iJa?e 2 THE VVAiNESVfLLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21. If:; ebr iHmmtaittwr Published By THE WAYXESVIIXE PKINTINC. t'O. Phone 137 Main Sueet Wayne?villfc, N. C. VV. C. ItUSS , Editor VV. C Rus antJ M. T. Rridgo-. I'tibli-shei s I'ublished Every Thursday SUBSCRIPTION' KA'I'ES I Year. In County - $1.00 ti Monti, fd County 50c 1 Vcar, Outside of Haywood County $1.50 Subscriptions payable in advance Entered at the po-t oIice at Waynesville, N. ('.. as. Second Class Mail Matter, us provided un Icr the Acr of March U.1879, November 20, 1914. THl'RSDAV, DECEMBER 21, 19.!.! QJhr Jfinst (Eliristmaa And it came to pass' in these days, that : here went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, hat all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was gov ernor of Syria, And all went to be taxed, cverv file into his own city. And Joseph also went up from (ialilee, out ') the city of Nazareth, into Judaea -unto the city of David, which is called Ilethlehom, to be 'axed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great . with child. And so it was. that, while they were the-', 'tie days were accomplished that she should be delivered, and she brought forth her lirst born on. and wrapped him in swaddling riot hi s and aid him in a numgor. because there .was u i room for t hem in t he inn. A lid l.lloi t IV ill I lie (!. roUlltlV shop- nerds' abiding in I he held, keeping watch .over Vheir flock by night, and lo. the angel of th' 'Lord came rpon them and the glor of I lie .Lord shown around alio ut them; and they were sore' '".afraid. The angel said unto them, fear not; 'or I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall lie to all people, for unto von is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is ( hrist, the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a .manner. And suddenlv there was .villi the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising Cod and saving, diorv to. Cod on the Highest, and on earth pi ace, Rood will toward men. And it came o pass as the angels were gone awav lrom them into heaven, the sheplu'rds said one to another, let us now go even unto llethlehem. and sc. this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us Anil thev came with haste, and lotiud .Maiv and Joseph and the babe Ivmg in a manner and when they had seen it, they made known abroad 'he sayings which was told them concerning this child. And all they: that heard it wondered at 'hose things which were told them by the shep herds, but Mary kept ail these things, and pen. it red t hem in her heart. And the ..shepherds rei tinted, glori fy ing and praising liod for all the things that they had leard and seen;, as it was told unto them-,. Luke 2. AN OPEN LETTER Dear Santa Claus : Realizing that tilings have not picked up a- fast at the North Pole as they have down here, we are not asking for very much this year, at least not for things that will cost much but for things that will mean a lot to this communi ty. First, we want only one Chamber of Com. inorre in Waynes ville. As you know there are two organizations here now tryi" to carry on the work that should be done by one. Second, we not only want, but need a rec. national center for our yourrg jieople to spend their time other than places of questionable reputation. If there is anything vou can do to help the Legion Building and gym. we urgently request that you do it. Third, here is a request that may sound far fetched, but we need in Haywood County a county-wide organization for the purpose of educating the people against the cost and folly f crime and for (lie preservation of law and order. Com t h, there has not been much said about this particular thing, but if you have an extra one you might bring it along an air port. We aie right next to the park and afford an ideal location for a landing field for planes that will eairy passengers over the peaks in the park. . . Wishing for you a safe and successful trip t his year, we remain. Very truly yours. The Community. I'.S. Please don't wear your usual red sui. this year, we've seen enough red during the past three vears. l: Random SIDE GLANCES By W. (T RTIS Rl SS ETTER lk!?fo in HAYWOOD All week I havt. lxcn wondering what to wntt. about this week, and hav,. just remembered that everyone will be supposed to le filled with the Christmas spirit and won t have time to do much "heavy" reading during Hie next lew (lav-. .Speaking of Christmas spirits re minds me of one I heard .spoken of la-t wool: hy a man who has been closely conifoted with the high pow cred spirits fur many years, he .'aid: Its hcen ten days -ance prohibi tion died and 1 am t seen a drop of red liquor yet. I'm 'fraid wv won't ive none of the rrd kind for Chri.-t- ma.s. "lie (if th.. men to whom ho wa- a i-ivysir,f his remarks -.id: "Now yen know danced well thai we have ii in the led so Ion;,' that we don't ill ( (1 red linuor. .1 i . i in-' tnought, have we '.rotten to that.' Some n.Keitidm.' writer- are -lire ibu.-ing the King'. Knblish. or mavhe he new fanirlod in tliod. Cast night oiio advertiser in a near by villain- daily had: "'Open Nites Til' Nino ''I Xmar- C It Invited To Shop Hole." Roberta, Georgia. Iec 15. 193.5. The Wsvnesville Mount i.ir.eiT. Wayncsville Vorth Car-lina. Hour -Sirs: I r.rti Vo-r.-wiili enclo-in"-r.e CS1.00) 1I..II.,,. i iiiirrnev f..r th.. renewal of ; my subscription to The Mountaineer C ! r'..i. -1 ri r.t h I V4-!l r f ... .1 I . j L.. c . V., i, 1,.,,-.. ,i vr.rir fin., tv. oei-. one Ol .. .... , - . ' ' ""'e " j " 1 . loMimrn ana imDressiiu iv.-,. the lest weekly parxrs I have ver. . , Mj XM- , . 24 Years Ago taken. Keen the frood work going. Wishing for The Mountaineer a merry Christmas and a happy New Year I am Yours very '.ruly, MRS. C. F. STARVES. Reckless Driver Is Fined $25 And Cost I.. CI. Thompson, of the Woudrow .-(.".km wa.- lined and )J10 cosid in .Nluy.o V c.un here Monday after noon tor recKluss driving on Sunday afternoon at tlu fuot "I I'igeon street when lv Ch-vro!et ;uck which he driing hit a model T. 1'oni nuidster was l liver. !;.v J. T. McCrack( 11. Dam me to the Ford amounted to aboilt ?!" I'atiolnuin A M. Smai'. irrested 1'isoinii on soon ai'u ' ;lie u reek near Wo.idrow- .i on.. Iiur! other th: n shal.en i;o ;l; in- :i:oe of the li-ion. AN All: .)K ! i t)k 1 1 i IS COMMCM I'Y :iii:e.r I'm i!i Washington sa.vs t hai 'in is 'goi.ivg to Imild 2.)(H) air ports few mouths t hroughout the ev . e . t he govei nil! ithin t he eounirv .lust . ! has been (lone towards get t in;; one for this Comm unity is i'i-. known - perhaps lothing i'llliai - somet hing t:!ia.t has ,1'ieen kept quiet, but in either event it seems that if the government liter.ds to dot" .the country with airports th:'. . .! is dirgn tune that we as a emn inunitv -h"ij-I e.et together and trv to get one for this ((.;:.. iiihitv. V Within ..ie ne! lew vears it will he as essential to : eominunitA" to have an airport as it is now to :ii a defiot, '1 he entire .world is leaning towitrds taster travel and transporta. lion, and only those eommuiuties that have air. ports will slj.ire in the prolns derived lrom t i-ansportatio i ol that nature. There is 0111; outstanding reason: however why this eoiMiuinitv should make, every ellort to get an ai.;iort, and tliat is because of our location to ti e park. W hen the park is fullv developed the. v. will be demands tor plane trips across the parK. and ot course, that necessitates the construction ot a landing held nearer the park than there is at present. The ad untages ollered bv having an air port in this Dmnuinitv are without doubt, too numerous to i.ieution. . .-- ' " A M'VK.MI.K COl RT PROIU.K.M 0 Ask any member of the police Depart niei.ii en patrol of the business section what causes the most robberies and the chances are that he wid promptly answer Negro juvenile delin quents. .Members (d' the department say that these Ni'gio hoys are accountable lor a large num. fer of the petty breakiiig-in eases reported, and that their activities continually harass mer chants and business -establishments. When they are arrested, sometimes altei several weeks ol investigation, thev are turned over to the -Juvenile Court. '1 here thev are placed in the county jail, held for a 'short time and released and the whole storv is repeated. A lew months ago an lS-vear.old Negro boy confessed that he had committed lirst de. glee burglary in l-"0 Asheville homes over a peiiod ol several years. His case is a tvpical example ol what occurs when these luveniles are allowed to continue their careers ol crime. Should the blame be placed on the Juvenile ( ourt V An investigation will conv ince anv lair.minded person that the trouble goes dee., er than that. .Alter these bovs are arrested and brought bet ore Judge J. Kra.ier (denn. lie has no place to send them, no institution to which they can he committed. He can hold in in in the county jail, but that is an expen sive am' futile remedy, "Why not .have, a I'ai m, perhaps some ni I h". property now in the control of the county." be -which these boys, can lie sent and '.put in wo! k ?" Judge till'. i ' l suggests. ' j ':'.layfe that is the answer to the M'.e.l o-. I'cssibly (he sinu'ivision for the next few i Month s at lease, ceuld be handleil thiotigh t hi ('WA "whiv c( liar" employes. It u oiiii. : -iiredly take a tremendous loai! 'if the merchants ami business houses t hat ar eing cont ir.uallv harassed. It would also re. tie and -c,. what make" the noise n-ide Inn there is a veil covering the un.-eeii world i which not the s! r. .ngc.-t man. nor 'even the united -ti'ingth of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Onlv faith, famv. netrv. love, ro- . I mance van push aside that curtain i .: i i.. l ... ' MOO , tl ,1.111 'lOUII' LIU -U Ml I lliUUlUl ,11. oomo f , . . ..... lilloil ii it I, i -i . , oeailty ami glory beyond. Is it all . - moo o e. a C Th,. oih.-r day I n.oired C oige iniling to himself lb" source of his men inient "I was iut thinking ; bout v!iat a man tohl m,. t!K. ()ther day. A man in Jack-on county was bragging on how many tisli eaught from ;i eniain -ti' am. Ho u'ent on showing how lyii.j- each ii- h - and even went so '" l:cn- I . iloz.iis of, i , ,. t. .i , . . ( ' " " " "' ii ' n, ni.-ui win. was listening '''d'i -land i! n. U.nL'-r -aid 'SaV, do vou l.n ,u who I ; .ii 7 .-in the war-,lt'"- 'i I'Onr n ii..; C outdone 1 eli d and , , a oil km w. Who I amV" ".o. -. I ih. re d'.' ii Virginia, in all this world 'hoie is nothing else real and abiding. "Vo SANTA CI. ACS'.' Thank God ! he lives, and he live- forever- A thousand yea is from now. Virginia..! nay ten thoti-and year- from now, he) will continue t make glad the heart j of childhood." and Or- Samuel Lanier StrWftVM which was soltmnized at 8 o'clock LIlp JIOOIV JX 1.1- LT. 1VIV. .llOI, .11 r and Mrs. B. J. Sloan. . . . Among the handsome presents received wa,.. a handsome silver tea set by hf nrotner-in-iaw oi mt; groom. ;yr Wulburn. and the giit of the briJe'.s parents, a chest of silver. December 22 Mis Mollie Quei-i and Mr. Jarvis Allison were marriert at the Methodist parsonage. l:v Harnhardt. officiating. . . . Mr. ; lison has rented the Harry Moody cottage and hits everything "in n u-i. iness for housekeeping. Mr. It. V Barber, of Moeksv:!!e ;H in the city for a few days on tusim-- Mr. flay Morgan will spend the week after Christmas with friend.- in Mooroshoro. Miss I.iltie Satterthwait will leaw. Sunday for tC-harlotte to attend :, house nuny given by Miss Unlh Dowd. .Mrs. S. . Uushnell left Saturday foi Keid.-vill..- where she ha.s gone to .spend the holidays- with her parent Mr. and Mrs. John G. Staples. Mr. .1 ames Atkins was fortunate last week in killing a deer whil(, out. hunting n Pigeon. He was alone at the time and ha.s the whole glory of the exploit. Mr. Clarence Ray returned la-t Saturday from Wake Forest wbeiv he has been pursuing a course of study. Mr. ,T. T. liridges and family left yesterday to spend the holidays with friends in Greenville, South Carolina Mitchell. McCracken and Company has iust received a new shipment of black sueiie button shoes. ".slate," "he I ualk-d ...... 'A anion. bigj., j;u (I,,, i in ! iiriiei! and told ii .11 l-l'l I.. m r. 1 he l will 1 lor. e Ihe! on't 'i -for II Ii I - na ire. io he trill h of 'lo. I ie I : ill;.- u a- -!; : .-, o-uilg h"C. . 1 1 ;.'.u. -.ii city ill, -i'.n- on .,is !; ' "i - i:d. ";as thev .,,'-,,. pa-sing thi' "ugh n nasiiiie a n.n .A:,.. n.Wmu, 'lie -h",e of her ealf in no uncertain to nr.- oi admiratie,-.. Th,.. fi;rm, r ;' uig si,i,.what romantic and being impiessed with ihe yuung liolv'- looks s id: "I wish 1 could do that." V oil, why can't you iis vour cow, s'.i 1 it .' th,. sweet young thing re )iliid ' V. w- come from I !;,de i V Have -(mint iron, S. ::. Conmu or. that '"" 1 :v ''' ' ' ' V '''ill Cam is no and 'earing to go ;,,! aer looking taw lids Nayhosvillc- for conmetition I st year Parker Gay. Josh Iteam. .iiiesl llinton, Aaron I'revost, Dave I'.'lmet Coach Weatherbv. Herbeit iiceiir Fred Ferguson. Huck" Howies Tom l.e..,,I.n Haves and scv iial others of ,ls pi.1V(,, U1 ilwn g. me.-. and did not get j shape for .'..mi-vtitirn. bur since we have the liii'danientals down nat, other team, euvi lOoK out till 'I'lioii ball .shots -liootcis." season for tin the harp- Is There A Santa Claus? -'o. a little N w l'o iter of the -New -Yoi Some years girl wiote i he s .. . .. i ' - ' :-s a Santa , t laus. II,, replied with an editorial,! Is lovie A Sam .; Clans?" which has! "coonie a : ci - sic : . , .."Virgiiva. your li: lU- friends are'i wrong ,The,v luive been airecied hv fhe skept ic i s.m 0f a skent i.-al a..-., Tlti. : . t ' I , , ...... . . J, . . . I I V.J, noo iiu r not nine uBaufr3eaau.'.ii "HtggaB? V. : I i IF : V -i ff . S J! , gJ'r . ,, ' " U T " -- v site U u. iW W'v M0 'l tit . .r I A , 'W "-Ye ()Ur m I s. vv il mhm -T .nc VVMI r'J tl: I ,' - i ' v T ' . s- I I ii mm : . : m mm- i'h 'fii rc,i T-v 0 "W ' h, m 7,i P tic . Jr.. H ,. '-.. j- Vtw. f). ,H yi"n 0o ;';- ' I)., s, . '-7?t . w,j Is to sl.-,() 1. ; ...1. : 1. I .. t! i.i. ... . i ... .I. i :i ....... :, ,?''' '" ';" is jio.'io tin- umiu-M j ti e i j 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a i v lie .) lu i ii I v. i '"'i cooipri'nensUiie hy their little''' one! i- i aci.ng.-r--Aslieville limes. ill M.MI.M, IUUI) si IV1.')() E. RAY'S SON 3 VV. II. IIK.NDKKSON I ne .passing awav of A . H. Henderson takes I loin IIa-vo(.d t'ountv due ol the bes; known met: ol the countv. I-'or the past twentv. - .live years ho has tilled some public ofhee or place on an olhcial board ol the countv. During the past titteen years he has been acting sec rotary ol the .Masonic order of Havwood Countv. Mr. Henderson was a member of the coun ty board ol commissioners when the new S210 (KM) court house was erected. lie took a por sonal interest in the building other than in his olhcial capacity. Mr. I loiulorson's Vvork lives on. ;' .-'.-- ' ." '"; .' . ''.'.'. . . ; ll out had to name any single thing as the typical American characteristic, it would proba bly be rust that habit of looking ahead, or for ever going on with the quest. We hav otten been a proud and boastful people, but We have seldom been.-. satisfied with a present moment One era has succeeded another in our history, but never have the people as a whole been con tent to relax. I'.xchange. . , ; : I j Have you done vour Christmas h.ntmg'.' Hinds,. All iv.. I er they be nn little. In thi man . is a mi i his. itui-ilectv a IKCINIA. wheth s or chiulron's. are eat universe of ours iii-ect an . ant in conitei i i.-itl. t boundless, woild aaoui him. as meas ure I ..y the inteiiigence capable of grasping the whole truth: and knowl edge V rg'illiil. tile, ... '!' J . ' VT 4 . ' U " '-t i- , it.nnlj ,n love and -g, neiS.sity and devotion. e- j ists. and you know that thev abound and give-to your life it, highest beau v -m u.y. Alas! how drearv would ! be the world if there were ho SANTA M l . w,n.( h (U i n i there were . n,r Virginias. There! wo-uld be no child-like faith then, no I poetry, no romance t,i niaL-.. tinM.! this , eMstclice, We should have no j enjoyment ec.-pt in sense and sight i The. (tenia! light with which child-' hoo tills , the world wou'd be extin guished. ' 1 Not believe in SANTA (T '' .oil might as well ,,ot believe in fair ies. ou might, -sret. your' j'. n- t0!. lure nun to watch in all the chie-- .,i" ',"! ,.h,n" '' i" ',tiii "i ( t.Al S. but ,t thev .lid not s,.,. p v 1 l.A t l.Al .s coming down wh u-ou'd I that prove? Nidiodv , sees S XNT , . ' h"; that is no sign that ther,, is no SANTA (T.ACS The most real things m the world are those th .t neitlu r children nor men can see. ' rvi-r -ee lairies dancing on the lawn. Ot course not. but that's no proof -hat they are not there. Xo- cdy can conceive ,,v imagine all the iiomlers there a'e unseen and un seeable in the world 'U ' . i , t ! , ,.., With $mrrrr 6mb niisltrs ifov A fHerry (CluustmaH ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Phones .".', & .4 Opjiosite Post Office

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