Has MorePaiJ-ln--iJvjnceSuls:ribjrsln HayuooJ County Than Ml i VcAi W'us papers Combined VOL. XLV NO. 25 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TM'RSDAY. MAY 2.'), HK5.5 WEAVER ELATED OVER PLANS TO (JET PARK OPEN Weawr Believes Roosevelt Is In Vavor of Early Comple tion Of Park H IXGTON. With President . V y. reported as being in sym ... ,A;',1 early completion of Great ,. Mountains National Park, iivt. Zebulon W favor Ue- ' 1 ,.a jK was jrrcatly encouraged over Vius.tv for acquiring with little '.';,v' addilwiial lands necessary to .. project an equal standing .,M national parks. ''! don't see any reason in the world w!v ' , i can no: complete the park '','".. Uitely under terms of the re . . -tat inn' act as interpreted by ',', 'L.v-. Director Douglas,"' Weaver ... . i !. . .''A'S AMEXDUEST : jtv .nw known today that Chair . Id. tighten during an executive i' the ways anil means com , yesterday offered an amend- ;,i the industrial recovery act " ,civ. the president authority to ;llUiM, lands for completion of the Iludget Director Douglas was '.. tae committee room and while of- ,-imr m- objection to the amend .,...,. tated that such authority as ;,;,.;n was already in the refores : -"on bill. He related a conversa ;; ,, with President Roosevelt on the ..i.bcct ye-terday morning. With 'his ;,'--uvamv from Douglas, Doughton althdrcw the amendment.. i; proseiitative Doughton said to ,,,v .hat 'from Mr. Douglas' con-uUuti.-.n I would judge that the I'm 'Mem is in sympathy with the .t :!':. t.r- complete the Croat Smoky Taik. 1 had votes suflirhnt to put it amendment in the hill. ! I '.'. I V h'.R is cosFKurssch; Weaver was in conferou'e today ,.:a park service officials and plans hold a conference witii Secretary hi Interior lckes tomori o. y i egard ing 'lie curing rf federal puicha;e ..( L.r.ds under the reforestation act :mve.-sar.Vv to complete the project. I'v,, -thirds of the park .veti having abbady been deeded to the govern a,..:,; by North Carolina and ..Ten-ac-c.'. the Western North Carolina : n -cntative said he would urge Sectary Ickes to take advantage of he opportunity to complete the park. !! --.i'd within the next week or two 1.; ai'a.y ask: delegations from North i at a.! in a and Tennessee to come to Wa 'iington to confer with proper . i. i : nnionta! officials:. eterans' Graves To Be Decorated With Flaffs 30th I deal I'cst 01 American Legion In I'lace 1 lays On (.raves Of eterans i- ' ' cal. post -of vhe A nieri aiu -l.C--.- liamiiing to ib cerate the -'". :- ot all World Var vc'tcrai;s a.i;: on Tuesday !iiornit;s; a'- -'click, .which i- th annu d - , " '-r.V J;e're. o.: .Mciimi Day. ' . in " :. ra;ii will be 'e ! w ith the ; n -of all stan.iir.:; at at.en-.-'.' .; . minute -and the solinding ! :. There will be no speaker for . a- iu:i.-' V i'.r.,i r members of the family or aiemb, rs of the' Legion Will ' pla.ee '',e r'-ags; - on. tire grave , without ; ',' i i i nvony. , it was announced y: ' 1 ay Massie, who is cair- ;' the committee and is be- - s: 's-b ted by W. D. Smith and Kob-'-i-v -Uib.on. . ; '- '' M '.Massie announced that if it was i . ' n g at 11 o'clock the . flags 'uia'd e placed on the graven any A ay, a . .. .j-.ned. ' a graves in Green Hill c:aueteiy "-.'.'' 'V cbrated are as follows: : i.l .-.:': vy Arrington. . - a-. . ). Burgin. V' ater Brown. :i.a De Lueia, ! :e Kr.g'.ehert. - ' " ' : ! D. r rancis. - ' a-. M. I rancis. :). am Franklm. ''us Jackson. Wilson Leopard, nurso. W . Latimer. ' ry C. Mehaffev. :Vr Howell Jle'i tiT.y. !'..! McGee. i henry Met lur?. 'Iowe.il McCracken. - I n M. .McLeod. ! yd P&yr.e. . I Palmer. Bonner . Ray. . J alter Ray. I 'd -I. Scatts. Louis Shulhofer. 1 o!. J. Howell Wav ( has. L. oodward Jo-eph Zard. (Continued on tiack page) Three Haywood Boys Absolved Of Bank Robben One Of Hoys Seriously (,'ut In Fight Is Improving At Hospita? (the new branch of Columbia I'rt:- ilollis Sutton. 22, of the . Dig Bond Kersity. recently cstubl.-hod n :!ie section of thu county, is recovering i ''- Lenoir idwyi plant a: ion. Dr. 1'. at the Haywood Couir.v Hospital j- Grounds, in cha me of tin- new cdu f or.i a serious knife wound which lm aUonal Inject, eiitei tamed Canton .ceeivod ' Alondav afternoon while 'l ,v,ta,ns ,wr ,PPivxtm;.tei :!0 mm- -.-.,.i; s;. ,,;!, -. ... . . , ... ' . ' ' ..nm-m,,,,,,,,! "c" r' c.nsa. victor siimii, ;o, iatner oi Vtrlin, is being held in the Buncombe! "Wo are establishing a laboratory caunty jail without boird charged !of science in this new educational wi.h the assault. jbiunch," declared Dr. Grounds during Sutton was returning to Waynes- the course of th- Uil-mimue address villi- from Asheville with Deputy i "and we are making .t permanent Sheriff W. A. Carver. Hartley Mc- teaching headquarters. 1 C.aha and Willie G monies whore the , lr. . Grounds said th it -.even stai- trio had been taken to be finger printed in connection with the in vestigation of the robbery of the Clyde Bank last month. The officials here do not have equipment for fin gerprinting, and the suspects were sen: to A-heville. After a compari son of the fingerprints by the Ashe ville authorities the three men were absolved of suspicion in the bank case and released. Soon after passing Knka, a tire on:,t.nJ 0',mt, Jowm here 7n- 'a period Deputy Mieritl Carvers ear went j . Wo m,lth stll h They will al llat and as he was pumping u up, a termite every two mi, nth- broughout car passed anil stopped ano.ut -Oil feet beyond where lie had parked, and Sutti.n went up to where the parked car had stopped. Carver said. "Ver di! Smith got Hut of the car and he and Sutton were talking back of the .Smith car. I did not p.,y any .atten tion to them, but went on fixing my tile until 1 beard some scull'Iiiig. and loiii.ing up 1 -aw the two engaged in i list tight, I start oil toward the boys w hen Victor ; Smith got out of the. ear and advanced to the .boys, i aw him -reach in his pocket and pull out his knife. 1 was running, trying I to get there. 1' called for .Victor not a i touch the Sutton boy, and then Sutton turned when he heard, me and Victor stuck the knife in Sutton's stomach." sl ftrZ i then called the Buncombe officers to come and get Smith, as the light took place in that county," Carver con tinued. Just why the boys were lighting is not exactly known, although it is believed to have started over the affi davit which Verlin Smith recently made and gave to detective J. d. O'.Malley. w hich lay . suspicion on Sut ton, MeGahu and Croomes in connect-1 lion with the Clyde bank .robbery. 1 ! Shei il)' Lowe aid. After Smith had made bis affidavit, M r. O'Malley .-waire out a warra nt for tile three hey.-., nil 1 ho ' strong! h ' "f j Smith's a!li,la it. and re'iUe-ti-d Slim - ill' Lowe to make the ai-re-t. The L.-o'ys wen- nut at home ' when the oilicials ealled., lint - word wai- left for them to eailie to ;a bl'iriiig at. H) e'ebak .Moiiilay. A 1 1 t h reo of t be l-,ys were here al Sheriff I. owe - latcd. The. three hoys 're.que'sied l.luii they In linger pi'inlod,. and' 'hi y ivny taken to Asheviile for . thi,; -puiaio-e. 'fh hearing was postponed pen-ii i.e.'y; . t he Stilt- 01 lit" llllgerp, '.O! I'lg ,e-i. Save tl:i: litigcrprin:. exp. r .its Ashe- j I'le said th',' iingevpi-.ints if the throe.. " a did nut l iaiiparc with-, t arie tthe llillk has: bcc'.B the ca-e again-1 dropped,'. SiiaialV the b- 1,-v.e stated. .-.'.. A hearing iku-. Victor Smil lb .will probaiily be "held when Sub m is hide to. attend. Belle Meade Play ground To Open On Thursday, June 1st Miss .Margaret Harris Is Wmnei In Name (ontest lor Rec reational Center From ' more than. 50. entrie.-. the judges selected the aname '"Belle Meade Playground'', for the winning! name of the recreational center now almost completed near the Country Clu'a Golf Course.. The winning name wp ubmitted by Mi-s Margaret Harris, who will receive a season ticket from the" management. The other prize winners were; Ara Stacv Wilburn. S2.."0 ; ilsio Snyder, S1.50; and J.AV, West. $1.00. Lach contestant entering a name will be given a complimentary ticket good for one of th first three days after opening on June first, Mr. Dicus announced. These tick.ts may be secured at the playground. In an advertisement- elsewhere in this paper- the features of the play ground are pet out. also the date of oprning on June first; C- K- Weatherbv will he in charge of the playground. The judges for the contest were Miss Mildred Crawford. Miss Ida Jean Brown, and Rev. Wade Johnson. COLLEGE CAMP PLANS RELATED Dr. F. (). Grounds Tolls Canton C lub Of l'lans In Address Explaining iii.ditab the iu:..m' et uie tiuring tne regular weekly meet - ;ing and luncheon m th ni'er.al hotel in Canton Thur IV atternoon at 1 lo.l. dents were on the plantation at pre cut und that by dune 1 approximate ly 7(1 students mostly women, would be taking courses then' 'n natural science and other courses v. tally im pel tani to life itself. AI! teaching- at the new branch will be conducted in a manner true-to-!ife. tile .-piaker told the Civ, tans. "Columbia L'niversity students will be coming into tins locality from lime to time during the Year. It is the veal "We ale not goiim to Mady -cieil-tilic farming on the inw tt.ral p ject as many peojde woti d Have you believe. Instead we are only gome into the agriculture-' busiue.-:- for our own student 'consumption ineiely as 'a .supplement to our urmviy h.iUi "It is atnu.-illg ti see Die I'e-iclioll of many of our northern and oa:-lei n ; t udei. .- w lien they inade tile -outh-land for the lirst time and jjet a glimpse of the sourtlieiii agvn ai It u i al sect ions," J)r. Ground lid. ..b.a 1 he;, ccustoiiied to will rapidly- l ei i yoarway- of fanning and living from the soil. Thi is a it d pait of life and i'. is Oui' nirpose to instiil thii 'spirit into the hearts of our students." Survey Of Extension ()n; v.'",,',ooti 1 it I I I I V I 1 II I l II i; II .VQwlfll l 4 l I 1 1 Ncciutv I nsurpiissed "A survey of II mi posed Jink' (if the So.- i ,,f th,, nro liap higl.wav i i oiu Soco Ida;) to I'll, I'oi, e wa in d -Saturday l.y. lb' S Mar b an 1. So o (la b. til, ai:- I 'lis party ..'-eniriu.-. is. 1 : way i hi th Din -t J, paik. I ! ;!.., init va lull I 'a ; t 1 j1, ;." as - j i'l'.. '.' C ;.,l:';i.v-. d:,.:""' I l ea. Slim . SM'CllIC .lint lie, ma -i-M yefl ie pond : -, . ;ili of .ti: 1 , lanang of ..'; i.ut"i', ' ', ..',.J di wb . wd! cv: Moiiu.- 1 ta li. :; in uat !i i !, a- .'-rie-.v 1:1 . is vomt.letc.i. i :Vet a'til cm -toilet i'i n 1: ah in ; liiik ;oi' tiie' hi'gii'.vay-.- f : o n 1..'. -li -... m i j'il) I fay "w 001! . , .omit y, to- S. :,' Ha.:' ' o'-gap t!le iiivtad' Ajii'tl: -ai'.d "the wold aa- 11,'i'n geiuig. -on at. .a lapa.l i.te'e (.'.' A. Kagland has tin- contiau-t fo ; ib- link of i-.,ad. .'..- i.l. S, Mill sh.' engineer' i n . eliariye h tile, survey. w:ho-e head.juarter.. .are- il Sviva. said that al!; the eurves on th- ! . I were slight. , "It w ! be -om. , ...1..... :, : . . . . - : t r -. I rt lieil u s eoiiipieie... -i I i ' I ' :!..- :. (,-, u .. 1 ,;r,,i . . ;, -V. ,- ,, , '"""'"'.. ' iluiiins, l.owa v Veacr, 7" Cent.-' tin lion, sa,d Mr.. Marsh. , display .of singh- delphinium. Low, Lerhap, the outstanding fca me. o j ,.v-We 'iveV, To , ents; hm - dis niav he. !.rop..-..l roa.Lis the loO '.";- fu!,:,. delphinium. Mr-a--J. M.' ' Lm-ig. tunne that may be bu.lt. At present. . ri,.,t display of On, nta! Mr. Maiash sanl, two routes have been (,ptk.s,.,;ow, v Weayef,".! ; line-i d.ia suryeyed in th0 yieinrty ot the pros- . f ' nnua ,,,,,,:,.-. y . - . I-:..,,-- ,c',ve uo ma o,,.- , a, i..e- o 1 eliminate the tunne', that. if the tunnel. a.sts too much. The. othei loute will include the tunnel. It ha: not been decided whether or not theie will be a tunnel. This, explained Mr. Marsh, will be left up to tne L. S. Huroau ol I'utilie lioads. Washing. ... . , ton. If it 5ees fit o eonst.ruet: .ytun- ilL'l. Lilt: lUlllil'l Will HL' 'UUIIL - 1 I II1' , . i , i I then th,. route wa); either go beiowiV;1 .a-v, "f momg rose or above the proposed tunnel site Reason I- or I unnel Th? tunnel, if built, will be in Jaak--on county. The plan of tne 'unnel was decided unon in order to preserve the natural beauty of the crest of the ridges lnm- ems f -enin tnd.o f--t " -.v" 1 1 he ncludc 1 in the oco Gap Had Oik i of the outstanding scenic, attractions j on tne route. 1 Soco lab's which will be within oO. feet of the mad when at is completed, according to tne plan as it is included in the sketching. . I'jactically ad of the proposed ex tension of Highway No. 2t'-'l is in (Continued on back page) Suncrest Company Refuses To Permit . Cams Tf. Be limit Mr. Stevens dives His Stand On Matter. I 'ark Commission Still Ose- S:;iM),0(() indications are that the propo-ed labo,. camp for Paul's tJap, neat Hlack I'anip Cap. wlriih i- about 11 miles from here, will not be built, ac- I cording to information given out here tliis week. . A. liradlev. unerintendent of t!ic company, had communications lrom Mr. A. .1. ,s-eans. president of the Suncrest Lumber Company, ex plaining the situation, aud Uia rea en !te wa-not willing to,- the gov i nunc::! !.- use tile Ian,!.- for labor camp. Mr. Dr.odey explained that tlie Saae i-: 1. iimbcr Company had gien aa iii'liim o.) tin ir t ract of land in tile park which coiisi-ls d' more than odtl ..cies, t.i" the park officials, and tli.it til: park com i.i ,s-ion hail paid SoOO dial which i -. -b.alf the pur- base price. the Suncrest l.u adu'r Company - id n., Ids tne deed Lie propel ty. I an . Meven-' take ;,': position tna'i if he permits the go. 'rniiient to u-e the land now. ,.nd ;,, . .aid . : i m ; i -. and : ad- en it i ha I: company will ,., e "' -seiiei! t !;c i 'aims on I be an I: a. I I be ei,' a i in i et S'UH.'.iain u , a, t lik ,'y be paid as o,mi a.- ; w.aild h i w ; a it wa- poaite out . M r. D radley stated I ha' VI r. Stev, .; .aid j Mat ! be ti . i i'i i'Icc::.:h aicc -boiil'l i e paid i; I'oie Ibe paik ,- aoiii.--ion i '' given n. e- i' '. ol ilia ; : 'yel'l y. Willi til it befo.-e fhe'll, ll seen::, bat iial ', , j he .pa- k c ,iniii is.-,!, n pay ' !!! .-linn . aio uia- It!1, . cent . .. t a 1 di eds I'oi- I he a ppi o i mat . ly .",.!,olhl aid'es, iliat 1:0 camp will lc 'aiilt at Paul's Ca,e Th,' camp a 1 fig ' '1 Mtlt w ail I v c u . tructial. it is -un.i-: taod. Of Soeo (iap Is Completed By Engineers annual flowek SHOW ATTENDED IY IXRVnK ( ROWD Weaver Is Winner Ol sweeps!;. ke l iie Al .show Here I uesdav I. wr Ma t ,a M; l:.i 1 1 r;, 1; ii fill- I ii-. ,; ,-i:b::'-.' ();;::; ma in in it t ee nil': Mia. I till l; MJs- A I ii e '.landau. Mr-.. I!a! Mi. . d: -.!. Lena. Mm W. ! . M r. ," Kay inoii I lhait. and ,.M r ( ;..., n. "fh" f.dl..v.:!ng t1"- !;! .' w nn," s : l-'iue-t e - ran : o'' I. M. Long. SI; - aoid !' I ia l!av, bo i-enl -; lini'st di-ada -, I. c "l;:e:.'''W: 'idlcge: S 1 ; . bc-t va-e ad peonies New l.'oih :.-, 50 leu':-. Mi I'etsy Lane, tjuinlaii. 'noaoiaiilo nu.-n tioti;. f:ne-t display of fiiNglovi a l.ow- 1 ""'.v. " "'-I- 11.-., ,:,,,. . . ,. , .4 ' .'"', ..... ,'"..i',". Wi:t,hiM-s. .",() cents ; .finest display of columbi lies,, fi rat , .M fss A 1 ice Will iam -. Si; second. Miss .lean e.-l. all cents: finest display of Sweet Williams. Miss Alice Quinlan. 50 cents; finest dis-pla -. nr 111 - Mf- Ft Q M ( i m n -I finest display of; pinks-; Mrs. Ixnoir t.wvni .i0 cents; Ime.-t display ot hy,;rii rc,,p, Ury Weaver, i?l ; fin (wvn4 50 cents; finest M Kmcst Withers. Taccrns: fme.-t di-pbiv ot red roses Lowrv Weaver. ;0 ee-it-a honorable mention. Mrs. Harden. How ell and Mrs. Rufus Siler. I-mest display of pink roses, Mrs. IL Q. McCracken, r' cents: finest dis play of miniature rock garden, first, cen t s ; finest display ,f pansie Mi ' t lit 1 i' )' in' , fmc li pia.v. of miniature rock . garutn. . firt 1-tiniy Siler. sec-ontl.. -Anna vain erine Coin. SI; miscell insous bo.U(Uet Lt.wrv Wtaver nrst. -SI; second- Mrs. J- M- Long. 50 cents; hanorab e mention. Mrs. Kufas Siler. Fm'.t ttuilv :n two coiors. one pre ( Continued on back page) Jack Messer Is Appointed County Superintendent Of Education On Wednesday New Motor Express Line Is Organized 15y Three Local Men Massie. lerynson and liradlev h Ilein Operation Ot Motor Kxpi'ess 1 o Atlanta soon I U . !.. Ma-i, . W. A. I'.iadley, ,ud 1'. V. 1'eri: u-ou. all 0!' this city, have I'oi iiLiI a motor epre-- company wbnb. w.M operate from Ashevillo lo Atlanta. Ike new corporation will I '.la w 11 ..s the Skvland Lxpret. j S ivici . Inc. I Mr. Ma-si, was named prc.-.ideltt " 1 tti 11c 1, ! manager of t lie 11 t in. , .. !aV .Mi I'erguson will serve in I up j c .paci y of 1 ratl'ic manager. The tk i : Of truck- to be Used on the route! k , e 1 1 -'. 11 bough! , and will urrive ; a' . ot li e .Mb of June. ! I a- a. w aim i not only coniposed . ' loea: 111c 11 a- ..wners, t,ui ! hey lo'.v. ' i , 1:1 lacd with llalt .ind Company.' ., , ai li'aii. lo build two of the bit; I t pe bo. Ill's I bat Will be Used Oil f tlic 1 oiite. I targe .auto I ractoia Will I i"' 11 i d to "pull t lie t ra ilei -. ''..... j All lime el I be men arc well; know In le. Mr. Mas- ie lia- li.., iniuy cal expeiiriiee 111 ibe tiaii-poilu t leii li, Id. I'oi' (011 it .'on ears le opeiaL'd the 1 ndepi'ndenl I .Vac li lanes in, I 1 i.,.,. oo. I,.. ,iiv:i ui..,l fit, Jack Kald.it: Molo,, Impress, w hid, also operat, 1., , , 1 t la til .1 . M r.'- Mas-tc wa-. located in Al la;;tal fur: sometime, bill for tile pas! lew month- litis been connected with Massie l-'urilil are '.Co, For tlo pr. -out .Mr. Mas-ie. w ill remain in Wayne-s ille, which will be lieadipiai' ters for the new lirni. Mr. l-'ergu-on has al-o had .luito a bit of esperieiice in the t ra n.-poi tation bu ine.ss. He was a slocn hol.h r in the Jack Kabbit Line until recently. He wa-. I'oinierlv' eoiuiec'.ed With the rili.elis Hank and Tru'. Company of this , ii. Mr. Lergusoit'.' head, jliai tel. will bo in Atlanta after 1 he line 1.-. .up. ll.'d I'i.r b'll ill.': which w ill be about J line oth. M ia tli adley w a form, a ! upei -iiit.-nd' HI of the SiiuereM Lumber I 'nniiaii' hero, and i la'W a pa rt ner i'll tin 111-..II. y-l i.a 1- Id a If! date and 1 11. 11 ra 1 i.-o bu 111. . . M :-. Ma 1 ;,':, I !ei day that : L lo w . p., 1 a: , ti i ,11 ,a'',a ta: ' :n:i l i e,,i., nt - , 1 ', 1. ' ;: u 1,0 A kao' ; nd A !'.. ill' end 'imp,- ha'v p,,:a; 1 i1- I ! en ,l . 1 il ( lll! Pl'tl 1- V. M. n- , -,.;' : ,.a !-.' hre i.ia.', !; S"d iid.1' ti: pie ' toi.li"' '.th' -t Ie d aiibii-e depait iaci,- in ' a- -A-tbiii-' of the ('itiz.-'ti- V. a, an Trust t',,, -.en- uaaed --ela!:.' ,e, . a ' fur 10 S.,;j; Xor'b '''.ti-ol iia closed ba-ik.a ibv Ililiai-,wi!l have eliarge of he lifpii ;at ion of the Central I tan ik ;ina Ti n. ! ,('",, A-tVvi!!e; r,i!tinore.nte. n P...! I.. and the Hani. o dbta A-'lu'--vi!.'. -ogetlier with e!n' .-1. ' i.,ai:l;. ai Weave rville, Flet her.. Sy !va. Aa, i. . : Murphy. Ib.bhin -vibe, this a ay OM For . an. Jlurn-vilha . Mi'. Lo ai- evp'cl- t. have nert the latt'r pa if of the: v..ek anal es tablish nil (.flice in the . ;ral Ibaildiag, A-heville, -" Junior Order To Elect Officers Next I ue-oav night. Mm- ail. a: k o'clock, the. local council of the Junior Order I lilted Anu riean Mechanics will elect officers for. the coining six month, it was announced yesterday. It is urged that every member be present. The entertainmen- committee has promised sonr: g'x.d string niusic for the occasion. GORDON HOTEL GETTING -A NEW ROOF PUT ON W orkmen started Wednesday morn ing in recovering the Gordon. Hotel. A crrw of 10 men were on th" Job The contract was let tn.T. C. Norn-.-local contractor. The job will bo fin ished in three days. Jack ."Messer Is I nanimmislv Kleeted lo Micceed Homer Henrv .1: Mes-.o-, -Js. wa- 1111 mimou-lv i leeted eouii' y sunerinieiidelit of ed ucation by the newly appointed1 board 1 f .ducat ion in a peci:;l meeting held here Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Messer, who i .1 native of I lay wood ' county and well known throughout tiie county will take etlice on June :50th. He will succeed ll.ouei Henry, who ha- li. !d the of :i.a el' iipei in endent for the pa-t : . ' years. 1 ( a, ard yesterday named Mrs. , :' A-bton Hyatt a" temporary el. rk. She will assume her duties on Jul, 1Mb, and will succeed Mrs. Sam IM ::. Tli. apiioiiitnient "I till, mi peri u t a lea; ye erday brought 10 a close 1'iic el the hardest fought campaigns ill ill" ,'oimly's history. There wore tiiie, c.iidi.lates seeking the olliee, ti 'l aa. li caiidid.it .- wa b. in" -up-t' 'V!. ' .. a aiVsta1' numaer 10 1 riends. Idle 1111 i.iieis of the boaid of edll cati,,::. K.. I'. Mes-er. cha i 1111 in, A r tlidi: iMii'iiii', und ll-onier Cagba were )siU'd by a delegation in bi'iiall' e1" the eaiididati's. who were Jack Me: , l loiiier Hen! v. and W, Tho-a lb , . . 'The boa id was scheduled lo meet at .'t'lll 011 Wednesday afternoon here, but it' was lalO before t h,.1 nii'inln'L, .;'",,l'l ;lua ; l ,'"ni ""' ''nds l , . oe . ,1 no o 10 ie woo e 1 e 111a i 1 fij; 1 fiei 1 final 'appeal t,- Ihein. Mr. Mes-er wa- borii and reared in ilaywi.nd. having lived at ( i;ib-trc- and a 1 Waynesville. He is I In son ol Mr, and Mr-. V. W. Messei-. . Mr. .Mes-e,. attended Haywood ln-.-litute at Clyde, and after.-', graduat ing: there he entered Ca i'-im -N'ewtnia ii College, at. Jetferson City, Tcnm, where he received his diploma. After eoniplcling his -tudie, a' ( ar oa , ,1:1 an lie wa.- iiani. ,i pi 111. a pal df the Koi k Hill school 011 Jona than's Crock. He- held .thai position for one year." and was lie n appointed di rector of al hletics and teacher in the S.vlva high -ehool. ; lie ha- been at that ebool for the pa.-l two year,. lit. lli'-H'i' j. married and ha- on, child. II,: h r alw ay.. 'al-.en a n in! .a ill .duration, and ha; alway. laken 1 -V ry advantage ! .i ep; I'.e' i ' ! el -'hel.L i'l I 111 , Mr Ileal' ah,. r.LiP b" I' i dent "ild i he !., ml ve d Hi al v 'I.' Mrs 'i hns. I " r ood Iiiri(4' lUji On Last Thuf 1 t- un. I'm!, r- 'ivna 1 lied, at. ...iwl f,,i,,,. o 1,... i i,, a,. I at the. lionie. of Jain.es Lad. Last Wavnesvibe Lhu t 1 d 'kilt i com, pastor bfthe .First Lai ! -aaaa--officiated. Uaria! v. a a -- !;;. ove ccmcu rv. .Lrfore' he;- ma: i-iage. a!ia . ' -Lade w o I i M ( i ( wood county. Suiviv atg are in band. Cha l ies , Cr.de rweodv .... James Lnder.vood. arid foil, children. Pallbearers were;. Paid l!a; Mark (,;.!! ..vay. Pen : Keih-v; '-! Ill i i i ! ill Mr-. Cn.i- rwo.. j ! ea: ;, . ,.! !b dav- befrtre her .death ;w!-;"i ;:aafion ,,f diseases, a -.- Ji: If- l y. ivou'd , a.; ' ite-:veuit!:i"t cLwti. ""' Iar as of o! s.iry ta. ruti