THURSDAY, APRIL l?,.;, THE WAYXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER abr iflmmtainrrr Published By THK WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. I'a W. R Wa;.n. --aaa N- ' a:,: M. T. . a . I'.. I'libli.-hed Kv.-ry 1 hurda t B- KITTION K VI KS Mil KIAY. Al'KIl, Hi: ' ' ' ! 1 ' ' ' : i . i Till: HEALTH DISTRICT HitywHMi'C'KiHty i - now a part of tm- in -t health ii.lri- .-Vi-r -aMi-h.-a in lhi -tut.-. ;,,), tl,; '!i.-r.- aiv many advantag-- ., ,, ha-..' i.v.-i .th'-i .--ft:i!i-, v, :!: V. -T . i n North Carolina. V .;(':;: j.i-.'lif ii! '' II"-"1' ' ' ' ' ' 1 Laii h'-y l 1 ' a.' iio-ia: ant -inae v. ! an.- ii '1 ' n i- ' . , a ,, -f I colli la,' air: -... - -ai . 1 ha! ; ion r i i f. 1 j ' ; ace .'i 'o . .aat i a - ; ! -' '-!" ; - raa Iaa ;,: a a !:' 'V. a ; t J ' '!' i - ,,f.,t ,! av. ..iaa i 'i '' 'a a' a a.) '' .. ' 1 a !la:. A. irA . !:- I!. ,'i i' ' ala! i' . ' ' at a- pi "- -a. a ' '. a la' ; i ;' ' a-at : ' ' i a;. iv v. II a a -..-', ala'aa : 1 i i! i : i I a 'e in ' . i a -: " iii- i h'-ae U -!i:iir aaa !i ! ri ' ta a 'h ! iia -ei", ill-, t i,':.! i . ) it her., i 'ai .::;! .vi irk ia la, a ,, a.- a, - aa i,, i,a ; a a I,,, health "di- : .;',(,. a, , 'iaaH-ro i- to l!a !i'ali. and lis we a : ia'o- a not. ativ ' lisaih a Ml ages. LET'S HOOST THE 0(M THINtrS Winn o,a ha".' .ratiiH t peak of the wiirivvou liv--.' v. hat ;- tin- burden ol your i a:, hit doubt . I i an iv:;il k-V Si'lle oalil'lain: or ' I" i , i V'n.ii thing- of -e. immunity I i 1 we take a- a aiatoT a'' i a:iir-i: aiai la vrr y:Yi' aliyoMa !-- il: !'o: iia -in. "o halioAc : ha' tlicy; arc i;om injr to ii-, arid we tan saa no ri;aon i-umtricnt., I' wt'.-liavi-;'1 .Li'iaml Miflii ni-t rat ion cif ad'air liy 1 1 ' 1 i i - w.1 :nf.Vff take tlia trouble' to 'i!! Ilieiia If. wiaiia-M- an ii nu - ii a ' l,v huyt nuin I it i s'Xi ' ;':c -; ia ri' Mif: v ': are work iny't'or I 1 1. ! I a! ' oj' . .ii r ura i aora 1 1 1 iol 1 -, ' e!- .iio'i; e i'C fiA e ' a aa, a'i 'a;n; jirai-e, li'it .,!! a-ia:iii t ii iiaij' ;ro wronjr-aia! oiiir lii:sr o Ijioa. Soinah.aiy: f., .o, .bJallle, M l Hal 'filal 1 a iy io a! a - i aliVa h 1 a"' Wivr.-v. '' lla !ii,ii : a.' Oa'.. aaiii i ia- u ai e .1'' aiiy ! o:-'a!a.a:'!ia , aal ) n,' hnH)A ' iitin ,t;i ajrain. Lnt Iet' l i--olvc lo i-iiaiiirc ouj- policy in the !'ut ui-( . Why "not. Viy lookit: i'o.r ;he yood thing's t hat. may he found in abiiinlance, anil boost :theni7 It will benefit everyone win, :ri- it am! it .will lielj) the comnninity, too.Kx. ,:ia: iMa'aa .Hi i uii i ''.'': ' : ' a a' 1 a "an I I aa aa. i I!:1, i i ; One ul' the handest "jobs in the wprltj wouk be trying to sell moth balls b a nu. list colonv. It is right i:-.v. the time of year when i n boy we knew it "sulphur and "lasses" time BRIEF REMARKS When love fails, marriage Tails, aa Few are faultier than faultfinders, a I'rospeiSty and virtue seldom mix well, a Putting: off ii reform moans never to do it. .Many put on style by putting off creditors. The key.note to good manners is "Ii- hatural." ; ;- : Wars Uellishness is always labelled "seif defence." Babies and children are living longer ; adults are nt. y Keep your promises if you would keep your friend.. , . I5EAN BEETLES AM) FLOL'R" "Do you know anything about raising t bean.-'.'" an old farmer asked a county official in iia- auditor'- office at the courthoue here .Monday morning. The official admitted he knew very little. Tae farm-r -hui .-taited; "Well- you know ti,. We1!' have ab(,ut ruined the bean crop fur the pa-t few yeui'.-. but I have found a way to keep '.hem down. When the bean- get up. -t.r.'i.kle a little lied Cross tiour around on th-' alanl- ata! T he bee' les will ( at that am! get iav they won't eat anything ek-e." S:,, v. :iat la- haij in the hack of hi.- hea J a, a - iia- !;:: that many people have depended , ntavlv .. lalief .-(. long that they can'' -(e a ha !;j.y -iaaald get out now and dig for theni- Tae Mo'Uitain-er wa- -omew hat dumfoumL ,. j Saiurdaa when a man of about thirty came -he uiiue to get soma minerals he had left ami- -an, - few moiitlis ago. lb- b'gan talking ain.-it C'A ami other kindred work-. For the pa- six months he has been working on a CWA project at forty cents an hour. Now he is od' and instead of getting out and making a garden oi crop for him.-elf and hi- family, tie is seek ing a place in the ( ( '( ' camp-. lb- condemned :he government for .iu-t aking single men and Hot placing married men in ti. cmps. He also criticized the govei'n .i;,.)!' for not giving him more hour- at forty ,.. n't . an man-. ."Why the goveinmeii' ain't ;,r. ' , ; ia v e got I-it :' laonev. Tin in bank - ! Random SIDE GLANCES IJ W. CLRTLS RL'SS l.i.'a- r twu r.u'. i- ;i:t-!iu a:t-a ::.t ' K:-- Ivliioriii!" wa- .n la-: uh-k'- j ' u ; j t-a, :.u: tai-rt- '.v;t.- aa iii-.-'.aia-- .,t, .Ma.a .-tia-v". l-'.i.ia;. tnat I aa'. ia.': -vi a I. a i I j- ' a:a. a a. a;. : i; .- wi'.v '' 1 it- "'I '! - ' jBBY (jERTIE 1 u i.- I. : , -aJ-v 1 .ura! ill a 1 ' IT) i. m& mrui St i -t in U.i v.iach..i- if. tnv cat: r.-.u-i.'day ai:u fcu-ii!i ii . i-aa-aaa aalher inUTts.t.l.K. .Oia- a;d: 'I a:i. alway.- tt-i! when iV.- pi.a'la aa ol'l Hi.- l:.-:ea(T a.-kt-.l, "il-iw kin yu' tt-fl "Wei!, it- tha- way, it' I put.- "a my ln rlai.M'l- i.a tha a: ; iji l i .l' :'. i- -a' laa. ')"'! o aaaa-r aaa :!' i !aaa Vm ill', a. ai'.ay- :.aa- v'A 'i:utS' : j I', i-vzv I.., o: L. wcvk I ii.aa: a a.a-a. : i.a'. :a.-wa- U.r t:nn- fi ;aa!- that ,ui'- jh -ale :a. aar!.: r. ia.-.. livine aa:y : v:: re jmvtry. s. Ki alay'- aa. 1 22 Years As, m HAYWOOD i F. .Waj Hivv a' A i V . S.i ..'ei. k a -:ai -jia i! Ai I- ia , I . ' . ;(: .1 ','.'. Na,v : i, In. I. i la ' I r.aa. Wiiia:a T:ak, laaa.a 'A girl may start to dive according , -a, K !'...'::. .!;. )i )!:a to instructions, but she frequently aaa: t-V;';:U.-': : 1'aa'a. -. V lands on her ovn responsibility." Wiiiian. S'i-: 'fit b-a5tr. r.. . i ji ': !,. William '.h.j SlY I'rAttinPnt C thwaii- H. Mit.-h. Widows Carry Om w fuli o' go t-rnmint mom y, lb- ae idea i:T the whole thiity S-'l!U'il t ' . riia'i i . was ati American and tha' !c . : M-iit -lioiihl feel il a pi'i ilr-gt '. . ;:'' ; .''! aaa and hi- t'amily ri gardle-- ol' whai h'. gave in lain. i'he man refefieil to above i- by n' a,, a a : be' only m- with t hat idi a. Theiv ara a .a-and- of other.-. It i . hard to malt i stand wliat a per-oii vi; h ,'ucii' radicid ideas a- t iial can hope loi . ..(iit -..I t h-.v get' by todaA t hey care little of aeia,iioi.v. Tiiey are not willing to pay Die co-t oi' ;o it ing iinewhere. The man mentioned -"above quo'teil in de. ail the new -el-M. that, is I .ei ng 'va I'kett out ill W; a; a;."on. and ' Ua'eiio.. : 111 ''I'a'kt b . 'knew.' a, a ..iM iit it I 'iia.i; .''' d.i'.l a ' hi tiny ' I.-' and aiaa- like him : li '' U - -a .1 the laa'ii V 1 l'o:a ai'aaaa'ng to end aui1 had foil I . ! o : I ' elloiig.h t-a i,ai - ; . i ia a e , a- t'ii i ilniia-'da: e net ti. i or a , ;l -, v. i it ry abont stai: 'ing Thc knew t iieir bu-ine-s. and are parha'y-!ila- li.e iiarna r"- beetles, tliey: pia fer llain I-1 U an-, i specially w hen i t -. 1 1 r i uighr t o ilmm in-.. a ad ,ot' ha ing to work for ii . ' : -aa: .: ii;a::e:.-. ;a a- i-1-a I 'b-y ea:a ,-.aa . a.j; :;,c M a, h -.v.-: ca. . iv K1- ,'f.u;. '.. -; va- alt'ai: : -'- '-. i - vi. a- la -t v -ya-i- i,,! ,, :!;., ,,,, .a, Wa,.r.' a.'. : ia -i v aa a Th-. uaiiain ai"iilt, ill a- I iaa- Chaat-- (' -hia, .;-r:. ILiA . ib.-.v.-!!, K :a a I'. I a -!...;. I. i i . I M . - -1 r -il .. . a l . Al.i-I aiv tn-'aiy- IMhv.- ' ' ;'. )- i.f .!x iliutrr-u.- I'n-.-- -u-iai a lav aay - with V, -a,, t'nltv-l S:at'-- !iv.- within. ',- i! ( 'aa.p! ia iaao -I :iah- ..f aa-h i.thi-V uiu! i The i.-i t'.a-'.ei y hu r. tin- i'l'.ri'iu- 1 1 a'litinr.- ul'.aa! the '.'.ata. a: in " i . i -a ai -ha.l aia'i- a-. n.t i Th i' .!!-Av! rvuns: '.. : i , , 'IM 'Te l:. A ) a-- a'a a i eVriv iiiu.v ai a. wi ' tsa-1 tit:jr ate la a -: - ur aa;. a !:;- ! !-'i' t'H -ui-a. '" - a-: : .a.a.iiaau, .iha a, I Mr-, la,,, a i -Ab a. -j Wane i ! .a;-, n in all O.- a-caa-: ea, waiaw at -taaa-a i'ta.-. ia..-- a-i-: na aa.-.--:!al ne-., ... ;., p. j when- .-lie l-e'l-.-'lf 'I. a .- i-hihlo-: -Utnl ai-..--:- Jt ;- imtaiii.- that ayal:;- aiway- iiaiu.u- a iaa ia an- ia Ua-a- it i a. a .: l ie -i. y . : m.a u ana I ae v ul r I: Ka-t.-r la.lal.a. aa.i i Pi. .: a: I'a :'. : -! i if I J-iJa- M '' a- K, : W ov '!' - ,j lh taa Pr.-wa M-.j. vi, ...v. aaa M..; H.a . ' M :-. !i.a v i!- 1 "a : - Sai , ial ; :a!a :-a: :-a' a flaw x . a 'A . "T.v I' ... 1 :J.. ia. ina-OT- :, a aa- ;n,a . 'v!' h-w iai-y. 1,1,-,. .'ia,- a,i i Ma.-. Va.a,ii.-w i,-- :, wia. .'.aa w' .i u-.a ih I .-!f'l . .:ra,ia-,:i;i. I'a'-'-it-ia Inouai! v- the Ti-..aa-r,-. the tty'iia y- a -., ijve- i.. e.itial :i-a-i,a'.- "'a.-L-' '"i1 :'. aiv. ai a. 'ha: i.l'.Mr-. ('aKaj i uf.i :!ta Al' -.' Wa-i.a .iira.-'s oa- a"la-v i.f if. i av.-ay ana I hi!: lln... aa! t a - -aa, aa r a . I 'e! a : al ' :.!,- - ia at a ., ' -, . Aa'ev).-. a-:-, eat a 'a,- "':.. v.a i!a -ia via., v, a ''" ' ii -a a:.; 'fax ' --.a' : -. -- V'a..'a"a:.a :C .-i :.' -aa-: . P -. lh ti.ia.-r la...-. - .- :aai M Tla-aao . ' :. , w .....' lifa. :v ''! ' : i.. . iia- ' :v . -e ' ia aa-na a i. - I ... . a., -,".,.-, , a,, a. I',: ..lilf-r Be sure of good Coffee every time Jtmbeam CoflCC EMerS a ; . Iia . i tai . 1 . ;-...a,.-a -., at!'! ial.-r i a., '..a ,i.:ied ...!-.. :!.. I' ii.. laai'. tia-y i ..!.' ,,n voia taut wa:!'i. few tiling.- arc ;i. ai,---a ,a-: a,g aaA la-ii'v l.ri'-..!ia-. ('.Mill Ol THANKS 'e wi-ii ti. thank iaa- -,ii;ii;y th ii-a i I'. ! thai.- k : m f !!-- -hewn a- durinu .1 jtia- iljini-- -!"l liealii ,.f ear aa.lh. The new easy, bet- yajTg ter way. Makes M; .' v pure, clear coffee (fja free from grounds and full flavored, W a t'e'r passes Uaa i ts through coffee only ouce. No metal I'ft-s springs or bother !a'i i, some filter cloths -a- has special glass filter rod. Only $6.50. See it today. lav.--' ia a i b -a ( i i.a one inaaaia. . ;e i -'ai' a -..ra a'l i . a.i. m! .. .1 .:f:y' !ui;r ; li T va. i i.w'M-.lrnjt v- r.i- i-fca. i vniaaia- u. tin- ni'M wnia; i.a), lie ih-s-. ; 1 1 o y ! . i - a!,-i i::na ain-.a t "I'- aiai svaiid In ik-a'.h- tliat H will tvt Ivni'tki'd oil'. 1'wn - Vayt'i--va'!'ie w.inu i. wore i-u-smy a thii-.l u--i.icnt here, aial j. ji-ne -anl: "Why that w .paua 1- hl-vi-i a i .-atisf'ual. It -he eVtT u't-l- .-eal'in' hea en flu-'ll w ant t.i -tainl 'lii'i " Tbu ' liana-.- n't' the three invclveil w.iulil In: i "niti.-t i'iiU'iv.stihg'' tn W ay ia -vi':!, -I'cietv. atuutav v, aa. !-'. A. ivaiel-e, l.ii'Kiliv' tlitnUUil Maiii .-: t'e. : 1 .-u w while iiiokii'iii at lOH'i THIv i'.OV S( Ol TS An ellorl is being made to bring' it o a cio-.. the cj'impaign here for funds to tarry am tin boy Scout iirogram in tilts commimity. Tho.-t making this campaign have ixjet with -ncces - and the l'e-ponse of tlie public has been gl'atl- It la jh-U-ai; tha- a. ways ha- a vhip lying, but there is st ill need for a little more money in order to rabe the ,am a to carry out the treat program to the best advantage of the lioys and (he community. The' t raining school for scout leaders has been held for tile pa.-', three weeks, an-.: we a'.' frank to say that some of those who thought thev knew Scout work found that they did Hot know t he first thing about it. . , Scouting is a business. Its 1 usi ina-s is to train boys io live rlean -lives, think clean thoughl-v and to l:e active; Tc teach boys this ii takes trained letiders. And to -train haulers ii- take- si. ;, a 'Honey, but it is a good nv e-'- ."A-'t! .' '. a. .." " i l in leaders alo not get one cent , it is all : iain d'or the benet it (if the boys, ; 1 1 . t ttjmav vi,, nf oi leii'iiiur iiis to live i' lean . iva s rs as. a-1 J'A'-1- '-!'' ''- ' .. o'tn ' -a- iirau :. - . . , , r.ia". ..a tana:-! - in ncr naa'. ata: ,a:d an investment as any vommtmity toukl havint; ;i u, lii- tha- - v x wa. iimiK ai- siaa piisseil. ' Tw.'i Vrhool ' teavhi'i.- w ith di es.- Imxt-: under their a.his waikaar fast a towards home -to by on tiieir liaistt'i- .hi.!.-. A .school buy passes with a new suit.: new Shoes and new hat en hL. has a most uncomtortahle look on his face.' A ! KiAiup ol farmers front of the court house to the latest jhilitieal ; The stops- of the court house providing an ideal place for sunning. A flapperish looking, lass of about fifteen. U'ccinfr hea raeeetl dad far dough. .The rourje or. both her cheeks; dubbed on in spots about the size of fifty cent, pieces; '-.-'. . 1'. I'. ( ':awf.A-.i an. I t'ainilv Mnrim Eiedric (o. I'HO.N K :;i A 'gari tte etiU'i iaininir he! t'l-ii'lldal.y .l.i..wiii,Lr .-mnKe : :r.i:-.i. T'.v. Kii'iri't' er!)ap:n" I'hi'W.. uf' a.aacvo, at' two .iillVreat' la'atids. A littieu; - : . ' - f V"' ' "OnClX START SMOKING CAMLLS. YOU'll PREFER TH'M FOR FLAVOR - -NO THEY 4f.RVE5 g '1 1 1 WE LIVE TO LEARN Many of our modern commodities proved to be the result of accidents, and when one writes a letter and grabs (the blotting .paper, little does he think that it was an accident that caused blotting paper to be in use today. Ink formerly had to be dried with sand, and a .shaker of sand, similar to that of a salt shak er usually was kept for that purpose. On day an employee in a paper njill in England forgot to place the proper sizing in the contents of a vat of paper, and as a result the entire amount was thrown out as being no good. When the owner of the plant wanted some scrap paper he decided to use up the paper that had been ruined, but much to his surprise when he applied the ink, it spread all over, and was even worthless to write upon. This is said to have been 'the starting point . for the use of blotting paper. Every day the majority of us make mistakes, and we should at all time profit by our mistakes. Many of the greater inventions were due to accidents which probably at the time were costly and brought ridicule, but we must continue to live and learn, no mvitter how much the cost. Ex. i ti i i.-c- -a (' Ti-ii1 -i tv ;n r..,a a as hay a-e ceaaa A candidal a . stataiilin . fc i ' t , -- S ' s " j-,.;, t'l.vv..ii.n'.tu.i!.-'-l:HVis vuiir :Vv;.im t , , . ;. 5V , r iit " ; .tact,;. (?-.- .Bl. yr .l.urtfpiinr "ii.t.. an-1 .- -. : s ; - V ; ;- ',-r- :vl " i ol-her, and the. dl-baa-; ih tlu' Immped i ; F K X ; car mivmil' t nutrs u.iniii:.'. his ort-MLh. J K . v...V ..x..av i,,., A.U...V.-'-:' i i OraiiKe: . County Gfanpers have planted . -500 black . walnut seedlings boupht . from the ;State ' forest nur sery. . EXECUTOR'S XOTICE ' Having q-eilified sls executor of the estate of S. N. Liner, deceased, this is ti notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to tile them ..with .the Clerk of . the Su perior Court of Haywood County on or before the 8th day of March, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of such recovery. a All persons indebted to said estate will plea.-e make settlement at once. This 8th dav of March, 1934. R. NORMAN LINER, Executor of estate of S. N. Liner, deceased. By J. R. Morgan. Atty. No. 173 Mar. g-15-22-29-Apr. 5-12 ONE STANDARD DEPENDABILITY The gold standard is, of course, purely arbitrary; Any rate element is internationally agreed upon, might serve as the absolute in fixing values.. Standards in prescriptions, however, cannot be so determined. They must produce the results desired and intended by the physician, and to do this they must he carefully and skillfully compounded with chemically pure ingredients. For twenty years. Alexander's Prescriptions have conformed to one standard of dependability. And yet there is no price premium on the absolute assurance of safety which the Alexander label gives. A SKY 0 UR DOCTO R ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Phones 53 & 54 Opposite Post Office