llii msam Has More Paid-in- Advance Subscribirs In Haywood County Than All Weekly .Xewspapers Combined VOL.XLV NO. 3G WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, Al Gl ST 10, 19:53 mm W HIGHWAY 284 IS BEING SURVEYED; WILL BE PA V E D Highway 293 Is Included In First Project Of State Highway Commission Frank Miller, member of the state highway and prison Commission re turned to Raleigh Tuesday afternoMn for another meeting of the (:ard to make final plans fur the erection oi several orison camns thiuuirhout the l a It , III Mil c 1 1 " z I l" IMau i ov .. . i . al prison ;it Raleigh Several road matteis a't-c also t Vonie before the hiirbway board. I Hi . iny thy past several week a numb,' of inads have been approved and haw been sent to Washington "for tin i! pi oval by the Fydeia! ('oiiimis -don at: i when th.;t is completed bids will advcitised lor and coiithu-t.- let.- Amang thi- projects sum ingtan by the staw- comr.t ai)i i. a! as l)i:liwa -'.' i Wa (Jap to the Chcrolav Lion. Mr. Miller m:, iter thai : wo nute- Oll this, 'toad. III.- .'1H a iiMiiif! and ihg around tli mount a in. no indication which i 1'oiian K; -c: v.i Tin- M.inn;ain- u!nmtfi rail- fo- V. to- nc which (.. The! e !ia . bee', iUte 1 ile l'c k ! a 1 ove, however. Commission -will apni The general feeling is that the tun- mltouto would be the better, but it will cost more than the other. The . 2:k ,hvuy project was the oniy one t tint was included m ;nc re ci'iit proposals sent to Washiiijhaji that is near here. Others will be sent as .soon as surveys are made, it wa-indicatcd- Highway engineers, under I! .S. Marsh, are now working on highway 2X 1 from Dellwood to Cove Creek (dap, in making plans for relocating the roadbed for hat dsurfacing;. The survey will be completed in about three mini: Its-, after which the State Hiii'hway and Public Works com mission is ex peeled to cad dor bids on the construction project, which, it is pkvlined, will be. linished by the ho g'iiniiifr of next summer. : IThis link of Highway. No. 2$ I, from Jeljwood to the top of Cove Creek Gap, touches at the gap the border of the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park. From this gap the, high way skirts the park 'to' Mount .Sterl ing postoflice. With the completion of this highway, which is confidently expected by the next tourist season, Waynesville will have two thoroughfares into the park aiea, No. 2id from Hellwood to Soeo Gap and Number 281 which traverses the county from the south to the north. Southerland Is Bound To Court Crabtree Man Is Hound To Su perior Court For Killing His Brother James Southeiland, chained with killing his brother, William Souther land about three weeks ago was given' a preliminary hearing Tuesday after-, noon before Magistrate Frank Fergu son and placed under a ,S'iroo bond anil bound over to the November-! ecenw her term of Superior court. : Evidence in the case, as brought MUt- by the only eye witness of the shooting,, Annie May. Southerland, 11 . year-old daughter of the man who was slain, is; that James Southerland had struck a sister ot his by the name of Emma and she . had gone to the l.qme of her brother, William, and 'tod him that James had struck her .. over, the head .with a. chair, Annie .May : said she was-then sent to the home of James Southerland to get Emma's clothes- She had asked f or them but had mt received them when her father, William Southerland, came "up to the house with some rocks in his hands' a.nd threw one of them into the On Sunlay afternoon at -'! o'clock house, she said. The two men quar-.j there will be an exhibit ion : match be relled for a time pnd James Souther-1 ween Reeves Rutledtrc and Jack T.uch Iitnd left the porch and went into the na:t. Winner and runner-up (if the house and r.eturni d with a shptgun,-j Asheville City Tournament, The pub the girl said. . "William Southerland lie is invited' to see all :nat -lu's. left ; and bepan - walking toward, his Of further interest to summer visi home . wnen-. James .can'ie. out and hredtr)rs at the piedmont is the recently upon hihi, the pin declared. : completed. ' -Swimming . pool neap the : '"-According- to the statement of Mrs. dance pavilion. This, with the tennis "William Southerland who was put upon j court and weekly dances, provides su,i the stand, the two meri; were on. gooderb entertainment facilities for the terms, up to the day of the shooting. I They lived about -a quarter ,oi a: mite apart, and the sister lived with her brother, James. ..The trouble that day she said, was about, the alleged treat ment of their sister. . William Southerland, after , being shot: continued to walk toward his home but died on the way. Garbage To Be Gathered Friday City : officials announced yesterday that all persons having garbage that they : want hauled away hy the city truck should put it out Thursday night or early Friday morning. The trucks begin their rounds at seven o'clock nnd under the present schedule only make one round a week. Everyone is requested to co-operate with the sanitary department. ."V '::::-'!' ' '' : -' ;i '.'"'' , . ' "Squirrel Man" tfv Vs ik Jar 13 Jj.s V s v l'or tuurU'en years J.. G. Arthur of Pan Francisco has spent his leisure time making friends with the squir rels in Golden Gate park. Kvery Sun day Arthur may be seen among the fir trees on the main drive armed with a sack of mils, enticing Ids small friends from the trees. He wears a Hat green bat on which the small an imals jump and stay to be fed. Haynes Reunion Is Set For Saturday judge Felix Iv. Alley And K. V. StiUwell To' Make Address, es 01 Ihe Dav .The aiu'itt.il I I'm m i' s i ' iiioiMi will l; )l:f.l Mt fit-'. .!-;.. I '. III? ih-s' (l h,. II, l,-hfs iiill 1 1 ! : I. ii.h. nil SmMO'iImV. A lit; iix-t tOili. m i c HrJ in in :in an- llOlllU'.'llli't'ii , yi".-! t:T,l,l I.)' .1 . I I. I ! . I ' . eh. I illl IM 11. MIO'I .1 lilt W. Slo. il , si.-ci cl.i ry .- The: i mm !4 i-.i 1 1 1 will tM'en mIiooi ten n'cloek .111.1 Will iMilisist of lllllsie ami. M. Mi-esses. Kev. I!. I'. Mn m ,,; , .. , , e'lyili' Ihiptist i li 11 il l) : i n el ltev. .Mr. I-'rCe-111mm. of tile I'lyile Metlinilisi i liun li. Wil l enllil lli't I'lle (leViitioll.il. 'I'lve MilllM's. I'V J-:. '. Stille,i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 - i IT.. -1 il :iiii'iney of SvK.m. .I'lilt'ess is scheilule.l fur I t : I .woVlni k. Jink:-' I'eliX i:. Alley is nil tile 1 1 1VI1! I'M 1 11 f i ' 1' Mil Mihllcss, ,lsO. The t i il 1 e I i I' . 1 1 i S MihliM ss il.i'ieii(liin; iiii 1 he t iiiie ho end MiM'iVe froiii lii-yson ("'ily where In' is hnliliiu: eiiiirt. This: w'in jruhfliy he held ill t he af ti i'iionii. A liaski.t iliniiec will hp One nl" Ihe lltMill feat 111 l."S: i 1' the iIm.V. A foil ll.i.V llMS lli'i-ll .li'lM llgi'l h- till' ITI'IIUI-MII) i-oinniittei W liii-h is m 1 1 -i',l .i , I' I-', i;. llM-yir. s. . "V. I lay-nes. - Mini Jit's, Thu l iiia II : I la yues. Tennis Tourrfment Centers Interest At Piedmont H o t e l The second Western Xorth Caro lina. Tennis Tnuriiatnent lieine- iihtyed at the Pieilmotit Hotel is meetino; with rreat- success. This is one of :he out standing athletir events of the .sum mer season. Anion;- the d'layers are ninny, local men including; r. Charles I';oife! . . Dr. Robert .StreU her, Km est Max well, and Carletriit Weatherby. (Ithei players arc here f roup Henderson villo, Brevard and. Canton and also- tinny summer Visitor's. . . Play has reached the second round in the men's sitifries.. Men's doubles and mixed doubles will start Thursday and. Friday. ' A latKe. uallery ol; aynes Mlna pe i. plc. aro attending the .'mat- guests at the hotel. Local Orchestra Proving Popular The Ernie-Kayo Orchestra it? meet ing with much success this year, ac cording to the number of engagements they are being called upon to fill and the' patronage at the dances through out Western North Carolina. Almost every night in the week the orchestra fills an engagement at svme popular dance resort. This is a 10 piece orchestra and is directed by Mr. Kaye, of Canton. The orchestra is at present filling the following engagements: Waynes ville Country CTub, Tuesdays; Balsam Springs Hotel, Thursdays; Asheville Country Club, Wednesdays: Bryson City, Fridays; and the Piedmont Hotel here, on Saturdays. TANNERY MEN GET 30 WAGE INCREASE MON. 30 Additional Men Are (liven Work At Junaluska Tan. nerv At Ha .el wood 1. .M. Khiu sio;. um .imeil.loin of the .lunalusk.i Tannery at 1 l.o'elu oo.l. in a fni iu.il stateineiit to The Mountain eer s.iii' lh.it !ik emepan.v ion on 3i .iikl.iieii.il werkers last Monday iMiunin:; in keeping with the eoile uliu li his i(Mip,iti' It. i.l simie.i in co ej no a i,oi the National Heco - el Act. The' u ork no; hours if the men wilt !'.' J.-! ,l;..ur-. l'er Wee!; Mini M (11111111111111 v, i :; i ,.!' v ! 1 1 a 1 1, r n , Tlie new l:-.e s,.!, -eitlu 11:1. i tile, t will he .''in per ivi.it hialn i- than these p,:,! l.o :lte In h.on-. utl.. In- an n.'ii nee,! The m. n a- e w ill ell e. t .!.- i unn - : i the i l , . 1 1 , I On i , e !' i-' ej;-..,., tile Mill V. el 1 Were i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' 1 1 .Mi I n 1 a . M . , Kiehoen's I ma 1 lr ol a . follow.-: W ell i , iVi . ,.h 1:. i:..,,eeltV I"''-i Mil a::i". . no :;t .1 it. ,1 .lill-. ' , . I I -. 1 1 1 : that Mill 1 i I 1 o Ml. '1,1 -.- P.- .a.:-'' i I'::! '. i i i ' i 1 n . ' . . n i ! 1 1 ' o i n 1 1 1 1 s 1 oti: at P .llll i I . ,l i-.. in T i tl 1 1. I 1 'o 1)1 I. Il :.: ll.it. IV o i lie co.le 1 11 ' i' 111' 1 1 1 1 In I' I II, h -M 1 lie lit i: h I '. put A i l.i i 1 i ii i : i a t , a il lo las a ;,.iin: loll. 11 I ' . .1 utv ";' 7 It a llil e pc, t - a ppro ., ,o tins soie 1 1 1 1 1 1 'Phe plant- ol' llii-- ..'in p.i ny "ill. e.ililluell. ih:; Work of II:; lt ,'ltl. he op.'l .1 t e,l ill htle "U. it i his on, h' ; ' sll 1' llil 1 eil Mini i--e lie, oSs I i if he UlMlel'.lalvjllM p, (I,,. eM.i'hlls.hmel'll of sli'Tler ii,ui-w, lii;-. .i a- u.ieis ami more ' Inph'A iiieiM .-" R.H.I)agenhartr58,.. Buried On Tuesdav Cition Of llaolwood I'a.sM'd Awiiv Suddenly I'nim Mt-art Attack , Funeral- .services' were h Id Tuesv lay iifteinooii at-1 be llaxilwood Ties, bytcrian church fur U. lLHaeenhar!, oil, who died suddenly at llis home in llazehvooil .Mondav I'mm a heart, ai tack. The services: w fe conducted- i.y Ki'V. K. 1'. U alio i- of the i'roby'lci iaii church heii' and ini erii-:euj na.---niHiie in ( J 1 eeti H ill iietlii'tei y, .Mr. Dagenhan it;,, cojiiccted with Royal tv: I'ilkintoji C(initany of ila... ' Iwood. lie and his family moved to I lazelw nod tibout 1 years ago;- Hi' is suivived by his widow and six children. Ruben, and .lohntiy h.te". ' iihart and Mr-. -I. II ll.,v!e. '.lr., all '.I' I azelw .in I ; Mi. ( l. (o'oii'c. tiieenville, S. I .; M . . . Carrie -l.lagi'ti'-hart. nurliiiL'toii, ('.; anrl 'eleveti m.ainl -cliildren. A'.-o ilii'Ce s.ister-. Mis. . 1.. Wiutrate, o'; :hai l..t to ; Mi.-. . I. din (iiiatt, of Stotiey I'oint, . I'.: ami Mrs ib.riieN Cl-ark, Htilti i)iore. (In,, bro'he:'. ,. ''. I) 1)f,.i- hait. .M ,an- Holly, . C. : Ac; i'.e I'allbi a MM- wa re: Fred Kii ziah, lliil i hatniier-. Rill ilaIod, Jul... uis l)t ummond, Haffv Anderson, Hen folk and -lol.i: Tin' cadg ill. H I MIAT ; All . Miitl .h - . -c, It. Atkinsoii ;in innin. e t lie liiith oi: a son, XmII. nil .MoiiiImV of tlii- i.i-(. It.itli mot In-1; ml'! M,n: is rettiiie mi.h:.: i.ie. i , ANNUAL SUMMER FLOWER SHOW IS TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 22NI) : Tie- eliairinati 'if the :larden I)e piirOiieiit. ot the "kiii in n ri it y 'lull has .mill iinceii . that the annual Si.iinni"i' I 'low er. Show, w llii h is sp iiisin eil eio li year Will -be lo M oil A'luu.-t th" --'"'l-Tlie . rneiiibers of the.. ' mn n.i! tee in eliarge liavr arrangi Ml for the show l.i be. !(-!: i:i the buililiim 'ad joininit the W'.c. !o v. 1 Theat re... ' Air, Tlios. l'ln. of i-.v V'ok mim! W.i;. lo sviii- . is again giving tlo sweejistakf'S iirize, whi'li is. the Jiiost , ,,v.-t l lo. .nor. . f tlo-. show- other inazes. will !.. in rash this . veal.- An Itlovation this year will be the entries for the most beautiful am' oiit.stan'ling a i i aiigemetit .of .flow ers: in t he show. :. N'M.v is the ?easfin to look well to the w eeiiing an.l cultivation of all per enials aiWi annuals-, so tfiat the flow ers -may be at their best in. time for the si,,, However, the cultivating is not the only task of the prospective exhibitor these days. Study, shouhl be giv n to the, -various iiossib.lo ar rangements ami color' effects, that can be made from the ganlt n ers ("!!' tion. N'lit to everyone., is e-ivensAhe ability to paint .pictures on canvas, but to everyone is fivn the possi bility of creating a picture, no artist can really ilepjct. For with seeiVand Foil., sunshine and fain, as coK.r tubes arid the lawri and fky as palette and canvas, no artist can: compete with the gardener. : ' The following is a list of thf prizes to he given on August the 22nd: 1 Sweepstakes prize Silver vase. 2 Combination of two colors, one predominating .....,.......$100 Diving Champion 1 v Km VWO.W'. ..S.WsVV 1 111 T"-"!!!!!!! IH1I IH i" IX UtlHMMNOil Ka : he. a ne it.iw S ... el ,oiin. uotiian tioiii 1 "ioIiom. who won tin national spritiLthoanl . 1 1 ill:; eliniiipion hip at .tones r.e.'tch, 1 on:; Island. SP Mci iiiiiiilaleil :'.l'. II points. i'WO Ml iiiEL!) : ; BUI) MILLER, 10 .(nun's Shellield And Son Are Chai'Ked Wit (i i-'.-.lal Shoot in tr )!' : o.ulav ..'..lame-. Sliediold. !;.. and In-. ,. l.-.'oii.ai'.l Shellield, are itt ihe HmY wood '.'-.inly jail c!,a; -e.i w ;! 'i t lie murder of Ra'.i At:!!, i , III. who i ,1 ai j Moiala;." niui -tiine." at t!i(! II iy tt"-l "; -an: y tin pi: a! from i : no woiimb he !ci-.ee, San l.i inn!:; wlide in wa- -:! a nd ing willi .lame, Weh'h, 10. mi fi.M'il of .';. !. Ri. k'uan' t life ,'lt W'o.id 1 o w Welch i- in thy, I : . . 1 1 i t a v, it , a -hat terc al vif I'll jaw lione w hteh. Ii leceived at the same l ime Milli r wa -sl.oC l.'.Mih hit"!, ueie .hr : it.h bullet.. liiid fiom' i-i.!l!i .-, it v.as slated :at the shei ilf's iitlici' ' Vest (-1-, lay, . Tlie Imllet loijg'e.l in il ler V . pin,, alder t lit,' . ilig I In ou,i:h I lie " tnach. Mr- Welch wan reported as geltl; : tilolig llicelv at tlie hospital. !Mi. .Miilei-, a fanner "f tlh' Wnodrow M'. i ion, j-. ur i oil by. jiis. wife Mr. .Miller wa, a larnier of that noic lib- i h'ood,- ' l i:e S'li lliclii - I'iv.e near I ),- --i ,'i on the Vaynev illo 'highway. Th.' oldeivMi'. Shellield i-: a candy sai.:s iiian ' ' Ullicei s are emit inning t heir iuvesli: ttat ion of the fatal .hoot ing,' and bad Ho -tali- in- lit to ma k,. in reg i n ; o tluii lind-itig-'- y'e-terday. II. wa; said y I 11' e I - i! :lig J lie scene of ! h( - I:ii"t ing i Hat it appeared as : if I he shots Wei,, t i i i ' 1 1. I'rom a ga rage act o -. I hi; - high w ay I'rom t he .l ore, -as t he lilll'ois elllel-ed t ho store lillildillg f. "iii i hat ang Ii'. Voung' Shrllii I I w a ; 'i .1 iu alter the -dioiiMig hy Shout!' Low while hi fatlie, was tint arrested (in I il Monday night The two men that Were hit-by -the shot -. wi'i-e said lo have !..-, a i u i . , the store for cig.itell.es aiid were on their way tu their car when the shoot ing began. . icorge II. Waul ami M, Stanley .have- Ix'cn cnp-hiyed for tn(. Shclields (aMiver ( . Davis and I.e.- I )avi have . beei.i ; i mployed to assist,- j 1 1 I In ;n.o-e"Ut ion- . - y i.se.-lla lii-lills . I : .1J-.) IJi't l.i ) '' 1 11 -t .';.-'. . I Ini ( b ) S i orifl .......:.... . .a l) ! - It' ' colli V:tii,n. of I lli'ee llinv- e's . . , ,1 . II 'I ."..-': la st eoll. etion of f ; .III j . : . (a l "ir: t . : . . . ."'".. .-. . . I .r.o - ( I.) Second . ,' . . ;.. .: :;. . . . .'. , . j i .nti ll -litest, eolleetjun .,,(: I '1 j 1 ,., i l.i " 'ilaiiioli . . . y , ....... . . .. :' .do 7 T -lteyt collection, of named' vii- 1 i' : s i.f f ;!.,,. 'io)i J ,ll I)'-st l.M- . of one variety of gladioli ....... . . .... ... .1.00 . ( X't- I'h-s than six. .spr.-iy.s-.) , a- !: -! collection ,,f dahnas:,;, ( a I First . .....,:. ... ; . ', . . . 1 , .' ti '('hi Second .. .... ....:. . 1.00 10 iJest sjiceiiiient i.f single, dull-, . , lias . . . . 1 .00 1 2 Jtest .collection of 'izin-ni-jjis.. , , . ,7a l.'i l;e-t. ml!... ten of dv.-.uf zin- '; nias ....... V ...... ..j ... - ' .7a 1 4 Rest- Collection of (rilendalas 1 It.-st f-ojleetion. of, nasturi-(,ms it, I'i vilest r-olleetirin of petunias.: ..r.jl 1 7 Iiest collection of marigolds "..in ! s test eo)le tion of dwarf ma-; ; rigolds I ! I test collection of annual .'.r.o .no : .no .no .75 1.00 phlox .'. . ... ... .'. ... . j - 2fi i-I'est collection, of single ' larkspur . 21 -rtest collection - of double larkspur . . . . .:. ....... . . 22 Iiest collection of asters 23 Best collection of lilies: (a I First . . . V . . , . . (hi Second . 24 Il'-st collection of cosmos ", (Continued on Tiack page) 50 Two Waynesville Women Are Seriously Injured In Auto Wreck Wednesday FAMOUS GERMAN OFFICIAL 1) I E !) HERE ON SUNDAY (."eueral Uaron Hans von-Helow Died Al ll.ip! line Ai'ler ll'iH'-s l ew l)as ,e I I ,1! . , : in "ii a' lii v Ml i el' .1 I i !a " 1 1 i : : . W : S,"."i i:. i "i !:. , d -.;' . : no .-: 1 ' - i '. i i.e. :'!(-- 1 . . : 1 a air, - "ia ' ''ii. a a il 1 tie i iari : I ' i . : n i at I Mile Mill .1 la !"ft fo, a 'i ii'i't o'l e1 moil I Ii u her, Ini i ia I w ill lie m a b 'flu Itelow a : I : en nci ,. a a , i'.i b ! -i - pond : 1 o 1 r a, -at lo:;. J'lie t . '..m ; ', :.nd w if,- spepi he r acat :''' her -i.iiiinei and on a i i u m I u-, of ocra am cprc-si'd I'linself a .being. :'te;n 'Ict-ed with W'i'steI'M Noi I h I 'ill o!ii .. 1 1 c w as pa rl icula i Iv . interest ed in the dm idoi'iiH irt 'oi' ill,. Cm a' fit;.''-. Moiilitaiii al lotia! I'a vk I': ess d i- pa ' clie . li'oni Wp.-di-nig . on iel.'ltle to the (lellilai-s delta .."'l,c t he foil.' v, in.'- from the ollieia 1 r,-. o ! a In mt Iri s 1 j 'e. Kai.ly in .ltiv w i . I la i on Vwii I ' "W w,is ,-liief of si. ,1V l'or Cciii ::. .-Von 1 1 itideliliet g. now )n cs ident of ..( ic: inaii.'w when thai lanioigs ollicor v. . in eoniiiiaiid of iIm- Hastern Trout He wa- a !ii nt hrr of ( It to 'nn low, who wa: .-otiiman ice in chief -oi-1 he eastern front during pari of the war, and liis I'aniiiy had included mem. hers ail' the Knights of (he Sword, niili lary oiile.r, l'or a thousaii! years. Sli 'iily 'before tlie war, lla'i'on 'o'i lieliiw W'.'O cmIoIii'I ill i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a I Ii I f the- August. i Ctiaid, the personal guard of t he l'iiiin i'ss, a n, an . i hat po t w a a member of tin K aiscr family. I'ei'nte lliat, lie was loaned to ,f I'enliiia t" advise on military alfaii's and was a'rcd.i 1 1 it with pulling tliiv roiinlry's aimy mi a iiioleiii in litary basis, (I iron Hn I h-h i a w a a rii'M iii.ed .nit 1 1 . i lit on in 1 1 1 f a i y alfair and we I he ;i lit hor of soee-ral Imok - oil t he siilijecl . II.' came lo: this I 'Minli y in Hi I 'l aiid has lived hole in i : i im merit Mir. -that tim. Tlie ( lei man general's w idow i an .An.ot iean womai., Ihe i niiiei' ::i I liryci, of Columbia, -"South ( aioliiia. Shi' was- the widow; of h'ri deriek d'urti hiill. (if Philadelphia! when she iliai'- I led t he geiiei'al. 15.11 Hunn Resigns As Rotary President . It. I ). Muin-i. foi iiiei- . ii ";i'inl i-ii'lent o ! . t 1-1 1-' : se h I" 1 1 s liel'.'.' llMllib-d. ill llis loiMiiM f re sic nation as pi-esid-eiit of I he Wavnesvill,: ;.:,tar Ini. at (lie rce. : I I I-.I I" w eekly. Ilieet i lie : la st l-'lida.'.. Several MM-diori- - i i.i.i i ui ii i j r 1 1 1 . talks were mailc in I'-arii to bis "resign: -t inn by iheiniiej's. ii't' l Im i In':, ; TliO.bi.Mi:'! (it ilii .a Ioimc Mill probably ii i - t wit hi n . the next few , da ys ' a ml i.ioiii i iiii t ' - someone tn till tin- -aeanry. Patrolman Smart Moved To Boone . A. 1 :.. .-. Sni;i if- . t j i, 1 1 1 i r highway 'pat-, rolmaii for t lie ',a vnesvilie alist i act i'or tbe. fiast several years; has boon trails-fei-ri.,1 to !,,iie aiid Air. W, I :.. , Kelly has been . named pairolinaii lor this sect ion, .::-- A Plioint men t s w-re Mi n noiiiieed in Italelyh . a few diiys ago. :. ('a.jita.in. Fn i nier jH t,, ; i-i-rii:.i in head of ' (lie patrol deiiiiit inetit rer . tlie state, -, I .." .': . ;:'. . ..'- ; '' : Brooklyn Bridge Catches On Fire New York Brooklyn bridge caught fire and firemen blamed the heat. The blaze was 'confined to about .20 feet of asphaltum-treatel planking: in the center of the Brooklyn-bound ve hicular , lane.. The hreboat William stronfr steamed "to .-a point directly be low the fire and erupted a treysor of water, while 'two trews of Jand-groinn apparatus attacked it from the bridge level. '-'. Traffic was tied up half an hour in the affected lane. SDontaneous com- .GO'bustion -was given as the cause of the '''.fire. Mis. Joseph K, Johnson and Mrs. A. Y. Meade In Critical Condition 2 CARS MKT IN A IIKAD-ON COLLISION Mis. ,-losepii : .lohiison ainj Mr A. Y. Mi'iiJi' Ui'iv .rii.i.oh injure'. !m!o W'i !ne-da " ai'eril. ell 'A H':; t lie ' ( "iuM-ioh : t oai c !)'.!! ii ;,-a,:.. U'l . i: ivhnr ne :. m a In ad on , ,.,. .;,.n u i: it I i .11' nu lie, I h v I.'. I . ( :a , , . ' A si;. 'H and ,i i ell !, . h..ii!i, 111 i:e 1 ! 1 .g h ay Xi'i. I 0' about t ' In'! : , it I. he. s' i nigh: 'list ad mi i west ,.)' t he U'elch i'.i i in I !'; ii !c:'- . ot' Im: ii i h,- w mim n w c: e lo "la ti , n I ile i oil : -.oi, 'i ia a !'., I" i'lo-'i illl.-: .and I.: life. aMo.,' the lie I '- I'lic I'M en; oi !h.-. '.n,,ur;v Mil ii,-: Il,, del el in ,ia ,! i a ; n i.iig I b -1' ian - last nig lit , ..- ,t u w ere oiii'i" i ne l'i otn the she, k. Iv. I .. ( 'la I k. t ravel ing- a !e - mi.i n l'i out A.-lleV III, . Willi Wtl- Ml ! , ,:.. oar, a ;.,-i saii'i red f i om brui -, cii! - and -liock. Tlie dra it of t lie ( ! '. . saf Ici eii ... ,i-..ii ;it,-. i,.,. an I I'r.on -fi.'irk. 'I'lieii' is a pi "bahility ; na! Mr. ( la i k i .injure iti'i i mills , according ti.i at lending physicians. Ail al leinling' physician told 'T'u.' Mountaineer' la.-o night tliat the ron ililM'ti ol' the two ayn'e.s'X il.le WmIIIoii w as 'ci i I ical " Mt. MasMc, who ..in.swiiid Hi,. a!i with hi .ambulatice do-, rilie l tlie wreck eoile as the wr.-t lie had eci' s. i n. i'lic am m l he w reck w or. prac t ically - in w . ,1 r -. Meade's,, cai was :i I:1" ! I hey role! coupe and had only hi en liijycii JV'K) Utiles, w hile M r, !i. !:' c;.r was .i'.i ;;(;! Xaslt and only showed SiKI mile.-., lioth cars vi'i'; badly dainag'ed. The entire fi'ottt of bo,! ii cars lie ing . coin plot ely crushed back' ai'iiost to t!ie dash boar.l. The i ear 'ax les of both cars W:ere even lietit. 'fhe .steeling' wheels were broken oil in hot n cars, M i iliaiiics at A In !' tiiiiaJe ihet'e the ran were lahett slated t hat they ... -' .'Were the worst damaged ens thev had "III: ia: . ever -ecu. Shi rill .1. A. I.owc titid his deputies made an invest igation of I lie wreck soon after it happened, but slated that they had no statement to. make. Ill ngaid to.it. The cause of theacci di II! Il.'l I . no! iieetl (lelel milled. Soon alter the accident hundreds .( peop. Went to the scene "!' the'' wi'ik and also to tlie garage tu.vie'.tl tlie cars. The hospital driveway . a ciowdi'd' with ft'ii'liiis of the fwn wo iin ti whii. art" bnllr popular an,i wei1 kliiiw 11 iiel e. 'I'h."; Wawio ville woiiieii wa n- Cum ing' towaids WayiiesviHe and .1 hi' ( lat k .car was ciiroiite to As iie. ii'e Property Being Advertised For Taxes This Week ' The alidluipiotit tax li.;t foe Way-' ties ville. 1 1 a .el w ood aii'.i I "l, : ' appctii's in- this -issue, ol' The AI i-u lit a: n.eef with the -dal r for' selling I he pr - .(na't y by the-, i o -1 . . t i ( - 'ax .i''Jn':'fm - ;-".'. for Septelilbei' I at tile '( ' ot' .!.. 1 lo ;-:e. ' - The Wayne: vilji. !:.-: is ' for -the" .e;!i:., . 1 :::(), 1 : ; : i and !: ::. while' ilae-hvo' I :,nd -h, do tire for.-'!'.'. i'l! an i I'M'!'.'. ' .'Walter l'V gu.- Mti is. tax- co-'fectMi- for Wavfiesville; M. A', Tlaibiit-on: !,:. 'ly'do and W: , Ittt ner for i ia::e!yoo,l,' 2 Shifts Of feirls Working At Canton For the" lii'st tii'tii' -::::'o the com ialiy: was ( stablisln d 'ic: ,. ( hampioii I 'ibt e ( 'ompahy g'ii 1 e'n plfiyes have . st;i)!ted shift vvtirk. - This action w.f.s taken alter the i-omtiatiy's code in vor opt rat ion wit h !' (- ;,: at Ii "cscvelt 's n::t.ii,n:i! tecovery act-;." Th,(!' g ii Is' Avo'rk - Troiir 7' o'clock in. ' the inotnitig uhtd 2:,do o'clock it) the.-, af'.erti""!!. An I'her shift -tart; a'' 2:g() o'clock In the aftern.i'n and worksj until 1). o'clock at . n itt ht. More than 100 girls are employed by the company at piesent. ; TheWeatlier The following: is the official weather report of f3. H. Stevenson, officiaj weather observer for Waynesville: Date Max Min Prec 1 3 4 5 S 7 S S4 S6 S4 77 73 77 79 si-' ,60 01 61 ti es 50 54 : S2 0.34 ' 0.02 0.3S 0.16 0.1K :

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