THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1931 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER i . Sbr iHuuutatncrr Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PKINTIXCi CO. Main Street Phone 1I!7 Waynesville, N. C. W. C. RUSS - .- - Kditor W. ('. Uu- mii, I M. T. Bridges. Publisher. Published Kvcrv Thursday SI HS( Pll' l ION KATKS 1 Year. In I 'utility i Month. , In County - - 1 Year of lluyu I t '..utity Subsei i;: kiii p : i : 1 1 ! i :ri a.lvaiir $1.1.1 1 1 ."ill Kniorod at the l"-t 'Hi at no-v :1 to, N. I.'., as S.v.m, Class Ma ! Mafet. a iin.l-r the A. i of Mai. h ::. lsT'.h sTTveiiiber It'll. Till USDAY. Al'UII. 1!. VXM JJETTEIf -TIMES I (Hv II U WOO!) I'AK.MEKS On,- ,,r the most- i 1 1 -1 u i i t i jj meeting-. n( 'i civil- nature that lias been laid hnv in .-ntite time was the olio Saturday at the cotii-thnu-.' when about fariiifi- and business nun gathered mi discuss tli,. pus -ibili! it's nt' e-tao lishing a v'a 1 1 1 le ry in : Iris ruunty. The usual line of '"hut air" .- t 't ak that is usuallv found at every meeting of this 1 yje wtis entirely missing lr-ni the one Saturday. Thu.-e attending the mooting V"! down to brass tacks and tackled the job which they had bet'mv them in a business like manner. There was displayed a t iding el' cun-erva.. tive optimism which indicated that there is ex.-ii-'ting now in this county a spirit of eo.upenu t ii ti between business man and farmer which will ultimately re-uli in a "New Day for the two of t hem." We have long reo.gnia'd the fact 'that the farmers and (ho business imm are absolutely dependent upon one another, and for either to feel tint: they can pi "forward without the sup port and goodwill of the other is utter folly. The fact tiia! a creamery is In'ine; establish, oil here, and plans being worked out to net a cannery in the county, together with the fact that the tourist season promises a brighter out. look than in , the past few years, brings an assured feeling that the brighter days for Haywood County farmers are now on the way, WHY NOT NAME THE ( OI RTHOI SE? It has been almost two years since the 2 10.00(1 Haywood County Courthouse was com pleted, yet, today there is not the slightest sign or indication anywhere on the building to let strangers know what it is, whether it is a federal government building or the property of a private concern. Certainly a building that is thought as much of as the Haywood County courthouse is worthy of having tin- iiani,- painted on trie l',.. lit. The Idiil.lcf-. left -pace for the nam1--and W. boiitVo wi- i xjii'i -s the opinion of the majority of the i it, oris ,.f the count c when we -ugg'-.-t thai ila; . mil's Tnnph ot'.li.stice haw it - name put nil i' . HERE'S sr.O ON ROM) TO EAfiLE'S NEST The M-tli:ta jleer ha- just received the fo!. lo'.viiig oiler from a en tain public .-piri'od bu-i. ne-s man : "I'll be gla.d to join with other, in rai-ung .I,00() to pul the ri.a.l " Eagle's. V, st in a safe and passable ceiidc ni omt ribtite .. in, or .-''.. or " if .V) other- will make a like contri bution." The per.-on making the abuw utier contin. ued in his remarks -u -;-v that he look several prominent vi-iting part. ii s up t,, th,. famous -'"' last summer and that they vine "treinee. d tisly impre-sci I; a- ha- be( n eervi.odv e! v I hat has been up th'-i e." ( 'erta i 1 1 1 y llivie i in i , ne i hat doi 'lot fully realize the advantages that are ail 'm-,;,-. . in nav nig a goon roan ii I'.agie - .t-, oeiau-e it has been proven to !, one of W'av iie-v iile' biggest "drawing cards" in the years' gone by. and the view as afforded from there todav 's t he same as years ago. It seems to The .Mountaineer that w.;: the above oll'er to begin with, this is a. splendid opportunity for one of the committees of the Chamler of Commerce to take hold and see that it is carried through. Random SIDE GLANCES J!v W. ( I'RTIS Rl'SS De .r Mr. Ru-s: ISu-y -- I am- 1 ma-t lata- a few minute- tffin my work t-. tell you h..v heartily I am in sympathy with . lit. .rial "lii-an Bevtie.s ami " in The Mountaineer ef April V.'U.' f.a-t wevk In- I.. It. Ha;.. - wa.- ur : i.m. -:..n-U!.t x n ' :.-ai halM'.-:ie.-- Oeh.lM it. 1 1,-a-ta- I the rau.-e ..f il all i :.ivau.-e iii.- wife : I-: r.a . i but lit- wa- waii-k.cyr .-'.la- ::. ' - .:v. .. .eW ::ai;.y. Kan N'.,: -J: ( ';. lina friend 'nere. I e-r. -a. I '..'.at when the (ev e, ;::;, .- te a-ri ticies -hut 'U::t ry i, avMf. tu h:tvv J. ,,.' pr-et'i -.-inn;'.! Jiaupi'l'.s ell !.-. I.e.-: !iij-h: I r.-aii iiim yeve are h.- aali! aisii;')f!y -ai.l v.e'i -, leal itra.-p uf tile situ a ilea. ).:e-elitati..n of the I A few heiiati lfujri:t a haniriy i i at atl.i a, a 'i:-l .n : he ha.f.-: a e i la i he!' h. :.a e. a- wa'.eh :r;; je the it -i - (i:ve a- iiiMria:.s !;kc tm-. Vei-y truly, It. W. Cl'bCKK. : i! 12. P.'.'il. The tiny wa- ! .! u.'-i if eeai Net i, v.i i-hurci el L-xtreriely hajiay - rut i .- as i;. urn a- 1. P. t car' e i, a: a mcint'c rreifatiun ,f,r in lia.-t e- i; ia- thought it ri'ht any-, , , i. lie r..!C. ay Hit- mistake- !' ...her.- I ,', j vhei'eu i.--ai liie pa-tn' !,-;ita--i thai in , j ' 1 1' i net. Til..- ,i e,i man .a kt j iiiiil.e-ii "Well, put. -tn, will V"ii jrive . a aav .-a .-I k!ce: in -enlav'- ei'luniii ur. "I 'at Ta'e, "will per re-t te v u !"-' : !: ir ti.a'. the C'.unty :. - -A.!! mee". at t tie Ala .: :t'i f. r ::ie pur- W , ju -vale 22 Years Ago in HAYWOOD mi nio-. t a . t ten u"lla r : .' iMi 1 a mil I'ic! me'.'" I l ynu CAT TALK It ajipears that in trying to do good I have done harm. Our cat has for several years pre-' "sen ted us with kittens in March. Heretofore a box in the corner of the woodshed has btvn used as the maternity ward., but there was only one kitten this year and the weather was' so bit tor cold that we let the 'two occupy a basket in the bat lirooi-u -for more than ;i week;'. The cat had been quite the .'.best we ever owned, working faithfuLl.v to keep down rats and niiee in the outiuiiidtrgs ittid requiring 'cry little food from tile table. While she was in the house so much We had. of course, to give her all she ate and that's what did the mischief. Since taking her and the kitten . to the vvoodshed we tind she seems ruined as a mouser, .Mice are in the ga rage ; mice nibble at. t he dairy- feed;T fear there are even mice in the woodshed.. And that cat spends her time meowing 'at five kitchen door for food, and is oven "choosey" about- w hat sh- eats. ;.r .. '' I believe in emergency relief and in aid for the 'unemployed w.ho can't, tind work; but .there arc 'tr.L'ts. .-Mrs. Theo-. ll Pavis. Zebulon lie. cord." . WIIKN I5ATHS WKKK I KW If certain data we have run across lately are authentic, the joke about the Saturday, night bath is "not so old as vve' had imagined. It is recorded that the. tirst .hath tub put in commis sion in the I'nited States' was' christened on ('hrist mats day, IS 12. Linking up the day of the week in a per. potual calendar, we tind that this was Sunday, but it is possible that the tirst bath was really Uiken on Christmas eve, thus establishing the Satunlay night tradition. I'pon its introduction the bath tub was looked, upon with much suspicion, as it is by small hoys until 'this day, In Boston. .an ordi nance was passed prohibiting baths except upon the advice ot a. physician. About' 1ST the Phila delphia city council came within two votes, of passing an ordinance prohibiting baths altogeth er bet ween 'November 1 and iMarch 15. Hath t ubs Were 'heavily taxed in those early days, even as the modern automobile. Shortly after they were introduced into' Virginia ia state tax of, $-'Ui was imposed on each tub in stalled, 'St ill .Americans' of those times were more given to bathing than the old Russians. We have read somewhere that Peter: the Great bathed only once a year. Hut there were ex tenuating circumstances. Russia is a very coM count rv. Kx. . I It was leal Ileil here e.l When 1 a-- in hOm tiiele was'tliiit the HaZetwea.! , ieleat am want- j et.e tlnia I trie'l hanler tu ,1a than ".'.ly t" livlmie ir.e iia-i.rpj.ratv j ran tiaer ....... ,e .'..u- I. mil-..: UaZe.'.V n, .'aile ,T.,.. , e " I-,.,, I v. hieh wmii'l have rieees.-itateil Vatel's I kia.w ef in U"ayia- ;i.e , ,-, Wi!!' : ! llazeov l; v ..I i !. i M ,.. I ,e,. i 'r.ii.iiifh Hizelwrin,! ui ieeh- then- in chuivh, I'm t..l "' u'0'i ai aynesville. aiLin-.e a! ll'.ai'.- mv nature. I The nieetim.' t,i he hehl here i.n . 1 ' ( .M--inlay, April i- expectci to 'ne l.a.-t week H ue;. S- e,h,!l iiail-e i ; "ell atterele.l hy hath factien. m,. t1 -;.:hp!(- a new piece ef caiuly - - - - waier lie ua- selling. It u:r "al ami it -Hie 1 :J -ati-i'y I'm ,, e.-,,,,, -ampler, I.iewev, .-n don't ever fail ta call. From the tile of April 10, 1912.) .Ui-. Jam v.- I annua ana daughter. .Mi.-.- Luia, i'mil two son-. Master liavi.l itail Kilwa.ol have retui r.,- ; tmiii an extended st.-.y in Virginia. .Mi-s Betty Hyatt has returiu : f.-um an extended visit to relative- a I.! reer, S. ('. Mr. ban Ten.pkins, uf Sylva, .. here en a -hart visit to his mothei. .I i s. Annie Tompkins. Mi-.- Sarah Strinjrtielil is in Wa-'r ine-.en where she is in attendiaa-up-aii the I). A. K. i 'onveiitiun a- ta lepre.sentattve el' the Korea.- be. I.eive Chapter. The sermon of Kr. James Canti'.. at the Methodist ehureh Sunday ni'i.t: intr on ti'tnperance wa- received w:t:. so nan h favor that there was a iihoii- request for him to preach al-r..-he .-aine line that evening at :h. baptist church. j The Whitu Star hner, Titanic, tl.-: I newest ami largest ship in the Wort i av i ..... ,, ,1 , ..( v.... Wt-I.L ll'iWII "a i-iie e'ii.L "i ..v.. Foundlai.d at o'clock Mond.r. .e.eniie, I'.e.ll' taail'S af'tel f-.t.'ikii.J I in tile precincts, , ',,:,. :,.,.,,,.. . . . . . i ..... i. . i' ir to cmiie! .Miss Ulive liouiie, natlgnier ui an. vote ill tne I anal -Mr-- J. i- laione. nas conic ... for a very high honor at Mercl t olh ge, liaving been recently c)v- a by the student hody as chief mar.-':: a: for the commencement. : . i . u It' y..u see a young lady walking oni crutches lhi week- it . might he hi'- i t cause .my Wife niit.-hed the youngrf lady'.- foot. : It was r,.the;r funny, yet painful.', it happened last -Friday night when we were ushered clown 'AA t'i'ont at tin' .Minstrel giva-n hy the TT Legion. Auxiliary here. ' , When my vvife tfied t'' aush the -eat down that had 'been assigned to I ler she f and it stuck, or rather hard . n i .-ne- i -..nil ii si Lie 1 . u : 1 .i i net Main a ti pu-h down. Finding it even hard-!ff er to budge than her strength per- 01 'it ti i, slie proceeded to sit on the ", edge of it and use he.- weight to push, Ai the seat dovvn. .lus: as she was putting her full weigh: (Its pounds) on it, the young lady in tile seat just "behind her as. started into action. The young lady let out a c..ll, nii.xed with a groan, and then niy wife saw that the young lady's foot was caught in the seat she was trying to push down. After a series of apologies by my my wife, massnging of the m.ished foot hy the paining young lady, things settled down for the minstrel. The above incident reminds 'me' of the time a man weighing ove.- 200 mad,v his way into a crowded movie, and as he seated himself next to. a little girl saiii: -"Kid I step on your f.w.t"" Whereupon the victim re hiurked, "It Was eithe.- vou or an elephant" Some pef'iile. have a talent for keep. itig ::ack of things like in-laws. sh. t ter-in-laws. and the relations of each" !a -onievne else who niarries into the ; family. That's- something I can't do, I ; u:, a man f 1-0111 Rateliff brought j in. the foitawing which he chams is correct in everv detail some uf vou UKU.KST KMIM.OVEH ( TTTINt; PAY ROLL y The public may - be. pardoned : for beir.g a little bewildered hv the contradiction between the President's call for increased employment and higher wages and the policy of curtailment' . announced by the Post Office Department. .M.r. Roosevelt asks industry to hire 10, per. cent ; more, workers and to raise - the present w eekly pay check by 10 per cent. .r' Parley promotiy proposes to reduce the postal service so as to let out ,000 men and cut the "department pay rolls hy $11-000.000 a year, at the expense of the already economically paid rural carriers. Thus what Mr. Roosevelt tells industry it: must do if recovery is to come, tile largest employer in the. United States, the Post Office Depart merit, says k will do in reverse. This comes all the more strangely from the post oflice. .since it is not expected to riifcke profits, and industry cannot exist without them. . . . It would seem that Mr. Farley is deaf to his master's voice in the matter of employment and wajres San Francisco Chronicle. WlilOW. "Then, mv father met our step- liaughter and marned her. That nuieie niy wife- .mother-in-law of her father-1 A A in-law. and my father invame mv" T stepsoni- ' ' See.? - . .". (' '. "Then aw stepmother, the -.tep- i a'V liaughter of mv wife had a son.( That' if i',- ,. ; ;.. - ,., :."."' billions in' I ;;.), which means some .S.l.oOO tier jeause he was my father'.- but ' he ; W was also trie : -on ot inv wale step- ...,. and therefore, her grand-. son. That n-.a-.te me grandfather of -j m. WHO'S TO PAY FOR NEW DKAL? Xotinr Itat. the national deb; of the I'nited States will reach an unprecedented total of Ul p iv to-s: anal to check it: re ;at 10 rusts w: nave A RKI.ATTOXSHIP TAXGLK "I met a y.'utig wiiiow -with a growh ui' -.:er-.iaughte;.i imd I married- that. .--.,-' '' .1 Seersucker The Leading Cotton (Joods For Spring And Summer Every Color Vou Desire, .VII The New Stripes and Plaids, ff And they are priced so Ai reasonable at 29c nd 39c 0 See our window display Also a large stock of solid color Pique's and linen's. Pique's priced at 25c to 69c Linen's priced at f 49c And 69c And don't forget you will jU find plenty of checks, stripes - and plaids in Prints and 11 Gingham, priced at lOc 15c 19c f 25c 1 We carry one of the largest stocks of all kinds of piece goods in this county. Come to us with your piece goods needs. lassie's Dept. Stored A (iOOD PLACE TO TRADE" We spend our first years wrecking- our stomachs; our last ears supporting the doctors. latnily. I-red 11. Clausen. Wisconsin manufac turer. sounds a note of warning in the current Rot.arian --Magazine; .-' "Ad.d other long term, obligations, of state, count ies and cities.; real, estate mortgages 0:1; farnvs and city properties. ' ''debts of . railreads, ; utilities, industries and like obligations, and the total is 150; billionor about one-half the esti mated national wealth." ';. . Mr. Clausen paints roughly. America's fin ancial, picture1 as follows: national wealth. 300 billions; indebtedness. Ia0 billions ; income this year. oO billions : public expenditures this ver.r. IS billions. '-''., Vt;-"'.:..".-' ;:'' : t(: .' - '''""."' ' "What does this spell for the future?" he asks. "From the very size of the debt its pay. ment will be projected into future decades. Be cause of today's necessities ve are inclined to let coming: years take care of themselves. And that is a dangerous attitude. "The New Deal program is on its way. In our journey we must pay the cost of transpor tation." he concludes, "but may we maintain a proper sense, of proportion." : my stepniothe-r. Then my wife had a son. '-. . "My : mother-in-law, the stepsister of my. son, Ls also his' grandmother, . because he is her stepson's child. My father is the brother-in-law of my child, because-' . his stepsister is my wife. I am the brother of my own son. who Ls also the child of my grand mother. I am my mother's brother in Jaw-' rny wife, is; her own -.-child's' aunt, my son is. my father's nephew, and I am my own grandfather." . (Continued from pasre. 1) secure a vptinj: place in Haze'.wood. The south ward of Wayr.esville is composed of .a part of Waynesvil'.e, all. of Hazelwoeid, and i the rural corn mur.ities of Aliens Creek. Saunar-k, and Fairview, totaling about -' fifteen, hundred, voters. Hazelwoed alone his more than five hundred. The pres ent vexing place is in . Waynesville. and on the ver- edge . of the large territory composing the south ward., This has', resulted in great inconven-1 ience to. the majority of the voters' of the 'ward.. The Board of Elections is composed of M. G. Stamevi- chairman, e-llU . T f T TI 1.J .4 i , - v . I .nit. m- .... Leim, iiatvm I'u, aim Out Of the heart are the issues of life," George Hampton. Canton. Mr- Long; a right heart. a right life. , favored granting the request. . t ' J ... I Notices have been posted in Hazel-j It is no fun for a woman to keep a secret without someone to help her. Hazelwood Asking That Town Be Made J A Voting Precinct HELP-MATES The doctor can't do it all. He must delegate the important duties of nursing and prescription compound ing to practitioners of those two professions, and the out come of the case depends to a great extent on the pre. cision and care with w hich they carry out his instructions. Waynesville physicians KNOW they can rely abso lutely on this organization. Is not their judgment the safest guide to follow in the selection of a drug store? AS K Y O U K 1) OCT OR ALEXANDER'S L DRUG STORE Phones 53 & 54 Opposite Post Office