Legion Listing Beauty Contest Entries Rapidly THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JULY 20, 195 VVith approximately 50 of this city's business firms already entered and their representatives selectd, plan lor the American Legion Beauty Tag cant here on Ithfl even,',,,. T.-.I.. na at the High School Auditorium, at H . x., uie progressing nicely. Indications joints to the entrance 01 or more firms. Seldom, if over, has more intense interest and enthusiasm been aroused Khan is being manifested in this Beauty Pageant by the people of this ."j" who are now wondering "who will be Miss Waynesville." 'ihe winner in the event here will be awarded the title "Miss Waynesville." A silver loving cup will be presented to the young lady chosen as the moat "beautiful Of Jill In.'nl intriao v,.l 1, ... , . 1 vfcivoi t"U OllC win De given a free trip to Wilmington i.".6"iic uvuviij oy tne local Legion Tost. There she will have the opportunity 01 competing with the rep resentatives from over the State for the title "Miss North Carolina." "Miss North Carolina" will receive a free trip to the Worlds Fair at Chicago during the National Conven tion of the American Lecion Octo ber 2-"), 1933. E. L. Hinton Begins 3rd Year As Health Officer For County E. I.. Hinton whn hn heen the ...mvif.r m ..jL ti. . i two years, has entered upon his third I year or service nere, having entered mummy into a contract ior tne next year, ending in July, Mr. IIintoiibas Bryson City added 10 tne scope ot territory he will work. His territory now will include, all of Haywood county and the town of Bryson City. Born in Gates counfv he from State college. Kaleier. in 1P.97 "uc returned in iy;iu to take up extra worh 1 or service with the nub c health bureau. He became connected with the U. . Public Health Service at Hendersonville in 19131, but re signed to come do Waynesville to be come sanitary inspector lor JIavwood county in December, 1931, succeedintr iv. it. crooKC. Mr. Hinton is now engaged in in specting dairies, meat markets, cafes, and other institutions serving the pub lic and expects to have his report for Haywood county ready in a few days. A Mystery "Thriller" i Kt.;,l i,jlt,. t i;e. but T, Sherlock Holmes Needed! R0;u A)llt ,(u, S)railt,t, leath U,(h' The American WeeWv the Mi'gazine Distributed With Net hunday s Baltimore .Anii-ripan it,.. n lrom jour favorite newsdealer or newsbov. Dumb Dora: "I don't see hn w fnt ball player, ever get clean!!! Ditto: billy, what do vou suimnsp the scrub teams are for?" Pamela: "Isn't Roger a naughty dog, Mummy? He ate my doll's slippers." Mother: "Yes, darling; he ought to 0 punched. .Pamela: "I did puns' him. I went stwaight to the kennel an' dwank'isj milk." ' HAZEL WOOD NEWS - . : i BRIEF NEWS ITEMS The flier. two Lithuanian-American who left New York urn! flew across the Atlantic, to flcrmanv. . instantly killed when their plane crashed in a dense forest 400 miles of their goal. Approximately 00 ,eamless h .. and furniture plants in HiVh industrial area statu wll T,.n,i.,,r some o,uuu emnlovnpc wpnt i J .T,UU Ull CI s.riKe, demanding a 25 per cent wage iiiciccise ana onnosinir the r.e,i drawn up for the hosiery industry. Twenty-four hutre seanbinec lnn,l.,,l sit Chicago Saturday after comnlef- mg a 0,100 mile flight from Italy which started June :in if ,.i. 11, LJJJ orty-seven and a half lim. -fi!n time to make the trip. One man was drowned the first A aV nil" U-hr,n hiu piano capsized in Amsterdam .Mrs. Jack Dempsey and children, Bobby and Patricia Ann, of Kentucky are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Worley and Jack Griffin of Jacksonville, Fla. ar visiting Mrs. J. v. Kuykendall. Mrs. Bisehoff, Miss B. Sturkey and Mrs. Bill Chambers left for Mt. Holly, N. J. where they will spend two weeks. Miss Ruth Williams of Mt. Holly, N. J. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson. Orion McClure returned to Fore Penning, Ga. after spending sevral day i with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. McClure. Mrs. Tyree Meyerhoffer and Mrs. M. W. Jenkins of High Point are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. L. C. WaddeJI and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson. Edward Scales, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Seates, suffered a broken arm as the result of a fajl Sunday afternoon. fKn frr (Tfftitrrh &mthm I FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Wade Johnson, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45, class. for all ages. 11 a. m. Sermon. 8 p. m. Sermon. League 7:15. FIRST I'RESIIYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. R. P. Walker. Minister Bible School 9:45 a. m. j Sermon 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. . The pastor will will preach at 8 . m. at Francis Cove. Mid-week Bible Studv and Pvaver. nesday, 8 p. m. ILVAFLWOOl) HASh'UA LL GA MR RAINED OUT ot Prices Are Advancing on Building Material For Anything hi BUILDING MATERIAL or MILL WORK SEE US Our Prices Are Always Right Junaluska Supply Co. Jerry Liner, Owner Phone 263-J Lake Junaluska ... NO TIME TO WAIT SOMEONE is ill ... get the doctor at once -no time to wait... that is when you want a telephone. You want to talk with a friend across town or in another city and that is when the telephone serves you well. After all, life is made up of major and lesser incidents like these when you need to speak to someone, or they want to call you. If you try to determine the value of telephone service, a good way it might be measured is by its pro tection in emergencies when a swift summons must be sent to the doctor, the police, the fire department. Or its value may be summed up in the many little errands it 1 runs for you every day. But whatever the yardstick, most folks agree the value of telephone service is so great and the cost so reasonable thajt it really doesn't pay to try to do with out it, 0: - South Telephone and fM Telegraph Co. A record-smashing class of wouid-be-lau'ver.s hnvn t,i ,.f,n. of intention to take the last bar ex amination to be ci'ven bv thn sf,f Supreme Court in Raleigh August 21. ivc women are included in the class. Senator Kuljoi-.t R. Reynolds and wile leit for a six-weeks vacation in Hot Springs. The baseball game scheduled for 1st Saturday between J Jazplwnrut nrwl Tryon was rained nut. Onlv flio flraf half of one inning was played. Next Saturday the Hazelwooj team will play the Enka team on the Enk field at 2:U0 o'clock. SYLVA. Mrs. A. M ...if.. of A. M. Simon. ; ' ' I- , 1 merchant, is in the C. J. Havi-s fW munity hos.iid hre sull'erin- n, a Indict WOUP I 111 fhn hnjwl ....... I . I, selt-iii(lie;ed. Mrs. Simnrw' i;. is critical. -Mrs. Simons is renm t.. i t.. i fired a ::2-f,,lih,. ' " V. I '" , , , , : " ivrunri i.unec in to her head- nist. lmv,. tu,. , i v, , . , ' - pic. ai h e, home .1 ere a; 11:15 o'clo ,, ivT, n. day mornin. A noto siirn,.i i,;, d "111 health cause,) me to do it." ' Iron Duff Farmer Finds New Land Is Fine For Potatoes -GRACE CHURCH .V THE MOUN TAINS." WAYNESVILLE, N.C. Revd. Albert New, Rector. Sunday, July 2,'lrd. 1933. 10 A. M. Church School. 11 A. M. -Morning Prayer anj ser mon. At 4 T. .M. the Rector will nreach in the Episcopal church at Balsam. The vested choir of Waynesville will sing special music. Everybody cordially invited. HAZELWOOD PRESBYTER! CHURCH Rev. 0. C. Lundrum, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 o'clock. Morning service, 10:40 o'clock. Junior. Intermediate and . vespers, 7:15. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. H. W. Baucom, pastor Sundav school. 0:45 W r superintendent. -Uorning Worship. 11:00. C:30 all B. Y, P. U.'s of church mi Evening Worship 8:00 o'clock. Mid-week oraver service 7rSn nesday. HAZFJAVOni) HM'TIVT riiTi, Rev. B. B. Caldwell, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45. 11:00, Sermon by Pastor. of the church. :00, Each Wednesday mid-wee Prayer meeting. ST JOHN'? CATHOLIC CHURn Rev. Arthur J. Racettc -uass at 11 Sunday. Mass, week days at 7:30 A. M. Jenkins Case Goes i AXXL 'AL B- To Jury Late Wed. ADJUST WHEAT ACKEAGE IS NEXT FARM ACTIVITY 11. L. Hrown Finds Potato That Weighs One I'ound Eleven Ounces reduction iiv 20 nw 'i. t c n. iicieage plante,) to wheaf for mmn ciaJ jiuiiioses in 22 Nnvtu i. ... . ' Ml A'HWJllltl CUUIllieS W ) 1 in i,w . c mt- jjki 1CU turat ' V nnc i o....: ..r CM-.i .--...jiuii ovi vice oiaie (i we o- We have received ,Ar.A f,.-.."m. . . , ,. -v. vnt iiuiii tne Kficuimrai ai lus mctif nrtm;;.. tlon at Washinivt.nn tf, r,,.,l..,. .... i . tor olterine-nif li.fti.w, 4 , wheat grower.? in those counties pro duemg 100,000 bushels and over," saVs Jran I. O. Schaub, head of the ex tension ore-amV.M.Hrm "Tu;.. ' , ... 1 tit 'III paign: wdi effect some 22 counties and is lilanne.l to p-pt- th. vay the latter part of Juiv. About August 10, county wheat adjustment control .TssO-inrinno "nil i, ... .ii v;igan- izucl in those counties whnv cn,,. armeiv indicate a desii-.. tn f.,L. n tne reduction cumin in-n " The Dean said thnn ,.n,'i( ciations. made .up of the cooperating ...iv-.l turn ' s i ri-ran I....-, ,..:n i win nanii- '' ,.t!:'; county allotments, consider individual contracts. an,l take care of the bulk of the .'local administra tive work in oiio-ating the plan Thee a:m,tu,nS;Wii; be sclf-manag'ed and self linanced nd.er 'the n!ai;s m :!,. th fn ,.-.. will get a pari'y price for 'hi... u-ont on a b i - is; of thn M ....:'! v.'i v vi cr pi ice. However, this naritv will h .,.;.. Vi wheat domestically consumed in the li.mi(l States and will be for the crop. -years of l);!:i. 11)34 and 1935 The irrowor i5r l.ir,,. ui. u. , ...... j.uio his voumv Vy: '"K'l association. The a?so iKiiiou men gives him. hi II. E.Brown of the Iron Due com. munity brought to The Mountaineer l.'.st week an Irish Potato of the Spalding Rose variety thini had taken on its second growth until it weighed one pound and eleven ounces. The peculiar feature of the potato was that it looked as if several smaller potatoes had started to grow from the large one, but a elosp- r.hrv.Sn. revcaletl that there was only one potato .which seemed to try to over do itself. ' , M r. .Brown planted 13 bushels; thi -ins year, and the patch from wher t- h I.. ,,..1 .. i .. p . . v..c ..use uuuuo was round ; was in new land, by the river. No fertilize was u.M'd whatever, Mr. Brown stated Me and Ins sten son. Ornl-YnW ninni wi the crop and expect to get about i w bushels from the 13 bushels seed. The seed Used baa heon W '.ri; fi.i 'j... . ,T" ". tv'L1: iiuti ior tne oast threr wars r .. - . j -... ne crops in the Iron Duff section were reporte.i bv Mr. Rrowiv k generally lair. The corn is ahove averasre. and ;in nvflrma f .... LIU J Ul tobacco. lust how manv morn 1.11o nntnn . -O- f-ty. win oe lounu in the patch planted in new grouna is not known'. hn r. lav yield is expected. Haywood Youth Shoots At Two. Then Kills Self (Continued from pagG 1) -Another couple. Walter Jones and Mrs., (irace Trendwnv. siste.- nf ATra West, were holding a conversation on me school house steps out of line with the shotgun charge and escaped uninjured, they testified, All witness es corroborated each other. Mrs. West said, that she had been separated from he,- husband for more thnn frrnr I months. tiv n I m i , i . in. bushels based nn lii. ,., ....1 m .. - . i i , . ... i-.wlit,!Art' tl' .pnsii tvvsi iiau previously told om- pioduction. This, al otment.. fUm.-e,! rtni i,. ui,;i u !-j i 1 11 1; l i i i- , . ... ... ' . . in nunels. wi ho 'fUof .. .. " .'tit iv: 1 (. "VIlLitKC (it lib avornl'n nrnlniitln ...i.i .i. - , j-. wiiicij cor responds With Itho or'l' ' .1. - Whole American' errm .it,.i .i mestic consumption. her from time to time anil ihnt- stir. ha d been living with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsey, who reside nea,. the Rickman store in that community. (Continue! from page 1) rell said he left the scene and got into the store. On cross examination by George H. Ward, of Asheville, counsel for the defense, Harrell st'ited that Jenkins lived about three miles from him and that he knew him and had been on friendly terms with him, that he had smelt liquor on him when 1m camp into the store that afternoon. Admit ted that on one occasion he h,i'i,nU 1r , ..... " lo .uarsnaii Jenkins' home a blockade for the latter, but th:it he did not know what it was at. the time hat: it rattled in bis trnel- hut h had no idea what it ims On further examin.itinn it,ii admitted that he h in federal court, for kpIK the occasion of April 15, When Cham iier.s and Bud Leatherwood had come to his store -at his request because Jenkins was giving trouble. Harrell stated that both of them had pistols and- bad shown them to him before Jenkins came up. tiarroll was on the st.tn,i Y. P. U. TION CONVEX. The annual meeting of the Hayw , ,! B. V. P. U. Association will be hi-y at West Canton Baptist church S.r urd-iy, July 29, beginning at 10:00 o clock. It will be an all day mee.tW with dinner served by the ladies of the church. A splendid program i being planned. All the B, Y P V 's of the county are urged to be prk'nV All the nastors nmnj , , 7- '6"i iu ciuena and renrcsentnhvpa fmm i 1. who do not have unions. behind him and caught him -aW the shoulders. He said that he 'drew his pistol and fired twice into th ground to force the two men to hm him-' loose. He said a struggle then took place, during which a pistel ired three shots, but he did no' them, and does not know who dM Be .-said that he did not know'tha Chambers was an officer , '' '"f Bargain Fare Round Trip Tickets ONE CENT PER MILE For each mile traveled August 1 and 3th, 1933 Final Limit Returning August 12, 1933 Round Trip Fares From Asheville JACKSONVILLE . .$ 9.55 LOUISVILLE . .. . . 8.15 ST. LOUIS, MO. . . . . 13.40 MIAMI, FLA 16.83 WASHINGTON, D. C. S9.55 CINCINNATI, O. . . 8.60 NEW ORLEANS 14.80 MEMPHIS, TENN. 11.10 And Numerous Other Destinations Also Bargains To: BALTI3IORE, MD. .$11.00 ATLANTIC CITY . . 16.55 CHICAGO 19.15 DETROIT, MICH. . . 18.80 KANSAS CITY .. . 24.00 PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK, N. Y, CLEVELAND, 0. .914.45 . 17.70 . 18.65 TOLEDO 17.63 REDUCED ROUND TRIP PULLMAN FARES Tickets north of Washington apply via B. & O. only Purchase Tickets in Advance R. H. DeButts, AGPA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM tnan an hour in hnth h -- ....j u'.i-v turn lhj.ss examination. Solicitor John M. Queen is .'being assisted bv flrnvor C Ilr,,,; . 1 t -- lavis, (.eorire Tf v..,i , A. U1( warn, are tne -attorneys for the defense. In all the State mil iln t,fll-,. . j ot-veral ot these witneeses admitted on cross examination that they had served terms in the State prison for vnriniie . -. u. , , w lines, stealing chickens., automobile, breaking into a store, robbing a bee hive, h.ti. King, blockading, or hauling liquor. Mime of them confesses thnf ot serving a term for hlnel.-n,li bootlegging, they had been bootlegging ui i iui h; i nfr i James Harrell's tp-limnm, iti. ins .COllinD- tn his. f.--' . . i i t , f w'e ana raising ow "''out buvine- snmn M,.f..,J was corroborated bv evf.,..,! e witnesses. SrateV . fu, r i swore i i -; ue went to the school house nn h,. 1..1. ninKs ot I101101 tkn.. 1 .,,1.. p,. V c ""l an f 1 " 11 vv""e uiiuh 10 tne itore bv the f t . ,,. home hklthenc;,:.1 on a footloe- ,nnd IV , r Sid, r ,h.. ... " 0 lnc' ncK , ,.' l":,flM,V . wnere he was nK.t , s tne otate s evidence, went e ri.: . , hand of hirmVnd-toldhV.. it, , ,; : ""cr 'arrest. Jenkins " ".:n f,1;in uP('n the officer and .......vv.MK nioriai wounds. T.lfl1 .t eleven o'clock : ....' "Ol lIHlg. and t ie llefenc. s rnrion, - r--.ov . a it'at manv peonlp hv putting . , ne wUne-gueJP'e by the W th.e Prisner himself going on -VS ntly ,ter ele-" o'clock subiee'ed tn . antl tnen b'n& In '.V .""',""" 01 tne solic tor sa th t hc'T tf'Stim0ny' Jenki mar" eS '"f"" of age, Harrell fol about fi knWn Jame worker for hi- " yeaFS' had Harrell's store on the day o? th'h 0 -ide and bought a nint ef r the 0m Harrell promising K'T frv0m the acid wood was sold He wont to the postoffice e u Vhl any ma and stavod L he had He thn rill!1 fr sme time.; Solicitor Queen cross exaniiin( prisoner, Jenkins could not ide the Pistol that was shown him 01 stand as his, said he did not 1 whose -rn'Kr.nl it move i i ; ii uougnt moie cartridges from -Harrell' a few oeiore, admitted that he had nnule: liquor iand that Harrell had hauled a still to his place one night, that be hi J madeliquor regularly", until "the offi cers found his still and had cur j, up, acknowledged to have bought liquor afterwards from Kav Wo-iy on Big Creek. He denied threar.n inff t shoot Chambers and Harrell iu had been testified bv the StAte-, nesses. He denied tlmt he oers ior constahlp Kn ,;, il.. i -t ""I'aam null, xuas- sftaii MessQr had voted him in th.v t- election, and n 4..i i ...i. 'iv nus I1UL LUKl wnv ne was Totmg for. Jenkins wqb livonfKr i: .. i Ti r . ,---'''v V Villi llUWL'JI. ( . u:-ii V IWJUU' J-i'iK'st Duncan. Vill Long, and probably two or three." others. Testimony w ,s all in by Tu,-:.' atremoon at three o'clock, and .tbe arguments began. Grove,. C, IVvk an.d Lee. Davis, of counsel assiint; the solicitor, spoke Tn.w.lnv .,:.. neon. an( Alvin Ward and J. R M r -?an. of counsel for the defense. a;-.r spoke Tuesday. M. G. Stamev, a-.' George H . Ward closed for the ..... iene ed nesday, and John -AI. Qiv closed for the State. him out of L IV ' d had Ored toTarl t," 't-rt- store bv JM 'i.0 l.h.e .back of the tie did not stop at Harreii v he said, but came acros7 tl on a footlog ,0 the back of tfe cTek He saw u. tK 01 tfle store. Bud Leath" "S' .m.es Chambers, or three other tU tf" and two with pistol, i8i harnre o' them "P. Chamber, had "ds as he caught him with ll-h v P to him" the same tTme WiW bands' and- t me " Loi,e came round Ifeport of The Condition of THE liANK OF rr.vnr At Clyde, Xorth Carolina, to the ( "o.n. 1 niiss.ner of Banks. At the ( lo.e .i 1933lnrSS n thC 30 K 1ay f Ju'K' UESOIKCES Loans and Discounts .... $12. Banking House d.ooii.on Cash in Vault and Amounts Iue from Approved De pository Banks ... 34.322.Ti Cash Items (Items Held Over 24 Hours) 22c.7T TOTAL ...$52,674. 'X, LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In ....$11,400.00 undivided Profits (Net Amount) ........ 2,810.1:; Reserve for nin.r;atinn 9 o-? Other Deposits Subject to Check It 171 fi". Demand Certificates of De posit (Due m Less Than 30 Days) 3o'0.75 TOTAL ...... ...$52,674. 95 -State of Xorth Carolina, Countv of HajTvood, ss. T. H. Haynes, Cashier, Edwin Fin cher, Director, and DeWitt West, Di. rector of tho sonally appeared before me this day, ueing miy sworn, each tor him self, sava that th-, fnraiinn rennrt is true to the best of his knowledge and belief.. T. H. Haynes, Cashier. Edwin Fincher, Director. DeWitt West, Director. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 14th dav of July, 1933. John W. Shook Notary Public. -Iy Corn.mis5t.rm oirae Tgnimrv Wi 1935.