THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Tase 2 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 18. abr fflcuntaiiirrr Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Phone 137 Main Si reel Waynes villb, N. C. W. C. RUSS Editor W. ('. liuss and M. T. Bridges, Publishers Published Every Thursday SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year. In County (1 Months In County 1 Year, Outside of Haywood County $1.50 Subscriptions payable in aiivance . $1.UU ... 50c Entered at the po t ollttv a W;iae..ville. N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter, as piovided un ier the Act of March ;.l 879. November !20. 1!)U. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lfi. liM'l NORTH CAROLINA CRIME WAVE The increasing liumboi of hoiiiicidos and murders n North C'i.rol i. .:i mi iv.viiI week-; calls sharp attention to the fact that in this state as in Chicago the-o is a u'in " wirfu that striken at safety of the State and its peopl". If al lowed to go unchecked, no ma-i or -soman can I ravel in safety upon t-hf liighway-- of th" Sta'e or the streets of the cities and town- of the State. Even in Raleigh, 'tie Capital of the Slate. William Miliikan. a former vaudeville star, was slain as he was about to close up his humble store in the suburbs. This is (w..y one of many such crimes in North Carolina in recent weeks. No section of t he State is free from crime. The great dan"' now is that the people may come to tarie such dastardly outrages for granted There is only one way in which-to meet sAich n challenge to organized society -as the brutal killing of Wil liam Aidl'Vui. The whole community must be. come aroused to a sense of responsibility for it. Had such a crin-U' as the slaving of William Miliikan occurred in . the state only a few years ago. the" whole community would have turned out to find the .slayer. There would have been no let up iii the search until he- had been found. Hut now little public interest is manifested, it is left to the police forces. Tliey have worked unceasingly, but nothing is better established than the fact that a policeman cannot enforce the law himself- He must have the co-operation of the public he serves. Most people in North Carolina think of .Chi. cago as a place which human life is not safe. Some of them when visiting tiu Western met ropolis feel they must take along a revolver as a measure of protection. Hut human life is safer in Chicago than in North Carolina, safer than it is in Raleigh the' Capital of the State. What shall be done? If 'something isn't done speedily to check the crime. wave, then every man will have to carry a revolver, and then the anarchy of the jungle will prevail. Every cit izen must shudder when lie con. templates the' homicides and murders that have taken place in North Carolina in recent weeks. For every killing in Chieagj, even counting the executions of rivals by gangsters, there have been two or three in North Carolina. The only remedy is for all organized agencies to exert every effort to run down criminals and never to quit until they are safely confined. Here is a challenge that strikes home to every citizen. Raleigh News and Observer. SO SAYS BUCS' RAER In a copyrighted article in the Baltimore News, Arthur (Bugs) IJaer. noted columnist, w rote the following short squibs the day fol lowing the; announcement that North and South Carolina had voted against the .'repeal of the 18th Amendment, The heading being "Mountain Mule Wilis Carolina" You cannot blame the Carolinas for liking their liquor 'best. The boys voted against changing the pre scriptions. We know that old mountain mule It's mellow'i It's as pure as rain-washed air. What we can't understand is why cities vote wet and farms vote dry when one drink makes both of them look alike. ' Let's get back to Carolina mule. It ain't a bad destination. It's a jug-handled contract that holds a gallon. The old firm is still doing business at the edge of the woods. Take one drink of it and you will .sail down Main street like you had' an .outboard . mete! strapped to your coat tails. So you can see that the Carolinas were simply voting against inferior substitutes- Some of the folks have argued that reve nue derived from the sale of liquor will get the country out of the red what about the noses that will become crimson? COLONEL S, A JONES, LAST GREAT RAILROAD DREAMER Newspaper men in North Carolina who have a backgiound of experience will. have a feelingo of personal loss at' the news of the death of Colonel S. A. Jones, of VVaynesville, nearly eighty-two years old. Colonel Jones himself was an old newspa per editor when the role carried far more of ad . venture, if as little profit, as it does today. A native of Kentucky, he ventured into Florida early and edited The Tampa Daily Times, when the city of that name was an exotic village. He came to Western North Carolina, went into min ing on the commercial side without any deams of gold, and succeeded. lie is known tc the newspaper profession in this State on account i J' a scheme he fostered of a great transcon tinental railroad system which was to revolu. tionize the State, and Western North Carolina in particular. In the course of a busy career, the Colonel had done his bit of railroad building, and on the subject of transportation, freight rates, prosperity, and the rest of it he was the bob-cat's mittens. He would send the State press well-written essays on this subject, the only defect of which consisted in that fact that when he took his stenographer for a literary : "'! , he never could stop short of 3,000 words. v e . u-;-ei! to take pleasure in giving him a united hand without t urning over, the current i.r to exploitation of his idea. Those who 'member Tarn Bowie's "Lost Province'' bond issue scheme may be interested to know that its inspiration riubably came from Colonel Building a new across country railroad was, however, just a hobby with the Colonel who always managed to attend to his own more particular business in a satisfactory way, wa in all respects an admirable fellow and, when it came to being a host, a prince of hospitality. All in all, a colorful character filled to the brim with energy and daring in an ever more niateralisiic age to entertain limitless visions. - Raleigh Times. ODD THINGS AND NEW By Lame Bode1! Mountain (AM1PV AD AAV FIJI'S ri I Certain mountain ba s- r BCONS PROTECT THEIR TRIBE ir r.CLUNG IMMENSE STONES DCWN UPON THEIR ENEMIES. Atmospheric helium - ThEPF. IS ONLY A MINUTE TRACE OP HELIUM IN THE AIR WE BREATHE, VET feO MILES UP THE AIR IS Z5 HELIUM Earthquake death rate People living in the U.S., east of the Rockies HAVE ONLY ONE CHANCE IN 5 MILLION OP BEING KILLED IN ANY YEAR BY AN EARTH QUAKE. mi WXl! Servic SCENIC PARKWAY SEEMS ASSl RED Now that Secretary Ickes has notified rep. rcsentatives of this State and of Virginia an! Tennessee that he is ready to discuss the prac tical details of constructing a scenic highway through the Shenandoah National Park and on .into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a meeting for that purpose having been called in .Washington! for Thursday, it can be confi dently assumed that this project, the most in viting in many ways that has yet been advanced by the Public Works Administration for this section of the country, is as good as assured. The scenic highway, which will be built over the tops of the mountains and which will be approximately 500 miles in length, will be paid for out of the public works fund the only way it could be paid for. . But the three states through which it will be constructed will be re quired to cooperate with the Federal govern ornnient by providing a 200-foot right of way for the road. Senator P.yrd of Virginia is con vinced that landowners in this state Will be glad to donate this right of way because of the inci dental benefits which they will derive. Mr, J. Q. Gilkey f f '.-'.Marion, a member of the North Carolina committee for the parkway and a leader from the beginning in the movement to secure it, says that he has "conclusive infor mation that every foot of necessary right of way can be procured with one cent of cost to State or to the national government." That is the right spirit and we hope that the same spirit will be manifested when it comes to the location of the parkway. It means much to the region as a whole. There is no question we think, that it would be, as Senator Byrd says, "the greatest scenic highway in the world." Hundreds of thousands of peopje will be brought Southward every year because of it. It will be the crowning achievement of its kind for mak ing this mountain country the recreational cen ter of Eastern America, And its construction fits perfectly into the public works program, for it will create an immediate market for con struction materials, giving to the Whole coun try benefits of the sort contemplated by this part of the Recovery plan and providing a recre. .: ationol asset the value of which will be lasting shared by millions of people in the years to come. Asheville Citizen. The t.tlicial vote of the election in Hay, wood county was for repeal 1,9S7, and against repe'al 4,115. Not even close enough for an argument. ." . ( OTTERS Well, tlie election is over and re sults made known and while the dry forces ;u-e very much elated over :he victory uiuler the leader-hip of God and the united efforts put forth by His people and all lovers of pood jrov, veinimrit :nd the elevation of pood murals- it ha- created some surprises I ,v,i flwiiiiiM-,!!! nient anions tne rc- ! ncai'isl -. While' it :- ; omitted that the ver- 1 (; ;: inr ht-vona w nut i i'-m'" 1 I t, v : -i :i V :: y upposeil repeal whir . tu.i.v'" th''.' IS: nil- know :c .-he- whiin peopl ii.n.-- el'i - i - and eonu- io on , cd eti' -: lie n ! nut p.".-- 1 lieyomt liu'ir tii o.s- So we as His profe-sed f 0.1- I ! -iwer s should he .thankful nart: H . I' ived in till eis-ales: crise state; Th Clyde School News The Clyde Hiph School has fallen in step with the state educational pro. pram which is beinp broadcast over t he radio. Last week the entire school went to the auditorium to lis en to the music hour broadcast in stead of having regular chapel pro prain. The school then listened in on the deb::ite sponsored by the state department of education. Leading men from various -outstanding col Sepi's over the nation made up! the debating teams. Tile question dis-u- s. . wa -: Resolved That .the diked St .tes Should Adopt Govern. I ment ( ontro! of Radio a 22 ears in HAYWOOD (From the file of N'ovtn: For 'the purpose of school's representative : College declamation c young men will compete -Academy. The ipeaker McMannaway. Hiliat . Jonathan Woody. Bue! i'lott. nnrt I jarn VVn.t t will also consist of severa' tho choral rluh. The, .-, ' ",'J" composed of: Misses Be , jij omi Harrold, Hetty M, f Swift. Bessie Ray, Mat-;,, iv"? r.vciyn ami, Juanita M, if,,-H. McCracken. and Fanni.-- ,-'w Mr. J. Frank Fooshe '-3s7 the management of The i ,,arej J paper will bp publiihe.-l p.' M instead of weekly as hi -(WW, ' ' --a - i Remember when drHk.j. can't go through the w'.-rhie'f you can. i '.r 10, ' the i -T-tva. est are: J CraJ Hyatt. Lady Vere de Vere And mvn Jiey simply wouldn't let m'el until I told them who I wa.-! .1 Miss HifFelsheimer Ant wtj you tell them you were? McDougall What are ye chi for those horns up there? Dealer Seven guineas, fjr. "They're awful dear!" ', 'No, sir. they're off a baffalJ "Are you the groom?1 askei bewildered old gentleman at ii elaborate wedding. V "No sir." was the reply of th barrassod young man. "I was, natd. in the preliminary tryout.' Marjorie No, I car..", ; you!" d Clyaude lsaape!y) oh( there are others jus. as -gMi.l! "Better. I accepted or.e uf ( yesterday." f 1 !, thos that it ; a ! US m in i . trusinp to His leauer- u:i!y grants uieir rvHiue B un. for the one ot tne in the history ot our results, of . last Tuesday hould remind us ot many things tnat -,ve should in- proud of. !:'irst we should, be proud and thank ful that North Carolina has shown :o the world where she stands-on. -the liquor question. We should be proud of her lr dependence and courage to stand up against the opposition of the national administration, the press to some extene and the little peanut politician which shows that the cit. izens aiv amply able to pass upon all questions of importance that per tain to the best interest of the coun try without any foreign or outside intluence. We should be proud of our noble women who had the courage to go to the pedis anl cast their vote for the preservation of the boys and girls of this and future generations, "We should be proud of the county of Haywood that in all questions touch ing the morals and the uplift of the rising generation has always been found on the side of any righteous cause. And that she has always been able to rind, men within her borders to lead her forces without picking some foreigner. J. A. FRANCIS. he students:, toljoweil up this pi'ugram by engaging in a de-'itite.-on ithe following Friday. They :'(' on the question Resolved: "That North Carolina Should Not V.i'o to Repeal the l.Sth- Amendment " MRS. G. W. BOHNSDALHS. A flock of 118 Barred il Great j blood-tested for bacillary " wav Dad-What do you say to the nice lady who gave vou the apple? Kid Peel it. : QUITTING TIMF "So that stout woman is deserting her political party." "Yes; she savs she's: against ex pansion under any consideration." rhea paid T. K. Beckham of j Point, Alexander county.: pro-fit during ::he month of A:j, ) m ! l.j jor t BILIOUSNES Sour stomach d g as and headache1 H due do B CONSTIPATION FORTUNATE Lady ( ettcttedly) : "I saw a mouse in my apartment." Janitor: "Well "well! Other people pay money to go to the movies to see one" NOT AN ILL WIND Maid (having dropped expensive vase) : "Those colored bits will look I lovely in the rockery, ma'am " RADE MARK REC K 1.10'. ssass 55V . ' it JUSIOU ORDER VS1TKD AMERI CAS MECIIAXICS Meets every Tuesday nipht at S o'clock. All visiting Juniors are welcome to all meetings. Wayhesrille Council No. "To. Next Tuesday night, Nov. 21. at 8 o'clock, the J. O. I'. A. M. is going to have a womanlcss beauty contest. Eyery member is urged to be present and bring, his family and friends. The committee is offering three prizes for the prettiest the most handsonip and the most comical. The following characters to take part: Roy .Phillips: announces Z. . L. MaS sey, Miss Ray Town; W. II. Burgin, Mis? 'Hanging' Dog; J. C : Hooker Miss Iron Duff; J, F. Leopard. Miss Rat cliff Cove; Sana Galloway. Miss East Waynesville; Tom Smith. Miss Mauney Cove; C W. Barnes. Miss Pig Street; Gilbert Reeves. Miss Spread Ou ; Charlie Davis. Miss Water Street; Henry Barnes, Miss Smathers Street; O. O. Burgin Miss Frog Level: Hardy Liner, Jr., Miss Del-wood. . No admission.' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ij WE ARE NOT PREACHERS ': but WE S AVE S O L E S THE ( Hi MFION SHOE SHOP E. T. Dackett, Prop. MAIN ST. NEXT WESTERN itNld'n n H Having ,qf alified as administrator of the estate of W. H. Allen, deceas ed, late of the county of Haywood. North: Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate to exhibit tfhm duly ver: t.'.i t the undersigned: on or before the .15: h day. of Nov, 1P3'4, or ths notice -will ! be pleaded: in bar of their recovery. I AlV persons indebted to said estate 1 will please make payment immediate-1 lv. ..this the lS't'h clav of Nov.. 19S3. W. J. ALLEN. , '..-.."..-.,: - e Quality - Dependabilitv - Sen ice i - -"'. - v-... 5 Alexander's has never resorted to the doubtful e:;pliff of lowering its standards to meet a price situat ion, have always maintained and always will maintain 'P highest possible standards of quality, and accuracy r. sound prices. g '':''':. .'.:- ''.'"-.'.'.,'''' '''.' :"::.'' '--:."' ''-X On plain, consistent and strict adherence to a pMsj of QUALITY,- DEPENDABILITY, and SERMCE. s solicit a continuation of your business, . " ' - : -" t ' ' ". When health and even life are at stake, there cj-b no attractive substitute inducements. S h : Administrator of W; H. Allen. Xo. i;5o Nov. 16-23-30-Dcc. 7-14-21 Patron Did., you ever cut a crazy m.'.r.'s hair? : - . Barber No. but jump in the chair I and I'M d. my best , Drugstore Phones 53 & 51 -R o: Z ?1 r -.'I Opposite Post Olij . -' --'"-p 'V.

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