Lie-' Jf.., 0; ... ek-'jv. ' The much P t V, r.a: if f .-.. VOU! when iff a nd, 1 cer me h a ops first n. 30 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1934 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I u i'ncr nualif.ed as administrator f the estate of J. R- , .j iota f Havwooci iuu"'.. North Carolina, this U to notify all oer-ons having claims against the Lute of .said deceased to exhibit tm to the undersigned at Clyde Route 1, or at Waynesville, N. C. on J; before thP 20th day o Sep tern "l tv.:- will Vie Dleau- ...i i bar of their recovery. All per onV indebted to said estate w P Th U 19th day of September 1934 11 -ii AO V M.PB4BY. Administrator of J. R. Redmond Estate. No. 255 Sept. 20-27-Oct- 4-11-18 25 paid. THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ill and line. N. 54 Tte ffiuiaj Side 0' Life Anerdote and Humor Incidents and Observations Anecdote ai k(i By INC LE ABE Timely Questions And Answers On Farm Problems t.'1-.ts ago ikI was on then NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE i r . . . I - .. oil 1(V tjt nlpvpn Monaay, cx-iooer w, o clock A. at me cuuit -- y in the town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, North Carolina, the un dersigned trustee will sell at public outcry, to tne nignest mu, - the following tract or lot of land, lying and being in the town of fla ailwood. Haywood County, North Carolina, anu, nr.iivTi'tiL' Virt nfftKT eOr- ner of a stone pillar in the Northern building line of Balsam Road (btate ... , ? v m i v rtavu corner. nignway . r- jj 1 t,.w- ------ . vi .100 w1 c.'l U fft tn a stake. m da i .I utnkp: IN. ,. . ... ..f (iL-ti in M Davis line (being line ot lot " . .. . . .1 . I 1 U-.! sold to r red i- oanoiu. page 4S ; thence running wim of said lot N, 14 E. about 124 feet to a stake in the Southern .ma'fn of Poplar Street; thence with the Southern margin of Poplar Street, t. 73 15' E. 164 feet to a stake, VY. A. r-i .ii i n-. thonia with ShOOl- bred line. S. 50 45' W. U0 feet to a stake; S. 39 15' E. 175 feet to a titake in the Northern margin pt Balsam Road (State Highway No 10) ! thence with said margin of said road, S. 50 45' W. about 08 1 feet to L N. Daviis corner, the BEGINNING. Being a pan ui .mc v--- ---veyed to the said parties of the rjart Dy o. i". . Sale maae pursuant h-"-. sale conferred upon the undersigned . , . t V,..t .ortain deed trustee Dy vinuem. v..-v.-. , of trust executed by W. D- Blalock and w,fe,AlheBlalock dated O o Z5, page 252, Record of Deeds of Trust of liavwooo vuuni. lr?. . o'U4.u ,io nf. Sentember, l nis tne ioui uj v. . I went to the mo ie.- lew it. Twa wnen U'ca.-uu i-... ..., Ln.iU'- Had "just got seated w r:t-i.- scat: ,. They turned on that :-.wlul Krazj K.u Krazy is right, its crazy as can ini Jast too dam crazy fer suitin me. I'm going no more, now iui r--When 1 know they're putin' on K:a.y JVtt L. he run hi.- han' down into his pockit an' back toani-s me so ijuuk 1 thawt 1 wuz shot. But 1 wuz not shot, 'cept with a dollar Bill. "Thair ye ar," sez he. So . . i-.. -n in- :iu It ve want to ivyoic " " V ,. Jest shoot me with them dollars bills; i it i : 11 AnMnT' mllA L a use ooner oms For Kyonn' all yore lniifisn Another man to make ye feel good k Jim Long. Hav leen dnvin aroun' sum with him on bixmess rite hitelv. Jim shore is a good fel Ur -ai wool an' a yard wide" Alco a vard thick. Sumtimes 1 feel almos 1.1-.. Uiir.rm hl9 ft.Oi L-. lint if wuz to T . l i 1 1 tlii.m'5 mv ies. sur. .ur. i.iiiiu'i . UU... t 1 trnt Jill hOUrS Seniamems. uiri m - . , soun' sleep that night with that night ir. ,r iviearum treemns or sum- pun a holt of me. 1 hey had m e i n a j j UHHlnt Rit to lt. pile uv wnue, suiv. r. . . n ........... ..n' jwh- me. of Knss crost an " SK)n as 1 woou maunin iu " - fUi f them cords an' things, more ood ,ap aroun me an' them Kiazy cats makin hi me ... Kapers aroun' me all! the turn. Winely th Krazies eowemt to leav , ...i if iiimiist. looce me an' i iounu . u - , an' a-breathin' more freely. Hun 1 looke.l aroun' m the room whir 1 wuz an' into another room, the door irein' open, whiten appeared to be a Clean, quite Kitchen. An'tha.r set a Man ai a u. .... ---' ept that the tabel wuz loaded witii Steamin' viltels. honey an pie an all Kind.s of good things. ) Mi k, itur. 1 ;ues ou if inn.iin, .... what a cheerful Dispozun mos' fat i i. . . u.... ..lliiw n.lnttin' an' talkin i.'ii o 1 u.iuM I u-U' nt i Kin. Buuuiuiu. ' fat ; but not as big an' fat a.s theloe i . ... .1... V.iir 1 LlliW gal mat wuz ove nc -i ,,it heefv whenever she .: n. .1 if l ii ii- that Uur an f.,i ,.ct tVi.. fiiind Iird lest to .riw. lii.l... hair an' hoofs so's I kot)d j me the herd. 1934 t h MORGAN. Trustee- No. 257 Oct. 4-11-18-25 ... .1 !.. v,i;in tli u t man je,st set thair, lookin' sorter sad, like hi 1 all his loaKs or eice fur his Apatite to Kum to bun. 1 uity j IthemV.ttd: :u!r t. irit coin. Destine u.v honey maid by Mouth water, , so hollered right out. "Man if xo u Ka n i: 1... .Inn t Villi lei eat men. gnomes ...v - - . I., j.. a..;,. tVuit can eat. sumoouy in . , . Well.. Sur he didn't say a won , but jest razed up an; mos,,"n iv t come; neadless to say I loft that Krazy t at room an jmmu ....... Well, I've decided to sue Ju Mas sey an' Walte. DiMie K.av ( at fer dammig or .sumpun. 'cause I no that . what Kaused all my tiubbel. I had smoaked one twofer the day befoai but I don't think it kaused the Treemuns, seein' that 1 smoaked the ot., t.. it visterdav with no evul Effecks. ili Mounting 1 UlllllVVt .11 It.v. ..... M.irk li'utherwoiHl had i . .i. . lf.....l tij.iit' T Willi tiHivcu to i lie ijik uvii.i. ...... - - dei whir Mark is gom' to park his va at Mt. Sternn or -uux iun.. Question: Can skim milk or but termilk be substituted for any ingre dient in a laying ina.-h . Answer: Yes. Both skim nnlk and buttermilk may be ued P ol the dned milk piodu.t, a, well as the tish meal and meat meal, lnm iait, of skim milk - liuttein. .iumld oe ueu her. milK prouucis . ,.,.,, the dried milk, tish meal, and meat meal are left out of the rat!on four ana one-half gallons of milk or buttermilk should be substituted. Ihe sutve-ss ol tnis guifcuiuiivm i.vr... -upon the regularity of feeding he milk and. unless there is ample sup ply for constant neamg. no tut ion should be made. .: ... Lin. sliiuilii a hog luesiiou. in1" t 1 be without food before killing. Answer: Ihe animal snouiu .vv tea for at least nouis slaughter, but should have plenty ol fresh water. This makes it easiei to get a good bleed and the meat cures out better, when the small blood vessels are tree mm. i.. e tides and blood. Before the animal :.. i.:ii...i l .wm ; ii.. iiiiiet as possible lis MIIIU vt. .- -i - .... nroduces a level isli , i;,, which orevents propet )) liiur mid a uses the meat to soui while in cure. ... .:u. TM.iiiti- nOLlll taivly air ' ' . , . rf th,- di.-ulphide will i-e enough U: each 1-000 cubic feet of space in tne bin. After pouring it .-n the seot; cove- with sacks to help hold in the MThe treatment should be appLed in the middle of the day wheu the tern . . . : .t i'I eater eln- perature is "--" ciency is obtained at . ; degrees oi hipht-r ,,,,1 Ai,- slacked lime may also be ul to treat grains for insects. In Uca .1 ,nB quantities of eed, equal pa.t.o l,n,e and .-eed should U- u-ed small amounts, the ratio of 1" should be larger than that of the seed. Brannon advise.-. particularly described -s fodows: , King fully described in a Deed from 1 K Cathev ana others, to SjALLir. i f, HYATT, dated (,uer IS as Mccone.! in r..- 7 i.vwood seq, Kecoru oi i'"";- v" ,.': County- North I aroiina . ""J"'.' the lands of F. B. Kvaiv. J K. ( a.h. ev and other;, BEGINNING on a buckeye on the East bank of River, and runs oo ... r- ; crossing the grave-yard hill to a stake on the South bank of a drain on the West side ol ine . and Xortn side ot saui .na n, A iil1-" F r.9 poles to a stake; thence " .. i ..... m 11 uenlte ,0.U Merchant: "No, Mr ain't a goin' to adverte." Viii nnt 7 " .liune. J . i ..... ..t -i .i lt nnce an it .Yiercnaiu. nn orlv ruined me. People came fiom ...:i.. on' thev bought durn near all the stuff I had. TO """NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND , i u., ,,-i.tiia nf the . au thorny coXicd WUecd of 1'rust exJufed by Ralph W. Davi- and wife, Cora Davis and dated the 1st ua of Septembei. 1927 and tecorded u' b 2i Page 105, in the olhce ot BOOK ii, i ac ( Havwood CountyV F S Bryant Substituted Trusted, will at twelve : o'clock nK,n on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 19.14. at the Court Uoo, oi -County in Waynesville. North Caro hna Jell at public auction for to the highest bidder, the following -rrunlotoip-uadotlanain C'ourty'of Haywood ind moie part.c- "Wyjw a: 'rw on Htl"'N',,m f ii .1 venue Easterly marg, , - . t ke formerly l u - - ' Xmthwe.t. (k.gues i.w :v r Kuykendaus nn(. v" r iV" i;,ip J.F. Bas, line); thence with aid line South h .tepees wlth Sro? South'; VdegreesWe-st 150 feet to the Beginning BEING the ame lot of veyed to Ralph W Davis. al. by deed dated September iS.lJ.-.lrom default in .payment - edness fecuied by said dee of triu t. and is subject to all taxe and a seSments against .sa L proP whether now duP or . t A five ner cent io'vr ) casn ulK..;. A live l"--' . , ,- ,i, hi. 'best bid- will be requireu v v-- . . . . der at the sale. , .lr,1t 1931 ThLthe 27th day of Substituted Trustee. . . Loan Xo. 13). , ii No. 24(5 Sept. -' ' I "ToTlCE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, Oitohcr 29. eleven o clock A- '1, a- houe .cloor in tte town orW ano premies lying anu ue,.. , rlv oi Vaneville. and mo.e paiticulany dFGINNINOG1O550 feet from the corner of Walnut and Hazel Streets -vwth ; Wavnesville Addition on the SSh of'HaSel Street K10VE I-feet; thence 82 ifc : 100 feet ; thence S. 10 ; ' c h to Hazel Stieet; thence 822 Ha7el Street. 100 leet Jeei ; "Si.evc .mtaining 1"30 siuare feet. ,ipcnbed Being the same t in deed from Kooeria ottr..v.-". - "XT- tt tpvenson. dated tne to Minnie B- btevensun, , 9ith dav of November, 192. ana Of Deeds 01, nay cower SUSVte, by.irtue ;o th.t cer- tain deea 01 n - f K.rkpat-ick and v re. Georg 1a -1. K.rkpatnck elated . v 12 1W and recorded inou r Record of Deed of Trut ot tia wooa county- , This the 2?th dav i September, Mr Editur, last week wus not sich a big week iut l'n le U ce.n l wuz about Knockt out )rt Mlie, time Had Lumnaygo sun an' the hay 1'evur workm on me to had I -nedzed r.O Times l,v aekual ..- 1 linfnri. one brektasf, besides r ..-i;,l wilh exzema, mdi- 1 a" .;" .. ' "n..ll time an makin' a complect inventory.. ,,, Morris All oil eup 'i " --- l,,,.,,, ,,i.i t o-if off sum of his 'cheap ... .i.v. v- r.-- HI... thlK t lillty on T, . ii.ii.... f,,r 1.1 ;.... ......I t-iui -.1 t.iru.i .... iona nan .- - , , the deer ole Mountingeer. vvlien 1 sen r 1 1 w.i clllll IIUIIV KV" Konat nav f.4- Coffey r-. Quick as scat e .. mtH - . .. ,1...,,.,-.-.' SI1CK11 11- i.i.v into a ui wv, . , , 1 1 .... mi. no'.l'. sain ... sKOop f mi"" . ' if :f ,', .. l.i ".n.. ver sen 11 .. ' s .1 ..--its n-tsn, t-. 1 . .M.ltir V I'd I rlfUl 11 tut Konai wu. i.u.i., ... .. , . ........ ...1 i,..,r mv inline lanl'in an w aiueu n- "'.' . , , . ,. .... . , 1,, ..i',.i., A tin. snort1 I""' &eO tie; 1 : . ,.i.,,,. vou drunk middle ciass v "., .YlHIUie e lass, im . takes better coffey for me than it does .r vou. soein that 1 m a bun.en o'sumpin." Then .Ronal f some of his very best ( oflV. Now. this is litten fer a Kme- se.l he. "Good enuff," sez I.. i.i.i' u a vviNVIl 1 K HOLDS i.-mn i. T. A MEETING Tuesday evening, beginning at seven .1.:..... '..i.,..l th.. Iviist Wavnesville IIIU l. I. 1 i.'v .1, - . '. . 1. . ... .A .. . u.i 1 uiii ill. 11 1 1 i n l aiem-1 eaenei s .w ."" - - ..I i.i.mtMv nieetine ot the year. J)ue to the resignation ot Mrs. Smiley j i i u 1 1. 1 1 1. lev was i. ..1... ....... ..t 1 in. 1111. el inir. 111(11,1. v. .... o The report of the nominating com- .,i,i.w..,l ..f V Thos. Keevee. Mrs- Hubert Burnette and W. L. Mc Cracken, was read, nominating Mis. Mrs. Anne V.I. I . uunwiii..u-i "' - -.. t ;i.... jnid .Mrs. 0 j in ii 111 1 , 1 .1 v I-. v 11 i.,.,u f,.i- treasurer. All nomina ; iiecented and elected by l.viui nv.v ..v j... -- - the association. These officeis will till the unexpired terms ot Mrs. o -.......I. uli.i will soon move Ollliie y x n. 1 v . .. .. .. . - ... Pinion Mrs. Clark Medford, who .1 ... it,., 'ti.iit l.'.li-iiieiitarv (lis lliuveu l 1 1 1111 i i..... ...... 1 1 . I. I 1,... 11. 11.1 tlK't, and MIS 1'iaille l.vaiiiei nuu... ; I 1 Mrs l)o.le A lle gave a sunimaiy ol the district meeting for the Western district. V011ipo.SCil Ol IIIUH'V" iwv..- ties, wlncn was neici in., i .unnw 1..'... '1..-1 u.,tVu.i nil,! Lake Juna VML.JULI fc.ll., - hiska associations .were commended i'., V..,. .in. r l..i' nuniliel- ot ...,'it. I,, (hij iiiei.t ini' from Havwood . 1 ,1 . ' 1 . ... - - -o . ..,,,,t,. II:ivwihu countv -'again net With lin.'nni i countv 111 tne awaio .,)' th.. siKi.r t-11 ti lor number of ..... .....1 . ....i-l,,,. . .S.SI1I' lilt IOMS SLaniiaiu an. 1 nu.i... . 1 i,,.-in.r .,ct vi. oi. 1 .nke.J unaluska won a standard 'certificate' which caused the tie in this contest with Buncombe; 1 1 1 nt v -wii'n 'tlie' banner for 1 1 .1.1 ii ... ... ...... ..... ii,,. 1., ,r.,vt in'reentaci. ol niellllier- 1111 .... t,.-. r,. . .ship' increase '.during. - the year, it u'.iL- o 11 n mi 1 iu'i'i 1 that the next .state .'.'.....;...' ...ill I,., 1,. .1,1 in Aslieville, coilieiuioil ... "i ... in April. ' 19:15 and all members were 1 I 1.. lw,,in uriiv makine- nre- Uleu L(i l.i - .- . narations to attenil. At this meeing Vlilili-....! Crawtord siigijesleu that iecofils lie i'u.iii.-hed for the vie .....1,. i'..,. ,.,.i., 11 1 1 l-.M-1 :i t ion, a.s ad In. tli.. sl:ilc ilenartllH lit ot Cd- ucat imi. .1 . . : 1 .. ; 1.... lute to sow ejuMiani. i ii i..v vetch and oats as a winter nay e.u,.. j Answer: No. Vetch may be sown on almost any soil up to October L and oats muv be sown anytime up to November 1. In using vetch, however . .1 1.... i ;.. i ion 1 ut pit lie sure mat tne mim m for legume growth. Seed should lie put in a.s early as possible to prevent winter injury, especially with oats. i... .loi'tlv overcome 1 nis injury urn) "e I"" , ,. , ...ti fnl't'iliv (In 1 liV seeding wuii "n i" " - , .1... m ,n whieh is an or nv usniK Lin- ii... 1".., early cold -resistant variety. 01 tne Ue and Virginia vuuy to....". ... ... 1 1 ..,,1.1 ...distant I he wnicn are iaev um. v..... Carolina variety of vetch is more resistant to disease man i'""J '"" , ,-. .1 .-...., U nf hav. niui also maives a nuu.i 1) Ml N I STRATOR'S N OTIC E CREDITORS ...i:c 1 liinnist rator Having quaiuieo on - of the estate of Tbomasene H. Woo -1 1.... HitvwHii . .IKilUiIIII . Milt" Ml ,-.:.:.,(.. v.-irth Carolina this is to no t if y all persons having claims against the estate 111 ani n-t ..- titbit them to the uinicrsigi.e.. Waynesville. N. C. on or before the eleventh das of Oeiobet, 19!., oi this notice will be pleaded m bar of the r recovery. AH person indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 10th day of October. 19.14. JAMKS W. REED. dministrator of the estate of Thomnsene H Woolsey doceas.-it No 22-0et. M-lS-25-Nov. l-h-L 11 - I . , 1 . . oak in a swag at the edge o thence S. 77' r . . t. rT black oak on top 01 " Fvans' line; thence with said line to Pigeon River; thence up said river asNt meanders to the BEGINNING Contain' ";. , .,,ut Excepting irom iu- - 10 11-100 acres, sold to Herman Sing leton and wife and released by a re lease dated Sept. 17. 19:11 Also ex cepting from said tract 22-59 acres !. . . ur v..,,n.. im, wife, as 00' .... , r ii 1, W niii'e recorded in hook 01 . ". . lH:t, Office of Register of Deeds. Has w.xvd County, North Carolina. Said Deed of Trust bung regi. '.er cd in Book 22, page 4S2, Records of Deeds of Trust of Haywood lountj, North Carolina. hcm This the 10th day 01 wci m JOHN M Ql'EEN. Trustee. No 201 -Oct. 11 1S25-NOV l- NOflT'E OF THUS l'F.F S S 11-LAND "OF in of T. Sop That All Winter ' . .... , 1 firsnn Is rrotected From Insect Damage Carbon disulphide or carbon te trachloride may be used effectively to kill inserts in stored grain this winter, savs C. II. Brannon. exicn- !.,....( sitiii... i o leire. lOtl CIlloinon'Kisi. ....... .. A barrel 'or other' container which 1 . : .-1 ;il 1.., yint :i- can; ue iii.i...' .ui v.... . . . l.vii .1,.. 1. ........ 1 no! 1 iri'iiui. iKiui Hie. I' III me i..i... ....... n--.. ... . in half a cup-ful of the chemical, then fasten two thicknesses m "'., wrapping paper on the narit'i .top. 1 the seed is heavily inlested, a iuii up of the or telnr:icnio, me inav me no used. ... .... 1 1,1 lavs, examine 1 it. 1 iiyv i.... .. .. 1 if .,.11. insi.i-ts arc sun tne -seen, n ..j --- - ,.iiv... vciient the process. 1 he seeif iH.ul.l be kept in air tigllt comaineis until readv to. plant, or instil reinfest it. When ready to ' plant spread out. on the floor ami me K-i .. ;n nt,. i a short time. ' . r- ' "... '". - ,, ..... 1 :.. .,...r, ,ni!in us 11. tin- ST TK OF NORTH CAROj-INA, 1 OCNTY OF HAYWOOD. By virtue of the power vested the undersigned trustee by Deed . .,1 l,v SALL1E iivitt ,.,,,1 PAUL HYATT, dated .1. .V..1. ,1.... ,.f June. 1929 to secure . .Jmiou thiinnn nUMltlOIl- .,,1 ..1 Ml? S. .1. M. EVANS, and do f.,n Vinvinir buen made m the pas- .1. :...i..ia.,.lii.iii tlu.rein SC metu 01 uie n-"" - ' , cured, and having been requested ly 0 . i tin KH 1(1 iinnvin'"'" . ..1 11... 1 1 11 1. . 1 11 ir ri it 11 in" 1 Will, on me iv'.i ". ' ,, .l- ...... , , .. .1 '..I..,. 1 111 I I 1 11:1 V . Ill .. I'.I, 14, at iweive v vi... , . .r .1.., ',i.. li.nisi. in tlie 1 ront iioo 01 i'I' "" - , ...... t Wnvnesvil e Haywood 11 to the 1 in nv.v, ui""1 ii... . . , . . , . 1: 1 i.. f.,i. ...isli. ii salisty tiignest; iiKii"-' 'v , 1 1,1., 1 ;,.i.iii.t mill ols, tne si.M 1 1 1 (lei'l anu 1.". "; -... .......1 1, to-wit ' Ollowing ii"l" "." " ,1 . 1 .1 ,1.. ( I'm. s or na i i ol 1 1.1. I nose iii' ., ' 1 ,f i....l Iviiur and being in Haywood .,' ' ...' 11: , 'i',ii..iisliin. and mori i ouni.v 1 ' K' ' HLAl'K WALNUT niACKI .: A money-maker fur all walnut growers and dealers, machine cracked kernels always demand the highest market prices be cause the trade insist on getting the kernels in large pieces anu clean of shells. Order a machine or two and buy up your neis- I. borhood walnuts ana mane real business for yourself at home, this machine win e.i...c a boy or girl to recover about five times as many kernels in a .riven time, foods are very nign in cities so you can be sure ot a good price for all kernels you can market. Write today for full description of machine. H. M. DANIEL, 217 Hurritt, Ave. Stratford, Conn. ' ' ' "' ' .1 CLOTHING For Men and Boys C. E. Ray's'Sons A COMI'I.K'IK (i.OTHINC SKltVK'H mnmmm . . ihmii M-oi agc inii.s 111...1 j. (j liins ' : ' ' '' ll, : '111 Well Well. Well What about the ,. ..... ;.. tUn .rlisnotrisnun 01 dumrepce .., . the f o ks we meet jom ,i, . 1--,, of time maybe. For instance. wnen wuz a-workm' on .wane o. - week one man wuz nor as u . Kunsiderate to me as I thawt he wood be, seein' that I am affl ickted with ten. Diseezos an '"" curtesy to him. . . t c, ,;tv. So I turnd down imn i ''- -;. a down East look until I .met Mr, " ... i.'....ain mivpi. or sum- Halltnger. a T:, t,,kin' nun hoom 1 spose to "''..., the Deer ole Mountngeer.. Jest been thinkin' about it" so, he, an Ira duin glad o kum along The nur " A conmiittee jilails for -1 he i n i riival. Mis. Roger Mi'dl'ord was placed on the hospitality -committee to nil tnt- ,. ',;,..;., t.wl he the election of Mrs C' K. Boston as president. ir.,ii,,,i.;i,.r luisiness session a brief ...r nii' iKAn furn- u.., iiirn 1 un i!r . 111 ii- "' l... 1 n (i-iret V Alan. g-ratie, ruciw.u "'-...,. -. '. and Miss lla Ureene renueieu i"""-' selections. The adult attendance was thirty eight, and the first grade, represented , i..... ,..n tVic half ho 1- Oy eleven pei si....-, - : . , ...I.. :..u ;.. .rii,,, month v to tne nay wriioi 1 nvn ............. grade, having the most parents and othOt i rKjnu.s pi wm. - at- .v ChV of Publicity. If Your Shoes Need Repairing Take Them To THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP NEXT TO WESTERN UNION Several Positions Onen Under uvil ' A Service Supervision fnited States Civil Service Commission has announced open com "notit'ivf BVuminations as follows: ... - .. i i....i V...L. ovamihpr. l.siane lauu uoim and as;sociattion examiner i year, Farm Credit Admin stnff'ifiod ; exnenence as . . .... ..11,1, .r. ur in other hh-rrak' accounting work, re The S2 9(10. $2,600 a istration. public uired 1934 ssociate (beef grade grader) marketing .specialist ,m,i x.i0(i: and tant marketing spcviiilist ; ( meat . tl .... ,.f 1 rr. z 01 11 1 a vear uuicou v. - : ..1. 1 i-,,o,,mifs fertain . sne- ricuiuuidi i.v". . - - , ; .rifted', experience , required. .., Lldising . . .. x-.,..,.,v,.. 1 1 i:ti uate . u v em ui: i T)..;v,,i.,i ifinicu. Kn.fiOO :. senior . ....... . I iSftfl- cttorni'V. : $?. 800 t oltoi lie , .wj, -j. -r -1 . 'I associate attorney. $!,200; assistant attorney, a-ivv;- anu Jul"ut "rr-". 1 52,000 "a year, federal Communica-I Admis-sion to the LUJllS, lWi..." . . if 11 iLn. uminr bar .-required ior mi tiu'in, .i .. -'i,.;.ir, . datf .-. -O.-tober- 30. ru'ie. iwj... ... 1 She (as they motored to : the big nit.- nhiiT-l-'h-l -.A.e-Il L , LIli-SC i...""" moloHionslv beautiful!. . Such harmo- . r. r . 1 tu,, tVirill me. nV : iSO l'"Mi'p. i.'sj ....... uv. ...11 U.. n' cnpQlr louder. ; tlC. l'JUH 1I1AIC ii'. - . 1 Tv,t.a nr.nfounded bells are . making AGENT FOR THE CHAMPION BAWh & - ; PAN Y HAS FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 HE ruijiAn iiivj. Bank Building Furniture and Fixtures and Personal Property Modern Hank building built in of brick ructure located un corner of Main and Academy Street, .n Canton s buMne.s, district. Lot front GO feet, on Main Street, abutting . stance of 7.", feet on Academy Street. The building is lighted. Rubber tiled floor. Good basement and steam heating plant. The counters and base, and railing, are of finest type of marble, .ith brass grill work. Uuilt-in modern Moduli. - h .me dock, containing 3 clusters of Safety Deport boxes, ith - boxes m each cluster. Large vault used for ;to. age purpo. Furniture consists ,f very fine leather chairs and tables of walnut and oak finish. Steel and card index files an, man other valuable pieces of furniture and fixtures. All salts ob ject to the approval of the Court. LNQUIRIES MA. BE, MADE AT UQYMSG OFFICE OF THE HANK C ANTON, N. C, Oil ADDRESS BOX 7i, C AMO. t. J. W. WHEELER, ASS T LIQUIDATING AGENT 1934' GEO H WARD . Trustee. No. 2-9 Oct 4-11-1-2" ..uch a t-.uket I rn t hear a wrd vojI f

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