mum YAYmMiA The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People VOL. XLIV NO. 39 WAYNESV1LLE, NOKTH CAROLINA Till HSOAV. Al'Gl ST .!(), 1!M i i I Canton To Stage An 1 Elaborate Labor Day Program Next Monday "Full Day Of Activity Expected '. To Draw Large Crowds For 27th Annual Celebration An elaborate program has been ar ranged for the celebration of the 27th Labor Hay at Canton next Monday, according to an announcement made by Pave H. Harris, general chair man of the celebration committee. The initial event will begin with a band concert on Sunday afternoon. On Monday morning, beginning at E" llltllltl I 1 1 IIHIIIIII I tllllllMllllllMI Up until the time The ountaineer went to press no M formal program had been ar ranged for either Waynes ville or Hazehvood. Unless some program is arranged between now and Monday it is expected that Haywood C ounty will join with Canton in th' celebration. nine o'clock the following program will be given: i):vlU Tennis Tournament, Y. M. 0. A Courts. !):llo Horse Shoe Ptyching,: Chum- pioii l'ark.. '.. !):()0 Skeet Shooting. Skeet Range- Rifle Shooting. Rifle Kange. Diamond Ball, High School Field 10:00 Athletic Events. High School Field. Swimming- Contest. Y. M- C A. Pool. 11:00 Sneaker. Champion l'ark. Music by Band. Champion Park. 12. JO Volley Ball. High School Field. 12::0 to . 1:.'J0 Luncheon Period. 1:110 to 2:00, Band Concert. 2:00 to ::00 Finals, Tennis Tourna ment, Horse Shoe PjWhing, Skeet. and Rifle Shooting. :f:;lt) Baseball Game. Mooresboro vs. Canton. '0:1)0 to 7::S0 Band Concevt. l-.'.W t0 1(I:'!D String Band Concerts. Square Dance Contests, Fire Work.-:. 10:::0 to 12 :.'JO Square Dance on the Street. 10:00 to 2:00 A. M. Round Dance at Armory, sponsored by American Le gion. Cash prizes will be awarded to win. ners in all events. . M. Harris announced that the fireworks display will b,. the best that has been had in a number of years. "The display is the best that money could buy' he 'said, There will be no admission charges except for rides and round dance. A general invitation has been is sued to all string bands in this' .sec tion f o . pail.l'.cipat l in t?ie street dance- . ' Funeral For Mrs. Beville Held Here On Wed. Morning Mother of Waynesville's Librari. an Passes Away After Lingering Illness Funeral services were held Wed nesday at the Catholic Chapel here for Mrs. Annie Mcintosh Beville, 6o, who suddenly passed away at her home here Monday morning following on extended illness of many months Father Lane, priest of St. John's Catholic Chapel officiated. . Mrs. Beville was subject to heart attacks, and frequently went on her front porch to call neighbors to get a doctor, and it is thought that while attempting to call neighbors that she was stricken with an attack and fell from the porch. '.-.' ''.''. ,,..-' She lived with her daughter, Miss Iouise. who is librarian of the local library: . Miss Louise is the only child. Tobacco Growers Urged To Sign Contracts Now County: Ajerit W. D. Smith said yesterday that all: -.T.e wha have iqtac.o crops and have: not. signed a contract should see him immediately. He also mr.dP mention of the fact that no adjustments can be made until acreage" reports are in. .and urged that this be done at once. The various: sunerviscr, are. now woikir.g on.pereaga reports and f. re expected to tomplet-y . their w-oik . in 'he near future. i :.'.'. "Every tobacco contract signer is expected to .assist the provisions cf th,, measure.". Mr. Smith i lid. Mr r orol A!-.- T r TotVoj-., on. ..... aim .111;, n. i.aiiiin c children. Jsmes and Betty, returned nunaay trom a trip to rigntsvme Beach where Mr. Latham went to at tend an oil meeting held at the Sea shore Hotel. . Successful Season Ended Wednesday At Lake Junaluska More Than 22,000 People Were Registered At Lake During Past Season. Programs Outstanding With the official close of the Juna luska Methodist Assembly Wednes day night when an Assembly-sponsored talking' picture was the con cluding event in a summer program declared by many to he the nnv-t varied in scope and outstanding for its education d, inspirational and en tertaining features Although the closing of the l.cader shin School, in session h-.-re since Au gust 14. at uooji Tuesday was the signal for a general exodus from the education .1 area, the Junalu.-ka As sembly is far from being a deserted village. All of the hotels and '-shops' are open, and the majority of the cottagers expect to be .here .until Well into September Based on figures from the ticket ilh and permits furnished guests. ' more "than J2-00O ncrsons have been! registered at Lake Junaluska during the season. The average population during the summer has been 2,000 and the . peak attendance for any one as sembly, approximately li, 000. ' Throughout the season there has been considerable activity in real es tate from the '.standpoint of actual transfer of property. a. well as inter' csted inquiries.- It has become, iti eieasingly apparent that with the en larged plans for next year increased housing' facilities will lie necessary. According to the i coord.- July of "M showed a ninety-four and three fourths attendance increase over '33. While ex a.', figures for August are not yet available, jt is believed a sim. ilar 'good showing could h made for the present .month. Recently ilicuss ed plans indicate a strong probability that the season of " will witness her,, the initiation of a three months program sponsored by the Methodist church, instead of two months, as heretofore. In addition superintendent James Atkins. Jr., has received inquiries con cerning Junaluska as the situs.' of South-wide gatherings of an interde. iiominational nature. The close of the Leadership today "U,.iholist leader on their way to their respective homes in 16 Southern States- More than b'00 certificates were awarded tor wqrk clone in Bible, Mission-. Social Ser vice and general organization metn ods. The Rev J.. Fisher of Nashville, Tenn., .lean, announced that the session just obvod was the eigh teenth annual event of the kind, the movement having originated here Onlv one person who was a member of the first Leadership School was enrolled in the . 19114 term. Approxi mately one-half of th,. enrollment of the present school were here for the fir-t time Twenty-nine Methodist conferences, and Cuba were represent ed on the roster.. ,. . , .,, Dr. W. F. Quillian, of Nashville, Tenn.'. general secretary of the Board of Christian Education, : 'sponsoring body, delivering the closing address, emphasized the responsibility of the present generation of Christian? to change the thought and attitudes of nomChristians. "When, the, present generation of Christian leadership has passed, the non-Christian gen eration will also have passed from the earth, and our chsnce to serve our day and generation will be gone, he declared. "If this generation fails the gen eration for which . it is responsible, the : world will, wander on in .-oni.u-siort and delay We have come to a tko vpalm. nf industry; a new era with to race rela-j ti n: and a new era with reference, to the preservation of home me. ine shadow of divorce hovers not : only over the homes of the common people but has darkened the homes "f our foremost leaders. ; "The problem with us i to change the thinking of men., . That is the biggest thing in the world. We must studv to makp . the best use . of our oppo'rtunitics in transforming the thought life of our particular gener ation, for es a man thinketh in his heart so he i. :' . "Let us be good. ; After all (hat is the ultimate test. - He who is a good teacher and a good : follower of the Spirit of V,i is a: good expo nent of the principles of brother hood. and humanity. A good man or a good woman is the finest contrinu tion we can make to. our ..generation' Miss: Maud Dew. Who has been spending thP summerwith her mother at The Waysidp Lodge, left last Fri dav with her sister. Mrs. Tom Kibler. and Mr. Kibler, for Chicago where they "will attend the World's Fair. .. Widening Of Depot Street To Be Com plete In 10 Days Street Is Being Widened 12 Feet. And 5' 2 Foot Sidewalks Be ing Huilt With Federal .Money With weather permitting, the con tractors will finish within ten days the widening of Depot street from the court hou.-e to Haywood street. The street will be 12 feet wider and will have i live and a .half foot eiduwalk :esid,, ample gut ti ring. The work i being done under the supervision of the State Highway Commission and Federal Aid money is being ured for the work. The street is the main thor-ougbfaie from Way lles il'e to the park and for this rea son the ext. . width being made. The street at present is thirty feet Wide. At the interest ion Depot streets (he windened and the -1 eliminated. of Haywood and iiiicr- are i-eing ; 1 p to! ii will be Two buildings bay. had to be mov ed, and about a dozen light and tele phone poles moyed ha. k some 12 feet- C M. Dicu.- local c. ntra.tor, has the contract I.m tin g adiiH. and Wednesday morning was moving dirt from the high bank on Haywood -street to tbc low let next to the Service ( leaners Co. Mr. Dims has about l"i men engaged in the grading. Th. paving .contract.' was lot .to Rce.e and Kittle, of Asheville. It is expected that, about 25 men will be given work when the paving is started. Park Officials Refusing To Buy High Priced Land Superintendent Eakin (luoted As SayiriK Deal "About All Oil" With l'ark Service U was learned here this week that J. K, Kakin, .-upcrinteiideiit of the ti.'eat Smoky Mountains National l'aik. said recently that because "of the indifference in selling, or too high in price that tlv matter of buying 2o,0()0 acres near Balsam as -'in addi tion to the park, was about, all oil'." The last Congress passed a bill tint was introduced'- by Congressman .ebulon Weaver which authorized -the park commission to purchase 2", 000 unpi oducti've acres near I'alsain Cap and include it in the park area. This would h.ive .brought the' park line to llighwav No. 10. 'I'll,., bill as introduced did not specify that- the park commission had t-.j pur has.' the; .land- but could do so providing the land could be purchased ''oi prici- in keeping W'i! h otbe.- -ini-ilai' properties. l'ark officials' have been working for live or s weeks' on the titles and drafting "f maps of the propo-ed Addition to the park, but state. I this week they bad "hit a . -nag ' when to ii. -got iate wit h several of the 2a o.- property holdeis in the an-a. The -cop- of t.'iritoiv that the p'. I k ein i n i s joti wa nts to add to the park '(s fin tin- H .ywood-Jackson bne. About LVMM'acrvs being in this ei.uri ty arid lO iibo jn Ja. kson. i."o . defi nite price, or-offer was made public l'ark officials stated, however, that some were holding out for more than the land was Worth, and that the commission .would, turn, down the whol matter before paying extrava gant prices. . , A park representative said: Most of-the land is unprofitable, but some are trying to hold up and make the government pay more than its worth. The government doesn't have to have the land like they did in the park area where thev had to pay almost any nrie. That won't be the ra-e this time." . ' The representative continued 1 say that it would be to the advantage of the state: to have the parK area extended to the highway, but thev wont pay a fortune to do it," he said. L'nk-ss ' the property ownpr.s -act soon, it seenis that the statement of Mr. Eakin's will he final when h- said, "It's, about all off." Monday Is Last Day To Pay Taxes The board of commissi", ners have instructed Tax Collector Welch to ad vertise all delinquent taxpayers who fail to pay their taxes by Monday. Sent ember third-. ' The; staff of the tax collector's of (ic,. is now preparing the list for publication and those failing 10 pay on or before Monday will be advertise ed, it was stressed.. BOYD. DECLINES TO BE GOP CANDIDATE Glenn A Eoyd announced, yesterday that he.was no lontrer a candidate for t h,.. office- of Clerk of the Superior Court on the Republican ticket of this county; ; - - The executive . comniUtfci-: is ex pected to meet within the next few days and nonrnatf, Mr. Boyd's juc-ci-ssor. Heads State Demotiats If V) J. WAl.l.Al K l;Mi(l(Nb Mr. WlnboMie was re-elected chair liian of ti'.e State Democrat ic laxe(-ii live ( i min;ltee this week. Win borne An Miss Cobb' Elected To Democrat Places Miss Beatrice Coll Of Morna-i ten Named a( Nmal Commit-, teewoman I' roni State K .h igh: Miss Ileal. ice Cold newspaper woman, ot .Morgantoii, l'..:'ke c u 1 1 ; Moiiii.. v was elected m-.ia . i.a; hai i . . . n i ! i 1 i I tee(..'. in n Ir.fin No Hi Carohiia by the .-tale cMcutlvo committee. Miss Cobb was elected on the third ballot I'lom a lield of four candidates Alte. the second ballot Mrs. .Ma .v-hal! 'illi;inis of Kaison, Duplin county, alone faced Miss Cobli, The liual vote - was; Miss Cobb OS, M is. Wil liams .riS. t.lii the first ballot. Mrs. la. 1. Mc lve. of Sylva, Ja-ckMUi counly. re ceived live votes. Mi-s Mary lleiider -on., of ( bapel Ililt. (Italige counly. r.ceiVcd :U votes on the lii'st ballot and .'11 mi the second, alter which her name was withdrawn by Coo, -go McNeill of Faycttcvillc 'he -outfit tie alb t eh tt'il' .Mr-. ( 'hai le.s V. Tillett, Jr.. of l bai lot If, Mecklcnimrg coiiiiity a it, vice t hail man. Mi's 'Tillett'- received I'.il Votes while her oppolUMlt, Ml-" latllel l'ai ker, "f 1 bates, got 0(i. The selt'ctie'n ol Mis.- Cobb na I'l Mill com 111 It t eewoiiia n Ca e bolll fpt-.-ls on the Deinoc alic nai iona-1 1 lailll'tlll lee- to "Ihe V a - 1 a- '-lie. Illit 1 eellljl II is C t . Sllllpl llg u 1 ot'j C ' i i iisboi ", ( on! foi'd coiiiii ;. , T'b" commitlet; aga;n elected J W Ha.,, WiiiIm.i no "f M.ef aa.i,. Me Powell coil nt v. a il s c ha i r'na n. lleiweeii the -ccond and thud 1 1. 1 ! lo bo- national i . mi nuf : ew J ii.a 'be commit tee 'heard a;, a'l.ire..- by biveriior L brine hail-. I' 1 . 1 .' , ,'i 1 1 a I nm1 . ii of tic governor adopted : i''s-oluii'-n e pi i - ;i.g 1 1 g .I.- at lb" -ollltli.ll ex pressing, legl'l at the . riou- illne.-s of ( hairman la. U. .lef li. -. of t he highway an I pa in; " in i.-.-ii i li and wi-hii;C for al io, a s peeily . ecov t I V iiie governor told the committee that his administration i- -living to (five t he (-tate 'a : f i ugal an honest and an '(ricient conduct ol gov.'i nhiental alTaii-.s ; inl to provide for tile citizenship of North ( arolina a fa i . deal at the hands, of those dealing with th,. citizenship, in pub lic uti I it ies and other ways '' .'-. He' specially mentioned' ' that he was light ing' foi - "fair" gasoline and oil prices; "-fair" f i eight rates, "a fair deal nd fair price for the farmer for his product.;." and "provision so that the f.imer may buy his .needs including f'ert ilizer at a faa price." .Sam .1. Krwin, Jr., of Moiganton. placed .Miss . Cobb in nomination a national comniitteewoman after the itsignation of Mrs. T Palmer Jerman had been -accepted Tribute to the work tif Mrs. Jerman was paid by Mrs. Thomas O'lb.-iry, retiring vice chairman .: and Mr.-i Williams, the defeated candidate., . Miss Colib was described as a wo man who had always been a Demo crat and who did not "pussyfoot"' ir, her new-paper though liurke county has a h'-av-y' Republican- vote and business. he has served since VSl'l as .secretary -of the North Carolina Press asseeiation and was a delegate to the Democratic national conven tions : in . V.)'2i; and l;i::2. .. She a!-o ha.- - rvi-d on the board of the st;-.te scho"! for the blind here. At present ihe i- a iim niber of the state code authority fo.- the graphic arts industry- S. C. Hrawiey of Duiham, nomi nated M .-s Hender-on. Dan K.Mofre of Jackson (ounty, placed yir, Mc Kee t'efo.e tlje committee and Rivers D john-on of Warsaw nominated Mrs. W;":. a n -. , There w-e re seconding speeches. lio VOTES RKI'RKSF.NTLrt , - The lengthv roil ca showed that there were 1-io accredited votes rep resented. ' There wer" 7" memiH-rs pie sent in person. Chairman Winborne reported on hi-- work and app'au-c greeted his state ment 'hat th ie was .l!L1o i th, treasury balance of ' County Fair Practically Assured For This Year I .,of ftifpo Arp lIplH - ror LeKoy rrancis On Wed. Afternoon Former .Member Of County Koad Commission l'asstd Away Tuesday Alter Long Illness i'unei al e vict s wele lield ed- ntsdav afternoon at the home fun T. l.iliu) Kiancis. 7t' who ti lit) Tuos. ,:;IV iiioining about Id. 'JO at his home ' on Highway No. Id near here. Ihe st I vices Were conducted by Rev. 11. W. Ilautoln, tiastui of the b'llsl ll;ipt;sl churcli. assisted bv Kev. Ii. !' M. ( r -.. ken pastoi 'of the ( ldc llaptisl chinch. Inleiincnt (.o math ill (Ii'ccii Hill celllet e IV Mr. biancis had In en sull'eiing lor siMial months with lliiglit'- disease and ot lie,- i onildii at ioii.s. The deceased ;i.- born m I t nm s see V'i veals ago, U'lng the staji of II. I'', and Annie Shurley brance-, loth of Washington county, Tennes see. His parent's ' came to Hay wood county when h,, was a siuall boy. lie was one of the progrc.-.-ive ami substantial faimei's of Haywood Coun ty anil accumulated considerable iiroiierl v. He was one of the largest lalavei.s of the t utility lair ,i luiniber of yciis he'-. was a niembci of the board of road - com missioneis of Ihe counly He ..was,"" reg .ruing i neir woru lor me from the lieeinii.iie an adsocate td irood l oad.s and lent Ins aid in bui Id- ine a svstim of mads. .Ml. Kr., mis and bis ; associates developed tlie ciiuntv roads into, one ol th,. besl sy.-ti ills in I tie .slate before being taken over by Ihe stall highway a. - ion It was during tills- linn lhal the hist c.'ii-bed nek ! w oiiui in ine coiuu, o January in. i,7i. i,e niar.ied ; to Nancv I', liali hll a daugbtl I ot J. ,. N. KalciilV, of llaywiinil county. She survive.- loin with the I ol !o w I ng -on and d .ughlei ; Mi -.. Kdw in. I' me bl and Mi-. Honi. i West, ol i lydi ; W. ,1. I' I ail- , ," ot lleoilelll. ; M r- .1 I i. Klut'.. -.1. Ilai lev i'i anci-, and M i.-.- Ma-M 'I'iaii, is, ail li V.. no.-v lib A " I ''' -'-M"'' Vl: Ul"''"" h"K' "' . l.rv-.ti i l!;v . I.-. llll-. ,. llil latino. tin. la:.' I " n.P :n t:i ( ., I'iankin ! ran i a -.-old;. ; ,n th"', I . Hi ! i Ii i a t e -iruce liming tin . V ar 1;,.' w . . ii ' !n Slate -. w a cap! men ;H ( iiinhi i ,.i ml Moiin! a n ala I nipt I . f y mti li'OU'aa .. lii. ar'i. ( , 1 1 1 1 I ; 1 a : 1 1 . ! 1 i t ne w a v. wai el-i. e.i. Ml . I- r.-tllci-me, colli r a c 1 1 ' I n i. a - It's on ,t,,p oied .it ! be home ol a I . la . i v t ( ild bo I dei, and wa- ; in ied ;.hi re. - - Tin-"n '.ili.i'-arer- '.vt a .lame.- I'... M ie I,, bo Ma.-i. . Hugh -Rat lit! RoN-i ( Franc I bai ba-. Fiance-.' and I a veial'd Sl-k. Over 2500 People Visit Balsam Fish Hatchery In 1 Day ; Proof that -Ihe Stale, Fi.-h 11 tcb ery at lialsom i.-. one "of t he most in tei e.-t ing places, in this section is the fact that last Sunday more than 2,"p0 visitor-- stopped to . soea i he thousands of fish in the pools i;s well as. the miniature Zoo which F. J. Reigi r, manager has built up . just for the visitors. Kach day large crowds .stop in to inspect the hatchery and see where over a million fish first saw the "break of day". U-foro being shipped to. all part.- o'" the sta'e to stock streams. ; . The Balsam hatchery is -now sup- plying the majo-ily of tlie i estdCKtrig supply of the state, and plans are tin. ler wav to induce the departnierlt ol Conservation and Devel i.imert to make additional imiirovements at the halciury. IJi-t-ause of. the nopul a ; ,ty ; and efli ciencv'of the management it is ex pected that the w-o.-k will be done in the near future. A numiicr of p.a.pi inent. citizens feel that :.t is (-ssejitial to ke p the lialsam Hatchery in line with ; reiiuirements. which will ne cessitate additional facilities. It is the plan of Mr, Reiger to add several attracliotls to the ?oo next spring, one of them being on eight foot alligator-. . Hundreds : of vi.-i : s . have said that the zoo is one of most attractive in the country. One of the most in teresting spo'ts at this time -' ins be the snake pen, 'where several live native .-rake- ;i-c k .;).. The intetest ' manifested bv visitors is responsible for Mr, Reiger s dec's:'. n. to ec;;;: on the zoo. He also anticipates, ad ding several large fish to a. sjucial pool. The fi-h : will ' weigh about thirty pounds. Although over a million fi-h have been shinned this -'season, thou, -re still a lare number at the hauhery rea-ly for shipment. iravt With Man To Finance Within Next l ew Davs 1'icscnt indications are that Hay wood county will have a County Fair this year, ac.ttdiug to a statement made yeslerdiy by County Agent V D. Smith who is a member of lr ( oniinittee named last year to win . cut delimte plans for a coirity lair. I he committee was in ses- i ia Weil. i ue.-ilay nioiiiiiig; wall a in. ill w itn win m it is felt will in a coiitr.ot to tinaiue the lair for tin- yea - Mr.. Smil II dttlnu'd to disclose the name of the paity except to say that "Ihe in. i:i is in a position to nia'o' our l oiint y I''' a i .' a re i lit instead .1' a dream," Definite announcement- Is expiated within i he next lew days. Mr. Smith said further, "1 don't ,-tc an tiling that wdl keep lis limn having a toiinly fair this yeai. I'laiis are being worked out to a point to whole :l looks like He alt; a--ured of that which we hav,. long hoped lo liae," li - lis (- t ii c;oii,e so tar t hat the week of October lift 1 1 . has been set foi ihe fair dates. It i.s expected that a charter will be' drawn up soon under the name of Haywood ( utility l 'air A ssoi lal ioli. D'st fall a coniniiltee named by the Anion. an -Legion began work tin ' a (ounty-wide fair for llay- wood county and it was only yester- day that they made any public stale- ' I'asi uionuis. I . coiiiiiiiuec is ciim lN'M. !' ul. . u A lirailley t oni .1 r j'1- 11 j XLl ' laidin, (iuv . .MaS.-ie, Doyle V Di Sunt li. , o Flags To Be Given County At Formal . '"I j I rroruin alurday " ( lianipion l ibit- Company I're sonliny County With I'niled Stilt es And Slate llaji , , S;.l u.daA , Seileml.e I. a I 2 oV;. h, II, .).,.' cUM ,-, helf. the ( li.amiHon I' line. C.nii,.in.v w ill lorm , i (l, n; : u 1 1 a. wood ' oiuo y a Hag ,. r,irt.-tj .Stale- tne Noilh i t,nui V.;r. Ine tori 1 1 "i: i a in announced A pa i ade w ill 1 oi in at 1 he I! a pt i st ihilich and will he pa .'I i a pateO i il by the' I ani.ii llaii'l.; lie p re-en 1 a li ve, i .1 the A lie li-an I .og'loll I'l oil! I he a. in - 1 1 Ii- ;.nd I .irlon ni;-ts ; the i anil ii S enal ' Compa-iiy ; I he Way i e vill. .'(laiiiine linn i ompaiiy; and i a J !. i . no Wi.y si':-'- lae 1 e iy Scouts. On ri i V a I - at t in c- a rt 1 1 otn t he -linn- will be pre-Mi:ii,vaa; by S. M. lii-i'-.iisnti, of ( 'aiito.ii pi idi nt of the Haywood iar A-.-ociation. 'I he i'aiit'in l!and will lender .(ho much; and the invocation will be of fered by Dr. li. I'. Walker;; ; The Hags will be, pre-eliteil by an olli. ial of the Champion I'ibie ( mir' pany and will lie accepted by a 'menu.'-, her of the hoard of county commissioners.-' - : Judge Felix. K. Alley will deliver the .aildiess of the occasion . The piograrii comniit.tee in a lm ma! .(-i)'Ji .-! stated: "All cil izens of the county alt- invited to atteiid. and es pecially all '...county . Ut'ul .municipal oHicials ar,. requested . to lie present, as well 'as any patiiutic and civic or ganizations.'' Some few weeks ago Mr. . K . F Wentz, chief auditor for the com pany while in. Raleigh found an old law which stated that there sliould be behind the . judge's beiieii in each-- tout loot... llo- ,,f ll,.. I"r,lt...l s,a.( an( the North . ( it rolina state lie was so interested in the .matter that upon his return be took it up with ollicials of th,. Champion Fibre' Company and it was decided to 'make" a gift of the . flags to the county. Two handsome flags costing; 'Woo' vere bought foi-the occasion,. Crawford To Play J Professional Ball .. Freddie Crawford. A i Atilei ic -.11 tcckle of is in -C:::tiig'-a' and wilb pa rioapa'-e witlv the; .-. a ;.--:.; all-stars' Vs.. ! tie- pi of,.. -j,ir;.-i' I: ar-i i il a f-.n c .ball-; gam.; on Frihiy. .( ; awi'aia Will, iviv- rf.-i?t:tl -font hull with, thej lleai- '; hi-: sea-ivu .-' Jt like) aincT'e- tie; g.' tar'e-t ' linta- lo. n ever 'produced in the- South- .tb.' ' fi rmer llhie-.'. 1 'evil, -tarkie .playe.l, .tli rough tine gaiic's-last .-e'r. -nfr with. out def'.-af; or a til, 'Until. '' (icorgia-.' Tech w :v i . Dak, tea'r. in Do. com' e'r.'-v Mr a?;.) M;s. li'rne'ius ( hatin re turned to their home . Sumiav after st v -i to Mr. a-d M !'.- T. Ci. -li"

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