THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933 THE WAYS ESVILLE MOUNTAINEER t Fage V LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 MlzS QL'IXLAX IS TEA HOSTESS Honoring' Miss Louisa Thackstou, ; young daughter of Mr. Ira Thaek- j stou, who is a member uf iha grad- I ju ::..' c:as., et th Wayne -vide town- i --hipchi'id. Mi.s Bi'tf.'y Lane OuinUu, .;.-. ifd .i jrivup f v.inii girls a: I .ma! mi. r.iiec'.iw arr.-.HgtHK'ui6 ci tulips ami hU made a lovely senium for Uio ,i trair. 'l!u Kt included Mi:s Hosalyn ;L.v Miba Jean Morrison, Miis Gladys !:e.i- Mi A m y ( innsl'.v, Mis Jiy tVi.iti-w. ami Mi TiHie Kotk... METHODIST MISsKKXAEY SOCIE TY 'I O MEET SEX I WEEK The mnnV Mi.-. -denary Society of .Muho.liv. i-hut-ch will niL'i'i next 1 '.j l " al'U'i noon. May at ":'A i';ck al ih-- church. : i n MRS. iioWLES ESTER TUX air. and Mr-. M. H. l!owle t-nter-;.d .the iv.etnhers of the Centra) -iiif! lary M-heol faculty a:. a beau-.-' a!'y appointed luncheon oil Tuesday, A ielor motif of pink and green u.-L.l iii the decora: urns and party appointments. The table was cen red with a lovely how of mixed, ;,: :n-; il.-W'.'V- and Hanked with light, j ,i oiiik lapel's- ' i Overs were laid for the following': .us. Hi. den "riisoii. Airs. L. 15. Have-. Mrs. Hubert Liner. Mis. Franee- Kobe-son, Mis,. Mary Kuby :kv.-i .. dies i.c v Hai'tuld. and alisi Anna Dee Kii'kpatriek. .li.-. Carl liouiweli returned last eek from (duli'port, Mississippi, v, hi-iv she h s been visiting far the lux ; tit! ee wet ks. Ok, AXD MRS. LA.XCASTER ARE IOXORE'd AT ERIDOE in-, and Mr.. X. V. Lancaster, w:- . niai-iianv wa '-: an intuvsting . : four weeks agt, were mo:.t ;,H.;liU'uil.v honored mi eveuiutf a,:, n Jr. dunl Mr.-,- X. -M. .Meili'ori and Mr- and Ml . Lau: iston Hardin -ii. enteit. lined ,io:n:!y a. f.rUyv. at the- homo of the Adeol'ord i-dir the ecea-i' n a lovely arranue tnt at -of ; iiritiK ilower.s (ieeoi'aled th. home, idlaes and tulips were used i.a cany oul the -e dor "scheme of laven dar a fid yellow -which was further rioted in tin' s lad course served a'. ;h-.- conclusion ct the game-'. VVlK'ii the scores wer. 'added .A.U'ae--ive were awarded to the holii t.r.s of the high and low score and the winner of the consolation. The hosts pre onted a h indsonie lace luncheon , ; . to and -Mrs. Lancaster and' a i'l'vely ;;u est prize to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber. Jr. Tko,-e present incluilei! the gtioats of 'honor and Mr. and Mr.-'. M- II. Bowles, Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Lee, Jr.. Dr 21 Uyae bemors More Land Leased Receive Diplomas For Planting Bulb DEADLY IXFORMATIOX Two fanners nu-. or. the road aivi na!!..! a.. "Si. i'vt- e,.- .-i nui',. ivii'i S di-U inp-ev. What'd e irive that in i i v, urs. u hi n lie had it '."' I'LYOK. May 2. ( Special. I Twen- ; ". K. who recently leased ; "TurpeiKine. liiddap." ty-one students of ;iu I'lyiie hiph 1 :: "es ef lan.! in and r.r Way A w.eU ' .i.r they met again, -eluud recei ed diplomas at the grad-l ;"- f. v rhe nurpo-e nf plant!!): sti-eut ! "ay. Si. i gaw my mule lurupi u- i ;.r.,-. .i.ksv Mondav .light. The. ! '.',).('(. ''ladioku bul'.x. i lu-v,. mi- '" an.l it kd.e.i htm." TO RRY t1 0 a. ( a i C.uru'j-y of A--, vdle Cili .'lis- Klixa! v-th Marl;;v dauiditi r . f v',. :-.n ' d- . '. .-la . v y:;ose e" ;. ai.vli.ciii I .' i . j! : !''raa din !':.'. civ-. -.' :: ,i, .. .ml Ml -. I 'l . '. ' t I hie .lU.!Ma- :lc;'l edi. ata '.!!'.. I . V. ft L I d"l U'ed- Kir vt ' ..:i;e '. Mil- ,; J. vV.l 1 1 1 ! i " Mil J one. ,.n,l. 'Mk S I' (liiv. Dr. and Mrs. Rohfit Stretcher, Mrs, T. O,- Ikiyd. ,Mr, and Mrs-."'Hugh Massie, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long. Mr-. Roy Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ray. Miss lVtsey Lane Quinlan, Mi s Mary Kii'kpatriek. Miss Wihh Crawford, Mr. Clyde Ray. Jr., Mr. Alvih Ward, and , Mr. Bob flardin. . MUSIC (IJ'i: WILE (WSERYE A .! 77 " V .1 L XIVSIC W EEK Sunday. May 7- will initiate Music Week which will be observed nation ally. The Waynesville Music Club is ' jiliinning an observance of the week hy holding an open meeting Saturday, -May 13, at -3:30 p. m. in the Ccnu raunity .Club room. At . that time a oirefiil'v planned . program will bc presented to the gue?ts of the after noon. : ' - - LEGIOX A I X1LIARY TO MEET M OX DAY The ieguk'n monthly meeting of the American. Legion Auxiliary; will die hihi next Monday, evening, May 8 . at the .Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock. lUUTll AXXOUXCEMEXr Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor . of Hazelwood announce the birth of. a rkiughtir. Viola ;Mac,. on Monday, April 17. - ". ' ''.'. ' MRS: MITCHELL WILL BE D. A. R. HOSTESS The regular monthly meeting of the of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of Daughters of -the American. Revolu tion will be held next Wednesday af ternoon, May 10, at 3:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. R. H. Mitchell on Love Lane. Special attention is call ed to the fact that Mrs. Mitchell will be hostess for this meeting instead of J F. Abel. .,,,! Mis: R. V. Ilonnoll, of Kossuth, Mississippi, .have been guests of the latter's sister iurs. v . i'.,oiniui. and Mr. Smith this week. . They re turned to their home yesterday ac eompaned by Miss Bermce McEl--hannon and their son, Harold Honnoll, who has spent the winter With Mr. rand Mrs. Smith.. : ... , . . Mr. J. M. Newton, "who has been in the insurance business in Wayhesville for the past three and a half years, i.(i -,!..,. ,i.itV Viis inn. Mr. K. X. Newton, for Bluefield. Virgini.t where , he 'will' make his home in we lutu.. Mrs. Newton and Miss Cynthia New ton left Tuesday and will -join Mr. Newton in Bluefield after a brief visit to Dr. and Mrs- M. C. Newton in Nar rows, Virginia. Dr. "and Mrs. Newton spent Monday night here and motored to Narrows with Mrs. Newton ana Miss Newton. . . A. Mr. Zeb V, Ferguson offines.' Creek spent Monday in town on busine- V Mrs Mr COM.'IE XEYY ( i.l !: HOLDS .l.l ) .'... 1 l.t; . 1 . 1 1 1 1 : i ai-'t .'I'lV'-m Xk i'oiii'minii-.v club met in moii.hiy -e.-:-ion and wa ple.-idtd oer b .i.r-. lb n t V'.kilt. ll'.'1 pii'sidi n:. Ill tin report--c f i lie dr ii'ia! ie di -ai t f- t. a,. the i due:;', ional -department, Mr. Ik Ik !!-.!::,. and. iiicinlici:- ( the high -dui I w iii- t h -'iked for l heir splen dki 'c...n-'!'a': !'.. 1: ;i. vet.d t.) iJ-iNc- ... i;. ihe IH'W 'y ri",r-:'.i ' l)i-'.''ii'. (diamber a!' i .,i..'..-.. . .-tnil di -cu.--ii'ii i, I' ( he work hoi'jig acc.:ni)bsiH',i by i',. . uu : ri .'iii civU- organ !t ijnv. was held, li w ." al'.-o decided' do' gi've-8o toward ,!:.'. i rec'.ien of a .eat; way to- the town.' I .. I- .ank iiel1 '.be new trea-urer . . -'i' t he cemine; year was . : : ..dr.: . I by t he p'-csi-lciit ! ',: -i is: i : :oi .e-t ing mamiiT Airs. A. an r Mi nr ;:avc reAime ol' cu' r ; I : c , , i.; s f or t hi' pa -: iii -iii h. i n r .: .i - -: A i .-.' y'. i nialiy. ,-:ai ' county A v. ;. After whiid.i tlv .rogram we. inri'i ! ove. io Miss X. ncy Kil liau... chairman- i f music, w ho present ed thy following delightful pr.-'granv: Vocal solo, "A Spi'irit Klowerli" by Miss Mildred Crawford, accompanied by Mrs. Jo.-eph, Jolinson- ti'io l.itt!',' Dustman." by. Hazel Masie, M.vrtis and Kdith Baueom. accamr.aiiied by -Miss Charlotte Hatcher, violin solo. "Adoration" by Mrs. Richard Neely Bartier, Jr., accompanied bv Miss Charlot te Hatcher; ..-quartet, "In I'ic ;l rdi" by Mis Myrtis Martin. Miss 'i-ahth Baueom. Otis Massie an.l Kdwin Let 'at- accompanied liy Miss Hatcher; and a baritoiU' solo, "1 Love Life." by Mana Secca, accompanied by Miss Ii tdter. '"' " "; -' .'.'.... Daring the -i cial. l-oui' tea. cakes and :a :dwiohes were served by the hos-f.'-.sis of ti'.e afterneon. Mrs. Linwood 'I'.ahi. Mi-. Xo'oe! Carrett. and Mr-. T. I .: iioi (iwyn. ''. Ay. and Mrs, Ceoig'c Rush and daughter. Miss Krankie Rush, of M -i uachu-otts, and Miss Virginia 1'enland of Canton spent Friday with Mr. and Mr-. Caul Denton. Miss Marguerite Murphy left yes terday for . Hickory v here ..she will A(nd several weoks as the guest -of her gr : ndmothcr, Mr-. J. L. Murphy. '. T. A. COl'XC'L WILL MEET MONDAY The Waynpsville Townshii) i'arc-nt-Teacher Council will meet .Monday i v.idusi'. May S, at right o'c.liick at the county court houji- Mrs. C. S. Fi . :d of Canton, district, president of P. T. A. will bo the gue A speaker. I'll -iilent of the various l'arent Teacher unit? in the. township will give, reports of the 'work accomplished in the various sehoids during.the year 1932-33. .-'' "' Mrs. Doyle Alley, who repvesented the Parent-Teacher organizations at the State convention, will give a re port. . : . The public is corlially invited to attend this - meeting and the local units are urged to have present their ciTicers; committee chairmen, and as mailt Of the Parent-Teacher members as possible. This is the final meeting of the year and an interesting pro trn.m is being planned. "'"-. Mr, H A1. Ledbetter was here from Pigeon Saturday. Miss Louise Frye. va student., at Western Carolina Teachers College, spent last week-end at ba r k"mo here. inv.e -a a- tnven by the Rev. H. ! V ('. Frit mar., of the tTydt- j Me: hod is. Kp:scojal ehuie'i. S..;ith. j j the :; in,- ea: wa.- deliv- . :. . iv X. C:..i k. i;i-,ov af ! . . .e.i.i; -. viiu.-. h. S'.hi: h. j .':.'. - .V W..-.,. J , :..':: :v ' I.-l'i.wir.g adeu:-: ! ::'..!' Hi . n I 'avis. Chri- . ' : c. ;, . r.'.ary n; -.-. K te K i"s- j : ; .' !Vi: ';. l'a'.mer, j '... !s.;: Ik : k ' ,. A . m a Wines. I iV. I'dv. 1 11 : lie..'-! a, No- j ' V li.'g!'-:!. 1, '.a:"d .ce 1 l;ei'i ood. t ':. , .. X'-.-'i. I- ilil. I'ainu r. luirder! i'alten, Cii'iin A'a:i:e' ,l.::ucv Ku-h. : !a"e, A.aU ;. ee. and V. i l" : ne Wanvii; im- vem.i .:'. 1 e.: t'.a-ve hav.r.c be, n f..-. a' plained. ' a ' A'av. : eovesen,: i: A c .' :,.'. et -- . , ,- , . i : - h ; k.. ia-v 1 e e. e , CARD OF THAXKS U e wish to expross our appreci tion for the symnathv and kindness I houi: as during the illne-s and death !' ,a,. ue! ived mother, daughter, and .-is: Mrs. T. C. Breeding, and for the 'nau i.c! i!or 1 trihut.-. May God 1-e - c:u e. "lie of you. .ii . T. A. l.ov. ar. I Family. W a't- r Mail, n. e. ar-! l-.o.l.-y iiiee.i.rg. : -i.ii-: ,-.-,'.-1 .'. I 1 1 1 e i : ic-ir I ' -- in " 'i'l).!A'; ,N'.) id)YA'!"() i'l.mts el- th. . 1 i ,1 e i I taynesville Has Second Electrics! eu.. 4 a I e iliHIll it I OttlMMi ( ommissioners Met On ilcmdav I meet ;re Ab Ii! '.! . 1 1)11 - - edo'i lay u- iceukir : !'' d :.. ;';l ..:,'. -II i-l.t ,- 1 o b. li A .! or e, 1 1 -iU ' aa.mi'"- w ...'. s. v. a .;, a a i T. .'. r..thi'v. h'm ,'. i .... i i I v. lmna'd e, :in ty auditor toek Abcc. W. II. XVand, fiirmor . ainlilor. having been uelin . a'-, i ." :!.' 'or hold the e -;!! n ' , udi;o.r a-i'l also dolinqur:v ta i- dii ctiir r, i : ;'ne ta.s -ai'ei. e a-'...i-;ed. t He tfi-k of ivlUviing the I axes "a-'t due. m r OS TOES' AsSiHIATlOX TO MEET :. e id ' ' : -,!., Ie v. a . d !-v -i-c -' m ' ' he - ea - ,. . riuj.-u. A : ;i, ieb nf. i -1 . .: :be , .ie of M ii,!, iv a A ie a .': e.i:.. ,e,n;d -ha.p de.-l... ,.f n niu .i m'ii I'I'i rev . , 1 die-- ! ei e : ' i V- I ed A ! ae'- ie e'.. inrm. S.e.-ere la- i ii.-d. e . !a-bcd ;'ie . , . r I--;: ', .adiy Suiulay and Mondav . n.i !. ': in bind al U-t : ' dead and im-rp I ban 1 OHo injur--. I, iv.d 1 li.'.ei' of wu-.-kairc'iri rural Ark.: P. .;: .. I . ai-l .n.i and M isslvMiipi seen IS LIFE .ii j . - lur :u. . si-.' ('. ( t- i'nncjs, '":l',, ",: " Ve t:e:- ili.e U. i '. Ik :;. 2tc - -.. - - - - ---- - j A''' 7 ICAIlOX FOlt . '. ri; i I-: iv. e . , .us e o given L -at- I M f.,,-,,!-. x '.. no- . Hotels, i--'"-'-.' ! Comp:.:,- !! an! gene . ,:-2:. :he Suucriur ;,; . lio , .' . a , . . ;n,oi)0 l i'.i ! : . i . i , ViO- ne:;- l'r . . - ':i:i" ei-idine e. .eiieiiii a iav, Will i-i-e a: , r-. C . , ' . -am it '. i !u- tivei n.a' .' ,i i. ,ui-r x '.;' ee ei'-irr.' 1 1 i re fer e, p.ud,'!-. i ipii.e- k'.ib- ee: -, Abvr, Owens, .sii':' .id li iiioii ; -j ee.a:..:,,. 1 'a- K!e, ;,- Fqaip c'.j pi i-'.et.l iv, the sail I au-ii! t ::any. I . !!. A-e-d. !I2 u;' delay. I X'anlaba jJt:.-,:. .-.nriA ,. C. 2x i : i I I X A , :.;a..t 1 . V.i'',', ! ! i-'i'.A J:. ; i ' TRACTORS .1 a: Ii ib Th' Mayvoi I'uu'r.y Pastors' As- A.ViA'i x'. il1 nwl in regular monthly : a ai the i'1' d-- I; .ptihV church. "Mol her," -aid the fair oung t bing with a -impcr, "Mr. lliggup ha- ju'c po-ed." "I'm not siirriMSl a; that.' " oiibl v ni icccoi him'.'" "Why no':?" "Hut npither I've only known him two woi ks." :: Thar ax . 'i:a,x :!'bii, l:':,'k hy the j H . : ioiia'i !io-oi:a! Leai'd of Tru-tce-. a: ih, ceiii!ii:--ioiii-r'- room1 . it'necoiie; ilea e W ay no -v il le. North Carolina, lor l!a eonsu uei ion of '3 nur-e's home al '.he Haywood Coui ty l!o-pi!al in 'ayne- die, North t'eieiliil;. 1 tiA- J'ei' ihe general const rucl iun. : heating, plumbing, lighting vxdl be' t'lecixcd -eparatelx. The board re--erxc. tlie right to reject any and all bid.-. I Plans liny ho obtained from th ollice of Pr. .1. II. Smathci;,, of Way- I nesville A depo-dl of $10 00 will be renilired for each set of plans, -.niio to be refiiniled when plain, arc returned. I Thi- i he did day of May, K I I'l S Ml.l'.fl- We; ad take a liaiav. d.'a,'ii' '.l.-M.lav. Mav th. a; li' o'clock. A I'x c l,,v;i niarii.-d lo y.Hi lather tor ' lie.irnian ol hoard ,a I in-' V.; P. Me('"rncken. Secretary. ::o i-ar.'. and I don't halt knoix him " j No. bS - Max -1-11. Send $1 ,i,,-,h;"-t 5 111 .Hit Its Ol The Atiantic Monthly tkf ihv nnxs! of your lvtidip.p. lioiiis. Eniov the wil. ihv iilsom. ihe 'iHiii:mio!iship, Hip tharm th:il h:-s ni;wl ihv ATI. AN TIC, lor sovi'nl v-l'ivc i':ins, AmtM'it'a's most (jiioiod and most chorisht'd niasjaim'. SEN'i) SI nnenCohiug thi- ad) .1" Tho Atlanlic .'Mont lily S Ailiii"lon St. Huston IS thk better way WOM CX' who get into a weak, run down condition can hardly expect to he free from troublesome ".'.a. all uyipptonis," . .:':. , Vlu-!.o th6 .trolible. l9 ilue. to wemt-n-sS. - e-ardul helps woaifa to ,; -:t stronser aial thus makes It easier ll,r . na'are' to 'take, its orOerly ci:-.a:o; l'enAul, niiiring . s'-fnpt'imn '-i -ip-T).:-,i- as nourishment of tho WAy J ,i:.--:.-:'-TJ. . .."'" -. ;,, o.-rol of ilepen'tir.S en. tempcrary v.- ii, ''pais iiuKn the time of sulT'-v-I - - t ilcp CarOni to buil 1 up your n to womanly ailments. mwn ii A 1 IKSkaAlti'ilWinmMd 3 YOUR Give In Your IN MA Y Listing Begins May 1st TAX LISTERS Beaverdam Wade Hill Cataicochee Mrs. WA, Palmer Cecil Charlie Moody Clyde Carter Osborne Cr abtree Manson McElroy East Fork Willie Burnette Fines Creek Hiram Green Iron Dull Grady Davis Ivy Ilil 1 Mrs, S. L Queen Jonathan Medford Leatherwood Pigeon Bob Cathey Waynesville Chas C. Francis White Oak-Ben Wright All property owners and taxpayers in said townships are required to return to the List Taker for Taxation for the year 1933 all the Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the first day of April, or shall be required to give in then, All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are to list their polls during the same time. Al! persons who own property and fail to list it and all who are liable for a poll tax aiid fail to give themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor apd opon conviction fined or imprisoned. Tax Supervisor. 4 ewwiiii nnwiii.M