V ill inHfflnHi IK; iS The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood CountyPublished At The Eastern Entrance of The (Jreat Smoky Mount, lins National Park Head by Thinking People I VOL. XLV NO. 44 (jarenceruuei lie iiiven Hearing Saturday .11,.. r.rontpit Writ of Mit aiic.' Habas Corpus Monaay, Returnable Saturday l ,; Court here Monday granted a of haooas corjius iur tmicn er, 2f, one of lour oeiendants ' kiin rtver Simprinr last inursaav uv uHK3irie V Lea: ht i wooa alter .a neanng ai !! h.iu-P before an interested 1 i. ."00 spectators, charged . 1 - Tl fir?! degree muruer oi i nomas JuJitf Aiiey set next Saturday r,r a; lo I. clock as the time tor rlt 'i, W returnable. The hear- ;;: ' t hold in the judge's cham- r tiic i jui't house here. rf ;t .r.ivcts the sheritt .ami tno h 'w cause why the detenu , Potter, should be legal. : . ctKody. trusttirg tho petition. Judge t-.l that Joo Liner, of -. I!.-, i--umo the duty of serv writ uf habeas corpus upon .!.ii. I. owe. The writ, which ;- -da-riff to present the pri ... !' the court at 10 o'clock iv niurnint,'. was served upon r''' I.v.vc Monday afternoon. Nn- ; also served upon District John M Queen, of Waynos- I Tm , .- ,." ; r i, in for the writ, was nro- ,-i .badge Alley by Doyle D. ev "1 xx aynesviite, attorney ior an :'. the defendants. The petition :" . 1 1. 1 1 : - ti the other thro., do. s. Tiii v aare: Dewey Potter. !i!"!hc!- if Clarence:' Erie Led- i ard Wayne Totter. .14, son Pi-xvey. -:ei!- attorney is expected its .I'gument for the release !uv I'otter from custody an jrwuniK that the evidence is in- . icier i ! ) warrant his detention 'be claim that he was miles av :r..mj the scene of the shooting !h- ime it occurred. h'l f. ar of the defendants were Urt',1 luM without bond until the criminal term of Haywood: Cpun- .Viinci-ior ( ourt. which will con- - November 27. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TIUKSDAY. (K'TOHER ;. 1933 Chairman of Drys 1. T. Hailcy, of C:mion, :.- chad man of tile dry forces cf Haywood County. -Ml. Ilailey predicts Haywood x:H "o di y on Xovcmber 7th. Haywood Man Is Fatally Wounded In Jackson Sun. Houston Gibson, 60, of Woodrow Is Found Dead. Officers Relieve Suicide i James Atkins Is Named Candidate n it i t ii naywooa urys -I. T. Hailey. Chairman of Dt vs. Predicts Haywood County Will Vote Di v dvwmi Master's Onb Ts Organized ?' ! Hi-tchins. of Canton. . n o-i I'l csident. .1. P. I!c;up, Secretary if 'he Haywco.l w:i Ivl.d Tuo.:-ifllci- C(,unfv ,-Mcssei". Tin. Tnt.ii'oli' one iif row -o! inci- I, i nun! ii !' M , s-A .T. Hutchins of ' "' '' ';'atii prin-ipal of ,,:J-m.1. wiM'n chosen i":1'"! firtt scci'etary. restiec- .mmiH'r,hyi if this organiza-ci-tiiHi.t.H uf nil superintend- : I principals of Haywood Coun 'The.. ; .meetings will be : ' . : :;c third Tuesday. The 1,1 '.!!)? the opranization will -. if- aiiton High School ocsuav. .ctoiH'r 1 1, Fhc business session will ' ,!.v a banquet and so. will .jiit".injt!.- hile the next !;f held at Canton other ' o i c hold at avnesvillo Aw-.irt-s will he forwarded V of ,..,.b n,ti . . : .itvv iiiir. 'fil!V.H '.'Kn. School, presided "'!'. M'. olieson. principal of the ugh School, 'ht's meeting. anton Bov Is Killed By Train i,r " :'t''l by a freight train s u...;:-."'-.S. C.,. mtio daw airo ' us ( ami Fncloi- 1 f. James "Atkins. , this city, was named candidate for the dry forces of Haywood county it a countvwide iiK'eting uf the organization at -Clyda .Monday -nighi. at which time over 100 interested" persons were' present.':' -I I . Iailey, ol Canton, chairman of the Haywood drys". in a 'statement to The .Mount itneer yesteritfiy said: "l am .reasonably sure 1 'that the drys will wm in thl- county. Our cam paign is progressing satisfactorily." Immediately after the naming of Mr. Atkins as candidate, the necessa ry petition was prepared and those pre-.ent signed it. 1'p until Wednes day morning approximately 1000 rami'.; had been secured on the peti tion. The petition .will Ite' tiled with he board ' of- elect ions' probably on Friil ly. 'The -meeting at f lyd,. .Monday' will likely l-e "he las! eountywiili' nire'mg of- ', he dry.- ..before tin- elect ion. al though there will be a ituin''i r of- riis t.i'ie: nieiting in each coinnuinify of he iiiitn'.y. Mi. Ilailey -aid Soy, ei, I. .i'o.e':ing- h:ive already oeen lield n.l htO'- arc M-l-eih:,.,!. ' I'll T lie-day nigli( l.'i of I ' !'. ( Iweii nl-ie al I iviiwoo.r 'and i-.i'ie -da;, at vk Spring. Tin- principal, .-peaia-i - ai -vlic . ineeling at i 'iyde Monday 'w e.n..J . 'I', li.iiley. chaiiiuan. .I .nie- Atkiiij.' i air didali . I '". ' i.. I! Have:-, .ire-idinej a l- of the Wayne.-ville di.-lin t lo'V. A. '. .Joyr.or. of Canton and Kev H.W. liauc'om, of fhis ri! See''al ot her", made short talk.-'. ": Mr. Atkiiis was h imed .secretary of the dry forces at a meeting several weeks ago. The body of Houston Gibson, 60 year old resident of Woodrow. Hay wood county, wa, found shortly be fore li o'clock Saturday morning in the backyard of Sam Bryson. in Mountain township. Jackson county, about 10 miles south of Sylva. Examination showed Gibson died is a result of a gunshot wound, the load entering the left side above the heart. A 12-guarge shotgun was found beside the body... A theory of suicide is being con side: ed by Jackson county ollicef-. They -aid today that tile information they have gathered is such as to per mit ef no dclinitv conclusion regard ing whither death was due to a self indicted wound or to foul play. Member-, of the Iliy-oii family said they hoard a -hot and ru-hed out in the yard, and found the body of Gib son. Gib.-mi arrived a: the Hryson home l-'t'id iv' for a vi-dt. lie was a friend of the Ilryson family. Slu'iitV .1. ,1. Maniy i- conducting the inveslig.-ition along 'with Neal Pills, of Dil'lioro, county coroner, A coronet's jury viewed the body, but its verdict wa- left open until next Saturday to permit time for a thor ough investigation.' Victims Of Auto Wreck Asking For $53,000 In 2 Suits -Mrs. A. 1.. Mead Named Defend, ant In Damage Suit by Two Asheville Men Two suits totalling $o: 000 against Mrs. Arthur Mcjdo. of Uns cily. were tiled Monday in Huncombe coun ty superior court by Curl Hampton, of West Asheville. and R. I.. Cook of. Asheville. as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident collision on Highway No. 10. Au gust f. The complaint tiled by Mr. Clark sks for SaO.OOO, while the SdOOO suit has been instituted by Mr. Hampton. The plamtill's allege thai nne tiiey were ,oiing m an automo Oile toward Asheville between here and 1 akc .1 inula-k.:. and til,; the defendant ear "being;' ,i iVl ,, ln ., 'o.'k'e-- and dangeious fa-hion on ie::g ;,!e . f : lie higliwav" -:a-l:e ! :;:t,. :h- ic mtitf v and -el loU-' Hljllled the;.). M i - do, .Iclin-oii, . tii city- " a- i iding w i:!i Mi -. b . ,,ie al the I line colii-ion S;: died about '.' I !i:iii- a I'teru ai .1 fioai aijunes -us-Mii.. d. . M .Meade i- still , the 1 1 a wood count lb mtal rci upcr. '. I mg from in iu lie--, M r Hampton driving the a-li belonging to M. Clark, a tra clmg sale.-mau of ih il!c Mrs. Meade u :. itriv me a Chevrolet. Hot h cai s ere lie . having been driven less tlian L'SOO mile-. lioth c were practically demolished in 1 be coll ision. City Aldermen To Discuss Changes In Police Force C. E, Kay's Sons Finish Remodeling Program In Store i fix '- ftffir ilk x iMhiiii a tirtT i novo Are 1,737 Dogs In Haywood Funeral Services Held For (ieneral Hans Von Below Modv Of Former (iernian (ii'iu1- ral as Sent To '. Washing-" (on Tuesday. .Died Here l,ast Julv Needle Work Guild To.' Hold . Ingathering turd ay. -ar;v,n s , n was made In L E - ( anton. father, and Frank .. -: .-f.a.xv boots which the boy J n lft?- when the wheels: of a detu Jlls bdy, causing in- j . oaiu nic iv.g ' aro' in the army and nu-rler on them rotxresentpd ':' serial tnumber . ,; I. ..au uctn missing since hVf ar'flhe family had no idea n.ja:" Wtil after being shown vj" r account .of the accident smiCT R. Y. P. U. WILL i LET HERE SUNDAY Pa--: , , ' organizations of v :Va-urcnes announced this - r -"ti.e xvou'.d be a district ., - c Fir-t Bajitist church - r l,tm 1 u -t 2 Jl Th' is :f m?e,iog and all meir. .: .-"Kan.za-.K.n are urged Tile Wiiypcsviile. iiraiiidi; . of the Aeedle .Work. Guild'" of America will hold the ingathering of gai.inen'..-' on October the llh . hi the building next door to the Waynewood Theatre, The.' garments i M be jii disjday from i,:30 o'clo:k unt; ') The ;)td)jc is urged to attend and see .the: donations. Mrs.. Thomas j. . Preston. Jr. . form t rly .Mi s, . (irover Cleyeland, national president of. the .Xeedlexvork Guild, of America, has asked that each of thu SUU b ram In s wage an active ev-erv-member-get-j-member campaign. Slip said. "If we are to make good President Roosevelt's promise, that 'this .winter Will not be dike the last one,' we; must redaubl,, our etHirts and extern i our s.eope of activity.. The. XRA h:i- put many persons to I Baron-General von Relow was on l-'igures ohtaine.l from the court house -here show that t here are 1 T.'iT dogs in llayxvood counly or a: least that is lioxx inaiiv were listed by the taspiyers. Of this number. 1 -bill ai e male, and .'!01 females. . If this group o, "a-eonuntoil for dogs" xvere placed in one line and three'. feet allowed for each doc; the line x On id. be anno' f a mile long.-. -Tile records -.iow thai Mi'a e rd.i III ioxvii-liip li-jed nii-iii. (logs than any other. I lug . .'i. tier i llaie' listed .'!s :ini 1 1 I. ! 1 1 :i t . 'ayiu;; x i ! 1 . .' 'id xv it h t?'," I male' and I o.i In-iply i in p i'e - -1 i 1 funeral ritei . !.:. xx-1. re held Moniiay .night at 7 :d0 i n the C'na pel of ,t b.r- ( Jarre1, j l-'uiiei al ' I lime, for 'he late 1 '.a roil Jeiiei ul ilans voti r.elow toMiieilv a lieiren -lit-t'ein r;.i i M t lit- (Joiinan liiiicrial Ai niy. who da d 'at a loca I lint e I las: .fitly 'i'i'M' Hex . Albeit N'.oxv. Rector s'i' ' i i . ii i "i, ii i i I, in ' i,. .Meant. a in .. nllicialod i;e0i o i:'.a',ivo- of 1 he lodge-, Wiv n.a'i s , ( lui). V :i i . Mo'hei's Cii.7 (eiX'el lllin ;.:'. io'lai V Club, I he Allleri c.n I'go i.. aiv.l other civic oigaiii zat ioti- d' t he ci! y Were pres-eiit . The -e'lxice- xver, o ic ii oil xx i 1 1 1 the playing of ( ' !i ..i i 1 1 ' b'unc'liil : March, after xxhieh ':,i;o rites of the Kp: i pal church' xvere administered bv the Itev. M. Xew. '' Th:- funeial marches were. played by Mi-. (Jra.ce ''rocker. . i. il. Alley. liK-al attorney and of. ficiaj i'eiire-e-ritative of the ljgal post of the American Legion deiliVei-.o. Hie '.eulogy'.- He . impressed the f ict tlitit; all the xvounds of 1 h,. . late .war were, healed and that it xvas a g'e;i. Itonor ami iirivilego for him. repre senting, the American Legion,, to do honor at the bier of a fallen former I'liemaft. , As. . rem e-entat ive . of t he local tiost of the American legion Mr. Al'ev gax-.'e the military salute to ilii' c.'. -kel- in xvh.-K'h rested t he . body of t h(, . general. A ft er t he del i veri ng of. the eulogy, I'.eethoven'- Funeral March was played- both marches be ing' at the request of liaronnes von Reloxv. xvidoxv of General von Below,. who survives'. The benediction ;, was w nronounced: : by the lie v. rather Michael Carey of St- Johns Catholic h u rch, AVay nes v i 1 le. mali ;i :-: I cilia- ; Tl, ex 1 1 :, ih-o' '1 t,-.on- , 'iell' i II hip can Jul Ii ; p i a' a too, i,, , i , ( , ! ! .x : xx 1 ! i: ,; ' :':' ' : .' : i'-d. . ago , ' , : , ' y j Ii .;; ,,.,!, Tie ;V. II 1 1 , i , ' eld 'In ..Jlil'la 1 d"g i i -1 1 ec a : i. a . i . i : ix ' Tow n .,! o Ma!, hi iiia.le I i go ' '"' -I'll ' '. ' Civile :'!' I 0.ra'c.'.' l is; L! I Cm; : :.- I Ka-' I-.-' i ' i.:: ... 1 1 fata!e.i ti.-e- 'til' 1 Whit, 'Oak ' , .:, -S Jotia! lei u II" Ivy 'Hill ol II Iron liiiif , diii. I I Fiiie -i iv.-k . ' 1 is : did lieav. : i.u-,1 " :i- .'."". '. II Way ie i. ille . '; , .. .. ;J7I"-' ' in.. Tola! '; ' 1 I '.'J . ::o 354;a!lon S t i l l i s Captured At (antHi I ii e'.g -ii - nig ged eefioir of Hay wood '-ii nt y. I h vvi- mile- ca--t, of - t.Vin t"on: -l,iJ nify Slii-I'ilfs Sam .lus.fii;e -and C. !;.'. '. Jo Friday .af'ornoon cait ured a. J'a g iil' n .capacity- still, live gtilloiis vf xvt;; la y and 1 -Ml' gallons; of - lieer ma-i -.'' Ai ling to the officers, the stil work and taken many families off the welfare lists, but it has hot paid, the obligations , incurred . by those fam ilies, during the lean years, . nor can it provide a nest-egg for the. :. rainy day that may come any time. The burden of sudden illness, death, child birth or the. loss of . home and cloth ing by hie or flood must be carried by welfare agencies. Those of us who have been hearkening to the cry of humanity over a long period know that in times of war.: and in ' times of peace, in years of plenty and in years of famine the .poor Wve have with us always." During National membership week w-hich will be held all over the United States during the '. week of ...'October 8th to- Oct. 15th.-. each nifmber. of the Guild is expected to get .one - new member. . Last year over 600 garments were given and distributed in this vicin ity, the majority going to the needy ch'iMren in th schoils. The need 'jis he Staff of General HihdenbUrg dur ing the Rus-ian. campaign of . the. late war and was later in 'command ot a corps of Imperial German troops on the Western front... He was decor ated by the Imperial German Govern ment , with . the Pour Le, Merito. the highest honor :.which could be be stowed upon an officer of the German Army. He had resided in Washington- D-.C'; for several years, since' the xvar closed and had spent two sum mers in Waynesville when he died His body Was sent to Washington. I). C. Tuesday for , final rites and cremation... COMMUNITY CUT. HUSBAXDS' PAKTV TOXIGHT The niembers of the; ''Community Club will have their annua! husband's party tonight at: the. .Waynesville Country Club. , A buffet supper will'. 'be serve-1 at ;0 followed by. a square (lance anu even grea-e- this veir and every: one: " loiiowet uj a s,.,u, C 4 " ft; J ti.,. . n venrlv .other entertainment. is ui geu ,m juiii. ' .- : . .. , , ... . -.. : . All memners ano umi, nuiano.-. t urged to join due?. : Just : two garments, given a year makes onP a member. invited to be present. full opoi ation at the-time '.of its e, oyery and two. unident died opera:.'! : lb'.! into, the 'woods to safe, ty. a -"the (Hicr, apjiroached. l)ei.i:j;y ;,.)itstieo said Saturday that C K. Ray's Sons have completed their remodeling program in their department store here and now have irranged and on 'display one of the largest stocks of merchandise ever pri'sented in any store west of Ashe ville. In an advertisement in this (week's paper tli.y c ill attention to the tact that their Mock of fall meichandi-o i complete ami is being ollercd at n. i great mcrca ,. in price-, ox i i p: ex lolls e 1 1 -. one to t be fact t l.a ! mui h ot' it xx a iiookcil about a x ea i ago I he ea: il e stol e lla bei ll real -langcd and iciiiodeleil. All niodern li : oi i - liax e I'd a added and sex cr.il nia.lor , haiigt- made ;n :.!ie geiu-ral do,o piaie- of ! he stoic. Xexv .dis play l oaaiei . h.ax e heen in aalloil and I lie :.. k 1. 1 . aped ,oi th, coiix I'liiciici - I : in-' r en- loiiier -. Nex i in I. 'xx list ii res iiaxe been piiivha -ed. nu luding a . oinplele i : ol "xx o, nil k ins " These a I e I lie tatii . fixture n xx inch dresses and coals are displaced. Tliev are made of pi ipj;i f .wood and so constructed a- to sboxx to an aitvan- uige the outlines and cuts n new model, drosses and inals. 'I'liis -store is one of Hie liist in the South to in all this new lype of I. ! ui'e-. .See (lie advertisement on pages lour and lix e in t his issue. Havesville Will Pliiy Here Friday I'rict's lor G'aiiHv llat llvvn Ht'ducfd. iWan.v Nnv Mvn lo He in Lino l'p F.laled over I lie fan t hat they held Asheville to a lied score of'rt Hmi (I. th,, Mountaineers h.ixe f.oni xxoiking hard l hi. n.cek I'm: ilie . Hayesville g.'inie here 'Friday xx Inch tin -x e peel to add to t heir li-. t of icteil'le... Almo t :i"M I 'wit lie- ,e, t In- .V he-viili- 'game la-t I'd iday, xx liieh xxa - a nii and l uck allair during t be lirs t half. In tin third iiiarli-i A t i i!li broke linoiii'li fnr-a touchdown'."- The Mount unoer . held (licit own. and in he hi : tin i li-innl., of idav Ki-i xes lo el I.Jiidgi-.a pa,, which xxa- good to) to yard . On tin- Ij.-xt play lb exi s ti l - '-x Ko a p i- , xxdiicli re lilted in :: ! - mi i-In b i a. I.'i ni a ;.:' -ed.a drop kick for an e t l.a p. i nt I 'it'l'i i at le i tiy -a nii.oiiii e,l -ye- -ii.-ida.x that many in-xv laei xxtll be ei '; : i ii t lie gam,; Ft ii!. ,'y. , nuinber I lil 1 lia'-i been in;, nli , due to llllliol- 111.(11 l e ! tie U,, . ., e, i lied I II I iti-i A ' hi 1 1 b - came I'mci- lot I ' ia;. -' ga rue 1 1..-1 -e bee.'i i eii llcCii : ! ;;0. a i n:l -lo on I' liiiik Smith, will' be mi; -i d from 1 he sepiad. .t he n'iiiaiuder of ' !.,. a--on: (le left -ehool till- week, but in hi'.' jdace Ijoiigia:.- .Moote' letter .man ol la-t year xxiif ;'te back, di tire i a. iia rtoriia'ek. ' Finds U ay i n ivv) Cut Mowers 'iresii Meeting Is Set For Tonight. Two Resignations Are Expect, ed to He Called Tor d by one a motion I made One of li.--gr.-iee" to The members of ihe Board of Aldermen of this city are .scheduled to bold their regular monthly meeting tonight at the City Hall, at which time they expect to discuss changes in tbe city police lorce. it was learned oHigudly yeste-r-day. No. ollicial statement xvas made, howexci by any member or rvc. board. -except that tbe matter xxill be t hoi iiugnly discussed and it is ex. Peeled th ii at lea-t t xx o ' changes xx ill In made I In Mouiraiiieer xvas i member , f the board tha woubl he made to a-k the ii-ignat ion ' I 1 vv o menibei-.- ot' the l,.n-e. It -ras oitiiii, iled that the iv-ii:ii:i:i,.fi would I'e -."Uclr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 ! i . 1 1 1 1 x . Id;,, e'.iin . of ) -:i iiat ion i- an . atgioxxtb of the acliou of the police a: 1 h. A-li.-x ll. W ax ne-x die loot -!-''!l game on la-l Fri.la.x when t'ici t,-l all light eok pl.oe All IllU'e iilcoll'ers ol tin bo; slat . niejil about, the all'air I a -in ! ei in I tig it 'a - ill' !"xii ol Wax uesx die. Since the .iii .i 1 1 , i ' i e i e lias iieen iniicli ,-ini ":en '. - - I -'re liici I s . i it,, s, ,ioo ail. Ihontie- ill and open letter to this paper sexcidy crit a ie, the police I "I t bei r act ion . I''nda-. Sam II, .lone.-. , hairnian of 'he police deparlmeiil. o,l The Moun taineer yostcrdax that there xvere 7 or S aiipliealiiuis already in for Ida. e- mi tdic force None of these applications liax,. been ollicial ly con sidered by the board. . Mr. .lories said, abhuiii'dr be has ma,!,, in est ig.it.iou a- "o th,, (iialilications ,,f ;iliiio-t all of t ho apilicaiits. M t .lone, had no stateinent, to make prior' to the .board meeting to night, xxhi.di xxill be ,.n executive meet iiig. ot her than to say that I bo matter would he discussed ami he .'viiecteil delinite act ion xx mild -be tak en, It xvas said hy one mentU'r of the hoard that Chief ,,f I'ohce .lames Stllllglield. had appeil'eil befolN. the hoard asking '.hat i hau'ge.-,. bo made "ii 1 he police force, ( bief St ring. I" Id xxa alli ii'lmg in-liie court am! a not on ,lutv at tin- hall pari-., Friday. , ' ' The nu-1 i.i I ii t; of t he imatd of al- a i on n a i e .1.1). Wax Sam II . l- n. and l..lla:iliu .1.1 r. ... Mayor 'It A l k i n- mi i , h.n rman of t lie WesteniDistP.T.A. (onl erence To Meet In Asheville 10(h -, i ii Hi '. A. 'Jl : gi..,: N.C Cafe, 'tried, last week xxdiiei, Cllt iblWI I ; (Jetiige: tried "ie ah K-illcli dah" . ,'.e. r of !,. U.W a', li m evperrmeiil .. c'ia'i tie it 't ii keep i lunger. : Mr. :- liegi llletl.; i. I It . on .i-'i'i: found ' bat i ia- iax - -at t or .iiei.ng ml ! lie (lav- i' ' w-i .. cut (lower s-ev, is was as fi from 1 he - a About ai; :!( b o f .-; . . i r xva - placed i-i ic xx a'.i i t or a f. -.x KecOnd . be! ' ' ;. - liutt ing in the 'a e. About a 'i a poiui of common :. s ilt was placed ,;: the xviiter in the va -e. I'. A. .Co,... ' ; : 1 1 . ' ';''' i ' ' I, an hex .'! : - da;.' ;,. tsee ( le ' li. t-' jo,:' v,t : i .;.-1 x ' x Me ., (, S. Fte.';' of r an ' xx le i di -I tiei eli. ii i in ill 'The' lliellie 'of the 1 1 mg i. a 11 1. o f . t lie on;, xxdl be "C! i.eii-hip " Soine' of ' 'le'- .'( -I a i id big -peaker- ...I tlie s-,at' a i e ...i heduloil o a niiea i on fhe- ro giam during .the dav. "- 'Fin.- '-pe.-ikers incliidi- :M i-s,- . Al. .Martin; : dt held . seriel-.itx Air- '.l F, . ll.-n.ler-on -..ite pteddi.iit and Or. Albert. Co.-tl.e- -fontldet of" 'h,, ilotltir..: of giive i it 1 1 ! i ( .' ' Mi';.. I'l'-eel will pre--'d.- a (;'.! ho i oltfe l i ne'e... I .ill irrt' . I In--"pa ' t.y - r ";i nutii-, J i ' of. I '. . T: A mi. i lit." ' liax.- been i'e'! ' in fhi 'oiiiil'.' and 'he interest .". .'. n ha- I.e. t; c-' aril viiig. - and it is i :cet,e 1 : b . ' a 'la- ' t'c ihe.-ga: i..n f roin. I! -ix: wooii eniiii' - w'tM- a't. nd the con. fei once, '.-' .Deputy -..lusiiee sain aiuruav- mai . : , . this wi,;: the .eleventh stiH . taken in COmniUnitV V HirS tha' '- icinttv . in. the last several I ' . Will lie Held Soon mot:-', and that many gallons of beer and: .viiiskey have heem destroyed in this -e'"' ion of ..the' county. Dick Southerland Buried On Sunday V I iiierar. services for. Dick South er'a'i'l were conducted Sundtiy after no'.n at ,:-.(), at the Garret Funeral Home. "Uncle" Dick, as he was knoxxn, died a- the. Haywood Ounty Hospital;- ; Funeral . -eivices were .unndudted by Rev. .0.:'.C. Landrum. pastor of the Hazelwood Presbyterian church. .. In terment was in Green Hill cemetery. Surviving are only his nieces iind nephews and onP sister-in-hw .Mrs. P. E.Campbell, with whom he lived. ' William M -Cracker:, who has been vi-ifirg his grandparents- Mr. and M: -. T. X, Ma-sie. Vft yesterday for hi's home, in ll'tck Hill South - Car olina. '.-; Plans ii:f. 'underway for tv com munity -fairs, to b,. held in Haywood county during this month, it was learned y. -terday. The first will be held at " local high school on Sat urday -2J - t - Qri t he following Satur diy one ..will: be staged at th.. Clyde High Si 'vol- . .The fairs are being sponored by thP vocational boys of the school Un der the supervision of W. D Smith. Detailed information will be given in next-week s paper, .. NEWS:; 11 H I M. KT I N At 10 ::( oVIork la-t night the condition of "J. M. Mock was re ported as "heinjr critical." His condition was altout the same as jt. had been for the pat 1 hours. He has heen ill for about (en days at his home. ''.' W. , L. Stribieg. ' hdxer of Macon.; Ga... tiied early Ta. -day ni.ii'tiing- f rom injuries su-tai: ed when he ran off the highvxa mo- iSaii'lay with his torcycle , rou'e to the hospital to see. hi- .x : ami two-week--o!.l so:-. His r:gh.r t'-it't xvas cut. off in the i.T '' id.-- : die .a!-o siitfered ' interna! in-.u- "' - ; IL. had t'-..ught-over jjiitf. .;'ig.".- ' ;r ie- life a, J xxasir 17. ' :. . Miss'-.M.arV- Stringfied. Miss Iay Crawford Mr. Lee Davis. .Mr. Aaron Provo-t, and Mr. Sam I3u.-hne!l mo tored to (Jreen-borii Saturday to -co the. Duke-V. M. I. game an 1 spent the week-end in Chapel Hill:. -M iss Crawford went from Gtcci -! o Bot'tori xvhere she is a member .f the senior -cfaw f S:i:gent , School of Phy-icar Fducation of I! ton University. '( ; : stat. !' 'irgit:i t b s'ate ' X'l'i'e for reti. lS-e atlH!-: !',t. '; Tho! ' -' '. t-. 1 in fax ' -r, of .repeal-:' v the : f tho I ' :'. F- Le Morg ;-:. retu' eed ' : his horn, ot Waslnng. ,I. C. S it-day aftc a v:sit o relatives in Clyde and V. r. n- -vilb Mr-'. M rear, who ac. c mname -; 1 1 rt . i i : o- a t Mr-. W. G. PyeT- bu-'a': i ; Clyde -v .'ays-, with Mr. and ir . t P: f s. ti f n- t h 1 r, : .'.'.. e : e Mi ''-, . d ir 'I t. :iii 1 . .c: : a 'id I' i ; i 1 r , f IV.' I III "-.a h

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