' i: ': 'f iiiaiRBipiiii -4 The Best Advertising: Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The tireat Smoky Mountains National l'ark- -Read by Thinking People : 1 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Till' USD AY, SEPTEMHEH -'1, " V:. .. . I - ' : -- ie:?rl Ho 3 I i 1 1 BRIEF NEWS ITEMS National Fire Hero ., i,i Idaho were the Ut'xno j -tates to vote for re ".'h i'h Amendment. These w - ' , .. ... 1 r. Vi rp- .av- vouc. - iu w,e f ,tv air.ii'iimeni. in ureu cicv- TtksJay- . i ,uis H. uine, Democrat, and ; ii.ii iii.nn fiican. ooth oi ,i:e elected as delegates ,,.,. ,: -. of Bueombe coun- Ul-CK. collision near Lenoir the life of James A. ai-olil cashier of the Hank of Morganton ,mv seriously injured, near Lexington Sun 1,."00 feet, carry ;!n!i youths to their r- were John Crimes viaiis. Grimees was ..in':. which hit the count . , .na Saturday- center ; ."A Bern, took the lives ,'r ..!:.-. ami did about $2,000. :,i: of damage to that city and rr-af.m.ir territory. Warves, i' ami houses were wash y f.y the highest waves seen .,( for years. f workers are busily engaged if those suffering 'from the Fear was expressed by medi liiies that the spread of dis tW stricken area was theart Th.'us.inds of. fish were wash re during the storm, and num Hvwtvfk were drowned in tho taters. Warn 'i 1 ues. iw.nn i hive ear oh ' yoi'.ih ..' Clliu. .VC h., lias ii.vu select oil as America's ..Histamine.:; lire her., by the National Firemen's ussoi-iai i.c lull's, who saved s! children :mtl '. V.irl, liltoon. from death in a lire lie. years ago, which resulted in one fa lality, went (o Washington as the cen tral figure in the eleventh annual lire nieu's Labor day parade. lie is an unemployed chauffeur and former mes senger boy. Literary Digest Publishes Article About New College Xation-Wide Publicity Is Given To This Immediate Com. munity And College Repeal Chairman In ast week's issue nf Th., 1 o..i-mvv Digest, the following article was car. ned about New College, which is lo cated at Springdale. the 1S00 acre fa ; ni. belonging to Lenoir Uwyn. The article under the heading "l'litting College Students On Farms lo 1- it 1 hem lor Life lows : reads as to A new no:e to college oil this -umnier when ? dents and inst ructors of a training-school for tea ci.l with I'eaehi rs l'ni eisity. opeiti-d ty in .Wa t h t 'ainiii I o a a dleg, a 20-hour search, the body i- lioiiiinitd, of Asheville, 'ound in Lake Lure, near the lieCi hi rut. T-vhlno-pd into the Bunday afternoon. It was thought tire blew out causing me car the highway- two tires h when the car was brought urfiu'c of the lake. oun(r woman and her family the car shortly Deiore u inoi tK.. luke Shp saw the through the rear view mirror car, Mountaineers Ready For Hard Game With Andrews Here Friday Local Players Are .Slow' Getting Into Shape. Andrews Team Rated As Good a . Inc. I n ur-e 1 1 nci .i, .'iial pi P life was add-ixty-tive etu New ('ollegi'. eachers alliliat. liege.' Columbia farm comi.nuni- .. rcguhir par! New ( r! u i , 'due, lie:-.. ft :u w lien and pi. red ice I. gc. who ii the a Thoina. latin ..i tin ;:. i retai y -of uperviing '-eiico in famous Fleetwood ftotel, lo on Jumn Off Mountain, near hrsonville.. was sold at public thi. week for $75. The sale raadp subject to $15,500 in back The hotel was started in 1926, m t have been a $2,000,000 7- ll is la stories high. All mc in of the two ton stories .-ompleteu. he C rowds Are Daily Attending Methodist Revival Luther 1 ridges Is Bringing hnw Inspiring Messages At Services ?t au if nce composed of all de a'!"T.s ha'. v been . present at 3ir,n,ing an,! .evening services w'si.-h started lan Sun. "'I 'will continue two weeks at church.; ' Luther B, Bridges, of Gaines n'k':ri. f remost evancelist is , 1'-' the revival assisted by "ant- J,.;.; .,,. pastor of. the .'f fvie. s are held twice "'P SMurdav.. at 10 a. m. P. nr . r?dav ...... i . .. i.. ' . . ' ""Kni; -Morauty or wntch or hoth?" : L,, ' nmuianees oi eveninK "Where are the fe'S "The Church-the h kv,.,j i v nas the modern " tr,'a'i f r the hnntrrv'" I . morning "Prerequisites o v-rt:r.rf -The lure of the 1 he: iiynesville Mountaineers, led by Yancey Bridges, went -01 rough their final hard workout Wednesday afternoon in preparation for the game with Andrews on the local field Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Little is known of the Andrews team except that they have a heavy fast team. The Mountaineers .have been rather slow in getting into shape this sea son, and many new candidates , will be given a trial for the firs: string positions in the opening game, ac cording to Coach Weatherby last night- The probable line-up as given out by Coach Weatherby follows: Pat ton, left end; Ruff, left tackle; Fran cis, left guard; Burgin or Patent, center; Liner, right guard ; ..'Garland, right tackle; Ross' or Hill, right end. The backs that will be seen in action are Reeves and Khune, quarterbacks ; Wagenfeld and Smith, half hacks; W'yatt and Bridges, full backs; and Atkins and Summerow., half backs. Present iindiicatiions are that alarge number of fans will turn out to see he first game of the season, and also thP first to be played on the local field since it was rebuilt last fall.. The field iiow compares second to none in Western North Carolina. ,: mining-;. "To them that 4 f4fni "Laborers togeth- -..evening "Opportunity :ri f ae i nm- pporlunity tLv''rT'g "The Price of tTlRNS TO HER HOME 'W.? v?n Below, widow of d'a a lraI Hans von Below, i',--' 2 ho.tel here in August. - D. r hr home in Wash h?, bdy of the general :'-l r,r v nere since his -s.r. i t'v ake" from here ' ihi r, dy was embalmed Garrett Funeral Home. Bank Officials Tell Why They Cut Rate Since the First National Bank here started making a charge of five cents on all out of town checks up to five alollars and ten cents o nail above five there has been quite a bit of comment and objection on the part of some depositors- The bank officials told The Moun taineer yesterday that they got their authority to mak(. this charge from the New Banking bill tnat was pass ed by the last' 'Congress and went into effect June 16th. Another subject that has caused an unlimited number of objections has been the reduction of the interest rate from four per cent to three per cent. This was also provided for in the bill. All members of the Federal Reserve System are not .allowed to pay any other member interest on demand deposits, except in the case of savings deposits, then only one per cent is paid. The officials of the First National Bank here started in July paying only three per cent on savings- The Federal Reserve Board has requested that all banks make this change be fore October first, and gave the banks the right to make the change immediately after June 16th. The greatest amount of criticism comes from individuals that only have a small check cashed occasionally, and not from the large depositors who are paying as high as $1.50 a day to get foreign checks cashed, it was stated- NOTICE TO EX-SERVICE MEN p:e.-c: ! ll,. U-ll. It e.jH'l: .lie cuia. t -. . 1 1 ! : 1 1 1 j 1 1 ; t i oui'-c. irtcidr rtallvt ' i : h,. ! 1 1 : i 1 1 ana- a.il tea: i i i t n t inn. Mr. Hai Teachers ( ', ti: .'..llou-, Kuiope oi Mr. del;. -aid the ty w as m kc , piiiu' wit 1 1 the general policy of lifting the students to lifu situations. .The college requires that each student -pern! a year of study in Europe, and the traditional point and credit system poCuli i r to virtu ally all schools has been abolished. Students are also icquired to spuud a period of several months in .-ome industrial experience. It was a Mipreme compliment ..to viuiii Carolina wnen mat Mate was chosen as the ideal region for , the community. According to Mr. Lin ton. "The mountains of North Car olina were favorably considered be causeof the remoteness from the hurry, hustle and strain of city life, the admirable character of the climate of southwestern North Carolina, and the rich biological, botanical, geolog ical, geographical ami sociological resources 'of. this areu, The State provides not only the greatest va riety of fauna and flora but also the best examples of each to be found within a like area in the United States." Name Repealists Dr. I) M.Davis As Their Delegate State Makes Drastic Cuts In Allottments For County Schools Proposed Health Zone Will Include Haywood Count v Dr. ZnnliT Says It Would Mean S.iO.OIIO A Year l or Vavius illi' r. M inn id' li'ia! lie ..I. New College seeks to perior young men and interest them in fessional career. discover women education as a ' Mr. Lin-ton su nnd pro-ex plained "Special emphasis is placed on :a broad cultural foundation which is permeated by a professional view point. To this end each student is urged to have as many contacts with life situations as possible. The cur riculum is a broad and instructors are learning first hand what rural life is like in the attempt to establish a community life with an educational program. Here sixty-live students and instructor's --divide their time be tween . study-, ind work. Th(. commu nity is located on an 1 NOO-aci o farm in the Blue Kidge mountains, eighteen miles from Waynesville, alxmt the same distance from Canton, and np prtixiniMtely thirty-live iniles from Asheville. "Most of the Work of the .'commu nity' .is done by student- and faculty. Students of household . aris plan-i menus, purchase." prepare, and serve the food. . All cooperate in planting, cultivating ami .harvesting the garden and -.field crops, and in caring for the ehickf ns. pigs- and cow- which furn ish food for the group Others cut and brjng. in the the wood, which. is the chief fuel for cooking, while som0 assume the cafe of buildings and grounds." The tables are turned in this in formal academic environment. Student- and instructors exchange places, and any .one who know- 'something that .others do not may become a teacher. Much of the supervision is done actually by the students.. The community is permanent and will le open all the year round. : 1). J. Kt'iT, Also ol ( anion. Is Xanu'il rerntanont Chair, man Of County Mr. l-'.M Mai ..f Canton, was r.aiiicl as the can.ii ; .!,. for t b,. re peal I'oices of 1 he eeuilty aiul M. .) Kerr, also uf Canton, wa - named permanent i nunt y ( h i i rnian of the organization at a nice'ting held a; the court house her,, last Saturday afternoon. Over.v precinct of he county was repri'seenteii except three. There 'Were about aO present at the meeting. Wjiter Crawford, of this city, was t.iumed secretary , of the organization. Mr. Keir niade about a ten niinnte talk on. the 1Mb Amendment and the reason why .lie was in favor of it.. ri-peal. SiHn after the election of Mr. Mavis, which was 'Unanimous the petition which is required to have '200 sig natures, was 'circulated. The 200 names were secured soon after the adjournment of tin1 'meeting. Officers of the repeal forces stated that the .meet ing would be called with in the near future at which time plans would be made for the coming cam paign. The airy forces completed their or ganization in the. county about four weeks ago. .1. T Hailey. of Canton. Was. named chairman and James. At kins, 'of this litv, was named secretary- Mr. Hailey told The Mountaineer that the dclegat,. '"I' the dry organ iztion would probably he -named either today or toinorrow. The delegate will 'he icinicd '.by oll'u lalsof the dry organi'.iitinit. Haywood Baptist To Meet At Clyde Tonight At 7::U) V. '.eic ler ill i , i-ounty. hi.'.'clh w t 'V e 111 IIM 'lit to! a le.vni i-it in- v'or.v much 1 ,..),., ! , I' 11. 1 wood J :' ol dl li 'I tlie a! Sw . h. 1 1 . th, a i: of a pi act a b. slat i'd. ..iirageil the ter on and ill b . one: and t ! a in inc. M'hool a! in-t I'licl inn I'literinc thai 'I worl I'll, I'ca a I.- lhi' supi-rv isioi i-1 li in, nt , and the Federal g Count v The evpelisi'-. ou ta'n would I of the Fedi . onld be pa ii vernnient S ountv's shar I onh- be e under r.il gov- for by ate and of the lightly Several Noted Southern Baptist Leaders To Speak At Im. portant Meeting oiorv man wnat is now liemg appro, priated to the Sanitaty Inspector. If this project is completed, i: would give to this territory two full time sanitary inspectors, two trained nurses and a full liiiie ibysician. The cost ol the,, additional workers to the county would lie only a slight increase over tin' present cost ac cording to K, 1.. llintim. sanitary ollicei' for this count y . and with whom Mr. Zeigler has been enn-ulting on .the project. The Federal government is anx ious to establish such zones through out fie country: especially near na tional parks. When tin: project is established, the-Federal government would then advertis,, the fact that a health zone adjoining Ihe park under their su pervision was being carried on, and Ibis. would, within itself, according lo those who have studied the matter, lie a drawing card to t bis section The trained nur-es would work among the poor and needy of (he county together with the doctor. The sanitary 'inspectors' would do the same Woi k now being done by Mr. Ifint.nn. but in a broader field. Mr Zeiglcr e-tima. ed that, at least S::o,tMio would be brought io Way nesville I'ach year by M mli-nt s coin ing beii- for training In thai lii-b) of w ork, -The M uih'iil - would remain for six oi eight wed. -get t i'llg o ac- ' t leal t raining Mr Zciglci' al o sla'ed that, he and .other who now have Hire., 'else where in tin' stato would spend much of their time hole in -.(M.ing after the woi k. and. in making ex pe ri incut ,'.. I'Miie- in I be con i t hoii-i woil'd b;:c to bo piovnleil. it -wa-' .id but County Hoard Of Education Orders All Light Service Discontinued The state allolnieiits year gave al o.it half . upeiato mi Haywood ( lion in eecutiv day making -e nawng all lie of ill,. o.llli the jii'iiiiipal pi'l'-.il.'ll; r, and iai,. ,-n school for the Haywood f what wa whicli la ounty Mo.-ii board in making coining sciioo; count v oulv hi e l'a I -ITV. i, disc, t' each oii-ih!, lllM't's suited d of n her, U'dei's. r e III the tltllllled school - for th, -ary to in the IMuca- as ugh uch M-hools lllllrs - hall U. light - pa for t.a-t c,a th. ;i: pay si i:.'s.s car t h, couiily I for al le.'U ing only about for ib Me--e. . v. b. decided Vice. The stale t ranspoi ta( ion ty-three btisse county, includ ..Hotted iuiil was ; l'"f light- and water. This aiii',.ni ial ton is SoS,".. The oard found t hat th,, minimum i f i the y. ar I- S Ifl'J L'L'- l balance of the allotment of which will just about tlie tii.-l nionih's light oill schools, accoiding 1.. .lack county -upoi ini.e'"b"" It a -' of this hat Hie iioard o discontinue all light ser- af no wouhl a rea. expense be l. ;t'Ii i ll: the : teis count . f.,i the I'll is l ll I I 0 A nie. motion . Kaptis." as-oeial . i.i eons. hui Sundav S at''.: Clyde Thursday o'clock. Several the Sou:. Will be pie: ent subie. t; 1 hese .' Hudson ing of th',. a. mi it fee , -soci afion i.al leaders ieh ollicers. Kxeeutive i'ro if the Haywood' together, w it h including dea I! V. P. ('. and hnol workers, will be held fl'aptist church t.night, September at 7::!0 1 6:1 Income. Tax Returns Filed From This County J. C. Patrick, head of 'he reem ployment office here, announced yes terday that all ex-service men are re quested to apply at his office on the second floor of the court house for application blanks for the con servation corps Mr. and Mrs. C N. Allen made a brief business trip :o Knoxvflle. Tennessee the first of the week. Haywood county is credited in Ral eigh with having sent in during the past year I6H income tax returns. This is an average of one income tax return for every 1 1."! persons. This countv ranked 30th in the ?tate. Mecklenburg led the state with 3,403. or onP return for each 37 in habitans. while Jones county only had 2 returns, or 1 for each 5-124 inhab itants. ..''' JUNIOR ORDER MEMBERS TAKE NOTICE All members of the local Junior Order are requested to meet at the hall next Tuesday-evening at 7:15 and go in a body to the Methodi-t revival. The member? are urged to be on hand promptly at 7:15. . AMERICAN LEGION TO MEET . The' regular monthly meeting of the local post of the American Le gion will he held Monday night. Sep tember 25th. at the regular meeting ha'.!.,.. The meeting will V be called promptly at 8 o'clock. . department' t ration of: Board of the vention, and tary of the outstanding speakers of hern Baptist e.rganizat ion lit to iliscu-s the (iiller- regarding . the work. leakers include: Mr. ' lay l, a--ocia' ional secretary of tbi. Benson Phillips, 70, Passes -et aside $'.! .(Ill for for thi.s county Twen s are operated in the ing lleaverdam This figure- ahou,; .ft !K) per child for the school year. Beeaiue of the curtail ment' of fund-, the state board order dered that only student drivers drive the busses and replace lb,, present, adult drivers. The student drivers are to; receive $7.50 per . month. The Haywood County .School Hoard, by cutting down on gas and oil h'.ve ;ecn their way clear to olfer 'adult drivers $12 per Month to rem iin as drivers. This olfer was only made Wednesday and ' none had given their answer at press time Wednesday afterniHin It is doubtful whether they will remain at that low figures, it wa- said. Last year Hie 'drivers were paid from .$30 to $35 per month.. The 23 busses in this county cover !70 niiles H day, or an averagi' of 1 1 5 ntMos each. For instructional supplies $271 was alb. tied, .or ahou! $2 per teacher in t he county. Th,, -alariei of full time janitors was placed at $227-50 per year. The salaries of the board of edu cation last year was $100 each, This year the salary fur the three mem bers of tlie board is $100 m $.",.",.33 each. .This is the enlir,. ---alary and nothing i- allowed for I ransportation .as lii'ietofore .Mr Me er -Cited tb.-r the only way .(hi- coiinly could add additional fund- (., those set bv tho state wa ll. I a s peopl,. Voir is- not fea i he stated. lal electron and base the at This, pie- liow eve' . nf time, Away oi. cnui cn anminis- the Sundav School Southern Baptist (n I'erry Morgan, .'sec re lepartment of Sunday Kunera'. -crviei - fm Kein-on Phil lips, 70, who died Sa ulday at his home near Canton, w.-ir . iduet' d at the Liberty Method i; ! Kp: -copal church, South, on I'e .v. i ilain. 'Burial was in the church ci nieteiy. I he Rev. M . ' '. I: rer nian was in ciiargc, a--i-t''d by C. Ilryman pasior of Long'. ani the Rev. Ca rlo, k Hawk, the West Ashev . a- Met ho. copal church,' South- Mr, was a memlM'i of the church for more than 50 .In will M-h, (hi., of l h best M t Wh.t. ell'i have . on I b .1 woi k 'can If t inie but all e school work tbi. v can uu !e.:,.: -aid. i t li,.- eui I ailinen' ellii'iency of th.' ' be di lerinined at teachers and beads, are carrying on a j c i re ii in .-1 a net's . Schools of the Bap-ist -tate conven tion. All per- ti- included in the groups named above are requested to he pres ent and notify others, of the import ant me ting. - Vocational Boys Are Hard At Work In tie past week the vocational boys of Waynesville. gathered up among themselves enough tomatoes to make a truck load, which was about 120 bushels, and took them to the markets of Florida to see if there was any market for them. The boys received two cents per pound for their tomatoes, and if they find this to be profitable an effort. will be made to ship more. The hovs held their first tegular Aggie Club meeting since the begin-( niing of school on Tuesday morning. Septemr 19. The program w-as well carried out, and every 1kv ook a part. They hopP to carry on their meetings, having better success the coming vear -ran tney nan in me past. is Reporter. ARTHUR FRANCIS. pastor. Rev l - ( hap. I pa-tor of list Kpis-I'hillips Methodist vcars He was a son of a .Metbodi-t minister. Surviving an- his widow, who- be fore their marriage, was' Miss Jullia Reno, two daughters Mrs. Ropert K. Russell and .Mrs. Narvel J Crawford, of . Asheville one sister .Mrs. J. (',. I'lemmons. and several grandchildreri. The pallbearers were nephews of Mr. Phillips. Civil Court Is Disposing Of A Number Of Cases j .Most of Cases Heard So Far j Have Heen Small. .Number I Divorces (Granted .' MARRIAGE LICENSES The which Judge Marriage licenses have been is-ued during the past week to the following: Robert Brown and Edith Barton, both of Jonathan's Creek. Berkley Cagle of Lake Junaluska, and Annie I'e Moore of Waynesville. Wrong Emblem Seeing President Roosevelt pictur ed at a desk whereon an elephant stood. Representative i Virginia Jenckes. of Indiana, sent him a pot tery rooster. "Last November, the rooster put the elephant out of business-'' Mrs. Jenckes. reminded the President. "Thank you much for. the pottery roo-ter I shall surely make for it on my desk," he replied. September t. M m of civil court, is In'ing . presiding over by Felix F. Allev. convined hen- Monday morning. A li rg,. mimivr of cases had been disposed of by Wednesday afternoon. A number of cases that were carried over from the last term of civil '.'court were dis posed of the first of the week. Ther,. have been few cases yet to come before the court (hat has caused much interest. A -number of divorces have been granted The jury cho-.-r: 'o serve for the second week are: ; Fines Cretik: Z. R. Sparks; J. L. Havnes: IVavepiani: W. H Barklev. Q. B."'JVfs.'nvr;. N Butrg. J. V. Rob inson K'ion Clontz: J. G. Rogers; Jonathi i'' N. W Carver J. R. Boyd; Wa vr,e-vil!e: : A '. Arrington. Shu font H iwell. L N- Havis. J; E. Mas-; sie ; V iudney Masey, E. J. I'nder wood; White ak:, f. T. Creer Ora. Yar'iVrotigh. E V. Fi her Clark' Messer; Clyde: T. L. Jackson, C- H." Brown. P C. Mann. REVEREND' S O I ' T H E R L A N n PREACH TO Rev. Georire '.I. Southe: land, rector f the B'ack Mountain f'piseopal church wi'i t reach at the local Epis- room c pa! church Sunday morning at 11 . o'c'-ck- if -.?;' .. c it "iV. '' 'tl'.: a : ' '4'; ' K . . x: i .':i-f s ."' i ' r e & - 'V. r o ;p- - 'd i i :Pj ! 1 " ' : s1

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