THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE SOCIE rY PAGE Society News Local Items o o o o Eleanor Bushnell, Editor Phone 137 1 pi U m M m W m m usy k-'A Wade John :av School 9:4. m. Sermon, m. Sermon. on, Paster. . ciasses lor Sunday: Three in One." Everybody is mo sr. (Cordially in vited to all all our services. i i.'m DLL AFFAIR: ST. JOHX'S CATHOLIC ('WAV. i; MISS LOIS CHVRCH IX TAIXS' 'THE lOl' !i eit New, -M. A. Rector Sunday, June lhth, , M. C hurch School. . . M Morning Prayer and ser--v'he Recor. Topic: "Personal visibility." verybody cordially invited. L I V;72 L HI AS Cll I RCU A hot Carohr emni R. P lit. Church Sermon 11 Mid-wei :iv S p. m. Visitors are 11 services of tiinoos weos i. shix;tox arriage of much interest to a f friends in Western North a and Washington war soi 1 on mat Wednesday afternoon in Washington. 1. I . when .miss ixns Briggs became the bride of Mr. George Tracv Hendry, Jr. of Black shear, Georgia. The announcement of the wedding came as a complete surprise to friends of Mrs. Hendry here. The bride is tie- daughter of Mrs. G. C. Briggs. She is a graduate ef the Woman's College of the Univer sity of North Carolina at Greensboro. Sinee graduating she has pursued at George Washing .'k:u, :g an rings, spa-in TA K A T HEl.LF MEADE ivities are taking place e Tea Room which alluring place for sot th utei ist a bi ldge party ernoi.ji each ivk y two evenings ea tir.-t bridge partv :.rnoon and til event. 1 tit announee iil be given id a dance l week, took place proved to be rooms were sum-were Mr. Satui'i Me: Brown of Clvde was here av cordially this church. HAZEL WG nt Snrn f Ian I Hurton league ot Y eaverville Miding Duke University Sum. chool at Lake Junaluska. l.vda Hall ami J Jonathan were ; i town last week. aimv moil; Sin - the M ". and Mrs. Angus Craft had as :heir guests at the Hotel Gordon last week-en, l Mr. anl Mrs. Jack I raft and Misses Louise and Nell Craft of West Palm Reach. Hernia. Mi P 5 m Walker, Pastor tchool 9:45 a. m. i, m 11 a. m. Christian inocwi v- - 1 raver service. vuues-1 .-' y- , . . , . ton university, tno ;auonai oiuuw invited to I of art and the C orcoran Art ..Vhoo! I of Washington, and during the anie time she studied portraiture and larutsicape painting with Hugene xi-rj eminent Washington painter. She is a young woman of charming personality and possesses a marked artistic talent, Kor the past year sne has conducted a dancing school m n'.,,..,.-,.;ih, I Mr llonilrv is the sun ot Dr. and (m r T II 1..,. . C Ul'iek- lurs. tietuge a. iieinii... shear. Georgia. He received his edu cation at the Georgia School ol Technology and since that time haj haj business connections in Atlanta and Washington. Mr and Mrs. Hendy will reside in Washington at Park Road, N- W. MRS. DICUS IUS "PARTY FOR DAUGHTER Mrs. J. P. Dtcus gave a pretty partv at her home in H ieiwoe-l last Wednesday afternoon for her little daughter, 'Meta. The .party vas n celebration, of Mela's ninth birthday anniversary. The guests ga h'Jied on the inw and were amused tliirmg l''ie iiftr,rnoin with various games. At the floss of a table was placed on the lawn and a (lain y ice course was served. A lovely birthday eako hold ing nine lighted pink caad)es lit Id central place bn the tablf and each gcest ycceivin f . ii favor. The guests gathered on the lawn and oree .'ind Rettv Jean and Maiy Lee Allt, lis Masie, liitt.v Ruigin, Jane Hudlev l-'rancis. Petty Latham, Hetty and Richard Hradley, Martha Dious. Doris Colkitt, Dortliy and Mildred Milner. Lenoir Mae Walker, Shirley Colkitt, F.lsie and Hobby Green, Hobby Colkitt. Merrill and Marv Joe Green. 'Gladys and Paul, Jr. Walker, Kdna Rathorinc McGce, Marude Katherine Jones ('orrinno Alley: Mary Lou Long, Ruthie Wag enfeld, and Patsy Hurgin. Over a neriod of lust a few years there has been more prograss made in Embalming and u Funeral Directing than SAl has probably been made . I . ..t . J-. : 1 heie has been much improvement in service tendered, not only to those directly served, but to the public by the prevention of the spread of disease. require- Wtot have been ele- Educatio-na nieiit vat ed for applicants for license to enter this profession. And in oilier to hope to keep abreast of all this pro we must continue ifoA ue many branch- 50' ' such as cienee i (Derm to -pel e of study i he Art and Embalming. . Mireervl. Case sis. Bacteriology, Chem istry. Sanitation, Df infection (in all it branches). Board of Health Rules, and last but not least, the Art and Science of Funeral Diiecting. ft. '':"nti,i as we ST, Set Analy- Sjfi 11- 6TAi W is m m I m Garrett Funeral Home rM Phone 1-V,r Main St aynesville, N. C. 'r Even though those whom we have been privileged to serve show a splendid appreciation of our efforts, the dif ferent items of modern equipment we use, and the many thoughtful features of our service, we know that we can not rest upon our achievements in the past and that we dare nut attempt to serve in the manner that such iKki'. wei e lendt 1 1 1 just a few years ago. We fully realize out new responsibilities and pledge ourselves to con tinue to strive to live up to the expectations of out: friends and to nue . to . improve Ives in the service have done in the Til i -. erday a a tie li glit ful : ttractivv with a profusion of nit" flowers, and eitrht table.; arranged for contract. Among those playing wort Mrs. Jerry Colkitt with Mrs. C. C. White, Mrs. Ren Colkitt and Mrs. William Shoolbred as her guests, Mrs. Wil turd Rav entertained Mrs. R. li. Pievost. Mrs. 1' rank Hodges and Mrs. Horace keener at one tabic. Mrs. Rnv ( anipbell had one table and her guests were Mrs. Graden l'eiguson, .Mis Tom Lee, and Mis R. L. Coin. Mrs Carol Pell. Mrs. Frank Bell. Mrs. K. W. Marr. and Mrs. Wilson Barron made up a table with Mrs. Carol Hell as hostess. Mrs. Hugh Massie h id as her guests Mrs. Ricliard Harbor Jr., Mrs. Lauriston Hardin, Jr... and Mi's. N. P. Lancaster. Oth er hostesses were Miss Margaret llva.t with Miss Marion McDowell, M'iss Miu'thi 7tringhld and M.iVs Gladys Dicus as guests, and Miss Alice Sti'ingtield who had as her guests Misses Martha and Mary Mock and Miss Sue Powell. High score prizes, which were donat ed throuirh the courtesy of Smith's Drui' store, were given at each table .mil a delightful sjti.ul course was served. 1 1 v-n-t it-;, nrra ration h:lVi also ' - . been made for the tirst square dance which will be given tonight. String nnuii' will lie furnished and no ad mission will be charged. Mrs. M. II. Howies is now in charge of the Tea Room with Wilda Crawford and Miss Mary Stringlield as assistants. i rs I'dav. is. J P. R were here fi ogers a oin Cra nd Davit t a- Mr. G as h, il. V erg us on busine n tf Fines Crt -s last week. Mr. Prank Davis ot Iron DutT wat W avin sville visitor las: week. Mr ome W. time H.Terrell here tn bu; of ine :ivdi s las spent week. AXESVILLi: (IlESTS AT TEND LUNCH EOS The following guests from Way- nesville were present at a luncheon given yesterday by Mrs. B. F. Col- burn, Gray Stone court, jhummuv Forest: Mrs. T. Ix;noir Gwyn, Miss Carolina. Alsteatter, Mrs. Rufus Siler, Miss Alice Quinlan, and Mis J. M. Long. . Mrs. Colburn is first state chair man of North Carolina' Needlework Guild and her guests included ofli cials in the organizations in this sec tion. Mrs. Gwyn is president of the Waynesville unit and Mrs. Long, Mrs. Siler, Miss Alsteatter, and Miss Quinlan are directors. . I U liool. ( I ts- . . JO)K Ol TISO the members of the Young Wom en's and Men's Classes of the Meth odist Sunday School had a delightful outing on last Sunday : afternoon at Hill Bradley's camp at Lake Logan. After an enjoyable afternoon of w:m ming a picnic supper was served out of doors. About fifty members of .the two classes were prc-etit for the party. U I). C 10 j:lERTI 10hY The United. Daughters of th,j Con federacy will entertain all Confeder ate Veterans at luncheon at the W. W. N. C. Cafe today. Mi W IS Ah MRS XORMAX A D MRS. I' A li lt Fli WILT EXTER TA IX AT , HRIDOE A 'charming social event of the unvniei' season will in- the brii.gtv party given' -'this .afternoon wMb M r -W. W Noriiiau. of (Iritlin, vl '.i'gia, and her daughter, Mrs. L chard l'tir!'er. Ji'.. as joint host e s at ' hv Hotel Wayni'sville. Quantities of Doio by IV ''k.n.-i io-es. (larkspur uml otlie.' sunimei faiwers will .be used t i deco.'ai.v : ha .,,,.1 ,'.,,, ... 1 ,-(' 1 1 1 -.!! linn- for the affair.' Contract will be ' piaytdj B'uost at six tables and at coucltnoon ,f fl,.. Tr-imes ni ic course will be 'served. Novel nri.cs will be pre;e:it- I . . , , i , C. :.r l.:.-l. .. ... I ed to trie noKieis in nih .mu scores. The mvited bridge guests are. Mrs. Hauv Hall, Mi- Robert S ut her, Mrs J. Harden Howell, Miss Hoistiy J ,ane Quinlan, Mrs. J. W. Seaver, Mrs T. Lenoir Gwyn, Mrs. 1' raneis Massie. Mrs. Alvin Ward, Mrs. ( levo land Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Lauriston Hardin. Miss Mary kirpatnek. Mrs. ( h.uhs Padgett, Mi- N M Mtdford, Mrs S P. Gav. Mrs. Wilson Barron, Mrs W'ilford Kay. Mrs. Tom Lee. Jr., Mis W G Wilkis f SjKa, Mt-. 1 Lee, Miss Mary S1 ringlieeld. Mrs. M. IL Htiwles, . Mis. Hugh Massie, Mrs. Jenv Colkit' Ml- R P. Pof.t, Mi Alice Quinlan.' Mrs- Grady Boyd. Miss Mary Quinlan, and Miss F.lcanof liushliell., Those invited t . join the group for tea are' Mrs. N. V. Lancaster, Mrs. Leon Killian, .Mrs. S. 11, Bushnell, Mrs. Joseph Johnson. Mrs, J. W. Reed, .Mrs, Floyd Kippetoe, Mrs. J. R. Mc Crackeen' anil Miss Dorothy Lane. Mr. 1-red Poncrav returned to Ins li,ini,i in .Ifihiisim ( itv. 'r'Tinpsei Fl"l- uav alter a several davs visit to ins iimt. Mrs. Jolin N.. Shoolbred, and M r. Shoolbred. Miss Marv W ood went to Asheville yesterday where she will spend sev eral dav as the guest ot Mis t ar- line Ward ami attend the Rhodo dendron Festival. Mr. Dick Whitlow, Jr. of Asheville spent lastl week-end with his parents at their homo on Pigeon street. Mrs. Horace Frost and Mrs. R. K. Wood, o! Ehzabethton, TenSiessei arrived 1 uesilav for a few days' visit to Mr. and Mrs. John N. Shoolbred Mrs Frost and Mrs. Wood with Mrs Shoolbred' and Mr. William Shoolbred are attending the Rhododendron Fe tival in Asheville this week. m m m Mrs. Carv Page anil infant son returned to their homo in Greensboro Saturday after a few days' visit to the former's mother, Mrs. Andrew Moore, at "Hillcrest." Mr. Jim Moore of W'elford, South Carolina -.was a week-end guest of his aunt, Mrs. Andrew Moore, at the home of Mrs. Mrs. R. H. Mitchell. Miss Helen Martin, who received a degree in dietit ies at Duke University Vast week. bus. returned for a few weeks' visit to her parents, M t and Mrs. E 1 Mi. Richard Hopple, of hurg, Honda, who make hi ir sunimer home in Waynesville, riivii Monday and are stopping at he Dunham House. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lynch and three j children, Martha Ellen. Elizabeth, and ,ku:b, arrived luesday t imhi their home in Henrietta to attend the wed ding ol Airs, i.ynen s sister, Am&S Elizabeth Martin. fhev are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Martin, Among the visitors here from abtree Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. .".or Mcl'racken. Messes. Claude ami Huher Crackeu of Crabtree were W ilif visitors Saturday. Mer iivnes- Iisses Klizaheth and Betty Rogers pent Saturday, shopping in Waynes ville. Mis. Charles Hard and children, little Miss Mary Vance and Master diaries, Jr., arrived Monday from their home in kllvna, Ohio to spend the summer with Mrs. Hard's par ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Abel. Mrs. S. C. Satterthwait and grand daughter. Miss Hester Ann Withers, letf vesterdav for a visit to rela tives in various northern cities. Tliev will go to Wilmington, Delaware, Landsdown, Reading, and Philadel phia, Pennsylvania, and Atlantic ( it v. New Jersey. ihan cmn Muiic ( CrOT A kKHI BuTrt MANS Mr. Thun Jack Price, the summer Junaluska. ;tou B. Price have arrived at their home and son, :o spend at Lnke Mm rt in. Miss Mary Adams Ward returned to her home in Asheville .Monday af ter spending several days here as the ot Miss Jewel Hipps. ri:iD(,F 'it'R hi 1 1 t lion i Th" nianagemeent iH'sville will sPoni mcit which Will b( gin on evening, July and ! i thr"iii;liou1 the .season, . All bridge pi rye rs are ,,ntl' 111,' ! 0 11 T nil' II t .'I -tl M EXT TO HI; WAWI S 1 1 I if the Hotel Way a bridge tourna- (lit be tl Ti n thi tin opening nrgiit. d at i later d Wednesday i eoirdtu'ted invited . to to lie pros- Rules will lie. Mr. and Mrs. C family of Asheville Mr. and Mrs P. L Tu day N Hensfin and were ' guests of lyfifl (in f t m 1 ' I - s t ir-iir urn iii I SEE YOU'RE SMOKING YES, MY ONLY REGRET IS I DIDN'T START YEARS AGO ! X (nii -Ctij&H GuhJIs CaSt&ea'tdli I' W7S7 II. V I'. TO Ml I T 'The Haywood. Baptist Association al Meeting of the Woman's Mission ary Union will be . held at the Fi rst .Baptist church, .Canton, on June 20, opening promptly at 10 o'clock. Talks bv Mi- Edni R Hirris, of Raleigh, and Mrs. J. R. Morgan, of Waynes ville, divisional superintendent, will feature the program, li is hoped .hat u i,',r'k"in ihn. .'Association- will be represented. . CAMlTa PART) T SI'RJ E MOXT Taking advantage of the warm weather a party of thirteen spent . a few days last week camping at Spruce-mont- " In the partv. were the follow ing: Mrs. W. F. Swavngim, Misses Tiosst,. : -ind larie Swavngnn. Miss Lorena Rogers. Mr. Albert Justice, and Mr Charles Brooks, all of Clyde; Mi-s Ruth RatchfT Mis P,(ll. Frank lin Mr. Howard Bryson, Mr. Rufus Ratcliff. Mr. Carl Ratcliff, and, Mr. :md Mrs- Hiram Campbell. Sydney Martin of Asheville a week-end guest of his parents, mid Mrs. K. P. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Ilenson, Jr. of (iastonia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Martin on Sunday. Mi was Mi , Marvin Conley of Charlotte a week-end guest of Mr. and Emery Martin. Mr erliie . P. L. Turbvfill and Miss Cath Martin attended the gradua- ion exercises of theMormor's grand daughter, Miss Mil red Tate, at A she- lie High School last Friday evening. Mi- riet, lb Minidav Louise; Rotha 1yd were A and hevi Miss Beatrice Denmark, Dean of W onien at Western Carolina Teachers College, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith for several days, left, last Thursday for Colum bia, South Carolina where she will be on the faculty of the University during tire summer months. Die, Henry of West .Asheville spent last week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. !!. Henrv. . -- S trCOD 'A , t -C-il LH J7" fAlRAND Sao Aft E A cleverly const meted essay on toods may sell one package, but t h e quality of the article it self and the manner in which it is sold and de livered are the salesmen that secure your contin ued patronage. The right eatables at right prices .1. C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice (Jroreries I'hone SS Main St. D-A-N-C-E HOTEL GORDON Saturday Evening, June 17 9 'til 12 Music By The CAROLINA TUNESMITHS Couple Cunard-Anchor Line chip's Orchestra Spectators 2.c t .)C Mi-. Hat le visitors Mr.. and Mrs. K. A. Rheim of Rani--eur were week-end guests of Mrs. Frank Welch at her home on Jlraniter avenue. Miss Katherine iMieiin. .who accompanied, her pareni s is remain iiVsr for: a nionth's visit . wif li Mrs. Welch. Nlrs. Arniaud Saiai'in and ehi who have been guests of Mr. and Frank Five, for several weeks. Monday for their home in M ,.Mr Ville" .and vvert M rs. fieoi we' k-end visitor. i it'll, Mrs. ltt rion. h- i town. Mr. W". B. Matthews returned , to 1'aris, Kentucky Monday afier spend ir.g tie wM'k-dni with his family ere. :- ' i. Mi I here on Campbell of iiness Satun .Maggie ay. was 'Hie Hroseculer Rrosecuted. Hy Dllicia Accused oi lilling Both. His I'arenls. Read I his Real-I.ile (nine Story in 'lhc American Weekly, the Magazine Distrihuf ed W it Ii Next Sun day s BM1IMORB AMKItI('N. Bu it from your favorite newshoy or newsdealer. cucci Mrs M G. Rtamcy returned to her home Friday after a week s . visit to Hieh Point. Greensboro, and Raleigh. During he visit she was the guest her siter3. Miss Ann? Albrigns High Point and Mrs. B. M. Sipr: in Rh also attended the com mencement exercises at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. Kodak Finishing All Kodak Sizes, :5c, Ic and 5c Per Print. When you have a reunion, a child's birthday parly, or any gathering let u.s make your photograph. Our only charge is for the photographs sold. SMOKY MOUNTAIN PHOTOS CO. at the Aiken Gift Shop - -31 AND... t I I Xtm-f" i, s Six? v !; II l and BJf94 50 for safety too, against dust, dirt, moisture, and abuse. Walls isolate food compart ment from hot kitchen. De frosting with no inconven ience or danger. Shelves that stay bright. Ice trays that lift out easily. See these, many other new fea tttres. See the. Majestic iVAisltCome in today. Massie Furniture Co. PHONE 33 f , T CI3 t WAYNESVILLE, N. C. V is. :.' fit v, -