ft. 1 8 V i The Advening Medium . to- N"1 OCTOBER 11. 1931 WAYNESVILLE. SOOTHJAROLINA .A 1 , , . a ..-. - Up.nToT Noland Named To To 0Tax Determine Status Of Collectors Records Chairman Boyd Optimistic Over Prospects. Hans Are iu At Least Two Candidates IV 44 V a-' v " 7 Robinson Resigns Milas M. Noland Predicts That County's Majority M Normal Again This Year Tax Collector Refuses To Over 1933. Books To Commissioners Vui n Mr. - .,i,i,ln inn Ot' bounty" Commissioner, in special ss?on here Monday signed a co sl ,,ith Mr J T. Toland. public tract with Mi J. i accountant, oi am ! "fate with tax booKS irom f-r'. " ,1 statu he view of determining th e status ,,f tax collections since that time Some four weeks ago the- board , i hi.. Tnlan, id audit the emp.oyeu ; : f ,l that ad. hooks, duv lacti ii i , d,t.onai w' ,r:--h,i niall fore a complete n- . , , . a W V Hyatt and Mr. Toland went to Raleigh and after a conference with the Local uovei i....-' v . r. .'4v,;,. vprommendation, de- ano upon i'"-" - ... lit nnkp the complete audit tided to mane mi "u nnde from 1927. No audit has been mane of The ' books since that date, it was pointed out. . Present plans are -to haw t h ee auditor, work on thetoU to complete .same as AIom Af thpir reeular first Monday meeting, the boanl lssed a, joso- lution which was r.efmwV. collector asking that he turn over the 19SM tax books to the boa, d- -Mr. Welch, made a prompt ami courteous reply : f.' fining to b. 1-d.d. f bthe audi we, then working oil. Jhe rep y . said that his books would show that he SUV the ; county o-penny,but yUxirtoma-keanyirre,-, 80,000 tax .transactions, and u county ,mmifiofers , tenja fat in this capacity that . iiuRU v.,l errors may n" m. a letter to t he. declined to rrendcr the t books, he said; If J"'"nts are in- 'ance any ot m. the same correct, it is my h t be corrected as eaib cU jP with you W i" , wVP been duly -In the meantime ih aS nominated,- Jd'county for tax collector of have given lawful , the year 1333, and have col. bond.a provided, fy t it; and remittance " , t ;. ., .--"Your request, "t and ..:. surrender to you .g- respect- - looks tor ine . , fully, but mm . jronday a f q ' srtecial session here the commip'n.v?g hi'm- W make formal notice "f provided for Red Cross Drive .IT 1 f ' I InflDrVVMV On JNovemoer 1.111 "We are striving to put at least two men in office -this yeaiy wa.s the ,1 1. l.,r (! ,11111 ISOVll. statement tins ei.-iv ,.l,,nrman of the Haywood Republican 1 organization. -The countv organization is mucn toiH'er than it was two yeai i i: lui t w i will hi1 ana inciicavioii? an- - - strong as we were in 1928. when ma- candidate for shenti , J . A. 'Kieu ... was (uit;i.cu - ' i 1 lie iiavvwwvt m - i ur t a imr oton. ana in"1" taUVt 1- VH" - will wage their main tiffht on thet ...j;,i.itoi - : nt t.ii Wil the state oxevuuvi- .unmm. u Co,i.-,iiv fmnforriiiL'' with heads I It." I l." UUUIU,' . of the party regarding cainpalK'i ..i v rm,M!i staiemeiii wo William Medford Named Chair man Of Roll Call Drive in , Waynesville District . r...i roll call The annual ivcu , Mumbership drive will ge undoi way , HaywcHid county on Monduj . No- " 7 J ....... announced ttlli vemtier . . ...i". v, week by win am .cuv. - been named roll cal chairman of the Uaynesviue ,lirm;11, liaucom is county cmi v- . m .if.A stated that an effort ,.,i,i .,. ma,!e to make the campaig "i uw-visit.- however. ssful as the tuberculosis control - - i. and brst aid ool wernvo , B . R .. .. .pa, the major projects that lu yi , ,hp laKtri ivl yj- ; , .. .. MT1P (i((iiar, i it nf . im rHmnaiirn up- nn'H v' v""- Addition To Cannery Will Provide Facilities for tan- ning 35 Head tattle uauy Sim M Robinson, of Canton. ie " . , c tii.. ..v.. n live sinned as cnanimui ". .. ation. ine iiie.uu -but all amounts ..above-that will ot at MrMedford named the following teoniniiUee chairmen to work with him during u.t . ., , . nl II li,.M "!. SctlOO S M. Ii. Mr l?ovd announced that wunin the next few weeks that 1 lios. .1. Harkins, of Asheville. and H '' ... e ...u...,;il... '.i ii. rall- l,eavili. aiso oi " , : . , didate for Congress, would speak in : Uie .ountv. Delinite date.s have nol i V 1.. rrevoRt, 1- hcen announced. I l U.U lo I Richeson and Ben ColkiU etieson aim wen j . ;, ,.,, Husine.-s di-Uut, I'r. 1' O. (..men. bnv'ty-.V-: - ; of the Mr. T. 1. i.Meen is -. . , i V i m-; I .ouise K1- local ctvapver; "-Tr,tu .11 wards is chairman of health ui vision. Winners Of Fair 1 ICHIlUlliu vji 7 Officials Thank the ofticial list of the carulioau being supported by the Republican party this year is as follows: s.inutnr, Alvin T. Ward- Repiesentative, Tims. 1-. C.reen. Sheriff, J. A Singleton. Register of Deeds, Win. T. Mehaffey Commissioner. .). H. Mann, chair man, Rankin Fergu.son, and James Ford. Mgneu as .. ...... v , - , t. m0l. .at comnuuee o. u.i - o . , ,; .i... ic party at a special ..... - -''"''ilnr.1r.Vittv,.vMU.. Ml as -VI. -Noiaou. ... . -imed to succeed Mr. 1 obin,. , Ml. KUlUllMMl tlUl !l"l . . ... ... . iur t S tT""" al st.itemeiu K.-"'-. ' tion as chairman, mil iou. - - of the com in itl e t1 ' . , : ,; lhe lesignanon ui.o . , ... m-ikv cKe.utivc committee retuml t a change in ' .. , i,...., r . Mr Nolaml has , ,ir n :i v . .. been aclive'in the affairs of the em- ocrati- party, aim "ounty look upon h " m',U' chaiiman as most lavonihle. Mr Noland to date has not called a Vpeoal meeting of the executive committee together to 'nake d 1 - .. , 1... ,.,.minir 1'kVtlOll. nite -n a is m. v-" . ;iu 'but Mated that he is working w UU...S ow to map out plans W thev believe would result m ay wood's Democrat ic .majority as large T in peak years when the majority u...i ,i non. Mr Noland said: "The Pemocra tie party is stronger, both nationally 1 ' . ; . .. i.f,.i-e. The en- aiul loiaiiy i"-i. lire party is coopvrative. and it is.my ie lit inai wiieo n. . . ---- ed on the night of November mth . .. ..i .. niPiinri-tv W lit He at lea.-t four thousan.l in Haywood 1 county " .,, , , . . ...., -Kvery ell oil win ne inaoi- the county with interesting '' " " Versed speakers before the election. It is als. our ; intention to rel n. n from inud slinging as it has frequont Iv been said that sonic resorted to. . 'In all sincerity. I believe hat tin Democrats of this county will almost to the man v..te as thev have m tin past el'-'ct.ions." $35,000 Allotted i ..... llavvvooataniiLij For Coming' Year DriiUKht Stricken Cattle Will Bo Canned At Cannery At Hazel wood Soon Kalph Trevost Tells Hot arians Of lMans To Unlade I mt For Next Year Ralph Trevost. vhairman of tje community service committee ot tin local Rotary Club told the members Kn.lav that ahead $115,000 bad been allotted for the cannery at h.i.i woo.l for the coing year. The past year's allotment was !7,:.00. Mr. 1'ievo.sl during his remarks .....i .i,..i iu,. .onimuiiit y bad re- siaieu I..." wn.. ....iv.M durinu' the past season $1.MH) . . i i , ii t io can- for pro. ucis aim " ... . .. .....I ,1, .,;,.- the coming yeais iK'iy, mi... 1 " , this would be increase.! o ,1 Rov l,athani annoU" ?V . i .J,...;...... in Mt'endance m ced inai an '. , the club had iH'en shown during Hie past three months. 1-Viday's attend ance being 22 member present. ... Under the direction of W ' Mj ford the Hoy .Seoul uou , s,,. . "ythe c.ul.willme;t ,n be 1 TeiriDie ill I ne mm.. . to pay the rental tor the meetmg place finals ThanK - T Public For Help L. Crymes, bi, lo Ifn Riirinn I nflMV 1JC 1JUI1VU i vw Fair Oflicials Do Not Announce Exact Amount Cleared l rom Fair, Hut Was ProtitaDie, Said bond within by law. I'"' ' bas until Uctooe. . taxes, Mr. . a bond, , v but it was arne.1 h ,uf- hi.s friends-i"-,".. the expirau'" were just soW on t ad m pe and that .sufficient tmie ments ;)t.,d him to ni:iK'' " . -, tax for securing bond i" - .. . hooks. ' .', ., ,i 0f commis- . member 'Qf the boar only if-.:' -.lookini? afte ,.; . ... pavers m ini. have tmp loye The comiii.f" ranton. Sam M..: Rnson, ist.F. Merrimon, Asheville u in the AUev. Jr," fHannah able comment ami le 1T be .matter, that noting .& coniplcte. , known utvtm . . rw . Ti:-U Sixteen un SchoolHonor Roll The honor -Hs th n-g of : the1 Waynesville Tonsni b School were announced th,. Wavnesvilie Mountaineer: This is lust, another letter to. you for the public, but to eacl nnga who reads this we hope it will be a persoival message. . ' our first county fair is n : a m,t 1.,? J Man v " individuals ieau , - u.nole.hearted have, conu-iouw.. ... Bvpnt. way to. me We Others maue n , .t.r. have no com,r... aerate ing: o. r : future and 00klnI?,v . wdll see fit to cooperate next year ,in.men Three communities a- - V;melv. . ... v.oir--. efforts. ; ramei, . oaiioii .. i.-v m.iw.nff (xwe Olvde, Hethel, ami th limit of.in.eir a"J ....... cumstances. . ce because :of Our, fair was a succc. . ,the cooperative efforts bu ness interest of the V'U, ':.N., als. Letr on. and ow ,i. no Ufhe. county, agent - personal, creuii m - - h -. thank , each one , fo. every word ami acx .. his nos. The county agent .? --; . , session some of the prize money cn has not. been cane.. . . papers you will no here Winners. , ii .tuived your money- labe first fair and pledg8d sup praise .the nrsi iai. f) h ' have call port for nex year- Oth rs , ha -lururrworkhard to carry on lor me iuw v. nf fl "At an early ate u e "Fair future. , ,.., rrouse, Tom Prominent Citizen Of Francis Cove Community Passed Away Tuesday After UnR Illness Frank MacFayden , . i Buried Wednesday Former Resident Of Waynesville Passed Away At His Home In Detroit Funeral services were held here on Wednesday afternoon for frank Ken ;il,li MacFavde-n, r,5 who 'Hed October the 7th at his home in i.euo... The services were, held al ui ; . bvterian Church. Dr. R. I Walker, pastor of the church, assistel by Dr. ( Jeoi ire Hammond, pastor of. the I an- ton Presbyterian t hurcn op-...-o service w tiun was r..n. Masonic Lodge. Rolore leaving Detroit, funeral sei . vices .-were conducted in the Masonic l.olge of that cily wnn tne ""i , i f'Jiuroh liev. -Jaino, o. in..- - and Allan Von Klierstein, l'ost (.rand Master oi tne i.ur'i The deceased was the son of Mrs. H 1 Ma.Favden and the late Dr. 11. I ' Ma. Favden, who was. a practicing physician ' m Wavnesvilie for many " .. i -a -i..li7nMht.on. vears. JK' was no... a. - liladen (ounly, N. C and m..ved to . . . i : 1 uu Waynesvine who i' - . . . , -iM-.i ... ii-.ort... interested in. As a enno uk m..v...w ..i n. u;.. tfjtr i ions wol'K-. nrintinu aim s h-j. ...... ... i ing for the local paper which was i i that time known as the Waynesville . , , i : . (.-.tii-wil Vie Courier. .iner le.ivi.i - - spent some time in i..i-'". In l'01 he received an appointment with the government printing Tiffice, Washington, D- C, where he Jmally TZ o nvt hou " ' on Friday, October bt.,omL. sup,rvisor of one ol ine nm r Xt ,T . 2 o'clock K. 1' Stillwell.(!lvis.ons of that department In 118 th. 12tn. at i ooiiu.. ... .. , . , .... . ,.s4-in iu ih thp . ficneral ; tjvlva nresirlent Of the aistrici, ... ne acceiac-o a -of hy va- prtsiuei. I Motors Ckirp., and was with them at ( rinvford Is Now In Movies; Fred Crawford. Duke's All American 1 ckle of last year, is now in the movies. . Crawloid had signed to play .prolessional foitb..ll for the t InW'go licus, but there was, a : disagreement over the financial side ol the eon. tract, so the Wayhesvillo boy .turn 0,1 it down and went lo Hotly-.. According to Film Daily, :b" dailv newspaper of mot ion .: pi tures Crawford will firsl appear in .Bachelor of A i the adap tation of John F.r-k:i c novel ot college life. Work is expected to get underw-v within a few weeks on additi . buildings at the .annery at Ha wood which will provide tor the ning of meat by those now on the un employed relief .rolls- Knginoers h .ve been nere a.... ..... . their surveys and blue prints ot the buildings a.e expe.ie.t , within a few day. he iwo .. . .. s will be a slaughter House ...... - storagi- sysiem The county connnissioncrs are working in conjunction with relict officials from Raleigh in the matter. The cotnmissioner.s are providing he matorial for the buildings but this wlll.be ,ctu -ned to the,... it was pomt- "'rhe'mea. canned will consist of the cattle that were shipped into tins l,uu ..... ..... ,t,-,u.-ht stricken county i lorn ... areas out west. ... , Hie canning of the meat wi ,ler the TV A supervision, and those work will get 21 hours a wevk When the Plant is esti.hhsh and oi.-ei at ing at full capacity some . . of Vattle will be butchered and . i i . 'titii rum . canneil iiauy, u- - Vi, , ,.sl -ib- Othei detail regarding h . M. lishme.it of the new unit at the . a -Ii:! " will 1- given as soon as avail- 11 be held today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock at the ! irsi i i. i 'r vines. t-l. 15aplist cnuico i". - . , who died Tuesday . t the hospital here following an Ulnes.of s;vera years lhe services--wo.. ,- Rov II W. Haucom, pastor ol tn d .-lii.rrh of which Mr, Crynies was a member. For the past twenty yeais me ceased has been superintendent ot the Frauds Cove Chapel Sunday .school, and has always taken an ae- . . : ..VinivVi iin.i CIVIC tive -inieresi i v...v.. - ..flPi.!r His home was in rraiuis Cove. . . lie. is survived by his widow and two children: -M.-s. 'oe i V ' Albert Ci-vniCS. also uh - " A"'1 -'i v . ..... ..,i Kui'enia Mis. Jame .moo.iv. .. ... - Jone.s, .f Waynesville and Mm. 1" Walker, of Fines creetc. JLJUL iicwvv" .w . .- w- 1 ... Meets Hereimaay Th, will "7 f the Twentieth judicial ""'.".-.-..-,... n. Acnriat..n. comprising "a" wood county and the counties west a CCC Camp Boys "rlvint2lorron 1 0 Camp At (ireer . r... .,( ii,,. ( ( '( ' ..-ami) at Black C .mp Cap lel t here : 1 uesday morning by Dam lor ,';t , where they will be located toi th winter. . , , . i , The mc left on the regular South ern train and were in totir coacii- and had a baggage cat. . m . " that were used in hauling supp le.s were fent through the country; earlier "'ThrS.. -as established here ,ome m..nll.s ago, and at one tm e s many as 200 hoys :were . staf .o n there. A twelve-mile road to Hat Week was worked on. by the boys during their stay on, the edge ol th( l,a.,.'.l- . . ",. - i..!-. ;.,i ,-t with lhe camp was .".":--,,, . i . r . iK,. winter. I he roan ui. y worked on has been closed an., will be opened Only Upon special, per mission. . IT Still All Alone Two Waynesville Cars Collide Near llendersonvine Mrs II 1! O'Hricii who is making ,,;. ,;: in n . W!s reported much imnroved from the injuries .-h. l -Sd. ., an - -Uonobile ..ecu ent last htirsiiay iukio . i;:,r.h of llendersonvilte on ''"', ' .," River road: ., ' .' , ,, , l-attoii Memorial nopiuu i, ,.,v.. . ..... ruin a oloKCIl c orsoiiviue .hiii, '"h. . , nose, broken jaw. broken leg; ami "'!",: , .,,.. hi iiiu- driven I ne i i.in-i. ... i " , i,v Mr- Catberir.e Frybciger aiid .ol- "J '- . . , .. .,- 1 I." V.iVIS. lidod will. Hie car, .n .... - f WavHie-ville. who w 11 ion,,, towards .llc,..le:-M."ville when ,. , .ar.-Me,,. bappeneo. l he rci-mom. two cars' crashed liea.lon on a curve M,s Frybciger was driving a ,,i M. Davis a Cb .Aslcr. Both cais were -badly damaged. Xoilhe. Mrs. F.ybergcr, Mi- ' . ' ," Mis. Davi.s sustained anything 'and MrrD r lu.iiJ.ee.cmin-.. -d ,.ly about ('wo;h-beforeuUV: accident ..ine 7 ' ,,,., ... ing to W ayne. vine nom . ;,Tiaac;cident. bMppe.ied ; during a liht misty ram. 1 .. The program win oe op.w ., . -M Robinson, of Canton president o ine Haywood County Br Aoua tlon. He wil. lead a d-u-on of the "centralization 'vw"1 catA n the new -u .v.. rt ,f Murphy. Gilmer Jones of Frak bn. Ted yenkin. oi Mt fb c'.f Svlva. and J. R. Morgan, lUIUie. . . . Tr ri-Aiicp. I om i . ... . ...... Z ! eS W 1 "hank the public for) of ii imln and cooperation. im frfi- . V. 1J. a.'""'.1 h0 ; ,,nt M H Bowles. r.Vme Trio. Hugh daddy .... inerintendenOl n ,fonL Ann Game M,r-,-;uken - 'lar WillHotha. Ruby Bren- GHORNS die, Rufie Bright 1-uc.v - pt Junior Class-Margaret Hall a ricia Brandt, John Mn beth Palmer. Mary Ann lurnLi, o .-White, , rlncs Mreuerite BARRED ROCKS: Best Cock, J- 'V ..h ' 10 Best Hen. J. H- Beach . . . Best Cockerel J. u 100 Bert PuHrt. J, H- BeacV .--.V I ? I Best Cock, J . it- ?":r i.oo Game l no, nw" - r)0 WHlir. i.r.o" v"' i von Best Cock, -Mrs. r. . .. . 00 Best Hen, Mrs. F I.. I-enpard .. 100 Best Cockerel. Mrs. F L. Leop- Be PulVt. Mrs: V.-lV Leopard 1-00 Tc Tn 1U1U UUTTUiuo . . serious .Utr-WI -T v '- o 1 .. .1...4U the time OI ins, ueav... - He was married August. i."t to Miss Sue S. Sheilds, of Charlottes ville, Va., and Washington, 1). C. ..;...i v, hie widow. . one lie is . s u , . , vt u .j ..... , .l.-n..rli,n Tr a st.ll- son r ranK iv. .iua),,i - - ent al rrinceion, ...inn ...u.., 11. 1.. .viacrayuen, oi ajtn:.-. : m-,. i t Hailpv of (-anton. sisLei.s,' .'j. . v . . . j - Mrs. J 1. tjiwooo, oi ii.i.. Miss Amelia MacFayden of AVashing- ton, I). C and -Miss luise " den of Waynesville and one brother, hi,..,.-,. WaiFavden. of Biltmore forest, CITIZENS BIBLE ri.A. ELECT OF FICERS FOR YEAR , r-nnsiuhl.. John Kerley' ..w,.! . 0 :i.r..ira Ion still arm i gallons of beer Monday morning on ( 1 i fifTW-rr Kerley made nyas, V,.-.. .1... .qnllirp ? f IT U lit...'."' .ri.:. ,.i;n n .ii f.nninment were m an .ii nt hniiKi. but: ---were neat u'" ',- .. ..... ., u.,,,,. i.n in 'home. 1 nc Sim , woui.i . operation on .-..... - ---- . pTeparatior,s that, had been, made The outfit was brought to the couit house. r.RAHI. BABY WINNER OF CI I Al l Ain trt VlP Tom Wnl;-!f- hetter N eonesoa, -.. -. -County Hosmtal but stj a w jrious condition, cvidl nox. ouu danger . - the re cuh of wounds received in his leg several weeks ago. MrTlKE BETTER , . . :.. iiifV. imnroved at the The Citizens Bible cla.s.s which was organized here by J. R- Morgan, re cently elected officers for the yea. with Jarvis Allison, president, Rufus . . wlr.nt onH K ll- Lemming, vice ( oitev, treasurer. The cla-.s ha, shown an increase in attendance and now has an erajje attemince oi ? m..."- , - . , meets ea.h Sunday morning m the law omces oi -"-" In handing in a list of, the winner, in the babv contests last week of the Ha wood County Fair the authori ty left off the, name .Ma.tha Ann Gram, younn , ,.,.uk,,-. and Mrs- I.inwood Grabl, wh . won anu. ,i... l .. l..,.r run. the grand nn?.e. cue B- ;, -presented for the most popular , baby entered in i" v DR. L. B. HAYES GIVES TALK Dr L B Haves was the spoaKc , of the regulaV chapel : exercb-es . at the Waynesville, High. . S.hool he J on Wednesdav morning, He brief hi-torv of the; Christian .Lt- Memorial Service ., .. w : .. ..f .... 1 '4 Kor Lateueviv. i. Sentelle Planned that the P-?'-" t,rlll,.M i annual mceunn ..- . v , R memorial serv.ee 1.0 h .Kkov., . Sentelle are ,oe.n . . , ;h . K P McCracken, ot .. . . ; . . ', i- riw. hroirra'm. i oniinittec. man ol,:le P'OJ. .''.' . ,, ,e an- Definite arrangements wdl ot nounced'-at VlatteTaa o " Are You Reading Uncle Apeij.-. ; . Tnclp Abe. you know, is a typical mmnilainoor, and each week writes the col umn "The Human Side Of He says what he and writes what he Life." thinks sees. Last week was a bip; v;eek forl'ncle Abe, with the fair, carnival and circus in town. He has written his version of the events this week in his own style and manner. Turn to it now and read it. . jTp's fin it o rioetie-'l, too.'! Host !"''. 1 ' ' -i ". ri . n 1 a k page) .. , it... TT T T unioiro . l.VO in bis leg . - . cv. JbiI week,-, ."go-

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