i Willi The Best Advertising Medium In Havwood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking IVople NO. 36 VOL. XL! V WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, Al (U ST 9, 19.1! Indian Killed At Hazelwood When Car Turns Over Sheriff Lowe Finds That Wreck- ess Driving Causes Wreck EarIv Saturday Night H ,r . y K- binson, a Cherokee Indian i, n.'-hi u-t nation in Swain county, 'I V alJUie.l dull . o vwn-i ,;,v Italians. Anderson; and I Sayrvok. ' brothers. were , hen the coupe' in which , -ininir overturned near , .. Saturday night about- a -, a s (da. J w II :, was ru-hrd to the Hay .,' ;. Ho.-pital in Wayne--, ht. died about 15 minute. ...re there. Tlie Saunook , , K.;-. i. I !.voration ..ml v i hei okee. were e:i route -, :'.. ni the reservation : . ::", aeeident occurred. , :': Higuway No. 10 ano ..' ::'!, railway . rossing -.!.!!! ! a mile net of Bethel Church To I Bishop Kern Will Observe 100th An niversary Sunday The Bethel Presbyterian church will observe their 100th anniversary on Sunday, August 1-!, it was an nounced thi- week. An unu.-ual and interesting: program has been arrang ed which will take the entire day. A picnic - dinner will be a feature of the day, and all people of the county ...v invited to attend, espe cially al! Presbyterians Several prominent speakers are scheduled to be on the program. This is 'the oldest Presbyterian church in Haywood county. The or ganic stion was formed. m August KHh ls;4 and the congregation wor-hipped in other ' uildings before the pre.-ent church building wa. erected. Some inn re.-!ing h:-:--ry i ciniuctcd with thi- .i'.ui.h. and is beiag -compiled I'd the' c.-li !rati"n on August l-'th- I i -A invcsligaed the the cor.clu-iuti wrecklvs.- driv- bin-oti. ii-. wa - almost 15. Murrj.68, ukh On Tuesda) i: av. i. was bur- ::l . .in the ! i. d he funeral was .-: Thomas Krwin la v va- a light to ner sue ,:-. aluav- ready ;.b band. She was an :n he: i liure'n. She ' y I ii i s ,- el by be.-. 1 ilge red ,y her husband",- W wo eiiildre- M.hc! and a-ar.-. (Mm- slop-, riildien, Mm ray, Mi - Martha ! ;t:s!.:e Met ran, and f lay- :: City !Itghw;iv lieautil italion ( om nut tee Is Named w .: ; r.l Kay, pre.-ident of the ...e Chamber of Commerce. -: ; av -nipbi .named a committee !. : of 'Mr.-..' J. M. Long, W. T. Sv.'.; ;. ...d Mis. Glover '(.'."Davis to "!,, i 1 1 the Haywood County High way f an" lfkation Program dun I'll.:;., Ahjeh i.s headed by Dr. A. P. J - 1 ! i anion.: .'.- 1 -'.u- and his committee.- of the i-'..: -, vt.. meet al an early date and '? '' ::r 'ietinite plan.s to bi'jcin' ae t :e u iv ni this count v-.. ' Officers Find Liquor Buried Under Ground Preach Here Sun day Evening At 8 Presiding Bishop Of The Four Carolina Conferences Heard By Large Crowd At Lake Junaluska Hi-hop Paul K. Kern will till the pulpit at the First Methodist church here Sunday evening at eight o'clock Hi.-hvP Kern spoke at Lake Juna luska Sunday to the largest crowd id the - .-.ii at a morning worship. He has ia-t returned from a four-year trip t broach the Oi a nt and was at the eonfc'elice of 'lie Mi', hodisi ei'.aich appoint. . I e , :;o- bi-h- p of f..u: 1 a !:i!a confer el'ce.s. Sund ;y morning he speaks at Ati oiew.s. Hi-hep and .Mrs. Kern and family a e s)endmg so'ii" time at l ake Itmalu-ka Paul llardo , Ii . o .,- ef 'the Metiiodi-t ii,u c.i kiu. announced that 'bo regis .. .!; .ny: et vice would be field Sunday evening one - to the ;non by I'e.-hop Kel'ii Rotarians Hear Cannery Head At Weekly Meeting J. E. Barr, Cannery Supervisor For TV AC Says He Believes mUHH) Will He Brought Here By Cannerv J. 1' Han , dn a ;. i .ntncrie.-. of 'i''Al' w:. the speakii cn the pie grain at tin' loial Kotaiy ( lab Friday Mr. Hair wen! into details ... to what the cannery at lla.'oe.veod would mean to t Ill's ei', li 1 .ill,! I( with s : i : he1 . ,:;iie! i, i. :.ii Several Stills Are Captured B , IVtershlin; Olli.i'.s Xnml.ec t). K' nils lour i.rowd invit oil, -p t ' t . neiy is i eve- .i Thai :-. i t n a "lo , s uiu '. u b:- a v;i ,oi, 1 teei CIH ! W .1' s o.ooo. .Ill ,1 help :.: ai d oe. I :ai,ii 1 Business Men To Park Cars Off Of Main Street Now t'heif of Police Stringtield passed a petition around to the business men of Waynesvill,- last week re questing that they not park their cars on Main street except in cases ef emergency during the month- of August, and September. The traffic has become congested during the past 1' v weeks .since a large number ef summer visitor- b .ve Votiie here that the .-'.ep was neces s.i : y il v..s e pla.ned. The busiiu s n:en aie Using ;,t, -; r et and vae . n: lot .. ,. na rk t he , r er BRIEF NEWS I T E M S , i Sales At Stock Yard Were Most Satisfactory l.")0 Head Of Cattle Sold For Over $1',.")00. Large Number Expected To Be Sold Again Toda The ln -t -ale of cattle a! the Ha -wood Mutual' Stock Yards en lai-t Ihuisday was better than promoter.-. ' I ! be !,r co . poi a : ioi: bud an! ici -pated. Ou r S'J.oOO a . ,,a,, for l.'.o bo d .,)' .a::!.- : hat' w er- sold at I he al- w ha b i i g.in a: n.-ori. u h. n in t baa oOO pepb- ea' die a: the i ''-'.t'Oli -:.h ai -! ,:; t I bo -econ ! -. .: .::n nc. al n. (ileiii; A. Ilov i !; : Held AW II M. 'I I' . Ibcal-M- an:. d the 'ii. Id e. olio - I 1 A niimiii i w . i '1 II. of In lliiH' Been Maoe In I i.uiiIn !.a,-t Tm-sd r iliU) ami S :'ll He.; ouhloi: ni r i ..,. J. n le;ir, V I. -lad; i : o I .- ml'- I! Ulleal'tl ed To St, ,3 H'Yc a le-1-.wa or i: n lea! III II Mo n.J.Ml; In;.MtL NA TION a;i:.t M AKKS iii;roi;i o. work iiv a i u m in .i..ei.;i-.o-o I'.e.lie ll befoi.o op 11: o e' lllel Directors Of C. Of C. .Met Last I riday Night 1 '.: 'ea.d of directors of the Yay-iie-:.!. t hi.mber of Commerce met las; 1 i iay night and heard reports fieri, -cyeral .committees of the organ mt.en. ail of .which were most en couiaCllig. !'-aiis lor future activities .'of the '', :" a: i i.ri were discussed at length ana ; an early meeting it, is ex pt'cte.! tiiat .some action will be taken li cii -.Mil develop : into one of the e programs ever put on by a ' '. ' Ire Chamber of Commerce. HOML-(. OMLG SET FOR AI GI ST 19TH ii ta a , ; and toe Ne.'bor o; t 1 1 -r,oo. ! . ai pi n.aoo . ma ' i the ill.ei; -irm We: The ',::; a .o ', o, hou.sc be' e and : u : 1 sheril! V eeiia I 1. 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 'uring t tie pa' :'cv nimii lis a !at ire iiumier i.l raid- have b en li'ii iiiade by 'ShorilV .1 A. l.owe and his deputies. It wao lea. lie. I ye-.torday that t he ealii p.ai'jn will continue to lie waged.. Decoration Day At Fines Creek Next Saturday The Fines Creek decoration will be held on August 11 Th(. following program will be jioiu Song and prayer sei vice - 1 U :0i 1(1:20. 'Ail .introductory talk Key. Thom as Krwin, 10:2(1-1(1:40. Special 'muMc: Oleen 'h(di, 10:40 lOioO. Sermon lie v. J. M Woodard. 10:00 -11:40. Decoration of graves-1 1 :40-12:20. Lunch 12:20-1 :.'I0. Special, song Vpper Fines Choir, lrH0-l:40. Talk Rev. Hv.on Shankle, 1:40 2:00. Special yong Oleen : Choir, 2:00 2:10. : Talk Ri v R P M Cra ken 1 10 2:20: - Songs. ' o' ( 1.; a a : I j n a a. 1 1 a r ... :igh .lame-. V; i w a rn ::o : a a i, ,.:.' '. 'I a,- ir, 'dod i ' l-. i i,, ,:. rv '. ' !.,' W: lie,.- ai -e t uie I - !'o Monday with H lav. thai ,fi'l! ehuai A ' w Una Br.: trie ra , . ;V i b-o r- w .11 be all day services and eining day at F"incher's Chapel ii--'. Kpiscopal Church. South. Augu-t 19. Sunday . School " m regular session at .101 pieachtng and speaking hours 1 1 V M P M , rtl 1 1' M will be- served, picnic style, a well rilled basket and enjoy tjari fellowship of this oc d old friends are urged to eat. Revival services will also v-'a the night service. 1. G. HICiHlLL. Pastor. Two And A Half Tons Of School Books Received :i:e ("di . ra h e I - -of ( V: ''idle i " .111 ea i VII ti. 1 In- ' i ) M i' id open K ( 1 1 : 1 1 it : i and .loha II nig. Kennniio -aid nu mber., of the louf will Wear while linen -ml- and straw hats." ('aj)lain MacDoiiald isiLs Prisons In This ('ountv Captain Han McDonald, noled pi a. -on evangelist and founder of the Piedmont P.i-on 1 Mission and the I'-risom-r's Honor League, ai l': ed yes terday to spend several days- in the city. While her,. Captain McMOiiald will . visit ' the county jail -and' preach to the prisoners. He will al.-o 'visit the stale prison ramp al HazelwMid and hold services for th(, prisoners there. .Captain McDonald came to North Carolui i more than thirty year ? U"i h'ii ..Vlou. tl ion. (1 l J tit. of ni ' 'a il, iii. .1 ah i . -.a!:--' ., s. .11 au:oni..o,l,o. '.., : ' . ( i : . i i vat ; c!y , -: '" pe. , ll! a.ldltli n ;"' .:.,', ilu- I a . j by the b " - .a 1 n' . all a a-l Ii.'. u i ; a . pa i k .'of To o '.a iV, .il I l veil al; ' A Htomobilcs f rom f -: !i, 1 ' is 1 1 let id' ( olii-o ' . n . i jv 1 1 count ry, ' ( ana la ed. Twenty ,-i per i A I i e Id . in St at e.v. ..! I'm i i a 1 1 dina and Tonnes,- , lull .vol for June ami July, ' lofty li'v,. ; stat:s, flic District of ( .duinliia .le ieo add Canada; vye . o i , pro a nt i-.l Jur;in's Dept. Store To Open Friday. -Morning b ;e 111' If 11 I ' lio. . l-ale I. .1 lid n. una e- HI Ii I -.i a . .- - r. " i III,!, XolM from Indiana. ..After .spending many years teaching in the punlic .schvls he became interested in the work of speaking the Christian Religion ami was especially attrarUd to prison work. Ko;1 ten years he has been carrying on this work as a persona) labor of love- . Captain McDonald has complete charge of th,. Work of the Piedmont Pri.-on Mission in Chailotte arid - nu church , orgatiizafion undevtake.s ti nancially or otherwise to sponsor it. The . mission is ".therefore .dependent upon gifts f roin . interested i'ople. Those', who are interested ' in making donations may do .so by sending checks made payable to the Piedmont Prison Mission in Charlotte. The Prisoner's Hono,- League, is an otgaiiizalion r,f prisoners -pledged Hurgin's Ilcpartmenl Stole wili ipen its doors to the public, b'riday lioining accoriling te an aitnoiini a - lK menf,. made yesterday by ( lias Hurgin, ock Company Is Under Auspices Of . Chic League Here raTv",,Vr Wi!!'ams S:o-k Com- x h Plajmg h-e thi wetk .. ".fr-.ng under the auspices of rr.d.' 'Ve-UaErue of this citv. Offi-ii-,.- :. nf League announced that Te,;.a ;:V:,'t'' UMnt? the money de ! -C , the show in building ad TKf. la''av croun'is in the eitv. . Trim', toniht'WH .be "Uncle ' ri1 I fw n a q0 u le of 1- . 111 hp rrw'n - Ti. i ii -si nisn iiuw mi idii . Hi- lid1. Wa'I.ei, Man See -Ur -iern- on front; of the church': "The I . i t U- Church, en the ( oini-r. . Vi-itors Vi-. niie." The ,.i.i.v,.i, :m7. t . xi .. .. . f , ..... I ,., The school children will have little I so conduct tr.cm.selve.s a- to be mvi.-l I .,., ! of ti'i,. Hotel (b.nb ii. .','" worrv this year about get! ing school pi toners ami assist the authorities) The past or win pri-aVh Sunday at hrmks. according to Harry Hall, man-' in. every way while in prison. :( ap-,; i ;i. . in. n t he topic: "'Idle M-rk- of ager of The AVaynesville hook Store. : tam .MCKoimM .-;ys mat ,'.() per ('nt t. I.ofd .le-u-." Have, .Vou. who. said vtsterdav that he ..had. juj-tiof the prrsoners who.sigm the idedge'd hrist-hke marks-.:'' ,( -,,m- and manager of th tstore The: new refrigeTati"il eouiitei ,.nd fixtures have been reci ived and in stalled in the. market, while a new and complete line of dry (.mods, no tions arid groceries will also lie fea tured. The stoic ha.s been completely re modeled and new, : fixtures addeif The -t-.ro is located .! just ac the street from the .Citizens Bank biiild-ing- More detailed iriformat ion will, be given in next week's pap'er.' lfvb I lalo ti.( ! I : .1 'IO 1 ' I"'- canned I I: I be I'l lice of W ale , II, Iped , .Ve ! . mall. "',v 1 1 1 en o i i'. ir no. .Suiida;, y haiil-ng lo'ti fioiu a luaeb -.wiln-O llg l"id in 1 be a t I e . la 'i a i when a 'n c r i a ai'lil I lie 1 2- ea i -old lau ml - a 1 1 1 1 . ' d Iii m. ') be pritiei ' f piling. ' et ti e p.-. .1 a nd la-1 ; ie, jon! , 111 Mle l A i ul movement I ,. bring 1, be Nat tuna fi -taval of SI, l.i'Liis, I.. Ailif. next spiMio in summer pilfer ably at the time of the imiiial ojn'ii i,g of Hie (lie it Snioky Mountain,- National I'aik. i- i ing .- pmsorei by J pl.-e e I a numner ui ne-ieni .Mein i hid-i :, Iriiian,-. One of Hie Ivaihng oo). la. Ills, i- Kelly Helilicdt, i'-in uii'f -ta!( ..enaloi, of Ibysoi, 'City. -Mini 1 1 1 1 M : i Nine i v. o a f 1 ' I '.,1,, e . I e a 1 1 1 1 a 1 in o I key - In w a in die : aail f . i i i a .-. I n I'.'d'd eidy L'.'.,7 ., .p.'.:r' uei v I. I n 7." a lo oiia i ia a - w e : III I' il by t he ..aloe ob:; t i 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' ... 1 1 Ule wm-k could go' 'on lb.. M-ar lound I lllllcb lllol e i ijuld be .e - "lliptl - lied, j 'At t lie 'ia ., nl I no u, bae On-I ganli a- alio loo ! ainilio- w lio fa i in ciop . .- w id ha vi ie- i I we. a Ion and '.'.CHI mdt am d la'e fall j and wil.ii i cn l den, . e e pee! 'o I huv.. I late fall and w inter eoinmu ii. !y garden.-. I. We are urging tlie-f i.-tief fain die., l' an ,l tin o -1 1,1 ,an. Store ail they can and to ombl a -uilable tore their tin . t ,- a ia I vege - - after 'cunning " drying- them- .UAIA MAKcAl;, I V, II ivmei.LM'iiey 1 1... lite 1 leaioii-t i' itiou Agent for II ay W .....d I amt v. any received over two and a half ton.s j jVe: up to its obligation f books for Haywood schoo children. Outside of a change m the. history l ormer JudC Harwootl books, the same books will oe ued this vear as la.n, it was said. . j A brenared list of a!! l"-.ks has I ; -The ...Hibie S.dio .1- boein at h:4.. I fChfistian Iv'ndeavor. 7:1" Refused liar Examinalioni , i' '' '- -"-"' I ii clock. pi ompt i day t S been printed and will be published in this paper. vt.igether with full expla nation with the next few weeks. . Miss Nan Horton retui ned to her home in Cleveland. Tennessee yester day after a visit to Mr.-r Roy Plott. . Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Turner and family arrived ..last W'eek for a visit to Mrs. Turners parents. .Mr. and Mrs. J. D Hvatt, at the -Piedmont Hotel. .. Miss Fannie Pear Pelmet left last week for Atlanta. Georgia where she is visiting relatives., .. 1.1 OP o-t-i'a-n nn.n.. nf..v Cach will be "The Hoodlum." "th. Il T- SEWING CIRCLE TO r . 'EFT Fa-.'V c"rcie r,f xhe Order of terr,.. r' ;.rn, tar. will meet thU af-'- f y. . p:..?-';'1 .'!wk at the home ' V aiker. 'Raleigh.J.dlii ':. H Ilarwood, 'of Rry.-en C:iy, a former superior court -judge w ho served a prison term fov mutilating, .'-"cords in a ciise against his daughter, today was iefu.-ed the right to take the state bar examin--:-ti n here August 2U and 21. The board f.f law. examiners, meet i.ri'tr. recently, ruled that Harwood was ineligir'le to take the examination. He has . pot had his. citizemhip re stored. -'.:' METHOrilST MISSION A RY SO ( IKTY TO MIJI-T The . Woman's Missionary . socie;y of thP Methodist church will meet next Tuesday afternoon, August 14, at the church- Mr and Mr P P U iliiams and j Mr. and MrsePaul Hardin. Jr. have daughter. Susan, of Raleigh- arrived a- their guests the former's parents veterday for a visit to Dr and Mr.-. : and brother.M.-. and Mrs. I-aul Har . Sik f.t their home at the String- dm. Sr-and Mr. Wannie Hardin, of Miss l-.va I.eatherwood and a nartv off fiends left yesterday by moth- for ( "hicago. where : they will spend a week attending- the .World's Fair. .":.''.;- Mr ...1,1 Mr- Cr-.. f!-., I.-..'. tr jeturncd Friday after a two weeks .Mr and .Mrs. Fahvin Howell, of visit to the former's . parents at their Piovidencea Rhode I -land, arrived home in ". Richwood,' West Virginia. Monday for a two weeks', visit to the Mr. Padget left Sund a v for his home i farmer s parenusi.M r. and Mrs. I). A. : Miss Helen. Wright, of Talladega. Alabama, arivved Tuesilay for. a vi.si) to. M r,r ai'd M . l- r.-.iiei- Ma.: sie at their -heir..' on Planner avenue. . ' M :.-- Peggy .Tblan, of Cleveland, Ohio;, has afiived to spend some time in ' the" city and is . a guest at the horn,. f Mr-. Adora Payne. . ..,'. M J 1 r I P. i'l ml Mr Ii seph H. .Peru, returned , to . their sum mer. home here Tuesday after a visit to relatives, in Connecticut. They were a companied : home hv Miss Alice (, Jieillv, of New Haven, who will .spend some, tini'' as the guest of the Reilly here. J North ( ai. din . recived $.",.0 1 l,''.iis Mr. ami Mr- W, I. liowniaii, J.'-. out of $1 l,(l'.i2,421 of total rental undaiid two clitldi.ii: who' -pent -,eral benelit payments to 'all tobacco i day.- :n flic .city a- the irue.-t- of Mr, glowers in Hie 1'mte.l States under Peuman'- -i-ter Mr-. T. I. Pramlett, the IP.'cl tobacco lurt ailment pro-, and Mr. Pramlett. left ye.-terday for g.am :up to. -July' I.- . their hoiiie in 1 .ow ini v.i I le, South ',-.. ', ; - :. ( 'aiblim, Hope for miners -cut rapped in tli.'l number 1 lire,.. . mine of !:.. S-..nag. , A Y N I iS I I.I I i M l i l'IH H i ST Coke, and Coal cmiany of Derby, . Virginia fad. d as rescue work. -is. ' Paul Hard ti, dr., I '.i -1 r who brought out two men alie audi , - , , i ,. I e a i',, n . igif dead, corif lined th.or tl-o - I ti.-Jit. ft Paul If w not known how many nut w ere i ii ! lie part of t hi mill. d'Y Via nappy to Kel 0 Met h. ido-l church r mir plo-ion which occurred, at 7 Ioi k Tuesday, nioi ning but it w:i -!:ev..d fh ,t fi-i'iii '. i: t.tf -;j:l nai lb d. '-.",- .- The ( .erniari . people wd'fc upon( by - f bailed br Hitler t. the iiat'votie .-nit it: of Paul v. aenbui v din death as t hey f. .(Io nian in life in an addr. -s alio:: follow th" niem- ial r ie" i . fore t he .('.ci inati Ilei. h-'ag, Monday. T he man who a.s-amod f fv icA'-i.- . t ,t!i.' dead pie-i-leiit.. 'deciar:'d that 'ho'i'.'.- t ly and with hi.- whole heart" the add war iifr desired pea'-'- for hi- people. : A di . d bean in the thi oat :' lil- ,.- hris titie Shi pin an, 1 7-ni'it,: h--old daught'.-r of .Mr. and Mr--. Vi.neen' Shopman, of I.-..ng's chapel section, caused the death of the child. Mouoay. KtToit.s were mailt at the h"i)ie and at Canton to vreniove the .I'ean and the child Was then taktu t. an Ashe ville hospital whtie she. died within -a lew minutes. in knoxvn:e. Tennessee. field aoa rtment-?. Choi Howell ' Mr arid Mrs": Furman T. Knight, cf Sumtev. South '.-..Carolina.-, are the guests of Miss Kvelvn and Miss Kathe;ine Reed at their home on the Asheville Road.. '-'.. Figures -'-compiled-,' hy the Manufac tures Record todav showed ((instruc tion in 1G southern states made a ,o(J per cent gam in Julv over June and 7a per cent over Julv per the first seven 'months- of . the year con struction showed a gain "f luo pe: cent over the same period last year. Another record Was broken in -New ork Mondav when the thermometer dropped to 5S early in the mot ning. It was the chilliest August 0 on record. I lie -el j,,. Oef i'i a! s , Pi-hop k.'i a ..r .... . ... i-d b.:-bop ill ctla I L't '.! ' ;,. oliiia cbi.f. K tie. - aad !,: : tily weleo'ij. d' ! tio- ' ii.'sviiio : Ah : h'-..f . : , : A a... .'.'he 'pro-p. ' .d" I ' "a i. i.n'e a: ev. li: ilg It la r Su mi a y ... i o. . a- u.siial. ( hu.eh -di"' d ...v and the -morning eliar.li o o'(lock. Tile po-tor 'will' pulps!' .at' the inoi.ii :,a - r young .J.eople nice: of ," r i- . n iinge '. ,, w eleome vm ' .. . ar: I ,i M..t-;ru.l-i.-,t' ned". -. sj'i j :.:T in-ritavion v-.ur'-P, at S .,'. b ek Sund .y :.v. too (. 1 ( I (MM H IN II TAIN'S" -.'.' (Ppi- e: a' I . I I V1!. N On Sunday Aur' i-- !v , -hip in thi.- tea J' :' ai . i.'-i : - M he Holy Comma!: v. At !" o'clock -".. .--: :'::- v it i I i 1' u Morning .ray. .: : . d "fa h A. .VI. wit.'! .-'. I - :v :i: I I N I he after;!'" l -: . w r . chut.'h at I! '-..a: wh-'-'M-" niea. h.-r wfi i a. f.t v. A. num. R. tor f S; Ma ;. ' . At .7:d" V M -he -wo i: h-Id : oV':;:-. ::l: at" Syiva,: i num aga.i: 'i .' g :: a'V 1 . . ; v "'v i c- :;...; v ' tbli' a.di -, logh' . a - -irrn -four" ' ar i n le a: . il. Uioed ,,' '. a I a "(v. !!. i ' wor : L - 11

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