The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People VOL. XLIV NO. XI WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA Till RSDAY, JIT A 19. 1931 Clark Frady Gets 12 To 15 Years For Slaying M. West Defendant Submits To Charge Of Second Degree Murder. Number of Cases Disposed The fiily major case scheduled for the July term of court va disposed ,,f 'lW.iay, when Clack Frady sub mit'ed'to a charfre of second degree murder fur the slaying of Monroe W,..; in Cecil township last March. Solicitor John -M. Queen accepted ilii- idea, and Frady was sentencca i.v j, J. Will l'le.-s, Jr., to .serve .'roni 1J to 15 years at haul labor, .'.,., a pica for mercy lu.d Iwil made ivciovcr C. Davis. attonw.v r the .v'u :,.i.llit. liu- -tale's witnesses, among the ill ,i, w w of the slain man, aii prac V ngree.l upon tile main points, dint tig two men had (uurrvikV. .','', ,m liquor that Had been out chased between them, an. I a flu. n oaaricl left the honie vi Moiuw ' ; gUhcr. supposedly to .-eltiv j,, ..r.iUi-r with it, light. U.Ur, . u, iv .-.line hack with a. title, .an. I in he meantime West had also return..! i u! W'-h aura; n. Fr..dy had loft his , ,,.1 '.ho ollt-idc o the fli-ll t'. Ai ' r in ins: .at tno noun oi o, cs; nv time, Frady again felt ami t tunc afterward tile rep...! of w..s ht-.vii and V s.i '. ,!:;,; in tho rtid s.,:ae .'' 1.;.,. v Vl.icll.'e 1 111 '.111.'! -in:'. ' I : .idy the liexl . morning .. m . i h.m-cli'" to ..i he sher.ti '.v.. ' n I't i.nat no '-i-i.'.d . aii'i W'c-t with a i ll".'. 'i';ii' '. " ,,. it io 'lit; hi'.- ii i.'. Hi a pica oi -v el-... u ',:..; 1., - case V, ..; IIOU a ' io. y t'i-'ieli.-e io.--; inioiiy i-n it l . .!".,,., !:i ;l W-si w:i- a o i !!-o 1 oils ,!, ! o ; tin-; di aiik liKbliiiii ,. and -.. i,'.' ;t; It- was sIMWii tiial ho had .... -cvcr.'il per,-,oii.;- and ' had I 'ecu ti n .i ixiiic- the community for months. In po.-i-iii"; se.nience. ." t he coiii't took nf'i .'iiportunity to oh'ser'N o that- it was . i-4-)kctim upon tho lomuiun.ty , hoi e' tile i hoiiViciilo occlirioil in thai the community hud been ter.'orh'.cd lor so laiiR a time without hringin' tne guilty parties to. justice. To ncKative the plea of self-ilet en-c the State showed that ih pistol or linn had been found on the persini of 'or no;;r, tlie dead hian. there heinu; only a rock in hi- pocket. Hther cases di.-liosed are as fol hiws: Wednesday. I'aul Caldwell, driving auto drunk, .alied and failed. ; K'd. Nichols, abandonment, called Floyd Miller and Don Underwood, a!v of liquor. Miller called and failed, and failed. Ma.'vin Lewis, bigamy, continued. Weaver Clark, abandonment, judg ment put into effect- Howard Mann and Hrycu Mann. A. I'- W., payment of cost. Karl Williams, non-suppoi t. 12 months ccunty jail. Sam Arrington. highway robbery, discharged. Hilliard Sanford, V. P. L., called and failed. Thursday liutl Irankhn and Dave Parris, ia.ccny. Parris lemanded to juvenile court. Franklin guilty. John Khodarmer, embezzlement, nol pros with leave- . . h -iph Leatherwood and b. 1). Fer KUsuri, called as witnesses and failed. U-tiu tine, ' ..Fred Smith,, driving drunk, pleads guilty. ;. .i'aul Caldwell, driving auto drunk, i'-iU.mj tine and suspension of drivers license for 12 months. : - Hob Cook. Steve Redmond and Jack Redmond, Steve and Jack Redmond, I months Haywood jail. J' I-arns. Jack Jones. Walter i ov lei , larceny and receiving, b "tint us in Haywood jail. Herhian Fowler, embezzlement, con tinued, . .. Oail l 1 ie ley P L contin heunu Green and John Justice, F. .anil A., continued-; .... (-'j.vman Hopkins, B. and L.. con tinued. . : . . . Wid Howell, continued by grand Jury. (Continued on page eight) Does It Pay To Advertise ... ? Lat week a certain, business Wan in. Waynesville inserted a -mad want ad in The Mountain er advertising for a stenoprra-.Phi-r or office assistant. When "e .tame for his replies, he, was '."Trised when handed the large stack. I. 1 ver want to get or sell annhmg else, I'll know whore advertise it," he said. "I'm convinced that it pavA to adver m The Mountaineer." THrVLL THE SAME ..MUNG. . .GIVE TT a trv. North Carolina Symphony Orchestra to Appear In Concert at Lake Saturday f f&S&t- M X$r2 Jti'i , - T&$ -OT 1W ? V .1 Laiie Cnmd 01 imv Poonle At For A YlecA Scrl li ( ;u ouiiii ."- mph'KiA i i t'l -li I I 1 ( y i i . ! ' . . ; . ! ti 1 - ' ! n' ' nn.i i ri' 1.1 a 'o ill p'ooi.. iii ,.111 1 ','nil to : 1 ' ca 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I iial.'' ! 1 'ie. i hi'iii". i't;; In the incein : ere to aticl'i'l lii nibly. duly -'ki h'tloll 1 'iiing !li'i'l-i. - 1, in ling I ii:.'. : id'alitN young .Mo'l' I'oung IV ople'- A I "n.d the d fleet ion of llle Uvv. ' Nt lsi.ii. of (Vrn'iidioro, a 1 V lutein varied piogr im of iUudy, lecrvaii hi. and inspiratioiial ad'irc.-se- lias ':!! . ai ranged, including lecture by He;-! Uit Yetioll, and pageaio. il.r.rt.-.l hy , Mrs, Cai.l King. ")' ( h .ilo-t. , I While the young people's assembly j is headquartered iif the . .'Shiici'J o. d building, with "sonieihing. doing" ; everv night superintendent Jaiia-i Atkins has provided a ,-ei a s of uii-u-ual otferings in the main audi-j toriuni where. Junaluski.ns look f ir- ward to a week of brilliant pr am. events. i Chief among the wei k att ractioii the North Carolina Symphony che.tfa. with Lamar,ngaelil n-cfing. is programmed -for its iiii- Vial concert on Saturday evening at j S:'M o'clock. J A request recital, is progn ammed j for Thursday night, with Hugh Thomas, Birmingham, Ala,. George) Allen and Dmitri Blinov. ol Atlanta Travis Shelton, and lUlie Jean Norman and dlad Cain, of Birmingham- Ala , are guest artist New Car And 49 Gallons Of "Dew" Captured By Lowe Disposition Of New Ford -8 Io lie Settled Uy Jury In Sep tember Term Of Court "', Early Thursday night SherifT Low-e, together with Deputies Dewey Cook.. Berry Plott and Kenneth Iiwe, cap tured a 42-day-old I ord -h R.oad ster with 49 . tr-la'r.s of Tennessee liquor on Cove Creek Mountain. ThP driver of the .car attemp'-e'd. to run off the ' embankment when the officers blocked the road, but the fa.-t work of Deputv Cook saved ihe tar while the occupants escaped. . i -Thp liquor was brought here and poured out in the. basement of tne court house- "It Was about as rotten as anv ever .caught.": said Sheriff Lowe."' "Just terrible, i that's all.'- The dispcition of the car was brought up in cou".t. AVhen Cooper Denton, of Newport, claimed it was his car, but denied being in it at the time of the capture- Solicitor Queen asked ithat the car be turned over i. Federal officers, while Sheriff Lowe asked, that it, remain the property of the countv and sold by ssme. Judge Plesf ordered' that. Denton make a $1,000 bond for the car and return it here for ... the. September term of court, at which time a jury would, decide as to how to dispose of The car wa gh 4J da to and the speedometer showed it had been driven 4200 miles. One .set c! tires had been replaced.. . . NO D AM A.GF FPOM F1RI The fire, department responded to a call Saturday afternoon at the home of Mts-.J-.M- Kellett. when an oil tove caught on fire. No damage was reported.. iip Road i o M 1 - .1' th" .!;!, I. "'riA, I g U-ed to. the : .'rusher te I he ,!,'... it. . 1 f'i'ii tin 1 a'-'inr t'J).."- -road- ' iriii-d tin. mull Fiank 'AM- I I- 11. 'Ilflll.. o! tile .-tale loghway 1 oiH!in--i.'n. Ilia' vi. rk will .hrgm "1 : !' , t.-n . f hichivay No," '!. .vhii'il : . i' 1. 'ill So. ii ( ; p I , ( he hik.' e, jii-i a- soon ," - : 1 il. linite annouii.e men! j.-; nTa.'l- o-uarjlimr nmtv -i.'f t he par'iwav. The I'l.ii.i ,, hnil.l I ,i toad' f m; S ;,' to ( h. ',,ke, ;,... aJiea'dy. -in the hands ..f th,. ,0:1! mi--- hoi. kaKe Jfinaluska Is Fnjovinjr Best Sea son In.EiVht Years A: .-olilteiy tilled up iiild over- Yh 'wnig, .lanies At.kms, superin tendent of the Souihc.n Assem bly at the Li.kc said this week. : "Thi. is the first time in eight ' i a r " ho continued, "that every thing down at the lake has been filled " Two of the high1 -pots of the sei'son's pri.'gr.'irn will Come this month. S: .lurday night the North Carolina Symphony . Orchestra: will appear in concert :md on S it unlay night July 2K, Ixiwcll Thomas, noted author and radio news reporter, will (lelievT i.ii address, . Funeral Services Held Sundav For Mrs. A. C. Messer Funeral .services were held Sunday afternoon for Mrs. A. C. Messer. "iH, w ho died Saturday at the home of her d'.ughUr, .Mrs.. I'lato . Bramlett. at White Oak, Mrs.. Messer had been ill for some time. . . . Shp had been a .resident of. the county all her life.;.: and was Well known. Funeral services were conduct ed at the Y bite Oak Pre-bvUTian church,', of. which she was a member. Rev. O. (. Landrum. pastor, officiat ed, Interment was made at Teague cemetery. he is survived bv one daughter Mrs. bramlett. Mrs. Messer passed aw., y abp.ut. 18 months ago. HIGHWAY COVERED WITH MUD AFTER RAIN SUNDAY Highwav workers were called out Sunday afternoon to clear highway No. 10 at Saunook of debris follow ing one of the hardest rains in that section this year. A drain pipe under the road be came clogged, and Lhe -water ran over the, highway leaving .several incheis of mud and rocks. . , At another . place the water had washed down a side road and covered ihe highway with mud several inches deep. The crew of workers worked until about dark clearing the debris away. ... d t flu's- v 'i n S'll In Wiclil 4 .' Ml. I l ll C I"! HI' li'-i. '' Sf. I'" 'l,l 1 1 so-10(1 ( " ' '.'' . :,,ne. o , i.i o,l', u," no'o'i'i nt Jn i , . ' III'! ! fill It;.; ' I. ' ! , i''"!' i'i here a n-J h :;, , e ma.l' h) Tinglleldv taieri iii '' nil oil (he liu iv n n ii r ii'-t iii :ho I'niteii :.,,( "!' bringinj,;- b l i , i 'ati' and giving an on ll 11,(1 l i aid t.V h, inn iV t. till '!.' t mil' ician.s of or! h a i o i im, ''! . S' i inglicld has .i,'li,e e, a n.t ."I rejiuiatn.ii 'ji s ., Ijiiti ; ;, ,', , e-.:-. I h-i ii a I'u!:: ,:. pn,,. ,, inner ' ' I.i.- hehl, while his laiiie :i- eon in- lor and organizer has lr on o-.n .i life. - i ' i:g Mr. Stringli.'hl in ( ondini -atin.ia.v night's pioeiain will be I" . h He Nardo of Adleville. Tlie I' hosfi i includes till j i m -': . ' i : 1 1 froiii ""''1 andina, all -anti.--Is ,,n 'wind lid iriirg -instruments. Tho pioginiii i- ' o iiichiile nnislei'ino e - fi oni : t he ! ( Heethoven, T - .ha ko ,v-k y, Il'iiiiott, and othci-. no:.-, coiiipoor.. , i; . iidilig both the old in. I nioeioiii ma -1 oi-s. The Saturday night't pioniise ('. d i ;;w a large attendam o fioin every ' ' oii of ' Haywood and l-luii. umbo 'i.ntics anl elaborate pre ia rations .lie being niade here to in-ure its sue- .''i-.-i: since the assemblv inanagciiien il -ires to aiii in the attainineiit : the crehestra's objectives of iia reused inisiial appreciation and recognition of native talent. The JMortli Carolina Symphony Orchestra is said to he the only, organization of the kind stafo wido in its .scope, similar organiza : 'on- in other .states being for the :ro-t part restricted to the larger cdie-v In order to make the concert availa ble to as lai-ge a number as possible. .Mr. Atkins, sujierintendent, haw se cured a special .'admission price of 50 cents, and announces there will .be no additional gate fee to those attending outside the .grounds.' Smith Completes 4-HCIub Surve Tho countv agent ha.s 'i'Us't com plett d a che- k of the 4-II clubs of the county. From reports it looks as if mif' of the ixiys are planning to fitt.end the eliib cam p at Swannanoa in Augu.-t. ..The date will he an nounced definitely , at once. Kaeh club boy .wiil be sent a card soon giving details. .It is very g-.-atifying that the iriys di; responding. so Well with Their in o p ct.s and thut a genuine inli.rr.if ..n.lj "urn. li .. I.-07- Wo are expecting to take a group to Raleigh the. 2oth to stay until the the .'iiith.' This is the regular state short course , for boys, Any boy is fortunite to get attend. 1 his counT ty has bet-n notified to bring a-s many bev- as we can.. LIGHT POLES CATCH 07V I IRE PROM I IGHTMNG . During the storm last Sunday, three poles belonging to the; Carolina laght and Power fompanv were set on fire in Hazelwood. Lightning ran along the wires and then down the ground wirevs on the poles and set the poles on fire. Little damage was dune. It was neeessarv to turn the lights of Waynesville off about eight o clock ble for vour product. Plan ahead , urdav. Julv If. -'i. L'l . s' was an for a few minutes while a burned with. us. Co-operation will bring re- ' r.ounced . this week by. Mrs. .. Chas. wire was replaced. I suits. . . : Mease- secrer-.rv of the ircaniz.u:on.. Cannery Will Be Finished Friday; 15 Men At Work .1. 11. lios.-ctt, contiaclor of the Can nery, said Tuesday mornine; that ho epected to have the building com plete by Friday. Work of pouring the concrete door is expected !o be fin ished by that time, and is the biggest p:oi 1 work to lie done. It look .11 vards of dirt to ti 11, .or.' Tuesday .there ucio on t he eorislruct ion p.i i t iiig, and M'Veial u.-ie installing the'oine. t'fi in for the il'.vn busy i the ouild i ngaged in ,i: : on- . Tile building i do of .li ami b.e met al, i it li a coiici ol i :u. lows and cooj e ; , , . :o,; e; ,u i'.g- niaiw up '. ii'' -idf ' I isi-.. l oii noa l .. n of t he v;n !. .! . i... In on laid, but I !io I i anieu oi k n.i , ; i.oell ore, ti d. l! e- t llo.ll ll : thai . ' . I o ;, t !le I o WlU be .1 i llillll'i' ma.ii- i. I'm- , on i i.. I .on o I t he w.irci. a . . ,i,i '.it . (, "I unking ll of - ii , I : ha! brick i r 1 . Ie will be i. ( i .mis Ag. in V. . I i. Sinn Ii i. red , c I. i i! i j l Mat plan .11 11110. 1 u .1 . I ...a e . 1 ,. ! o.i, II IllerV .1.! -( ! .1 ii .: 1 i' 1 1, n i y T in . o.: . l b . how , I ,! p, 11,1 . II U III 1 ilel . lie; ,llol ll. . .no I hi Mil I .1 I I I o.l ' i ! U h,. , If, I I ... I . : .. :: i lii 1;. 10. 10.0 ll I li. a e 1 1 I i . 1 ', e .1 U-.i' V. a oil 1 I'e. I 111 1 ', k II, III l...lh'.i;'h .I I ' ig hi 11 a .11 lei! i he 1 1 ac I, . cl 11.1 el m ' loiriii 0 1 liiliii' i 1 -' ,0 'I lie e.,IIO.e.A ho !,ll., ' i HI l I' l :, 1 1.... I; I , 'j.., at-i d in 'ii f- l;:.i..:l.:' ,. i'le io.l, o' 111. tin elu..;d.'" U iiii li'ijie-Miih Fire (Yatker Mu, ii ii eli',1 play i .lie; cv.ilode.t t ie 'l JU t ..M l' .1 Ire 'I'll,, in, . I a I i t th: II VW'lli. o I ! I he' I. .'.Ill . " I i '.a not i.oell lor ll i l.i.l.i in. I on- iiii'. il' ii'- had il Would !ia e g olio i n to I he In a rt . The liov wa i u lio.l i I li' Mill win re the object was removed. The hoy : ,,l t he neighborhood wei i".l i act ing I lie powder and . hot. I rum gilii shell , and thou hilling tho cap With a look ..fur i uui. e-iuaki'. . I! soenis that young, (ireeii wa. binning, hi . "noi e- maker ' w hon il out oil' a lid I lijili ed blni. Kotarians Hear Discussion ly Dr. V i. Sisk Mr, .('. N. Sisk, inaltli .dlicer. of this district, Wis.tlie principal speak er at the Ivotary ( lub ia I Friday. He gave :i geni ial. sin yey ,f the wo. k that lead beeii accuiiipli. bed and some of the pi ills w Inch he expects will ho made within file next few months, Olie of the niost recent accompli.-h-ineiits of the health organization ha.-, been vaccinating some ..3.00(1 persons in each of the .three counties which compose the district--II ay wood, .lack son, and Swain. .,; In the neai' future a tun-il clinic will be held, and also other clinics', .1. N. Shoolbred, was awarded a fiilver sandwich' .tray for having the host 'attendance reco.'d in ; the club for the past year. Four visitors were guests of the club.-. Waynesville Has Temperature Of 87 . The oflin ial , weather oepbi for Waynesville for Tue-day was XT'.. with the lowest reading of the day being (10. According to the oflicial reports of both places, Way in svil'e was four degrees cooler than Asheville. , V. Il- Smith i.s . ollu-ial weather observer, for this . coiiini.tnity, with the instruments located . on the lawn of :i,e court hOu-e.' Farmers Warned About Cabbage There is enough acreage ' al.-oady sPt ill pnVihnrrn tn 11 rv,.l v- . t U.. market this fail- V.',. do ir advise farmers to set more. It not not t'- late , to plant Stringless Green Pod beans. I his varietv planted now and until the 5th. of August should bring good results. W,, are now short on snap; beans and .with light plantings in .sight it looks as if the market is going to be good until frost. We have, worked hard, to find a: market for snap beans through this week. Beginning July 25 all snan beans should be sent to the cannery. Buv. ers will be sent to the cannery to get what they want. Keep in touch with j us ami the. manager of. the cannery ! and 111" Will trn the bn.-t nri rvo;i. ' ! MUTUAL STOCK YARDS AT CLYDE ARE BEING BUILT Will He A Cooperaliw Concern. Workmen Ilae Already Started Huildinu Tens And Stalls W.ilc.iiii ;n e n..w bus i ! , ncraKed in .,a::.iii .In- ii) and stalk .. the Mill. i.i I Moikvauk at I'l.vdo, which is a co-ope . a 1 1 c oi ga ni; :on. I'!ie oi a-:;.. a: ii n i- i in pi .-niotod ai.d oi -.i: y U. C. Sann .,ml (I H. Sani'oi i! 1. ,1 in-1 u i; ), ,, i;uin- oi of lo.idinu' , ,i! ; ),. i a i - e i in i ! 1 1111: '. . Th' ,:. cl a. .'- ' lie 1 p.'iir,. 1' ici a . h-iM 1 '.In 1 . , . 1, M. A i-, mil in! , ,. ,1 ,! 01, .11 ! ! 1 1 y he i i 1 1 e I !,, i air' ag' 1. '11.11 1 lie - 1 . ... i. llillil'. 'he i.l.llh .id (in N I VJLi Vvi manent v ks .1 I a or . . ;ol !' 1 1, ili ' e. I : ll-! I'ap. h i oi oo..'.l oil w"' ..I .!iiiii:n: -;.'i and !.; i'i' lor-, ,lo pi even) tin 1 1 net ion by wear. ' 'l pubi:'.' biiiMinc -: anil found to bo ,n' .',"'..' n port Mild. , . ! the county' lloilli: jporled I oa .i'i i" oi' Iiii" hleiil y -of grain and I'hei e ;n e :sv inni.'i'e . ijiiidiiii. A now now 'I'd t In i .i ' tin li. l'i'W 1111 or ;,. " Ih wl, ham i" in ri.'W ' Th. g'alld i'l ry :il .'". j id: lit : he I lo-piia'l, ! hel' ' A I .' i . .1! p I! H'lll 111 of w hu ll a re . i,a i it y I'i1' :i'll! - Midi IJ.'i.v w.'i- i- oi i li m i.i 1 1 I for h ., i vi. e- :i a ( iraini -III;, i hlh or. 2,(0,000 Allotted To Parkway By Sec. fcKes On Saturday Washington'. - -Si'd'-taiy Mm'- Sat- unlay allotted i..i.lloh,iHiil' I ' A 'funds' for. the (ire .t Smoky- national park , vviav which w, 11 extend f - our' Sheiia it doali national park iii Viigiinia- to tlw. (Jreal, Siiiolvy .M in' a in- Nation d jiark ".in'.; North ; Ca.'olina and r.ennessee. a"-distance of .Idp in.ile.. The parkway joute has nut ln'ci agree'! upon -definitely- but will fol low in gene.ral.-'the southern Appa lachian mountain rdnge The statu - of Virginia., 1 t'i:m --ee aiid 'North Carolina through . whi.-h the d-iv. will pas.-, . have agr ed to. co-operate by . providing a 2io-foot right -of-w iy except where; it lies within 'natiotial park area-. I'ublir . win ks (liliciais- -saiil t he d riv'e will make e jsily ai'Ce-sil.l'.' to m'l'i i ists some of the most gorgeou- i -ery in. the oa.-!e.n pail, of " ho -v'-'ir..' : .' . They pointed out th," Shi.nan-i' ;i;i national park with . it - pe; t:u . :' i-r '. -kyline drive,; makes it -n.-. of most popular recre .lion an a- 'in,;'.:.t part of the couiitry .'i:id- likeiw i-.e ' ' ;";; (ifeat Hinoky park i- stead, !y. .i'i r e ing. more arid more visitors, ; Original plans c .11 fo.- the C.j ' i'! Sniuky parkway to join .tlie .-kyi-ie;, drive .'ati some point in : het.atid'i - national park. Patton-Kirkpatrick" Reunion On Sunday b . Th' I'atton-Kii kpa reunion- : i I'Y.nv.'t' vi '"' held at the I 1i I i i n - i I i Aibconnection- of both fabjilieV J' invited do' at'.end .and; br.iiig' da-ks lunch, according to an an.notmceiiii V made yesterday by Koy 11: 1 ' i '-: ' of Canton.. ..." AMMl'I -.( Iv COMIWM STA(.IN(; KI.TMON . , The fifth , reunion d" llvh'Am'-, bu!:.nie Company ti 1 1 i vi.s ijpi'. wn;ch ' will h.l'i in served . m I ra ("ir.ri.n- Thi:r;,hiv V r'.I'lV Jill Svl'.- ! I.-. ': i