THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1933 THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 r. SOCIETY PAGE Eleanor Bushnell, Editor ------- Phone 137 Society Local Items News 1 :VI, 1 u I rrliust: TOURNAMENT STARTS ' EXT WEDNESDAY -k77i interest is being aroused as t'ate approaches for the opening ''J bridpe tournament on Wedne 'evening. July 5, at the Hotel Wavnesville. special feature of the opening n a bridge dinner which will be . vi-1 at 0:00 p. m. to those making virions with Mrs. Grady Boyd. ' s-:i0 o'clock on the same even . - the series of games will begin, p". h ivntraet and auction plajcrs ' ike part in the tournament, . :.itH will wiifinue each Tuesday . through August 30. Those . to j raw for partners may do " pivot. These players will be ..r.i.V for high score prizes each iivrt: and total high score prizes . ! the -"fries. Others, who select jnitiieis for the entire tournament ,..mine:e lor nnrn score mazes uui itL M , i- .. .1... ivinil nvi7AC m r or me uenem vi "- other- who are not able to register cr 'he opening nign; a;iu who vtim tt, - !;tv in the toui'-.imeiu, another will be comU'etfd each 1-ivuy It -'.ir.i aU been anno'iueed .(. t contract lessons will be given .... 1' mlay evenings by Mrs. YV. W. v i .-i:im assisted by Mr. Hugh Sloan. I owlv and useful prizes have been . ...ateil bv the WaynesviUe mer-,tair- to be given each evening of tournament. On the closing date. August 30, the grand prizes will be warded. These will be a Eugene 'irmanent Wave, given by Jo Ann Utauty Shop, for the ladies and a . n .nge of oil in a car at the VTute Wav Service station for the men. To iir person having the highest score 3 a the series will be awarded a card I 'aU given by Massie Furniture Co. 1 Utiles governing the tournament I . re as follows: I 1. All games must be played at I il-tel Wavnesville. Scores -must be registered after game, also rubbers played. Twenty-four deals must be play t each table. I'layers must furnish own curds. Two scores must be kept at each if. .At close of 24 deals with a game i. ;;00 is counted, For unfinished ir.bfr or part games, count score as 7. Each table must abide by Cul irtson system as to revolks, penal- s. 1 hose wishing to pivot may do . but are eligible for high score iizes only. I hose planning to play are asked . notify Mrs. V. W.N'ormnn at the otel aynesville. All bridge players re invited to enter the tournament ml attend the parties each week. mi ws r;i awiyer. SARY TEA TODAY The tvtity fifth anniversary of i,v nn-nin7:itimi if tVip Wnmnn's (lull vill H tie observed this -afternoon with t tea at the home of Mrs. R. N. Haver- trom 4 to 6 o'clock. An invita ;on has been extended to members ! all women's clubs in- the city to .guests on the occasion. A-s,ting Mrs. Barber ill receiv v.z the guests will be all past presi lenvs of the Woman's Club. Special i.u-ie will feature the entertainment, VI' (LIU TO PRLSET MRS harder rx recital Of unusual interest .to .musicians music lovers i nthis city will be recital, sponsored by the avne.s- i!io .Music (lub, presenting tiiza- VAi.mon Uarlipr t'iilinwt. Al- h ne I!, t onibs, organist and baritone. ii J holma Brisendme, accompanist, even;- will tnk-fv nl.nce Fridav evening. July 28, at the Methodist h-urch. - Mi Rrfrimr ivVio is nn nccomtllished music ..inn t,? nfTrtlvlo1 n-taf nlejlSllVP . I1U.1 u.l f V, VI. ,1 f ------- W.u-nnc-illa aiilionnfta sinco her t. arrival hero in January and her pre sentation in a recital is being antic ipated with marked interest. Mr. Combs and Miss Brisendine are from Griffin, Georgia and are also iniislruinc r,f Tinp . The Music Club cordially invites the public to attend this recital. Vl( IC OX PIGEOX IS EXJOYA- r.I.E EYEXT Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt delight u!ly entertained the guests at the Piedmont Hotel last Friday evening ' ith a picnic supper on Pigeon River. Swimming featured the entertain mnit, after which the guests assem- le, about an open fire for supper. In the nartv were Mr. and Mrs. A Ti. Mauheim, of New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Buckman, of Cleveland, find Mrs. Jack Wildmnn, of Mobile. ...'..- - ., PIEDMONT REPORTS RECENT ARRIVALS New arrivals at the Piedmont Ho tel are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradham. of Charleston, S. C; Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Briggs, Jr., and Mrs. E. B. Briggs, Sr., of New Or leir.Si La.; Mrs. Eli Mustin and Miss Louise Mustin, of Augusta, Georgia,. -'- MISS SEMMES IS HOXOREE OF PARTY Ir. and Mrs. J.R. McCracken enter tained delightfully on Sunday even ing with a spaghetti supper, honoring their house guest. Miss Shelby Sem mes, of Chicago, Illinois. The affair was given at Belle Meade Tea Room. The guests present were Miss Semmes, Mr. and "Mrs. Richard Bar ber, Mrs. W. W. Norman, Miss Isabel Ferguson, Mr. Ben -Sloan, and Mr. James Ferguson. As Big As A f -US, - J;lJT V H f xf Is V 'rrf k.-ih i ll $ttwr I i A:A' vfjr.i - . t- tr i ay S IrW''f NN" if f j ' ' v .' fsai " , s Cybil's as big as a milk bottle, but in another few weeks he'll be drink ing a bottle of milk daily One of the premature infants nursed to luyilth and strength in the Infants Incubator which will be one of the exhibits at A century of Progress Exposition. The incubato!r is operated by l)i. .M. A. Couney. There is no charge for care of the infants, as public subscriptions support the institution. Mis -Isabel Ferguson, Miss Shelby Semmes. and Mr. Joe Johnson motored to Max Tatch Tuesday where they .pent the day and night as guests of Mr. .and Mrs. Flovd Ri-ppetoe. M.-, Siinn ( 'rawfoi'il and children. Harriet and Buddy, ol Dayton, Ohio, popular' summer residents of Waynes viUe. who are? in Chicago attending tho World's Fair, will arrive in a few (lavs to snend the summer at their cottage in Griniball Park, Food Has Played In George ill. Mr Cohan cuts his favorite chocolits .ClUe tor mtnbe-r of I'M Cast at One OJ mc aiier-iiirtiiniB -- Chocolate Cake Leads to Tale of Near Tragedy In Early Days By Mabel Love rt all thj ttorie which lave h-i.u wrlltea btoc.' C Gorge. M. C'-han were placed .n3 on cJ l-iicy ..nou.Ul probably ream irom o.iu Broadway to the otlier. Ha ba. tu me veroactlar of.,tho oewspapef world bn 'dote" frooi tery englsi thai is cicent one, end that angle -0i"irn3 a cbocolato. eaka. . eeaced In his drecsiag room, ..;i. Cohan bo recenily returned to tnc roatlUhU In "PU'conj aad .-Pccp.fc . t ctureat E-oadway fuccccs. rtonled Us intc-rvU-ver by reaching: Jalo eabinct and wiUulrawmg a -JeilOoas looKins cake, covered with thick ciioco.ato ic.ns. . A member of IU0 cast made it trom ono c Mrs. Cohan's faonto recipe lie eaia kuiiuii.-:- -crtat food and at one stage of ray Lf if I bad oaly reached for rorae Iblng like this-" and then camo a trand new Elory which reveald that early in his career Cohan was almost lost to tbe EaKo forever. It came about very-suddenly .and his doctors ere 1??,," anUl flnaUy one. vcraed in t , o v;ays ot the handsome young cuip tvdo bad danced and sung M-? the heart of a nation, rjU Pomt Mank Question to his patient. "George" he said, "how much have you been eating." And then i8beUtered eating all the' time doc. There's too much Milk Bottle Mr. R. R. Ferguson. Mr. C. and Mr. Blacke McCracke among the visitors here from (. Saturday. . . Mr. ( harles Roberts was lie Ml. Sterling Saturday. Among the visitors. m tow Cii'.btree . Stfturdav were GiadV Messer. Kay Best, Xoi ford, W. B, Best, ami il. C. M en. L Hill n were raid ree n from San cC rack- Important Role Cohan's Success v.-oik-to Mi iloae jious-1 JUre I Jis'. nort cf cat wnen ' iyet the ilnie. ar.d wiid) I dou'i. have . the time, i ynv Jou't est (ndJ.'n ail'- And to ibe doi-oj diacovere.. tiwJ tho t)ild a.uiool 1-ju her lesl lovtd bc.It bc&.iio ho iitofaliy starviiij; : dtuih, "I toci'c o terrible vi-rbai beatliii . -1 -...v i !f -:ii.1'.-t Iftirfl." tjd Co'iar.. "I ievor n b'jior Uat harmful tnregulntea Oitung coma lead to tuucrcalosls and sin'.e to I litve been a foe tit any dietary rvosram that calls lor ?Umiiiaus the necessary foods." Cohan l:nos the vaiu or "s"ccf snack" r.s an cnsvgiier aod on matinee days a repast n alwayt served bohind the Eccaes, Qno day ft vil'V bo-tea-and cookies, another time u.ilk and chocolaie cal-.e, rat a'ways Eomctbins v,h!ch mcKidca a gicrcua allotment cf cugar, rec ojfri'cd by science as nature greatest energy food. That was tho reason for the clioo date cake and with tho gracious permission or "Mrs. onau, j may try it yourself. Cohan Chocolate Cake '4 eup shortening 1 cup ugr ..- . IcJp milk cur-patry . 3 tsps. fcULg ,flcur.,,, ponder 'A tsp. 6Ut Crkm shortening; add sugar, a little at a time, beating until light! add beaten yolks and flavoring: add flour, slited with salt andbakuig powder alternately with milk. Told in stiffly beaten egg whites. BaM in throe greased layer cako paiJ in moderate oven at 375 degrees F. about 20 minutes. SpreacV filling thickly between layers an4C0ver top and sides with icing- Mr. Harry Sanders of Asheville spent Friday in the city. Mrs John I.. Ferguson of Jonathan spent Friday shopping m aynesville. ..- Mfss U. Dunn of Raleigh is spend ing a week at the Hotel aynesville. 1 Mr. I. 1. L. Smathers of Civile was here on business Saturday. Mrs. J. M. Davis, ol Crahtreo. spent Saturday chopping m aynesville. Mrs. J. . Patlon of Canton was a V:iynesvillo visitor Saturday. Mr. Hoy l'atton ot l anion was here on business Saturday. Mr. lien .lames of IraUtree spent Monday m the city. Mr, ( . K. l'raiieis ol l lyde was a W aynesviiU- visitor last week. A Mr. t harles H, MeCrary and Mr. Herman tiieen were aiming the visi tors here trom Fines I reck Friday. Miss Pauline Miller and Miss ihiyx rieklesimer, of Sylva, were week-end guests of .Mrs. Margaret Morrison. Mrs. Sara SmithMin and children of Asheville visited relatives In-re Sun day. Mr. an,l Mrs. F. .Messer, of ( rab tree were . W avne.sville visitors .Sat urday. Among the visitors in town Monday was Mr. Modford I .ejitherwood. of Jonathan. Messrs. .Ose-nr Kilts. ami ami Hurley Reno ol lieavordani wire Wavnesville visitors Monday, Mr. F. M. .Jackson ot Birmingham, Alabama is-pending the summer at his home at the Lake. Mr. ami Mrs. Doyle Alley had a heir guest last week end Mr. Marl -:x of Sylva. Mi- I ( R.. , n.) l I lia bi th and Mild.i-ed. Met raeken were A-hiville i itors Monday, -..-- .Mis. Ceore-e Ward ;ind Mrs. (i. I.lvlc Jones nl Asheville were Wav nesville visitors 'I ucsday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sa.pp. ,of St.. Augustine.- h lurid ; are among the leeent arrivals al the Dunham House. Mr (' M llicii left Tnesilav for ;i few days' business trip to Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Atkins Shackfonl returned to is home in ( harlotte Sunday alter a week's visit m the tit v. Mr. Jake ( Imate left Monday 1or Xiishville. I'( nnessee .'liter a. week's visit to Mr and Mrs: .lames Atknns. Mr. II. W. 'antes, of Huston, Mass., is spending several days at the Hvdel Lei- a i ne, - t. Mrs Robert (.innaer. of San Diego, Cahlornia. arriy.-d ..Monday ' tor a lew davs' visit to her niece. Mrs. 1. Lenoir Cwvn, and Mr. (Iwyn- t- ; Mrs. Jovepb .lohiison lelt Sunday lor Jialeigh where .-he will spend a week as .the guest of her daughter. Mrs. t ameron Reynolds, and Mr. Reynolds. . . . M-ri S J SehiillioCer. Miss Inez Heller. Mi-s Rosft. Strauss,, and Mr. Ivdwin Heller,' of Richmond. V irgmia arrived Monday, to spend the summer and arc guests at the Hotel W aynes viUe. ...- Mr and Mrs. Jack Messer,, Mr. and Mr W G litii-, and Mi arid Mr-. Doyle Alley composed a picnic and swimming on Pigeon lastl-'ii-da v eevnmg. Mrs Olive,. Stuhbs and Miss Kitty .Stub';)- arrived last week to. spend -he summer at their home at. Lake Juna- luska. - ..- Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Robeson of Pitt-burgh, P( nn-vK-an.a ai (r''c (d to arrive next Monday for a short visit with the former's; parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Robeson. SUPERSENSITIVE PANCHRO MATIC ROLL FILM Recently the Eastman Kodak Company sent u&, for trial, three rolls of their newest Kodak Film. Using it in an ordinary kodak, we got good snap shots on a cloudy day. This is much faster than the new speedy verachrome film and is sensitive to red anc yellow. It is just the film for mountain views and cloud effects. We Now Carry This Film In Stock. SMOKY MOUNTAIN PHOTOS CO. at the Aiken Gift Shop Mr. Charles Ray returned to (. ha pel Hill yesterday after a week-end visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. r. E. Ray. He will spend a week in (. ha pel Hill before returning with Mrs. Kay to make his home here nermanently. Kills and Horace Keener, Jr re turned Sunday from Knoxville, Ten nessee where they have been on a visit to their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. A. li. Keener. Rev. and Mrs. P. Y. Tucker, Miss Janic Pucker, and Mr. Harold linker, who spent several days here last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Stovall. returned to their home in Lineolnton Sunday. Miss Louise W mga'.e, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy, left Sunday lor her home m Chaiv lotto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hryan and children, Miss Hetty Jean and Jack, ot St He.-vilJo. arrived Friday and spent the week-end at the Hotel W aynesville. Phev are now residing at the kukpat-nc;; Apratmonts where they will spend- a month. Miss Louise Rot ha and Miss Har riet Boyd returned Saturday alter a several days' visit to t ho World' Fan in ( hicago. Dr. and Mrs O. T. Alexander left Monday tor Charlotte where they were called on account of the illness ot Mrs. Alexander's mother. w Miss Katlienne Rheini, ol Ramseiir. who has been the guest of Mrs. Frank Welch for two weeks, is spending this week in Asheville with Miss Lorraine Hand. Mrs. Robert Williams and son. Robert, of Beaumont, Texas have ar rived to spend the summer at their cottage at Balsam. .- Mr, and Mrs. W'. T.Lee left Monday for Raleigh where tliey will visit their daughter, .Mrs. Willis Smith, ami Mr. Smith. . Miss Virginia ( .rter lelt las: week lor Long Island, N. ' : lo spend some time as tho gue-t ol her aunl, Mrs. Albert A. Hooper, and Mr. Hooper. Miss Mai mrie M il chell of Akron, Ohm. who : pent several days at the Dunham House., is now a guest a! the home of Mr-; 11. .1. Sloan." Mrs. Andrew Moore has returned limn Lmville where she M'veial days Willi her daughter. Mrs. ( arv Page, at her sti miner, home. JOE. CAMELS ARE MILDER ARENT THEY? Y You can now get the COMPLETE LINE OF DIAMOND TIRES and TUBES AT THE SMOKY MOUNTAIN TIRE SHOP W. C. MESSER AND EARL MESSER ( WAVNESVILLE AT THE PEIDT E0II HELL ART SCHOOL TO HE HERE THIS SI MMER Announcement was made this week of the coming of the W'enonah Bell Art School to Wavnesville- The classes will begin July 2,5 and continue until September '2. Wenonah Bell, has acnieved a re markable ?ueces3 in art. She is a graduate ol Brenau College, studied art. tolarossi Academy opl'ine Arts, Paris; Columbia University Summer School; J' he Pennsylvania Academy of 1- int Arts Summer School. C hester springs. Penn., two .summers; one summer Hugh 11. Breckenridge Sum mer Art School; four years m the Pennsylvania Academy ol line Aits; one summer with Hans Hofman, of Munich, in his summer class at t apn, Italy. She is a member of several national art associations and has re cetved .several prizes in art exhibitions. Miss Bell's school had its origin m Bristol, Va. in the summer ot l(.i27. For the past few years she has con ducted a winter art school m ( oluua bus. Ceorgia- Art students who make their hum in W aynesville and those visiting for the summer months will take aiUan tage of the opportunity ot studying under Miss Bell. Those interested" in securing furth er information regarding Misi Bell's school here may call at The .Mountain. eer and read her art school Ustflet, jtfr$ Working by 1 h o ffi ;oli len Rule st'i-v- I'M . t . .. "' li'.4 iiS wo would DO ffS'J m (. i sorvod, pays us no ctr small part of our ii'iiumonition. 6fh 11 y:i Garrett &i Puneral Home 1-W Mam SI a lies i lie, N. C. '."V' k,4 YES, AND THEY HAVE A BETTER FLAVOR TOO! V VA' SPECIAL For a Short I mi:.' High :ie Mwi Moti.r ( i.l 10c For Quart mliiiMM 1r - JJ J. Ad i 1 'i hi :

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