THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 19.51 Hs&erwood News JV..11 1'jLU.lK'j t; inn A thin La i .(.; i' Kan-. ( 'lari-tK-t. n, Kahart Mr. a-: :.i . ,:n home I,.-; Yha. silav after !!;:, - I,., s , Boi iii; , ;s. v 'J:. a Paul. -Mr. alio .-.! -. .V. T. HI c- . aittj .Mi-.. Virxmia iotenc Cladv.- Stump, and YVilma HovaV a; ; !ved thi- week after spending a wi-ck in Ciii.-o attending the World's Fair. .Mr. ami Mi.-. ri Swarm, of Ashe ville, spent l;il we-k-end with the latter' iu: i-nt.s Mr. and Mrs ',. (' Wall.-. Mr. and .Mis. Carl M.-ithUon. of Kind's Mt. snout the week-em! with Mr. Curly Whitley. They were guests at tile num.- ol Mt: and Mrs. W. A Whiteiier. Mr.-;. W'u idrow ('ainniiell returned .Sunday frun Newport News, Va. Mr.-, (has. Saunders and Mi James Jones, of Knka, visited Mr. and -Mrs. l'. l.. Saunders Misses Kdna Mae Kuykendall, Lois rlott and "Louise ' Uyrd .and ' Guinea" Tittle, were Asheviile visitors Sun day. J hey attended the Rodeo Mr. and Mrs. Homer Messer. of Lenoir, visited friends and relatives nere during the week-end. Mr- and .Mrs. Clyde Green, Miss Dorothy Deweese and Mr, Karl Hyrd motored through O'-hiers, Valley Sunday. Mrs. John Blaloek is on the sick list this week. M . Harry Whiscnhunt. of Hrevard College, spent the week-end with hid parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Whi.sen hunt. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Luther '(.J il liquid. Friday, October 12. a daughter, Vivan Li.reta. Mr. Will I'a-e is verv i at his home above Hazelwood. Master lanimett Kile - is inipioviiUT at the Haywood County Hospital af ter a serious illne.-s. BRIEF EWS ITEMS PARIS R.ynioiid Poin.-are, "Th i a a o! I.o!i an;e, Frame's war-time f Ji.e.-nlent, died Monday. He had! '-'. n in ill health since l'.r2'J. Waynesville Takes ! East Waynesville Game From Christ ! School Class Name School, By 19 to 6 Officers For Year WASHINGTON. Al Capoiie what is prohably his last pie, for klieity f,-om federal prison where he is serving a ten-year term for income lax evasion, when the supreme court ret used to teview his case Monday Ni;V YORK Needy residents of New oik city will receive $lK,8!il. oiMi ;,: relief funds during October. Inis is the highest for any month sin e the depression. ( II ARLOTTK. Sat II I'd;, v w;,s winning day for North Carolina grid .Vo',"S-v."ukL' ,ll'ft':'ted Ceorgia Tech. '-!. North Caroliio. ,l..f7..,t,.,i c. ..... gia, 14-0, while North Carolina State a- vi, tor over South Carolina. (Ml. KALKIGIL "Sonsh:.,.." r ,. garded as one of the most da:i-.:",,u, young negro criminals in Niith Cai--;lma. died in the state prison Mond-.v following an. attack of . in,;' gestion. He wa serving ., lie. s.. tence for killing a tilling stMti.m ope.ator. ;alkk;h.- .Mis. vi i.iY.,1 it u i ;,. !!'- attempted to take' her life hv shoot ing Hfl-.-i. lt . Sne hud soli',...,,. I ., .. ns breakdown and foiled to leav-Metre HAZIaLWOni) P. T. A, W ILL MKKT The P. T. A. of the II ;,. iw ) , school will hold it.s regular monthly meeting Thursday night. October IS, at 7::;il o'clock at the Hazelwood school. Rev. J, M Woodward, pastor of the 11a:'.. -iwoo -1 Cant i -t church, will conduct the devo' i-nial. Special musical number- will be "rendered. Mrs. F.v.l Vaughn and her small son, Kredcii I;. will render ; guitar num ber. A play. "Safety Street," will he given by the fifth grade ami pon sore.l by Miss Mary St rifljrfielil. ' A tropin- will h presented to the tr;'ade that has the latest number d' p-r-ents pre-ent. This trophy will' 'be presented ' y th- H; ;to!vO'd Honster flub. All people of the community .who are interested in the school are asked to lie present, RAl.KIGIL The teacher. r the -t te lace a reduction in salaries un less so, iv revenue is raised Some wlle.e to meet a deficit of $7(111.(100 in tlie school fund.-. Last vear SKJ.dOO 00(1 was ..pent for x-hoois. This year a is estimated that it will take Hi. '"Mll'll to operate the sv,tem. Las; year .SI .'!,0SO,0(in w s fH,m ,-,. iines. Ijiidjits And I'oltat Star For -Mountaineers in Hard l ouht "..Hie m uii in i.ani (Juarter With the brilliant work of "Yank' Ludfi-es. the Tee Han." again play niK the leading role, the Waynes ville Mountaineers defeated Christ School's Grcenies 19-0' on the local Held last rnday. It was sweet re venge for the Weatherby team far th 1 i defeat suffered last season. It was the only game lost by the great ) eleven. In the second quai'ter after an ex- cnange ol punt i ount and Summerow maoe a iirst down. lindges added seven yards and Summerow made jin other lirst down on Christ School's nine yard line. Bridges made three ami nceves gained tw0 yanks over center. H.idge.s on two more drives ear.ied the ball ov.-r for the first touchdown, Yount failed on his ;ir. tempt thiough the line for the ex i.;a point. The half ended with the -c;)i in favor of Waynesville. Kai'ly in the third riuurte,' Yount fumbled and Newman of Christ School ie tive re I on his twenty yard ime, A drive at the line failed and then Hart to.ssed a beautiful oyer Summeiow'-s head to Hurst. Kroni his yard stripe the Christ School player raced by Yount and to the goal sixty-five yards Hast. Led better's placement failed. ' Score U aynesvijlo li Christ School (i. Members of he th; Kasi '.V-.;.-':. . .. -ilie; i s ar.-.l named re coining year at vvnth -tr.-ie d -.iiool lecteri '.i; : :at i es for i ec: nr !1 -1' T i UK. Tile officer.- were: Tr..v Franklin. president; M:.i-y Calhoun, viee-nres- i.itnt; .secretary, Fannie Mae Gal loway, and Aiini. .Mae Le ipard, trea urer. The superlatives were as fallows Rest all round girl. Lolita Under wood, hov I iinii Ari-it rt,,n P-t student, gi.-l, Lolita l.'nderwood, bov i.ane .rrington. .Most popular girl, Norine Han.ock. boy. Ned Howell. Most attractive iriil. Fannie Mae Gal lowav, boy. Troy Franklin Prettiest L'ir. Norini. Hiinrn.-U- must handsome boy. James McClure. Best sport, gi.l, Lois Liner, hoy, Carl furrier. Best athlete, irirl Mattie Mae Messer. hov. J,hn Hill 'w-tti.t girl, Fannie Pear'e Gaddy, 'boy. Billy sawyer, i ass artist. .Maiv a houn. Teacher's wt, Lane Arrinirton. Mom enceited, gi.-l, Lois Liner. y. Hugh Ga !dy. Class sissy Eillie Sawyer. -i:,v' hat'.-r. Ks!-r MaV Gih- Carrie -Haney. Jam. s Fian.i.--. Civ babv. Ali.-.. Russeil. l.a.-:i. -r Woid'r.iw Allwon T., t 1.. ; . .. . .' i . . i.nue :v. .nary Lftitnerwuoi . Ili.S. LUiU-.NA i..i'LS HnihH.S i.--nt aiv. I.e.i Bilii thi lt..;i the !i. l'a.. leaccf Lilly li,1. ',.- :,T tldlOe wiin. the Redeemer. At a ripe old age .igr::!i ol vaitn w-jii.k iia; ; e s' Ve'n 7,'n'!.) t -oiril of .lr . age "l 'e. ut ol th: Horn to Mi and '-.Mr.-Jones, of Allen- rw O.-tober . 1 ". a son. Talmadge . Monday, ,N1,,U "1 K - I lu , t,u d I'addy Hrowning, who died last week was valued at $7 000,000. WKDf.ING BFLT.S Sniith-Wy:itt Miss Leta Smith daughter of Mr. ami Mi.-. .Smith. .f liellwi.od, and Mr. Gordo,, Wyatt. ,-i.n of. Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Wyatt of Hazeiw.uod, were married Saturday, Octobe.- 1.1,: at Clayton. Ga. Mi- Wyatt is the daughter of .Mr.'atid M i s. Troy Smith ami w;is a member of -:lu. Wavno-i-ville High .School. ' ; Mr. Wyatt .received hi- educalioil in the Waynesville Township High School, finishing in the class lp:; i He is an enijiloVee of Ro vie-Pi Jkington Company. Riirch!ie!d-Morg. Mi..- Kdna Burchlield of iilw,.o,J. and M a. Austin. Morgan were quietly married. Saturdar, (), tober 13 a't Clayton, Ga. Mrs..- Morgan is the daughter of Mrs. Ollie Hurchlield of Dellwood. Mi-. .Morgan is the p,,ti'ng es. -on of Mr. and Mr.-. Robt' Mor gan, of Hazelwood. .. (.'(li L;.MIJi;S. (i. Harry Pierpont, '- Hilling,.,, gangster, was electro cuted early Wednesday morning for the murder of an Ohio -hei itl' last Oc tober. N'laW YORK Supreme Court Jw tt.e Krne.-t L, Hamnier Tuesday de nied Lie application of 'Kruno. Haupt man lor a writ id' habeas corpus -ga (list his extradition to New Jersey to face a charge of mm-de -ioir il,',. baby sou of Col. and. Mrs. Charles A Lindbergh. K s m V in lur.nt .d W innie .Mae McCrea, 1 Si were ia :i funeral narloi- at londi.,,,- , i,.... t bought Was their daughter's funeral', tbey .eceived a nnssage that she Was alive m a di-'tant city. A telephone riuiversuiou with Iter parents proved that she was their, daughter. Officers "tie, try i.g to determine the name of the girl whom (,ev found -hot several ''ay- air. i no a highway. WASHINGTON lohn-oii will spend ing ' li North 'a ummons from Pie m.-ke his in;l .-.all, i. .expected from t lie pi the hear'future. Gen. Hugh S. In- .Vacation. ret olina, landing a idelit Roosevelt to rt on N IIA . The ident ill NKW .YORK. Three thousand or chids covered the coflin of Kdward We.-t-)ady" H.owning at the. -funeral .Monday. The orchids cost Ko.UUl) and were paid' for by employes of his lirm . Ar, wood-W;ills Miss Ifazel An wood and Mr; Geo Uafls, J,- niirried Saturday! October h, at Clayton, Ga. Mrs Walls is the youngest daughter of Mr ami Mrs Fred Arrwood, of Hazel- f Mr ,r.,l Mi (, , (f , zelwood. They were both members of thWaynesvine Township V High '':. Smith-Frazier .Miss Ruth Smith and Mr. Tom t lazier were married Satu 'day; )c t''i 1 it ri uton (, M,, i , , zier is the. only daughter of Mr. 'and Mi Rob mith ot Hiilwood She ii (,nu" ,"f , nm wlI 1"n hip t" h", M' ' ,71(' 1 th of M' .nd M, H.lliird 1 ,u , ,1 0 of Hazelwood flSS CRAWFORD .BRIDF OF JOHN HAROLD I oc Mi and M P f, Criwfoid wi h co c,nnoun;e the marriage of their daughter, Hilda Sue, to John Harold Long, on Saturday, -.September 2ft. in Danville. Va.. The marriage ..wa..sKoeninizj(l at the home of Rev A. 0. C.rter who officiated and wis witms td In Mi s Alma Shum iker aid Pobir' sulct 0f iflfih PolIlt i LO, Hungary. A,, agreement wa.s l cached Monday between coal mine owners and the 1H00 miners who were down in the mine saying they would stay there without food and writei until thei.- wages were raised a week. The government stepped in and completed the agreement with the owners. The miners will get a d bonus to help them fide over the u inter., , , Kimgcs ..returned to the game and gave the boys another touchdown a lew seconds after the third iuirter stated. Line playes by. the entire backheld carried the ball to the op ponent's ten where Bridges made a beautiful run just outside right end and over the goal line standing up lount I idled over center Score Way ncsville 2, Christ School six in a wild attempt to sco.'e from their own twenty yard line Christ School threw ; a pass -towards Sum merow, and the Mountaineer's quar terback made a spectacular catch and faced to another six points Thisj 1 t une Poiei.t, star, of the Waynesville ! line, place-kicked the i in a lew seconds the game ended with Waynesville on the long end of a IK. 0 score. Halt and Hopkins were outstanding in Christ School's; backfield. while the work ot Bridges was the feature of i ayiiesvnie s victory, , Linenip and .summary i Waynesville Christ School ' Ledbetter - ' Hose .. G Hands .Swartout ' Poteat R. G. Ferguson ' Newman ,, ,V fatherwood Stradley r ,i ".'"'"HTow Ku-in ; l1'" Hart V ,' Vll,nl Hopkins '"J'', Justice ,, 'Su,'-i- 'Hctt, Sense. Ilridge.s. U For Christ School: Burress, .M. Fa.i en, (hir.-en. First Downs; Wavm.-vilie II hrist School, 1. , Penalties, Waynesvilie, 4."i yards lm-t S.-ho.d :, yards. ' I nipjre; Swai ringer. Referee: Herman. He-d Lineman: Alley. Deliwood P. T. A Committees Are Named At Meeting ( Coiit i ii.uted.) Mm If frf 1 Si W A SUP ( TON Oft il .t,eJ that : 4a (lOli - more people visited the Great Smoky Mountains , National lark this year than last, when the figures completed showed that 420, I00 persons visited the park in HKJ4 a.s compared with 'j7.", 000 last year. MT I PNO N i old laborer confessed .to police that he had placed the body of .Nancy Jean Costigan. a, year-old girl, in a furnace in an apartment house after the jjirl had fallen and hurt her head. . The man wai termed as beintr feeble minded. ' who accompanied the couple to Dan vi He. The bride is the voungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and re ceived her education in the city -schools of Waynesville and High Point, hav ing moved to High Point from that city six years ago. During her resi dence here -sh ! mlv cle of friends who will be intere.s'ted to icarn oi ner marriage. Mr. Lomr is .' tkn iron .,f AT.. ,i,l Mrs. J. H. Long, of North Main street and is a graduate Of the local schools. He is employed -with the Peggy Sandwich Shop on W renn street, this city. The COUllle Will mntn thror Iinmn temopa.-ily with the brides parents uei e. r loin a tiign I'oint i'aper. - . Long-Lndenvood Miss lilanClie Long and Mr. Jack Lnderwood were married Saturday. October M. at Clavton. Ga Mrs. Lnderwood is tne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Long, of Hazelwood. Mr. Lnderwood is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lnderwood. also of H.Telwonrl Tho cnnnln will livp Paper Praises The Work Done Bv W. T. Shelton In Co!o. The following article was taken ion, , lt. Durango Herald-DeiiKKrat, lolorado: - , . ' The Shiprock Indian fair, given by tin t. i.his t tin N n i u ovation in honor of W. T. i Shelton, ( Natani M'Z) the greatest Indian "agent the southwest has ever known, will come to a close tonight with the staking of a i ?c .,, Xav:lJ'o - cermonial .dance, which will start at D o'clock and last until the break of dawn Friday morn- ! ing. - t W. T. Shelton, iiv who-e honor the lair wa-s held, came from , his home in .North Carolina to attend. He e tablished the custom of holding a Navajo. Indian fair annually, soon after he became agent of the North, em Navajo Indian reservation. When he eft, about twenty years ago. the holding of the Navajo, fairs-was dis continued. This is the '-first fair held since he left, and the traders of the reserva tion plan to make it an annud event in the future A fine souvenir program book was published-. for the fair, with the fol lowing compliment to Mr. Shelton Dedicated to W. T. Shelton first superintendent of the Northern Nav ajo Indian reservation, and founder of the San Juan Navajo fair. It is conceded that Shelton did more than any other Navajo superintendent to develop tne -Navajo- Indians," Lady Says CARDUI Eased Pain In Side Cardul helped an Oklahoma lady, as describe! below, and many others have been benefited in a similar way. ... "I had a hurting in my side every few weeks,-' writes Mrs. Bill Stewart, of Dewar, Okla. ' I had heard of Cardul and started taking it. It stopped my hurting and built up my strength. I took 11 bottles and I sure felt better." Try Cardul for pains, crarr.ns. nervous- -tier due to a run-down condition. Tbou eands of women testily Cr.rdul benafltet thtm. If It doe cot benefit YOU, on a physician. IIh- I)ellwo, . 'J'. A. met at the school house Friday evening, Oct- 12 at . :::) o'clock. This was the second meeting for the ea.'. We were very iortuna e in haying -Mrs. Doyle Alley and Sunt. XL II IhiwIo., present. Mrs. Alley gave a very, interesting talk' on the org-an-ization of a 1'. T. A. and what a I'. I- A. means to a community Mr liowhas stated .-ome of the 'h'cnelits ot a I'- T. A. to the school. .Mis. V. !. Ketner pi-e ented .some vi-ry im l)oi tant data concerning the effect oi malnutrition on the child physically o;, , iin.l Iilcr.,lly. Anotner feature ,f th.. r,.,,m , joyed hy all was the niu.- ical nunilie s g ven by Hilly. Alva Joe. und W.,!., Moody ..nd ihe Shelton Brothers. After the progiani, the )uestkn oi a school cafeteria was discus.sed -Many seemed enthusiaiMic ovt- the matter and .further plans are ht-iiig m ,i;e .by. the caf'ete;-:a committee, which ..oni.-ts of .Mrs H. M. Fergu son, chairman; .Mrs. Frank Henry, and -Mrs. Paul Smith. Other can m it tees appointed, after, Having Leen suggested hv Mrs. .Vil.-v. Wele: (Jiiiiinds .,im;'ii T,...r ,' I F. ()Ven. chai'iimn- . -i t.,..h 'rr.i wauls, M.'a.C. K WrieWt' Memhei -hip ; nd tin.-m o ,.,,-ii,m;t v.e- ,M''- J- ' Carpenter, hairman in I- U, Hal!, Mrs, Hel m:,,, Fowle.- uldic ;y eomit-ec. J. A. Single;. .n ,. - ;:ev. .n-iy .:.,;,.! Wci-e: Mr:. -Ci-uise M'oody. nresident; Mrs - vice-president; llonnie league. secretaiv-tivasu.-er: Mrs. lastelle Seti'ii- I.s V 11 I.'.,..,.,,. ...-.i Mis. r. K Wright. program and nospitiiitv committee l.a.o ........ . ' .oiouing tne ..lioness meeting was noma ,iur-!ig which cake and wire servei- i.y the hosnitalitv omniittec. '...'"' '' A !a age numoer of the. homes of 'he community weie repicsented iiiKl every ,,rie reporiv.) an enjoyable even- he r way to tne r.oine beyund the vale ot sorrow.-. Sin- could bravely p...-.- th.ough :!:c valley ..f death because at even ing there was the light of salvation to guide her pathway. The Captain of her salvation had safely brought her through life and He it was who could sail the ship of Zion into port. Mis. Lorciia Davis Rogers was bom July l'J. 18411, in Don Duff township l'J years she professed faith in Christ ... V o ... . . ... . -1. .. T .. ..: . a.s ner saviour aim loiiien me liuvis Chaptl Methodist church. On De cember I'l. 1K7'J. he iimrried Ashurv nt., P. .,.,,1 f...,, li.f J 1H.JI1 JlHJ CO.l 11UJI. Llldl .".I. made her home in Crabtree township and joined Mt. Zion Methodist church. On November X, 1X8K, her hosband died. This called for heroism and this good wife ami mother proved Ikioujrh the trying years a true he roine. With her nine children- from a child in arms up to lo years of age she set in noon the diftlciilf tnsl: of Keeping her family together. She did th.. t si- .in ii...- ,.k;i,i,. ,.,., ti-i.iv rise up and call her blessed. The deceased is survived by five children, three sons: J. F.. R. F., and M. B. ; and two daughters: Mrs. J. R. Kirkpatrick and Miss Elizabeth Rogers, all of Crabtree, execept Mrs. Kirkpatrick, of Kents Store. Va. Six Irotheis: T. J Z. C and R. I. Davis, of Iron Dull'. F. R. ami Dr. J. C. of Texas, and D F. M. of Canton also mourn her departure. She is also sur vived by iiT grandchildren an 10 great grandchildren. When the last great summons came, it found a faithful servant of Christ ready to answer the call of CJod. Her faith was steadfast to the end. The old family Bible bore the marks of a devoted' reader of God's word. She believed in God's word a.s the way of' life and in this faith trained her children and her household after her. She had faith in her church and was :i faithful member.- The devotion ot her heart is amply reflected ' in the faithfulness of her children. The four children' who live, in Crabtree township are efficient officials of the obi. home church. Mt. Zion. The light of her life will shine through the lives of her children and children's children. She lived a life of Christian charity worthy of posterity's emulation. A source ol (. hnstiaii pride during the chasing period of life, when the infirm ities of age became entrenched, is the' fact that one grandson has heaid the call of .God and Is preparing him self for the ministry of her ht ' church- No 'doubt but that the j..'.V e;-s of her trusting s-j-j! un fulfilled. '1 he passing of our b--Iove i i... . vva not unexp-.-.ced, nevert!-:. . . leaves a t'eelinv tiiuughoui i, '. tioa i'i..t a staunch lau.i !-,.. ; r:gh.eou.-ness h s been renij-.,.; thank G. 1 that her life wa- ,j,!ir. sucii a liiK- old age. Sile-iive,! the 1 mail generation. Thougii must i.-aliKe that lie;- physical lif. removpd fioni our midst memo! ies and her influence rem ,' Dear to the heart ot all who knew f, ,, is aunt Lorena. We miss her fir. ence and the brightness of her ,f As we shed our tears of farewell, w, will raise a prayer to the Good Sh held ol the sheep that we shall .-, live that the ties of Christian fellow ship shall again, jn God's good tile.-,. urt. Idnd n era i n tho phnrdc Itiat are tentatively broken. The King of love my Shepherd is Where goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am His, And He is mine forever. In death's dark vale I fear no ill With thee, dear Lord, beside me; Thv rod and statf my comfort still. Thy cross before to guide me. And so through all the length of dayy. Thy goodness faileth never, - Good Shepherd, may I sing thy p.-aist. Within thy home forever. HENRY W. BAKER VISIT IN CHAPEL HILL Miss Jewel Hipps. Miss Mary Adania Ward, of Asheviile, and Mr. George Rotha were the week-end guests ot Mrs. James Atkins in Chapel Hill. While there they also attended tbi" at Duke on Saturday afternoon. cased tonsils, IT; with tonsils' remove ed. '5-4 ; with defective vision, 4:1; with vision corrected, 1 1; with defective teeth, ii ; witn dental correction ir- i". o; .von ciemai con canons, I i-ivii .;; with detective hearing -1: 10 per I 64 Li( cut or more under weight.' 91. . FREE A Trua Store at HOW A WOMAN BECAME RICH A rtnktal rnrd rnnst will krino vnn lk remarkable story, which il lold in her own words, and over her real name. Abo nlhr Kurrtriainn mnA inarttrlvwi C.Al successet. all easily accompUsheci by LOinc (ISVl StaLLlrlL.; that remarkabia product Wonderful For Dusting PoUshlnz and Presanr- Ing Pianos Furniture Woodwork Automobiles After reading this true story pass il on In inmp linmrtlnvMrt man rr ..ia- la -- ...hi. vi TWUM1A. 1( can easily start them on the highway of success and affluence as it ha Jnm- others. P. nh the story we will also 1 send you free and postDaid il you request it, a 10c bottle of this re markable product. M0. Ech 30c bottle of Liquid lC Veneer carries a certincato worth $1.10 and the 60c bottle one worth $2.20 to you, to apply toward securins heaniiful .,l,,-r,l.i..( . u .,i,.i..aau ny.c with your initial beautifully hand en graved on each piece. LIQUID VFMFrp riDDniiiTin.. - V..A V.UI t IVI- 64 Liquid Veneer Bldg., Buffalo. N Y mm Health Work Fn County Schools : Among tho m.ny phaes of ,;0n .tructive work being undertaken hv the health ilcnai tnient of which Hay wood county is a part, is the thorough physical examination being given all the school children. This Work is being followed up by. definite coopera tion with the parents .and teachers in an. effort to correct the deficiencies. After, .the -completion 'of the exami nation a notice is sent to the parents of: all children needing attention on any condition, with a request fo;- ad ditional physi:;al history.- Attractive ncaitn cnarts are hcing presented each grade, on which a niomhlv re cord of each child may he kept, which in .-no (louot inspire the children to a . greater , realization of the impor tance of health. Miss Harte Oliver has recentlv finished, the examination of the chil dien :n the Waynesville Eelement-'n-v school, with the following result: She has examined .145 children and notice are being sent to 212 parent Her findings we:-e in full as follows- Free of correctable dcfe.t.--, 13:1; with in i ii iv i i i i i .... i i i j i 8 i i IB ; 1 i I 01ICL Or L"IM0S h TLB -..LIGATION NOKTH CAROLINA HAVWOOD COUNTY "' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT WILLIAM A. SHOOLliREL) v . ' . DIANA Ii. SHOOLBRFD 1 he defendant. Diana B Shool lued, will c.ike notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior, Court of Hav-wood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute di vorce from the defendant on Statu tory grounds ; and tho defendant will further take notice that she i required, to .'-appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood C ounty in the courthouse in avne.svvlliv : Anrlk rnli,,. . . the Mh d-iy of November. ll.!4 ardl answer or demur to the complaint of the plaiiuitr or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded -,n said coniplajnt- fhis the. 17th dav of October. 19:14 W G. BYERS. Clerk of the Superior Court Oct. 18-25-Nov 1 .-8.1 5.22 1 . 1 1 vs. .;-.'. urn tT-rAx?,fc When You Buy A Suit, Do You Buy The Price Tag, Or Do You Buy QUALITY? " ,; ' : ' :' ' - -'... Curlee Clothes have never lowered the' Quality, regard less of the price. The price of Cur lee Clothes is so reasonable. COME IN ND SEE THE NEW FALL PATTERNS Massies Dept. Store 'A Good Place To Trade' at the home of the groom s parents.