''-A f mm The liest Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Creat Smoky Mountains National Tark Read by Thinking People VOL. XLIV NO. 12 WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA Till RSDAV. SEITEMHKK 20, 19.51 1 V I 1 Engineers Began Survey Of No. 280 Monday Afternoon Road From Here To Top Of Pis gah To Re Relocated As Quickly As Possible Highway engineers under the su pervision of B. S. Mar.-h began actual purveying of Highway 284 at Wagon Road Gap on top of Pisgah Monday afternoon. Work will be pushed along as rapidly as possible, Mr. Marsh said, with thH survey being made towards Waynesville. Last winter Mr. Marsh and his crew surveyed the road from Wagon Road Gap to Brevard, a distance of 13 miles. The new location does not follow the old road, but turn, off on Pisgah and goes to the head of Look ing Glass Creek and follows that gorge down to Davidson River. llr. Marsh stated that when the new road is built it will afford one of the most scenic sight in West em North Carolina. The road, he ays surpasses (he beauty of the Soco Gap road. Within fight of the road for about ten miles there are countless wa terfalls, rapids and pools, he con tinued. The road from Waynesville to the top of the mountain which is the Haywood-Transylvania line is about 25 miles. The entire route 284 is now under the Federal system, and it is because of that change that a prompt survey has been ordered. The road from Wagon Road Gap to Brevard is ready to be let to the contractors now. It is expected that the surveying of the route in Hay wood county will consume approxi mately five or six months. Present plans are to relocate the road from Wagon Road Gap into Waynesville. Mr. Marsh and his crew1 of about ten have moved their headquarters from Asheville to the third floor of the court house here, and expect to be here all winter. Surveying of 106. near Sylva. will also get under way this fall, with the office here as headquarters. Much Interest Is Being Shown In County Fair Program For The Six Days An nounced. Feature Will In clude A Public Wedding Haywood fount v Fair will open October first. The premium list of the Greater Haywood Gounty Fair which will be held on the DeUwood highway Band Mill Grounds during the entire week of October first to sixth has been issued and attractive features are listed. The premium list includes many prizes for poultry, preserves, jellies, school exhibits, farm, garden and orchard products, needle and fancy work, bread, rolls, custards, pies and cakes. , The Krause Greater Shows will furnish all midway attractions with seven mammouth riding devices and twelve high class entertaining shows. Special days will be Monday, October first. opeiiiig day. Tuesday, October second, fanton Hay. . Also fraternal dav when all mem bers of fraternal lodges in Haywood county will be admitted free upon presentation of their paid up member ship card. Wednesday. October 3,. Havwood county school children day when all school children will be admitted free and all riding devices and '.shows will be less than half price. Thursday, October 4. Don't forget the ladies. Its their day, and they can come and go as they like. Friday, October th,. ."th is the dav when some couple will be united in matrimony on the midway. That couple's . names , will : not be made known until the grand wedding ceremony.-' Saturday, the final day. has been designated by the committee as Way. nesville day with many special fea tures and the awarding of all prizes from the numerous contests. Head quarters for the fair have been opened on Main street, next door to the Waynewood Theatre where ail infor mation on the; fair can be had for asking. -''.': ; A. contest to determine, who is "the most popular boy or girl with a grand prize of a genuine circus pony, bridle and saddle to the winner. A second prize is a fifteen dollar bank account at the First National Bank of Way, nesville. and la . third prize of seven dollars and a half. . ..- Another interesting feature will be the baby pageant open to all babies up : to the age of five years. This will take place Monday night and prom ises to be one. of the ..most .beautiful j attractions ever offered in Haywood. : county. Information on this geol; eeous pageant can he obtained. at fair headquarters. Loving cup prir.e hon ors will he bestowed on some, lucky hundred per cent b:. by in Haywo-v) 'county. Haywood's Delegation At The Parkway Hearing The above picture was made Tuesday morning of the 4! delegates from Haywood County who attended the hearing before Secretary H. S. Kke.s in Washington for the pmposod Parkway. The pho tograph was made imnuvliately after the delegation had linished breakfast as guest of Champion Fibre Company at the Mayflower Hotel. (Photo by The Mountaineer). Committee Proposes "Loop" Into This Gounty With Parkway Thru Soco Gap CHAMPION FIBRE ENTERTAINS DELE. GATES AT MEAL Forty-nine delegates to the Parkway bearing from Haywood county were guests of the Cham pion Fibre Company at breakfast Tuesday morning at the Mayflow er Hotel in Washington. Plans for the breakfast were made by Mr. Reuben Robertson, Sr., 'president and general mana ger of thP Champion Fibre fom pan, who was one of those going from this county. Hog And Corn Contracts Are Prepared Here This Is Headquarters; For 11 Counties In Western North Carolina All of the corn-hog contracts for the 14 counties composing the Hay wood district have been prepared-and are ready for transmission to the Washington office, it was announced last week at the office of the county- farm agent. Cut of the 14 counties only 11. arff reporting contracts for transmission to try national ottiee. Mr. Grouse, who has charge of this branch of the work here, said that eight of the 11 counties have .sent in their reports. Those are Cherokee, Clay. Jackson, Rut'ierford, McDowell. Polk, Buncomlie. and Haywojod. These contracts have been tabulated herP and are being mailed to the central office todav. Three other counties making up the full number reporting, will send in their contracts in a few (lays. When all of them have been sent to the Washington office, the campaign for the corn-hog contracts will come to an end, it was learned. Mr. ( rouse pointed, out the advan tages. 'to---'the farmer in signing the contracts. He said that the farmer is paid . ?5 by the government for each hog he has left after a 2" per cent reduction of his brood. In order for the full benefits to be obtained, it is necessary for each con tractor to have his acreage in corn measured at an early day. The moas. uring will get under way in a few weeks, it was aid- Service Station Rob bed of Over $100 In Tires On Wednesday The Standard Service Station on ?he Asheville Road just at the . city limits was broken into sometime after two o'clock Wednesday morning and more than '..$100. 'worth of. tires and tubes taken. The robbers entered the .station through an. end window. No definite clues have been found that would throw any light an the solving of the robbery. D. J. if owe!! is manager' of the station. .- Mrs. Louis Rouser, of Asheville,! -pent some time !a-t week here visit-j Sng her 'brother, Mr. JW Tare, who" ! ' ITjiree Hundred Tar Heels In j Delegation ...At.-. Washington. " I Tenn. Has Advantage Over N. C. (By W, C. Ku-.- I tn.-p-ired by a 'delegation, of. over .'(III! 'lar Heel.-, tile six speakers from .North Carolina made earnest anil .vifittjf tu'Se. Vtld.y liarroi.1 I., li kes, in Washington Tuesday at tei -noon. for the approval of the Scenic Parkway Irmn -Blowing Kock lo The Cleat Smoky Mountains National I'aik over the route .-uggested by the North Carolina State Highway coin mission, winch is by fi.iggie. Pi.-gali i'.nd Balaam Mountains. .' During the three hours of debating. Tennessee's M -jieaki'iv .-ought to tear clown North I aioiina'.- ilaini , basing their rigumcnts on the n pi.it of t hi' -pociiil aiU-i-ory com ill 1 1 1 ee '.vlni-li Sc i-ntaiy li ke-'.appointed la-t 'Wlliti'l lo , go over (lie jiiripiiMMl ,(,ute a .-Uggc.-teil 'by i lie t w 0 t a t e-. l b, ;idvioiy coinniittee re'eoinnieniled that the. I'aikw.iy be built, fioin Blow i tig Ifoek iio.-s to the L'naka Mountnils ali i on t h i-iijg1;! Tenmscc to Tiic (ire it. Siiiokir'-, cunt ill u 1 1; -', iat. ni- bing on the Teniies-ee ,-ide and io ( hvrokee on the-North ( aioiina side. 'I he Tennessee speakers also made a -trong argument', on -the. fact 'that North Caiolma has already been giv en one-half of the Parkway that is south of thH Virginia line. "Kven if we are given all th,. remainder ot the route from Blowing Kock to (iatlin burg there would be 20 more, niiles in Noith ( a.olina than in Tennessee," on,, (if thoi'r-principal speakers stated. The Tennessee 'speakers made i scoring point. 'when they urged that the Parkway be given them in order that two entrances into the park would be possible. The Parkway would divide at Hart ford. 1 enn.. with one spur going on to' Gatlinburg, and i the .other turning south into North Carolina near . Watervii.lt'.. and then following Pigeon River to the mOuth .of Jonathan's. Cieek, and then up Jonathan's ( reek to Soco Gap and in to the perk, making a complete "loop." When the proposal was made, Sec retary ickes took keen interest in the man.nc-i in w;hiih the Tennessee speaker, Mr- Webster, presented the plan. No) th ( 'a roli ha 's speakers were in troduced to Secretary Ickes by Gov ernor J. OB. F.hringhau3. They ?poke in the. following order, .consume ing one hour and thirty minutes: J. G Browning, locating engineer of the state highway commission, Frank Page; former head of the high way for 10 years; Robert Latham) editor of Th,. Asheville Citizen; Sen ator Robert Reynolds;':' Congressman R. L. Doughton, and Senator J. W. Bailey. The Tennessee speakers were in troduced by their 'Governor,:.' Hill Mc Allister, who also made the last, and most impressive summary of the case in the behalf of his. .state: Frank W. Webster, for 17 years chief engineer; General W". T. Kinnedy: chairman of citizens comm.iftee,: Knoxville: Con gressman j. Will Taylor; Senator Kenneth D. M K" ir. and :. Senator .Nathan Bockmap.' , . . Twent niiriutes before the hc-arinf began, a 1 i seats in the: auditorium f,f the Interior Building w-.re taken, an-d over a Dio storid in the aisles and j hallway. Secretary Ickes requested 'hat there be. no applause, but each ' dels nation-.' ignored his - request ari'! ' ' "'-. ''': .''- :'.;'. r--,.. c,f.'beir -peak- ! ers even during the course of their remarks.. This was especially tnie of Senator Bailey of Noith Carolina and Governor McAllister of Tennessee I these two making the outstanding j pleas of the hearing. ! Th,, North Carolina delegation gave a t rcineiidous apjilause when Govern or Kin inghaus ami Senator Reynolds i walked rtito the auditorium. The Tennessee delegation which was only ; -it-iut' ?no fa'tirtle tlmt - froui N'orti. Caolina, well supported their speakers j throughout th,. three hours of l'ajiid- I tire pleading. Secretary Ickes presided at the I healing and seldom changed the de ' leinnneil business like expression on bis lace. Only once during, t he: hear. , nig did he smile, and that was when : Senator Taylor stated that he was the : only Republican taking pail on the program. "We wont bold that ' against you during ibis liruninj,'' Secretary Ickes replied .- liiiling, Cciy niemlM'r ..of tbe North Caro lina highway conitii i.-.-ion wih pieseilt, i '-ept two who we.e absent on ac I'lint ,,f illness; and all the congres iou.il districts weii' ollicially reprv- l.'.ed. K'llgineer lirowning took the opi'iiilig , t lii rty '-minutes lor North ''aiolm mini poinleil out to Secretary Ickes on '-wo .eighUfoo ieaut5l'ully 'oiej i maps the advantages this state had over Tennessee for lb,. Parkway. In part he said: "The range in North Carolina is cut by only three streams, while Tennessee has seven, I'ber0 are no drainage problems to speak of, because the route is on top of the divide. There -'would not have to be any deep cuts, or tills in the North Carolina route to mar the beauty of the country, Sixty miles of the route is through national for est (This information was given in answer to a question by Secretary Ickes.) There is no enil of Mountain ranges and an unlimited number of never-tiring views." Mr. Browning stressed the fact that the Great Smoky Mountains National I'aik was within two days diive of 75 million people, and that the project was of national interest, .-.nd only a scenic route: should be con sidereil, M r Bi owning Was followed by Frank Page, who stressed the fact that, he thoucht it a ''practical im ( Continued on back page) SENATOR-ELECT SITFERS ATTACK WHILE AT HEARING .. The .only incident to niar .the . trip to Washington to the Park- i way hearing was the sudden and serious illness of Ralph H. Ram sey, of Brevard, who suffered an ; cute attack . of , kidney, colic .-hoi tly before noon Tuesday.. Karlv Tuesday night: he was J ' much better, but remained in . .Washington under, the caie of his phy-iciam. also from Brevard, and. W, V. Breese. Phillips Injured JukJ Phillips star . fullback and lto4 captain-elect of .'Georgia ...Tech's football team, was .badly hurt in. Mon- lav' .'limmage .' "PbiIJip' was -car.-led off the fiebl with -i-badly torn knee that will keep him out . of the opening game with Clemson. just 10 days away, and po?-. ' ' !y ' v:' . r,f -th'-.- -sccor: '! game" with Investigation Is Started On Tax Official's Books Haywood County Delegates W aynesville Roy Latham. Field Manage.-, Stand ard Oil Co. F. Y. Miller, State Highway Conn niissioner. W. T. Shelton. Farmer, Merchant V. S. Commissioner. L. 11. Uramlett, Farmer and Livery. man. J. K Massie, Theatres, Canton and Waynesville. .). H Howell, V S. Postmaster. W. C. Russ. Fditor Waynesville Mountaineer- S. 11 Jones, Alderman and Manager Waynesville Country t'lub. G. C. Ferguson. 'Merchant and Town Treasurer. W. D. Smith, County Furm Agent. J. H. Allison, Dairyman and Rep resentative Federal Land Bank. Mrs W, A. Hyatt, wife of Chair man of Board County Commissioners. W. K. Francis, Assistant District Attornev. i'.dwin -11 ay lies. Register of Deeds. C. V. Bell, Agent Texas Gil Co. J. H Wav; Cashier First National Bank ami Mayor Pro Ten). J. W. Kay, Merchant ami President Chamber of Commerce. K. B. Kick-man, County Commission er and Merchant. Sam Welch, Nationtil Bank Kxam- iner. K. L- Withers,- Secretary C. of C and Insurance Business, Frank Davis. County Commissioner G. . Candler, Cafe Business. W. W. Blackwell. Retired Merchant Tom Lee, Jr., Service "'Station. Dr. S P. (lay, Dentist. , Hugh Massie, Merchant. Hazclwood Clyde Fisher, Alderman. (anion K. B. Robertson, Sr.. President' and Gene, 'nl Manager Champion Fibre ( o. W- .1. D-imtoft, Assistant Secretary and -Treasurer. Champion Fibre Co. D. II Harris, City Tax Collector and Depul V Clerk II. A Osborne, Wholesale and K( tail I.uinber. Gi o .1. , Va iiu oiirt , ( ojist'i Ui l ion I' o. email , ( b i inpiiin Fibre '. T. S K'n-dey: Men bant. W N. .Free!', Mercbaivt. Di' A. I', ('lino, Dentist. Mrs. A. P. ( line. ( ). M . Sinat hcis, Mercl.iaiit. K D. (ol.eman, City Clerk and Treasurer. Dr. V: II Duckett. Physician. K. F Lawrence. Insurance;' '" Wade C. Hill, I'ostniaste.". Sam M. Robinson, Attorney. L T. Russell. Automobile Dealer,- Roy H Pattoii. Building; & Loan Sect clary. DeWit't West, Merchant. J. T. Bailey, "-.Wholesale Grocery. Dr. J. L. : Reeves, Physician and Mayoi. , M. C. Sprinkle. Laundry. Coal, etc K. ('. Barefoot. Druggist. Ralph Ramsey, Attorney. Pledges Totaling $58 Have Been Made For Library Here Ariiiouncement was made this week thai $.riK had been received in pledges toward nK'i'ating expenses of the local library which is slated , to be closed on October first for lack ofj .funds. . The Ixiard has not announced just how much will b,, necessary to keep the -library open for the -next few months, but many here are interested in s'eeing it remain open throughout the year. . Hon. Josepbus 1 1 .nie!.- has sent in his .-check for $' to apply on the fund. This was his way in. showing his. ap preciation for th,. part -the library J prays in tne community. Burgin Receives Fractures In Fall Otis Kuigin, ..manager, of Burgin's DepartmentStore, is doing nicely in the Haywood County Hospital where he 'was taken jast Thursday after sus taining a fracture.( -h'V,i!der a,Tid broken arm .when he. fell into a -ten-fooi jiit oM tht' school grounds of, Lake Junaluska. ' .Mr. liurgin had attended the P. T, A meeting ;,nd was leaving when he stepped into the ph. . Mr. and Mrs.,. I. R. Latham retinn ((I toV their home Thursday from Greenville, South Carolina, whe've they vent to attend tire funeral o!" :!ie:"r r.otheivin-la.W; .'!.'-..'. Hoard of Commissioners Issue Formal Statement Regarding Status Of Investigation Late yesterday tbe County Com- - sioners. together with their attorr.- .'. -made the following formal statem rt regarding the Tax Collector of th.s county: "tin August 22nd, the County Com missioner made a settlement with the Tax Collector for the taxes of l'Jo2, and gave him the tax list for the year l'.Kf.'S, a bond having been tiled for the 'protection . of tbe county in the sum of $M .00(1 00 with the Na tional Surety Corporation, as surety. Some ten days or mor,, after this, it was brought to the attention of the Commissioners that there were cer tain discropcncics and irregularities in the account as tiled by the Tax Collector, and immediately the Com missioners secured the services of an auditor to audi! tbe hr-ok.- in order to ascertain if certain information was correct, and the auditor, Mr. T. J. Toland. of Asheville, who is a cer tified Public Accountant, is now en gaged in the work of auditing the books for such purpose. "The Tax Collector insists that there is nothing wroiig or irregular, with his settlement. Investigation will be prosecuted as rapidly as pos sible, and if any discrepancies' or ir regularities are discovered the Com missioners will take proper steps in (he. premises, .'although' .the county is fully protected, iy reason of the. bond mentioned, for any loss. "The Tax list for the year 'J'.U has not U'cn placed in tbe hands .f the Tax Collector, and cannot, under the law. before' the lirsl Monday m Oc tober, and iio taxes are' payable, ex cept such .payment as arc made' to ?-. County Accountant, or the per sons .mentioned' in the statute relat ing lo the payment of taxes prior to the time the list is plan d in the Tax Collector's bands." The-.' commissioners have employed Sam M. Robinson, of ( anion, and J. G. Morrimon, of Asheville to assist county attorney. F. Iv. Alley. J iv in the investigation and any action tlmt might be taki n a - a result of the invest igat ion. Mr. Toland who I i gan . udi 1 1 ng the books W I'diie-day lotd I'he AloLin tailioe.' yesterday tliat bi- wa- jiui-hing the .work as rapidly a- possible, iind would add another assistant during the next few days, ,11, "could give no iiiilicat ion wht-n t he iiudit wo'tlbi be completeil. Mountaineers Ready For First Came Only two oi ..three old faces w;1Mk3 seen in the new Mountaineer yi id .loii machine this year. 'I'he loss ot 14 boys by graduation, however, has not effected the spirit of the young sters wh0. are '.determined to carry .an where tbe old boys left oft'. Jenson . Ross, one of the old main stays, seems to be picking up in hi j "foxy" position (it end. l,ock Hyatt will take over the post of ' Dewey Pat ton, and with a counle of games be hind, him he should be put on the v)ot by all teams. The tackle position will he held: down by a couple of -mount in peaks, n old -stand-by, lidward Poteat. and freshman LeatheiwOod, who is six feet one. and. weighs- 1X0 pounds. These boys ..will make, the going laril lor opponents. The L'uard iiosit ion i oii't.. n,-,,) lem with. Taylor Ferguson and Fugene Francis probably holding down first plae,. positions. Caldwell and Free are giving the bovs ulentv of cpm petition-: - The center positron is a merry scrap between two ie I heads, Red Gillett and Re,i Bvrd. Either' one may get the: call Friday.: - The liack field will 'be'. made up of entirely young col: --little , .weight With plenty of speed, and decept ion. . The i ua rte r backs, whv will be ca lied t i . - duty. are. -I -a w s o n S u m merowi who passes, i un-j and ' punts. He will be assisted by his alrle tOam-mat.e; Doug.-' las Moore, whose specialty is line bucks ami spin plays. The half back positions are iveing held down by Hen, Hi Vson .and ( ecil Yount. . The nbist important posi- . tion in the. Warner system : of foot-.; ball is he'Itl. down by Garrett Reeves,. the blocking, back and the ''.dofen-siv-e : full. ' . Bill' Swift is .pushit-g'- Garrett for this; fiosition along with Kayken dall, who ; a ten-second niairr K. ('. Jor-es of !...:i,i.:i. Ter.-re-ce. has heen-'the guest.: of .her. sis-: tei.V Mrs. J K. Bo.i:e for the past ten -la v.-. , Ves'rrd.iv Mr- Jones and .M. s. Boone went, .to- Ahev:Ho- whore ' er. ai e - sneiidii-g -a-'. few days'; with Mis-e.:, Annie and t'oi vie Kerr. .