1 j mji.-Jm- r 1 it? i '1' Ail P.-',. P THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18. 19.11 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 Mr. S. E. Varner. of Brevard, spent Saturday in town on business. Mr. J. B- Jamw, of Crabtree, made a business trip to town on Saturday. -! Mr. L. H. Bramknt spent Friday m Asheville attending the cattle sale m Miss Alice Quinlan spent Saturday in Ashevilk, the guest of friends, Mr. John R. Hipps was :.n Ashe vilk visitor during the week V Mr. Ben Wright, of White Oak, was 31 Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr. motored to Ashe ville Tuesday with a p.'.rty i i.ien.l.. Mr. W. E. Wilson, of Candler spent "Saturday in town on business. Mrs. Walter Ketner. of.' IVlhvuod. spent Friday in town shipping. Mr. H. C James, of Fines Creek, spent Saturday in town on business. Mr. Nathan Walker, of Clydu, was a Waym;vi!le vi-itor on Friday. Mrs F. R. Mayes. ,,f CiaMree .jipent Satu'day in J..vn .-'.lapping. Mr. Tom Rogei . Wayne.-v'.IL- vi-dt.i. Mr. l l; Mct'iackon ripenl Tii.'mIuj in l-.wn Mr. !'. K those u in K'al-igh la Mrs. K-nnetir Huben l.im'r ii Uuijng the we.'!; ' riT ' Ibo in Uiiutrni guuuimj j Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johrwm of Cleveland, Ohio were tile week-en,! uest of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Nohcck. Mr. I. B. Leatherwea.i, of .Kna- A.i than's Creek va a YV ..ynesvhde vis-' m. FIRST l'UKSBYTFRIAX SAINT L- a !':4." : c:a The at:, scii'. o! begins proivip. Fepa!'. ments of ail ages. .... t'.'o :,o-h men an.l wo:n- .v..:- wi'.l nrea.li t Ulucosf Morning Ma JOHN'S CATHIU.IC llU'IU 11 Rev. Howard V, Fane, l'asti wcntv-scceiiil Mmaav alter o c . e r s - pi c la. .!-., "bongs music. 1 lu the Chn tor on Saturday Mr. Carter 0.4..m,e. of Clyde, I beavVr- have a menraership .have j Sacrament ado a busme-s trip to t,va o Twenty-trve we e prese lu- bu n- M .; . ihui : cll- .t 11 A. M. Night." Senium. "A Coo.l Citizen," by the an F.n- n-istov Benediction of the Blessed immediately alter tne m Saturday cangeu .in.l he!;) these young peo-1 Satui day afternoon at av. 1 Come on Mr. Bob Boyd of Jonathan:". Creek ' V'f was among those in town on business Saturday. Mr.- Bonner Rav has moved to her ic-idci'ice on North M.iin street 1 ol" . -tj RAC E CHURCH IN THE MOU.N liu-t ruction hour tor the children Cm i- ho"y wilt son t-ke your pi ace u'a.ler.- ;n the church. The an EnueaV.U' i: loo! t.o sel'Vl re. R. P. WAFKF.I! tlu'ir train- Fastor. : ne w i liter. ' - , . '"' o Mr. Fred MarUy. wh, has a qH- i lion at Cld Fort, spent tile week-eild t il M rs. Mar!e . ! Mr. Wa'.t. . Fergu.-or. was am n.g those, fiosn thi eetn wh.i attended' the cattle sale in Ashei!ii on Friday. Mi-s Elizabeth King wa- l!;e guest uuilng tiu p..st week of hot aunt., M's. tieniv Wi.iirlram m A-lnv;l!e. , Mi. Clenn Boyd wa- ,aiin TAINS" F.pfscopal. Rev. All ert New. M. A Rector Dur .-ervices n Sunday, O.to'io r 21. wi'.l be: " 10 A. M, "Church School m the 1 ar-i-h House. 11 A. M. Morning prayer and ad- ,i ,v hr M S. liioun M. i , . v , oil, no Morninc Mass . t Franklin at S A!l are welcome to attend an; :e-e .-ei vices. WAVNESX 11.1.11 M F.THOF1ST V. stor. of eh sorvici one of this eonference year. cave- Moiv.lav moininv in Xi' n fr-::r .lon..t:i.aii if Civile wa- a bat'Oioay. oi Tu,-.!av. Mr. S .m U .' -oi. , of t raio i i o, ,U i;; -, . . a. oay- : n ,ha- ill--. ; ,e ,ia-t i - k. N.-!iill.i via. a.m.. I g i;iliu,. Siie: In, -.Komied the Sta'e hur ,, ,. .. , . . ''' aroav. Fore ,i-"i a'"! Mr-i. x -bm Howell .-; ,1(0 ed to Ah.'Viile A,K.vl!!l. wf,.-,.t u. I he cattle -do. Mi- Ji.ser.hir:: ' o a"i'id 'fi m(. .m,;. b r;-, : - . Susdi- Fisino' w.li ea. .'t ct I mends ., ;,.,,,.; ::;., n KroAiiril ; o Sunday. ,.,fihe , ; uf t. v i. ..! : "l call thsf H .5 I ., ! mm mieetFn j-?w ,o,i v i. Ms rv'-sa 'i is Fan! Hardin. Ji The Suiuia uiorn.i'a i- tile 1 rt , ii for otu- annua! conC reiicc uh:ch con veil.'- in tJ'eenshoto. '1 here will he no evening church s"iic.e in ou. chiii . F. Sandtiy. AVV' will -unite with our Baptist frieiuU In the nw iv .1. sci - ici -s now comic on in the Baiitist ,.1-m eh 1 -t :i- all tie ,vn hand at our an.l throat specialist in I ,,wn church at 11 a. in an.l let us at 1 tend the .Baptist church in great numbers P. m. TT,.'. church -chool asi mbles it :t". a. )'.. and tile oung people meet at d: l." in the eniug. W'e wb-onio v.. a In ill! serv ces at the Methodist church m St :! 1 M. Kvenine servi M ry's Micadale Allen'- Creek F:ca.-hcr: Rev. John U.Cr'tvith form t ; iy Ai cildeacon of 1 !u- I'm; ese- iivci' oi i- mo--: cor.iia!!y inite. ' ail 1-se: icv-. Cantol; w i, ou rins; . danio. . Rood h , X'ork C t w: 1- 1 1 u . i et urned e he ha el". . . f 1 1 oil-, Ann I'utuii.-i -pent the wee a Civcn-boro u- tin guo-l o. n ii-iiis' Mr and .VI i-. Carey 1'ago. e Inland 'l'ue-da Mr. W. J. MeCrary, .f Crahtrcio was among those in town on Friday, from section o! tlie counvy. ;.: ,(. Mr. and Mrs. W T lla'.b bf Canton, M M a . c i: S 1 : : el: 1 ii'l-lis i'1'..iitV. Me,,!.- Ibllv the a'l.i M A-hi'M!! Mr, and .Mr-, .lame- R. Boyd - t heir L-i'ie-ts on Sun lay M r, ,.- . , ,:e ' Stoh. Iv if New Ten: Mi ai d 1 : - II. C. Clay a1' . , of d.ilo Ml- .1 U 1 a: ham . I'l ll ( a' ..:;,. Mr. ' .at'han aa .flo I t'l. If 'lo Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Frieke announce the birth of a son John j Fianklin. Jr. on Satur.la. dctoiie . the hth. Svlva. Mrs. Frnkc i the former Miss Elizabeth Martin t Wavne-viile Mrs. Macindy McMahan who has been spending sometime with hor t,l,... Mi-- Bill Anders, returned to her home in Newport. Tenn. Friday. She was accompanied by Mr. ami Mrs. J. T. Bridges, Mrs J. A. Smith, and Mrs. Bill Anders, who returned to Wavne.ville the same day. s MISS M ARC ARE T HYATT COES TO NEW YORK Miss M.ngaret H.,att left on Fl'i: dav for New York City where she will spend the winter. En route Mi.-s HyiC-t spent the week-lend as the giie.-l of friends in Washington. Ou Monday she entered the Packard School' of Business where she will be a studtnt for the coming year. She will re-ide at 1 lie Morning Side Res ol,.,,.... chili. Mhs- lhatt is a grad ate of I 'tike F ni crsity and for the pa-t few in, null has held a . posit. ion with Hyatt A.- Company. TTFI' M E FIT N ( I IN MORCAN TON Mr. a n, i Mr-. W Ih Smith. Miss Flori uce O-iMu ne and M r. Arthur il..,,i.., ('noon, alel Ml Earl Fenru-oii attended the I'oirl-.e County Cu:'i'ii-e 1'.: ee.ler-' ,V--oeiatlon in Mo.i ganton on I'lie.-d , Miss O--borno. Mr O-'ooriie and Mr.. l:'ergu ,.oi; niotor'ed to C i eon-hor,, I'luia-dav w.he e they attended ih. State B.iee.l ( l'-.' A,--ocia: ion. M US Ci; 1Y BOYl i LOSES nor ii, w esyi i i' Al'tei a -u,',v 'id '-ea-, i. Mr-. Clildv lioo ha- (.lo-ed the Hole, Wavn, ,-ville and has e.-i.e lo her re. i,i,.,', cc on I ,!, I ai',' ior ' he w i";e iiionlh, GRIFFON CLOTHES I to ...j. of Ira:, lmiV lap: 1 , town on ", f :r . k. t g a -im w Tii,-,.::o iinong- : ,ns t o on l' lnc.- CeOci I, i, gain,. Sal n i day . M'i I' N Bar .i. Ji u , k end Hi ( i I Ibii. ::,. l-'.ai h a' ...o.. I s,, in line, -evil - t lie i: li- t ' 1 b, : p.". 1 e-nl-Mi.- W . oi inaii. o 1'ul. I Oi. ha 0 I T! jaao . ,la w it h M i -. w a! uo'k- i:. ami S TO 11 I- Ml 'E '.TINC -ON nil i;sm n e i:im; Wa.yi.o-MM, ( ha,, lor No. r- , i , ( :. S. w i.l '. meit 1 oinr.'hl at .1 lie Ma on I'emplo i '." ;". d in,, "lb, ! an- ureod to attend the meeting a .',. ,-ial ' hii - iiio-.- w dl he lo oin'hl op , 01 lilel at ion. ; Wti.M Wb ci.LB WIFE IH'LI' MFEITNC d'he I'l'ciiiar moil! lib mee: ii.c ,,f the I Woman's 1 lilb will lie held llu- a(- lei noon Willi M, -es lies-ie an.l l.'a'-. I'.ovil be ho ,!, a'- Mi Mary A-h U.Olll Ihi! '. 1' W 111 have ohoige.of t'lo program. : i j lwi 1 1 V' Mi, aiii Mrs. Hallo Hawk ot Taylor- ;ll. , who forma r'y lived in Wayile-ville, spent -i mm d days in town during the week. Mr. Eme-t lirin id' Slu O. E-dwa d-. 'of. 'tlie Cairo! and Company mi ami .ins. o i u.,11- ... ... , . . . . were 'WavnesviUe visitors on Satur- spent the past wok end in Ander-oi. S C a- the guest OI his limther ALL the things I wanted in ONE refrigerator She didn't have to "skimp" on shelfroom to get a beautiful cabi net. Or sacrifice style for conven ience. Or accept less than the best, to meet a price. Leonard, the com plete refrigerator, is designed to save steps, time, work, spoilage and waste. Beautiful to look at with planned interior, and a are of great convenience fear Hires. Eleven beautiful models (y all-porcelain). 'C.M. ALLEN :& GO. firnpf Hps Meat's Dry Goods ' Phone IS Haelwood, N. HE COMPLETE REFRIGERATOR Miss Lois Harrol.l spent the week end i Asheville :-s the truest of rel atives. Mr. John Host, of Crahtree, wa.s anions those in town ilurinu' I lie week from his section of the county. Mr M Y. r.ramlett, of Canton .made;' a laislnes- nit' , own on Frida -. . 7. Mr. J. I.. -Walker, was anionn those in town l'roin Cralitree ilurin the Mr-, ii. R; CainpheM and Mrs. .Inhn F " I-l-i lire's 'were' amnnu' those . shop ping, in Asheville the lirst of the week. Mr. .lohn F. Hoderes. oi Kiioxville, -pent the week-eml with .Mrs. Hodges and their children. '.,'' Mr C. M. T'leiis and Miss Fayo Cihhs ' w;ero A-hevil!e visitors , on S-i ' ! r - h-i e '"."'' "'''.'' Mrs. .lack Me-ser motrn-eil to Ashc ville with a party id' friends duru.tr the Week. Mr. R. N l-iartii-r l(;ft on Sunday j'.ir a' liioiith's triji t!ii'i:itrh. the South , Cu.-.ne--. m . Mr. AV. T. F. 'L'ii-.'., "f i;iver-:.ie, was amont: those in town (luring' the Wi'ok fronr his section of t he' count y. Mr. II .WinfnMli (,f Canton, made ; "hu-iness trip to Waynesville s ou FlWlav.a' Mr. .Ichii Rogers wa amontr t'hoso ;i,,V-,iwi: durintr the week from f rah- G0 Iji WOOD PhoneFOUR Le8 Goal Co. AT THE DEPOT S. C as 1 he guest ol h Mr. and Mr-. Frank Moody, o! FrankUn, were the guests (luring the week Of their daughter, Mr.-. Nolde (iarrett. .. lr. and Me-. ( . N. Sl.-k motored to Athens, Vni: where they attended the guille hetweon Carolina and (ieorgi un Saturday, - Mrs. June KSncaid Miss Hilda AToii.lv. ami M -. Johnnie l'.a ell wi I e among tho-o shopping in A-hevilh; on Sat unlay. - - ' . Mr- R. V.. A. Camphell has as her gue-ts at hoc home at Maggie, over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. .lohn 1 1 win ,,f A-heville. '..'. Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. Kuss hae a thi ir guests Mr. and M.S. Hoy Til-lit.-on andr young ilaughter, of Hem iters,, nville. .Ur-. Itllil-on is l ne -js-tei.; (,f M' - R ;-s. .Mr.s. Alton ICirkpaC iek who is the guest of of her mother. Mrs. James M. Mock, motored to Asheville with a paity of friends on Fruity, Mr, and .Mis. Dewey Stovall. have as theii 'gu('-.t this we, k. I ho lailer'-sister.Mi.-s Anne Stovali. oi' Cleve land, (la, Mr. anchMi's Vi II. livers anil Mr. and M U., li. Overton m dorod: to Hurlrani "to attend the g lire on: Sat ui ihiy'.' ', ' . . Mr. and. M rs. .1. If Stovali ami son. I'arrell. of ( levidaud, (la, and Mr. I'hil Stov: I5; of Syiva wen tl- gm -s over SundaV of Sir. and M s. I'ewa.y Stovali. r ; ' Mis. Cnther;ne. iiuckley and son, Mr. ,1'dih Ron kiey. wdio ihave the I'r' -cilia Shop-in -'tl'ie Worn en's Fxi hango leturned Tuo-dav from a trip to New York f'itv. ' : Mi-. Maigueiite- Ma's-ie; aid Mi. I.eio Ma- :, returrK'.d the (ir-t-of the wi-ek frum .Chiciigo w:hei e 't hey have '(en atteiidinK tho World's Fair. : M i .,in' Keener and her lamii w hi. have he. li o, : iip nil' l ie' hollse i ppi.-lte i lie aynesvi lie hi I e 111(111, 'iry -chi IllC e liloVed to till! hinl -e in Grim! ail I 'ark f.nmeily occupied hv Mr. and Mr-. C. V White. Mr-. .Ies-:'e AlcCfarken Mis.. W'iluia MeC.aeken inid Mr,. I'aul MeCiai Len, ol' Rock 1 1 ill. wore the guests over the weekend of the former's,- parents, Mr 11 I Mrs. T. N. Mas-ie. . . ' ' t. 4. Miss Minnie Hurgin and Misx Mary llonhs, wllo teach ill the Canton -chcols, wcii' the gnot- "f reliitives in town on Monday. . Mr. Humes llarte .of the French departrnent of the AVe-lern ('.irolina Teacher.. 'I'riiiniiuv Culloge. spent the week-end with hi.- familv ai the home ol' Mr. and Mrs V C Allen ;.'.'' '' " Mr, and Mr-. W. M. P.ni netl. a of Clvih-, Wel-e the glle 1 oVer the we'ok - i nil of their (laiighler. Mr- M A. i'oieal at her home on t he Fai i V :ew Road, 1 e M i II, : v Caddy,: w in, . uf feaed a -! roke senile week -ago and -.who In, h en- (piite. ill i - niueh improved. - , Mi. and Mi W, II. F. Lancaster, ii'f Ilender. onville, a re t he 'guests Ihi--ce(d of their .-on and daughter, I'.', and Air--. . F. I.:ei a r . Mr. and. A!l: . r'ivi l llnul well left tel., i - we'-k : (: a 1 rip' to i"int,--- in Florida and ,M i - ..-.is - i )iii .where ihoy will ' 'i-it n-lat Ac.-.. . M r . C I.. I'livon who 'lni'-.: I, eon '- iiending '.ever..l (lay- in toW n as tli-e gue-t. ot he-l 111"! hi T. -M I'-. I.' K. Roolie. and hei-'.-i-ti r.-' Mrs. l'.u'fu- Sih't', and Mrsh llugh Ma -iia left on Tuesday for her home in liurhaiii. M l I -. V.' I I l e key. of Sweetwater, Teliii;, ai i'ierj (luring .The week to - pe'tel- .-eve! a I '! .'yr' :C. the' guest .'of her parent s.: Mr aiid Mrs. U . T !.', Mrs. I'irkey i ',' .the fo.iiiei'. .Mis, I lar'rii-- I .eo. . ,' Aliss ''ol'tcKa: I'. l 'ohh .f RaleiKh, -pi'nt Tuesday in. town i'n ou.incss. '(,'.,!.. ';.- the 'IV' hi I'epn .-('.n.t;- (,o llu., Si M'i- ine wen K.n.wn ina niaL'-azin',- ' lit c I l-.y p ift ny it' ajKmj-VW I" CLOTHING For Men and Koys .:'-''Mt.rifi(r.'t'ri I'urhahi to attend the game were "-David Hyatt. UoiC AJlev. Skin-cv S'a'.i. Xe i M-df'-rd. an I Jute Nolarid. dir.. R'-oc! II. Stretcher at tendeil the clini,' held at the Duke University H'vth'a! on Sat, ir. lay a'j i !-- took in. the-'foothal! gariier ' Xorth ( far! fd; Mr-.' Honihr I'd'St and Mi d. ' -l!i,s niiitored "to" ll ( . !,(i'--in'.-S'jiiil.:'iy. 10 vidt' their (iatightors,. Mi-- ' a: a . I'io" and Mi-- FraO:':. -' Rose.' Woo are . student -at the ,Iirevar, I'olloge this :year. '.'.' ;'.. : . ..- ? .;-'-. "; .'"; ' Amnnir- tho c-a.at'ndiiig- the h rn t :. t -ir-L'-.'t he. Twen! ito h JUilddal district ';f ihe-'Rar As-o. iation held at 'tire omh house Tiore .(.ji I-Tida'y; afternoon we); (i',)nir .'av. -.' from Canton' Mr-. Ii- - I.e.- I'age who 'holds a position wi:i. t'-e R.v.rue I'epan- -.(, A , s.,,t) '.;. in,!, i.-,n men", in, wrtensuoi soeni: ,m.-viu d'avs-' this',w:eek .'::- the trtie-t of her iia.eiits, .. r ana -rrs. v . j , i,ee. - - ,, . , , n ', 1 . '-. ; ' Mr,. f.-airt-' I'l-lioriio will m.-iv to. 1 Czdliin, and' K. Ii. Overton, ;KU KX.Vl lSM ( 1 1 1'. nKC.VXiy.KI' Th, .lolll uali in C I u 1 , llll'lei whose allspna - Ill,' "111 l.'.fe" i- edlleil Was oigaiu.eii nil Monday ai the high schi ol. . The. following were eleclod as ollieois for the coining year: F.ditol'.-iii-idiicl' Ma. f ha Way, assistant editor, ltillv Rntha. luisiness manager, )'. vilest i U'i'i,,.c- .1 1 aiKcrl isitui' manager .:a i i n id ' -o o i - ,-ditor. ' Fail I Sctug'g- , evehattue manager, Anne I'l-ck, ami society editor, .lane White, fioiilty hdvisors, Mi-- Kvel.Vn Cnder ,(,,, I '.mil Mi.s Martha Mock. Memheishjp heretofoie in the Journalism Cluh has hern opcn to any one hut this year certain re-trii'lioiH are' being observe.!'. -Members W'11 have to he voted 'upon . by the C c nits- and student Council. .. -,.-' t t . ' .1 1'X'Al.l'SKA J'AR F X T 1' F, AC I 111 R AS SO( I.V'I TtlX M l-. T 1 he Jiinaiuska lareiil I'each'er A.--- sufiai ion liiel in regular se.-sion nisi Thuisd.y ( Veiling at the school house, wit h it a ociMd-l,' caking- attendance of liieinl and pint ions. A. fi ieii.H'y i I -1 I'm-new nienitiers, led by Mrs. litieen and Mr. liurress as captains, w it'h a promise of a treat .-upper to the winners by th."- losers at the end of the school term, ic-ulted ill a con--iilei.ahlv ine rea set 1 enrollment, and an iiidnatHMi of Indghtened interest in tlie work and pu rpo.-es of the 1. 1. I'reeedilig tlie olieuilig, tile audi cneo w'a- delightfully entertained by Mi.-. S.a n'l's, (if I'linton, 'I'eiin.. jvbo i'i''iiili'i'i'(h li i'-d i 1 1- program of three -electiijiis Se .tette liom l.ucia. Tl all jnere', and I'olish; M-a.u-rkji. " I-'olhiwing prayer by M i l.iner, the niiliutes wore read by the -('.rotary: Ml-; Moody. 'The .ii'0;idenl. Mis. Toy- .'itinouiiood tin appointment of i-oona- l epi-eseiil at i ve-- 1 oj' the- school as folliiWr : '" (i)ade six and -even Si r-.' -I 'nil. 1 a ;il iici'wood.- : 'It utile'' live Mr -. .Sam 'Melvlroyl . (id aile foir M i -. H;lit:; liui gin, tliade obo -Mis. Walter Sla-sey-The picsiden: .'.'poi t cd an :.t t.li'U liliiiic of s eve i-i at t he.' ( andlor (list rii.-t nif-tting, r nd-anu'ijui-iced 1 11'.- wm'tnng of the cup by the county a- a reward for iiii'r''as.ei ;il t endan e. A .,.lia( Us: bin' 'of . w-i.y- and moan ,.f raising liiorednolify to n-ieet n im incdia'e paymefi'- i,n a now-'pui'cha.-.e (,f. l'.'ii''-cope(iia-. for tlie sehoiid, ie--ul' ed. in ii "iias,;-t he-hat" eolloetion, which piodu ed the necessary- funds. I'i.-so-' f's :i bis supper or the prCsen t. tii'in ol. a play at a later .fate were i Irs (-'.u ---( . 1 a! -o. ..-.. '.. . A plea wa- niade by tlie president f(,.- . (ie!'m:t.-e innirovi -nn nt - of - -the -(d,ooi ;gioui,ds iluring . tlie . current year, and .Mr. Rayni"t.d Swayiigim w as. aiipamleit to. :.-" iinate. t he in'otia b!o i-n-t of ' seed ' rind fertilizer f-o: gras- -. by . next " spring. . - grading .the grounds and plant dig shade. -tree's were also, to be i ncluded . in 1 he. yea r s l.ieau tilication jnograin, a - .M:-- !,!:e Hulhick, kindi-rgar-en . tieiehcr ofi - Asheville.' was '--the. feature, speake:- of "th( evening', u -ing as dier -ubj et. ' Home Start . in ( halacter Iiu.ilding." - Miss litillock distributed ' b-atlet- outl'idng ' and TROUSERS OiHi' vou've sei ii tin- im pr.isitl tippetir.UH'c inailo pnssil.K- hv TAION TAILOR KD TROU S 1. RS, y.ui will ncvi f Ri hack to olil-t'aslii.rncil luittotHil trousers witli tin ii ugjv Inilkiness. In stia.l of that ohl-typt" elosiivj;. you ran. now Ivavi' this t tiloii fastener inaile sii'cially for trousers . , . small . . . ileihle . . ah soluiely inA isihle when i'lost il. Sii inr; is Inliev inn, so wi' sujiigt'st that you try on a pair of TALON TAILORED TROUSERS now. GRIFFON CLOTHES .tola, A n soondirg . ...he-"g-i('-;-' o we -'., wd" h-' Sinitii. of f'ru-a.' has ' : :vf's;1 v.'oel---- in town : r frier'i s- T'd - w-( ': -:' Mr. a: .'' M-. DCarr r.-.,l !.-- U - Ai .ii . I am pa . r ta - in :i'et-,.i'-.:Y' ' h';m "i:d;;.;:rry' Ai.e irsio v.'dh D Oh , F. bihyi ebiboiating' -hoi- ,fc,r P'diiis -on. eli;ir: o acronioa- i"a' ' r r-. . i.k vo'op.iient : oC krn,b:"g' a ten- '- ;A'C ,fc:t: - 3 -C :.i the d-'dllii, so.j-, -.1 -nian- Friday And Saturday Showing Of "Made To Measure" ClothingBy Storrs Schaefer li:t r s i' i r v ii u :G.;:E.:f:ll: .- ' '--' i- -. !-' ' - -1 .5