The Best Advertising Medium In Havwood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. J XL1V NO. 35 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, A I VA ST 2, 1:M Doyle Alley Is Named rresiuem x Of Young Demos. Phrinfrhaus Pictures Govt"1 n state As Having Gotten On feet Once More ..,.- liemncratic Clubs of ..f .tW ou" u....; i'Uv. local attorney, was ,. letted luhna in the closing busk .ti (IT T lltril aunuui v v . j51'; ;f :--in Asheville last Saturday.. r V at-tiai jr- - it .,i'th kar .Oil : 1. 1 M:.- w a - -V-' of High feint, retiring , Alley was vice yicoiucni. '.'vganization the past year .' -M;, - t-i I'enny, oi War? county, Hi--nil vice president. t aivention adopted numerous , , - The one oi greatest con - v ami interest to tne group -ial advocating "an adequate, ,,,'' ,,i liquor control" for the c I cht-r resolutions endorsed the Democratic administration , iieMdeiit Roosevelt to C'on ..;, representatives, - the gov ,."ar.d the retiring organization a!Hl auVOLitlfU ouiim BRIEF NEWS ITEMS Over a half million dollars worth of scictntihC instruments were de stroyed Saturday afternoon when the stratosphere balloon ripped at tiU.OOu itet and crashed to earth in a Ne braska cornfield. The three occu pants of the gondola "bailed" out in parachutes alter all efforts to save the balloon had failed. Neither of the three men were injured- , All re cords were lost in the crash. Golf Tournament To Begin Sunday At Country Club Seven Valuable Trophies Are Being Given In Fifth Annual Golf Tournament John Dillinger. father of the formcf- notorious bandit, has de cided to go on the stage in Indianap olis in order to make some money to pay for the funeral of his bandit son. While Dillinger'.- father was preparing to go on the stage, ru mors were current in and around Indianapolis according to some news paper?, that the man slain for Dil linger was not the real bandit and that "public enemy No. one Was still at large." 'I -, ii ii,-. tkl ..tiki lifl, nig p-.iir. ..,.r Ehrintshaus drew a picture of Aurth Carolina's ..aiing the past two or three i -.tin mat me Male is now , feci again and mat. dut, ales 'tax a Ium' resorttrie n.ive been bahwired and . ! the State h.;e been saved -dig entirely. , , ' , early days or VJ ; the ! had reached its most erit--i.v Governor .. Khnnghaus j .were closing, .Wth - .1 '. he j-ecolld h lg lie-t state :-. .( litediiess in : tile I'nite.i !v r.h Carolina vas ruimUt-r . , . ,i ic i tH. annually, there was V. of .i.",W0 .iiMi,.wo..ved . ike country l J tio'kuuu and jvjiig Vix per cent interest on -, tncre was no money m the we weiv overdrawn $4,000. .! highway funds, our notes ;ig called, r.o hope collld be i .', was a dark day, indeed. to thank That group oi nu-n :- up the Legislature tor . work at that time. They expense of the government in -,;u per cent. Throughout .. there could be heard sug- . that we cut the schools still I that we repudiate our debts I wo let the'. land continue to tax burden. ... ; these: iiecided. against ..k.i the Legislature if they I Hjme way other than the , to do so. They passed the the day was saved in the .- at- hand. It was an emer-eii-ure- Nolle oi us like it, I- the only way. .vcrnor spoke feelingly about rd in which North Carolina i.- held by the Nation. He in that the state has paid nt. it, owes and will continue Luke Lee, Jr., was given a parole i nun ine state penitentiary ,aiuiua. afternoon, when Governor Khringliaus granted him hi- I'reedoni due to the tact thai it was thought that I.e.. Sr. led him into cenpliacy to de fraud the Central Hank and l'ru-i Co., of Asheville- which resulted in the conviction of Lea. Sr. and Wal lace H. Davis. Young Lea was sen tenced to -five fivni two to six years. He spent so days in prison The you-ng pri oiier wa- a'-o in ill health the tin,, oi hi- (.omittance to the Marie lhe--'e., ('J, veteran -actress of the -taec- and screen, died at her home in California'. S .Uirday af ter a ' illne.-- of seveial month .. She has no relatives. The rifth annual golf tournament of the Waynesville Country Club will get untler way Sunday and Monday, August 5th and tth when the quali fying rounds will be staged, accord ing to an announcement made yester day by J M. Long, owner and Ross Taylor, professional of the local course. Match playing will begin on Tues day, in what is expected to oe the outstanding golting event of the year. Three (lights have been arranged and trophies will be awarded to runners up and winners in each Might- A gold medal will be awarded the low qualifying score. The seven trophies are on display at the club house and are .-aid to be the most beautiful ever seen in this se.-t-ion-. l-'xtitine care was taken by the club officials ill selecting Die lia.nbii's. The tlmv t'.ckts aie expected to : e tilled bv Sund v, as a large num ber of vi-ito.s from here and other nearby towns hav,. shown much inter es-t in t In local course this year. L i- kti.iwn that a number from Uiyson City and Sylva will b among the t.-arnaiiu lit nl. eis, w hile Canton play ei s will be among some ,.' the .-w -Corel's. The greens have been given 'special attention, and ate in pert", cl playine. .'iid:! ion. The entrance .foe i- s"-!. Annual Reunion Held At Haywood Institute Saturday Survey Is Being Made In Park On Wild Life Habits Three New Species Of Birds Found In North Carolina Area Hy Representative Of I'ark Service R. J. KK-etwoiHl. of tho National Park Service is complftiiij his elev enth week in the tireat Smoky Moun tains National I'ark making a study of the wild life, in preparation of a wild life program which the' park ser vice intends to inaugurato in this area soon. Mi. Fleet w.,..l a u cord of 1 in tin isles hi- -,.i'i he w 11 have at kir.d- on n. Notlii t aiolina new spec.,.-. lie has made a has iilic.tdy made irds. :,n.i before he y he i i-: .i-vi's that a--t 21KI .lllletftlt . .-hcets. (n the :. r lie '.'vlinil three stliilv of the llfo of M i s Ann daughter oi Leosevi'lt . w ti from t in -lis li. l;.:o.-eelt- Dall. only l'reident and Mr.-. grailted a divorce Dall, New York 1'iok- r- in a t n-.niinute heiirmg m Mindcn, Ne-., en Monday 'The hearing wa held behind closed doors. The body of John Tk (iillie. : tvif ; i-uii-i in t he .-Willi m. ng pool ;.t ' - Royal I dies Tuesday 'Horning hy . life guard- at file 'place.' It is helieved that liillio tell in the pool Mond;i night, as Ik- had bet'n drinking short ly before being missed, is between A.-hevilie ai ville, and is one of tl developments started "iiijoin" of "2ii. lyal I'wie llellllel'soll ' re:, I e-tate during the Former liovernor Alfred E. Smith of New York,, returned do the ,' ranks of Tammany Hall Tuesday when he attended a rally .of that organization "Whete my state's honor is at --take my honor is at stake," he said. ' A- k :g a- I have anything to do with t:te government of this, state, she will pay every cent she owes." "No American may look abroad today without rejoicing that he is an Anaiie n citizen," Senator Bailey s.dil in his address, "Conditions may appear hard, here compared with .conditions a few years ago, but com- pared with conditions abroad we are so much better off that notwithstand ing cur tiliL'ht Wo can reioi-ce. ''Democracy still prevails in our land. Ine people rule. Democracy put the. Roosevelt administration in power Democracy m orderly process .M revolution. We are unde7going K'Mt chances of Democracy; they are m tne interest of the people, and t v rest upon the will of the people- Anroad the shock of the depres sa.n n:.s uprooted the governments, Ku-rseu the processes of democracy and destroyed liberty. "A 1 of Europe stands under the menace .f war. The mind revolts atra,i,-t the news from Germany and Ausuna. Russia and Japan exist un constant threats of war. thi . the other hand our problems iit at worst only the problems of, ,-, And our processes are n,j tne processes of peace, of orders h exjy-r.ence. of Democracy. We PHa..c servants generally are working ''. r '-s ai.d with us m the common t-s.-of human progress. L us our task to rebuild at home ar.ti to pursue a course that will never .f";1? 'aolve us in the controversies orld nations. We will deal peoples, for the world is ;Q in 'ur market, but we. -will -not Wo WK tllem as parties to a war. ("e oueht, and I feel sure the Presi make it -clear that once a ., 1!j darted we will not become in v l ln lt directly or indirectly. e know that our policy of supply '& lne. means- of carrying on war to . ar m 1914- 'K-d ' ''''B'ea us. iNever again J,vu Aler'ans be permitted to ;ujlr ta!tn after that manner. We ?"wbefore any war shall start aw; ..c!ear t0 all at home and .- nifv. we Wl11 not deliver mu ar- ,' arn-s to any nation at or war- ,u r ' vmi u to xarl' ye ,r'11 sniP no arms at one, K "atjons. If we put them 'n lne cash and carry basis, c-onum-ea on page 7) The two Nazis accused of the kill ing of Chancellor Kngelbcrt Dollfus Wfi,, hanged Tuesday ufterirooii aftei beine- convictet tl court marshal ;n Vienna. The killer said the bullet fi rod ac cidentally, and' later stated that lie legretted the accident. bear and deer in the ii.ta. and has looked for wild turkey- tint -o. fai has not found any. The purpose ,f ike park servict i to ('ventually have all tin wild life in the paik that wa- lliero when the lir-t white -ettl.i- .aim- to tbi--t'ction, due of the iiir.-'. ions Ml. Fleel woo t- t , y me ' i li n. (hi 1111--w el' t. ; ", :k wor!. w lift ll' r "' "ot t here . i , .,11a'.' ! -' in 1 ''' I'-nk ar.-a !'- -i k:-e. i ai. . r ,! deei t hi'oiir. m! the cat r. Ml- .Flee'Woo.j :' ,' : Ind ail . auk lllelllln tat ic'lle,.! First Sale of Cattle Will Be Held Today at Noon At Clyde Stock Yards Over 46,000 Pounds Of Blackberries Have Been Canned Forty to Fifty I'eople Working' Day and Night To Pack The llerries. Five Cents Heing l'aid Over -Id. 0(1(1 pound- of blackberries have been received and canned by the local, cun no. y during th,, past seven day.-, it w '...-. leained through IJobe.t Hiame. manager of .the new eliUl pnse. A clew of from 10 to all neolde have betii busily engaged working unlil kite at uiglit to can the berrie. that have keen brought m. Monday was the peak day for tin cannery when 1 1 Ml pounds We'l'e leceived al the .aniioM Tuesday a-, soinew lial Je- whii poling, were de- Large Number of Cattle Expect ed to He On Market for Open ing Sale. Itoyd Is President Jesse James Is Named President OI Alumni Association. An nual Kvent lo lit Held Skilled labor . working on state highways '.will be given, an increa.-e in wages from 4(1 to 00- cents an hour beginning August 7, it was -announced in Raleigh this week. . Unskilled labor will not get an in crease, but semi-skilled, labor will be paid 40 cents an hour. . FATHER OF HAZELWOOI) CITIZEN PASSES AWAY Mr and Mrs. Wm. Chambers wers called to McCormkk, S. ( ... last Fri day on account of the serious condi tion of the latter s father. Mr. M- L. B- Sturkey, who suffered a fall down a flight of steps two weeks ago, hit ting his head on the pavement. He died Saturday -afternoon, never re gaining complete .consciousness. Mr Sturkey was always interested in anv good cause, and he. with an other' man from McCormuk. Mr J H. Harmon, were two of the original stockholders in the Southern Assem- Mir at Lake . UnalUSKa, v.. ' though he had planned several times to visit this part oi tne coumi ); never saw thP spot that ne nau neijieu to promote. . Dairy Specialist To Give Demonstra tions Next Week Mr- Farnham, dairy specialist of the extension department of 'State College, will 1 in this community from Monday, August fi. to Augus 10 according to an announcement made bv County Agent Smith. Mr. Smith said that a number of farmers have told h.m that they wanted assistance n fyntt starting their trench s.Ios, a in tM connection Mr Smith -aid Ve nt um nt lPact ten meetings next " T nH if vou want to us Thovel dirt see us not later than sa, urday: August 4th, ... and. make, a., rangements." . ', The Haywood Institute Alumni As soei ,tion held its first meeting Satur day. July US. at tin obi Haywood " u'.c jj; . ..iitiil- at ( l do. Many t'oi nn r .-ttnleiit- and frieird- of the ins 'I: lit in W'.'ie pre-sentv Ainoim the a.-i.t i - ware Mrs. W'.iodall I'rol' ...lohp Harnett, -and .Mi.-s Martha (.)-borne. " Sam Hobiiisoii. Canton attorney, was the principal speaker Other - peal-'crs were Je.-se James, who deliv ied an addre.-- of -memory tu 1'lof. K. A Seiitelle,. who was for so long teacher ;it the institution, and Mr. Frank Hay lies, who delivered an ad dress of w el oine. Th(. banquet held at T:-'IH wa.- Weil attended. Pcisofis appearing on the dinner program were': I'aul (Irogan, Mr. W (I. Hyer.-, Mrs. Mor-e. and (irace Plott. Group singing of "We're Tt nting ' Toil i ght... ' " A ii Id Lang Sylie,'' and " H,, the Tie," led by I'auliiie Seiitelle. Frances p. Justice wa toast.inaster. It was decided tu make the event an annual one to be held th,. last Sat urday in July- The following officers for i lie as-oeiation were named: Pres ident. .It sse James. ( lyde ; .-ecretai y, Ilessie M,( lure, ( lyde, and treasurer, QiH'iUin Plumblee. Hurhngton. Mr. Plumbic, is chairman of the finance committee. The following comittees were named: Publicity, Mrs. Jessie Osborne -More, chairman, with tar lisle Havnej-, Mrs. Sally Byers Green, Judge T. L. Johnson, Joe M. Ford, Jack Messer. and ( arter Osborne; Social, Frances P. Justice, chairman, with Mrs. Jimmie Bolt and Paul Gro gan: Program, Mrs. Gerald Fish chairman. Other members of the War In Emme Is i.nmst Impossible Sass L: ell Thomas Soled Author, I ia 'ler And Newspaperman lle:utl l Large ( iowd Al Lake .lunaluska Lowell llioinas, lain. hi- radio eoin nu n'.atoi, author, new.-:i.i-r.. cu re -poiidelit, and world lr avelcr, .-aid Saturday night, in an iiit. rcicw thai war is .'almost ilupo-sikh- in Ian-ope. "simply because none ..f t lie omul l ie, 1 1 .-1 - anything to gain; -.oxei-pl i--r inaiiy." M r. Tbonias com mi nle, I out he- 1'ki i opean situation prior to t be ik t.i vei ol a -lecture on "Advent u i e A.roiu'id. !be Woi Id and on the A n:" kcl iM t.' a large audience composed . C .limalu-k nn- and. pt-r.-olis from Wkiyiiesville ( anton, Sylva, A.-hevilie-, ami nlhei W t'stern North Carolina coiiimiui it ics. 'Hie address was delivered in tin' Junaluska auditoriuiii uiid.-r auspice, ol i he .Mel htHlist asseinlily . In coiiinieliting. tluiiiiii the mlei view oil Ike Ikuropeiii! .-.rtualioii Mr Thomas said, "many ol" t lie ( it-r mans would like to have .u-l. ia .as a part of their, empire. Hut l-'iance, l' and Italy are tin, powerful to -ee this come about. There :.- lit) pros-, ptct of war in EuroU'. There 'might have been war had llullfu-s' foilowei. been much weaker than they turned out to be. "It is rather diflk'ult to say- that the events that are taking p;ico m Austria point to a striking defeat fur Chancellor Adolph Hitler, id Nazi, Germany. We can not tell because we are not thoroughly acquainted with the situation- '''Possibly omo of Hitler's men got out of control Wednesday when they made their 'putsch' on the Austrian Chancellor, which resulted in the death of Dollfuss. And Hitler's Nazi leaders in- Austria (lid. their work Wednesday probably Without the Ger man chancellor's knowle'ige. "The fast nlace-takintr event in Austria todav are being viewed by the liveled. I'ntil Wc.jfie -day of ii,l"H ,o. Ill can, auav'. The large - in on!;, I a r. I he pi .0 live colli - 1 1 1 : 1 1 b.ue In morning, a tot d bad In en pa, ke 1 ire can,; a i e '! In en canned t hit in. m i k i in ii v. ha h t ii on 1 1 ol l l .1 I! Lei i.ail' Tile ll I be ',,,,-1 .liiiv - d' bin, kin i i ii--. ii potllill, w lie ll -l- ii dd i'eiit a e,al .'i. e now in la I.! 1 1 w ill aid o and ot li, i pack al the inn, vp, 1.1 r'.i i i IV cpi p , ;, w a i p-.i.-ia... 111.- . ea pa . t : ii,' the- ial A ilea .Mr Jieop! I be c t l l h w h d Thi,., id, llDielX' Into a l.vp:-' he -a u d.l eel iiii. ioi if Ml,', week- ' ' acl 1 ii r r ie - I CO', eil d u i i ne e en d cy a i. a follow - : . klbk; rat, p; ; s;, V 111; r;o: ) I ; .11. Jl , a t. ..tioin l.iioil poandv. I'lic inade I he slalemeiil ! hat lo deh e. in oilucc at iioiild I if I f.i-l In toticll I lea i ii ju-t win ll. and pr.iilu. e wa- Wanted, would save time and The first Miction .sale of the Hay wood Mutual Stock Yards. Inc., of Clyde, will be held today at noo. The sales will be conducted in lb $'' (Kill .stock yard . pens which ai, located, near the Southern Kailwav in Clyde. Date Wedne.-day afternoon it was stated by ellicial- that sevi ral truck loads of cattle were already on hand for the sale, Mid it i.s expected that be for,, noon today that all of the 17 catl le pen- will be Idled. In addi tion to the IT cattle pen- there are lo hoy pell-. Wo'i knieii wele completing coll-1 1 11. ', ,On of t he pell- i due and everything the I'll - t - de. At a meeting1. the ,!-, e reaoiue. I hi,- w ei k, oli'Mili ill ; pi i -idenl - . 1 . a, : Oli o, lor-We-I 1 Ck I.i... M, -!:., I t.k lim i. Sa nl n' d , 'iiinl.y . i e. I. lent qua n I i , I w lib 1 , Glenn and T ii,d W, il Ihe ol T. , k d tl Hon li II T: cam aid, h.uli All le -lockholders d ,wa-- elect.. I Aledlord vice Mcl'iackeii, is : ;- ai,, a: ion : I loim r I'. 1' X-'kiii'l. ,- Saiifoid 'an.'r 1, llavwood a i I b the I he ! i 1 1 , i ! , , '. Inlci, II f' Muck an'. d i , I v d at t n. t' 1.1 wdh , :la 1 '.- Ill 1 lie l.'be le w ail why he- -,,: k. lit WlM) nl in a .-at 1 th, iinplily nialler.-. lot all uncoiii'd. Rally Of Sunday Schools Will Be Held Next Sunday iMe.elinj. Will I5e Held At Pleas ant lialsam lunch At 2 :.'!(). Program Announced rnmittci, havp not heen named- The history eomittee i.s comnoised of Mrs. l world in t'cnf-ral throuirh the pre-ns Pe.ssie M'se, chairman, with Itay 1 an,i thereby we are analyzing the sit- Morgan, Mrs. C. M. tseall, w. J,,uation fiom that point. "There will be no c-fleet on tne whole of F:urope if Italy invades Aus tria, as they plan if the Austrian gov ernment fails to conquer its foes. The effect will be onlv temporary at k-a-t. It will be electrical on the press of the; world should Italy, invade ; Austria. Czechoslovakia would be tne oniy Francis. Ir C. A. Pless. Mrs. Mark Havnes. Theodore McC racken, Mrs. Rosa Robinson, and Mrs. Frank P'er-guson- Beans Are Wanted For Shipping To Tennessee Market Tile comity-wide Sunday S . hool As sociation Rally of this county will he held .- t the Pleasant - Balsam. P.apC-1 t-li (ii (-li on Sunday, AugU.-t. oth, at rr:,'!d o 'do -li.' according tu an an nou'nceiiienl made by (ileim Brown, cupel iriteiideiit of the organization. Ihe general theme of t he program will lie ".More Dike th(. .-Master."'.' The program for the meeting is a, follow-: ',.'.". 2:l!0 Soiig and praise service. Talk. "More Like 1be Mas ter. ".''''' I Would Kver Be." by Kev. P Hicks. J:0() Roll call of ciiur. hes. 1:15 "More I.ik,. the Master 'J caching,'' by T. H. Rogers. d:2.r "Mon; Dike the Master Bring His kingdom In I- ergason. i ii "More Lik( tht Ministering to Children, lyn Underwood. y:4.r) "More Like the Kvangelism," by '1 . T. .No-land 4:00 Announcements. .1:40 Song, "More Like the Mas ter." 1). 11 Harris is secretary; Jerry Robinson, .chorister and Mrs. A. J. Carroll, J he I'lea.sant Balsam chun h is lo; 1 h ' i. ec" g- i."i iiii Tin v i two ,..eiaraic a mil lib-. 'I'be lak-iiie men of' ( 1 ('pet at lllg "lie liuinired pe th.' -lock yard oilieial-, sieeial page' of this w - :;' is u ins.' an in it ,,t ion In rai ser ; of I he count y' i Moek at the ('lih' lllal'kef, 'Ihe of liclak of the in ganizai aai . vpn - ed deep a pp rt cial loll foi . I In i i a! 1 1' ade 1,912 People Have Been Vaccinated Against Typhoid Tuhcrculosis ( lime W ill lie Meld In Count v. Week, ol Autfust 1 .5 liv Health Depailmenl k by ( to Steve 1 meat . bad le in H y-In-id'h .1.' l of !''. ' - been id Dal va, id- shoubl.. health "de.-.-' hmi.-e. ; I he Miusfer in Miss Km- Ma-ter in Cji until Tue ilay'-ol typlned vacclnatioii ' t r been given f.i I,!' V-i p wood county I lirotigh -t n.-irfiiit nt. under the dn ( '. N. Si. I.. The diphtheria ticntriieht atimini.Merecl to s i I p. -dm have received the ,mali I nation; Anv 'i.m ve.iiil ilic tu be varc'hated for --anv of the above dotal anidv ;tt the office of tin nartment at the court serviees are 1 1 ce. , During the week of A ug.u-t I tuberculosis clinic will be. heb 1 Vi i - f1 1 1 1 1 t.'v with the time div between Wavne.-vila- ; tid ( anttm. Dr. stated . Those who have, item exposed to tubercubi.-is. and are losing weignt or have a cough and have reason t.i believe that they kre in the stage el eontra -tinL' the disease, should get an mil. cat on from their sician to be dibit-. . ."There '-' no cost, to ..haying 'hi amination inade. in ded - family ph .examined nui i County Agent Smith received word th:.s week from Knoxville that pro duce houses there are anxious to get a truck load of snap beans- As there are not that manv ready in the county that he could get in time, Mr. Smith requests that all farmers having beans ready to get in touch with him not later than Saturday Plans are being madp to meet the market demands with both snap and field beans. Before definite plans can be made, however, it will be nece.-. sarv that Mr. Smith know what to. depend on. PLAY AT ,RATCLIFF COVE Judge Grimball And Family Here The plav, "The Path Across The Hill," will be given at the Ratcliff Cove club house Saturday. August 4. at 8 o'clock. The play is for the purpose of raising funds to apply on the psrsonage- An admission of 1 and 20 cents will be made. country arou.-ed bv the invasion and cated on Highway No. 10 at Saunook. wf uld at once mass their lorces on tne border ready to await the first sign of war to their country. "What ltalv wants." Mr. Thoma. faid "is a buffer state between them and Germany- But Italy doesn't want to see little Austria gobbled up. that s the reason Mussolini is looking out for the Austnans. "It w as a master stroke on the part of Hitler in appointing: Vice Chan cellor von Papen minister to Austria. I think he is the one man who can beal the breach between Austria and Germany- "If von Papen niccts with succese in hi' effort to bring- about peace with Au-Mria and Nazi Germany he will go tack to Germany amid great plryfAY sV.CCF.r.D HITLER "P,ecaue he is -an ardent Cathobc and a non-Nazi, he will meet the sit .,t;., in Austria with a firm and leading hand that will no doubt bring aboutVace between the two coun- tries, n on i pni "u -. -, ; . (Continued on page a) Golfers Swarming On Local Course Are the tourists playing g-.l year : That question wa.- a I.or.g, owner of the AV'ayti Course this . week,, and la.-t d d' vkie .-g-t . ; (I:.- ' fi le Juilge W m. H. Grimball and fam-1 iinswer was simplv ilv, of .Charleston, .S. C.. hav(, arrived per cent mor'j than to spend about a month here- are tne golt ; pJ.a Several weeks ago Judge Grimball i year I ever .-aw. had the misfortune of spraining his ! ed to stay a weeh . ng. knee, but is able to walk around i hail planned just t.i .-play ?"'-'. again U-t wintf Mi I - l ' 1 '. Friends here will , aLo be intere.--ted , crew: of men wrw wtrked .at. in learning that the law. suit which j 18-hole course nvei atv; Ws was Ki-nntrht here from h:. district I it into the be-t contli'.l. tl .. and heard bv him durinir his vaca-i ever been, .-od thi Don last vear which involved $40(1, 000 in cash has been practically set tled. The SupremP Court upholding Judge GnmhallV decision in the case. Mis Margaret Reed and Miss Lucille Pavelec . returned to their finnips in Omaha. Nebraska. Frmav after a two. weeks' visit to Mr. audi to come here an... Mrs- Colin Mclnnes. ." and play err '.-' ' ac large patn.;iage- ,-' "As -high- as' t'o petd'k on the- local , course - in. summer. A number .'-'of -vrrftcvi 'oir 'he cour-e- every da pt hnitted,; and scver.-tl friend ;in other p'krt- ' ''ha-. ihe ivi: ; ten ry ' mm "tcr

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