n I THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 jy- , x ' ffiSHHi PRESBTTERIAN ! rV. K. P. Walker, pallor Sablfcthr School 9:45 a- m. I'reachinjr by the pastor 11 a. m. 7 00 p m The Christian Endeavor Midweek prayer service Wednes day evening at 7:30. METHODIST Rev. Wade Johnson, paster The Church School meets at 9:45, MornW Worship 11 gb worth League at o:lo. Evening ber VKlheL pastor will portray the dra IirJfc -vents of ".he last days of Jesus , .."vies of sermons beginning bun iiv nW, April 9th at 11:00 Vk k All evening services will be Lid v S o'clock except the Sunday Ivlmng service which will be held '''rhsennon subjects are as follows: . : ... oth. "God Needs 'J:lu.i- .-!' Vu " 11 a. m. "The (. rucitiers, V j. o'clock each evening: Monday: "Thou Too." Tuesday: "The Alarm Wednesday: "Spotted Hands. Thursday: "The Thief." j.-,.;,..,..-: "The Broken Heart, i- u-v Sunday. April Kith: ':! You Ahvav," 11 1 .v :il in-." 7::i0. C. Gilmore, chaplain at Oteen. The service will be that of Holy Commu- '.on. ' I he Three Hour Service held on Good Friday, April i.nnirifr at 12 o'clock. will be 14, be- FRASCIS COVR CHAl'RL Dr. R. P. Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will preach, at Francis Cove chapel Sunday. April yth a: 7:.'50 p. m. The public is cor di ;llv invited to attend. ADMlSlSTRAtOR'S OTHZ 30, 1917, and recorded in Book 49, i nun.. J'iU Rcnrrl nf IWrfa nf Hln. 1 Notice is hereby given all persons i wood County. j claims against -.he estate of I being also the s une tract ot lanci present 1 tioscriDeu in a cieen irum nooue oen- te e (unmarried l to J. r.. sentelle. dated November 17, 1917. and record- ::;o. George J. Burnette of (drecnsboro. who is Superintendent of the N. C. Antisaloon League, will -peak next Sunday at the following places at i.. ss meetings: 11 a. m. Clyde Baptist church. :i p. m. Canton Southern M. E, chinch. 7:Hu p. m. Vines Creek high school. The public is invited. Kvv. J. B. G rice of West Asheville Avii! -peak at the Waynesville court house Sunday afternoon a; u oeoek. The pubic is invited. On March the 31st Mr. 1. J. Brown, the senior Elder of the Presbyterian church, passed to his reward. He had iust rt ached his 75th birthday, having been over 40 years an officers of his church, serving first as deacon, and tv-. ,i :ii vwir an elder. Mr. Kiowii was a "good man and a Just;" and was greatly beloved in this community, where he had resided for more than one-halt century; nav ing moved to Waynesville about 1880 from Mecklenburg county. North Car. olina. He was reared in the Steel Creek community, near Charlotte, and belonged to a long line of Presbyte rian people. He was modest, letting others lead, but never failing tg stand for his convict ions; and was ever loyal to his church, always being found in I hU place at the hour of worship. He shall be greatly missed. We, the elders and deacons, desire to record our sense of great loss in the death of our beloved brother, Mr. 1 J. Brown. We would express to his family, his wife, his sons, his daugh ters, and others our sincere sympathy in this ! creavenii'iu ; and request the clerk of session to set apart a page mi the s, ,iinal records to his memory. havimr Ronnpr Rnv. dpepnspd. to them to the undersigned administra trix on or before April 1, UKl-l. or this notice will be pie ided in bar of their recovei v. MRS. MYRTLE RAY, Administiatrix of Bonner Ray, deceased. No. 45--Aprt-13-20-27-Mar. 4-11 FIRST BAPTIST R,-v. 11. W- Baucom, pastor Sunday school, l:4,". W. C Allen mnerintcndent. ' , , ir.-hiii- 1 1 :0 . o-.'iU all B. Y. 1', U.'s of church meet. 7 '.to evening worship. Mid-week prayer service , ::10 Wed nesday. .II ii Thus., who have nieces ot o.d golil , r .-liver i'l the form of rings, money, jiins. etc., win be yiveii another oppor tunity '.o contribute t hi m next Sunday puis. etc;, will oe given another nppoi-j morning. This offering is being mad' I l,y Bapti.-t churches all over the state and will be used to defray expenses. , FRViCRS AT CRACK 'K I'l SCO. I'AL CHURCH Sunday. Aoril 9, Palm Sunday. Will be conducted by Rev. Aubrey Bv order ot lie eh .lers and deacons .NOTICE 1 hereby give notice to the pub! that 1 will apply to the Govenmr i .North Carolina for a pardon ed in Book 49. page 4156, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to the uower of sale conferred upon me by virtue of a deed of trust executed by J. E. Sentelle and wife, Nannie Sentelle. dated May 25, 1928, and recorded in Book 2i, page 57. Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This tV; 24th day of March, HV,:!. or parole. and this notice is given that any one may protest against same that may desire to do so. Said application will be made at once. This the 2!Mh day of March, 1933. W. B. NOl.AND No. 44 Mar. 30 -Apr. ti. NOTICE OF SALE I'NDF.R DEEP OF FRIST a mm mm. u 3 mm VNXJ I m Dr.. Miles''' NERVINE Did the work" says Miss Ghvar WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT? Aftnf mnrn Ihnn llirno months of suflcring from a nervous ail ment, Miss Glivar used Dr. Miles' Nervine which gave her such splendid results that she wrote us an enthusiastic letter. If you suffer from ' Nerves." If iou lie awake wights, atari at sudden noises, tire easily, are cranky, blue and fidgety, your nerves are probably out of order. Quiet and relax them with the same medicine that did the work" for this Colorado girl. Whether your "Nerves" have troubled you for hours or for years, you'll find this time tested remedy effective. At Drug Stores 25c and $1.00. thi Wavnesville Baptist church next the Waynesvilll Baptnst church next Sunday' morning at eleven o'clock. Yoa art' invited to hear him. B. Y. P. U. will meet at l:30 and there will be no evening preaching urvicc but the congregation is in vite. to worship with the Methodist as they begin their meeting. a tribYtk TO BONNF.R 11 y .. I i Writl.il by William Tov!.e,.i j rut down in the prime of manhood 1 Ere his usefulness was ended Still, much good be bad accomplished For hi- whole career was Milendi 1. j 'A lien our country needed soldiers I To di feat a vandal horde He at once .obeyed the summons And his guii in battle roared. With tin enemy defeated Faded all the deadly strife He began to si r.vf his country Just as well, in ci u hvavs fair and squire, his dealings "Always fair and square," his creed. Many projects did he sponsor TV fulfill a civic need. As he battled for his country So he battled for his God, Now his mortal form lies sleeping Underneath the peaceful sod. Go and carve upon his tombstone ; So that all who pass may scan, "Here lies he whom all may vevci elite For he was a friend to .man." n ioin; session. Sunday, April j. it'o. H. P. WALKER. Pastor, . 11. ('. LINPSLEY, Clerk. CARP y THAKS We wish to expre-s our appreciation for the many kindnesses , shown us during '.lie illness ar.d death ol our wife and mother. line- ..lcl.eaii and F:.ul- ( an uu Toll One As (,ood'.' Read the Yarns Told llv I hose h Cun luted for the Championship Liar's leil:-l in The men-ari WeeKK, the Magaiiu- Hist i ilmted illi NeM Sun days Baltimore raerican. Itu it I rum iu r I 'au iite New sdealer or New shoj . Myths llie inicnl lielieed. Beautiful l'.:inting of the Rainbow Surile and the Bod ol Sleep b Ed mund Itulae. the Pist ingu i-In d Arl- R.uirmlnood in l ull ( oloi in I lie No. 4.-Mar. 0-Apr. G-iri-20. Trustee, tiiierie.-in Weekly .the Magazine Pis- trihultnl with Next Sundays Balti- nuirf American. Buy it Pom lour favorite Newsdealer or Newsboy. Written April l,19o. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALM El nd You'll Jump Out Bed in the Mornmii Rarin'-fo do xoTici: All persons will hereby take no tice that the partnership heretofore exisiting between Bonner Kay and .). W. Hay, under the tirm name and style of C. E. Kay's Sons, ha- heeii dissolved bv the death of Bonner Kay, and the said J. W. Kay has boeome '.be sole owner of the business formerly conducted by said partuorship. The said business will hereafter be con ducted bv J. W, Kay under the name anil style of C. E. Kay's Son-;, and the said J." W- Kay will hereafter be solely i-esponsible for all claims against said business. All persons now having claims against said former partner ship will present the same to .1. V. Key fur payment and all persons in .i i ... '...ill r.vi ivii.i. iisirt aersliii) will payment, s the ."eld to . day Apr. d-l W. IMv. ,f April. L; .i w. : X1! N'DKTH CAKOL1NA. HAYWOPP COUNTY. I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by K. B. Howell to the undersigned. Trustee, for the payment of certain money as in said deed of trust set forth, 1, will, on Monday the 2-lth day of April, lOoo, at Hb.'iO A. M. at the Court House door in the Town of Wavnesville. N. C. sell to i he hie-hest bidder for cash the fol lowing described property: Lying and he i in in Haywood County. N. I . in .l.m.-iili.-in ('reek townshin: Being Lot Nos. I!, I and ." of the P. A. Owen property in .Jonathan Creek township as surveyed and platted by K. V. .lust I.e. Suieor, oil the '.Ith day of January. l'.'L'i.', as shown on said map as iceolded ill Hook "I!" page "tV of maps of Ihuwoo.i County, N. C.. and I,..;,,.,. tl. ...in,.. I:in,l this day sold to the i.-r tv of the ir;-t pari by Eftie Pavi, and bu- band. I . M. Pavis and Hester Owen, and be:, lie part of the same land tba F.llie Pais and Hester Dwell receive,! unlet the will of P. A Owen, deceased. e. eotmir trom tile all ie described iract . ,d' land the fol lowing: -1 . itig and U ng in Jonathan l 'ieek township, adjoining the lands of W. I!. Bovd and others: Beginning on a .-lake the c : in uf W. P. Bovd an I ihe corner of Lots Nos. ;:, L and ,i of ihe P. A. Dwen property as siir ed by K. V. Justice as shown mi said map. as recorded in Book "P." page "D ol .Maps ol liaywooo i rain tv and runs S. fS-)." E. .r poles to a .take at foot ot lull ; t hem e .. JO- Ia F '21 poles to a stake in Sam Morrow s 1 . ... i i i : .. . . i. .. r..ll.,,. line; thence Willi ins one uie ioon.v- iug calls N. iiS-lo W . .. poles to a . 11... uvt i L'S-l!) V.. poles 'to a stake at Branch, N. 17-30 . i I XT i'l! 'III W W. 10 poles to a sialic,. ,, It; poles to a stake, X. -IS , is poles tu a stake, North -1 poles 10 a l-dM' S. Sli-la 'AV. 10 poles to a stake, North 12: West LI poles tu a stake corner of Hester Owen and, Mrs. F. M IV.-iv-is land: thence South -X West to ,.h.v I.. ii .stake on ton of ridge in W P. Bovd s line; line S. li.'f-o'l E. S.ltl! thence South oli-liO stake; thence South to the beginning. acres, more or less. y.,1,1 solo made nufsuaiit to the imv : . ..i. in sni.l deed of trust i' i ' n llouell to the undersigned -r nl . lined in a deed ol .u-t as' recorded in Hook b, page 211 i.. "..i- i i...i., ,,f Ti n ;t of Hay ueci o os i i . . , . . ... . i ,.....,.,(,. v "r Tlu- nndei signed I II 1 1 1 nuiii.i, . -- . . 1 ,11-tee' having been teipiesleil ny im holder f said notes -fi. sell said land I. ,(-.,,, I Viviii"- lee maoe XOTICI-: OF Rl.ECTlOX At a meeting of the Board of Al dermen and Mayor 'bf the Town of Hazelwood, held at the Town Hall, on .March 10th. the fo owing resolution was unanimously adopted: Pursuant to statute, an election will be held at the Town Hall, Tuesday. M.-iv '.'nil. 1 (l.'t.'t. foe the nnriiiKo of electing a Mayor and three Aldermen to serve tor a term ot two yeai J. B. Hoyle is hereby appointed Registrar, and W H. Snyder Mrs. Kenneth F NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Friday, April 14th, 1933, at 11:00 o'clock A. M.. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, the under signed trustees will sell at public ont ory to the highest bidder for ca.'h, the following described lands and premis es, lying and being in Haywood Coun ty, North Caixilina, and fully describ ed as follows: BEGINNING at u stake in the North side nf Buelah Avenue 150 feet from a stake which is li feet north of a white oak. corner of Wm. Herren's land and runs thence N. 10 degs. and 10' W. 1")0 feet to a stake; thence N. SS deg. 40' W. 140 feet to a stake; hence S. 1 deg. 10' E. 1j0 feet to a take in Beulah Avenue; thence with aid Avenue S. SS deg. w r,. uu jeec to the BEGINNING corner. described land 1 tile , ( 'mint .own o . Noiti url.l SllltS, and Pains Go Avty thence with hi 'poles to a st ake V t poles to a S least 17 poles ( ontaining 1 l'i' ; If you feel f.vur ml Mnk an-1 tl- sum and expcctlhem t" m..k . . u r yddetii, ,w,.,.t and buoyant and full .t t.um,lm. For thoy can't do it. Th-y lint 3 your liver. It should P".r out I 'Ids oAiquid bile into your bowel dl5 U this bile is not dowin" trci-ly, your f..";l ilo -sr 't diKtcst. It lUKt dc-aye in the b...-!--;, skin oft..n brcuks out in bl.-mn V u r h ' a.-h.' and you Uv.i aowo .. s.vsii-m is poisoned. . iT,.,,.c v i,en it comes to .making 'h' bill now imi. Put don't a,k lor t.vr'ipi!. Ask lor (arlo s ; , He Uvcr I'iils. I.cok fur the ;.; ,.; , ,ie Liver I'iU ; the rx U n' ii.!.titute.86ctatl Mures. I ' ll i ' c u ltei-aie in the ed i Thi payments fcjMM III ! 1 II . NOTIC I eemim". ,. l, t,.ff,.'r I'l-ien V i-..':- ij.il I .. : in s:- olton liiivf niaiiy ache,, , : . .on-.AW,e '. . Mioiea--r Me!' 1 ' ' I'". l!l , .. , ,' : , , , 1.1 I Nil ,,i,:,.'; oi !e s - ol.'ii! i.'m ' "M ' :. . tola r.i: .-'-1. n " ' ' s' ;-l! l'' ' '" thin h:.if- i- ' 1 i". "S'- I": :.-- N ' Talo 1 ', I - e 1 il ill 1 " ' 'I" :,;,'' ,1 t.ilie "f -t r..' SJ t 'i -te la ensra ' ..; I ' Oowii lu'ettii 'oii'l "Iil''-'l - '; W.,'l,,, l::i'.i fin. -el.' Ill soeli is. - Hull iVl-.lei - tn-Tl's' tlieii, o, . o .-n .!' -'I'l.'ins jni.i 'eiilo. tl,e niotil'ilv. " re - H .. ...isiir. I'Ai-lieri is sal.- ii ml v en:, - f-ollir for ivi.iliel, of ell WKej. 'I'l V Ut- t ru : t ill' am ith as set notes, day 'of t ; t forth in said M..r. ::o io (i March. HAVIS Trust" I'i-'jn. I'.i.'i: VDM1NISIU A IOK S Nl 1 1 B h Having qualilied as admin, si : at ; f: the .-tate of I'. V. Dot -em, deceas ed kUe "r Haywood fouilty. -Noi'1,1 i: .i.e. i t., ni.tii'v all nelson t liroillia, i.m "i " . ' f having claims against the e-tan ol .i... a ...,..! to exhibit t hem t i I lee ;';,!w..l ..t I'K-de North Carolina Ullin-i - . ,. l.ef'ori- the :ilil day ot am 'orguson are apitointei Judges, with Henry t'o as substi tute Judge.- Said Registrar is direct ed, after taking oath of otlice pre scribed by law, to proceed with the registration of voters. The said Judges and Registrar an directed to nrocoed with the holding of said election on the oate atoresanl, a provided' by the law. This the 17th day of March. IP.'ili. 1. M. Rlt'llFSON. Mavo B. STVKKEY, Clerk. No 1'J Mat. "J. ".-:!() Apr. NOTICE OF TKl'STEE'S SALE On Monday. Aim il 17. Itlo.'i. at 1 1 :0ll lock A M. at the courthouse eiooi in the town ol Wavnesville. avwooc County, North Carolina, I will sell public out -cry tu'tliw highest biddei for cash, t he follou ills ind premises, to wit : Lying and being i I laelw -nod, I lavwoo,! Carolina, and BEGINNING at a -lake on the We niarein o I rown Avenue. 100 leet North of the North margin of Geoi ma Avenue and runs thence with tn West niai-gin of Brown Avenue N. SJ tlO' E. 100 feet to a stake; thence with the line between Lots Nos '2 and '! N SI'" .10' W. 20a feet to a stake in tin eenlerof Railroad: thence with the enter of Railroad in a Sout herly di lei'tiiin 101 feet t,, a .stake, corner ol Lot No. I : I in- with t he line ot Lots Noie I and 2,'S. SI . :'!(' feet to the BFGIN.N NG. BEING the same tract of land con vcved to Rachel L. llnderwood I'V R. Mol-L'Mli et. id.' by deed dated Junt lath. I'.l'.'l'i. and .recorded in the olllc ol Register ol Heeds o Haywood Ciinntv.: North Carolina, in Book 7 1 page .Ml. BEING Lot No. 2. Block VII as pel Stnrcev and Alan of .1. N. Slioolbiei il.'ited' lleeeiiiber 'X2'2. and leeolded In l,iu lt,.,k "It". Indev (. . of sail ( 'nunt y and State. siil,. iiiMdi, imesii.iiil in. under am by wilue of the power of sale contain ell in lhal eerlaiii deed of t rust exe ,..t,.,l i,. l t; S' a me . Ti list ee. b IJ.-iehel I ' I 'iideruoud : and husband S. L, I'ndel w I, bearing date of ISth lav f AuL'iisC l-'.-i:'!l. and recorded in Book ol' I leeds of Ti u -t No. Ji'i. page 271, Olliee of the Register of Heeds of Haywood Coiinly, .North Carolina. In wbiVb said deed ol' t; u t and i-ee'ord references .is hereby majie for all the tei ins and stipulations of the saine. I'his the. I lib day of March, l'XV-1 VI G STA.MEY .Trustee No. :SK Mar. 2: Apr. LI NOTICE OF I IU S1EE S SAL h BELMi a part of the tract of land conveyed to R. . Lnsley IKaiph u. Enslev) liy iteed dated January i, 1PL';;, by J. R. Thomas and Uite. Jose phine Thomas and recorded m Book '.. uage llil liecord ol leeis ot na- wood County, N. C. Sale made pursuant to, under and bv virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed ot trust executed bv Kaipil vw r-nsie aim wife, Beulah Ensley, to Union 1 rust Company of Maryland. Baltimore Maryland, and Insurance Mortgage Bond Corporation ot North Carolina, Winston-Salem. North ( arolma. trus tees, bearing date ot l-eiouary lotn, 127, and recorded in Book ol Deeds of Trust No. 21, page 2i. t'luce oi the Register ot Deeds ot Haywood County. North Carolina, to which said deed of trilfl and record reference is hereby lations No. made for all ol the same. - the 11th day I'nion Trust Maryland, an gage Nort ii il Mar. term-- an, st ipu- d Mai ( "ompany of I Insured Mort- , h. Bond Corporation of Carolina, :;-:!()-Apr. -tec? NOTIC F TO ( KEDITOKS CLAIM in FILE IN A. T Tl- I ) ' Ml 1 I .All' '1 COl'NTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE MATTER OF i l i i.i..n BANK ev TRUST CO. W YNES- Yii.i.i:,- n. c. . ,, NO TICE is hereby given t Hat all plans for leopeiimg the ( lti.ells lailK iV.- Trust Company have iieen .iciiuuci.- abandoned, and if is necessary for creditors to present proof of claim at Waynesville, North Carolina, pursuant to the notice previously published, The time for tiling the said proof of claim has been extended to May la, llML Notices and blanks are being mailed to the creditors as fast as possible. This the lath dav of March, I'JXi. A. M. BURNS. JR. Liquidating- Agent of Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Waynes ville, N. C. Alar. Id Apr. 0.. Ni ;!ii NOTICE OF SALE 1)1- LAND I 'ndi i and b i i t ue coiil'erred by Deed of by Roe Smith and wit' dated the loth, day of el. f t he authority Trust executed . Doll ie Smit h, in t he ( llliee e II. iv wo I ! well I u naiiwf that lilt; r uuut is iicivwj.-!vr"- - because of recent changes made m the law by the Genera! Assembly, that the litinir of taxes has' been changed from the month ot April 10 me muuui of May. All persons having either real or personal property are required b law to list their taxes during the month oi May, CHARLES C. FRANCIS Tax Supervisor WOMEN: wafcfi your BOWELS What should women do! to keep then bowels moving freely? A l";'l(';' should know the answer. Hiat ivv.liy nurc Syrup I'epsm is so fjood. In women. It just suds their del-ee.u-'iraanism. It is the prescription ot ae old family doctor whr has trt-i.ti-; thousands of .women patients . aim . who made a spedd study i bovd troubles. , .... It is fine for children, ton. 1 !u- love its tiste Let tliei t h io u tvir time their tongues. .are coated ortneu skin .s sallow I)r Cd.hv. lls Svru,. Pepsin is made from fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other harm less infire.dicr.ts. . . , When jouyc a sick hnd irh. can't cat,, are bilious or slu.i?Kishi and at the timos wben you are inos qpt tr, be conslip del tiK l I III' f! this famous prescription-.. (ad -.rufe. stores keep it ready in bifidw Ubis) and you'll know wljy Or. Laid -eli s Syup Pepsin is the favorite laxative ol over a million women I March. aded in l'.i:il. or this notice will ni' p.' lar of their recovery, All iiei sons indebted fo said: estalt plea-e make payment iinmeniaie I'hi tin '-'-id Administrator . Dotson, decei '1 M ii day i . 1 .! I! sod. - A in ,f .March, lb: 1 1 N( 1 Es'ate of le ' Till the n :', ,i, ,'cloel. RSI) A N . (.in l Hon. in -.W'a.v-iii ! of" nubia 111 1 f the ReRi County. i':il. d 'h ie Noun on APRIL i D sville, auct ioi . 111,- to ,11 ni; J, I eter dell' l!l-l, 'ae :;tlil, ol Dei'iiy rson E, will, at fi i,,i, '. i:i,;;5 ' ilavuo.id ,rth Caito :li to laud i v : 1 1 u i ,vit : BEL 'e -II" elllle n , i ' ; ) 1 1 : i re h ol' l :..!-!! an 1 Lie l w ee n dei'iees a .take; n Mies E. '.I ,Hl de(.'rees a stake-in 111 o the a in hue ; N. SI to a n S: ti ML Or W. B. Uiowi u s SYRUP PEPSIM ADoctois Family Laxative nl,( I 01 1 1 l 1 1 I s (in Mondav, April '2 1, ' W-V... 3' i ve;i o'clock A. M. at the c.urt house door in the town of Waynesville. Haywood County. North Carolina, i. will sell at public outcry, to the hiuh est bidder for t-ish. the following lands and premises; . . ; Known a, th Beit v S,,iin(;s lia.t BF(;1NMN'; at a chestnut on he ;-ast side of the Beattv Snnnirs branch? thence runinnir South lO poles to a c'nestnuv oak at some flat rocks Southeast of the Beatty Sprii.Ks; thence West 127 poles to a chestnu'. on the side of the mountain, tiience North W .poles to a chestnut ink h. ue- I i-t li" pol. to the BI . (ilN'N'KI, conlaiiimK One Hundred (10(1) acre. more or less. Uoinj: th' sime land conveyed 'v V,' L Hilliai'd and Samuel L. I.ovn t, ; l) iv s on th 22nd d iv oi May, lS7fi: which deed: was registered in the ofnec of the .Register of Deed- 'f Haywood County, C, in liooh .. p-ifro 22!). etc. on the 2ath day t J-MiU iry, 1SS2. and conveyed bv V. - Davis and wife, to W . S. kinsland i I inuarv 2. 1SS5. which deed was tied in Book ' R p nr. 212, etc of Deeds of Havwood C ounty on same date. Teinir alo the seennd tract desenh e in ? deed from J. I. Crant and wife Mabel B. Grant, to J. E. Sen e1'e and Boone Sentelle. dated June On Monday. April 17, P.IM.i, at eleven o'clock a. m., at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Ilay ..I i 'i. I will sell to t he hiuhest 'oiilder for cash. at public -outcry. Hie I'ollo.vii.j, de seribed parcel or lot of land lyiiijc. and beitiir in Town ol Waynesville; RElilN'.NINi; oil the North side ol Maple Street, lot) feet from the corner of Clierrv and Maple St reels, and runs Id':." F. to Walnut .Street: thence N about K21";" W with vValnut ."street :,H feet to .1. A. 'Turner's line; thence with said .1. A. I inner s line S. h)s W la) feet to Maple Street; thenee with Maple Street S. X2'A' E. () feet to the P.EOLN.NLNli ; Beitiji- the same property described in a dee,) from VV. 11, .Jones .mil wile to the said .1. S. Jones and .1. E. Jones by deed dated the Xth day ol Novem-i,...- lot", mifl dnlv recorded ill the ..... ...r iv..' Ifeii-istpi- of Deeds of Havwood County in Book 1."), pajie Lib to which reference is hereby made; Ali-o liionir (he same DrnlK'ltV de -eribed in a deed from John E. Jones l ,-.. .d 1 In the said J. S. Jones i. .i.i .icit.wl Mureh o(). l'.)17. and dulv recorded in the nlhee of the Heir icf... ..r Deeds of Havwood County, N f in I .till k 45. -niiire 47, to which deed and record reference is hereby i., Beinir the same property described ;h . deed from S. II. Jones anil wile cnwC IV V. Phllhns bv deed d thi 1st d i of M iv l')21, and dulv recorded in the ofTiee of the Ret,' itt.-r of Deeds nf Havwood ( ounty in Book of Deeds No. , Pajre to which deed and record reference is hereby made. . Sale made pursuan): to the power of isjiIk eonferreel uimli my by deed of trust dated 2.'.rd day of June, 11)21, executed by P. V. Phillips and wife, Radiol Phillips, and recorded in Book of Heeds of Trust No. 11 page 1)7, Office' of Register of Detxis of Hay wood ( ounty, reierence to which is made for all the terms and condition - . i L . Street ; thence Balsam Street ute, W. ail fee HEINli Lot Crimball Park of .1. N. Sehoolbred, reconlen in .nap l'ook "B". Index ' Kecorii oi .naps of Havwood ( ounty, A.irtlr caionna. This sale: is made on account of de fault in payment, ol the mdepteiinoss eemed bv said Deed ot I rust. !-.. iir the Street, loll lea- t .nl el si'e an l Carolina i.e uith the- .' 22 and 2:!. s W. Li'.l feet s decrees, ob -take; thence I 1 ' Hit i li o I ilsam with saiil margin ol S K deitlees .'.HI inin- en 1 1 (.INNlNl. No 22 ni Block Nil ol . as tier survey and Plat Hal: Nort III Street lillls the Lots Nos tip' milllile in nee N. ' 'et to a :;(i miiiiite t'n Wi- - A five pcrcelt will be reeiuiied at. the sale.' This the 8th. day of i"7i;:t .IE1-l-'ERSON ... Sabstit ute l;it!.:;-:!0--..'A pt jsh deposit the. hii'ho-d bidder' i ) M; 1 -oh, ()W fi N J-tee Mar. 1)MINTS TK MORS NOIK Iv Having HUaliiied a. ailntihistiatol' of the estate of F. C Haynes, deceased of Clyde, X. C. All: ..pi-r-soiis'. .-having, claims attain-', -said., estate present them to the under.-igned: t Clyde, N. ki.f,.ie March t. l'JMl Or this their ns indebted to -aid estate, make payment at ..nee, . . . Haynes, T. llavr.es ' ' I'. (-. ilavms esuue. J-lti-2.!-"". April 0, . notice, will be pletuled in Da- recovery. All pers will please : W A Erecutor ol NO. 2S Mar. 2 l;lWMU. )11(L of the This -ame. the F NO -10 M i- i ' th dav of March. VXS GEO. U. WARD Trustee' 20 Apr. n-l'i. The undersigned navinj; ipjalincd as administratrix of tho estate '.of Joshua Fitzirerald, deceased, all jiersons hav ing claims against said: estate are . hereby notitied to jiresent duly sworn statements ot tno same to tne under- iimed on (iv before March 2., 1934, or this notice will be plea. ted in bar of ihe recovery thereoi. Any persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to hay the -amount- of said ii di'bf edness to the undersigned at one Ih' I. 2nd imv i Much, 19 1 Airs. Charlotte ritzgerab -Administratrix of Joshua, f ltzV aid, deceased. . . ' ' . X..' 27 Mar. t'-hjel-ff-Apv,