WK I ft If '1 WvT Km W TOY fir rU.ifc Aflaa l- 1 VIS, WA f-iiLimi A 01 Iho Hest Advert,, Meduuu lk , nod ( t.r.t FuM. h,, At the i:.'e.i ltltl lt. , ; t UMI Sim,lN N , ,,, ,M ... , iiipI( WAYNKSVILLK. NOIiTH CAUOI.INA NO. 1 I ? f- I? t. t III r 1 Work I " O L ) ' 1 X . . I. 1 , . Ku Imp 1 r Four Homicide Cases on Docket As Court Opens (Yiminal Term Of Court Begins Here Monday Morning. Judge Finley Presiding Haywood iYvuia tufc ; 1 V Terence 1 he .Sovembor-December criminal tiTHi jiI Mipcrior court will fret under way here Monday morning-, with Judnv T- li. 1'inloy. of North Wilkesboro, presulni'.r at tlu ilirst week ml the throe-v.-tM-k term. Judjro I-olix Alley Will UMide at the la-1 two weeks. The thud wet k will bL. a mixed term of cn.'rnnil and nvi!. 1 lie ducket facin:.: the court is. the heaviest m a number ul ears. with tour homicide oases scneiluleit to be heard, and a lai'u',, nuliiOer ol minor cases. ..... . ..... ;o;':!;;so o; ins eonncriion v.:!:i iw case b Trir;: his api'.omi ine:U to the beiiv h, Judj:c Alley could not hear ice case in which Claud Maniev and am Btaylock arc chaiiro:! with kitiinir Ivcn -fymitmf&i!r' " -" .j-j- V1l ), nniimmimi - nimin. ' K I TK'th ( icy on l-iu'eon. 1 he case -way cunt limed troiu t he last tenr. ol court and will liicolv be the fust bij- i-a.se to be bcai d ai this term ol court 1 cr!i-ji : t h.- out siandnt!'' ca.e ol tl',,' lsossion will be the 1 rice murder case Four are now heme; held in the Ha woo.l jail here m connection with the case. lhev ale llewey Totter. Ciiir enci' I'oltt'i-. Wavne Potter and l-.ru Lwllord, .laliH' diettield and Leonard .she-! ifit'ld who are oharued with the niur-l : der of Mud .Miller and assault on I ..James Welch are scheduled to be' tried this term. r hd llniKham is charued with as-( isault with intent to kill Mrs. Joej , Jtixiwmne; at her honie on I'lU'eoii.l -Binfrham is still in jail awailniir -trial. AVade ..Hopkins is iibo c hartred with aidinjr and abetting m the all -air- He .Is at hho.it v under bond. : v James Suutherland will tan' ti ;a . tor killi-HT hi ; brother. Villiam South erlnnd in thi' l ines t reek section. lt was the general opinion, ol some lit th,. ,oU!t house Inat at least three - 8))ecial yon I res would be used to try - tile live homicide cases: .specuiat roll tl i tl i i umii , l 1 Were til,. l':i-e (a-c. Snelticlil case, an I n i b i 1 '1 'Case. Ill 1 t ii 1 i duty are a lod.ow.-.: I- iisi weoi; --' -i .lU'i'.-i: I,, i . ,'lu u : Waynesyille, X. ,S. l-cmus ui. I '. !-. , llen.dev. Jiich.ard "Is all. a. .1. limlnes. Joe I'ate, A. ( . bachannan. li k. ani)b.ll, .) I.. ho))e. 1-. ( . t oiiij ton: ('ataloir'hee 1.. A Sutton: ! ines (reek: V,. M. 1 rantham : i;cjivcHanii E. li. Holland. .! . I'litman. C- A. . Allen. Jess Reynolds. 1. 1.. ..Sutton; . Jonathan. ( reek: Jess lleiison. Kobcr.i Keti-ces; iytle: . H. Warren, Brent Antrel; rabtree: 1; li. 1' ernu.- on; lvy Hill: J. A. (libson: !. M. I'eriruson. Stcomi week: 1'nreon: -Noah Phil lip M W Paik. l, ( hdi 1 hsa I (Iran, Jens M C hue, I AI ( lui , . Wayne.-ydle: Henry daddv, li. M. Mor ris, li. II. liurie?:; J. . Mct racken; Iron Uuft: Herman kinsland; Jona than (reek: Ld Morrow; l.ast 1-ork: C ( I' nt i tl; Jli.uu i mi I i Wi ( W Wiirt. J L i lk, 1 1 I'imh Albert J, sharp, I). Bradley. J. Ii. : Sluvok; I" ines Creek: Frazier Price, M. M Mt-s' . F M olnd Whin Oak II C 1 i-hei , l Hal I Ketner : . 'Ilnro wcok: Beaverdam : ( . 1). ( ol--Jett. S. Thompson,. K 1. Kan.lall. J. Ii. Willis, Joe C. Southeriaiiit, V Sam Robinson, Chas.. A. . Smith. Jr.. i . ouiilt; AVavnesville: (iOo Smith, B M U-, D I-tuidk Fines t reck: Lawrence Price. . v. Arnr i, J I t t, P I Tb ti Kasl 1 ork Roy V Mi, Wh e CW J..-.H-- McLlroy;. (. atal-oocr.ee ( '.) c- it It NOJ -w f - X ,- . f 'C J ! Over $100,000 Will Be Paid In Salaries In 13 Wec'ss To Unemployed tn . To Secure1 i)eer,i,., rst ' " rillinC More tliao SlOilOeo .,ti ; ., H(iile now u.i, i niid.iycd m It t :n (I Of WiiMiosville And Ha.e!.!;;',1. '.'' . "!;''!" h,yi'" ,. nc i iicceinhei- in t. accei-ilini' to titr- W(IC(! .)JIV lo l.WAi (itn. M:ivs . .!c:,;,e, b; Momer 1 leu; . o n- "I ! ' e 1 1 1 ' l iit . , urn; v v, .; ,.: in ii... i ii'' woi I'.iuii r :),. k iiju- v : - un , 1' i lienil ( , i, ,,rk;. , s 1 1 1 ii 1 , , I : t i ii'iciM ( inn imsstnn I k. 3k. ! Hi I "li' v ', is; , u 111 I e , .., llSl .k. ,, I t i io . -All ll.e rim o. . . :.U ! I Ii ' it li.v, !e til., t lk ll - I- i'hii : ii . P.I. . IWkM.I soli limn; el I'llic n: ;, ,v ! will be Kiven to ipphca :c; . ; ,-nr. k-r i ciiilinil ; " . i i , r It.. : S '..ll Ol'i) l ,. i, :c:cs ,n , , I,. -!'S men now n m. i i -hi ; .... urn in :::i . it ! I I l, o I l, 10 I". Ill 1. to . Imi.,s, mich ii I I. i a in o' no 1 1 s j i ; . mil ,. .!! leu t 1 1 ; i U I kO'.-ilst. ,li..li;cl el 111! ,j-t ' I! Del i h I I lb , 1 he i ::hs nom-tor- shown m the picture ali ,-. Slot h in lis ' I on li'i'i lie ; . in ( iiai'lotte last week .-wi ale natiei ol U i.nnl (onuty '1'hev are nnM i-s;e-,a! wr tec f,.. uu- Harlot!,. News ami a n.il i . an :. Uel. M. I . Sniat ad , Kev - I!. Sm.it he: Re ' ( amntio';, Key. t S. Kirk.atnck Roy .1. .1 1mIv i . Ill m.i . ,1 Rat hbiiiii: w OIC.i 1 1 ellllcl i ,lc i ' s jiio, in I'll alim , I "in P. .1 unison 1- Him I. -it i,,- ; ii-ht thek I'. ll. .Mum h.iri . y J Kemaiits Here Mm ta k.,;v t wk fcLwtefckMiii: 'At vera I Chures Akijdo !v ("orifer vtmi h District !):s(ricl Kii'ainod Id liuhidr I l ,ins l;mi;i. W;!iU .lolmson (.(it's ') ( ii.nloih' ent "j-(1i:irlotte ill l. I tl I ' II Mill ill' committee tlli'llent I ill I IHIl ! I" ; I j i , ', . k'M'llt ll US li.. Si I . ica I I I ' k I I i M I ; i ' I ' i i ', i mated I liar Is 'k"iilii apirn :i..l ul llir lo. in ill. i iiU? that the .:ilul cli m ma h 1 I l oin I lach. osil. :t .rosy I .ake .1 una in ki into I ho. lake. It is oM una ej i ha t a cb H're ol (5 routs per 1,1'CO callnu. i l water Usui in avne-x Hlr lis. oly. on, I ami Lake .lllllalllsk I Weill. I ay In: nil, ! est i ll the un. ne. . ml a I u pa y , itu- n t lie I ii at ion i s' L'OO me'' kk ' .s. iii I 'i . i mm: v. .! P.. b ! i . Msaiiii ha - inaoi o w :- : ii 'I 1 I n I leek ... j appbcil ion lor ai e as t. II IIOI) it! 1:. ' .-'i'Ollil Pake .Jlllllllu i, I'S. ,u ,,u-l ShU Ho'Pdal to R..-.,, -.lone, ait: ' iiamas the' ' Mountain to (,Ve I'nyk I an, I in a, ( u ,. ( M.,', .i,, , ()..,ic ! ...iT anon. al li r, iii-j; , . Panlhoi- a ( riek I,, mmlil, .,a I.-;-,,;.. .loot eel iiinlcf wavlt i eek 111 men.' a . ... .. ...... .a' i , ' a . , " I" ' "" v. a ".sr, i' ..a r ,i mi n: a i ii . ii, nu n i' " "ll -ok tii'. ( an ; on ,,u m 1 h Suie ' : . II mi n I Oil cm . ( n r In n I.cl , St', 1,,'ai Ike p'ojocts under the siipervisioli he emnil v . oia n, , ,. nim i'.. iiii lu i,. ainl tki . ! mil I lardin. .1 1 : hall Methodist clones ol Hie I- oi.-. ( llflCiO (I w. J j pi uicipa!. j iviliii en a I nin es cd ; icon. ..! I- Sill, 1 haii'i v.milil be iin:pli... ul water III' usl ' 1 :e CI ,l III .' . ml Skill Inch i lit t'H' l ' IK! ISO! : t '. ' II . S'Si t . I'll ' I' l l ill. AlefllO.ll .1 ik Ji'lm: ant wo .. si; 1 l odi t c iitiicl.i. hi IS I dale-. Ills I. '. ll 1 ile.l. ; . i lis oi .mi "0 oiititci n mi.i v n mil In. me. In men. ibe . 1 1 eel i e j i a 1 1 a f I ) ' . ili a i n in l-aemr .dl iiicn lie ai el lie, . t clltolle' a ll. j iiiie; .o ii ., r,.. ii, ., ,,1 S e.. . . .ami ' I ' : il' ! e o lei 1" . ahia a' I I.. is e.1' ll,,.. i art . e -. ' ll l - .-. 'ilium li as ii mi is i ..-m ami In; ( el 1 'iiairi.'i! !: I ' I I. Cl.iil, t reel. Pr ! 1. i'm. (Telephones xre i 'n ( am tl c c S c 1 P , i house can be. eontardet! I rera Mm oit; -d 1 mi m .1 i t h hi in pi c c al u 1 wi'l i' th, j i n t hie e ll c v she Ml' ii c I It i .in 1 c 1c k c 1 c i , n ut to j h i c i itisialloil. 1 la- county, s: to. n-iy tto' tn, 1 nt ml i I flu il 1c d i in calls. " ' . Pe in bn t i m i ci n c rout;- distance calls. u the court hous a' ( polite 1 bn i ' h i ' hi the hall. or-thiMirn-w., ;t ... csTectcd l.isinediately T(t III Or idav Iki v . 1 1: 1 1 ,,! . . . .iidtii .in am, (siiiily olan ;-. It se l.ere I in . .lay lor their new ii'.nm :n ( hai'lnt 1c. 1 lie cliui'cl: "li " ' ! o li. or AV a lie die r.i. -."i; !'..', a is- anile lar;. , r t lr. n t lu- a.yne- ale a luu c:ii. I be meiuN i - I '!, loluo. I ip I till, ill omey.'lil.O I Slild I lie. .aim ha.- an d e-jd.-ilice oi Sim i.iiiniii: ::o "A a cue v i-o--- . t a . Ke-v. Air. .lohnsnn iia- alld-aick. Ivim-' ii with canons rivs- .-iiid .- t" imi Hi-Kali izat mils ol the oomiuuni l y nd Iia.- is c ii a run tan oooster toi the lieitcrnient ol the ci! v and county. I li.,. a pnoin i melds . niade or the Vayn: :-ville d;. trie- at the oonlom . are ' In ... ha i ao'.; e ... Alono.-i y are a l-nl!oWs:- . 1 di i i ' li I Plli n ' ( w i il I ul end , l,c the I, i I i, J i vv c l sen .1.- it v. !. J. .loiie Canton. P. V ( I: li: ; .Pniabi 1-. O. Iliymari; i 1 ' H I I ii c in tn , I ll" o hi ' 1 ( . W idenlioii ck: Iiellw-kod, A IP liru ten; I'ltie-i ( rc;e; Pyn.ri Shanwlc.; ' mktin ( t IP i i ( ontinund on. -,)aose Vis-Rtwl Motor .jriejKmMfiid? "r. ?)e,Vr Here ii i i in' . I h i ; : i ,, s .a t i 1 1 . i n ' i t a i e b l aniiiii"' f b i . i i ti (ini it' o in--. ,', (- i -I e . buy"'.- "II ' Itle ( e . :' . j . . s .iioht am. I. .. . - v , ' 1 1 er Ion in blll i . ' " - ! a1 ai r- s mid dmiie- app. .-'si , j.i tn;i accor.liiie- lull I;.-, . e " and. uh'i w-.a,, the hcavie.t . 1 he hie witn cl.-inriee-: .imoiiiitaii!. M .slid, which i.ncliidi',1 ''ill at a c' " ,I i' 1 ' ' wood ,; and iastuie lainl ; to " f . ' 1 1 i..-h an uitocciijiii'd liiiii.ke. I P R a .n,l also' -ill)', real a beayv - I .SO,: bilillt.p ;,, -M) 1 1 i i ' i . wt o I I mil S IS! S.MOlld IS il 1' I ll I J 1 1 d wd li- jisa ; a oiiii.i id .0.10 I I o bum i l 1 ib 1 i it ! Pin;.! - I un. I. Ill'lei eai tit ll I e.s lit I lia e I" "II s "idled (. ,!' Ill 0, MyiiCkVlllt'. I " ami e.i.jji.u-.;. .. .., Is-lo iha,.. hi ' i al lot i y, cirl.cra I ia ; s i - I s ill ( anion, siirl a.oito. ilraiiinifr and a c anaiie, JO men. 1 lie st reefs . . l ..;e , I ,e lai in).'- and reiairiiir l.a no n I- ill v incii -have- bee o . . . . ss i a In aul itn at ion , t h,. , ens, in ( .in tun. 1- ive -. men ba e boon .-, ,( i,,. b.aminr-, c. fui.i rinr and poaut ib. ai ion ' S ,1, J j, ,, ) , y , j , ." .'Ol icat Hlls lor t lie-e Jtl O, ci , s.;. i a Raleie-i 1 u. da .nn,! n. a - in- al! I I l I b lb : al ' repair . a.ird od c i ' I I It P. iii 1 .( 1 h" 111 i. . ' nil' ; ("IS Ill I 'Ol I 1 1 1 I pi I 1 I pi l ( BE P lOIi I M IIi IN. key. IP C. I'l-eeman, pastor ot tne Clyde Methodist church-is dome splen didly at tne. Haywood County hospital folhtwmr; an . operation for . appendi citis last Tuesday .a week aeo. . Mr. Robert McLean, is out affain after bernff conhned, to his home for two -veekc on account of illness. , il NOTICE Aext week's issue of The iountaineer will be publish ed on Tuesday instead of Wednesday on account of Thanksirivino;. AH advert is. ers and correspondents are uiR-ed to set copy in a day earlier. k nc lib an i nti ui ' e il ta to ot nte , 1 t t i bm 1b ortir i 1 t c i m i l c ' c i oppc It ! 'co tl nc 1 v I , the je u, ate i lint; t . ( "i p i tu e ,r ,i r out i II S i n ,n I S.. eather observer here. . I exc la! da .no tne , u i , touched 20 and thereabout--. Severs people renorted frozen .water pipe pii.J s.oise motorist s were. Taup-ht nati i n " a (' found t t ui do- bn-' 1 .,F HAYWOOD F(;LKS TO I'KSS(): HENEITT OblCK SI VPLU benefit o-tri J,jpti ' '' be r en .Saturday nierht at t hp U : VS V. Caie for the benefit oP t no I- irst. par.- 1 t -t chrn A. -pc nl once cf 10 ttnt 1 has been arrang-ed for the supper, arid ' .-ir.lhm- IPamP-tt. of Ilnv-kVo. d all those not: wantmjr ovsters: will -.bo'l v.-,". sentenced to Jn niontlH Kdiitois Ol I'roiiibilion Law (jiien hentir.ee Hv .iiiaite Webl) In AsheyiL'-.; Jhis Week Stven jie.'r.-ons Vk-ero j.'ivc si nsrse ; nl d 11 i c r 1 1 ie ri i 1 l ( 1 ( t lie t I (' f r c :r Viala! loll ...j! nut lima; " -J,vs"i .bo ' tin I s ji , i i i ur ,1,'ue ,1 its. fa.l cii'ivinal term an A- lb 'lid,. ( ts fiom IP ' 1 ii n b i , i ountie s wi o'f P d ' L ati W ' bn ' ! ' 1 if 1P- ail 1 I I provided with :rd iior thinfs to eat was announced. p iiiin'.otii'.-. utiio . jiri.-e.rr upon jjio: i ' u:P y to a prohibit. 'in law vm . - tt . " st:on. Anotier -h;iri": .nfiiirtipir lo Pi 5ani Seimsficbl hi hi- been H, -i , ii ' . )I , i IP n.p i ', . tonfirel to h - ho iP fo- .c a , k ' P ' i dal't , . u , i b d t e on account of illness, is ab:e to be out il s j-':o'Pri" V, KiSy,. j. v,.k, for-.S short time each tiav. ' i.-i-iitcni-". Cot I ' 'a Mi 1 'a ol If V , 1 till tin; v iail: .lai.,('.- lk L iJ J ill, I 'Pi , k)f II J OO VkC'r,. .wotitenced t'i CTiilllcotho prison for a year and a day each; John Ashe on- sentenced t- .three months in the i ount v jail; and Alio rt Ipirris, Jr.. of U.-iy.vood, was sentenced to 18. months a ' hiilicolhe prison. Haywood county probition law vro : .tors whose jrivcn sentences were s. ; ".'lined . on probat :o.r. .for pnxt Iip- S-. i-.-se: Llzy Mon;o. nim- n;.-ir!ths; heuit raptures &l tliiiluns, 2 Cars, And T( Xenies r.v (--( l,Hiioi Enroite To V heviile Captured Jiy ! t'riir And Carver 0 bow p. jTvkij automobiles', (wo men, and 00 fcallons ol bejufir . were c aptured last week by Sheriir .1. A. p.svcmnd bi deputy U ill .Carver.- The third man who was .driving a I'lymouth roadster ran from his ear. as tin Slmriff and deputy drove along side 1dm The ear ind l"iuor was bn Wanes vi lie. . ... i ' a-. . . " . ' .ra (, arnes, on,- vt-,r an-j one -. Pub' (,(n! m, month, ( r' h 1 ' 1 'I ' I Hirer '.o en an I twe ! "lri 111 "''"it 1 HUH J .1 I t (I'll it (Pel ' ' j ' ' -' '1 0. l i 1 P t lib ad one , I , ' 1 '' 1 ( c 1 M ( , ' ' ' ' " 1 1 1 i ' ! 11 , ' ' ".eld. 1 X - ' ' 1 I ' . Of I h J , f ,m , I, . ' J Wt 1 , j't ni' Ii I' e I i (, J,,,,,, , reus,--.. , ,fti.,--,--f. . kk-..:- ..k.llri.l I,.,. . 1 .m Sale .,m : "- . .mi ..---nek ,uev ne man t' es.-ap(. w- !,u'-j, ,.. a 1 ''.-; da.o. . , .'.said to have been p-oni i . vi!'.. I 1 " i ' bai ii Ii il th t .UlOtl 1 J t ' I 1 I 1 I . OH i M Wen pi ' i i il get on tile j.vi'1-ter- -now, lie aiu lhe books (-Josel ovember 10th and w.e hae orders lo use only those who registered on or before that date IT you have a job you had better --ti. a to a. aMd not try to get.in on these Chances - .are - .vo.u cannot pet in and that .viij make, matters Worse for ' J ' i i t t nit t i i ! A. K Ity I I OCj " J HI - II I - I S ' l.U - s m . 1 liector. Ol U il,k ii i