I ' Page 4 THE WA NESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933 Society News SOCIETY PAGE Local Items o o Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - Phone 137 JOIST HOSTESSES UOSOR BRIDE Mrs C. J. Reece and Mrs. Guy Massie entertained with two lovely bridge parties this week honoring Mrs. Ralph Prevost, who prior to her recent marriage was Miss Dorothy lane- The parties were given at the home of Mrs. C. J. Keec on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. The rooms were thrown en' suite for the events and a colorful variety of mixed garden (lowers lent their charm to the setting. Mrs. Prevost was pie sented an attractive gift on each oc casion. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. R. H. Stretcher won high score prize ana Mis. Jerry Colkitt received the con solation gift. A delightful salad coui-e w 1- -uu'il at the cvr-' lusion of the games. Those playing were: Mrs. Provost, Mis. Collin Mclnnes, Mrs. Roy Camp bell. Mrs. Jerrv Colkitt, Mrs. Carol Hell, Mrs. S. P. Gay, Miss Martha Mock, Mrs. N. F. Lancaster. Mrs. William Shoolbred, Mrs. R. II. Stretch, er. Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr.. Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr.. Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mrs. Wilson Baron, Mrs. ('. (. White, Mrs. Fr ink Hell. M rs. R. L. Coin, Mrs. M. II Howies. Mrs. Francis Massie, Mrs T, Lenoir Gwyn. Mrs. Wilford Ray, Mrs. Alvin Ward, Mrs. A. II. Withers Mrs. W. T. Hannah, Mrs. F. R. Alley, Jr., and Mrs. Charles Radge: t. Jr. Miss Josephine Davis and Misses Mjiri'iierite and Marv Kmma Massie came in for tea. On Wednesday afternoon five tables were in play and the guests were Mis. Rahh Prevost. Mrs. Krfiest Witheis Mis W F Swift, Mrs R L. Prevost, Mrs. L. M. Rjeheson. Mrs, Cleveland Kirkpatrick, Mrs. N. M. Medford. Mrs. Charles Burgin, Mrs. Hen Colkitt, Mrs. G radon Ferguson, Mrs. J M. Long, Mrs. Wagenteld .Mrs. Charles Hard, Mrs. Hoy Francis, Mrs. M. II. Reeves, Mrs. J. W. Seaver. Mrs. Walter Taylor, Mrs. Allen Mc Lean. Mrs. Joe Graves, and Mrs. Hor ace Keener. MR. SHOOLBRED HAS AXXUAL SMOKER Mr. John N. Shoolbred celebrated the anniversary ot his birthday on last evening with his annual smoker at his home on Boundary street. . 31 r. shoolbred received his guests on the porch and in : the living rooms where tables were placed for bridge, set back, and other games. Mrs. Shool bred assisted her husband in receive ing his guests. Punch was served throughout the evening and as the concluding feature of the entertain ment an' ice course- was. served, ' Approximately 40 friends of the host were present for the delightful affair. DR. MIS A 1 HERI E PE ,l)M- TERTAIXS GUEST Mis Kathcrine Penland was hos tess at an enjoyable party last Sat urday evening, entertaining in honor of her guest, Miss Josephine Swarratt. of Salisbury at the Medford Farm. . The guests present Were: the hon oree and Misses Ruth Gossrtt. Ann. Jean, Bessie, and Mine Swavngnl Emily Smathers. Ruth Morean. Beu- lah Trantham, Fditli Snvder. Frankio Hughes, Messrs. Shirley Mooney. Simon Downs, Sam Fitzgerald, Hugh Rogers, Marshall Leatherwood, Harry Chambers. Howard Shook, Steve McCrackcn, Conway Pressley. Paul Downs, Jim Trinett, Ernest. Suttles, Paul Gosselt, Howard Brysm Claud Underwood. Lem Leonard". and' Mack -Miller. XXI) MRS. R. H. STRETCHER ARE PARTY HOSTS The Balsam Mountain Springs Hotel wa the scene of a brilliant so cial event on Monday evening when Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stretcher enter tame,! with a bridge dinner. The guests were seated at a beauti fully appointed table and Ernie-Kaye an(i their "Silver Slippers" furnished music. Dancing featured the enter tainment early in the evening and lat er bridge was played at nine tables. Alter the games scores were added and high score prizes awarded to Mrs, Hugh Massie and Mrs.C. J. Reece Mrs. Lauriston Hardin received the low score gift and Mrs. Ralph Pre vost, a recent bride, was presented 'an attractive guest prize. The guests present were: Mr. and Mi- J M Long, Mr and Mr,. L M. Richeson. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie, Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Gav, Mr. and Mrs. C. J Reece. Mr. and Mrs. G. 'W. Colkitt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr., Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prevost, Mr. anj Mrs. Tom Lee. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, Lauriston Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ward, Dr. and Mrs. Is'. I. Lancaster, Mrs Rolert Woodward, of Columbia, South ( arolina. Mr-. Wtlscon Baron, and Mr. and Mrs. I). D. Alley. MRS. BARBER IX RECITAL JULY TWENTY-EIGHT Music lovers ot the community are anticipating with great pleasure the recital, sponsored by the Waynesville Mush: Club, presenting Elizabeth Norman Barber, violinist, Addine B. ( ombs organist and baritone, and Thelma Brisendine, accommpanist, which will take place on the even ing of July 28, at the Methodist church. This will be the outstanding musical event of the season in Waynesville and a large attendance is expected to hear these artists. No admission will be charged. MRS BRIGGS HAS SUMMER G TESTS Among the recent arrivals at the home ol Mrs. G. C. Bngg. are: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morris, of Coving ton. Ky.; and Miss Stella Straus, of Savannah, Georgia; Mr. and Mrs. Fi nest I' lelds and Miss Marcia Joan r leius, ot rort :i nomas, hv.. will ar rive on Saturday for a several week' stay. MRS MRS. MASSIE TO HOSOR PREVOST Another delightful courtesy will be extended Mrs. Ralph Prevost this af ternoon when Mrs. Hugh Massie wili entertain at a bridge party at :er home on Haywood street. Tables will be in play in the living looms amid a colorful variety of sum mer flowers. A bridal motif will be noted in the decorations of the din ing room. The table will be covered with a handsome lace cover and cen tered with an exquisite bowl of mixed flowers in pastel shades. Mrs. Mas sie will present an attractive gilv to the guest of honor and prizes to the holder of high score and winner of th consolation. , , Following the games a salad course will be served. Mrs. Massie's guests will be: Mrs, Ralph Prevost, Mrs. S. 1'. Gay, Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, Miss-Margaret Hyatt, Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr., Mrs. Alvin Ward, Mis. C. J. Reece. Miss Helen Ray, Mrs. Collin Mclnnes. Mrs M. H, Bowles, Mrs. Woodson Jones, Mrs. Joe Doggett, of High Point, Misses Mary and Martha Mock, Mrs, I'taiicis Massie. Mrs. L. M. Richeson. .ves Long, .Mrs. A. II. W ithers, Miss Eleanor Bushnell. Tea s will be Mrs. Gi-ady Boyd and Josephine Davis. Mi in glh Mi VISITORS AT MAX PATCH Among the recent visitors at Max Patch Lodge are the following: Miss Helen Allen and Mynn Allen of New port, Tenn.; Mr. A. H. DuISreuil. of Biookline, M i, , Di anil Mt M S Doak, Miss Danese Doak, and Mr and Mis Charles La Rue, of Newport. Tenn.; Mr. D. F. Mullane. of Greens burg, Pa,; Mr. John K. Goodwin, of Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr T. H Lynch, ot Blue Jav. W. Va. : Mr. J. R Free man and Mr. M. R. Freeman, of Hart ford, Term.: Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Minis inil -Mrs. Ernest Minis, of Newport- Term.; Mrs. Carl Blackcock, of Seat tle, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Strickland, of Knoxville. Tenn : Mr. mil Mrs. Charles Rhyne, Mr L. G. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Pnrmf.r. Miss Nancy Parrott. Mr. Harrv E. Little, Miss Mary Easterly, Mr. E. S. Canawav. and Mr. n,i Mrs Knlwrt Suite, of Newport, Tenn.: Mr. T J. Houleban. ot Ashland, Ky. ; Mr A: J. Green. Clifton, Mass.; Mr. G F An derson, of Kobe, Japan; Mr. J F. Shields, of Newport, Tenn.; .Miss Alice Lame, of Langdale, Ala.; Mr. Ifaynes Gates, Mr. V alley Cates. and Miss Madge Gates, of Newport, Tenn. of the which .2$, at HoRsl soll iop.1 hi. 1 1 j XT WEEK An outstanding sport, event teason will he tlii? Horse Show Will be hfl( next Friday. Julv Belle .Meade Playground. Tracks are-'being constructed this Week for the event'. Expert riders, high jumpers, and hurdlers from Try on, Pinehurst, and Raleigh will take part in, the show. . Trophies Will lie per-er.u-,1 to the Winners in each .event. .''.""'. , . Riders from various camps in this vicinity have also been invited to take part in the show and this group will receive prizes. Music will be - furnished by Nick Laney and his orchestra - fronV Tin!.--, MR. AXD MRS. PRY A XT BRIDGE HOSTS .nr. aim lurs. uryant Smith en tertained at a delightful bridge party on last .ihursdav eveninc at. their home in Canton, honoring Mr. and Mis. Richard Barber, Jr.. of this citv. A. .11- - .a pietiy arrangement ol summer flowers decorated the rooms where four table, ..were placed for placing. High score . prizes went to Mrs. ( harles Hadgett, Jr. and Mr. Ben Sloan. The guests of honor also re ceived an attractive cift. A buffet upper was served .'alter the games and this was to ' owed hv i annnir. the guests present were:. Mr. nnd Mrs. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Francis Massie, .Mis. Charles Padgett, Jr.. Miss Adora Holtzclaw Miss Eleanor. Bushnell.. Mr. Fd Komfh. an,j Mr.. Ren Sloan, of Waynesville and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, Miss Jane Peck, Miss Helen Peckr. --and Mr. E, F. Mclntvre, of Canton .l I 1S RI PORTED AT I eUAIE Recent arrivals at the Hotel I.e- f aino have been reported as follow .vi r. and Mrs. Irving J. Thomas, of ( oio unit Gioe, F'a ; Mi- B W Casoti, , of New Orleans, La. ; Miss Malyina Allen, of Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. t. A. Ragland. Jr., of Louis burg ; Mr. W.D, Sink, of Roanoke, Va 'THA!.I,VALS REPORTED A T PIED. MOXT The recent arrivals at the Piedmont Hotel are as follows: .Mrs W. RA Mattox. Durham, N. 0. ; Miss I ucile Sougeron, of New Orleans, La.; Mrs M. A. Ilort and Mrs. A. Runck and son ot Fort Lauderdale. Fla : Mr John Cooper, Mis. Lillian Parker, and Miss Margaret Kimball, of Atlanta I. a.; Mr. Theo. M. Howell, of Mi.imi ria. :ur. Joe Koth, of New Orleans. La.; Miss Mary Louise Reitz and Miss Nancy Reitz, of Atlanta. Ga : Miss Gloria Hogan, of Miami, Fla.; Mr, M. H. Millican and Mr W. II. Eckford- t (i i eenville. Ga. ; and Mr. Allen Got.tschald't, of Atlanta. QUILT SHOW TO BE HELD XEXT WEEK annual ciuiit show, sponsored Woman's Club, will be held In ding- formerly occupied by the Dennt-lnienf : s5f-o nii A,,. ' -: -1 - - j . li nn two to seven P. 21. : looked forward to with not only by devotees ot t . making, but bv the general public. e no regular admission . The y the the hu .Mi.ssie s gust third tr The show i t' i n interest. he art 'of qui! henntv 1,ii,m There will University. IE 7.1 PLUS PL 1) V BRIDGE TOURXAMEXtT Much interest centers in the Bridge Tournament which ,is being conduct ed at the Hotel Wavnesville On Tuesday evening nine tables of contract were in plav. High -cores were held bv Mis R I Pl0vo,t and Mr. M. D. Katz. of Richmond.- Vir ginia. Mi- PieotV pii7e va- a ineai given oy the. W. W C ano iir. Katz received a cake the Homo Grocery Co MMLR VISITORS AT ' P. I IK BOXXIE" Sumnie,: visitors at "Blink Bonnie." the home of .Mrs. R. J. Sloan, are Miss Mariorie Mitchell and Mr. Don Shank, of Akron, Ohio; Miss Mar garet Rabitte, of New York. City ; Col. F. E, Ilickson, of Cincinnati," Ohio ; Mrs. Isabel Rice, of Worce-ter. Mass.; M ,-. and M rs. Frank E. Johnston aiid Mr. , and Mrs. Hubert Hodges and son, of Savannah, Ga, amount will be .,1-.., ....... . 1 ' .1 . -.ii.we, i.ui i lie seiecnon ot nrizo win. ninu' miilts will be In- and only, those making a contribution of ton cents or more will be entitled to vote '-.-'." 1 riz'es Will be in cash the be dote! mined later, and awarded for the following-. Prettiest old quilt. . . Prettiest new quilt. Prettiest, old top. .. 'Prettiest new fop. Prettiest old spread. All . entries must be in' the build ing, by eleven A. M. SOCIAL EVEXTS TAKE PLACE AT BELLE MEADE Among the parties noted at Belle Meade Tea Room last week was beautifully appointed bridge dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bowles honoring Mrs. Hugh Massie on the anniversary of her birthday Wedne dav evening. Bridge was played at two tables and high score prizes went to Mrs. Allen McLean and Mr. Wilford Ray. Mrs. Massie received a lovely iruest prize. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie. Mrs. Allen McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ray, Mr. and Mrs Frank Hodges, anil Mr. Wal lace Blackwell. On last Friday afternoon Mrs. V. H. Duckott of Canton, assembled a group of friends for bridge. Her guests were all from Canton and were as follows: Mrs. A. H. Anderson, Mis- Muriel Johnson, Mrs H. S. Stark, ev, Mrs. John R. Murphy. Mrs. C.H. Fskendge, Mrs. Robert Liner, and Mrs. A. P. Cline. On Tuesday evening a large crowd assembled to see the square dance contest staged between Sam Queen and his Soco Gap dance team and the Indian Reservation. The Soco Gap t( in wa unanimousy declared win ner by the judges. Ol unusual interest yesterday af ternoon was the fashion show spon sored by the Collegiate Shop, of Bella Meade. Riding togs, sport dresses, and bathing suits were modeled by the following: Misses Adora Holtz claw, Virginia Campbell, May Craw ford. Elsie Smathers. Perry, Josephine ( abe, Josephine Davis, Louise String held. Susie Fisher, and Mrs. Brown of ( harlotte. Little Miss Hilda Way also modeled riding clothes , and gave a tap dance. Snecial music was furnished for the event and punch was served to the spectators. This evening the Square Dance Club will meet for the weeklv danc MISS WOOD TO HAVE PARTY TODAY Miss Mary Wood, of Elizabethton Tennessee, who is spending the sum nier with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Shoolbred. will entertain a number of her young friends this af ternoon at an attractive bunco party at Uelle Meade lea Room. The games Will be played at four tables and an attractive prize will be presented to the Winner of high score. After the games a refreshing salad course will he served. '1 hose invited are: Miss Barbara Haviland, Miss Anna Kathcrine Coin, AI is Alary Snyder, Miss Pauline Bluk Miss Fmily Silel, Miss Hazel tine Swift, Miss Conine Wagenfeld, iviiss Martha Wav. Miss Marv W e Rotha, Miss Jane W hite. Miss Thom- asme Stringheld. Miss Caroline Ward, of Asheville. Miss Louise Stringfield, and Misses Lois and Margaret Dicus. MISS ILSO WEDS MR. RAG LAXD IX LOUISBURG The following account will interest friends in Waynesville: Louisburg, July 17. The wedding of Miss Sue Wilson Egerton to Mr. Chester Arthur Ragland, both of Loinsourg, was quietly and impres sively solemnized at the Edenton Street Methodist church, Raleigh, on Saturday morning July 15th. at 10:00 clock, in the presence of a few merri hers of the families and friends. Rev Eugene C . Few, pastor, .officiated. The bride wore a navv suit with blue accessories and carried a cor- age of Briarcliff Roses and Swvin onia. Mrs. Raglan. 1 is the popular and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Blount Egerton, or Louis burgh. She attended school at Louis burgh College where she was very popular among the musical circles and also held a membership in th Kappa Delta Phi Sorority. Mr. Ragland is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ragland, of Louis burgh, and is a graduate of the River, side Military Academy in Georgia and a student at the University of North Carolina. The couple enjoyed a trip to the western part of North Carolina, and will make their home at Waynesville, where Mr. Ragland holds a" position with his father in a road construction project. Mr. pent Creed Fridav Welch in town. of Iron Duff Miss Mary Quinlan and Mr. Fre Ferguson, who attended the 12th ar nu-al Welfare Institute given u:i the auspices of the State Board p Charities and Public Welfare of :h University of North Carolina and th Government Office of Relief, jn Chan el Hill for the past month, return? to their homes last week and have re sumed their positions in the Welfar Department of Haywood county. Miss May Crawford, who is a me;,; ber of the senior class at Sarga:. School of Physical Education. BJ:t,.,, University, in Boston, Massachus.'tt; arrived last week to spend the sun nier with her mother, Mrs. W. 1 Crawford. Miss Crawford came her from Chicago where she attended th World Fair with several of her clas-. mates. W. HOWEN HENDERSON Certified Public Accountant Crane Uuildinjjf Asheville, N. C Visit Unusual Mountain Meadows Inn ON YOUR NEXT TRIP TO ASHEVILLE DINNER DANCING Each Saturday night 7 o'clock until 12 with the Carolina Buc caneers furnishing the music. . . $J per couple including dinner. RATES American Plan S2. to S.J.I Single $45 to 65 Double UNDER MANAGEMENT Seven miles from Ashev the Elk Mountain Scenic way you will find the dignity and beauty of lie on High, quiet this famous Inn restful and enjoy pble. . .and no where in Western Carolina is the cuisine more appetizing, and delightfully pre pared and served. OF ASHEVILLE PEOPLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MANY YEARS WAYNESVILLE HARDWARE CO. Of Waynesville IN CONJUNCTION WITH STERCHI'S Of Asheville WILL PRESENT TO THE PEOPLE OF HAYWOOD COUNTY FRIDAY A COMPLETE LINE OF WALL PAPER CATALOGUES FOR INSPECTION When jou see this complete display you'll be surprised to see how cheaply you can paper your entire house. . . and Mir. C. B Russell, an expert in paper hanging, will be present to help figure jour needs, give estimates and make helpful suggestions. THERE WILL BE NO OBLIGATIONS TO BUY. Come to the Waynesville Hardware Company Friday and see this wide and complete assortment of wall-paper which will go a long way in beautifying and improving your home. . . also learn the many advantages gained by low market prices which now preail. .In the event you are unable to attend Friday Mr. Russell at 'phone 71 will be glad to show the catalogues. Sterchi's has the most complete and beautiful selections to be found in Western North Carolina, and consider it a pleasure (o he of any assistance possible. Mr. J. Saturday Ilaynes the citv. of Clyde spent Cafe from When the Earth Was ounsr The lantaM.c Past Recreated in Museum Scenes bj Vrtists and Scientists Double Page of Sinking Photographs m ihe American Weeklv, the Maga zine Distributed With Next Sundays -..Baltimore ..American Buy it from jour faorite newsdealer or newsboy. RECTAL DISEASES Treated without surgery DR. O. N. DANNAHOE Pub. Service Bldg. Phone 1111 Asheville, N. C. Design for Soviet Palace in Moscow g Ml'!" J ' - "A: " r . . f8 i M.lii I - I ' "m i Want Ads 1 hough 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v i.s ot Russians are renorted to ho starvlno- th enmient is planning to erect In Moscow n mnrninonf . J... . h. shown ahove hns boon mni ' -v-. xne uesip, 'WANTED to buy chestnut, timber suitable cutting .poles or will buy poles, also have work for teams will consider buying two good teams." Box 1325. Asheville, N C G-13-20-23-3. pd. I m ft fa m i 1 J Sympathy that is helpful that thinks unselfi: :ily and desires to render an understanding ser re. G a rrctt Fu n era ! Home Phone l.W Wavnesville NT C tu- KENWOOD BLANKETS MOUNTAIN SOUVENIRS NATIVE WOOD RAG TOPS PHOTOGRAPH VIEWS KODAK FINISHING and KODAK FILMS A Large Variety of Gifts and Souvenirs SMOKY MOUNTAIN PHOTOS CO. at the Aiken Gift Shop MfZici f ft I fjyif lliBtll $ i W T0 CAMELS. if f YOU WON'T GET H' I ' WlSpTv4 iMi ' W VI 1 1 TIRED OP TH E M HMWT - lf EITHER. CAMELS 1 v-wc vjcpceten, crftzceco never get ON THE NERVES ... NEVER TIRE THE TASTE