Pane THE WAYNESflLLE MOI XT VIXEER dhr iftmmtatiUTr Published Jij THE W.NESVH.I.E PRINTING 0 . Ph. -no PIT A!. mi -ft- i ., . VV. ( . ill s V.i. tin-- aii.t M. T. Ihi.inv-. l Published Kver 'Ihur.Miat Sl,liS( Kll'l l KATKs 1 V:'ar. In ('ounly :, In Count i V.-tr Out silk- .if lla '.'..(. Cmtity .Subsoription i s;i ; i in advar. Kii'ui V REAL PIECE OF WORK Jt vvould U' out ol order to go u i .moth'!- week without: sumo editorial corn nifiii on the splendid work done by Oscar L. j2r:ifK iind hi.s assistants during tJK. ,)ust l10j. day MM.-on. As many of you already know, Mr lingy.- gatheied for months, old broken u,v THX-gJRt JAM ARV I. 19: jODD THINGS AND NEW-By Lame Bode 'If si.oe ."o sl.-.ii Kii'- red ;it tin' p...-,t ...rtice a'. WayncsviuV, N. '. a- Second Class Mai! Matter, n provided under th.- A.-: .,f M:ttvh., IS"'.'. Novombe.- 'jo. tyj.j. THl'RSDA V. J AM ARY t. lH-il into attic WHY HAVE A ( Ol'NTY AGENT? Iwactiv one vcar ago the board of county commissioners saw lit to discontinue the office ol Coimtv Agent because of the expense. Dur ing lit-'!.'! the farmers of this county have gone along the best they could without the aid of an agent. They have marketed . their products, to the best i their ability and hftve grown crops according to their experience and advice re. ceived Iroin fellow larmers. Without the as sistance or advice from a comity agent they have pulled t hrough. One vear later we find the same board of county commissioners filling the office which they declared vacant one year ago. The ex. penscs of the office are about the same as they were in January lit:!:'., HUT the necessity ol having a comity agent for lit.'! 1 is by far greater than it was at the time the work was suspend. ed. Today it is almost compulsory. In January 1!):!.'! who was there among us who ever dreamed of such a thing as "crop re. chiction under government supervision." Who realized that practically every business would be more or less under the direct supervision of government experts helping to pull the lagging business through the mud of hard times'.' We. .have, a different set up todav in oui business life and the life of the farmers than we had in January ., lit:!.'!. The program has been arranged, and if it is to succeed it must be carried out, and every farmer cannot go to Washington or Raleigh and learn for him. sell just what he must do to loin in and obtain the benefits Irom this program. THKRKFORK, it is absolutely necessary that hi be represent ed ami have some one .who can get the "New Deal Program for the Farmers" and bring it back and assist the farmer in working it' on for the mutual benefit of all concerned. That is the part the county agent will fill under this new set up. There is besides that particular phase of the work, trie regular work that all county agents aie ivquired by state standards to preV form. The anointment ol W. D. Smith as County Agent wiil i.e well received by Haywood County farmers; He knows the county; he knows the farmers, knows their problems and they know that he kii MVs tiiem and their problems whirl. M i. . . . win uiiiina ami ! he a. which fji'-i thai Had been discarded and thrown and basements. He took these toys and in his spare time when on duty at the fire station re paired and painted them until they were almost a.s good as new. On Saturday before Christ, mas he gave away, and because of his fur sight, and, ijs willingness to do this splendid piece of work, .many a child was made happy Christmas that otherwise would h-.v.. without a toy. Mr. Iiriggs didn't get a penny for his work, ,ei he received more for it than the United states treasury could have paid he got real ,! in seeing the children happy. UVE AM) HELP LIVE Every year it is a custom and habit to make and break New Years Resolutionsthis vear, u in years past; many people have made resolutions, and no doubt many have a I read v broken most of them, btit there is one, that can be made now if it has not already been made, that would no doubt go farther than almost anything else "Live and Help Live."' 'J hat takes in main- things, and calls for many sacrifices, both personal and in business, but there are few things that will pav a larger dividend and g(, farther towards spreading jov io ine world than this. For generations the idea has been "Live and let live" but that is one of the old order ol things and now that the new has come into existence we might as well begin' from the tirt lo act accordingly. II :ssmmumZy- UGHTNINC REPRESENTS I II ."S - A CONTINUOUS QUARTER MIL- I II "t-ivn horse POWER or. Cucc-.v II I OVER THE WORLD. I 7t sk W A,CA cotr A S,y-''VJCH TA0 IN A MUSEUM I I E ri;'CH YOUNG ALLIGATOR KEPT WITH THEll JiSZ. ITOAD. I ' J - I I I 24 Years Aso '.'; in HAYWOOD ift( .hi .? anuaiv tarnier. U, sionei s. is to . gi as) agent am one- wi't-li "Jy result in the best of cooperation mi: nut of the "New Deal" program ' be the means of saving t lie :'-.t;'lad that the. Hoard of' Commis. : '; Posed of nien who have the ability ie situation arid need of a county i a t ; no t i n i e w a s 1 us t f 1 1 ;i t Vim i..f SCHOOL FRILLS, RAH! SomelniHir iv i' . it . ' "'--- .snouung mat me trills ought to be cut out of the public schools. Away with the fads! Hack to the three R. What h you mean by that ? How simple it may sound, but how stupidly it would work out! Elderly folk who still see the little red school house through a sort of emotional haze are ospeci.dK good at gi ,ng this advice. . They got their education when hie was as Mmple as the logs they sat on while at books and tho three Ils verc counted all-sutlic.ent for social and educational attainment in that day Rut since then civilisation has slipped up two or three notches. Life is confusingly complex and what is "'PPantly called the frills and fads and furbe lows are, as a matter of cold fact, social neces! good investments and emergency enter. Prises that can neither be wisely dispensed with nor postponed until times get better.har , Observer, Random SIDE GLANCES Rv VV, CURTIS RUSS Cody I'lott, member of the staff at tho remploymcnt office, told aie one about ;i woman i'Of?isteririf in that olhoo for work. One of the ques tions, on the .blank- i "How far did you go in school:" When Mr. I'lott asked the applicant - this question hu K'tl'i'-lf 'About a mile and a half," Mi:, i didn't say. .nut I imagine t ui cioeu tor a college d(.rret lhattf a "lY-l-'- ways. Find Johnson's Assistant Getting Salary Of $5,780 MtA Chiefs Secretary Was A-Week Stenographer, Is Now (ieting Over S."),00( ih.i' (.I'm: kA-4.-li.rn nf-'air. . h..l)da.M'a the dance Ian !: the l';irii-ti It'ius;- iven by M A ! ;r:.ctu r in hwur . of tht.ii ami nopht-w, Miss Florence Berr,-' Mr Ilt-rry Berry, of Fallon. ii Tin- completion of the first the automobile road destined nect .Spuitaiilmrg- with As.1.,-. . way --I Trvoii and Hendi r,, : Kooil-n:ui advocaky- renres J North and Carolina. ; A'sheville h to haw a new $2"" urist hotel. Dr. E V (,-, has invested much money jj; I nietropo'is. will finance the enterpr j Mr. and Mrs. John X. Shoolh entertained a tew ol' their Sund iv eveniiii; with a watch Miifs Virginia Jones and -her uui-i Miss Smnks. will Ii'mv- tumrrA.. f haik.itte where ithoy wjll resum i their studies at Elizabeth" f'olles,.' ' Miss .Jenni,. Rav entertained S,.. urday evening with a beautiful par1-eompliment.-u-y to- Mis- Flrm-frt errv We fncn-ejy tviivt that we my ne iiauioneii t(r our tailun- -in last' i-sue to -call -attention to iact that the year IS 12 is lea t) 1. . - tfired end, NOTICK T) STOCKHOLDKRS . .FIRST NATIONAL BANK . OF WAVNKSVILLK v; pus wayiiic.k. state director of -vauonai. reemployment service for thi,:. .state us telling one about a raoun- uuiR-er wno registered for th, jr viee m the hopes of sceurtnc CVV -V em ployment. Vt' U.. I . i. : - . "jiru.t-i- iins man i(1 querniun vug. .-vc.l-.i ui vvaynesville or not is not kiiown, but here s the varn: 'Hie would-be registrant ' wad'- ak i'd, along with a lot of other question, it he had any physical handicaps. 1 sure have." Hp - i-'nlil -iw ,.-.' jihasis. The next niiniiinii n-u- ...- .. -i- tailed suitement of hi hUn,i;.,. 1'hree of 'em." 1m ,,.nl;) and two children.'- J'ty to. till the ollice. V I'KKSSI.V, SKEW W n. -a.i s,, number ol times, ami ''lH-u i! arfn. that one oi the and most ptes-,,,, nu(U thls community at thN till 1 1' is ;i n.' ,f,. ilirii;., ,.,,... i..... ' . . wi .vxu.nK oo.v s can spemi ... s . i-iiii .ivim tlieir sha iv under the supervision of proper '"" ,m; "s"-';'-'l Places of (liiestionable :ch;ir;tr(er, W v ct!;'- say authoi-itively, but we feel that (here aie s t.r:t caiL rKanizations in this futt would be glad to cooperate uith tl)' itv in fiumshiuo ,.(ui,,ping HIch ., pLu ( A i.i.v vvTnvTti- 7,arv. nurno bolls, shuttle bo.uds, (,v.Ktl boards and other pieces of equipment uilcl be a draw ing eanl and a means ol keeping voting l,n.s ,( the streets and out of place- nhere the have no business II ai,' i-.lort is to be made to curb crime, it seems thai ,t should begin with keeping young boys under 'he proper guidance of those who are mteresU-d in seeing them become men of mlluence in.sL-ad of criminals with court records. If thi.s ;.sn't done, and right awav, this community vill pay and pay heavily within a few years i'pr not providing suc'i a place. S.IO.OOO PER CRASH Wum you read of a fatal motor accident, I,uk, ' "'t'' t your mental bookkeeping for a "ntv debt of ,.-,0.000. And that fig , 1 'lit Sitety Division of the Xational Safetv '" ,!,s a "consenatiNe estimate" "i opinion is based o the t.ccepte.l ,s :;:Tvu tha1,u' ; W'M)0. He takes account of th f ,il"t 'J;'" ve,v- automobile there a v th..t.m, non.fatal innn-io' T m I in thele ... '"r invoh nig j,i .unla, ,; nu, all kmi,:,,, r Z. T nmning tu bill!,,,, . ., . ;.;., , ' . " "'" dollars, simp e l Uhnietu- revea s lien -i-.n .,.,, ... . 1 , , i, ,w . , , '.-",000 ma i).. pn,p :,:":.;;t""-,h """. . ,.,-,, ,',,;, Iut if tnoiiev does not t-.ii- - , jzr H rnuil hlalo-lhc Revolutionarv -,! !- -.. tho JI,,,, war. ui cl l..u.s(. si M ai s. A mprip.M,.. l.:n. 1 1 . from ,;,.;- .. - 'en DV or clx News eome.s from Hollywood that a scene m a picture which Will Roger ii niakinR called for the humorist to smoke a pipe. After a few minutes ot puthiiR- Will turned a trroenislj color ami called out "I'm ,ick-." Th production of the picture was held up ii 11 . ben liiiyone 'gcU sick from smok-IHK-- tliey are leally sick. Few thini's can cause a more 'deathly" sick tliun Miadwiiir ho.w well I know Mis,, fiances Ilobmsun, admininra ive a-nstan: to Hugh S. Johnson, -,"-HMriVt'"K'(l l" ll W'ttinB paid - M) a year, one of the largest NRA "aluries and on a par with the com ot ,0nie of the most txpert 1 uiuviii, enipioyees. After, publication of the fact in u"!nvl!, rUKpilJKr (Th-' Yashin , . ' iiiiuirinpr or were told bv him:'-th'nk that was ""e below th( I lie story had s:nil Afi,. r,.k: wa.s elevated from a a week elerk- - 11- 10 ner present salary in NRA's short carei-r. .I,,!..,...''. .. . ... . .:.,i i - , ' , ".1...-V11 -s assistant with h.m . lonK hours, has made many extended tups across the eountrv tnf administrator. " "In the oriinnnl i, e . said Johnson. "fi.-.. u .i , OM . iwuuuison anu Strau- tRolwrt w ,.i- L 1 ' . fc v SOU ol the umbas,a,t,r to France) were I, 1' , s'-s;aiii..s to the adminis- " iu a sai irv ot nnn uoliinson eiium rapnmv,n. 10 me a an exce ent nrfmir,lc- huh executivo r.,, tt.'-i m. l-.,:ii, nu ''vol iuu inaaio-iMiLii-urpnium corimrai many a, .hf. knows more' about ,nf ,aw,a,1(l this organization than anyone else. 1 an ... n., here ever thono-hf .a,,. J 1 " "v -i-s a mere -s"-..o,..apner or secretary. ShP has own. mv nersoiiMl through " ""l sraK"C Asked whether h, had any objec- N'otice is htrby given that th,, nual fhwttnp of tht stockholder- vf the First National Bank will be t-ld in th,, b.mkinsr rooms of the bank k WiynesvPle. North Carolina cm Tuesday, January il. - 19;!4. a. -v o'clock .A. M ' All stockholders are urged to- b' present. , - Thi.s the :Jrd day of January, VX'ji tion of publishing the entirt NRA payroll. Johnson said h had. not and that "I think peo. pie will bo surprised when tiiev HT 11. He added that only Donald .Rich, berf. eeneral counsel. A K- administrative assistant : and Boaz Lont;, newly desijfnaited deputy ait mniister for , Porto Rico were drawing more than $6,000. That is Johnson's own salary. (Assoriu'ed Press) Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 to .SpeaKing about .sniokinL' Ininu- mind that out of tiie eiKtifeen mem ;ii-- i' mp notary i iUD. eieht do Hot UiO toliacco in ;imv- t'oi-in niu total Sever.. weeks ai.'.i :i --.., c , mniviae-e was printed in this column an, I coiiiinenj made on it,' but xkev Is still ;inoth( r .siiU- 1,. n, , "ie l.ast October in : . New- York the niariiaKe f MW AI.,n.:,Vei 7 cost . e...c;;y Sis hoi but even by slienuiliK that, much money the coupie Was ll ot- a nv nioi-i-. m,i . i. ,i 1. .. ., .1. coU)!e that "called l)r. R. P V ' "" -oe court house -in thi. ,.,,l,i. 1 wuitei to.; marry; .them for i( cent v.Vnoclicr preacher .who ,k not .i. ms name published... ., aid he told the groom he did not have a flat rate lor performing; wedding: ceremonies 'Hi! left part to the Kioam to pay just what. hP thought it wa.s. worth, lho young ma stammered a minute and then said,: 'Tll ,),-otv ;!,-n,i .v week and leave it with; vii " . cording to: the preacher, nex't week has-not gotten here yet. : ' BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME We are chvm-. out our stock, ot lamps left' Aver lrom Christ mas, Boudoir Table and Floor Lamj 5 a variety of SUIes and Colors. with washable . arch, men) shades. Prices ,en reasonable MARTIN ELECTRIC CI Itadio Service I 'hone ;S1 Electric f ,'i vice 1 am yet ; to me why Wayncsvilk- nir'..-h o find someone to explain W'ftain members of the toot ball team bad their ;ivtd several weel One of the in town is the Survl,. hore a fleld Qf comm n SnTUSmt "tidn- from 'd accident-ptwention movement ?w" most, interesting places tiro deilll I', Tl,,...., - . T I -"'-"I, J HI. 1 C .tust somethinn- -ihont -i t;,... ,.!,. .1. that gives me a thrill, even if it is. lust nniki-.!- ....... ;i,... takes the 11 hici ,.f, il, Ai.t:- t- that were onct used in io : BIG GATES LITTLE HINGED "The masshe Kates of circumstances are turm 1 t.pon he s,,lles, hins." said a famous philosophy V patient's life ma, hins,e on the proper of u -inle presenption. And while this ma, not happen er, da. the medicine .hich a doctor prescibe; is ala,s .ufficientl, important to justifj the hiohe.sf oualitv and I Ins is the fourth day of tho new year anil I have o'ne re. Un that ! i mains unbroken -;;!r., ; n-cor-.i ... . - ; Ameri Do Englishm-rn understand can slang?" . "Some nf thi u-k,. "My daughtc i.s to ho" niarried in I London, and the earl has cabled me ' to come across." j IjWhat is your favorite book?" "It has always been my bank book -but even that i lackinn- most careful compoiindim-. He never lor. vv'v (har fact. iOT R "ere at ALEXANDER" 11 O C T 0 R ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Phones ;": & 34 Opposite Post Oflice I now " " 1 l

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