i I WSSSSSm 151 The Best Advertising .Medium In Hutwoini County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (ireat Smokv Mountains National Park Head In Thinkinu. People MAT NO. 6 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Till KSDAY. JANFAUY 11, 134 wmt Largest One-Piece Smoke Stack Ever Erected Was Set Up Tues. At Tannery M.uk Wfij-hs i; Tons And 1 tO-Ki-et Hisrh. Is Seli'-Sustainintr nd Part Of New Equipment rj , . j - oiic-pvi'e sir. Kt- - ack ,.v,-..-.--t.) wa put inio jnuve at ti,.' Kn-hm.; -Walton Tannery Tu-s. .IV .u....rJ:r,s to J. I.. Hamilton oi rtriWo'b '.vii" v'f in charge of erect -ir1r vi. ! T-:o' -!,t- f;.. ii ii.'irr. of' t h.. l!V IhiiJfl .ualriiii-"'' wbiih was recently cimi , v iii tannery. It, b l.JO fee. hjJ, :.- self-sustaining, which i:,.', :h.V there are no wire-- from ir t ..vi i- against ' the win').- or to t,. i. place. The la. k is -48 inches in diameter v ,: while the base i.- h feet in t,v-. -i-. The steel at the oottoiu '.s , s thick, while thai at the lop inches thick. S : i came here t - erect t,!. vd have oeen on the job about ..,' .i:,v- makirij? preparations, for tlt. .,..( w lift. The stack wa .-hip. 'i! T-.-'i! -"our .sections, being nvct , .i ,g. tn ' after received here. ' re.- crowd was on hand to watch the operation, and again Sunday when the crew worked on guy wires which suwvneil the. lifting- device. Tin': vfurk :,. necessitated ' because of r'i:'ng hich ten-ion voltage power Ii:,e- w hi !. H:. f to V cut .'If for :h day T,. '.r -lack v.a.5 raided aboil. I,-, f. et -.tie ground - and then i , ah e i .;" nit hat! way altit lift,-.'- M- i-' here. A -pod ,1 motor win!:..;-- -' - u.-ed to lift tin- .stack. TV .. : .10 -tack test'- ol: a con- die ,,.-k !i!'t.-eu feet in the ground ,! .-.ir '..-in f.g !! eulne vard- of con . iv. r, n -.--i iicii 'x'!;.- hold the -:. th-- base. . It.i: : g :'rom the oa.-e lor thirty . iii t ", i: round is a copper wire whit ''i.; vor-y lightning from the -a. : !' ...c Jut. A small ladder rj-K -a-- e: ::re length of the stack. lh, ,tn..-k i-vas built, .bjf JIedge.s A - ."iii.1. r "., o! f'liattunooRa. and ..- a nit S2.5(H erectei). Mi-.-e nini- here. Mr. Hamilton h i- , m !. s- ana nlaeed the t wo tif teer, --... -.)ier- n the new boilev hoi;"' . r.'i.. -.. -uu I. replace.- t he old brick a-.'t which was e recti (J alwtrt forty year-, ajro ' when l!n' iantiei-y wa- '':- ;'-;.; Ladies Night To Be Held Bv Rotarians evle tlotary ( ih will . ttipht and- have :i their .ives of the ai;-:r.ners )f the regular Ladies Nitfirt the club. The meeting 7:00 o'elock. iittee naioiid io irranK . i- - Ton, I h, Ji. Hie,-; f Jl the : .meet the ill Sj;,i: i: uriu- by t her. :vv M - 'i i d i -i i .1 1 1 t'lat an Jai program nail been arranged he commute. Dr. Gay Says Wrong Educational And Law Enforcing System Cause Of Crime Wave Throughout Country .v n.ii taing i.i wrong with our ,tik-HV.onal and law enforcing sys 'em. ' . s.-.ij Dr. S. P. Gay. president f tr,e Waynesville Rotary Club last rw.iv at the regular weekly meeting l)r. (;ify agreed with th,, views of jam .M. Hotiinson, whose address be ore tne ( anton Parent-Teachers' A.ssocition was nrinted last week in 'his paper . bu.ij.,. (Jf the interest manifest m tty Uotary Club at the conclusion ot Ui '.ay's, address, it is being pub 'sned this week. It was ;us follows: oay,'' . j, H..(;. Wells. "I r.Mft linger and hate, oppression. AiProof That People -el J mi n r "au.imsraper.v Lacia.v Liner, manager' of 'the reemployment office at th,. court r?"st;. had a short notice .in A, Mountaineer last week that . who registered before De- :.t- ere required to register: t?u- tny '-employment of ' I he notice in The Mountain- jr was .the only published no " ; Haywood people. r,',virniFriday 0VlT 100 had'." ,reri r!.nt0 ths oft'Ice anti r- ad 1 county citizens. Your Standards Of Liv ing In Haywood Hit By Dr. Hayes "residing Elder Says Standard Of Li v ins: In County Should lie Raised "Tt,. entire nation is in need of a clean-up campaign in speech, spirits and physically after the depression," Dr. L H. Hayes, presiding elder of tin- Waynesville district told a con (irt'iration at the Methodist, church Sunday night. "If preachers, teacher.-, doctors, public officers and other professional men would themselves stand for a higher type of civic, and religious living, it would go a long way in raising our standards and freeing this county from having the reputa tion ot tieing one of the worst coun ties in the nation and the worst in the .state in ioint of crime.'' The 'presiding1 elder complimented the clean-up campaign that is now being staged here by city officials. "The appearance of the city is improving, but much mot-,, should be done to bring 'Waynesville up to her motto of Waynesville the Beautiful.' " "1 havf been alarmed ;it the num ber nf iix'U throughout the county who wear the amc dirty clothe.-, on Sunday a.- they 'do in the week days. Ot: Sunday they gather in groups and stay .away from church. This is an indication that jihyvical lack of cleanliness will reflect in moral habits." "Since living hi Vayne iliV 1 hav heard more, profame languag,. . than anywhere 1 have ever lived- liven women use it which is degrading the sex. The u-e of profane language indicates ignorance, in a much as they can't express them-selvov with out resorting to it." Dr. Hayes repeated his text ai the close of his sermon. "He Thou t'kan " Camp Prisoners Enjoy Real Feast .Prisoner..- at. the Hazelwood State Prison , Camp enjoyed a reiil feast Monday night- when Superintendent J. F. Cubo jirovided thent with venison and mut'.ot . Last '.summer. Mr. t'aie got -a -deer which he kept at, .the camp, and on Sunday the deer broke his leg and had to bo killed. Mr. l'be also had a snoop on hand, so h,. killed, that and served 1 icth of them t the boys in prison-; From .ail reuoi'ts, it w.a n real feast and tin- prisoner.-." enjoyed it about , as much as Mr. (,'abe and the guard1, did in seeing them eat it. Mr. tni, Mrs. M: H. Howie v re turned Saturday after a. two weeks visit, to relative.- in irwinton and Gay, Georgia and Daytona Boieh. Florida. misery and want stui)id anger and oppression, needless misery and want the insults and suspicions 01 cue ignorant men and the inane and horrible self-s:itisfaction of the well-to-do. It is a vile' world, because it is an uneducated world, unreasonably suspicious, base and furocious." As 1 look around Waynesville and Haywood county, I see all. the thing's that .Wells mentioned plus an enor mous amount of rri me. America's worst evil. And Uu-kin .-ays, The entire ob ject of true education is to. make people, net merely do the. right things, but enjoy the right things; not merely industrious, but to iove in dustry; not merely learned, but to love knowledge; not merely pure, but to love purity; not merely just, but to hunger and thirst after justice." If what he says is time of educa tion, I am afraid we are many cen turies away from it and we will never becomP educated until there is a radical change in oiir educational system. It seems to me we should ie taught more vut tife more about getting out of life , the things that, make us happy- . We have, made wonderful strides in the physical sciences. Just think of the inventions' that research'1 has n-iven us in the last few years elec tricity, automobiles, radio-, airplanes, etc , and in medical science we have ' ad discoveries just as startling as as ones just mentioned. They have "ome so fast the average persoti -loesn't know what it is all about. Wp people as a whole have to . . (Continued on paPo 5) City Fire Depart ment To Move Into Mew Quarters, First Building On Main Street Oppo. site Post Office Being lie. modled For Department Waynesville's fire department will move into new quarters about the first of February, it was learned yes terday. Workmen are now busily engaged in remodling th- front of the store room across the street from the post office and adjoining the lot of the present fire station. The new quarters will provide more liveable rooms for thf firemen than what is now afforded at the present station. The rooms on the secoad story will used as sleeping quar ters, and .i .slide pole will be built in order that the firemen can pet fioni the second to tht. first floor easily. The front of the building has been torn away and a series of doors will be built, includi' jr a large glass door which will prov. of the hre truck from The board of last Thursday n tin- change as V in much nerd erable amount oeen spent or. quarter-. The ..a;'i a!.'-" "' :n .session ,jx . ten to make eser lr.:ilding is i' : consid- .... i have to iiah.e adequate bu'biing will ! -t'.T.tr,. of cilv dd used a- shop : tool-. j trucks at Mrs. E. S. Harrold Buried Here Tues. Hud Been Resident Of This Com. munity For Past Twenty- Five Years I' um-t.i. rvio-,- n r.. o. id I a, - day afternoon at the ri-sidetice on Hay wood street for Mrs. K, S Harrold who died at il o'clock Monday morning, tollowing ail illn-es.--, ot several months Her condition iM'camo critical .several days before her death Dr. K. IV Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian t hurch, and Jt"V. Albert 'New. ret'toi' of Urate'" 'Episcopal church conducted th" servic'. InU-r-ment wa- made at (IreeM Hill ceni etery. : J'allhearers weleV H. 1. I'rcvo.-t J. H. HoweL., Ernest. WitWrs. W. A. Hyatt, 11. I.'. LinJsl, y and James AtkiiL-. The deceasea cam,- t . Waynesvillo about- 25 years ago from Sanfoni, Fla. During her re.sidence here she has been identified with the social, religious and Civic life of the com munity. She was a charter mem'ier of the Woman's Club -and past presi dent of tbi; ' WomanV Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church, :md was at all times interested in the be! rmein of the community. She U-survived by bet nuspatel. K S, Harrold, and live daughers: Mrs. ItUV Withers, fjf Washington, P. ('.; Mrs.. Ward Boring, of Durham ; Mm, SUtitlev Wood, of Ls .A.ngele-, (VI.; Mrs. J.;. (J..L,.V, of Asheville, and ,M iss I. oi.s Harrold, of Waynesville, and art adopted -or.. Fnderick Marsh, of .Way!H:--Vi!.e. .-and .seve-aa . -mnd-child'-e:,. Coming for the. fur.erat wen. : Mrs Cuy Withers Mr. and Mr--. Ward Hoi-ing, of Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. F.. ;. I.ee. of Asheville. W.T.Tate Dies At Lake Junaluska Fu.j'-; at -i rviees f or W . T. Tate. T2. who dii-d at his home at l.ak Juna luska Tuc.sday morning- at 7:i!() o'clix k, following a:, extended illness, will in' conduct! (1 at Iong's. ("hapel Meth odist church, Lake .1 unaluska. this morning at 11' Vcloefc, vith the jias tor, the Rev. F. C). Drytnan, (dfi. iating. Burial will b,. in tt- V'-a'a! Hi'i cemetery at Clyde. Activo tri!lbearer-.: John. lone... Zaek 15 row n , S a r. t : R.-it h N i ." B il i . I te y Ti ( 1 1 d,-' . Alonzo Seay and 'J'ye (Jossett Hon orary piijlhearers: A. K. Ward, Wade Noland, J. C. Welch; Jim SwaVr.gim. Rill By. r-. Ji.:. Boyd. I'. V. Ma--ey. Ray Morgan, (Marenc Phi'll-ip--:-' and Dr. N. M. Med ford SurvKing are five crnidrej.: J W. Tate. A-h.'vilb-: K. D. Tate, c.f Lake land, Fla;. J. M. Tate, of. Canton. Mrs. D. H i lark, of Cant't:, and Mrs. L; C. R,binson, of Asheville. and three si.-ters, .Mrs, I- B. Periland. of Clyde, Mrs- Baxter Turpin. and Mrs, Sophia Brown, of Dills-bore. Twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren also survive.: 199 Marriage License fire Sold In 13 Months A c'nieck up revealed that during th( past 13 months 199 marriage icense. were issue by Fildwin Hayes, register of deeds of Haywood County. The state received $597 from the license and Haywood County is $199 richer by the work of Dan. Cupid. 'it was stated that if each coun'tv in the state had turned in wh'it Hay wood did that the F'-U Treisury would have received P.r:!.700 during that period Formal Opening Of Nurses Home Is Set For Fridav, Jan. 12 Miss McClelland Succeeds Mis Hampton As Superinten dent Of Institution Forma! opening of the $12,000 Nurses Home will be held on Friday. January VI. T!v hours have been set for receiving from three to five o clock in the afternoon and from seven to nine in the evening. Re freshments will be served by the wives of members of the board and of physicians of the county. It Ls expected that a large attend ance will be had at the "house wann ing" as much interest has been shown by the citizens of the county since the first announcement was made that the home would he built- The nur.ses at the Haywood County Hospital moved into the new home about a week ago. The moving of the nurses from the third floor of tht. hospital made available il addi tional rooms in the main building. Of interest to the many friend of the hospital will be ta,. announcement .that Miss Kliabeth McClelland has been named superintendent of the in. stitution .sine,. Mi.s? Ituth Hampton Resigned (because of '-erioiis illrtc-s and an operation. I .'.,. manv friends of Mis.-i Hampton w, I, glad to know that she i.- get: ig along nicety after hev major oji ration in Vho vi!te. Mi.-- M--Clelland :- : loiil Keid-ville and came to the Haywood Hospital highly recommended hy Duke Hos pital authorities- Last Rites Held For Albert Harris l une.'.i! .-el'viecs for Aliwrt ' W Il.iirri.-. who died while working in the W'aynesvill,. Milling company plant Saturday about 1(1 o'clock of heart disease, were hi ! i Monday afternoon at 12 o'clock nt the First Baptist church, the Itev. H. W. Baucom. pas tor, -oillciatiioj.. Iiiti rtnent w;ks ' in Green Hill cemetery. Active pallbearer.s were Tloi'doie Mct'racken. J. R. Morgan, R. T. Me-s-ser. James Atkins, W. (,'. Jlyer" ; hon orary. J. K.. BoVd, M. J. McCracken, Kimsev Howell, J. T. Bridges. C. 11. Kav. R. H. BlackweM. C B. Atkitioii. M. M. Noland D. V. Phillips. J 1,. Morgan. H. .1. Sloan- K. J llvat'.., S. H. BiLslinell. W. T SheltorW. A. Hyatt. Surviving av hi;- widow ami the following .sons and daughter-: Will Harris. Rufus Harris, md Albvt Harris, Jr., all of Waynesville; M rs. Shuford Howell, of Wavnc.svillo : Mrs ,W. H. Hill, St. IVter-dmrg, Flu,; Mrs. Charles, Shrang San Francisco; .i:id Mr-, ijuince Potvat, ol" V .lyievv i;,'e. Appeal To Court Gives Sheffield Stay Of Execution .lame-, .Sheffield Haywood cuaf.ty man, convicted at tin' December term of court (if first degree murder in tho .slaying of Jann's Miller and .sen tenced to die in th,; electric chair. 0:; January 12, hi.- autimatically ln'eii granted a stay of execution, by filing of-au appeal, by defense coun-el. Siletliehl vvas I'olivhted .if f-hooting Aliiler to death on t he night, of "Aug- U-t K. lit.:;;. Testimony by .-tate's wit nc.sso.s at the trial also was that. Shef field shot James Welch in the jaw at the same time ho i-. alleged bv have -lain Miller. George ..Ward-., of A-:hcil! and Felix K. Alley. Jr.. of Wayi,. -v '' are member- of del'i-n-e eoiiii-e;. Mrs. Bradley Smith Dies In Oklahoma Mr.-. Sarah Bradley Smith, wife of A. Burder Smith, fonin-riv of Hay Wood county, died at her horn, in Dia mond. Mis-ouri on Dec. :;ii. j ):',::. Mr. and .Mrs, Smith left Haywood county about twenty year- ag" and have iiv'd in .Missoji-; (.ver .since. They have a large riumb'-r -,f r bxtivt .-- ar d f liends here who wiil i'-arr, with "e gret of Mrs. . Smith's death. CAR AN.pMO.FOK CAPTl Khl) Sheriff J A. Lowe captured a Ford touring car Tue.-day night at Dell wood with a ease-' liquor. The driver of the eir e.seaiied after :. hot chase. The ear and liquor were t-roiigfit V the sheirff's office here. Kenneth Lowe and John Kerley were with Sheriff I-Xjwe at th- time the capture was made. LKAVK FOR NEW YORK SAT URDAY Miss Frances Ray, , Mrs- J. , M. Long, Mr, Charles Ray, Mr. R. L, Prevost and Mr, Aaron Prevost will leave Saturday for New York. , Miss Ray and Mr. Ray will buy spring merchandise for C. Ray's Sons. Sirs. -'Long will buy merchandise for J. M. Long's Store. Messrs. Prevost are going n business for lTnagusta Manufacturing Company. Haywood Farmers Federation Combines With Organization That Serves Five Counties 300 Have Signed Tobacco Agreement In Haywood County Attitude Of Farmers Seems To Be "Sipn Fp Or No Plants Will (irow" "It" he diH-.-n"t sign, there will I: i; ! any plants to grow on his place iu i year." was the remark madt by a certain group of farmers Wednesday morning regiirding the sign-up for tobacco growers. The statement gives a vivid idea of the attitude mo-t of the farmers have towards signing up. t.a,-.; night W. D. Smith, countv agent, reported that alxnit ."0(1 of the approximately JKHI growers in this county had .signed. I'lans are under way to sign the remaining fartner within the next few days. Committees have been named in each community and are working with Mr. Smith in getting the farmer- to sign. Karh day Mr. Smith is ineet inc tin .schedule at different, points in the county when h signs up tin farmers and make.- an explanation where the propuMtion i- not. under stood j Hi- -chedulo for the remaiiuh C of , the sien-up period i-. a- follow; : j Crabtree 1 1th. It a. m. , Iron Huff. 1 1th 1 p. m. I Fine- Creel.. . 1 1 . 1 While Dak IL'tli. ti a. in at . school lioil.se. Jonathan'-. Creek. loth !' a. m ll.k k Hill, 1V Hill. loth. " p. 111., t'el'CU oil'' Store Fa-t Fork ITili. '.' a. in., a! ru-o. rY. (i. Morrow Named fo Succeed S m i t h New Vocational Agricultural Teacher Secured From Tenn. essee. Two Teachers Added A. G. Morrow, of .lohn.son ( ity, Tenn., was elected teacher of voca tional agriculture of the Waynesville Township M-hools liy the .school board .Monday. Mr. Morrow is to -ucc I W. .. Smith who wa- named County Farm Agent on January first. Mr. .Morrow i- a graduate of the I'riivcr.-ity of Ti'imtN (.,. and took four year- in vocational work at the I'liivei-ity in Klioxville. lie ha- had two years teaching in thi- depait iiu nt and conies t o Wavne'sv ill,, high- !' 1 '-cominended. II,. i.s married and has one child. He was expected t move here r--tor- day afternoon. Two additional members of.. the. 'faculty have lu'eii added to the W'ay ne.sie high school under the ('WA. Mr-, lioj Campbell has been named librarian and. Miss Itet-y l.uie Quii. laii wa- i. .on 'I teacher of oral Kng- Sieve Has "Keen" Competition When It Comes To Tellinu Yarns. Rabbit Story Is Told Bv Reader "Whiie i Steve's rabbit -tory that .Vol wer going t publish,'' has buTi the burying question since the ap nea: an -o' of the squirrel storv in The i loiintaineer two Weeks ago a- told ' iiy Steve Nichols, at Which lime nien i I. on -was made of the fact that Steve Vol a rabbit, story that went, the I - 'tuirrel story one better, j The day tne squirrel -tory was pub-, j Ibhed. Stvve was; called from hi.s bii.-ine-..- a dozen tinie- to answer the "phone to vouch for the truthfulness of the Mory; while manv called in person to di.sru.-s tii,. article appear ing in this paper in which Steve Was quoted as saying that he fell a' Jeep while .squrrcl bunting ami that a squirrel played with hi- gun. When Steve was awakened by .the shaking of th gun be .saw the squirrel look ing down the- barrel o fthe gun, whereupon' he' pulled the trigger, thus ;hootirig off the head of the squirrel. Steve told The Mountaineer a r ib bit story that out did the on,, referred to above and which really out eid the squirrel yarn, ... . A reader of this p:,- ;,. a Su-ve's squirn I st H'y and pr - - .ed f.u fell a raiilet story whieh wis related to Stt. - aer. After hearing the other riiati'- laoldt .story Steve requestW! pilblieation of his story be withheld until he could think up some new fea tures for his as the other rabbit torv was so far ahead of his th it he did not feel that he could equal it without giving it more time and thought. His reque.st has been granted. This is the yarn that caused Stve to ak for more time to work out , his .."tall story." The reader ar.d originator of the story requested that his name be' withheld as he did not want to Anntiuncement Made By 11. A. Oslwrne And James Mc. Clure, Jr., Iast Night Ftl'ectivo February hi the Hay wood County Farmers Federation will combine with the Farmers Fed eration. Inc., farm cooperative .serv ing five other Western North Caro lint, counties. The Farmers Feder ation. Inc., has wid,, marketing eon nections on farm products, and oper ates various other departments serv ing farm needs. The Haywood Fed eration operate, warehouses at Way nesville and ( i ton. The annottiiei aicnt w is made last night by Janie . G. K. McClure, Jr.. president and genera! managey f the Farmers I'cderation. Inc.. and H. A. O.sborne, pn sident of t.h( Haywood County Farmers Federation, Inc. Mr. Osborne will become a director of the combined organization. C. F. lvhiiiehart. of the Haywood Federation, will cotitinu,, a.s sales manager for Haywood county, while directors of the Haywood Federation w ill become' member of the Haywood county committee lor the Farmer.; Federation. Inc . th,, combined organ ization. These men are: H. A. O b: o . (',..-;' c; I,'. o ii iir ,w.i. Way nesville; Z. ('. I)ai.-. Waynosvijli It 2; Glenn C. 'Palmer.. Crabtree U J ; K. T. Bovd W'avnesville K. 2; Glenn A. It,,d. Waync-villo R 2; and 1. Reeve.-. Noland, Crabtree 11. 1 Other Ha iti n r.- w ill in added to the c iim.tt' i . . "We believ,. that tin ..ervic,. to thi f.H iner-, "of llawoo, entity will In -t lelll'. Oell'd 1 I III- new COIllbilia lion." aid Mi. M.-Chjii. "The Faim ets 1 do a I i"ii, Inc. ha- a markiliiie. d'-p.'i' t uu I:' for farm product.-' w ill; t'l ob - i el .He, t i'.ii- w hit li -liould be to tin .eiail'ag, i' .Haywood farnii rs doing on-i in--.- itii'.iiii'l. the combined eg in, .a', iuli "lb tail . '.oh - .'i V-iieviile- am oiler S, , ut In rn ci' o - ... - well as large !: u uiioii 1 my iln'oiigb the mark e'ing ilep i it nielli. Dining the height of tlie sca-on the Fai'tner.s Federation niake up -bipiiients ,,f Western-No rtb Carolina farm product- for distan: market- a.- for i'e-tain'e, Jackson ville I'll., when i. I, pt a repre:-tn tative during the , , n hcan and tomato -ea p, last -iiminer." .Mr McClure ha - In ade.l the lalni. rrs Federation, In.-, iiine its hfgin niiig thirteen year.- ago. ,'ind many other officers and directors have beer with the organi.'.at i"ii ince its ciiriv day... U, C. Cr..weH .if t'andler i.. vice president ,, I, din A. Itudgens o' II. nder-onville i.- -ccn tary.trea.sui'ei and other director.-!- av: S. ('. Clapji uf Swaniiaiui.'i, Allan (.'oggins id' Ue Tree. Harrv ,M. Uoberts of Fletvhei, and 11 V I'altoj, of A heville. I 'l.il'.:' a recent anii'iidnient 'to ' n clw.rfi r , v'.i,'kholdei' ; in each c .tinty where the Fanner?- Federation, Inc.. ha;, operation.-- are to be: represented by twi im m ;!.. of. the board of di rector.-, cloc'.o i by -to 'kholders '' : he county, and : even' di'.e. !r.s arc .o V elected";!- large' 'I'be I- acini I .-. ; .; In '. I I Contiuiii i, or ha- : page) ,-t! I' , I V. li' ir. Ml o .: i:i.bbi," ta ;. . '.. -"One .ff..; -v. ;;i! - i i" ho .ir'. j I w a- . 1 ' ,o; n a ' i.cli resting w het -aw 'a . ab ii; ; r,:iing do -' the trail so'a-- G.V -. ifd, ir tlav. 'Mil I to get n i. ' o sit u n ' f t. . ! Not bill iligW'',.'.' ;"..do . I. Silt . '.Vc;;. J.i:i.).wiie!:. :hi -..-a '. :" nased oi. -,' I leached o.ir j.iio g.-.i'i d hi in. Th; rab ii- c-.- c-g..-.. :;-t that iv ;i. i . I ciiaht lii- 'i'0-; i o ! .-i t tn k:n ;r.ii io n' '. .-; ;g; T ,.-i'.- I u left; f,-ii-l .: j;e- ' t .. ' i'kilf- i lool.e.i f. ,l 'i' .1 i" - ' t . ' ' 1 . ; i . t b .. -Uu'e.'.' rab'Vi' lei, ,,rLy.-'- up alt. ' t I a- ki g billi t'.'!." "-';' 'II . i c W I. ' a;. ',.a'ii, -; f.l-'no' ;i aa' i.ig to M -nfpet,. w it:, '. 'Kit ' one ' WANT AI) BRINCiS RESULT "- "'It vri V all; jilvrr.i-,- it .;': M.ij.'iiain, t r.'' - Alley l.'u-t Acek. Way.- "The W ant ail I vut in tne n brollirht i-t.milr- rJ:'.rt fh "l, . 7'hurMlay." .-ne v-optihaed. . '. Moai.t.i.'.e. r Want Ads ar ei'Tiom-ivo . ..ie. tirtive. minim iwi c,,s: j-, only -o' you hav- any'.hi'i i" t-- se . v. . in: t- i . buv something . ; w.' nt ad in this pa; er- V VVVVV V V i Vi . i IF i i I - - - - )'.- . : ?,