THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1931 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONTE 137 HALLOWE'EN CARNIVAL TO BE HELD AT ROCK HILL H d'ove'c ( r i 1 w 1 1 K j. t'i i - i at the Rock Hill -clu.: on YVodnes- j day evemnsr. ve-.,.ier tr.y begin Mr. Fiundjre ( uhlwell . of Pigeon. ' Mr. James Heed spent the week-1 Mr. ami Mr a a Waynesvillo visitor on Thurs-, end in Spaitar.bimr as the truest of his; tht jruwts on sisters, Mrs. ,ltt Reyn.iMs (.'rook. Allen and Mrs. nine s . s . e , otho .1. ,1. Boyd members of the laviri' of a: range Mr. as. j.-,,,. n H I LOV. i i N H Mi t 'lO hi HELD AT EAST WAYNKSVII.l.K The East Waynesviile l'aa-nt-Teacher Association will hold their ..nnual Hal'owe'en festival in the school building on Tuesday ev; ninir, October ::th. A delightful pre-griun will be presented by the F.iist Way nesviile faculty and school children. Ice cream and candy will be sold to raise .funds for use in connection with the Parent-Teacher work. The pub lic is cordially invited -nd all par ents urged t" attend. merits. A te The Vl'ullll 1,': muiithlv ( .-loll w... biiin ciub tiii. ct i 1 c of the will v. given by the children A Other attractions will telling, food. sab. grab ponds and a visit t. the rn The prove. ds will i-e c , t-netit of the Waynewood THEATRE WAYNKSVII.I.K I'HI RSD.W -1 KIDAA . Ol ! . -'" .!. "THE WOULD. MOVES O.N" ' S .! N 1 . 5 S A 1 1 P u 0FESS1O N A L 1 WOMEN nt.U) MEE'UNC; ! and Professional J eid their regular ; .!i Monday evening. ' 1 lie evi nmg sos-' loier.e.l by serving of a de- 1 t'bt dipper by M:ss Loui.-e; i.-. T L. c:vyn. and Mr. D. At'lti' the business was. of a short program was j consisting of divu.-iuii ofj: t'umi the tVteber Indeue-nd. I 1 in. :.v Mi- lurv Ouinhin. i sob-nimn. b in I'L.vtoii, Ida. on Hugh Aoei. ai ho is with the trv Set-vice with headquarters ' Mr John S.nith of Franklin, spent on City, spent the week-tnd Monti .y in town ;is a guest with in town with Mis, Abel. It lends at tne Parkway II, ..el. lie '" - was en route to New Ytrt City Mr. Frank Kav of Miami was the the guest durtmr'the w.vk of his par- Mrs. Crace N.-weE. ..f Asheville t-nts.' Mr. Mrs. Clyde Kay. Mr was the guest over the week-end of K v w.s' en route n-oin New York Mrs. W. A. Hyatt at he. home on the p .rents at thei. A! at Km Pridges were unuav of the Salter's Mr. ami Mrs. ( I ( nam tiers. home in Civile. Mr- and Alls .-tn .h-t .1 Paul i of h:i- Hi Al I' A lie ti-i-roeo lelhle! e , an ii-tic en;: lied. IJuiniui-i . ellll; ul latum t in thi.- T.-XKK-UOP.INON WK1MUNC ANNOPNCED Of coioiial interest is the annouiuv . n! of the marriage of Mrss ark to Mr. R.v Robinson which 'iu tile lb intere.-t Sis well as being car connect i. orinjic A lit MiCiur' Al ing ac-it.- re ied in n with v g-uve .1 une f Mr. tiii'ja- l JU! nresent S:.m (.Ur j Hov'c A i K'- c II N V I. Oil M s Mrs! M - Miss !, !- -v r i t rant ho: w i t SViu and ill ynaA ocr. i.i i: lei, . i ! It M . EbsiNiiSS All-. In Or Mr-. T. 1 . C, i I-'tiw.t; ib.i -.- d - - Ma. c dibnlari, 'lit.! k tor,.. Mr- Millie b, -li, , Fre M:. lie 1 M . 11 C Me-, or was ,Xb PRuEESSlt.iN AL t ( 1.1 1-iS Tt 11 OLD Mi'bTINC .'.n in tile pre.-fiit and Mrs. Rav Worb-v who a. meii them. ddie is the or.'.v ,iaii-.thu r of Mi. and Mr.--. . . L. idark. of R,.ute 1, Clyde. Sr.- i. graduate of t he 'biiiton High St'iiO' i ..r.d i.- eniplot-d in 'he lb. ok Mill tim-hitig depa t .ii-.-'ii o; :!u' t b.inin on Fibre Com- wiie; he !',ad '.ten on a buying trip for his shop ior men in Miami. Air. Ray formei !y was in business here but left Wayn-sville some ten ..years ago and located in Miami nd estab lished a most successful b-Asiness there. Mrs. 1! AL Kobbms of Lenoir, who formerly lived in Waynesviile. has beer, the guest this week of Mr ..nd Mis. .1. i' I- airviou M i I M oe SwaYiigim and in 1 (it ra! line and on ami four crhil 't. . a . e vislt- , Hrj . .: I-ine.s vi-b.o- on -. and Mrs i'. M ) cu- and f .m pent the week-eii.l with relatives ! von. Mt sss. Dwight am t'rackeii. of Elnii i , Nei aie iMiitig relatives i -jMit Friday in town. Wav wb Dtimy Alc-.lersi-y, wh the count v Mr. and Airs. ,!.-!!' Ui--ve? and small daughter were among those attend ing the eiictis in Asb.e-ville on S..tur tlay - . Mi-, dame- ii. t' '' away, ft' Ashe- ibe who former!) l't-l in Waynes vill was in town bur ng the week. is t younge-i sen o i lit! tile : ale M r- '.rdoved w: 111 tin a i o bo' i n v it nit i ! l-e t rii it -mcftivc rt nil' I !!!.!' 1 N A! I bell Y ;-iaa! oicetlng el ! he Fll st b til Xi.o 111 t ill ol.ll.. h'eill r. Mil! Mi.-- Ui.b'o t- Way. wb.. i- a student S.ilem t'o'legc Winston-SaU-ni, wa it iih-.l of her p rent- Mr. and Air.-. ,ck i.. oo: the week-end. Me A-ht-v. M i . Wavue M rs. Wilt Ciiamliei were i-'.tor- i.iuriiig t!ie week. Mi. ami Airs. Franc At iarita. t lie fornu . spt c :al i.-t of t hat t i!v. week ..s the gmvt- (.f Mr-. Alaijjuerife Iiarion at Prospect Hill. Mr.-. II :!. Atkin-I'riemi.- r- among to A-hevilli on Sal ibe Kingbne I! oiiiei I oIK's, Of i ,)!' miinent tending a la a partv of "-e motoring iiv t attend i r lis. lb lb st. ale it-it. Mi IllVlL'l dble-ibl' Hamp! in tow. n. t.f Canton, ui busim Mr. l'om lii.r. in town I'l.'iii 1 da v. I ( I 1101 ' ee, 1 on Tuesday. u a - a mi.!;. - Ibetk oi Uio Tut Mi !leil to. : ,t 11 I!, to A-b '. die -II Mr. 1'oiti Lee was iter during the wi Mr. Hill Sh..o'ov frit-lit b to day and attend .1 '.I uu.-;neS3 week. Read The Ador(isemeils i and a party of A-heviUe Salur e ciictio. 3 Summer Comfort In Wirdev MO' I. - I i ; ( 't i V, !.! -S I Iv h FraiM-rm; ,'n I'. 1 i 1 ! Jr. . i I I ! us I TV Slut 1 on, . V.-i K i is Fob T"i;s, fry. lis-i ,:'l: KHLa -M.HU WkW 1 7 (ftwfplR PAN J 7 SAYS . yfpi "By All Means TUNICS!" r- And that means thij 4 'ovo ' erePe Jj. frock embroidered ih gold dots. If you're going 5 places and doing I things this Fall, by all means this is I sy your frock; yk Sixes 14 - 20 lSt. in Bright Red, jiriGeen and Brown .voi.ii . ,. ,!!-.. s.-ie ,!o;,n;e . : la V. i.Vin i ' ';. w ii id n' li'ieii Scb.-o! -it.d -1 ii .b--o tile t nlltt si nuillb.-i.- vvilich -'.!! be ,:--id a! the --i'.leentb annual Ai i!sic '..!:. for high -cb'.oi- which v:l) be laid :n April Miss- ('in .kcr harl tile choitil work undei- J)r. Ilol'is ! r.n who is head t ;d till1 inusii-al edueatien in New York Ibiivei'siiy and piano under Henri life nig- noted piano teacher of New York ( "ity. AliiS. (..MINI N HAS (IF EST THIS WEEK Air-, (ieoige Taylor, .of Alooreville. airivei.i- on Tuesday to spend several "lay- a- ;in- guest i.f Airs, ( buries E. Quinlan. Airs. Taylor is the former Aliss ( arey Wilson and has many f i -ends who w ill be interested in learning- of her visiting in 'town. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE IN OREENSIiORO Dr. E. H. Hayes and Rev. and .Mrs, Paul Hardin. Jr, and children. left e;n. Monday for the annual conference 'of the Western North Carolina Dis t net of the Methodist '-church. . Airs. T 1 an ii u. and the children will spend several- tliys in Charlotte with Mr. Hardin's parent.", anil join Mr, Har din fo.r. the week-end in (Irecnsboro. ll'l-Ct. T in Medio H It I '-II M.iix Clarke. Al lioiiine Idler',!! . , n. Alls. Ivy r vim Iv .b-it :b-. bi b',1: j . in- i i n1 e ll. ieu 1 . liill'b Hud- on, j M i - 1 . t 1 1 1 1 . i i Mi-- Wi Mr w a l.y his Snvdt r. Mi-- C i 1'b.ll 'amp-Ali-i. Ida Miib'.. and Mr. ami i. .lame- M bung. Air. Weaver assisted in heceiviug his guests his mother. Mrs .1. I... Weaver ami sbter, Mis- .luaiiita Weaver. '.-- MISS NANETTE ..I ONES LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA Aliss Nanette. Jones left on Aloiiday morning for Lexington, Ky., where she will join a .-party' of friends and from there will motor to Long lieiu-h. Cab She will be in (bilifornia visit ing until Christmas and from there will motor with friends to Hingham ton. New York where she will visit her sister Airs. Delos Crary. IF DOE AND MRS. S.M A I II r.K.S RETURN TO MIAMI . Judge and Mrs. Frank Sinai hers", . who have spent the summer here, left during the week for their winter home in Miami.. . . THE (iRAIll.S RET FEN FROM OEOROIA Air. and Airs. Limvnod (irahl anil son, ('and Orahl, ami Air. W. A. (irahl. spent last week ill Dalton. Oa. us the guests of Mr and Mrs. Sun I'lott. -- We have recently added to our stock a line of Evening Dresses See them before buying THE NEW Coats Soft Mellon-sleeved creations of twill and tweeds, etc. Luxur iously fur-collared and cuffed. The New Millinery Dashing youth ful hats in fall and W inter colorings. THE LADIES SHOP MAIN STREET SUPPORT THE NEEDLE WORK GUILD - . . JL C 'to TO ATTEND THE .CONVENTION AMERICAN LFCION IN MIAMI Air. ant) Airs. Robert L. Coin and the former's brother 'and sister, Ma jor am! Mr-. On n Coin f Livermore, Ky,. left Saturday for Alia mi, where they went to attend the national eon- vention of the Ameiiban Legion, Pi'ior t-r their going Major and Airs. Coin were the guests of Air, and Mrs. ('(.in for a sever i da visit, .'''..,'' VISIT IN lllbH POINT Aliss Alice Stringtield and Air. Fiugh J. Sloan motored to. High Point fr the week-end and were the guests of Aliss; Julia Hayes who. formerly resided in Waynesviile ."... I" 1) f ( II PT1 R TO (.IVF TF This afternoon; from Tb.O to ii ?elock the Havwood. ('hapter of the daughters of the. Confederacy .Will entertain, with a tea at the home of Mrs. Leon Killian. The . affair will be given in observance--of.-. the. 40th anniversary of the founding of the organization. . All members and those interested in the work; of the Ui. D, C. are in vited to attend- The afternoon will b featured by a irnu ira! program. A silver ofTering vvi'l be ttkeh the fun is t-o hi- a-ed Jo further the. work of the ceneraT . division..- ' -." PARTY LEAVES FOR CUBA Mr. an-1 Mrs. .): Keve.- and sma .'.n Nonnv, and Aliss ; ( armen Rod- rtquezi who have spent the past fix months with Mr?.. G.. C- Brigs, left ; this contest r luring the w"eek for their home in Havana, Cuba. - MRS. J. R. AfeCRACKEN RETURNS FROAI CHICAGO . Airs, -I. Rufus Alcf racken, who has spenti the past fortnitrht in Chieaeo., as the '--p'ue.'t of Aliss Alargot and Miss Shelby Semtnes, returned to town, on Saturday. Mrs. AlcCracken -was ex tensively entertained during her visit and vv5 the honor truest of several affairs. .. Mr R. T. Bovd. of Jonthant's Creek. . rent Monday in town oil business. , I I I NFS MI SK ( DM l Rl V F HELD IN GREENSBORO Aliss L.-iki Coltrune who is in ebaige (if the public -cbn ! mu-ie and iiaiit. i -t ion of the Fines Creek sehools. attended t he Al usie A piireeia t ion -Conference held jn (ireensboro Inst -week at the Worn n's College of the University of North Carolina and -p. .n-'. red bv the state department t inst ruetional service.. Aliss Coltiiine who is, a graduate of the music dep rtment .f the (ireens boro college is making a definite ef fort to put on the musie appret-iation course at the Fines Greek school this year. A box supper' held m October the F'lth was given as a benefit and t h o : s u m o f $ 0 - A i w a s realized ft.r this work. Accord ing. to Air. Fredi L. Suffoi'd, principal -of the Fines Creek school, the course will, he.-' starfe-1 at once. DtHART BBA WINS TROPHY The following from the Bryson City paper will ie of interest: locally, as Alaster Wor'ey H -r-i! I Dellart is the gramDon.of Mr. and Airs. Ed Duckett: . rb H i- dd Dt ILi'". 21 mt.n'h--,'.! son hf Alri and Airs, ('oliurn De Hart, of Brysofi it v . won a silver trophy in the National Butter Babies ntitnf .-rtnnsrirorl Fie Spnrs -end Ro'1- 11' tin -If. Hp was adiiidtrpd 100 ner cent perfect. A h.-j- 2b other children from Swain . county . were entered in MR AND MRS TROY WYfHE GO TO FLORIDA Air. an'l- Airs. Trov AVvche and chil dren. Jane and Martha Mae. left dur. ing the week for Orlando, Ha.., where they will spend the winter. They will be with the former's sister, Alisif- Helen Wye he, who-has been living for. the past several vears in Orlando. Miss. Isabeiie Ferguson, who is member of the. faculty of Salem GoF lege. Win,ston-Salem, was the guest over the week-end of Airs. Margue rite Barron at Prospect- Hill. 13 ti V I it si ? I A rrm m m -m w V J n iU)sllHi It! S(KliJl lll'i'Ll. Vi'iCULiii act v I. - . Garments a I RA YS ( n( I on lf;i v iu Arll.'N i Ml !dS tui'i NS'i'vei .111. ek -- It IH'e1 It' lit 4iC IF i.((U- nitii anki oi i in i.o i: I.ONC SLEEVED Cotton Vest Supcrioi (u:ilily 39c ( hillin g's l:iU H i:!, i c-.-b I i, !b it kiu'i' lei Ii r t - -I. i , 1 1 1 1 v e ( o' Ion Kilihi'ti i i -i. ii.. c't - -hiiii' --'i t- , ---I .oe, i'.eii:--s;iMil l v . b . . '( ij lj. ( Mil "ll l. 1 r:1- 79c .- cmi.nK'EVs oi i ii owns rajriinatia Assort imI St lis 49c o. 95c HEAVY Outing : Ciowns Assorted solid - colors nnd stripes. Lonji sleeves. Sizes l(i and 17 49c i, 95c Out Sizes 8!le and ."ic LADIKS' Outing Pajamas Assorted Patterns 95c Ll)li;S I5L15I(.(; N Pajamas Assorted Solid Colors -(i(mkI values at 89c BALBRIGC Ab" J.t l ()l L SLKKI MOODS Pretty and pnu yijii cm lie on the cool nights. Sim ply add two or three Mun -iiii' Bal brigfrin nighties or pajamas to yeiur wardrobe a.:u you'll he chic, coy and 'comfortable in any night-time, loung in'iT't i me m ood . They're knit with great cure, they're snug and warm. Charming colors and -properly tailored. They wear i and wear, tax Come in-..' - . take a look. We know you'll want ttiem. WonKMi's "Ponies SKIN TKJHT Till' VIOST Mm H up shoulders. Tuck stitch over liust and hips. Plant stitch at waiste. Lijrhl weight cotton and rayon mix. Small Medium Lare Mesh Color LA OIKS' Rayon Pajamas Assorted styles and colors Sies Hi to 20 Kxtrcmclv Wearable, Only $1.59 Panties and Vests Ha von and Celanese 49c t. 95c uomkn's 1$ lhkm;;an iNihtsown IIil'Ii round nerk with liutlon oiK'nin. l.oiiK raKlan sleeves with nhhed cuff. I if Belt. Assorted ( olors. Sizes .11 (O.'-IH." . : MUNSING $1.25 WOMEN'S M LHRIG(i! AN Pajamas pieo" over-blouse style. Hiifh round ni ck . wit h laced opening. Itai;- lan- sleevi's with ribed eelf. Easte wihbinj; waist hand on trousers. As- sorted ( olors. Sizes .12 lo Id. vlUNSl v a $1.95 49c THE I'ANTIES ( lose (ittinjr knee length. Last ox webbinif in waste band. Small-Medium-Large 1 lesh Color 49c HELP YOUR COMMUNITY AND THE NEEDLE WORK GUILD BY JOINING. BECOME A MEMBER BY GIVING TWO NEW GARMENTS An Opportunity for Men, Women, and Children. C. E. RAY'S SONS ;l . . .!.' ... V ' -.- f e ti