptist church. Until recently he was director of the young people's work of the church and is now a member of the finance committee. Mr. McBride has been with the com pany for about 5 years and conies to Waynesville after managing one of the largest stores in the chain. Trees Are Being Planted On Court house Grounds Workmen were busily engaged the first of the week transplanting trees from the Boyd property on the corner of Hazel and Walnut streets to the courthouse grounds. Several of the trees have already been removed and more are expected to be moved within the next few days. The trees are being set out on the north side of the building. The work is under the supervision of Tom Edwards, who had charge of planting the grass and improving the grounds of the courthouse lawn At eleven o'clock Sunday morning. Jai.uary 29, a 10-day revival will be gin at the First Presbyterian church with Rev. John R. Williams, of Atlan ta, conducting the meeting and preaching twice a day. at 10 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. except on two Sun days of the revival, this1 coming Sunday and the following Sunday, February 5. Up to IS months ago Rev. "John R. Williams was the very efficient young pastor of East Point Presbyterian -aurch Atlanta- At that timt Gypsy Smith held a great revival campaign .n Atlanta and young Williams felt the call of God to give his life to soul winning by holding evangelistic meetings. He resigned his pastorate at once and engaged in full-time evangelistic work. God has wonder fully blessed his meetings in Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South ( a rolina and Georgia. lie is not under a board or commit tee'; nor is he supported or directed y any agency. His is purely a work of . Faith and he goes wherever he is called, accepting the calls as receiv ed 'vith.iu:. regard to the size ot the .l :ce in the amount o compensation he might receive. He is coming to Waynesville out ol a vcrv successful meet in the Morning Mde cliurch ol Atlanta. Mr. Williams is loceally connected in that his wife is the niece of Mrs, T. L.Green and the daughter of the late Sam B. Medford of Clyde. Dr. R. P. Walker, the Presbytc r i i li pastor,.. 'most .cordially invites the public "at large to heir Mr. Williams as often as -possible. .!;'. Walker wants everybody to attend the' revival. Farmers Of County Receive Checks For Wool Sold In June $100 More Received For Wool Through Pool Than From Open Markets. (Contributed.) Farmers in Haywood county have recently received checks from the United States Growers Association, of Baltimore, Md.. completing payment on their 1932 wool. This wool was pooled at Waynesville the last week in June. The settlement is made up of an equalization on the advance of one half cent per pound on all wool, 1 cent additional on burry and other low grades, 2 cents on clothing wool, end ,'i.l5 cents on combing wool, The original advance was lk cents on the wool. At that time the Ashe vijle price was 8 cents per pound, and the local market was not buying at any price. The one-half cent equal ization payment made the advance equal to the Asheville market- Nearly all Haywood wool grades as one-fourth and three-eighths blood clothing. There is a little that grades one-fourth and three-eighths combing, and some burry and other low grades. The Haywood wool will almost aver ago the clothing grade, on which an additional payment of 2 cents per pound was made. This would amount to about $100 on the 5,000 pounds of Wool pooled, over what could have been obtained by taking the wool to Asheville. During 1930 and 1931 there was a drop 4 cents to 6 cents per pound on wool after the pools were made On a falling market cooperative selling always shows a lower, price, because the producer holds ownership longer. Consequently little or no second pay ments wer(. received. This year on a slightly rising market the United States Wool Growers have made a very fair showing. Over a period of years the local price of wool to the farmer has been from 8 cents to 10 cents per pound under the Boston market. When the (Continued on page 4) Guy Hipps Having A Successful Sale At Canton Store Guy Hipps, owner of The Leader Department Store in Canton, is an nouncing through the advertising columns that there remain only two days of The Leader's Annual Pre Inventory Sale which has been going successfully for the past two weeks. Besides the unusual bargains in the rtore. Mr. Hipps will givr away $141.00 in premiums at 3 o'clock Sat urday afternoon in front of his store. He stated that in order to receive one of the premiums it would be neces sary to be present as no premiums would be given except to those pres ent. In his advertisement this week, Mr. Hipps has listed several bargains which are characteristic of the prices throughout the store, he said. To Conduct Presbyterian Revival i t - f 'i 1 1 f - ? -. . . v- '.'fr - & .V .-yv w:- - .- 4 . v ' .7 r-'-' J ti mii mm i mi mii.i .in ii Mir'r'fl Rev. John R. Williams, of Atlanta, who will conduct Hi. begins at the Presbyterian chvi'vh Sunday morning. Key. 1 an evangelist of note, havini;' held .succe-slul meetings 111 iiuk cti'n States. :i MUKDEK CASES I - v . fj -n r TO BE T R I E I) 1MB E ESTABLISH EI) FEBRUARY COURT ( lark, Blaylock and Stamey and Charlie Rose Will Face Minder Charges. The Haywood county criminal teini of Superior Court will convene Mon day, February ti, with Judge J. H. Clement presiding. There are three murder cases pend ing, State against Charlie Hose, negro, for the alleged slaying of William Ray during the first week of Septem ber, 19112, when Kwse was being hunt ed for criminal assault for which he was convicted last December and sen tenced to State's prison for from 10 to 15 years; State against Sam Blay lock and Claud Stamey, who are held for the alleged slaying of Tye Cathey in December; and State against I). H. Clark for the. alleged slaying of Bradly Gixioms when the latter was struck by an automobile driven by Clark on the.1 highway near Clyde last August. Besides these, there are a large num ber of other cases of minor importance, The following i the list of .juiors that were drawn at a recent session f the county commissioners: First week, Beaverdam, A. E. Thompson, W. B. Williamson, .Jr., Will L. Clark, Paul Robinson, F'rank A. Smith, Walker Brown, C. C'. Willis, L- A. Comon, C. S. Freel, F. E. Branson; Gattakmchce, J. M. Satton; Cecil, A. M. Frazier; Clyde, J .C. Haynes; Crabtroe, W. C. Best, R. L. Messer; East Fork, J. B. Howell; Fines Creek, E. W. Fisher, C. L. Fincher .Charlie Rathbtne; Iron Duff, S. W. Chambers, .1. C. Hoower; Ivy Hill, Zeb Cagle, S. D. Rich; Jona than Creek, H. H. Moody, S. P. Reeves; Pigeon, J. Boyd Smathcrs, George Stamey; Waynesville, C. A George, W. T. Wilson, J. R. Boyd, F. D. Ross, Henry Francis, M. W. Buchanan, David A. Howell; White Oak, Willie Ferguson, T. T. Green. Second week: Beaverdam, Joe C. Southerland, C. V. Beal, J. R. Hyatt. W. E. Smathcrs; Cataloochee, Jake Sutton; Cecil, J. U. Warren; Clyde, Hugh Rhinehart; East Fork ,W." O. Kuykendall; Fines Creek, T. F. Green; Ivy Hill, R. F. F'ie; Jonathan ("reek, D. H. Caldwell; Pigeon, J. W. Thomp son, H. N. Mease; Waynesville, O. R. Martin, Charles O. Pressley, 'Mack Bumgai-ner; White Oak, P. T. Messer. By custom, on the assembling of court on the mtirning of February 5 a giand jury will be selected from the list for the 'first, week, and will be designated by the presiding judge to serve for one year from date. The judge will also appoint one of the number to serve as the foreman for the same period. J. H. Howell Week-End Visitor From Raleigji Representative J-H. Howell was in M Waynesville for the week-end, having come home to see a doctor about his I eyes which have been giving him ! first of the month. ' Representative TV veil returned to I Raleigh Monday '.:ng. . ' LIBRARY SEWS Kathleen Morris'', new book, "Tie-1 haven," is on the library shelves.' Those who enjoy Norris' books will j lie delighted w'-h thv one. It is the story of fou;- Ca ..iTiia girls all beautiful, charming and fascinating and each with a distined personality. Try this book for yourself. 1. ''e icvival which I. Williams is of the South- wv t m-w A I'll DllDl!. KA1NLI1 1 U AT- CATALOOCIIKE KainJi AVill Consist of 100 Acres Within I'iiik Area. To Open April 15. One -hundred aires of mountain t'ore.-t and valley land have been des ignated in the Cataloochee valley in the- Ci-rcn Smoky Mountains National pa k for the -establishment of a "due ranch" to accommodate park visitors. This nniwninernicnt was made Tues day by Thomas W. Alexander, of Asheville. manager of the Great Smoky Mountains ('amps and Tour organization. The "dude ranch", will open April 1.' and will remain open tin; il late autumn. It will lie located oil Cataloochee creek, one of the most -famous trout streams in Western North Carolina, and will be within !he northern boundaries of the park- Mi Alexander has completed ar rangements with the National Park rvic,. for offering' the "dude ranch" ' visitors in the park area this yoai. The lea-e was -secured by Mr. Alcx nidcr from the Ninth Carolina Park Commission. Mr Alexander will personally man age the ranch. Mr. Alexander has had much experience in managing camps of this type and has, for the past two seasons, conducted a wilder ness fishing camp at Three Forks in the chart of the Great Smokies area. The new "dude ranch" is being es tablished oil the property of the old Hal ranch. The ranch itself will con sist of 100 acres of land in the shadow of Mount Sterling and Canadian Top. two noted elevations in the park. Facilities for visitors at the ranch will include the large two-story ranch house, three commodious individual cabins, stables, a lake stocked with fish, water from a pure mountain spring, a fountain, saddle horses and the writers of Cataloochee crock for trout fishing, Kates, Mr. Alexander said, will be low. The ranch will be open for visitors April ir, but reservations may be made at any time. Mr. Alexander said yesterday he has received a number of reservations. He said the atmos phere of the ranch will be enhanced by native mountain antique furnish ings of the ranch house, and cabins. Trails leading through the north ern wilderness sertion of the .-park, which surrounds Mount Guyot. will provide attractive bridle and hiking routes from the "dude ranch," Mr. Alexander said- I Felix E. Alley Is Appointed Judge of Dis. Just as The Mountaineer went to press it was learned that Felix E. Alley; lo-al attorney had been appoin 1 judge of the 20th district in be place of Hon Judge Walter E. Moore who lied in Asheville. The appoint ment was made over long dis tance telephone by Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus. 'Slick lounged Salesman Makes $150 Here in Less 'i Than 3 Hours Saturday SOCO GAP ROAD CONTRACT TO BE LET NEXT MONTH (Jeneral Assembly Might Pass Legislation To Defer All Road Work. K. 1) .letl'iess. chairman of the State Highway Commission, announc ed Saturday that the contract for con struction of the So i Gap Road will be let the middle of February. The exact date of the letting will be fixed as soon as the specifications are .timpletrd. It is the present plan to '.ward the contract for grading and -ii'.l'aeing, although it is possible the i.riginal letting may only include the gr:' ling, Mr. .letl'ress said. The chairman lemlmsied that tire Mine; of the contract depends upon tin' General Assembly not, enacting -i-lai ion to defer nil road construe-' iei for the next two years. This has 1 ' ii suggested in some quarters. Kdwin Haynes, register of deeds of Haywood county, received last Wed nesday from I'!. I!. ,lell'ie; chairman of the St 1 1 o Highway commission, a blue print of the Soeo Gap road as located by the survey that, was made dining last November and December. Mr. Ilayncs also received a letter, addressed (o the board of county cnminisioiiers. calling the attention of tlie Ixmi'd of commissioners, to the .fact that the survey had "been completed and '-stating that, if any objections to Hie proposed route .-should be raised, Hies,, must lie filed with the State Highway commission within :) dyas from January 1 1 . or if would 1m taken for granted thai no protests had been made. An inspection' of the map of the proposed route, from Dollwood to the county line, which is on exhibition in the lobby of the court himse here, shows that the proposed route lies to the east of the old road all the way fi'iim Dell wood to Soeo (lap and only a short distance from it. It crosses Jonathan 'i eel in several place and ti e Suncest l.uniflier company's rail load six times. The distance from Hellwood to Soeo Gap by the new I'liute is N.7f miles. TO h'XTh'Xl) xrUVEY li. S Marsh engineer in charge ol the Socu (Jap road survey, is expected here within a few days with his crew of men to extend the survey of High way No. 5!).'! (the Soeo Gap road) through the Cherokee Indian Reser vation to Cherokee, the' capital of the reservation. -where a junction will be made with State Highway No. 107 which connects .with State Highway No. 10 at -Kin and with a Tennessee highway at Newfound (Jap. Enthusiasm About Community House Is Growing Rapidly I'lans Are Keinjf Made For A Mass Meeting -lle.re Soon To Complete A n anements. last Thursday aftef-oon about. '" citizens of the city met in the niag isti.ates com (. room in the -courthouse to make plans for erecting a commu nity hou-e in Waynesville in the near future. Practically every civic and religious organization in the city was u presented at the meeting and much i-nthusiasm was shown in regard to the erection of rui h a building. The movement is being sponsored by the American Legion and mem bers of the Legion committee an nounced that a special call mass meeting. Would probably lie hehl the first of the week at. which time plans and committees from different organ izations of the city will be made to select a site. Several lots have been offered free to the committee, hut no action has been taken until after rep resentatives from .all organizations organize and go into the matter together- : .. The general, opinion here is that thi movement is one of the finest that has come before the community in some time. The building would bp a community building on the order of a Y M. C. A. and will be built by l'ibor furnished free through the wel fare officer of the county. Miss Maggie Palmer Is Buried Wednesday Miss Maggie Palmer, 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, of Clyde was buried Wednesday afternoon at Green Hill cemetery following fun eral services at Garrett Funeral Home at 2 o'clock. Miss Palmer died at the home of her parents last Tuesday following an illness for some time. lAvgv Crowd "Hit" At Offerings Of "kin of Salesmen" Saturday. I Mere am t no depression ;u H'.iv.vood County! It's a proven fact. Last Saturday about noon a modern Pied Piper rolled into Waynesville in a tine looking Packard, but not for the purpose of getting rid of rats, as the Piper of old. His intention was to rid the people of their money, and with the help and geneinsity of about fi citizens from a crowd of 200 he made good his intentions to the extent of about !M"0 clear profit for about .'1 hours of the fastest and slickest talk heard here since the election, or long before. This modern Piper proved himself to be a fool to begin with, according to the opinions of some, but before he left town that opinion was visa versa. At a few .minutes past, noon Satur day, this young man in his Packard drove into the vacant lot between the Fi.ist NatMiial Hank and the fax: Stand, and thereon the back of his car he stood blowing an old trumpet until he had a fair size crowd then he said lie wa going to "throw a lit" fo1' the lirsl time in four days. Fits we!c thrown later, not by him but by. several v( his best customers. He MM hi ail'.!:e:i'e-1!:.:. '- :d n' medicine nf :mj kind to sell, as he catered to other brands of mer,han lis'e, lie pulled several simple card tricks and then called a small boy from the crowd to assist hi in in' changing tliiec one .dollar., bills into a ten spot. The' local lad with a red handkerchief tied about' Ills' forehead stood there holding the thiee one dollar bills (lur ing the ,-!il;"e performance, hut the ii.rk ;!s iicvi ' performed. As'-the-.crowd-. gathered faster and la ter the nian began to throw away .key rings, shaving soap and safety : r,i.,rs. Of ( ourso, there was a wild . .i:i:ii!o for 'these, Hut the crowd ,vas wondering how he could throw -av.ay hi - wares. . That wasn't worry-, ing the .salesman near as tiiuch as the crowd. He knew where his bread and nutter was coming . from. At. this point the crowd was crowd ing and jam ing into the lot to hear the slickest-lounged salesman that ever faced a crowd here, tie told his audience ho was the "king of sales men" and would prove it to them. Whereupon, he reached, into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill and offered it. for sale for fit) cents. It wsis .quick ly bought. He in turn sold the oO cent piece, for 25' cents. The 2." cent piece . was sold for a dime and the dime .sold for a penny. He took his penny and showed the crowd he had made live sales in less than tiVe min utes and hail lost only DS) cents. He then threw the penny -into the crowd. Then he produced some bill folders anil pocket books which he claimed were worth $1.50 but he sold' them for 2o cents. He offered a lew for : ale '.and in each instance he gave the money back to the purchaser with the hill folder, sU'Ung, that he apjireciated their early business, and jn one ins tance he refused to make change and gave the buyer back his iuoney and also the pocketbook. This method of salesmanship look with many in the1 crowd and some took it to be : a freak advertising scheme and were ready to bite at any offering he might make from then oh..:.. And well did the Modern Pied Piper realize that buyers were plentiful in his audience so he turned the tables and began to get back something for, what he had given away. - Ho then offered a small .empty box for one dollar. -He told them they, were -empty' and not worth two Cents, hut ,, Mfr members .of . -his audience' thought they knew more than he about the boxo' and proceeded to buy .'ir of- ' the empty pasteboards while -ope 'man paid a dollar for just t he lid; ; The salesman, asked the buyers if they were satisfied with their purchase: ami every one agreed that he wits, although they, were expecting, a refund .op something later. He told them to kiss their inoney , good-bye, Put tnat oul ((Continued on page ) Nine Markets In County Given "A" Grade By Hinton K. L. TIinton, county health officer, announced yesterday that 9 markets in Haywood county had received a grade "A" on their markets. To be a grade "A" market the employees of the market must pass a health exam, ination, the market must have run ning water in it, a closed garbage can and general cleanliness must prevail throughout the market. Those receiving the grade "A" rat ing were as follows: Waynesville Meat Markets: C. E Ray's Sons, Grade "A." Ferguson Grocery. .Grade "A," Burgin Brothers, Grade "A." Canton Meat Markets: A&V Tea Co., Grade "A," Canton Grocery, GraiVe "A." Champion Kmployee's Grade "A." City Market, I Grade "A." Harris Grocery, Grade "A," The Leader, Grade "A." ,

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