MorpaM--. Weekly Newspaper Combine THURSDAY. MARCH SO. 19:53 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA NO. 17 VOL. XLV. Mass Meeting Is All Set For Friday Night Large Crowd Expected To lie Present To Discuss Proposal Made By Dicus Community Leader Passes Away l'OIX)KEI) CHOIH TO SIN(J AT MEETING AT 8 P . M I x s' y s plans have bien lompUted J' h La. meeting which will b; ,dl.t the courthouse Fndav mght t I -Mock to discuss the recently ' pu-l Wuynesville Di-tiut ham ! P"l Commerce. The townships ot H.l'. lonathan ami Way nosy ,1U be-the territory from which iep ;SnUt' ,.11 be expected to be ''''committee on i'unKom,mS announced that they had securci the olored ch.)ir to render several .it the.: fioVit negro spiritual .songs at th, '"'iffpioimsui Plan will be preseut ,,, to the mas, meeting and discussed ritv nrescnt lavor me , ,amot.u,ll b,.,k,d to. I IeWt a president at the meet.,,,! ridav niirnt, n " ... , -Mayor Atkinson of Waynesv.lle and Mayor U.cheson t.f Haelwoc.d, ,-u.d puH- amat.ons uipnR the c.t,en; of he temtoiy to be served bv the p.o ,10hed, to be pu-ent a. t meetW Member, oi the com mrltee, which was named Tu -sdas a wek when 22 repro-rUat.x c-s o the c.v.c oiKan.zation. of the . t ai ui ,)I0fosMonal men met in a joint mw - i and discussed the p ans, sUud that an invitation is, extended to eve -... iWw rneetinu'. No m- .lividual invitations will bo i-ued, it was said. Present indications are that a laie (lud will be p.ent Knda nijht One member uf the tommittee s a t ,a ycsteulav, 'that t was the dutv of a citizens 7 munitv to be present at this meeting LMuc'h inte.est is be.nt? shown in the new ortcaniaition both here and awa ro-m here. Several letter, have been received from former residents he r eommentinp: on the movement. Ont VeTuest was received from the Junior Chamber of Commeice ,n Macon, Oa , asking for the outline ot the organi zation for their use. 3 Dogs Kill 134 Sheep In Jonathan Creek Community No One Claims Dors That Slaughter Sheep. Dogs Are Killed Hy Farmers. . x x V S, X W xs. .xS, - X "V x V -x H VX 1 x ? -5. .iixxx x- VX tx x . N 5 1 X rfficSiClearing Of Right Ot Way jiSSSSSSlFor Soco liap Koad Began On Last Monday morning jjx? . X X Vxxs V l,uvx s p t I Hill Would (live North Carolina .5.2 Per Cent. Heer. Wets Pleased With Outlook. Boer TuenUay cleared its lim lfK islative hurdle m North Carolina with a rousmp whoop. senate judiciary committee, with the cheers of wets and the pleas of drvs still ringinp after a two and one. i,.,H" limn' bi'iiviiiL'-. voted 10-. i for a favorable report on the Francis bill to legalize the s lie ol .1-2 per Cent 1...HV in the state at'.er May 1". Tuesday niht on motion ot Senator Kov l'raiicis ot Ilaywootl. author ot the bill, the senate voted unanimously beer bill as a the appropn consulerat ion. Contest Winner e reached as special ' the coni the action :iaviiiir the 1 indication of eld before the the half ot the d the greatest shout mi" and I'hoto b Shernll s Mndi HONNKIl KAY Bonner Ray, 37, Buried Here Monday Atternoon Letter "J" Seems To Be Popular With Waynesville Barbers You could look the world over and perhaps never laid a tov n that has the distinction Wavnes ville has when it conn's to hai- bers' initials. In two barber shops here, eveiv barber, and even the shine bov in one. has "J" for. his hrs. initial. Th One Of Outstanding Men Of Community Died Alter lll-Dav Illness. Sun ot I' unci al services for Bonner I!a . , who died at his home here at 10:45. iv niornine:, folhnvin an illness ten days, due to pneumonia, wei e il on Mondav afternoon at ,i o'clock at the First Methodist ade Johnson, pastor ot which the -deceased member conducted tin Asbu-v Howell, former memlier ot the board of county commissioners, has icported losses that h id been sus tained recently in the Jomithan Cieek section bv sheep killing doss. He stated that I'M hhe( p had been sLiuKh tered bv three stray dos m that sec tion in the last six weeks i . i.,tiiii Vi extent ot -the damnpe by these dogs., Mr. Howell said the three .dORS, two uci u i -I--.. .1 ,rhi tVint was annarently a shepherd dopr, visited his pasture one night and me lie" -found scattered about on his place .in .. 1 1 1 nnJ A eW(S. A teW W (lean laiiiua - , - .I. u-on r.f Viio Tieiirhbors. L. II. Bramlett, Sam Queen, and -'Ueor-KC (iarrett, lost udoui t. i . not ilia iss amount- ed to 4H, Mr. Queen to 1 2, and .AH i. .. . i. . 1 A Mr Howell stated that a dof? hunt bepati. Nobody claimed the .dog?, ? .1 : .1 i a iranl them t:o their It was uctiuuu o-" , lair. A light snow had fallen and the dogs' tracks could be .plainly -n J' . u . i. .. i ,.ur. tVio.eVippn durinir tne night. Several men with guns track ed the dogs to a -iin in a i""' """ neaiby, found them in hiding, and, as the canines came out, shot them down, two German police dogs, and one that resembled a shepherd. Since then, AH. ( Continued on page ) Sanitary -Barber.. Shop.- 1....,,.. C im- UTS. w nil' rue eniiJiu.s is v . . .lones Barber Shop has two. and everyone bepin their sinuatuM-s with' the letter. "J": The Jones Barber Shop l.- not only have trn- sa.m but the same tnst name, hii." . . . barbers in the wih..m BaiberShupau 1 It M.Otn,, White, J. 1.. -"fi Reeves, .I. H. anip. .. ., an- J. ('. Camp. 1 he snine u.. Jim Casie. Die .lone: bers are John K. done McClure. bers itial "J oh l'h i rbc M (5 ssisted bv i Methodist ruler pastor B. llavi t'rict; IM-I'ic.-bvte Ban o i I. this di op the il. W cliuii'h A el D I hurch of the s, pre i! r. nan c lui .1.; -hurch. Rev. of the church was an active services, and I. Mangum, cd at Mt. Airv. to :H'gm deoate on the special order to follow i' 'ens iii 11. now under Thus the oil 1 may not 1 li ltil m-Nt week. lictoic setting the bill oiler the senate "adopted' nut e suostltULo. However w is t "Tiien a a mean - it bill printed, not a a the senate opinion. 1 uesday's hearing lartrest throng to jam House in years, piodia ..tu.ioiit of rheeninr. hand-clapping precip.t .ted during tin present session ot 'lie venorai assem bly. , . Anient beer supporters llltel lupteo pvopmi. nis of the bill with shouts anu chwis and opponent with sarcastic remarks Applause tor the drvs was a .t laekinir-- but did not come up n volume to that given the beer tones. Drvs in the crowd hvquentl.y heckleu Wet speakers. Francis' bill, summarized, provides: 1. That beer of :1.2 per cent alco holic contents may be sold m .Nortft Carolina alter .May 15. 2 That no person under Hi veara ( l ontmued on page eight) CAJSTON MAN IS KILLED WHEN CAR OVERTURNS Accident Occurred On Jonathan Creek Tuesday .Niht. 2 Cases Of l,iciior Found- W1 :i'i. : .: . ..-y,W'r. KKj f v 1' Work Is Ueinu lushed On Pro ject. Ten To Fifteen Men At Work. ..-!!:ii .oiistiaietioii began Monday morning on the upper end ot the Soco (iap road. crew of about 10 men have for the past three days been at work clear ing the liO-toot rignl.-ot-way. mere is a possibility that additional men will be added to this force in a few davs, when C A. Uagland, contractoi , arrives and makes definite, plans for brinuing m the shovels and othei ciiurpment. I! ti-ii rows, A.i; . alb r and . KV-i,p- -oi.) .Il are 111 charge .ol the I work in Hiv interest til Mr. Ragbmd I during Ills abseiiee. I ,1 T Kmeli:. resident engineer, anil . i.. ,.,.v ..f four engineers ale on the j ob repre- enting the interest ol the sf-ii lii.'invav depart nient. I M ' liari ows stated Monday moill I ,i,.,i i,.. ..vneeteil the average VKllH Ii IKVNI.n . ,ulinber of men employed on th lro (C,,t courtesy Asheville ( H wi ) . if w m)( ,(( .lll()U( 1(10 AHhopgh lllis ii.iin.K-r win ne t..i tirst -lew weeks. 1'nder the terms ol the contract, ex-service men will be given tirst preference, then married men and C.. -.!,.:.. i tni iVklt single men last. Arthur Francis Is Winner In District Speaking ( ontet A miniber ol houses, and a church .. in 1,...., . i. . m. iv... I iilninr .the route Will Represent This District In ol the i id hut this will m n wav . i- : i i 4 1. . . . i ... .. i. i'i I. . . . I f li f l . .i . a I.. . leiie i' v l tut ii.'uhx- "i viiv. lot ll -idnig Walk. lurch of th church ; elder of r, pastor ainl Kov. e Baptist Barber Shop bai- and -lonn Mrs. James McLean, 64, To Be Buried This Atternoon Well Known Resident Here Only 111 Five Days With Pneumonia. me ( Ko mel v life" i-eliteeti viiiee.-. lender-! iii the Arms We'll tjnder i There." Dr. remarks ill con- of Mr. Kav paid a business man, tlve church work- usband, father and son. le impressive -servers .during. Uio interment in Green - II ill emetery Ui Rev. Wade. Johnson B- HaVes in charge, 'eature was the sounding nember of the American hree luimbers. Jesus.. Some mi am 'Momi ingurp in his t turn with the hute to him as vi- leader, as an a er. a 1 were held vv and Dr. I.. 1 he- closemg. nf taps bv a Legion. I he funeral was oni ever held m Haywood church was crowded it 1 Hi count v and i its fullest 1,1 Farmers Request Smith To Hold A Bull And Ram Sale Several weeks ago, W. D. Smith, vocational agricultural directory, the township schools, announced that he would be glad to assist in holding a wool pool, ram sale and a bull sale, if the farmers wanted such. He received a number of requests from many farmers askine that n head this work, and he is now making definite nlans. Dates for these events -will be announced at an early date. Mr. Smith announced that his vo cational hoys had grown over 50C bushels of Canadian certified seed potatoes in the county, and had sold everyone- and had orders for 50 busb els more. sei vices will bi held ill . ing, following an illness , ..... -. with pneumonia. , Kcv. Wade Johnon. pao. ot t c Methodist church, and I r esii ling K U er Dr. Ln B Hayes, will have thdigc of the services. Interment will be made at Green Hill temctei j . Mrs. McLean was the ughte ... Mr and Mrs. Turner Proffitt, of Bald .Mr. auri . i there f reek. i ancey u)u'f ""s , , 'until her marriage, and then moved t Waynesv.lle Elizabeth Mclean Jiou. - - -McLean Also one sister, Mrs. Alarv iiiiucaii. y ...: ..n,i three Hampton, of y new.... N. brotners, ruaivi , V V. i. v r C, Robert Proffitt, Bad tA N.C.. and Bacus rromn., "".'"," r Active piw. v.-. - - Rav W. T. Shelton, Dr. O T. Alex ander. J M. Mock, James Atkins and I E. J. Hyatt- STORY HOUR SATLRDA) The Children's Story . Hour will be conducted as usual next Saturday af ternoon at 4 o'clock in the commis-sioner-s room at the court house. The storv hour for the next several weeks will be under the supervision of the Community Club with Mrs. R. K. Camphell as chairman of the com mittee in charge. parity, with sever who were unable remainmii- to stani their last respects, the gallery which was colored people., was . , cres of them unabl the section ass.gneil the outside, 1 he higl il hund persons. gam entrance, lUtside and ;.i. One -ection of recerved for the riFo. filled. while to tind seats in them, waited on e.-teern ill which the community held Mr. Kay wa-, futhe,- evidenced by the. many heauti-j ful floial disign , .vhi h km b irked high on the alter ran and ''.'flowed the chancel ot the church. Scores of, cars formed the pioces 'ion. which took several minute- to nutii si I'iven noint. Members 'f the local Post of the American Legion of which the deceased was a valued -member handled all the traffic, along the I'm" of the procession from, the resi- .. ... ,Vw. . Imi-I. gn.l t rum the chuich to the cemetery. Priirtirallv every business house in the (it v suspended business during 'the hours of the funeral service, while I several closed for a half 'lay. mi; First .National tfanK cioseu ai. o'clock instead of its usual time in honor of Mr. Ray's memory and the schools cut off air recesses and rear ranged many periods in order that the teachers and purnls might attend the funeral. , . Members of the Board of Stewards of the Methodist church, "if which the deceased wasl chairman attended the funeral in the line of honorary paii- l All nmrilnvees of ( . L. Ray's Sons store attended tne .'rv..-e. in a body. Monday morning a group of Ray's friends, together with the con tractors and engineers who bt'an work on the Soco Gap Road, held a brief service before any men were al (Continued on page eight) Do-vian C Dills, aboul 21, West Can to i ii'llrg station operator, was at most instantly killed about J I o'cloc, Tuesday night when the cur he wa driving left 'he Jon itban Creek roa' and overturned. 1 he accident- mailt led about -12 miles north of Wayneu Villi', ' leonaid Sanford, also of Canton, w.a- riding with Dills, hut escape' with minor injuries-. Dr J L Rprvi's, county enronev. went Jo the scene oC the accident ami liter 'in investigation, said the. cas ... i i .. 1 1. iiiii., was one ol accideiiiai uetu.n- .'n. who was tilnncd beneath the car. re ceived a broken neck. R T Bovd. farmer, former chair mail of the hoard of county cnmmls. .cjonM and who lives about 300 yarn, from the scene of the accident, wa., -i t r tct'-d to the overturned car hv tht -le-im- of Sanford, who also w. pinned in the wreckage. a,ifon!. who received, minor CUu. i 1 in in iured left shoulder, was glv , tn-t aid tnatment and later take to iail pending an inve-'.igatior.. Sheritr J. A. Lowe stated that, Di , Ioiiik', two cases of whiskey-in. tht U ige o, tne ear The linuor va i 1 - . 11.4. 1.. Hied miciiliiiHHamj. , I'liin nl s, iv ices toi Dil's wi 1 bv Franklin today. 'irvived by his widow, v and his mother. Mrs. . H, .-ill. if (. anion.--- Ualeinh. Arlhui Francis, student ol the Vv a - nesville high school, v on first place i the Westerii orth ( Mroluia vo-a- tmnal .igiuiiltuie ikmg 1 last Friday afleriiooi, in ,vsuev o,e. Seven boys entered the eontcsl Voung'l lam-p pol. on I .jiuli ation of Taxes as arm L.diel Miasii.e ' llu, wa tlu siiii, P-" h that b. won tnst pi in Mil' l' u i Wednesday morning in ion with' three other bo.vs. ll. vv.nn.svilh l..v will .. pi 'sent Western North Carolina m the slate--vud. . out. st in Kab'uh n lime 1 as ' t,,l llu- dislint and .I thud .1- stit, lontest x ,U , i on. ol llu out I. .mini imti n- m t 1 lh"",'' ' , W D Smitb. diiector ol lh.' voi-.i- t ,,nl uo,k lui. i .miMOi.,1 I i .mi to A-lievtlle. mil racier -aid i'thn Vs. Ilarnev, 12, ' Buried in Elizabeth City Last rl hursday Son-ln-I-iw Ot Mi. nd Mi-. I'. Lee Was Well Known Her e. .1. M. P Id II. Agricultural Meet ing Will Be Held At Courthouse Monday - .. :..,,n ,1,-.j1 mot'i itif .will -he, .held at the courthouse Monday night ..I T 'JO for the purpose ol iniominig d.i familie- now reu.ving welfare aid, and others, the best method of plant ing and caring for crops this year. This- is an important meeting, and .: ,,-,..i i ..vnected to attend. Sieakers of the evening will in-Hu.b- V T. Sheltoii. Arthur Osborne, Hom.'r Htnry and W. I) Smith. The famous Soco Gap String band will be u'f.sent to furnish music. Central Elementary P- T. A. Will Meet Tuesday, April 4th Tne Parent Teacher- A-sociation of the Central Elementary school wiF vill meet Tuesday evening, np.ii At 7:30 o'clock. -:-.. V., tV, The program win De given o .n... fM four grades, and every parent is urged to be present. . half holiday will be given the K-ade having the most parents represented. Il-irney A'l. of Raleigh, who .die,. I at , alt.. lMd llospual in Vashiiigtoi. Thursday, were conducted at . -,;. o'elork Saturday iiiternoon ai hnst Kpis.onal ihur.h, ( it Bunal was mad. in h- Lpisiopal cem.t.'.V The .ve win ion ilu.t.d I.V the nam. ass.s ,, by 1'heodoii Patn.k, ,1'itorot the ( huuh of the (Jood Shepherd, Kaleigh. I-, VX1 Mi Haim v main, d U .. - i-,.,i,f,.r-(,f Mr. and Mrs. 1 1 rare i.e.-, o.. -- S 1 . l-i. - f 'his o'v fr, a, live i- wu. Root it (, John 1' M. adman, ( ail II.H John Hainan ami in. " " of Raleigh," and Jerome. I' lota. Han Creenlcaf and Harry Sheep, ot I !;- bcth ( itv The Ifst ol nonoia.y bearers comprised a number of pioro incnt fn.nds oi the ducased fiom different parts of the State. The seiviees were attended by .v ernor J ('. B. Khringhaus and a ho-t of -other friends and relatives. Besides his wife Mrs (.race Lee Harney, of Raleigh, he is survived by two small children, J. M. Harney. Jr., and Grace Heilig Harney; his moth er Mrs T. S. Harney, of Khzabeth :'... .. ,.:.f,.r Mrs Hattie Harney. .'r T.-i':....i..a u t'itv - Virother. W. Selby li l'jll.dUi:oi vii.j , v. Harney. of Norfolk; for cousins, Governor J. V. 11. f,nringnaus. iu.-s.-Mary Wysong, Mrs. Joseph P. Green leaf and Mrs. W. P. Duff. ,. tv,,. .-Ai.i-naKnl . was oorn in r,n-a- bi'th City, and during the war was with the intelligence department of the Navy. After the war he became connected with a bank in Norfolk, but for the past 12 years has been, assistant sec retary and treasurer of the North Carolina Home Insurance Company in Raleigh Mr. Hamev has spent much -time-in Waynesville and had made many friends while here. W. T. Lee attended the funeral, Mr. Knight. Prospects Bright For City Park In Very Near Future Hans Are I nderway To Develop (Juduer Property Into Community Park. Mr: It. If- Ntiotcher, rveiil! named ,-let i i-iii-oi .t lliii .on.iniiltee to mvcstl- i gate the possibility of erecting- a .eoni- iiiunilv bouse lor v nynesvi I ie ano llaelwiiod, announced yesterday that ohm, lor t he const ruct'oii ol a city pai k m :li.e near future were most en courai'iMg-, while -plans lor erecting a coniniiinitv house hail been- post poned I Negotiations have been un.lerua.v 'for some weeks with Mr. David Gudg 'er and Mr. K. W. Gudger owners, ot the lot just tins side ol the. come! cry en trance, and tormerly used as a goll driving range, as a site for the park. The owners ol the property are willing In donate to tin : 'on-munit.v the -property - provided the town oi community will return! tin. amount mill fur , t reef and navmg assi'ss- ments, an.i percent interest on this amount. V ileposit ol sl2i with th.' i-irst National Bank would give tb': .com-, munity the "privilege to Use the piop ..(,. not i 1 the first of January With ii option tit buy at that time. Be ween now and that, time, it was be ieveil that a numbe:- o! sporting -enu could be held at t he .pai k . and. ai e more than .-hough to o i- 'his ,iii. art. I o 1 a 'ht that i ' t t-or-si'. -hoe pit. thing juts - and -o.the. hi-e- -of amusement could be con--ti u ted. while sand pits swing- ami 'i,l ng b. aids . o i' 1 bi ' . I foi no i-iithhen. . - o permanent . -1 -i uctai i, , . j- Iv a- (o.h (te wall- i bui'd. ,g till I" p imitlt d .ii Md oi i . ' 'en' until bought by the coniiuurit v . .; il.,ii -r,i,. iiiiiierwav- to -ev i i a. interested persons hi ;' .to ao VV ite the anil gei woik-mo- park underway within tne next . few weeks, in order that the park will be r-omolete bv the- time: tne sum. nier visitors arrive, heie.. Call For Donations Of Shrubbery Made For Courthouse i ....ii i'.4u iton-ition ot snruocery I A iii' "ii iii. "" - ; . to be given for the courthouse lawn was nvidc Wednesday morning by a group of women representing uie women's organisations who. together wi'h the county commissioners, are having shrubbery planted this week at the courthouse- It vv.-- fiund that boxwoods, four f....t high were peeled, some Pfitzer Juniper, for mat planting, and ar bnvitae wa- needed at this time. Anvone having atiy of these snruos. h-inld ce in torch with any member i f th" board of commissioners, or Mr. Roth', who is supervising the work, the committee stated. Ii i II 41 ! i j.